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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, The Nuts and Bolts Guide to Starting a Blog in 2016

The Nuts and Bolts Guide to Starting a Blog in 2016

Pre-S: Interested in sharing your writing on the web but don't know where to start? I am thinking about creating a 6 module video e-course filled with information about building a Better Blog — from choosing a topic, to blogging best practices, all the way to growing your audience. If you'd be interested in this $30 self-paced e-course, enter your email here and I'll notify you when it launches.

In 2014, I started a blog. A little late to the game, I know. But it felt good to have a little slice of the Internet I could call my own.

The blog was nothing fancy. It was hosted on Tumblr, had a .tumblr.com URL address, and was rocking an ugly, free theme (that I thought looked good at the time). But none of that was important. All that mattered was that I had a platform where I could freely express my thoughts and opinions. Where I could share my point of view and get credit for it.

Looking back on two years of blogging, I'll admit that I made some mistakes…a lot of them. My first few posts are cringe-worthy. But just getting started — as clumsy as my initial attempts were — was enough.

In just two years, I was able to grow a sizable audience from zero, publish a book, and land two new jobs, simply because I started writing on the web. I realize it's 2016. Blogs are out, podcasts are in. “No one reads anymore.” They're too busy Snapping and Instagramming.

So they say…

But 30 million people visit Medium — the world's most popular blogging site — every single day. 73% of Internet users read blogs (source). Every week, someone sends me a message asking if I have any advice for starting a blog.

Blogs aren't going anywhere.

And if you're still not convinced, consider that you're reading my blog right now…

Words are incredibly powerful. Blogging gives you the freedom to share your unique point of view, and it doesn't cost you anything but your time. But despite the fact that it's easier than ever to get started, dozens of would-be blogs never get off the ground. Why is that?

My best guess — decision paralysis.

With so many different platforms and so much competing advice out there, what begins as a fun project to share your writing can quickly turn into a confusing mess that doesn't seem worth the time. After all, what writer wants to figure out the difference between Wordpress and Squarespace, or worry about SEO or hosting?

That's exactly how I felt two years ago. Overwhelmed and unsure of myself. It was hard enough to get the confidence to share my work. I didn't want the added stress of figuring out how to run my own site too.

Maybe you feel a bit like I did right now? Like you know you have something to say, but you just aren't sure where to start?

The more I reflect on the last two years, the more I wish I had known what I do now. Sure, I've learned some valuable lessons along the way, but maybe if I had a road map, I would have achieved the same success in half the time?

That's why I wanted to create an easy-to-follow, nuts and bolts guide to starting a blog in 2016. I wanted to simplify the annoying technical aspects so you could focus on the important part — sharing your writing with the world.

So let's get started.

Part 1: Choosing Your Focus

In the early days, a blog was nothing more than a personal journal repurposed for the web. But that was the old days. Now, every large, popular blog occupies a specific niche. That focus can be as broad as digital marketing or as narrow as mating habits of African elephants.

Of course, there are no laws against writing about whatever you want — a visit with your grandparents this week, #Trump2016 next week —but the less narrow your topic(s), the harder it's going to be to build and keep an audience.

Readers want to know what they can expect week after week, and when the topic's always switching, they switch blogs. Once you've solidified your main focus, it's time to start thinking about specific post subjects and posting frequency.

I keep a running Evernote file filled with a long list of potential topics. That way, if there isn't something burning a hole in my brain, I can dig through my list and quickly choose something of interest when I sit down to write each week.

Part 2: The Anatomy of a Blog Post

I'm not that creative. I'm not ashamed to admit that I steal like an artist.

So when it comes to writing a blog post, I try to follow a rough format I've stolen from some of the best storytellers in the world — Ted Talkers.

That means each and every article (including this one, if you paid attention) starts with a compelling personal story to engage readers, moves into my own personal perspective on an issue, and leaves readers with one to four key takeaways. I also try to keep a few best practices in mind

Bigger is better. With so much content available online, readers are beginning to seek out longer-form content (1200 words) that can explore an idea more fully than the formally popular 600-word post. Visuals matter. No one wants to read a huge wall o' text. Break up your content with images, section headers, short paragraphs, bullets and pull quotes. KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Write like you talk. Don't use big, fancy words. Keep sentences short. Clarity is more impressive than complexity.

Part 3: The Process

As with any creative project, the end result reveals only a fraction of the effort invested. For instance, it takes me about four hours to write a weekly blog post. My basic process goes like this:

-Choose a topic

-List all points I plan to cover and order them

-First draft (where I vomit anything and everything onto the page)

-Second draft (where I reshape the first draft into something readable)

-Third draft (where I clean up any grammar, spelling, and sentence level issues)

-Thank my girlfriend for reading and providing feedback

-Resolve all issues she raised

-Format and publish

You certainly don't have to copy my process — it's just what works for me.But whatever you do, please don't hammer out a first draft in 20 minutes and post it. Even a 400-word article requires a few hours of effort.

If you want to attract more fans and build a large audience, you have to be willing to put in the time.

Part 4: The Platform

Finally, the part everyone's been waiting for — how do I get my site up so people can actually read the dang thing?

Wordpress is still the most popular professional blogging platform out there with robust features and tons of customization options. The free version (wordpress.com) will allow you to quickly create your own site on their domain (eg yoursite.wordpress.com). The other version — the one that will allow you to use your own domain name and fancier, paid (or custom) themes — is not beginner-friendly and requires some YouTube-ing to figure out.

Squarespace is a great middle ground. It's easy to set up and customize, even for beginners, and most templates offer blog functionality. While it's not as robust as Wordpress, it's all-in-one, meaning for ~$8/mo you get a good looking site, your own domain, and hosting.

Medium is a beautifully designed, up and coming blogging/social media platform. All you need to get started is an idea and a username. From there, you can use the site's editor to create your post and publish it to a huge audience. I highly recommend Medium to bloggers new and old — it's been my number one driver of traffic over the past three months. However, I wouldn't recommend Medium as your only blogging platform — it's best to publish here as well as on a site you actually own. You never know if Medium is going to go away and take all your hard work with it.

Tumblr is a micro-blogging site that allows users to quickly set up a blog and post a huge array of content types. However, the audience is on the younger side and seems to be more interested in gifs than long form writing.

Although I currently blog on a Wordpress site, if I were getting started today, I would probably go with Squarespace. It's so easy to create a good looking blog without all the headaches inherent in learning Wordpress and the stress of managing and troubleshooting your site.

Part 5: Growing Your Blog

Once you start publishing, you'll probably want people to read what you've written. And while there's no quick hack for getting zillions of followers (as many internet marketers would have you believe), here are a few best practices I wish I had known on day one.

Create an email list. Email is the ultimate push notification. If someone joins your list, they're raising their hand and telling you they care about what you do. Sign up for a service like Mailchimp and start collecting email addresses from day zero — it'll help you deliver your content to your fans week after week, and it'll allow you to tap into an interested audience if you create a product (like a book) down the road. Repost on Medium.com. No matter where you host your content, you should be reposting it on Medium. The platform is home to a growing community of readers and writers actively looking to consume blog content. Don't create a Facebook page. Facebook's algorithm benefits them, not you. They've rigged the system so that pages have to pay to get their posts seen. So don't waste your time — you'll be better off reposting articles on your personal page and driving people to Medium or your website. Ask people to follow you. It's so simple, yet so hard to do. But if you've created a blog you're proud of, you should be excited to share it with friends and family. Personally ask anyone who might be interested to join your email list and follow along.

Part 6: Get Started

In the last two years, with the rise of Medium and Squarespace, it's gotten even easier to start a blog. But with more options comes more stress and decision paralysis.

But blogging shouldn't be stressful. It should be a fun way to hone your writing skills and share your unique perspective with the world. So stop worrying about the technical side of things and get writing.

Remember: If you want to finally start that blog but aren't sure where to begin, then click here to be notified when the Better Blog E-Course launches.

For just $30, I'll dive deeper into everything I've covered in this article and share additional best practices and growth hacks — including how to generate topics week after week, walkthroughs on all four blogging platforms I mentioned, and more on engaging and growing your audience. So leave the technical mumbo-jumbo behind and start publishing!

The Nuts and Bolts Guide to Starting a Blog in 2016 Der Leitfaden für den Start eines Blogs im Jahr 2016 - das A und O Οδηγός για την έναρξη ενός ιστολογίου το 2016 La guía de tuercas y tornillos para empezar un blog en 2016 Guide de démarrage d'un blog en 2016 2016年にブログを始めるための要点ガイド Nuts and Bolts Guide to Starting a Blog in 2016 Przewodnik po zakładaniu bloga w 2016 roku O guia básico para começar um blogue em 2016 Руководство по созданию блога в 2016 году 2016'da Blog Açmak İçin Temel Bilgiler Kılavuzu Посібник із запуску блогу в 2016 році 2016 年创建博客的基本要素指南 2016 年創建部落格的具體指南

Pre-S: Interested in sharing your writing on the web but don’t know where to start? Pre-S: Хотите рассказать о своих произведениях в Интернете, но не знаете, с чего начать? I am thinking about creating a 6 module video e-course filled with information about building a Better Blog — from choosing a topic, to blogging best practices, all the way to growing your audience. Я подумываю о создании электронного видеокурса из 6 модулей, наполненного информацией о создании лучшего блога - от выбора темы, лучших практик ведения блога и до роста аудитории. If you’d be interested in this $30 self-paced e-course, enter your email here and I’ll notify you when it launches. Если вас заинтересует этот электронный курс за 30 долларов, введите свой email здесь, и я сообщу вам, когда он начнется.

In 2014, I started a blog. В 2014 году я начала вести блог. A little late to the game, I know. Немного опоздал, знаю. But it felt good to have a little slice of the Internet I could call my own. Но мне было приятно, что у меня есть кусочек Интернета, который я могу назвать своим.

The blog was nothing fancy. В блоге не было ничего необычного. It was hosted on Tumblr, had a .tumblr.com URL address, and was rocking an ugly, free theme (that I thought looked good at the time). Он был размещен на Tumblr, имел URL-адрес .tumblr.com и использовал уродливую бесплатную тему (которая, как мне тогда казалось, выглядела неплохо). But none of that was important. Но все это было неважно. All that mattered was that I had a platform where I could freely express my thoughts and opinions. Where I could share my point of view and get credit for it. Где я мог бы поделиться своей точкой зрения и получить за это похвалу.

Looking back on two years of blogging, I’ll admit that I made some mistakes…a lot of them. Оглядываясь назад, на два года ведения блога, я признаю, что совершил несколько ошибок... очень много. My first few posts are cringe-worthy. But just getting started — as clumsy as my initial attempts were — was enough. Но достаточно было просто начать - какими бы неуклюжими ни были мои первые попытки.

In just two years, I was able to grow a sizable audience from zero, publish a book, and land two new jobs, simply because I started writing on the web. Всего за два года я смог вырастить значительную аудиторию с нуля, опубликовать книгу и найти две новые работы просто потому, что начал писать в Интернете. I realize it’s 2016. Blogs are out, podcasts are in. Блоги ушли, подкасты появились. “No one reads anymore.” They’re too busy Snapping and Instagramming.

So they say…

But 30 million people visit Medium — the world’s most popular blogging site — every single day. Но 30 миллионов человек посещают Medium - самый популярный в мире сайт для ведения блогов - каждый день. 73% of Internet users read blogs (source). Every week, someone sends me a message asking if I have any advice for starting a blog.

Blogs aren’t going anywhere.

And if you’re still not convinced, consider that you’re reading my blog right now…

Words are incredibly powerful. Blogging gives you the freedom to share your unique point of view, and it doesn’t cost you anything but your time. Ведение блога дает вам свободу делиться своей уникальной точкой зрения, и это не стоит вам ничего, кроме вашего времени. But despite the fact that it’s easier than ever to get started, dozens of would-be blogs never get off the ground. Но несмотря на то, что начать работу сейчас проще, чем когда-либо, десятки начинающих блогов так и не начинают работать. Why is that?

My best guess — decision paralysis.

With so many different platforms and so much competing advice out there, what begins as a fun project to share your writing can quickly turn into a confusing mess that doesn’t seem worth the time. С таким количеством различных платформ и множеством конкурирующих советов то, что начинается как забавный проект по распространению вашей писательской деятельности, может быстро превратиться в путаницу, которая не стоит потраченного времени. After all, what writer wants to figure out the difference between Wordpress and Squarespace, or worry about SEO or hosting? В конце концов, какой писатель захочет разбираться в разнице между Wordpress и Squarespace, беспокоиться о SEO или хостинге?

That’s exactly how I felt two years ago. Overwhelmed and unsure of myself. It was hard enough to get the confidence to share my work. Было достаточно сложно обрести уверенность в себе, чтобы поделиться своей работой. I didn’t want the added stress of figuring out how to run my own site too. Я не хотел, чтобы мне пришлось еще и разбираться с тем, как управлять собственным сайтом.

Maybe you feel a bit like I did right now? Like you know you have something to say, but you just aren’t sure where to start? Вы знаете, что вам есть что сказать, но не знаете, с чего начать?

The more I reflect on the last two years, the more I wish I had known what I do now. Чем больше я размышляю о последних двух годах, тем больше жалею, что не знал того, чем занимаюсь сейчас. Sure, I’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way, but maybe if I had a road map, I would have achieved the same success in half the time? Конечно, я усвоил несколько ценных уроков, но, может быть, если бы у меня была дорожная карта, я бы добился такого же успеха в два раза быстрее?

That’s why I wanted to create an easy-to-follow, nuts and bolts guide to starting a blog in 2016. Именно поэтому я хотел создать простое и понятное руководство по созданию блога в 2016 году. I wanted to simplify the annoying technical aspects so you could focus on the important part — sharing your writing with the world. Я хотел упростить раздражающие технические аспекты, чтобы вы могли сосредоточиться на самом важном - поделиться своими работами с миром.

So let’s get started.

Part 1: Choosing Your Focus

In the early days, a blog was nothing more than a personal journal repurposed for the web. В начале своего существования блог был не более чем личным дневником, переделанным для Интернета. But that was the old days. Now, every large, popular blog occupies a specific niche. That focus can be as broad as digital marketing or as narrow as mating habits of African elephants. Этот фокус может быть как широким, как цифровой маркетинг, так и узким, как брачные привычки африканских слонов.

Of course, there are no laws against writing about whatever you want — a visit with your grandparents this week, #Trump2016 next week —but the less narrow your topic(s), the harder it’s going to be to build and keep an audience. Конечно, нет никаких законов против того, чтобы писать о чем угодно - о визите к бабушке и дедушке на этой неделе, о #Trump2016 на следующей, - но чем менее узкой будет ваша тема (темы), тем сложнее будет собрать и удержать аудиторию.

Readers want to know what they can expect week after week, and when the topic’s always switching, they switch blogs. Читатели хотят знать, чего им ждать неделю за неделей, а когда тема постоянно меняется, они переходят на другой блог. Once you’ve solidified your main focus, it’s time to start thinking about specific post subjects and posting frequency. После того как вы определились с основным направлением, пора задуматься о конкретных темах и частоте размещения постов.

I keep a running Evernote file filled with a long list of potential topics. Я держу в Evernote файл с длинным списком потенциальных тем. That way, if there isn’t something burning a hole in my brain, I can dig through my list and quickly choose something of interest when I sit down to write each week. Таким образом, если в моем мозгу нет ничего, что могло бы прожечь дыру, я могу покопаться в своем списке и быстро выбрать что-то интересное, когда сажусь писать каждую неделю.

Part 2: The Anatomy of a Blog Post

I’m not that creative. I’m not ashamed to admit that I steal like an artist. Мне не стыдно признаться, что я ворую как художник.

So when it comes to writing a blog post, I try to follow a rough format I’ve stolen from some of the best storytellers in the world — Ted Talkers. Поэтому, когда дело доходит до написания статьи в блоге, я стараюсь придерживаться приблизительного формата, который я позаимствовал у одних из лучших рассказчиков в мире - Ted Talkers.

That means each and every article (including this one, if you paid attention) starts with a compelling personal story to engage readers, moves into my own personal perspective on an issue, and leaves readers with one to four key takeaways. Это означает, что каждая статья (включая эту, если вы обратили внимание) начинается с захватывающей личной истории, чтобы привлечь читателей, переходит к моему личному взгляду на проблему и оставляет читателей с одним-четырьмя ключевыми выводами. I also try to keep a few best practices in mind Я также стараюсь придерживаться нескольких лучших практик Я також намагаюся тримати в голові кілька найкращих практик

Bigger is better. Больше - значит лучше. With so much content available online, readers are beginning to seek out longer-form content (1200 words) that can explore an idea more fully than the formally popular 600-word post. При таком количестве контента, доступного в сети, читатели начинают искать более длинные материалы (1200 слов), которые могут более полно раскрыть идею, чем формально популярный пост из 600 слов. Visuals matter. Визуальные эффекты имеют значение. No one wants to read a huge wall o' text. Никто не хочет читать огромную стену текста. Break up your content with images, section headers, short paragraphs, bullets and pull quotes. Разделите контент изображениями, заголовками разделов, короткими абзацами, пулями и цитатами. KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Write like you talk. Don’t use big, fancy words. Keep sentences short. Clarity is more impressive than complexity.

Part 3: The Process

As with any creative project, the end result reveals only a fraction of the effort invested. Как и в любом творческом проекте, конечный результат показывает лишь малую часть вложенных усилий. For instance, it takes me about four hours to write a weekly blog post. Например, на написание еженедельного поста в блоге у меня уходит около четырех часов. My basic process goes like this:

-Choose a topic

-List all points I plan to cover and order them

-First draft (where I vomit anything and everything onto the page) -Первый черновик (где я извергаю на страницу все и вся)

-Second draft (where I reshape the first draft into something readable)

-Third draft (where I clean up any grammar, spelling, and sentence level issues)

-Thank my girlfriend for reading and providing feedback

-Resolve all issues she raised

-Format and publish

You certainly don’t have to copy my process — it’s just what works for me.But whatever you do, please don’t hammer out a first draft in 20 minutes and post it. Вы, конечно, не обязаны копировать мой процесс - это просто то, что работает для меня. Но что бы вы ни делали, пожалуйста, не пишите первый черновик за 20 минут и не публикуйте его. Even a 400-word article requires a few hours of effort.

If you want to attract more fans and build a large audience, you have to be willing to put in the time.

Part 4: The Platform

Finally, the part everyone’s been waiting for — how do I get my site up so people can actually read the dang thing? И наконец, то, чего все так долго ждали - как мне поднять свой сайт, чтобы люди могли его читать?

Wordpress is still the most popular professional blogging platform out there with robust features and tons of customization options. Wordpress по-прежнему остается самой популярной профессиональной блог-платформой с широкими возможностями и множеством вариантов настройки. The free version (wordpress.com) will allow you to quickly create your own site on their domain (eg yoursite.wordpress.com). Бесплатная версия (wordpress.com) позволит вам быстро создать свой собственный сайт на их домене (например, yoursite.wordpress.com). The other version — the one that will allow you to use your own domain name and fancier, paid (or custom) themes — is not beginner-friendly and requires some YouTube-ing to figure out. Другая версия - та, что позволит вам использовать собственное доменное имя и более сложные, платные (или пользовательские) темы - не очень удобна для новичков и требует некоторой работы на YouTube, чтобы разобраться.

Squarespace is a great middle ground. It’s easy to set up and customize, even for beginners, and most templates offer blog functionality. Его легко устанавливать и настраивать даже новичкам, а большинство шаблонов предлагают функцию блога. While it’s not as robust as Wordpress, it’s all-in-one, meaning for ~$8/mo you get a good looking site, your own domain, and hosting. Хотя он не такой надежный, как Wordpress, но зато это "все в одном", то есть за ~$8/мес вы получаете красивый сайт, собственный домен и хостинг.

Medium is a beautifully designed, up and coming blogging/social media platform. Medium - это красиво оформленная и перспективная платформа для ведения блогов и социальных сетей. All you need to get started is an idea and a username. Все, что вам нужно для начала, - это идея и имя пользователя. From there, you can use the site’s editor to create your post and publish it to a huge audience. С помощью редактора сайта вы можете создать свой пост и опубликовать его для огромной аудитории. I highly recommend Medium to bloggers new and old — it’s been my number one driver of traffic over the past three months. However, I wouldn’t recommend Medium as your only blogging platform — it’s best to publish here as well as on a site you actually own. You never know if Medium is going to go away and take all your hard work with it.

Tumblr is a micro-blogging site that allows users to quickly set up a blog and post a huge array of content types. Tumblr - это сайт микроблогов, который позволяет пользователям быстро создать блог и публиковать огромное количество контента разного типа. Tumblr - це сайт мікроблогів, який дозволяє користувачам швидко створити блог і публікувати величезну кількість типів контенту. However, the audience is on the younger side and seems to be more interested in gifs than long form writing. Однако аудитория здесь более молодая и, похоже, больше интересуется гифами, чем длинными текстами.

Although I currently blog on a Wordpress site, if I were getting started today, I would probably go with Squarespace. It’s so easy to create a good looking blog without all the headaches inherent in learning Wordpress and the stress of managing and troubleshooting your site. Так просто создать красивый блог без головной боли, связанной с изучением Wordpress, и стресса, связанного с управлением и устранением неполадок на вашем сайте.

Part 5: Growing Your Blog

Once you start publishing, you’ll probably want people to read what you’ve written. And while there’s no quick hack for getting zillions of followers (as many internet marketers would have you believe), here are a few best practices I wish I had known on day one. И хотя не существует быстрого способа получить миллионы подписчиков (в чем вас убеждают многие интернет-маркетологи), вот несколько лучших практик, о которых я хотел бы узнать в первый же день.

Create an email list. Email is the ultimate push notification. If someone joins your list, they’re raising their hand and telling you they care about what you do. Если кто-то присоединяется к вашему списку, он поднимает руку и говорит, что ему небезразлично то, чем вы занимаетесь. Якщо хтось приєднується до вашого списку, він піднімає руку і каже, що йому не байдуже, що ви робите. Sign up for a service like Mailchimp and start collecting email addresses from day zero — it’ll help you deliver your content to your fans week after week, and it’ll allow you to tap into an interested audience if you create a product (like a book) down the road. Зарегистрируйтесь на сервисе вроде Mailchimp и начните собирать адреса электронной почты с нулевого дня - это поможет вам доносить контент до своих поклонников неделю за неделей, а также позволит вам привлечь заинтересованную аудиторию, если вы создадите продукт (например, книгу) в будущем. Repost on Medium.com. No matter where you host your content, you should be reposting it on Medium. Независимо от того, где вы размещаете свой контент, вы должны репостить его на Medium. Незалежно від того, де ви розміщуєте свій контент, ви повинні репостити його на Medium. The platform is home to a growing community of readers and writers actively looking to consume blog content. Платформа является домом для растущего сообщества читателей и писателей, активно потребляющих контент блога. Don’t create a Facebook page. Facebook’s algorithm benefits them, not you. They’ve rigged the system so that pages have to pay to get their posts seen. Они подстроили систему так, что страницы должны платить за то, чтобы их посты видели. So don’t waste your time — you’ll be better off reposting articles on your personal page and driving people to Medium or your website. Так что не тратьте время - лучше репостите статьи на своей личной странице и переводите людей на Medium или свой сайт. Ask people to follow you. It’s so simple, yet so hard to do. But if you’ve created a blog you’re proud of, you should be excited to share it with friends and family. Personally ask anyone who might be interested to join your email list and follow along. Лично попросите всех, кому это может быть интересно, присоединиться к вашему списку адресов электронной почты и следить за развитием событий.

Part 6: Get Started

In the last two years, with the rise of Medium and Squarespace, it’s gotten even easier to start a blog. За последние два года, с появлением Medium и Squarespace, завести блог стало еще проще. But with more options comes more stress and decision paralysis. Но с увеличением количества вариантов возрастает стресс и паралич принятия решений.

But blogging shouldn’t be stressful. It should be a fun way to hone your writing skills and share your unique perspective with the world. Это будет увлекательный способ отточить писательское мастерство и поделиться с миром своей уникальной точкой зрения. So stop worrying about the technical side of things and get writing.

Remember: If you want to finally start that blog but aren’t sure where to begin, then click here to be notified when the Better Blog E-Course launches. Помните: если вы хотите наконец начать вести блог, но не знаете, с чего начать, нажмите здесь, чтобы получить уведомление о запуске электронного курса "Лучший блог".

For just $30, I’ll dive deeper into everything I’ve covered in this article and share additional best practices and growth hacks — including how to generate topics week after week, walkthroughs on all four blogging platforms I mentioned, and more on engaging and growing your audience. Всего за 30 долларов я углублюсь во все, о чем рассказал в этой статье, и поделюсь дополнительными передовыми методами и хаками для роста - в том числе о том, как создавать темы неделя за неделей, о прохождении всех четырех блогерских платформ, которые я упоминал, и о том, как привлечь и увеличить свою аудиторию. So leave the technical mumbo-jumbo behind and start publishing! Так что оставьте технические вопросы позади и начинайте публиковаться!