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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Forty-eight: Eating Out

Forty-eight: Eating Out

Steve: Jill.

You were giggling there. What were you giggling about?

Jill: Just that we are always mention the weather on our podcast and it seems to be raining every time.

Steve: So we're going to stop talking about the weather. Um, yeah. Food, let's talk about food. You like to go to restaurants, I gather? What was your most recent experience of going to a restaurant?

Jill: A few days ago I went to a new restaurant with a friend of mine and quite a small place. It was fine, nice, nothing really fancy but on the pricier side. Like, my main dish was $22 and actually we found the service was fine but certainly not the service that I've received at some other upscale restaurants in the city where they're just very professional and just really on top of everything.

There it was sort of like we stood in the doorway waiting for five minutes and there were two people near the front and they looked at us and never even said anything. And, just that sort of thing, not really impressive when you're paying that much money.

Steve: You know, I'm a bit like you. Yeah, I like to go out although I get better food at home. But it's nice to go out because it's a change of atmosphere. There's other people there, it's nice, it's kind of a, it's a little bit …

Jill: Experience.

Steve: Experience, whatever. But the service is very important. And, it's quite easy for a poor server to basically destroy your experience and make you not want to go back there. You might even go to a restaurant five times and have a good experience and if you meet inattentive or lazy or unpleasant or whatever server you won't go back again.

So, the position of whatever the politically correct term is now, waiter, server, I don't know, dining room attendant, whatever we're supposed to call those people, that's an extremely important position.

Jill: Yeah, and I think that that's why in many restaurants they go out of their way, they bend over backwards to do something for you if you are not happy with the quality of the food or something because they know you're going to remember that bad experience even if you've had ten good experiences so they want to turn that bad experience into something positive.

Steve: Right. And, of course what makes a successful restaurant very often is just the feeling that it is authentic, that there is something real and different there. If you are a, as an example, if I'm going to have Japanese food I want a Japanese restaurant that's run by Japanese people. The majority of Japanese restaurants in Vancouver are run by Korean and Chinese people. If I want Chinese food I want a place run by Chinese. If I want Korean food I want a place run by Koreans. If I go for Japanese food I want a place run by Japanese people. It's authentic.

We have a restaurant in our building here run by a French man and I find the food a little bit heavy and I don't particularly like it that much but he is very authentic. The atmosphere is very authentic and so he's been extremely successful even though, I hope he isn't listening to this but I, you know, it's not my favorite food but the atmosphere is authentic.

Jill: Right and I mean, I happen to love the restaurant downstairs because I really like rich, saucy, creamy foods which is what a lot of French food is and I know it does leave you with a bit of a stomach ache sometimes, me too, but it sure tastes good and it's very authentic. You know he's got the French accent and it's a good experience.

Steve: Yeah, so it's got to be real; its got to be authentic and I guess we were saying earlier that we both kind of like to go out and eat and we're not the kind of people who party until five in the morning so I guess that makes us boring by some standards. But, I don't understand like, one of the things that I do not understand and I have never been to one, is one of these concerts, a rock concert.

I mean, I can understand going to a concert for two or three hours, sitting down, listening to music, especially classical music which is, although I still prefer listening at home to a CD. But anyway, you go there, you hear people cough, shuffle around, whatever. That's okay.

But to go and sit in a stadium or to sit in some field all day long while people are pounding out this music which is not music anyway to me. It's just noise and just like hour after hour like, I don't understand. It's just, it just does not, it is some kind of an exotic thing that is done by some tribe that I have nothing to do with. I don't understand it.

Jill: I think a lot of the day concerts or those sort of weekend type festivals, things that happen for over two or three days at a time where they have several different artists, music artists playing, it's all day and you can even camp out there, I personally have never been to one of those because it doesn't do a lot for me either. But, I have friends who go and will go to one every year, the same one maybe and they love it and they camp and I think it's a really, it's really just a big social experience. And, people drink a lot and lots of people are on some kind of drug and not everybody but a lot of people and so I guess it's appealing for them.

But, I think for just the average person to go to a concert for two or three hours at night is plenty or more than enough.

Steve: Right. Okay so anyway we're pretty strait-laced and boring. That's okay. Yeah, I think that's, what was that, on the subject of restaurants you know, a big part of going to a restaurant to me is wine. I love drinking wine. I drink wine at home and of course it's much more expensive to drink wine in a restaurant but it kind of makes the occasion.

The other day I was having lunch in a small Chinese restaurant and it, was sitting at a large table where different people that you don't know kind of sit down so this lady sat beside me and she was Chinese.

And so, she started talking, we started talking. In fact, she recognized me because I'm sometimes on the Chinese television, right, speaking Chinese and she said, oh you're Steve. I've heard you in Chinese.

I said, yeah, that's me.

Jill: You're a celebrity.

Steve: I'm a celebrity within a very limited group of people. And, so then we chatted for a while. Then she's opening up a Thai restaurant and her husband was a Thai chef, did Thai cooking in China. So I think that's a little difficult to pull off unless he's very, very good. Now if he stays in the kitchen and they get Thai girls dressed in that Thai outfit or whatever, and I guess they can get Chinese girls. Nobody would know the difference as long as they wear the Thai outfit but you've got to create that authentic, that authentic feel and I told her that.

I said, that, between that and having a clean bathroom which is not always the case in Chinese restaurants. Those things are important if you want to be successful in this area here.

The third thing I said to her, I said, you know, even though it's Thai food a lot of people enjoy wine with a meal. And since Thai food is eaten with a knife and fork I think if you paid some attention to what kinds of wines would be, would suit Thai food best, A. you're going to make more money selling wine than selling beer and I think it will make it more of a sort of a….

Jill: Experience. Steve: More of an experience, more of a formal experience, more of a dining experience if you can have wine with it. I don't know what, I mean I don't eat Thai food. Do you and would you drink wine with it?

Jill: I don't eat Thai food often. I find it's mostly too spicy for me but I have eaten it. There's things I like. I just order it with less spice. But, actually I find that I, I don't like drinking wine with foods from different countries. When I go to a French restaurant which we have a lot of in Vancouver, French food, I love having wine with perhaps even Italian food, North American food, but if I go for Indian food or Japanese food, Thai food, I don't order wine.

Steve: You know I'm quite different. I drink red wine with Sushi. And, in fact when I was in China the last time two or three years ago I was quite surprised to see at the local Chinese restaurants where the locals go, this was not a tourist place, the number of Chinese couples or, not for the large table where it's a big banquety type thing but it may be two couples that are going out for dinner in China like locals, the number of people who ordered red wine. And, there is red wine produced in China which is actually very good and I like red wine with Chinese food, with Sushi, with whatever, so if I go to that Thai restaurant I'm going to order red wine but that's just me.

Alright, I think we've kind of covered that subject. Anything you want to add? Salt and pepper?

Jill: A little salt and pepper never hurts and yeah that's it.

Steve: Okay then.

Bye for now.

Jill: Bye.

Steve: Oh we forgot to say our plug. We always forget that because we have so much fun talking. This text, the best way to improve your English listening to it and of course is to listen several times. And to read the text at EnglishLingQ.com where you can import the transcript into your LingQ because by the time you're listening to this we'll be into LingQ, I hope. Then you can save words and phrases and improve your English so this is really a part of EnglishLingQ.com.

Jill: And, LingQ is l-i-n-g-q. com. Steve: Right. So to go to the site itself it's www.lingq.com. Thank you.

Jill: Bye, bye.

Forty-eight: Eating Out Achtundvierzig: Auswärts essen Forty-eight: Eating Out Cuarenta y ocho: Comer fuera Quarante-huit : Manger au restaurant Quarantotto: Mangiare fuori 四十八外食 마흔여덟: 마흔여덟: 외식 Keturiasdešimt aštuoni: Valgymas lauke Czterdzieści osiem: Jedzenie na mieście Quarenta e oito: Comer fora Сорок восемь: Питание Fyrtioåtta: Äta ute Kırk sekiz: Dışarıda Yemek Сорок вісім: Поїсти деінде. 四十八:外出就餐 四十八:外出用餐

Steve: Jill. Steve: Jill.

You were giggling there. Du hast dort gekichert. You were giggling there. Te estabas riendo allí. あなたはそこで笑っていました。 Вы там хихикали. Orada kıkırdadın. What were you giggling about? What were you giggling about? ¿De qué te reías? Над чем вы хихикали?

Jill: Just that we are always mention the weather on our podcast and it seems to be raining every time. Jill: Just that we are always mention the weather on our podcast and it seems to be raining every time. Jill: Solo que siempre mencionamos el clima en nuestro podcast y parece estar lloviendo todo el tiempo. ジル:ポッドキャストで常に天気について言及しているだけで、毎回雨が降っているようです。 Джилл: Просто мы постоянно упоминаем погоду в нашем подкасте, и каждый раз кажется, что идет дождь.

Steve: So we're going to stop talking about the weather. Steve: So we're going to stop talking about the weather. スティーブ:それでは、天気について話すのをやめます。 Стив: Итак, мы прекращаем говорить о погоде. Um, yeah. Um, yeah. Food, let's talk about food. Food, let's talk about food. 食べ物、食べ物について話しましょう。 Еда, давайте поговорим о еде. You like to go to restaurants, I gather? You like to go to restaurants, I gather? ¿Te gusta ir a restaurantes, deduzco? شما دوست دارید به رستوران بروید ، من جمع می شوم؟ あなたはレストランに行くのが好きです、私は集まりますか? Je gaat graag naar restaurants, begrijp ik? Вы, как я понимаю, любите ходить в рестораны? Lokantaya gitmeyi sever misin? What was your most recent experience of going to a restaurant? What was your most recent experience of going to a restaurant? レストランに行った最近の経験は何でしたか? Каким был ваш последний опыт похода в ресторан? Bir restorana gitme konusundaki en son deneyiminiz neydi?

Jill: A few days ago I went to a new restaurant with a friend of mine and quite a small place. Jill: A few days ago I went to a new restaurant with a friend of mine and quite a small place. ジル:数日前、私は友人と小さな場所で新しいレストランに行きました。 Джил: Несколько дней назад я с подругой посетила новый ресторан, довольно маленькое заведение. It was fine, nice, nothing really fancy but on the pricier side. It was fine, nice, nothing really fancy but on the pricier side. estaba bien, agradable, nada realmente lujoso, pero en el lado más caro. 素晴らしくて、素晴らしくて、本当に豪華なものはありませんでしたが、より高価なものでした。 Это было хорошо, красиво, ничего особенного, но с более дорогой стороны. İyi, güzel, hiçbir şey gerçekten süslü ama pahalı tarafında. Like, my main dish was $22 and actually we found the service was fine but certainly not the service that I've received at some other upscale restaurants in the city where they're just very professional and just really on top of everything. Like, my main dish was $22 and actually we found the service was fine but certainly not the service that I've received at some other upscale restaurants in the city where they're just very professional and just really on top of everything. Comme, mon plat principal était de 22 $ et en fait nous avons trouvé que le service était bon mais certainement pas le service que j'ai reçu dans d'autres restaurants haut de gamme de la ville où ils sont juste très professionnels et vraiment au-dessus de tout. 例えば、私のメインディッシュは22ドルで、実際にはサービスはうまくいきましたが、街の他の高級レストランで受けたサービスは確かではありませんでした。 Gibi, benim ana yemeğin 22 $ oldu ve aslında biz hizmet iyiydi ama kesinlikle çok profesyonel ve sadece gerçekten her şeyin üstünde oldukları şehirde başka bazı lüks restoranlarda aldım hizmet bulundu.

There it was sort of like we stood in the doorway waiting for five minutes and there were two people near the front and they looked at us and never even said anything. There it was sort of like we stood in the doorway waiting for five minutes and there were two people near the front and they looked at us and never even said anything. Nos quedamos en la puerta esperando cinco minutos y había dos personas cerca de la entrada que nos miraron y ni siquiera dijeron nada. Là, c'était un peu comme si nous attendions cinq minutes sur le pas de la porte et il y avait deux personnes près de l'avant et elles nous ont regardés et n'ont même jamais rien dit. そこに私たちが5分間待っている戸口に立っていて、正面に2人の人がいて、彼らは私たちを見て、何も言わなかったようなものでした。 Orada, kapıda durduğumuz gibi, beş dakika bekledik ve ön tarafa iki kişi vardı ve bize baktılar ve bir şey bile söylemediler. And, just that sort of thing, not really impressive when you're paying that much money. And, just that sort of thing, not really impressive when you're paying that much money. Et, juste ce genre de chose, pas vraiment impressionnant quand vous payez autant d'argent. そして、まさにそのようなことであり、あなたがそれほど多くのお金を払っているときは本当に印象的ではありません。 Ve, sadece bu tür bir şey, o kadar para ödüyorsanız gerçekten etkileyici değil.

Steve: You know, I'm a bit like you. Steve: You know, I'm a bit like you. スティーブ:ご存知のように、私はあなたに少し似ています。 Steve: Biliyorsun, ben senin gibi bir şeyim. Yeah, I like to go out although I get better food at home. Yeah, I like to go out although I get better food at home. Sí, me gusta salir aunque como mejor en casa. Ouais, j'aime sortir même si je mange mieux à la maison. ええ、私は家でより良い食べ物を得るが、外出するのが好きです。 But it's nice to go out because it's a change of atmosphere. But it's nice to go out because it's a change of atmosphere. しかし、雰囲気が変わるので外出するのは良いことです。 There's other people there, it's nice, it's kind of a, it's a little bit … There's other people there, it's nice, it's kind of a, it's a little bit … そこに他の人がいます、それは素晴らしいです、それは一種の、それは少しです...

Jill: Experience. Jill: Experience.

Steve: Experience, whatever. Steve: Experience, whatever. スティーブ:経験は何でも。 Стив: Опыт, да что угодно. But the service is very important. But the service is very important. And, it's quite easy for a poor server to basically destroy your experience and make you not want to go back there. And, it's quite easy for a poor server to basically destroy your experience and make you not want to go back there. Et, il est assez facile pour un serveur médiocre de détruire votre expérience et de vous donner envie de ne plus y retourner. そして、貧しいサーバーが基本的にあなたの経験を破壊し、そこに戻りたくないようにすることは非常に簡単です。 Ve, fakir bir sunucu için temel olarak deneyiminizi yok etmek ve oraya geri dönmek istememenizi sağlamak oldukça kolay. You might even go to a restaurant five times and have a good experience and if you meet inattentive or lazy or unpleasant or whatever server you won't go back again. You might even go to a restaurant five times and have a good experience and if you meet inattentive or lazy or unpleasant or whatever server you won't go back again. Incluso podrías ir a un restaurante cinco veces y tener una buena experiencia y si te encuentras con un mesero desatento, perezoso o desagradable o lo que sea, no volverás. Vous pourriez même aller cinq fois au restaurant et avoir une bonne expérience et si vous rencontrez un serveur inattentif ou paresseux ou désagréable ou n'importe quel serveur, vous n'y retournerez plus. 5回レストランに行って良い経験をすることもあります。不注意または怠け者または不快なサーバー、または二度と戻らないサーバーに出会った場合。

So, the position of whatever the politically correct term is now, waiter, server, I don't know, dining room attendant, whatever we're supposed to call those people, that's an extremely important position. So, the position of whatever the politically correct term is now, waiter, server, I don't know, dining room attendant, whatever we're supposed to call those people, that's an extremely important position. Donc, la position de quel que soit le terme politiquement correct est maintenant, serveur, serveur, je ne sais pas, serveur de salle à manger, peu importe comment nous sommes censés appeler ces gens, c'est une position extrêmement importante. だから、政治的に正しい用語が何であれ、ウェイター、サーバー、私は知らない、食堂係員、私たちがそれらの人々と呼ぶことになっているものは何でも、それは非常に重要な位置です。 Итак, положение того, что сейчас является политически корректным термином, официант, официант, я не знаю, обслуживающий персонал, как бы мы ни называли этих людей, это чрезвычайно важная должность. Yani, politik açıdan doğru terim ne olursa olsun, şu anda garson, sunucu, bilmiyorum, yemek odası görevlisi, bu insanlara ne dememiz gerekiyorsa, bu son derece önemli bir konum.

Jill: Yeah, and I think that that's why in many restaurants they go out of their way, they bend over backwards to do something for you if you are not happy with the quality of the food or something because they know you're going to remember that bad experience even if you've had ten good experiences so they want to turn that bad experience into something positive. Jill: Yeah, and I think that that's why in many restaurants they go out of their way, they bend over backwards to do something for you if you are not happy with the quality of the food or something because they know you're going to remember that bad experience even if you've had ten good experiences so they want to turn that bad experience into something positive. Jill: Sí, y creo que es por eso que en muchos restaurantes se desviven, hacen todo lo posible para hacer algo por ti si no estás satisfecho con la calidad de la comida o algo porque saben que lo vas a hacer. recuerda esa mala experiencia aunque hayas tenido diez buenas experiencias para que quieran convertir esa mala experiencia en algo positivo. Jill : Ouais, et je pense que c'est pourquoi dans de nombreux restaurants ils se mettent en quatre, ils se mettent en quatre pour faire quelque chose pour vous si vous n'êtes pas satisfait de la qualité de la nourriture ou quelque chose parce qu'ils savent que vous allez rappelez-vous cette mauvaise expérience même si vous avez eu dix bonnes expériences afin qu'ils veuillent transformer cette mauvaise expérience en quelque chose de positif. ジル:ええ、だから多くのレストランでは邪魔にならないので、食べ物の品質や何かに満足していないなら、彼らは後ろに曲がって何かをしますあなたが10の良い経験を持っていたとしても、その悪い経験を思い出してください。 Jill: Evet, bence bu yüzden birçok restoranda yollarının dışına çıkıyorlar, yiyeceklerin kalitesinden memnun değilseniz, sizin için bir şeyler yapmak için geriye doğru eğildiler. On iyi deneyime sahip olsanız bile bu kötü deneyimi hatırlayın, bu yüzden bu kötü deneyimi olumlu bir şeye dönüştürmek istiyorlar.

Steve: Right. Steve: Right. And, of course what makes a successful restaurant very often is just the feeling that it is authentic, that there is something real and different there. And, of course what makes a successful restaurant very often is just the feeling that it is authentic, that there is something real and different there. Et, bien sûr, ce qui fait le succès d'un restaurant, c'est très souvent le sentiment qu'il est authentique, qu'il y a quelque chose de réel et de différent. そしてもちろん、成功するレストランを作るのは非常に頻繁に、それが本物であり、そこに本物で異なるものがあるという感覚だけです。 Ve, elbette başarılı bir lokantayı çok sık kılan şey, sadece otantik olduğu hissidir, orada gerçek ve farklı bir şey vardır. If you are a, as an example, if I'm going to have Japanese food I want a Japanese restaurant that's run by Japanese people. If you are a, as an example, if I'm going to have Japanese food I want a Japanese restaurant that's run by Japanese people. あなたが、例えば、私が日本食を食べるつもりなら、私は日本人が経営する日本食レストランが欲しいです。 Если вы, например, если я собираюсь отведать японскую еду, мне нужен японский ресторан, которым владеют японцы. Eğer örnek iseniz, Japon mutfağından yemek yiyeceksem Japonlar tarafından işletilen bir Japon restoranı istiyorum. The majority of Japanese restaurants in Vancouver are run by Korean and Chinese people. The majority of Japanese restaurants in Vancouver are run by Korean and Chinese people. バンクーバーの日本食レストランの大半は韓国人と中国人によって経営されています。 Vancouver'daki Japon restoranlarının çoğunluğu Koreli ve Çinli insanlar tarafından yönetilmektedir. If I want Chinese food I want a place run by Chinese. If I want Chinese food I want a place run by Chinese. 中華料理が欲しいなら、中国人が経営する場所が欲しい。 Çin yemeği istiyorsam, Çin tarafından işletilen bir yer istiyorum. If I want Korean food I want a place run by Koreans. If I want Korean food I want a place run by Koreans. 韓国料理が欲しいなら、韓国人が経営する場所が欲しいです。 If I go for Japanese food I want a place run by Japanese people. If I go for Japanese food I want a place run by Japanese people. It's authentic. It's authentic. 本物です。

We have a restaurant in our building here run by a French man and I find the food a little bit heavy and I don't particularly like it that much but he is very authentic. We have a restaurant in our building here run by a French man and I find the food a little bit heavy and I don't particularly like it that much but he is very authentic. Nous avons un restaurant dans notre immeuble ici tenu par un Français et je trouve la nourriture un peu lourde et je n'aime pas particulièrement ça mais il est très authentique. 私たちの建物にはフランス人が経営するレストランがあり、食べ物が少し重く、特に好きではありませんが、彼はとても本物です。 Burada Fransız bir adam tarafından işletilen bir lokanta var ve biraz ağır yiyecek buluyorum ve özellikle bu kadar sevmiyorum ama o çok otantik. The atmosphere is very authentic and so he's been extremely successful even though, I hope he isn't listening to this but I, you know, it's not my favorite food but the atmosphere is authentic. The atmosphere is very authentic and so he's been extremely successful even though, I hope he isn't listening to this but I, you know, it's not my favorite food but the atmosphere is authentic. 雰囲気は非常に本物であり、彼は非常に成功していますが、彼はこれを聞いていないことを願っていますが、私はあなたが知っている、それは私の好きな食べ物ではありませんが、雰囲気は本物です。

Jill: Right and I mean, I happen to love the restaurant downstairs because I really like rich, saucy, creamy foods which is what a lot of French food is and I know it does leave you with a bit of a stomach ache sometimes, me too, but it sure tastes good and it's very authentic. Jill: Richtig und ich meine, ich liebe das Restaurant unten, weil ich wirklich reichhaltiges, freches, cremiges Essen mag, was eine Menge französisches Essen ist, und ich weiß, dass es Ihnen manchmal ein bisschen Bauchschmerzen bereitet, ich auch, aber es schmeckt sicher gut und es ist sehr authentisch. Jill: Right and I mean, I happen to love the restaurant downstairs because I really like rich, saucy, creamy foods which is what a lot of French food is and I know it does leave you with a bit of a stomach ache sometimes, me too, but it sure tastes good and it's very authentic. Jill: Sí, y a mí me encanta el restaurante de abajo porque me gustan mucho las comidas ricas, salseadas y cremosas, que es lo que es mucha comida francesa, y sé que a veces te deja con un poco de dolor de estómago, a mí también, pero seguro que sabe bien y es muy auténtica. Jill : C'est vrai et je veux dire, il se trouve que j'adore le restaurant du rez-de-chaussée parce que j'aime vraiment les aliments riches, en sauce et crémeux, ce qui est le cas de beaucoup de plats français et je sais que cela vous donne parfois un peu mal au ventre, moi aussi, mais c'est sûr que c'est bon et c'est très authentique. ジル:そうだね、私はたまたま階下のレストランが大好きだ。というのも、リッチで生意気な、クリーミーな食べ物が大好きだからだ。でも、それは確かに美味しく、とても本物です。 Jill: Racja i tak się składa, że uwielbiam restaurację na dole, ponieważ naprawdę lubię bogate, pikantne, kremowe jedzenie, które jest tym, czym jest wiele francuskich potraw i wiem, że czasami powoduje to ból brzucha, ja też, ale na pewno smakuje dobrze i jest bardzo autentyczne. Jill: Doğru ve demek istediğim, alt kattaki restorana bayıldım çünkü gerçekten çok zengin, soslu, kremalı yiyecekleri, ne kadar çok Fransız yemeği olduğunu biliyorum ve bazen biraz mide ağrısına neden olduğunu biliyorum. de, ama kesinlikle iyi tadı ve çok otantik. You know he's got the French accent and it's a good experience. Sie wissen, dass er den französischen Akzent hat und es ist eine gute Erfahrung. You know he's got the French accent and it's a good experience. Tu sais qu'il a l'accent français et c'est une bonne expérience. あなたは彼がフランス語のアクセントを持っていることを知っています、そしてそれは良い経験です。

Steve: Yeah, so it's got to be real; its got to be authentic and I guess we were saying earlier that we both kind of like to go out and eat and we're not the kind of people who party until five in the morning so I guess that makes us boring by some standards. Steve: Ja, also muss es echt sein. Es muss authentisch sein und ich denke, wir haben vorhin gesagt, dass wir beide gerne ausgehen und essen und wir sind nicht die Art von Leuten, die bis fünf Uhr morgens feiern. Ich denke, das macht uns nach einigen Maßstäben langweilig. Steve: Yeah, so it's got to be real; its got to be authentic and I guess we were saying earlier that we both kind of like to go out and eat and we're not the kind of people who party until five in the morning so I guess that makes us boring by some standards. Steve: Sí, entonces tiene que ser real; tiene que ser auténtico y creo que antes decíamos que a los dos nos gusta salir a comer y que no somos el tipo de gente que va de fiesta hasta las cinco de la mañana, así que supongo que eso nos hace aburridos según algunos estándares. Steve : Ouais, donc ça doit être réel ; ça doit être authentique et je suppose que nous disions plus tôt que nous aimons tous les deux sortir et manger et que nous ne sommes pas le genre de personnes qui font la fête jusqu'à cinq heures du matin, donc je suppose que cela nous rend ennuyeux selon certaines normes. スティーブ:うん、それは本物でなければならない。それは本物であり、私たちは両方とも外に出て食事をするのが好きだと私たちは以前言っていたと思います、私たちは朝の5時までパーティーをするような人ではないので、私はそれがいくつかの基準で退屈になると思います。 Steve: Evet, bu yüzden gerçek olmalı; Otantik olmalı ve sanırım biz her ikisi de dışarı çıkmak ve yemek ister ve biz sabah beşe kadar parti tür insanlar değil, bu yüzden bizi bazı standartlarda sıkıcı yapar sanırım. But, I don't understand like, one of the things that I do not understand and I have never been to one, is one of these concerts, a rock concert. Aber ich verstehe nicht, eines der Dinge, die ich nicht verstehe und bei denen ich noch nie war, ist eines dieser Konzerte, ein Rockkonzert. But, I don't understand like, one of the things that I do not understand and I have never been to one, is one of these concerts, a rock concert. Pero, no entiendo como, una de las cosas que no entiendo y nunca he ido a uno, es uno de estos conciertos, un concierto de rock. Mais, je ne comprends pas genre, une des choses que je ne comprends pas et je n'y suis jamais allée, c'est un de ces concerts, un concert de rock.

I mean, I can understand going to a concert for two or three hours, sitting down, listening to music, especially classical music which is, although I still prefer listening at home to a CD. Ich meine, ich kann verstehen, dass ich zwei oder drei Stunden lang zu einem Konzert gehe, mich hinsetze, Musik höre, insbesondere klassische Musik, obwohl ich es immer noch vorziehe, zu Hause eine CD zu hören. I mean, I can understand going to a concert for two or three hours, sitting down, listening to music, especially classical music which is, although I still prefer listening at home to a CD. Quiero decir, puedo entender ir a un concierto durante dos o tres horas, sentarme, escuchar música, sobre todo música clásica que es, aunque sigo prefiriendo escuchar en casa un CD. Je veux dire, je peux comprendre aller à un concert pendant deux ou trois heures, assis, écouter de la musique, surtout de la musique classique qui est, même si je préfère encore écouter un CD chez moi. But anyway, you go there, you hear people cough, shuffle around, whatever. Aber wie auch immer, du gehst dorthin, du hörst Leute husten, herumschlurfen, was auch immer. But anyway, you go there, you hear people cough, shuffle around, whatever. Pero de todos modos, vas allí, escuchas a la gente toser, arrastrarse, lo que sea. しかし、とにかく、そこに行くと、咳が聞こえたり、シャッフルしたりする音が聞こえます。 Ama neyse, sen oraya git, insanların duyduğunu duyuyorsun, etrafında karıştır, her neyse. That's okay. That's okay.

But to go and sit in a stadium or to sit in some field all day long while people are pounding out this music which is not music anyway to me. Aber den ganzen Tag in einem Stadion zu sitzen oder auf einem Feld zu sitzen, während die Leute diese Musik rausschmeißen, die für mich sowieso keine Musik ist. But to go and sit in a stadium or to sit in some field all day long while people are pounding out this music which is not music anyway to me. Pero ir y sentarme en un estadio o sentarme en algún campo todo el día mientras la gente toca esta música que de todos modos no es música para mí. Mais aller s'asseoir dans un stade ou s'asseoir dans un champ toute la journée pendant que les gens martèlent cette musique qui n'est pas de toute façon de la musique pour moi. でも、スタジアムに行って座ったり、一日中どこかのフィールドに座ったりするのは、とにかく音楽ではないこの音楽を人々が叩いている間です。 Но пойти и посидеть на стадионе или весь день сидеть на каком-то поле, пока люди выкрикивают эту музыку, которая для меня не является музыкой. Ama gün boyunca bir stadyumda oturup ya da bir süre oturarak, insanlar bana bu müzik olmayan bu müziği vururken. It's just noise and just like hour after hour like, I don't understand. Es ist nur Lärm und genau wie Stunde für Stunde, ich verstehe nicht. It's just noise and just like hour after hour like, I don't understand. Es solo ruido y como hora tras hora, no entiendo. それはただのノイズで、毎時のように、私にはわかりません。 It's just, it just does not, it is some kind of an exotic thing that is done by some tribe that I have nothing to do with. Es ist nur, es tut es einfach nicht, es ist eine Art exotisches Ding, das von einem Stamm gemacht wird, mit dem ich nichts zu tun habe. It's just, it just does not, it is some kind of an exotic thing that is done by some tribe that I have nothing to do with. No es algo exótico que haga alguna tribu con la que yo no tenga nada que ver. C'est juste, ce n'est pas le cas, c'est une sorte de chose exotique qui est faite par une tribu avec laquelle je n'ai rien à voir. それはただ、そうではなく、ある種の部族によって行われているある種のエキゾチックなことです。 Sadece, öyle değil, bazı kabileler tarafından yapılan hiçbir şey yapmadığım egzotik bir şey. I don't understand it. I don't understand it.

Jill: I think a lot of the day concerts or those sort of weekend type festivals, things that happen for over two or three days at a time where they have several different artists, music artists playing, it's all day and you can even camp out there, I personally have never been to one of those because it doesn't do a lot for me either. Jill: Ich denke, viele Tageskonzerte oder solche Wochenendfestivals passieren über zwei oder drei Tage, wenn mehrere verschiedene Künstler, Musikkünstler spielen. Es ist den ganzen Tag und man kann sogar campen Dort war ich persönlich noch nie in einem von denen, weil es mir auch nicht viel bringt. Jill: I think a lot of the day concerts or those sort of weekend type festivals, things that happen for over two or three days at a time where they have several different artists, music artists playing, it's all day and you can even camp out there, I personally have never been to one of those because it doesn't do a lot for me either. Jill: Je pense que beaucoup de concerts en journée ou de festivals de type week-end, des choses qui se produisent pendant plus de deux ou trois jours à la fois où ils ont plusieurs artistes différents, des artistes musicaux qui jouent, c'est toute la journée et vous pouvez même camper là-bas, personnellement, je n'ai jamais été dans un de ceux-là parce que ça ne me fait pas grand-chose non plus. Jill: Myślę, że wiele jednodniowych koncertów lub tego rodzaju weekendowych festiwali, rzeczy, które odbywają się przez dwa lub trzy dni w tym samym czasie, gdzie gra kilku różnych artystów, artystów muzycznych, jest cały dzień i można nawet tam rozbić obóz, osobiście nigdy nie byłem na jednym z nich, ponieważ to też nie robi dla mnie wiele. Jill: Bence pek çok günlük konser veya hafta sonu tipi festivaller, iki ya da üç gün boyunca birkaç farklı sanatçı, müzik sanatçılarının çaldığı bir zamanda, tüm günler ve hatta kamp kurabilirsiniz. Orada ben şahsen hiç biri olmadım çünkü benim için de pek bir şey yapmıyor. But, I have friends who go and will go to one every year, the same one maybe and they love it and they camp and I think it's a really, it's really just a big social experience. Aber ich habe Freunde, die jedes Jahr zu einem gehen und gehen, der gleiche vielleicht, und sie lieben es und sie campen und ich denke, es ist wirklich, es ist wirklich nur eine große soziale Erfahrung. But, I have friends who go and will go to one every year, the same one maybe and they love it and they camp and I think it's a really, it's really just a big social experience. And, people drink a lot and lots of people are on some kind of drug and not everybody but a lot of people and so I guess it's appealing for them. Und die Leute trinken viel und viele Leute nehmen irgendeine Art von Droge und nicht jeder, sondern viele Leute, und deshalb denke ich, dass es für sie attraktiv ist. And, people drink a lot and lots of people are on some kind of drug and not everybody but a lot of people and so I guess it's appealing for them. Y, la gente bebe mucho y mucha gente toma algún tipo de droga y no todo el mundo pero mucha gente, así que supongo que es atractivo para ellos.

But, I think for just the average person to go to a concert for two or three hours at night is plenty or more than enough. Aber ich denke, dass nur eine durchschnittliche Person, die zwei oder drei Stunden nachts zu einem Konzert geht, genug oder mehr als genug ist. But, I think for just the average person to go to a concert for two or three hours at night is plenty or more than enough. Mais, je pense que pour une personne moyenne, aller à un concert pendant deux ou trois heures le soir est amplement ou plus que suffisant.

Steve: Right. Okay so anyway we're pretty strait-laced and boring. Steve: Genau. Okay, jedenfalls sind wir ziemlich spießig und langweilig. Steve: Right. Okay so anyway we're pretty strait-laced and boring. Esteban: Correcto. De acuerdo, de todos modos somos bastante estrictos y aburridos. Steeve : D'accord. D'accord, de toute façon, nous sommes assez étroits et ennuyeux. Racja. Okej, w każdym razie jesteśmy dość powściągliwi i nudni. Стив: Верно. Ладно, в любом случае мы довольно прямолинейны и скучны. Стів: Правильно. Гаразд, у будь-якому випадку ми досить нудні та нудні. That's okay. Yeah, I think that's, what was that, on the subject of restaurants you know, a big part of going to a restaurant to me is wine. That's okay. Yeah, I think that's, what was that, on the subject of restaurants you know, a big part of going to a restaurant to me is wine. C'est bon. Ouais, je pense que c'est, qu'est-ce que c'était, au sujet des restaurants, vous savez, une grande partie d'aller au restaurant pour moi, c'est le vin. Tamam, her neyse, biz oldukça düzgün bağlanmış ve sıkıcıyız. I love drinking wine. Das ist okay. I love drinking wine. I drink wine at home and of course it's much more expensive to drink wine in a restaurant but it kind of makes the occasion. Ja, ich denke, das ist, was war das, was Restaurants betrifft, die Sie kennen, ein großer Teil des Besuchs eines Restaurants ist für mich Wein. I drink wine at home and of course it's much more expensive to drink wine in a restaurant but it kind of makes the occasion. Evet, bence bu, bildiğiniz lokantalar konusunda, bana bir restorana gitmenin büyük bir kısmı şarap.

The other day I was having lunch in a small Chinese restaurant and it, was sitting at a large table where different people that you don't know kind of sit down so this lady sat beside me and she was Chinese. Neulich habe ich in einem kleinen chinesischen Restaurant zu Mittag gegessen und saß an einem großen Tisch, an dem verschiedene Leute saßen, die man nicht kennt, und neben mir saß eine Chinesin. The other day I was having lunch in a small Chinese restaurant and it, was sitting at a large table where different people that you don't know kind of sit down so this lady sat beside me and she was Chinese. L'autre jour, je déjeunais dans un petit restaurant chinois et j'étais assis à une grande table où différentes personnes que vous ne connaissez pas s'asseyaient, alors cette dame s'est assise à côté de moi et elle était chinoise.

And so, she started talking, we started talking. Ich trinke Wein zu Hause und natürlich ist es viel teurer, Wein in einem Restaurant zu trinken, aber das macht den Anlass aus. And so, she started talking, we started talking. Evde şarap içerim ve tabii ki bir restoranda şarap içmek çok daha pahalıdır ama bu tür bir olaydır. In fact, she recognized me because I'm sometimes on the Chinese television, right, speaking Chinese and she said, oh you're Steve. Neulich habe ich in einem kleinen chinesischen Restaurant zu Mittag gegessen und es saß an einem großen Tisch, an dem sich verschiedene Leute, die Sie nicht kennen, hinsetzten, also saß diese Dame neben mir und sie war Chinesin. In fact, she recognized me because I'm sometimes on the Chinese television, right, speaking Chinese and she said, oh you're Steve. I've heard you in Chinese. Und so fing sie an zu reden, wir fingen an zu reden. I've heard you in Chinese. Ve konuşmaya başladı, konuşmaya başladık.

I said, yeah, that's me. Tatsächlich hat sie mich erkannt, weil ich manchmal im chinesischen Fernsehen bin, richtig, Chinesisch spreche und sie sagte: Oh, du bist Steve. I said, yeah, that's me. Aslında beni tanıdı çünkü bazen Çin televizyonundayım, doğru, Çince konuşuyordum ve dedi ki sen de Stevesin.

Jill: You're a celebrity. Ich habe dich auf Chinesisch gehört. Jill: You're a celebrity.

Steve: I'm a celebrity within a very limited group of people. Ich sagte, ja, das bin ich. Steve: I'm a celebrity within a very limited group of people. And, so then we chatted for a while. Jill: Du bist eine Berühmtheit. And, so then we chatted for a while. Jill: Sen bir ünlüsün. Then she's opening up a Thai restaurant and her husband was a Thai chef, did Thai cooking in China. Steve: Ich bin eine Berühmtheit in einer sehr begrenzten Gruppe von Menschen. Then she's opening up a Thai restaurant and her husband was a Thai chef, did Thai cooking in China. Ensuite, elle ouvre un restaurant thaïlandais et son mari était un chef thaïlandais, faisait de la cuisine thaïlandaise en Chine. So I think that's a little difficult to pull off unless he's very, very good. Ich glaube also, dass es ein bisschen schwierig ist, das zu schaffen, es sei denn, er ist sehr, sehr gut. So I think that's a little difficult to pull off unless he's very, very good. Así que creo que es un poco difícil de lograr a menos que sea muy, muy bueno. Je pense donc que c'est un peu difficile à réaliser à moins qu'il ne soit très, très bon. Now if he stays in the kitchen and they get Thai girls dressed in that Thai outfit or whatever, and I guess they can get Chinese girls. Dann eröffnet sie ein thailändisches Restaurant und ihr Mann war thailändischer Koch und kochte thailändisch in China. Now if he stays in the kitchen and they get Thai girls dressed in that Thai outfit or whatever, and I guess they can get Chinese girls. Maintenant, s'il reste dans la cuisine et qu'ils obtiennent des filles thaïlandaises vêtues de cette tenue thaïlandaise ou autre, et je suppose qu'ils peuvent obtenir des filles chinoises. Sonra bir Tayland restoranı açıyor ve kocası bir Taylandlı şefti, Çin'de Tay yemek yaptı. Nobody would know the difference as long as they wear the Thai outfit but you've got to create that authentic, that authentic feel and I told her that. Ich denke, das ist ein bisschen schwierig, wenn er nicht sehr, sehr gut ist. Nobody would know the difference as long as they wear the Thai outfit but you've got to create that authentic, that authentic feel and I told her that. Personne ne verrait la différence tant qu'ils porteraient la tenue thaïlandaise, mais vous devez créer cette sensation authentique et authentique et je le lui ai dit. Bu yüzden bence çok ama çok iyi olmadıkça çekilmesi biraz zor.

I said, that, between that and having a clean bathroom which is not always the case in Chinese restaurants. Wenn er jetzt in der Küche bleibt und sie thailändische Mädchen in diesem thailändischen Outfit oder was auch immer anziehen, und ich denke, sie können chinesische Mädchen bekommen. I said, that, between that and having a clean bathroom which is not always the case in Chinese restaurants. J'ai dit, ça, entre ça et avoir une salle de bain propre ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas dans les restaurants chinois. Powiedziałem, że między tym a czystą łazienką, co nie zawsze ma miejsce w chińskich restauracjach. Şimdi mutfakta kalırsa ve Taylandlı kızlar o Tayland kıyafeti giyindiyse ya da her neyse, ve Çinli kızlar bulabilirler. Those things are important if you want to be successful in this area here. Niemand würde den Unterschied kennen, solange er das thailändische Outfit trägt, aber man muss dieses authentische, authentische Gefühl schaffen, und das habe ich ihr gesagt. Those things are important if you want to be successful in this area here. Tay kıyafeti giydiği sürece farkı kimse bilemez, ama otantik, otantik hissi yaratmalı ve ona bunu söyledim.

The third thing I said to her, I said, you know, even though it's Thai food a lot of people enjoy wine with a meal. Ich sagte, dass zwischen dem und einem sauberen Badezimmer, was in chinesischen Restaurants nicht immer der Fall ist. The third thing I said to her, I said, you know, even though it's Thai food a lot of people enjoy wine with a meal. Ben de, bu arasında ve Çin lokantalarında her zaman böyle olmayan temiz bir banyo olması, dedim. And since Thai food is eaten with a knife and fork I think if you paid some attention to what kinds of wines would be, would suit Thai food best, A. you're going to make more money selling wine than selling beer and I think it will make it more of a sort of a…. Diese Dinge sind wichtig, wenn Sie hier in diesem Bereich erfolgreich sein wollen. And since Thai food is eaten with a knife and fork I think if you paid some attention to what kinds of wines would be, would suit Thai food best, A. you're going to make more money selling wine than selling beer and I think it will make it more of a sort of a….

Jill: Experience. Steve: More of an experience, more of a formal experience, more of a dining experience if you can have wine with it. Das dritte, was ich zu ihr sagte, sagte ich, obwohl es thailändisches Essen ist, genießen viele Leute Wein zu einer Mahlzeit. Jill: Experience. Steve: More of an experience, more of a formal experience, more of a dining experience if you can have wine with it. Jill: Experiencia. Steve: Más de una experiencia, más de una experiencia formal, más de una experiencia gastronómica si puedes tomar vino con ella. Jill : Expérience. Steve : Plus une expérience, plus une expérience formelle, plus une expérience culinaire si vous pouvez avoir du vin avec. Джилл: Опыт. Стив: Больше опыта, больше формального опыта, больше обеда, если к нему можно выпить вина. Ona söylediğim üçüncü şey dedim, bilirsin, Tayland yemeği olsa da birçok insan bir şarabın tadını çıkarır. I don't know what, I mean I don't eat Thai food. Und da thailändisches Essen mit Messer und Gabel gegessen wird, denke ich, wenn Sie darauf achten, welche Arten von Weinen am besten zu thailändischem Essen passen, A. Sie werden mehr Geld mit dem Verkauf von Wein verdienen als mit dem Verkauf von Bier, und ich denke es wird es eher zu einer Art… machen. I don't know what, I mean I don't eat Thai food. Ve Tayland yemeği bir bıçakla ve çatalla yenildiği için, ne tür şaraplara dikkat ederseniz, Tayland yemekleri en iyi şekilde karşılayacağınızı düşünüyorum. A. Bira satıp şaraptan daha fazla para satıyorsunuz ve bence daha çok bir tür…. Do you and would you drink wine with it? Do you and would you drink wine with it?

Jill: I don't eat Thai food often. Steve: Eher ein Erlebnis, eher ein formelles Erlebnis, eher ein kulinarisches Erlebnis, wenn man Wein dazu haben kann. Jill: I don't eat Thai food often. I find it's mostly too spicy for me but I have eaten it. I find it's mostly too spicy for me but I have eaten it. Je trouve que c'est surtout trop épicé pour moi mais j'en ai mangé. There's things I like. There's things I like. Il y a des choses que j'aime. I just order it with less spice. I just order it with less spice. Je viens de le commander avec moins d'épices. But, actually I find that I, I don't like drinking wine with foods from different countries. Ich finde es meistens zu scharf für mich, aber ich habe es gegessen. But, actually I find that I, I don't like drinking wine with foods from different countries. Benim için çoğunlukla çok baharatlı buluyorum ama onu yedim. When I go to a French restaurant which we have a lot of in Vancouver, French food, I love having wine with perhaps even Italian food, North American food, but if I go for Indian food or Japanese food, Thai food, I don't order wine. When I go to a French restaurant which we have a lot of in Vancouver, French food, I love having wine with perhaps even Italian food, North American food, but if I go for Indian food or Japanese food, Thai food, I don't order wine. Sevdiğim şeyler var.

Steve: You know I'm quite different. Steve: You know I'm quite different. Az baharatla sipariş ediyorum. I drink red wine with Sushi. I drink red wine with Sushi. And, in fact when I was in China the last time two or three years ago I was quite surprised to see at the local Chinese restaurants where the locals go, this was not a tourist place, the number of Chinese couples or, not for the large table where it's a big banquety type thing but it may be two couples that are going out for dinner in China like locals, the number of people who ordered red wine. Wenn ich in ein französisches Restaurant gehe, von dem wir viel in Vancouver haben, französisches Essen, liebe ich es, Wein mit vielleicht sogar italienischem Essen, nordamerikanischem Essen zu haben, aber wenn ich indisches oder japanisches Essen, thailändisches Essen, nehme ich nicht. t Wein bestellen. And, in fact when I was in China the last time two or three years ago I was quite surprised to see at the local Chinese restaurants where the locals go, this was not a tourist place, the number of Chinese couples or, not for the large table where it's a big banquety type thing but it may be two couples that are going out for dinner in China like locals, the number of people who ordered red wine. Et, en fait, lorsque j'étais en Chine la dernière fois il y a deux ou trois ans, j'ai été assez surpris de voir dans les restaurants chinois locaux où les habitants vont, ce n'était pas un lieu touristique, le nombre de couples chinois ou, pas pour le grande table où c'est une grande chose de type banquet mais il peut s'agir de deux couples qui sortent dîner en Chine comme les locaux, le nombre de personnes qui ont commandé du vin rouge. Aslında en son iki ya da üç yıl önce Çin'e gittiğimde, yerel halkın gittiği yerel Çin restoranlarında, burası turistik bir yer değildi, Çinli çiftlerin sayısını görünce oldukça şaşırmıştım ya da büyük ziyafet tarzı büyük masalar için değil ama Çin'de yerel halk gibi akşam yemeğine çıkan iki çift olabilir, kırmızı şarap sipariş edenlerin sayısı. And, there is red wine produced in China which is actually very good and I like red wine with Chinese food, with Sushi, with whatever, so if I go to that Thai restaurant I'm going to order red wine but that's just me. Steve: Du weißt, ich bin ganz anders. And, there is red wine produced in China which is actually very good and I like red wine with Chinese food, with Sushi, with whatever, so if I go to that Thai restaurant I'm going to order red wine but that's just me.

Alright, I think we've kind of covered that subject. Ich trinke Rotwein mit Sushi. Alright, I think we've kind of covered that subject. Хорошо, я думаю, мы как бы затронули эту тему. Anything you want to add? Und tatsächlich, als ich vor zwei oder drei Jahren das letzte Mal in China war, war ich ziemlich überrascht, in den lokalen chinesischen Restaurants zu sehen, wohin die Einheimischen gehen. Dies war kein Touristenort, die Anzahl der chinesischen Paare oder nicht für die großer Tisch, an dem es sich um eine große Bankettsache handelt, aber es können zwei Paare sein, die in China zum Abendessen ausgehen, wie Einheimische, die Anzahl der Leute, die Rotwein bestellt haben. Anything you want to add? Ve aslında Çin'de olduğumda iki ya da üç yıl önce yerlilerin gittiği yerel Çin lokantalarında görmek beni hayrete düşürmüştü, bu bir turistik yer değil, Çinli çiftlerin sayısıydı ya da büyük bir banket tipinde bir şey olan büyük masa ama Çinlilerde akşam yemeği için dışarı çıkacak iki çift olabilir, kırmızı şarap sipariş eden insan sayısı. Salt and pepper? Salt and pepper?

Jill: A little salt and pepper never hurts and yeah that's it. Jill: A little salt and pepper never hurts and yeah that's it. Tamam, sanırım bu konuyu ele aldık.

Steve: Okay then. Steve: Okay then. Eklemek istediğiniz bir şey var mı?

Bye for now. Bye for now.

Jill: Bye. Jill: Ein bisschen Salz und Pfeffer tun nie weh und ja, das war's. Jill: Bye.

Steve: Oh we forgot to say our plug. Steve: Oh, wir haben vergessen, unseren Stecker zu erwähnen. Steve: Oh we forgot to say our plug. Steve: Oh, olvidamos decir nuestro enchufe. Steve: Oh, we zijn vergeten onze plug te zeggen. We always forget that because we have so much fun talking. Das vergessen wir immer, weil wir so viel Spaß am Reden haben. We always forget that because we have so much fun talking. This text, the best way to improve your English listening to it and of course is to listen several times. This text, the best way to improve your English listening to it and of course is to listen several times. And to read the text at EnglishLingQ.com where you can import the transcript into your LingQ because by the time you're listening to this we'll be into LingQ, I hope. And to read the text at EnglishLingQ.com where you can import the transcript into your LingQ because by the time you're listening to this we'll be into LingQ, I hope. Steve: Ah, bizim fişimizi söylemeyi unuttuk. Then you can save words and phrases and improve your English so this is really a part of EnglishLingQ.com. Then you can save words and phrases and improve your English so this is really a part of EnglishLingQ.com.

Jill: And, LingQ is l-i-n-g-q. Jill: And, LingQ is l-i-n-g-q. com. Steve: Right. So to go to the site itself it's www.lingq.com. Und um den Text auf EnglishLingQ.com zu lesen, wo Sie das Transkript in Ihren LingQ importieren können, denn wenn Sie sich das anhören, werden wir hoffentlich in LingQ sein. com. Steve: Right. So to go to the site itself it's www.lingq.com. com. Steve: Correcto. Así que para ir al sitio en sí es www.lingq.com. Thank you. Dann können Sie Wörter und Sätze speichern und Ihr Englisch verbessern, sodass dies wirklich ein Teil von EnglishLingQ.com ist. Thank you.

Jill: Bye, bye. Jill: Bye, bye.