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English at Work, 8: Room 301

8: Room 301

Paul: Good afternoon. Anna & Tom: Hi, good afternoon. Paul: Anna, Tom, room 301 please. Now. Narrator: Welcome back to Tip Top Trading, where things are a teeny bit tense today. Paul has called Tom and Anna into room 301, the place where difficult conversations happen. Perhaps Paul has found out about yesterday's unhappy clients. Anna: Oh dear. Narrator: You should be okay Anna. After the way you coped with Mr Lime, you should be praised. Anna: Really? What do you think Paul will say? Narrator: Well, if he is pleased, he'll say things like: Well done. You handled it well. Great job. I'm really impressed. Anna: And if he's not? Narrator: Well, I suppose – oop. Here's Paul now! Paul: Well, Tom, Anna... Yesterday was not a great day. Two clients came in with serious complaints. Mrs Kumquat received a delivery of imitation bananas that were purple, not very convincing. And Mr Lime ordered grapefruits, but got pineapples. Tom. Tom: Yes. Paul: Were you responsible for these errors? Tom: Well... yes, but… Paul: Look, mistakes happen. But it seems that Mrs Kumquat left our offices even angrier than when she came in and she says she will never use Tip Top Trading again. Tom: I tried my best. Paul: Hmmm. I understand you told her to spray-paint the bananas and to 'stop being such a miserable old witch'. Tom: Yeah, well look, she'd been very rude to me. Paul: If you weren't such a good salesman I would fire you for that. Anna. Anna: Yes. Paul: Well done. Not only was Mr Lime satisfied that his problem would be resolved, but we might even get some extra business from him, thanks to your Imperial Lemon proposal. Anna: I hope so. Paul: You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. You remained calm, friendly and professional. So, great job. I'm really impressed. I'm going to… (phone rings) Paul: Who's that? Oh no. It's a call from the USA. Tom: Oh god! Anna: What? Tom: It's the boss! Anna: Whose boss? Tom: Ours! The big, big boss, based in America. Paul: Shhhh! (on the phone) Hellooo? Ah, good afternoon Mr Socrates, I mean, er- morning, ha ha, where you are it's … yes, no, n-yes …. I'm not sure. Mrs Kumquat … did she? … well, it was very unfortunate …. purple, yes …. totally unacceptable …. I will. If you'd like I could …. Mr Socrates? Hello? Mr Socrates? Oh, he's gone. Right where was I? Tom, great work. Anna, I'm disappointed. No, no, Anna, great work, I want you to take charge of the Imperial Lemon presentation. Tom, if you speak to a client like that again there will be disciplinary action. Mrs Kumquat was so angry she even emailed Mr Socrates. Ok, that's it. Narrator: Phew! What a relief for Anna. Let's listen again to some of the phrases Paul used to praise her: Well done. You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. So, great job. I'm really impressed. He also explained why he thought Anna had done a good job: You remained calm, friendly and professional. Excellent work Anna. But Tom's mistakes have given everyone a lot of work to do tomorrow. Paul: First thing tomorrow we need to sort this mess out. Tom, I want you to phone every single client and check the orders. Anna, you can go to the warehouse and find out what's going on in there!

8: Room 301 8: Oda 301

Paul: Good afternoon. Anna & Tom: Hi, good afternoon. Paul: Anna, Tom, room 301 please. Now. Narrator: Welcome back to Tip Top Trading, where things are a teeny bit tense today. Erzähler: Willkommen zurück bei Tip Top Trading, wo die Dinge heute ein bisschen angespannt sind. Рассказчик: Добро пожаловать обратно в Tip Top Trading, где сегодня немного напряженно. Paul has called Tom and Anna into room 301, the place where difficult conversations happen. Пол позвал Тома и Анну в комнату 301, место, где происходят трудные разговоры. Perhaps Paul has found out about yesterday’s unhappy clients. Возможно, Пол узнал о вчерашних несчастных клиентах. Anna: Oh dear. Narrator: You should be okay Anna. After the way you coped with Mr Lime, you should be praised. После того, как вы справились с мистером Лаймом, вас должны похвалить. Anna: Really? What do you think Paul will say? Narrator: Well, if he is pleased, he’ll say things like: Well done. You handled it well. Great job. I’m really impressed. Anna: And if he’s not? Narrator: Well, I suppose – oop. Here’s Paul now! Вот Пол сейчас! Paul: Well, Tom, Anna... Yesterday was not a great day. Two clients came in with serious complaints. Два клиента пришли с серьезными жалобами. Mrs Kumquat received a delivery of imitation bananas that were purple, not very convincing. ヒメタチバナ夫人は、あまり説得力のない紫色の模造バナナの配達を受けました。 Миссис Кумкват получила имитацию бананов фиолетового цвета, не очень убедительных. And Mr Lime ordered grapefruits, but got pineapples. Tom. Tom: Yes. Paul: Were you responsible for these errors? Tom: Well... yes, but… Paul: Look, mistakes happen. トム:ええと…はい、でも…ポール:ほら、間違いが起こります。 But it seems that Mrs Kumquat left our offices even angrier than when she came in and she says she will never use Tip Top Trading again. しかし、Kumquat夫人は、入社したときよりもさらに怒ってオフィスを離れたようで、TipTopTradingを二度と使用しないと彼女は言います。 Но кажется, что миссис Кумкват покинула наши офисы даже злее, чем когда она вошла, и она говорит, что никогда больше не будет использовать Tip Top Trading. Tom: I tried my best. Том: Я старался изо всех сил. Paul: Hmmm. I understand you told her to spray-paint the bananas and to 'stop being such a miserable old witch'. あなたが彼女にバナナをスプレーペイントして、「そのような惨めな老魔女になるのをやめる」ように言ったと私は理解しています。 Я понимаю, что вы сказали ей, чтобы она распылила бананы и "перестала быть такой жалкой старой ведьмой". Tom: Yeah, well look, she’d been very rude to me. トム:ええ、よく見て、彼女は私にとって非常に失礼でした。 Paul: If you weren’t such a good salesman I would fire you for that. ポール:もしあなたがそんなに優秀なセールスマンでなければ、私はあなたを解雇するでしょう。 Пол: Если бы вы не были таким хорошим продавцом, я бы уволил вас за это. Anna. Anna: Yes. Paul: Well done. Not only was Mr Lime satisfied that his problem would be resolved, but we might even get some extra business from him, thanks to your Imperial Lemon proposal. ライム氏は彼の問題が解決されることに満足しただけでなく、あなたのインペリアルレモンの提案のおかげで彼からいくつかの追加のビジネスを得るかもしれません。 Мистер Лайм был не только удовлетворен тем, что его проблема будет решена, но мы могли бы даже получить от него дополнительные возможности благодаря вашему предложению Imperial Lemon. Anna: I hope so. Анна: Я надеюсь на это. Paul: You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. You remained calm, friendly and professional. あなたは落ち着いていて、フレンドリーでプロフェッショナルなままでした。 Вы оставались спокойными, дружелюбными и профессиональными. So, great job. I’m really impressed. Я действительно впечатлен. I’m going to… (phone rings) Paul: Who’s that? Я собираюсь ... (звонит телефон) Пол: Кто это? Oh no. It’s a call from the USA. Tom: Oh god! Anna: What? Tom: It’s the boss! Anna: Whose boss? Tom: Ours! The big, big boss, based in America. Paul: Shhhh! (on the phone) Hellooo? Ah, good afternoon Mr Socrates, I mean, er- morning, ha ha, where you are it’s … yes, no, n-yes …. ああ、こんにちは、ソクラテスさん、つまり、朝、ハハ、あなたがどこにいるのか…はい、いいえ、n-はい…。 О, добрый день, мистер Сократ, я имею в виду, утро, ха-ха, где вы находитесь ... да, нет, н-да ... I’m not sure. Я не уверен. Mrs Kumquat … did she? Миссис Кумкват ... она? … well, it was very unfortunate …. ... ну, это было очень неудачно ... purple, yes …. totally unacceptable …. совершенно неприемлемо ... I will. If you’d like I could …. Если хочешь, я мог бы… Mr Socrates? Hello? Mr Socrates? Oh, he’s gone. О, он ушел. Right where was I? Где я был? Tom, great work. Anna, I’m disappointed. Анна, я разочарована. No, no, Anna, great work, I want you to take charge of the Imperial Lemon presentation. Нет, нет, Анна, отличная работа, я хочу, чтобы вы взяли на себя ответственность за презентацию Imperial Lemon. Tom, if you speak to a client like that again there will be disciplinary action. トム、あなたがそのようなクライアントと再び話すならば、懲戒処分があります。 Том, если ты снова будешь так говорить с клиентом, будут дисциплинарные меры. Mrs Kumquat was so angry she even emailed Mr Socrates. Ok, that’s it. Хорошо, вот и все. Narrator: Phew! Рассказчик: Фу! What a relief for Anna. Let’s listen again to some of the phrases Paul used to praise her: Well done. You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. So, great job. I’m really impressed. He also explained why he thought Anna had done a good job: You remained calm, friendly and professional. Excellent work Anna. But Tom’s mistakes have given everyone a lot of work to do tomorrow. しかし、トムの過ちは、明日、みんなにたくさんの仕事を与えてくれました。 Но ошибки Тома дали всем много работы завтра. Paul: First thing tomorrow we need to sort this mess out. ポール:明日最初に、この混乱を整理する必要があります。 Пол: Первым делом завтра нам нужно разобраться в этом беспорядке. Tom, I want you to phone every single client and check the orders. Том, я хочу, чтобы ты позвонил каждому клиенту и проверил заказы. Anna, you can go to the warehouse and find out what’s going on in there! アンナ、あなたは倉庫に行ってそこで何が起こっているのかを知ることができます! Анна, вы можете пойти на склад и узнать, что там происходит!