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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, How You Can Generate Effective PR With a Limited Budget

How You Can Generate Effective PR With a Limited Budget

For small businesses, devising and pursuing targeted PR activities may seem time-consuming and yet another expense to add to an already limited budget.

But the potential opportunities to build your brand through effective public relations should, in most cases, tilt the answer to the affirmative.

The belief that the benefits of PR are expensive and intangible “is a total misconception,” says Matthew Hayes, managing director of PR for Champions (UK) plc.

“Investing in the core communication tools will enable you to reach a wider audience, which in turn increases sales, leading to greater profits that can be ploughed back into your marketing and communications activities — a simple but effective cycle that will offer rapid business growth.” In order to generate effective PR on a limited budget, you have to get certain things right.

Here are tips on strategy and execution that any small business can follow to achieve success: Identify what's unique about your business.

Before embarking on a PR campaign, it's necessary to articulate how you stand out from the crowd. What do you offer that's new to the marketplace? How does your product or service differ from the competition? What do you offer customers that they can't get anywhere else? Understand the needs of your target audience.

Any PR efforts that don't specifically address the needs and concerns of your target audience are almost guaranteed to fail. The focus must be on publicizing the solutions you provide and the value you offer, rather than just how “wonderful” your business is. Become a thought leader.

A proven (and low-budget) technique for reaching the right audience is establishing “street cred” as an industry thought leader. “This can be accomplished by posting video tutorials about things that the company specializes in, or how-to articles on subjects related to the product or service offered,” says Megan Totka, chief editor for ChamberofCommerce.com.

“Appearing to have an expert point of view can entice customers to a business website, therefore generating more web traffic and potentially driving up profits.” Hone your ability to write press releases.

You can hire a big-budget PR firm to write press releases for you or you can acquire the skill to do it yourself. (There are plenty of online resources to get you started.) The pay-off? Enticing established media channels into sharing news about your business with their readers and followers. “A well-written press release distributed to the proper channels can garner free exposure in a medium that is relevant to your target market,” notes Kevin Dinino, President of KCD PR.

“In most cases, editorial coverage comes at no cost to the person or company being featured and goes a long way toward driving awareness of your business.” Sharpening your sense of what's new or unique about your business (or industry) is key to snaring the media's attention.

Consider ways to link events in the news to your products or services. Offer valuable “how-to” consumer advice (while solidifying your status as a thought leader). Check the calendar for upcoming holidays you can connect to your business offerings. Most importantly, start thinking like an editor at a TV station or online media outlet.

With a little imagination, you'll come up with a hook that makes the press want to learn more. Share news about your business on social media.

If you succeed in gaining media coverage, don't be shy about sharing it on your various social media outlets. This gets some buzz going and often encourages your fans and followers to share the news with their networks. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, industry blogs — all of these platforms thrive on news, as long as it's not blatantly self-promotional. “Whatever your message, one of the easiest ways to do so now is online via social media,” says James McCaffrey of Sage Business Software.

“Using tools like Hootsuite to schedule posts and manage your social media presence online will save you time without compromising on messaging — you can have peace of mind knowing that you're getting consistent messages out there to spread the word!” The good news is, there are plenty of free and low-cost strategies to promote your business.

All it takes is some time, effort and a lot of creativity.

How You Can Generate Effective PR With a Limited Budget Wie Sie mit einem begrenzten Budget wirksame PR betreiben können How You Can Generate Effective PR With a Limited Budget Cómo generar relaciones públicas eficaces con un presupuesto limitado Comment générer des relations publiques efficaces avec un budget limité Come generare PR efficaci con un budget limitato 限られた予算で効果的なPRを行う方法 한정된 예산으로 효과적인 홍보를 생성하는 방법 Kaip su ribotu biudžetu galite sukurti veiksmingus ryšius su visuomene Jak generować skuteczny PR przy ograniczonym budżecie? Como gerar relações públicas eficazes com um orçamento limitado Как создать эффективный PR при ограниченном бюджете Sınırlı Bir Bütçeyle Nasıl Etkili Halkla İlişkiler Yapabilirsiniz? Як створити ефективний піар з обмеженим бюджетом 如何以有限的预算产生有效的公关 如何用有限的預算產生有效的公關

For small businesses, devising and pursuing targeted PR activities may seem time-consuming and yet another expense to add to an already limited budget. For small businesses, devising and pursuing targeted PR activities may seem time-consuming and yet another expense to add to an already limited budget. Para las pequeñas empresas, diseñar y llevar a cabo actividades de relaciones públicas específicas puede parecer una pérdida de tiempo y un gasto más para agregar a un presupuesto ya limitado. W przypadku małych firm opracowywanie i prowadzenie ukierunkowanych działań PR może wydawać się czasochłonne i jeszcze jednym wydatkiem, aby dodać do już ograniczonego budżetu. 對於小型企業來說,設計和進行有針對性的公關活動可能看起來很耗時,而且在本已有限的預算中又增加了另一項開支。

But the potential opportunities to build your brand through effective public relations should, in most cases, tilt the answer to the affirmative. Pero las oportunidades potenciales para construir su marca a través de relaciones públicas efectivas deberían, en la mayoría de los casos, inclinar la respuesta a la afirmativa. Jednak potencjalne możliwości budowania marki poprzez skuteczne działania public relations powinny w większości przypadków przechylić odpowiedź twierdzącą. 但在大多數情況下,透過有效的公共關係來打造品牌的潛在機會應該是肯定的。

The belief that the benefits of PR are expensive and intangible “is a total misconception,” says Matthew Hayes, managing director of PR for Champions (UK) plc. La creencia de que los beneficios de las relaciones públicas son costosos e intangibles “es un concepto totalmente erróneo”, dice Matthew Hayes, director general de relaciones públicas de Champions (UK) plc. Przekonanie, że korzyści płynące z PR są drogie i niematerialne "jest całkowitym nieporozumieniem" - mówi Matthew Hayes, dyrektor zarządzający PR for Champions (UK) plc. Champions (UK) plc 的公關董事總經理 Matthew Hayes 表示,認為公關的好處昂貴且無形的想法「完全是一種誤解」。

“Investing in the core communication tools will enable you to reach a wider audience, which in turn increases sales, leading to greater profits that can be ploughed back into your marketing and communications activities — a simple but effective cycle that will offer rapid business growth.” "Inwestowanie w kluczowe narzędzia komunikacji umożliwi dotarcie do szerszej publiczności, co z kolei zwiększy sprzedaż, prowadząc do większych zysków, które można ponownie wykorzystać w działaniach marketingowych i komunikacyjnych - prosty, ale skuteczny cykl, który zapewni szybki rozwój biznesu. " 「投資核心溝通工具將使您能夠接觸到更廣泛的受眾,從而增加銷售額,從而帶來更大的利潤,這些利潤可以重新投入到您的行銷和溝通活動中——這是一個簡單但有效的循環,將帶來快速的業務成長。 ” In order to generate effective PR on a limited budget, you have to get certain things right. Aby wygenerować skuteczny PR przy ograniczonym budżecie, musisz zdobyć pewne rzeczy. 為了在有限的預算內產生有效的公關,您必須做好某些事情。

Here are tips on strategy and execution that any small business can follow to achieve success: Oto wskazówki dotyczące strategii i realizacji, które każda mała firma może osiągnąć, aby osiągnąć sukces: 以下是有關策略和執行的提示,任何小型企業都可以遵循這些提示來取得成功: Identify what’s unique about your business. Określ, co jest wyjątkowe w Twojej firmie. 確定您的業務的獨特之處。

Before embarking on a PR campaign, it’s necessary to articulate how you stand out from the crowd. Zanim rozpoczniesz kampanię PR, musisz wyrazić, jak wyróżniasz się z tłumu. 在開始公關活動之前,有必要闡明您如何在人群中脫穎而出。 What do you offer that’s new to the marketplace? Co oferujesz nowości na rynku? 您向市場提供哪些新產品? How does your product or service differ from the competition? Czym różni się Twój produkt lub usługa od konkurencji? What do you offer customers that they can’t get anywhere else? 您為客戶提供什麼是他們在其他地方無法獲得的? Understand the needs of your target audience. 了解目標受眾的需求。

Any PR efforts that don’t specifically address the needs and concerns of your target audience are almost guaranteed to fail. Wszelkie wysiłki PR, które nie odnoszą się konkretnie do potrzeb i problemów Twoich docelowych odbiorców, prawie zawiodą. 任何不專門解決目標受眾的需求和擔憂的公關工作幾乎肯定會失敗。 The focus must be on publicizing the solutions you provide and the value you offer, rather than just how “wonderful” your business is. Należy skupić się na informowaniu o oferowanych rozwiązaniach i oferowanej wartości, a nie tylko o tym, jak "wspaniały" jest twój biznes. 重點必須放在宣傳您提供的解決方案和您提供的價值上,而不是僅僅宣傳您的業務有多「精彩」。 Become a thought leader. Zostań liderem myśli. 成為思想領袖。

A proven (and low-budget) technique for reaching the right audience is establishing “street cred” as an industry thought leader. Sprawdzoną (i niskobudżetową) techniką dotarcia do właściwych odbiorców jest ustanowienie "wiarygodności ulicy" jako lidera branży. 吸引合適受眾的一種行之有效(且預算較低)的技術是建立「街頭信譽」作為行業思想領袖。 “This can be accomplished by posting video tutorials about things that the company specializes in, or how-to articles on subjects related to the product or service offered,” says Megan Totka, chief editor for ChamberofCommerce.com. ChamberofCommerce.com 的主編梅根·托特卡 (Megan Totka) 表示:“這可以通過發布有關公司專業領域的視頻教程或有關與所提供的產品或服務相關的主題的操作文章來實現。”

“Appearing to have an expert point of view can entice customers to a business website, therefore generating more web traffic and potentially driving up profits.” “表現出專家的觀點可以吸引客戶訪問商業網站,從而產生更多的網路流量並有可能增加利潤。” Hone your ability to write press releases. 磨練您撰寫新聞稿的能力。

You can hire a big-budget PR firm to write press releases for you or you can acquire the skill to do it yourself. 您可以聘請一家大預算的公關公司為您撰寫新聞稿,或者您也可以掌握自己撰寫新聞稿的技能。 (There are plenty of online resources to get you started.) The pay-off? 回報? Enticing established media channels into sharing news about your business with their readers and followers. 吸引成熟的媒體管道與其讀者和追蹤者分享您的業務新聞。 “A well-written press release distributed to the proper channels can garner free exposure in a medium that is relevant to your target market,” notes Kevin Dinino, President of KCD PR. KCD PR 總裁 Kevin Dinino 表示:“分發到適當管道的精心撰寫的新聞稿可以在與您的目標市場相關的媒體上獲得免費曝光。”

“In most cases, editorial coverage comes at no cost to the person or company being featured and goes a long way toward driving awareness of your business.” “在大多數情況下,社論報導對於被報導的個人或公司來說是免費的,並且對於提高您的業務知名度大有幫助。” Sharpening your sense of what’s new or unique about your business (or industry) is key to snaring the media’s attention. 增強對您的業務(或行業)的新穎性或獨特性的認識是吸引媒體注意力的關鍵。

Consider ways to link events in the news to your products or services. 考慮如何將新聞中的事件與您的產品或服務連結起來。 Offer valuable “how-to” consumer advice (while solidifying your status as a thought leader). 提供有價值的「操作方法」消費者建議(同時鞏固您作為思想領袖的地位)。 Check the calendar for upcoming holidays you can connect to your business offerings. 查看日曆,了解即將到來的假期,您可以連接到您的業務產品。 Most importantly, start thinking like an editor at a TV station or online media outlet. 最重要的是,開始像電視台或線上媒體的編輯一樣思考。

With a little imagination, you’ll come up with a hook that makes the press want to learn more. 只要發揮一點想像力,您就會想出一個讓媒體想要了解更多資訊的鉤子。 Share news about your business on social media. 在社交媒體上分享有關您的業務的新聞。

If you succeed in gaining media coverage, don’t be shy about sharing it on your various social media outlets. 如果您成功獲得媒體報道,請不要羞於在各種社交媒體上分享。 This gets some buzz going and often encourages your fans and followers to share the news with their networks. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, industry blogs — all of these platforms thrive on news, as long as it’s not blatantly self-promotional. “Whatever your message, one of the easiest ways to do so now is online via social media,” says James McCaffrey of Sage Business Software.

“Using tools like Hootsuite to schedule posts and manage your social media presence online will save you time without compromising on messaging — you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re getting consistent messages out there to spread the word!” „Die Verwendung von Tools wie Hootsuite zur Planung von Beiträgen und Verwaltung Ihrer Präsenz in den sozialen Medien online wird Ihnen Zeit sparen, ohne die Nachrichten zu beeinträchtigen - Sie können beruhigt sein, weil Sie wissen, dass Sie konstante Botschaften verbreiten, um die Nachricht zu verbreiten!“ The good news is, there are plenty of free and low-cost strategies to promote your business. Die gute Nachricht ist, es gibt viele kostenlose und kostengünstige Strategien, um Ihr Unternehmen zu bewerben.

All it takes is some time, effort and a lot of creativity. Alles, was Sie brauchen, ist etwas Zeit, Mühe und eine Menge Kreativität.