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COURSERA Business Model Canvas, Wk2-01 Animated Video, Visualizing the Model

Wk2-01 Animated Video, Visualizing the Model

[MUSIC] This is the business model canvas. It's just what Beth and Carl will need to craft a powerful business model and it can do the same for you. Let's dive in and see how it works. There are nine essential building blocks that make up any business model. When you get all nine blocks working together, you'll have answered the fundamental questions any business model must solve. We'll start here with customer segments. These are all the people or organizations for which you're creating value. For each segment, you have a specific value proposition. These are the bundles of products and services that create value for your customers. Channels described through which touch points are interacting with customers and delivering value. The customer relationships outline the types of relationships you're establishing with your customers and how you're acquiring and retaining them. Pricing mechanisms through which your business model captures value are documented under revenue streams. [MUSIC] The key resources show which assets are indispensable in your business model so you can describe the infrastructure you need to create, deliver, and capture value. The key activities show which things you need to be able to perform well. The key partners show who can help you leverage your business model since you won't own all key resources yourself, no would you perform all key activities. Once you understand your business model's infrastructure, you'll also have an idea of its cost structure. Any business model can be mapped this way. Nine building blocks working to reinforce and strengthen each other. But before you make a model for yourself, it helps to see what a breakthrough business model looks like in action. Like this one. Low cost airlines revolutionized air travel thanks to their disruptive business model. Let's first look at their value proposition. A low cost airline offers ultra cheap flights to their main custom segment, budget travelers, by adopting a no frills policy. And this leads to additional revenue streams because customers pay for their ticket and additional fees on items like food and drink, priority boarding and luggage. The airlines save even more money through their choice of channels, selling only through call centers and the Internet, making for efficient, if not always convenient customer relations shift into automated and often impersonal. Okay that covers the right side of the canvas, the part everyone can see. The left side of the canvas is what's going on backstage. Like their choice of key resources, they reduce maintenance and training costs by using a single aircraft model for the whole fleet. And they only fly to cheap airports where it's cost efficient to land or where they even get paid to touch down. Planes that do land have quick turnarounds, so they get back in the air earning money as quickly as possible. And they form key partnerships with others in the travel industry like car rental, hotel, and insurance companies. Finally, under cost structures are maintenance, training, airport, and call center costs are trimmed to their lowest levels. All of these pieces working together to make their fares almost impossible for traditional airlines to compete with. There's nothing superior about these airlines except their business models. They're reaching an entirely new segment of travelers out of reach for traditional airlines. Is actually pretty exciting, right? But wait! Just because it's successful for discount airlines, doesn't mean it will work for your idea. Luckily, the business model canvas allows you to integrate many models and test them quickly. Let's get started with your own business idea.

Wk2-01 Animated Video, Visualizing the Model Wk2-01アニメーションビデオ、モデルの視覚化

[MUSIC] This is the business model canvas. [MUSIC]これはビジネスモデルのキャンバスです。 It's just what Beth and Carl will need to craft a powerful business model and it can do the same for you. それは、ベスとカールが強力なビジネスモデルを作るために必要とするものであり、あなたにとっても同じことができます。 Let's dive in and see how it works. それがどのように働いているかを見てみましょう。 There are nine essential building blocks that make up any business model. あらゆるビジネスモデルを構成する9つの不可欠なビルディングブロックがあります。 When you get all nine blocks working together, you'll have answered the fundamental questions any business model must solve. 9つのブロックすべてを連携させると、ビジネスモデルが解決しなければならない基本的な質問に答えることができます。 We'll start here with customer segments. ここでは顧客セグメントから始めます。 These are all the people or organizations for which you're creating value. For each segment, you have a specific value proposition. For each segment, you have a specific value proposition. These are the bundles of products and services that create value for your customers. Ini adalah kumpulan produk dan layanan yang menciptakan nilai bagi pelanggan Anda. Channels described through which touch points are interacting with customers and delivering value. The customer relationships outline the types of relationships you're establishing with your customers and how you're acquiring and retaining them. The customer relationships outline the types of relationships you're establishing with your customers and how you're acquiring and retaining them. Hubungan pelanggan menguraikan jenis hubungan yang Anda bangun dengan pelanggan Anda dan bagaimana Anda memperoleh dan mempertahankan mereka. Pricing mechanisms through which your business model captures value are documented under revenue streams. ビジネスモデルが価値を獲得するための価格設定メカニズムは、収益ストリームの下に文書化されています。 [MUSIC] The key resources show which assets are indispensable in your business model so you can describe the infrastructure you need to create, deliver, and capture value. ||||||||لا غنى عنها|||||||||||||||||تحقيق القيمة| The key activities show which things you need to be able to perform well. 重要なアクティビティは、うまく実行できるようにするために必要なことを示しています。 The key partners show who can help you leverage your business model since you won't own all key resources yourself, no would you perform all key activities. ||||||||تعزيز|||نموذج العمل||||||||||||||| 主要なパートナーは、すべての主要なリソースを自分で所有するわけではなく、すべての主要な活動を実行するわけではないため、ビジネスモデルの活用を支援できる人を示します。 Once you understand your business model's infrastructure, you'll also have an idea of its cost structure. ビジネスモデルのインフラストラクチャを理解すると、そのコスト構造も理解できるようになります。 Any business model can be mapped this way. この方法で、あらゆるビジネスモデルをマッピングできます。 Nine building blocks working to reinforce and strengthen each other. |||||تعزز||تعزيز|| お互いを強化し、強化するために働いている9つのビルディングブロック。 But before you make a model for yourself, it helps to see what a breakthrough business model looks like in action. しかし、自分でモデルを作成する前に、画期的なビジネスモデルが実際にどのように見えるかを確認することが役立ちます。 Like this one. Low cost airlines revolutionized air travel thanks to their disruptive business model. |||||||||المُبتَكِر|نموذج العمل| 低コストの航空会社は、破壊的なビジネスモデルのおかげで空の旅に革命をもたらしました。 Let's first look at their value proposition. まず、彼らの価値提案を見てみましょう。 A low cost airline offers ultra cheap flights to their main custom segment, budget travelers, by adopting a no frills policy. |||||||||||العملاء الرئيسيين|شريحة العملاء|ذوي الميزانية المحدودة|المسافرين ذوي الميزانية||اعتماد|||كماليّات|سياسة بدون كماليات 低コストの航空会社は、飾り気のないポリシーを採用することにより、主要なカスタムセグメントである予算重視の旅行者に超格安航空券を提供しています。 And this leads to additional revenue streams because customers pay for their ticket and additional fees on items like food and drink, priority boarding and luggage. ||||إضافية|إيرادات إضافية|مصادر إيرادات إضافية|||||||||رسوم إضافية||العناصر|||||الأولوية|الصعود优||الأمتعة The airlines save even more money through their choice of channels, selling only through call centers and the Internet, making for efficient, if not always convenient customer relations shift into automated and often impersonal. |||||||||||||||مراكز الاتصال||||||فعّال||||مريح|||تحول العلاقات||مؤتمتة|||غير شخصي 航空会社は、チャネルの選択を通じてさらに多くのお金を節約し、コールセンターとインターネットを通じてのみ販売し、必ずしも便利ではないにしても効率的な顧客関係を自動化された、しばしば非人格的なものに移行させます。 Okay that covers the right side of the canvas, the part everyone can see. The left side of the canvas is what's going on backstage. ||||||||||خلف الكواليس キャンバスの左側は舞台裏で起こっていることです。 Like their choice of key resources, they reduce maintenance and training costs by using a single aircraft model for the whole fleet. |||||الموارد الرئيسية||يقللون|الصيانة||التدريب|تكاليف|||||طائرة|||||الأسطول الكامل And they only fly to cheap airports where it's cost efficient to land or where they even get paid to touch down. ||||||المطارات الرخيصة||||فعّال من حيث التكلفة||الهبوط|||||||||الهبوط そして、彼らは着陸するのに費用効果が高いか、着陸するために報酬をもらっている安い空港にのみ飛ぶ。 Planes that do land have quick turnarounds, so they get back in the air earning money as quickly as possible. |||||سريعة|عمليات الدوران السريعة||||||||كسب المال||||| 着陸する飛行機はターンアラウンドが速いので、空中に戻ってできるだけ早くお金を稼ぎます。 And they form key partnerships with others in the travel industry like car rental, hotel, and insurance companies. ||||||||||||||||التأمين| Finally, under cost structures are maintenance, training, airport, and call center costs are trimmed to their lowest levels. |||هياكل التكلفة||||||||||تُخفَّض|||| All of these pieces working together to make their fares almost impossible for traditional airlines to compete with. |||||||||أسعار التذاكر|||||||التنافس معها| There's nothing superior about these airlines except their business models. ||متفوق||||||| これらの航空会社には、ビジネスモデル以外に優れたものはありません。 They're reaching an entirely new segment of travelers out of reach for traditional airlines. ||||||||||الوصول إلى||| Is actually pretty exciting, right? 実はかなりエキサイティングですよね? But wait! Just because it's successful for discount airlines, doesn't mean it will work for your idea. 格安航空会社で成功しているからといって、それがあなたのアイデアに役立つとは限りません。 Luckily, the business model canvas allows you to integrate many models and test them quickly. Let's get started with your own business idea. あなた自身のビジネスアイデアから始めましょう。