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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Travel 13. Talking to a Flight Attendant

Travel 13. Talking to a Flight Attendant

A: Can I ask you some questions about the in-flight instructions?

B: I would be happy to help you clarify anything you need help with.

A: Could you help me find out where my nearest exit is?

B: There is a card in your seat pocket that shows you where your nearest exit is. Yours is two rows in front of you.

A: Where is my oxygen mask that you were talking about?

B: Your oxygen mask is above you, next to the reading light. It will drop down when you need it.

A: I am concerned about landing in the water.

B: The life jackets are under your seat. You can also use your seat cushion as a flotation device.

A: What is the most important thing we can do to stay safe?

B: The most important thing you can do is keep your seatbelt fastened when the captain asks you to.

Travel 13. Talking to a Flight Attendant Viajar 13. Hablar con un auxiliar de vuelo Voyage 13. Parler à un agent de bord 旅行13.客室乗務員との会話 Viagens 13. Falar com um assistente de bordo Путешествие 13. Разговор с бортпроводником

A: Can I ask you some questions about the in-flight instructions? R : Puis-je vous poser des questions sur les instructions en vol ?

B: I would be happy to help you clarify anything you need help with. B : Je serais heureux de vous aider à clarifier tout ce pour quoi vous avez besoin d'aide. B: Я буду рад помочь Вам разъяснить все, что Вам нужно.

A: Could you help me find out where my nearest exit is? A : Pourriez-vous m'aider à trouver la sortie la plus proche ? A: Не могли бы Вы помочь мне узнать, где находится ближайший выход?

B: There is a card in your seat pocket that shows you where your nearest exit is. B : Il y a une carte dans la poche de votre siège qui vous indique où se trouve la sortie la plus proche. Yours is two rows in front of you. Ваш - в двух рядах перед вами.

A: Where is my oxygen mask that you were talking about? A : Où est mon masque à oxygène dont vous parliez ?

B: Your oxygen mask is above you, next to the reading light. B : Votre masque à oxygène est au-dessus de vous, à côté de la liseuse. It will drop down when you need it. Il tombera quand vous en aurez besoin.

A: I am concerned about landing in the water. R : J'ai peur d'atterrir dans l'eau.

B: The life jackets are under your seat. You can also use your seat cushion as a flotation device. Vous pouvez également utiliser votre coussin de siège comme dispositif de flottaison. В качестве плавучего средства можно также использовать подушку сиденья.

A: What is the most important thing we can do to stay safe?

B: The most important thing you can do is keep your seatbelt fastened when the captain asks you to.