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ART OF SALES 1, 2.03 (V) Preparation - Targeting

2.03 (V) Preparation - Targeting

One of the mistakes sales people make when they start building a new list of prospects is that they target too widely. I certainly made this mistake when I was launching my first company. We had developed some software and I thought I could be all things to all people. This serious mistake caused me to have one message for one type of customer and then need another different message for another type of customer. What happens is that your sales message never really takes shape. You end up being very unclear or blurry about the value you provide, and this slows down your sales process. But we can solve this problem. I call the solution filtering. We need to filter our set of targets down to people who will understand the value of what we are selling. Here's an example. A friend of mine is a very successful entrepreneur. A few years ago he came to me to ask a question. He said "Craig, I've started a new company and I want to talk to you about targeting. So, I asked him "Great, who are you going to target?" And here's what he said "I've developed an App for salespeople, so I'm going to target companies with salespeople." Oh-oh! I was thinking to myself, what company doesn't have salespeople? He's targeting everyone in the whole world. Oh! No. But he didn't stop there. He said, "Craig, we are targeting companies with sales people, but because we've kept the App very, very simple, we would like to start by selling the App to companies with only 1-2 salespeople." And, because we've put a lot of effort into the look and feel, the user experience of this App, we're going to target companies who we think will uniquely appreciate our design. We think those are web design firms and perhaps architecture firms. Oh! And because I'm going to be living in New York we are going to limit our very early sales efforts to the New York region." This is filtering. See what this successful entrepreneurial salesperson did? He filtered his market down to where his message would really resonate. Smaller companies who need simple not complex solutions who appreciate great design and who are in New York. This hard work of filtering helped him be much more clear and disciplined with his sales message, and he went on to build a very successful company. His sales process move faster because he was able to be clearer about what he was selling and why it was unique to those targets. So, once you've put some filters in place and focused in just on the targets in your bulls eye, now it's time to get on a search engine and find their names and contact information. Make a list my friends and get ready to generate some leads.

2.03 (V) Preparation - Targeting 2.03 (V) Przygotowanie - celowanie

One of the mistakes sales people make when they start building a new list of prospects is that they target too widely. |||||||||||||||potential customers|||||| 営業担当者が新しい見込み客リストを作成する際に間違いを犯すのは、あまりにも幅広くターゲットを絞っていることです。 I certainly made this mistake when I was launching my first company. We had developed some software and I thought I could be all things to all people. This serious mistake caused me to have one message for one type of customer and then need another different message for another type of customer. What happens is that your sales message never really takes shape. 何が起こるかは、あなたの販売メッセージが本当に形を取ることはないということです。 You end up being very unclear or blurry about the value you provide, and this slows down your sales process. |||||||unclear or vague||||||||hinders|||| But we can solve this problem. I call the solution filtering. We need to filter our set of targets down to people who will understand the value of what we are selling. Here's an example. A friend of mine is a very successful entrepreneur. A few years ago he came to me to ask a question. He said "Craig, I've started a new company and I want to talk to you about targeting. ||||||||||||||||market segmentation So, I asked him "Great, who are you going to target?" And here's what he said "I've developed an App for salespeople, so I'm going to target companies with salespeople." 「営業担当者用のアプリケーションを開発したので、営業担当者をターゲットにしていきます」と彼は言った。 Oh-oh! I was thinking to myself, what company doesn't have salespeople? 私は自分自身に考えていました、どの会社に営業員がいませんか? He's targeting everyone in the whole world. Oh! No. But he didn't stop there. He said, "Craig, we are targeting companies with sales people, but because we've kept the App very, very simple, we would like to start by selling the App to companies with only 1-2 salespeople." 同氏は、「Craig氏は販売員を抱える企業をターゲットにしていますが、非常にシンプルなアプリケーションを保有しているため、わずか1〜2人の営業員しかいない企業にAppを販売することから始めたいと考えています。 And, because we've put a lot of effort into the look and feel, the user experience of this App, we're going to target companies who we think will uniquely appreciate our design. We think those are web design firms and perhaps architecture firms. 私たちはそれらがウェブデザイン会社や多分建築会社だと思っています。 Oh! And because I'm going to be living in New York we are going to limit our very early sales efforts to the New York region." 私がニューヨークに住むことになるので、私たちは非常に初期の販売活動をニューヨーク地域に限定しようとしています。 This is filtering. See what this successful entrepreneurial salesperson did? ||||business-minded|| 成功した起業家のセールスマンが何をしたのかを見てください。 He filtered his market down to where his message would really resonate. 彼はメッセージを本当に共鳴させるところまで市場を絞り込んだ。 Smaller companies who need simple not complex solutions who appreciate great design and who are in New York. 素晴らしいデザインを高く評価し、ニューヨークにいるシンプルで複雑ではないソリューションが必要な小規模企業。 This hard work of filtering helped him be much more clear and disciplined with his sales message, and he went on to build a very successful company. ||||||||||||focused and controlled|||||||||||||| His sales process move faster because he was able to be clearer about what he was selling and why it was unique to those targets. 彼の販売プロセスは、彼が販売していたものとそのターゲットにとってユニークな理由について明確にすることができたため、より早く動いていました。 So, once you've put some filters in place and focused in just on the targets in your bulls eye, now it's time to get on a search engine and find their names and contact information. だから、いくつかのフィルターを設置して、牛の目のターゲットに集中すれば、今度は検索エンジンに乗り、名前と連絡先情報を見つける時です。 Make a list my friends and get ready to generate some leads.