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Thomas Frank Study Tips, I burned out. Here's how I recovered.

I burned out. Here's how I recovered.

- This video is sponsored by Audible.

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by using the link in the description below to sign up.

So just to let you know up front,

this is gonna be a bit more of a strip down video,

especially in comparison to the last video.

But I think we're gonna talk about today

doesn't need a super bombastic approach

and it certainly doesn't need

a thousand different camera angles.

So, what I wanna talk about today is burnout.

And the reason I wanna talk about it is that,

in 2019, I went through a period of true burnout.

I was creatively exhausted,

I started to take a very cynical approach

to how I looked at my work,

and how I looked at my life in some cases.

And it was different than any year before that.

I've definitely gone through stressful periods before

but this year, around May, maybe April,

I got to a point where things just were not good.

I was looking very negatively towards my work,

and part of the reason was that I sort of felt

trapped by the work that I had built for myself.

And it was kind of funny because nobody was telling me

to do what I was doing.

Everything that I do on a daily basis

is something that I decided to do

since I run my own business,

and yet, I felt like there wasn't a way out.

But, with the help of some other people

and with some better decisions

that I've made since those months,

I've actually been able to come out of that burnout

and get back a to of that creative energy

and just that fire for life and for my work

that I used to have.

So what I wanna talk about in this video is,

number one, how I burned out,

but number two and more importantly,

how I got passed that burnout.

Because I think a lot of people go through this.

Especially as we constantly put more and more

expectations on ourselves.

And I think this is partly due

to the influences we all have,

the internet and social media.

We often feel a lot of pressure

and that can lead to burnout.

But I think it's something that we can definitely get over.

So in my case, I felt burned out because of my schedule.

I was putting out so much content and,

as you probably know if you've watched a lot of my content,

I'm really not content to do

the same kind of video over and over again.

I like to find something new and innovative that I can do

with every piece of content that I create.

But I also have a schedule to stick to.

And to pull back the curtain a little bit

on how my business works,

as you probably know,

I have sponsors on most videos that I do.

And things have gotten to the point

over the past couple of years

where sponsors would book out several months in advance,

meaning that I had deadlines

and I had kind of a schedule that I would stick to.

And I am a person who tends to bite off

more than I can chew.

I get overly ambitious especially when it comes to

what future Tom can do,

because in my head, future Tom is not burdened

by all of the myriad to-do items

that present Tom has to do.

So I will happily saddle future Tom

with many many many commitments.

And it got to the point where I had

four videos a month, sometimes five,

scheduled out months and months and months in advance.

And as a lot of entrepreneurs do,

I had started to build a team.

So now, not only was my livelihood on the line,

but other people's livelihoods were on the line as well.

I felt that if I were to scale back

the amount of content I was producing,

I will be letting down my team

in a very real tangible way.

So as a result, I kind of felt trapped.

And months and months and months went by

where I would, you know, push up against deadlines,

I would feel creatively exhausted,

and I would always tell myself,

next month, I will just work harder,

next month, I'll just be more efficient.

And this is always my go-to solution for everything.

I just think, you know, if I'm having

a tough time right now, if things are stressful,

it is my fault because I have been inefficient

and I just need to work harder

the next time around the next month.

And there's some truth to that. (chuckling)

I think a lot of these mental prisons

we put ourselves in are built on a foundation

of at least a kernel of truth.

Like I could actually be more efficient.

But that's not always the crux of the problem.

There's often something more fundamental

that needs to be addressed.

And in my case, it was the number of commitments that I had.

Because I have a desire to make everything that I create

high quality and often have different innovative elements

or, you know, because I often learn something new

and want to incorporate it

into everything I make afterwards,

I just can't put out the same amount of content

that certain other YouTubers can.

So here's how I got out of my burnout.

And I know this is not a very highly structured video

but I'm just kind of speaking from the heart here.

So number one, and this may not be as actionable

for some people but I did take a break.

I went on vacation with my girlfriend.

And unlike most of the vacations

I have taken in my life since becoming an adult,

I made this one an actual vacation.

I did as much as I could to cut work out of my life.

I have a great team,

and they were able to take care of some things.

We were able to work ahead

to get things done in advance.

And I was able to actually relax.

But much more importantly,

I cut back on my commitments.

I had a conversation with the guy who runs my agency,

and I asked him if he would help me

move things around so I would get down

to a bit of a sparser schedule.

And when I did that, something really surprising happened.

I immediately started to get ideas again.

I immediately started to become interested in things

that I would normally get agitated about.

Like when a new project came across my plate

or something that I would maybe wanna get interested in,

as part of my burnout, I would just get agitated

because it would feel like that thing

would take too much of my time

and I already had so much going on

I couldn't even pay it any attention.

The moment I committed to cutting back my schedule,

I started to have a more open outlook towards new things.

I had a lot of that interest

for life in general coming back.

And the interesting thing was

the way that my agent had moved things around,

made it so that I still had to do four videos in June,

and the cut down schedule wasn't gonna start until July,

so I still had a full month of the same workload,

but just knowing that my schedule

was going to open up

and I was gonna have more breathing room

in the near future,

it took a lot of pressure off of me,

it took a weight off my shoulders.

So if you're in a place where you are feeling burned out,

I think the number one thing you have to do is

figure out how you can cut down

on the number of commitments in your life.

And this is really really tough.

I put off doing this for so long

because, again, I felt like I literally couldn't.

I felt like I had to keep up my content schedule

because otherwise I wouldn't be able

to pay my team what they deserved.

And the reason I felt this way is

I did not have an accurate concrete picture

of everything that was going on.

I just had this sort of ethereal feeling

that if I stopped working as hard as I was working,

then everything was going to crash and burn.

And I think a lot of people have this fear.

So here's what's probably gonna be the most practical

piece of advice in this video.

When you realize that you need to reduce

the number of commitments in your life,

sit down, write them all out,

and see exactly what you're going to sacrifice.

So in my case, my big fear was that

I was not gonna make enough money to pay my team,

but I hadn't really sat down and done the math.

So I broke out my big spreadsheet that I use

to track my entire business and my finances.

I don't do crazy in-depth budgeting

on a month to month basis on this,

but I do put in average income numbers,

average expense numbers,

and this gets me a pretty accurate estimate

of how much is gonna be left over at the end of the month,

after everything is said and done.

So, I broke that spreadsheet out

and I changed the number of videos

that I was doing per month,

from four to one, to see what it would do.

And I think putting it to a one

would have put me in the red every month,

so I brought it up to two,

and interestingly enough,

at two videos a month,

my business would have started breaking even.

So I wouldn't have been saving any money,

but I would have been able to continue paying my salary

and I wouldn't have had to give anyone a pay cut.

And I would have cut my salary before

giving anyone else a pay cut.

But I wouldn't even have had to do that.

And that was such a different picture

than what I had in my head before.

I thought, if I stopped working

as hard as I'm working right now,

everything is gonna crash and burn.

Not, if I stopped working as hard as I'm working,

then everything is just going to slow down.

Which is a much more palatable future.

And once I had that data,

I realized that I could actually slow down.

The role wasn't gonna end.

I would just grow a little bit more slowly.

So get straight on your priorities.

Be willing to make some sacrifices,

and get as much data as you can on those sacrifices.

A couple more things that I did.

Number one, I had to come to the realization

that not every single piece of content that I create

can be at the exact same level.

And I think a lot of artists struggle with this,

but there are also a lot of artists out there

who completely understand it.

There are bands that do, you know,

crazy albums with entire orchestras,

and then on the next album,

they'll strip it back,

they'll go back to just four people on the band,

the guitar, bass, drums, and a singer and that's it.

And that's fine.

There's this ebb and flow to the amount of craziness

they put into each piece of art.

I struggled with that.

When I make a video like the one on our morning routine,

which took me like five full days of work to make,

I start to feel like every single video

I make in the future has to be that good

and that crazy and technical and effortful,

otherwise, I'm not working to my full potential.

But that's just not how it works.

We don't always have to do the exact same thing

at the exact same level.

Finally, and this is a bit more of a philosophical thing,

but I've taken more seriously

the knowledge that there's never going to be

a magical moment where I have attained

enough success that I will just let myself slow down.

That doesn't exist.

But I believe that I am not alone in having that,

as like a thought in the back of my head,

that if, you know, if I just do this and this and this,

then I'll take a break, then I'll slow down.

But that's not how it works.

You know, when I was 25 I thought that,

but I got to 28 and I have accomplished a lot

of what I wanted to accomplish back when I was 25,

and now there's like a thousand more things

I want to accomplish.

So I've just become, again, okay with slower progress

because in exchange, I get a better work life balance.

I have less chronic stress

and I also have time to pursue things

that are really interesting.

Things that I probably would have found aggravating

because I was so overwhelmed just six months ago.

Now, those things truly are interesting again.

And one of those things is actually music,

which is why I have taken the time

to build this new studio

and set it up for music production.

I've been doing a lot more

guitar practice, piano practice, lately.

And I've also been going through

a really excellent book called,

"How Music Works" by David Byrne,

who was one of the founding members

of the Talking Heads band.

It is a fantastic book, I'm really enjoying it.

And you can listen to it on Audible,

if you go over to Audible.com/thomas,

or by texting Thomas to 500-500 on your phone,

and signing up.

And you might wanna do that soon

because for a limited time,

you can get three months of Audible service

for just $6.95 per month,

which is more than 50% off the normal

monthly subscription price.

Of course, Audible has the best selection

of audio books on the internet.

They have all the best sellers,

lots of really obscure titles,

they have biographies, science fiction books.

They have lots of music science books actually.

And every single month,

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plus two Audible originals

that you cannot get anywhere else.

So, once again, if you wanna get started

and get three months of Audible for more than 50% off,

go over to Audible.com/thomas,

or text Thomas to 500-500 on your phone to sign up.

Thanks as always for watching.

Hopefully, this kind of rambling video

is helpful for you.

I've honestly had a lot of trouble

getting over this burnout myself

and I had to have a lot of conversations

with friends and people

that I trust and that love me to get over it.

So hopefully some of my experience

is helpful for you to hear about.

If you haven't subscribed yet,

you can do that right there,

to get notifications about new videos

that come out on this channel.

Otherwise, you could check out a couple more videos

right here and right here.

Thanks again for watching

and I will see you in my next video.

I burned out. Here's how I recovered. Ich bin ausgebrannt. Hier ist, wie ich mich erholt habe. Je me suis épuisé. Voici comment j'ai récupéré. Eu queimei-me. Eis como recuperei. 我烧坏了。我是这样恢复的。

- This video is sponsored by Audible.

And for a limited time,

you can get more than 50% off three months of Audible

by using the link in the description below to sign up.

So just to let you know up front,

this is gonna be a bit more of a strip down video, |||||||||desnudo||

especially in comparison to the last video.

But I think we're gonna talk about today

doesn't need a super bombastic approach ||||pomposo| não precisa de uma abordagem super bombástica

and it certainly doesn't need e certamente não precisa

a thousand different camera angles.

So, what I wanna talk about today is burnout.

And the reason I wanna talk about it is that, E a razão pela qual quero falar sobre isso é que,

in 2019, I went through a period of true burnout. em 2019, passei por um período de verdadeiro esgotamento.

I was creatively exhausted,

I started to take a very cynical approach Comecei a ter uma abordagem muito cínica

to how I looked at my work, para como eu olhei para o meu trabalho,

and how I looked at my life in some cases. e como eu via minha vida em alguns casos.

And it was different than any year before that.

I've definitely gone through stressful periods before

but this year, around May, maybe April,

I got to a point where things just were not good. Cheguei a um ponto em que as coisas simplesmente não estavam boas.

I was looking very negatively towards my work, Eu estava olhando muito negativamente para o meu trabalho,

and part of the reason was that I sort of felt e parte da razão foi que eu meio que senti

trapped by the work that I had built for myself. preso pelo trabalho que construí para mim.

And it was kind of funny because nobody was telling me

to do what I was doing.

Everything that I do on a daily basis Tudo que eu faço no dia a dia

is something that I decided to do é algo que decidi fazer

since I run my own business,

and yet, I felt like there wasn't a way out. e ainda assim, eu senti que não havia uma saída.

But, with the help of some other people Mas, com a ajuda de outras pessoas

and with some better decisions e com algumas decisões melhores

that I've made since those months, que tenho feito desde aqueles meses,

I've actually been able to come out of that burnout Eu realmente fui capaz de sair desse esgotamento

and get back a to of that creative energy e voltar a essa energia criativa

and just that fire for life and for my work e apenas aquele fogo para a vida e para o meu trabalho

that I used to have. que eu costumava ter.

So what I wanna talk about in this video is, Então, o que eu quero falar neste vídeo é,

number one, how I burned out, número um, como eu queimei,

but number two and more importantly,

how I got passed that burnout.

Because I think a lot of people go through this.

Especially as we constantly put more and more

expectations on ourselves.

And I think this is partly due E eu acho que isso se deve em parte

to the influences we all have, às influências que todos nós temos,

the internet and social media. a internet e as redes sociais.

We often feel a lot of pressure Muitas vezes sentimos muita pressão

and that can lead to burnout. e isso pode levar ao esgotamento.

But I think it's something that we can definitely get over.

So in my case, I felt burned out because of my schedule.

I was putting out so much content and, Eu estava lançando muito conteúdo e,

as you probably know if you've watched a lot of my content, como você provavelmente sabe se assistiu muito do meu conteúdo,

I'm really not content to do Eu realmente não estou contente em fazer

the same kind of video over and over again. o mesmo tipo de vídeo repetidamente.

I like to find something new and innovative that I can do Gosto de encontrar algo novo e inovador que posso fazer

with every piece of content that I create. com cada conteúdo que eu crio.

But I also have a schedule to stick to. Mas também tenho um cronograma a cumprir.

And to pull back the curtain a little bit

on how my business works, sobre como meu negócio funciona,

as you probably know,

I have sponsors on most videos that I do.

And things have gotten to the point E as coisas chegaram ao ponto

over the past couple of years

where sponsors would book out several months in advance, ||||||||con antelación onde os patrocinadores reservariam com vários meses de antecedência,

meaning that I had deadlines o que significa que eu tinha prazos

and I had kind of a schedule that I would stick to. e eu tinha uma espécie de cronograma que seguiria.

And I am a person who tends to bite off E eu sou uma pessoa que tende a morder

more than I can chew. mais do que posso mastigar.

I get overly ambitious especially when it comes to ||demasiado|||||| Eu sou excessivamente ambicioso, especialmente quando se trata de

what future Tom can do, que futuro Tom pode fazer,

because in my head, future Tom is not burdened ||||||||cargado porque na minha cabeça, o futuro Tom não está sobrecarregado

by all of the myriad to-do items por toda a miríade de itens a fazer

that present Tom has to do. aquele presente Tom tem que fazer.

So I will happily saddle future Tom Portanto, ficarei feliz em selar o futuro Tom

with many many many commitments.

And it got to the point where I had E cheguei ao ponto onde eu tinha

four videos a month, sometimes five,

scheduled out months and months and months in advance.

And as a lot of entrepreneurs do, E como muitos empresários fazem,

I had started to build a team. Comecei a construir uma equipe.

So now, not only was my livelihood on the line, Então agora, não era apenas meu sustento em jogo

but other people's livelihoods were on the line as well. |||medios de vida|||||| mas o sustento de outras pessoas também estava em jogo.

I felt that if I were to scale back Eu senti que se eu diminuísse

the amount of content I was producing, a quantidade de conteúdo que eu estava produzindo,

I will be letting down my team Eu estarei decepcionando meu time

in a very real tangible way. de uma forma muito real e tangível.

So as a result, I kind of felt trapped. Como resultado, eu meio que me senti preso.

And months and months and months went by E meses e meses e meses se passaram

where I would, you know, push up against deadlines, onde eu iria, você sabe, empurrar contra os prazos,

I would feel creatively exhausted, Eu me sentiria exausto da criatividade,

and I would always tell myself, e eu sempre dizia a mim mesmo,

next month, I will just work harder, no próximo mês, vou apenas trabalhar mais,

next month, I'll just be more efficient. no próximo mês, serei apenas mais eficiente.

And this is always my go-to solution for everything. |||||||solución preferida|| E esta é sempre minha solução ideal para tudo.

I just think, you know, if I'm having Eu só acho, você sabe, se eu estou tendo

a tough time right now, if things are stressful, um momento difícil agora, se as coisas estão estressantes,

it is my fault because I have been inefficient é minha culpa porque fui ineficiente

and I just need to work harder e eu só preciso trabalhar mais

the next time around the next month. na próxima vez no próximo mês.

And there's some truth to that. (chuckling) ||||||(risas suaves) E há alguma verdade nisso. (rindo)

I think a lot of these mental prisons Eu acho que muitas dessas prisões mentais

we put ourselves in are built on a foundation nós nos colocamos são construídos sobre uma base

of at least a kernel of truth. ||||núcleo|| de pelo menos um grão de verdade.

Like I could actually be more efficient. Como se eu pudesse ser mais eficiente.

But that's not always the crux of the problem. |||||el meollo||| Mas nem sempre é esse o ponto crucial do problema.

There's often something more fundamental Muitas vezes há algo mais fundamental

that needs to be addressed. que precisa ser resolvido.

And in my case, it was the number of commitments that I had. E no meu caso, foi a quantidade de compromissos que eu tive.

Because I have a desire to make everything that I create Porque desejo fazer tudo o que crio

high quality and often have different innovative elements de alta qualidade e muitas vezes têm diferentes elementos inovadores

or, you know, because I often learn something new ou, você sabe, porque muitas vezes eu aprendo algo novo

and want to incorporate it e quer incorporá-lo

into everything I make afterwards, em tudo que faço depois,

I just can't put out the same amount of content Eu simplesmente não consigo lançar a mesma quantidade de conteúdo

that certain other YouTubers can. que outros YouTubers podem.

So here's how I got out of my burnout. Então, aqui está como eu saí do meu esgotamento.

And I know this is not a very highly structured video E eu sei que este não é um vídeo altamente estruturado

but I'm just kind of speaking from the heart here. mas estou falando com o coração aqui.

So number one, and this may not be as actionable |||||||||accionable

for some people but I did take a break. para algumas pessoas, mas eu fiz uma pausa.

I went on vacation with my girlfriend. Saí de férias com minha namorada.

And unlike most of the vacations E ao contrário da maioria das férias

I have taken in my life since becoming an adult, Eu tenho tomado em minha vida desde que me tornei um adulto,

I made this one an actual vacation. Eu fiz desta uma férias de verdade.

I did as much as I could to cut work out of my life. Fiz tudo o que pude para eliminar o trabalho da minha vida.

I have a great team, Eu tenho uma grande equipe,

and they were able to take care of some things. e eles foram capazes de cuidar de algumas coisas.

We were able to work ahead Conseguimos trabalhar à frente

to get things done in advance. para fazer as coisas com antecedência.

And I was able to actually relax. E fui capaz de realmente relaxar.

But much more importantly,

I cut back on my commitments. Reduzi meus compromissos.

I had a conversation with the guy who runs my agency, Tive uma conversa com o cara que dirige minha agência,

and I asked him if he would help me e eu perguntei se ele poderia me ajudar

move things around so I would get down mova as coisas para que eu possa descer

to a bit of a sparser schedule. |||||más ligero| a uma programação um pouco mais esparsa.

And when I did that, something really surprising happened. E quando fiz isso, algo realmente surpreendente aconteceu.

I immediately started to get ideas again. Imediatamente comecei a ter ideias novamente.

I immediately started to become interested in things Eu imediatamente comecei a me interessar pelas coisas

that I would normally get agitated about. que normalmente ficaria agitado.

Like when a new project came across my plate Como quando um novo projeto apareceu no meu prato

or something that I would maybe wanna get interested in, ou algo em que eu gostaria de me interessar,

as part of my burnout, I would just get agitated como parte do meu esgotamento, eu ficava agitado

because it would feel like that thing porque seria assim

would take too much of my time tomaria muito do meu tempo

and I already had so much going on e eu já tinha tanta coisa acontecendo

I couldn't even pay it any attention. Eu não conseguia nem prestar atenção nisso.

The moment I committed to cutting back my schedule, No momento em que me comprometi a reduzir minha programação,

I started to have a more open outlook towards new things. Comecei a ter uma visão mais aberta para coisas novas.

I had a lot of that interest Eu tive muito esse interesse

for life in general coming back. para a vida em geral voltando.

And the interesting thing was E o interessante era

the way that my agent had moved things around, a forma como meu agente mudou as coisas,

made it so that I still had to do four videos in June, fez com que eu ainda tivesse que fazer quatro vídeos em junho,

and the cut down schedule wasn't gonna start until July, e o cronograma de redução não iria começar até julho,

so I still had a full month of the same workload, ||||||||||carga de trabajo então eu ainda tinha um mês inteiro com a mesma carga de trabalho,

but just knowing that my schedule mas apenas sabendo que minha agenda

was going to open up ia abrir

and I was gonna have more breathing room e eu teria mais espaço para respirar

in the near future, no futuro próximo,

it took a lot of pressure off of me, tirou muita pressão de mim,

it took a weight off my shoulders. tirou um peso dos meus ombros.

So if you're in a place where you are feeling burned out,

I think the number one thing you have to do is Eu acho que a primeira coisa que você tem que fazer é

figure out how you can cut down descobrir como você pode cortar

on the number of commitments in your life. no número de compromissos em sua vida.

And this is really really tough.

I put off doing this for so long Eu adiei fazer isso por tanto tempo

because, again, I felt like I literally couldn't. porque, novamente, eu senti que literalmente não poderia.

I felt like I had to keep up my content schedule Eu senti que precisava manter minha programação de conteúdo

because otherwise I wouldn't be able porque senão eu não seria capaz

to pay my team what they deserved. para pagar à minha equipe o que eles mereciam.

And the reason I felt this way is E a razão pela qual me senti assim é

I did not have an accurate concrete picture Eu não tinha uma imagem concreta precisa

of everything that was going on. de tudo o que estava acontecendo.

I just had this sort of ethereal feeling ||||||etéreo| Eu só tive uma sensação etérea

that if I stopped working as hard as I was working, que se eu parasse de trabalhar tanto quanto estava trabalhando,

then everything was going to crash and burn. então tudo iria quebrar e queimar.

And I think a lot of people have this fear. E eu acho que muitas pessoas têm esse medo.

So here's what's probably gonna be the most practical Então aqui está o que provavelmente será o mais prático

piece of advice in this video. conselho neste vídeo.

When you realize that you need to reduce Quando você percebe que precisa reduzir

the number of commitments in your life,

sit down, write them all out, sente-se, escreva-os todos,

and see exactly what you're going to sacrifice. e veja exatamente o que você vai sacrificar.

So in my case, my big fear was that Então, no meu caso, meu grande medo era que

I was not gonna make enough money to pay my team, Eu não ia ganhar dinheiro suficiente para pagar minha equipe,

but I hadn't really sat down and done the math. mas eu não tinha realmente me sentado e feito as contas.

So I broke out my big spreadsheet that I use Então, abri minha grande planilha que uso

to track my entire business and my finances. para controlar todo o meu negócio e minhas finanças.

I don't do crazy in-depth budgeting Eu não faço orçamentos muito detalhados

on a month to month basis on this, mês a mês com base nisso,

but I do put in average income numbers, mas coloco em números de renda média,

average expense numbers, números de despesas médias,

and this gets me a pretty accurate estimate e isso me dá uma estimativa bastante precisa

of how much is gonna be left over at the end of the month, de quanto vai sobrar no final do mês,

after everything is said and done. depois de tudo ser dito e feito.

So, I broke that spreadsheet out Então, eu quebrei essa planilha

and I changed the number of videos e eu mudei o número de vídeos

that I was doing per month, que eu estava fazendo por mês,

from four to one, to see what it would do. de quatro para um, para ver o que faria.

And I think putting it to a one E eu acho que colocar isso em um

would have put me in the red every month, teria me colocado no vermelho todo mês,

so I brought it up to two, então eu aumentei para dois,

and interestingly enough,

at two videos a month, em dois vídeos por mês,

my business would have started breaking even. meu negócio teria começado a empatar.

So I wouldn't have been saving any money, Então, eu não estaria economizando dinheiro,

but I would have been able to continue paying my salary mas eu teria sido capaz de continuar pagando meu salário

and I wouldn't have had to give anyone a pay cut. e eu não teria que dar a ninguém um corte no pagamento.

And I would have cut my salary before E eu teria cortado meu salário antes

giving anyone else a pay cut. dando a qualquer outra pessoa um corte de pagamento.

But I wouldn't even have had to do that. Mas eu nem mesmo teria que fazer isso.

And that was such a different picture E essa era uma imagem tão diferente

than what I had in my head before. do que o que eu tinha na minha cabeça antes.

I thought, if I stopped working Eu pensei, se eu parasse de trabalhar

as hard as I'm working right now, por mais que eu esteja trabalhando agora,

everything is gonna crash and burn. tudo vai quebrar e queimar.

Not, if I stopped working as hard as I'm working, Não, se eu parasse de trabalhar tanto quanto estou trabalhando,

then everything is just going to slow down. então tudo vai ficar mais lento.

Which is a much more palatable future. |||||más aceptable| O que é um futuro muito mais palatável.

And once I had that data, E assim que tive esses dados,

I realized that I could actually slow down. Percebi que poderia realmente desacelerar.

The role wasn't gonna end. O papel não ia acabar.

I would just grow a little bit more slowly. Eu só iria crescer um pouco mais devagar.

So get straight on your priorities.

Be willing to make some sacrifices, Esteja disposto a fazer alguns sacrifícios,

and get as much data as you can on those sacrifices. e obtenha o máximo de dados possível sobre esses sacrifícios.

A couple more things that I did. Mais algumas coisas que eu fiz.

Number one, I had to come to the realization Número um, eu tinha que chegar à conclusão

that not every single piece of content that I create que nem todo conteúdo que eu crio

can be at the exact same level. pode estar exatamente no mesmo nível.

And I think a lot of artists struggle with this, E acho que muitos artistas lutam com isso,

but there are also a lot of artists out there mas também há muitos artistas por aí

who completely understand it. que o entendem completamente.

There are bands that do, you know, Tem bandas que fazem, sabe,

crazy albums with entire orchestras, ||||orquestas completas álbuns malucos com orquestras inteiras,

and then on the next album, e então no próximo álbum,

they'll strip it back,

they'll go back to just four people on the band, eles vão voltar para apenas quatro pessoas na banda,

the guitar, bass, drums, and a singer and that's it.

And that's fine. E tudo bem.

There's this ebb and flow to the amount of craziness ||flujo y reflujo||||||| Há esse fluxo e refluxo na quantidade de loucura

they put into each piece of art. eles colocam em cada obra de arte.

I struggled with that. Eu lutei com isso.

When I make a video like the one on our morning routine, Quando faço um vídeo como o da nossa rotina matinal,

which took me like five full days of work to make, o que me levou cinco dias inteiros de trabalho para fazer,

I start to feel like every single video Eu começo a sentir que cada vídeo

I make in the future has to be that good Eu faço no futuro tem que ser tão bom

and that crazy and technical and effortful, e aquela loucura e técnica e trabalhosa,

otherwise, I'm not working to my full potential. caso contrário, não estou trabalhando com todo o meu potencial.

But that's just not how it works. Mas não é assim que funciona.

We don't always have to do the exact same thing Nem sempre temos que fazer exatamente a mesma coisa

at the exact same level. exatamente no mesmo nível.

Finally, and this is a bit more of a philosophical thing, Finalmente, e isso é um pouco mais filosófico,

but I've taken more seriously mas eu tenho levado mais a sério

the knowledge that there's never going to be o conhecimento de que nunca haverá

a magical moment where I have attained ||||||alcanzado um momento mágico onde eu alcancei

enough success that I will just let myself slow down. sucesso o suficiente para que eu simplesmente me deixe diminuir

That doesn't exist. Isso não existe.

But I believe that I am not alone in having that, Mas eu acredito que não estou sozinho em ter isso,

as like a thought in the back of my head, como um pensamento na parte de trás da minha cabeça,

that if, you know, if I just do this and this and this, que se, você sabe, se eu apenas fizer isso e isso e isso,

then I'll take a break, then I'll slow down. depois vou fazer uma pausa, depois vou abrandar.

But that's not how it works. Mas não é assim que funciona.

You know, when I was 25 I thought that, Você sabe, quando eu tinha 25 anos eu pensei que,

but I got to 28 and I have accomplished a lot mas cheguei aos 28 e fiz muito

of what I wanted to accomplish back when I was 25, do que eu queria realizar quando tinha 25 anos,

and now there's like a thousand more things e agora existem mais mil coisas

I want to accomplish. Eu quero realizar.

So I've just become, again, okay with slower progress Então eu acabei de me tornar, novamente, ok com um progresso mais lento

because in exchange, I get a better work life balance. porque em troca, consigo um melhor equilíbrio entre a vida pessoal e profissional.

I have less chronic stress Eu tenho menos estresse crônico

and I also have time to pursue things e também tenho tempo para buscar coisas

that are really interesting. que são realmente interessantes.

Things that I probably would have found aggravating |||||||irritantes Coisas que eu provavelmente teria achado agravantes

because I was so overwhelmed just six months ago. porque eu estava tão emocionado apenas seis meses atrás

Now, those things truly are interesting again. Agora, essas coisas são realmente interessantes novamente.

And one of those things is actually music, E uma dessas coisas é na verdade música,

which is why I have taken the time é por isso que eu demorei

to build this new studio construir este novo estúdio

and set it up for music production. e configurá-lo para produção musical.

I've been doing a lot more Tenho feito muito mais

guitar practice, piano practice, lately.

And I've also been going through E eu também tenho passado por

a really excellent book called, um livro realmente excelente chamado,

"How Music Works" by David Byrne, |||||David Byrne

who was one of the founding members

of the Talking Heads band.

It is a fantastic book, I'm really enjoying it. É um livro fantástico, estou gostando muito.

And you can listen to it on Audible, E você pode ouvir no Audible,

if you go over to Audible.com/thomas, se você acessar Audible.com/thomas,

or by texting Thomas to 500-500 on your phone, ou enviando uma mensagem de texto para Thomas para 500-500 em seu telefone,

and signing up. e se inscrever.

And you might wanna do that soon E você pode querer fazer isso em breve

because for a limited time,

you can get three months of Audible service

for just $6.95 per month,

which is more than 50% off the normal

monthly subscription price.

Of course, Audible has the best selection

of audio books on the internet.

They have all the best sellers,

lots of really obscure titles,

they have biographies, science fiction books.

They have lots of music science books actually.

And every single month,

you get one credit that is good

for any audio book title in their library,

plus two Audible originals

that you cannot get anywhere else. que você não pode obter em nenhum outro lugar.

So, once again, if you wanna get started

and get three months of Audible for more than 50% off,

go over to Audible.com/thomas,

or text Thomas to 500-500 on your phone to sign up.

Thanks as always for watching.

Hopefully, this kind of rambling video ||||divagación|

is helpful for you.

I've honestly had a lot of trouble Eu honestamente tive muitos problemas

getting over this burnout myself superar esse esgotamento sozinho

and I had to have a lot of conversations e eu tive que ter muitas conversas

with friends and people

that I trust and that love me to get over it. que eu confio e que me amam superar isso.

So hopefully some of my experience Espero que alguma da minha experiência

is helpful for you to hear about. é útil para você ouvir sobre.

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you can do that right there, você pode fazer isso aí,

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Otherwise, you could check out a couple more videos

right here and right here.

Thanks again for watching

and I will see you in my next video.