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Thomas Frank Study Tips, The 10 Best Productivity Apps in 2019

The 10 Best Productivity Apps in 2019

hey what is going on guys so over the

past year we've done several videos

breaking down some of the best

productivity apps in specific categories

we've talked about the best note-taking

apps the best to do apps the best habit

trackers but in this video we are going

to get a bit more general because I want

to talk about what I think are the best

productivity apps overall and we're

going to go over my top pick in each of

ten different categories which means

that by the end of this video you're

going to have at least my recommendation

for a very usable productivity stack a

suite of apps that's going to help you

get things done and stay organized so

let's get into it and we're gonna start

with of course the to-do list app no

productivity system is complete without

some way of writing down the tasks that

you need to get done during the day and

over the coming days and weeks

now some people are perfectly happy

using whiteboards or paper systems or

bullet journals but for those of you who

want to use apps my top pick is going to

be todoist

I have tested a lot of productivity apps

over the years and todoist is still by

far my favorite to-do list app I love

that you can create different projects

and even nest them so you can separate

your life into different categories for

example I have my personal list but I

also have sub lists for my house for

groceries errands that kind of thing and

I also love how easy it is to get tasks

into todoist this is what I think is its

killer feature it's natural language

interpretation so instead of typing in

the tasks and then clicking a field to

set the date clicking a field to set the

tag if you want you can just write these

things all in the text field or even

speak them another thing I really like

about todoist is it has a fantastic

Amazon echo integration that has Siri

integrations so you can easily get tasks

into the system very very quickly and

get them to where they need to be

category number two is the humble

calendar app and the best app in this

category is Google Calendar I've been

using Google Calendar for literally more

than 10 years and I was forced to get

really good at it in my freshman year of

college because I had a job all right my

hours actually changed every single week

and what I loved about Google Calendar

was I had the ability to create separate

calendars for each area of my life

which I will met you can do this in most

calendar apps but

I think Google Calendar is really really

full-featured and obviously it's

available on basically every platform

but being able to do this allowed me to

see when I had to work when I had to be

to class it allowed me to visually

separate the different areas of my life

and I really really liked that that

brings us to category number three which

is the project management app so

sometimes you are dealing with a team or

you're working on a big enough project

with so many moving parts that a

traditional to-do list app like to do a

Store Microsoft to do or ticktick is

just not going to cut the mustard and my

big recommendation in this category is

an app called click up now I tested

click up as a potential all-in-one to-do

list in project management app a few

months ago and I found that it was a

little bit hard to get tasks into the

system quickly it wasn't quite as

streamlined and smooth and quick as

todoist is but for the lack of that

streamlined quality click up really

makes up for it in its flexibility in

the amount of different features it has

so you can create so many different

levels of hierarchy which is really

really useful when you're running an

entire company or you're working on a

gigantic project you can have specific

projects you can have lists within those

projects tasks themselves can have lists

of subtasks those subtasks and have

subtasks and you can do a lot more as

well you can assign multiple people to

one specific task if you've assigned

maybe a group to get something done

together you can do task dependencies so

you can say this task needs to be done

by this date but this task over here

must be done first and when you're

juggling a big project these features

can actually be very very useful

especially when you're working with

multiple people future Tom here so let

me tell you about my original idea for

this video I was going to do a secondary

recommendation for each of the different

categories which would have totaled 20

apps but uh my initial cut for that

version of the video was 26 minutes long

and I don't know if any of you guys want

to sit through 26 minutes so I've cut it

down to just one recommendation for

category but there's one app that I just

cannot leave out and that is notion now

the reason I did not put notion as the

top recommendation in any one categories

because notion does so much but I don't

feel that it is the best app in any one

category that being said I use

every single day and it's absolutely

indispensable to my workflow and I'm

gonna show you a little bit of a teaser

here for the video that I have coming

either later this week or very very

early next week about how I use motion

because I use motion to track my entire

youtube channel all the videos the

stages of progress in the entire video

production process so I do want to give

a big shout out to notion it's a very

very capable app and I think it's worth

playing with but again I don't think it

really is specialized enough to be

considered the best app in any one

category I would have put it in project

management which is why we're talking

now I don't use it as a note-taker

personally I'm gonna get into the app

that I do use a note-taker later on in

the video but for me it is my project

management app choice okay so looking at

my list here number four is note-taking

so I guess later in the video is

actually right now my favorite

note-taking app as you are probably

aware is Evernote Evernote has been my

mainstay for about a decade and nothing

has dethroned it the way that it

organizes information just really works

for my workflow

I love the writing experience even

though it doesn't support markdown

doesn't have the nice hybrid markdown

futures of some other editors it just

works for me and the amount of different

types of data you can quickly get into

Evernote it's really the killer feature

for me I can take a picture of almost

anything I can scan a document I can set

it to Evernote and if there's

handwriting or text on it it's actually

going to be searchable I also can easily

record my voice and put that into

Evernote it's just really full-featured

and I haven't found anything that can

take all the same boxes for me the next

category on our list is a serious long

form writing app so if you're the kind

of person who writes really long essays

or articles or who wants to write a book

at some point my girlfriend is actually

writing a novel right now and she's

using a serious writing app not a

note-taking app then you might want to

consider an app like Scrivener it's

governor is actually my top pick here

because it has a ton of different

features and it's actually the app that

I use to write to my book ten steps to

earning awesome grades this is a print

edition but there is a free version you

can get in the description down below

but Scrivener makes the writing process

incredibly easy it has this outline

corkboard view where you can actually

you know create different scenes or

scene ideas and reorder them and move

them around or trash them you know kind

of flush them out so it's great for the

planning process it's great for making

sure that things make sense and your

timelines work but you can also zero in

on specific sections of your writing so

I found that when writing in different

apps I'll often get you know into five

thousand six thousand word territory and

it just gets kind of overwhelming and I

wish I could split my writing up and

Scrivener lets you do this by default

you can just sort of drill into a

specific section of your writing and

work on that and then see it in context

and it also has lots of great export

options so if you want to export a PDF

or an ePub or a Kindle file you can do

that straight from Scrivener

so that brings us to habit trackers and

habit trackers are among my favorite

types of productivity apps not least of

which because back in 2014 when I have

first gone full-time as an entrepreneur

it was a habit tracker that really

helped me take my work seriously and act

like a professional and get things done

on a schedule and that app which is my

recommendation for the best habit

tracker out there is hebediah now I

gotta say this upfront habitable Acker

and I am a very nerdy guy I like

statistics I like video games so when I

found a habit tracker where you get a

little character and by doing your

habits you actually level that character

up get some experience points get them

gear and allowing the going quests I was

absolutely sold but habiddig AHA's a

feature that I've seen in no other habit

tracker and that is the party system you

can actually party up with friends and

go on quests together and this creates

some very powerful accountability

because if you're on a quest maybe

you're fighting a dragon or something

and you fail to do your habits on a

specific day the dragon is going to

damage everyone in your party so it will

be your fault if someone else in your

party happens to die from that hit and

that creates a very powerful motivator

to make sure you get all of your habits

done every single day all right let's

talk about time tracking apps so this is

gonna be a bit of a different section

because there are two different types of

time tracking apps but I didn't want to

create two separate categories so we're

just gonna shove them in to this one

category there is active time tracking

and then there's passive time tracking

so for active time tracking my main

recommendation is an app called toggle

and with toggle it's just like it sounds

you actively track your time and I like

toggle more than any

other time tracking app out there

because it actually has a feature that

will remind you to start time tracking

if you've forgotten to do so now passive

time tracking is different instead of

actively tracking the time that you are

spending on specific tasks or projects

these are programs that live on your

computer and just quietly track how much

time you are spending on specific apps

or specific websites and for my money on

the desktop side I think the best app in

this category is rescue time it will

again track how much time you're

spending on specific apps and websites

but it'll also categorize the time you

spend as either productive or non

productive and you can sort of see what

percentage of your time during the work

day that you are actually getting things

done staying on task instead of just

going over to YouTube and distracting

yourself ok so we are now at email

management and you can probably guess my

number one recommendation here because

it is of course Gmail Gmail is that old

mainstay and it just works it's free

it's fast it's reliable and I love the

fact that you can label messages and

create nested hierarchies of labels so

you can easily organize things of course

it's built on Google search so it's so

easy to search for a message if you've

lost it or can't remember what label you

gave to it and Gmail has really great

keyboard shortcuts that are easy to

learn so once you learn these such as

hitting e to archive a message or

hitting the pound sign to delete one you

can process your email so so quickly in

addition if you are to do a snoozer

there is a todoist Chrome extension for

Gmail so you can turn emails into tasks

and get them out of your inbox team chat

it is time to talk about team chat so if

you are part of a team or if you're part

of a group project in school you might

want to have an easy way to chat with

your group or with your team and my top

recommendation there is slack as much as

I love to complain about slack on slack

to my various slack teams slack is great

it allows you to chat in real time with

whoever you need to work with it allows

you to direct message people create

specific group chats or create channels

that have a specific topic and there are

also lots of different integrations so

you can have tweets come in you can

embed Google Drive documents all kinds

of really cool stuff and that brings us

to our final category which is cloud

sync and I think no productivity

app stack is complete without some kind

of cloud sync app if you use multiple

devices or even if you just have a

computer and a phone you want to be able

to access all of your important working

files on whatever device you happen to

have with you at the moment so my big

recommendation here is Google Drive or I

guess it's called Google one now there

are a lot of different cloud sync apps

out there and if you're not familiar

with what they do they essentially sync

all of your files then a specific folder

to the cloud and then keep them synced

between all of your devices and up to

date on all of your devices which is

very very important and useful but I

like Google Drive the best simply

because it has the best pricing for free

15 gigabytes which is higher than I

think any other competitor out there and

then if you need more space you can get

a hundred gigabytes for just two bucks a

month and that is again better than most

of the other options out there and of

course you also get access to the entire

Google office suite you get Google Docs

sheets I forget if they're PowerPoint

competitor is but it's pretty good now

some people will find that the Microsoft

apps are better so you might want to go

with onedrive some people are Apple only

so maybe iCloud Drive I like Google

Drive now it's important to remember

that all these apps are just tools and

yes using and tweaking them and adding

them into your system can definitely

help make improvements to your

efficiency in your workflow but to make

more significant improvements you need

to focus on the hardware up here and you

do that by making sure you're

consistently learning new things and

also working on your problem solving

skills and one resource that can help

you in both of those areas at the same

time is brilliant brilliant is a

learning platform that helps you

efficiently master math science and

computer science through library of more

than 50 in-depth courses that all focus

on active learning when you're going

through a course on brilliant you're not

just passively in taking information

you're instead immediately tackling

challenging yet bite-sized problems that

are laid out in a logical order and it

will help you stay interested longer and

learn faster and boost your general

problem-solving skills along the way now

in their library you'll find courses on

calculus on probability gravitational

physics Python programming and lots lots

more plus their daily challenges feature

gives you new problems to solve every

single day in a variety of areas which

can help you make learning a daily habit

so to get started for free

- brilliant org slash thomas frank and

sign-up and if you're one of the first

200 people to use that link you're gonna

get 20% off the annual premium

subscription huge thanks as always -

brilliant for sponsoring this video at

being a big supporter of my channel and

thank you for watching hopefully you got

a good recommendation in this video that

you haven't checked out before or maybe

just some inspiration for tweaking the

app that you already use either way if

you enjoy the video definitely leave a

like to support the channel and I will

see you in the next video until then you

can subscribe right there to make sure

you don't miss out on new videos that

come up and again that new video is

going to be mine ocean setup so

definitely check that out if you're


otherwise you can get a free copy of

this book right here on how to earn

better grades it is a digital copy but

you click right there and get it

delivered to your email for free and

beyond that you can just check out a

couple more videos on this channel right

here or here thanks again for watching

and I will see you in the next

The 10 Best Productivity Apps in 2019 Die 10 besten Produktivitäts-Apps im Jahr 2019 Las 10 mejores apps de productividad en 2019 Les 10 meilleures applications de productivité en 2019 As 10 melhores aplicações de produtividade em 2019 2019 年 10 款最佳生产力应用程序

hey what is going on guys so over the

past year we've done several videos

breaking down some of the best algunos de los mejores

productivity apps in specific categories

we've talked about the best note-taking

apps the best to do apps the best habit

trackers but in this video we are going rastreadores pero en este vídeo vamos a

to get a bit more general because I want

to talk about what I think are the best

productivity apps overall and we're

going to go over my top pick in each of voy a repasar mi mejor elección en cada una de

ten different categories which means

that by the end of this video you're

going to have at least my recommendation

for a very usable productivity stack a |||||conjunto de herramientas| para una pila de productividad muy utilizable a para uma pilha de produtividade muito útil

suite of apps that's going to help you conjunto de aplicaciones que te ayudarán a conjunto de aplicativos que irão ajudá-lo

get things done and stay organized so

let's get into it and we're gonna start

with of course the to-do list app no

productivity system is complete without

some way of writing down the tasks that

you need to get done during the day and

over the coming days and weeks

now some people are perfectly happy

using whiteboards or paper systems or |pizarras blancas||||

bullet journals but for those of you who diarios de viñetas, pero para los que

want to use apps my top pick is going to quero usar aplicativos, minha escolha preferida vai

be todoist |Ser organizado ser todoista

I have tested a lot of productivity apps

over the years and todoist is still by

far my favorite to-do list app I love

that you can create different projects

and even nest them so you can separate e incluso anidarlos para poder separar

your life into different categories for

example I have my personal list but I

also have sub lists for my house for

groceries errands that kind of thing and

I also love how easy it is to get tasks

into todoist this is what I think is its

killer feature it's natural language

interpretation so instead of typing in

the tasks and then clicking a field to

set the date clicking a field to set the defina a data clicando em um campo para definir o

tag if you want you can just write these

things all in the text field or even

speak them another thing I really like

about todoist is it has a fantastic

Amazon echo integration that has Siri |||||Siri de Apple

integrations so you can easily get tasks integraciones fáciles||||||

into the system very very quickly and

get them to where they need to be

category number two is the humble la categoría número dos es la humilde

calendar app and the best app in this

category is Google Calendar I've been

using Google Calendar for literally more

than 10 years and I was forced to get

really good at it in my freshman year of

college because I had a job all right my universidad porque tenía un trabajo bien mi

hours actually changed every single week

and what I loved about Google Calendar

was I had the ability to create separate

calendars for each area of my life

which I will met you can do this in most

calendar apps but

I think Google Calendar is really really

full-featured and obviously it's

available on basically every platform

but being able to do this allowed me to

see when I had to work when I had to be

to class it allowed me to visually

separate the different areas of my life

and I really really liked that that

brings us to category number three which

is the project management app so

sometimes you are dealing with a team or

you're working on a big enough project

with so many moving parts that a

traditional to-do list app like to do a

Store Microsoft to do or ticktick is

just not going to cut the mustard and my

big recommendation in this category is

an app called click up now I tested

click up as a potential all-in-one to-do

list in project management app a few

months ago and I found that it was a

little bit hard to get tasks into the

system quickly it wasn't quite as

streamlined and smooth and quick as aerodinámico y suave y rápido como

todoist is but for the lack of that

streamlined quality click up really optimizada|||| calidad racionalizada click up really

makes up for it in its flexibility in

the amount of different features it has

so you can create so many different

levels of hierarchy which is really ||niveles jerárquicos|||

really useful when you're running an

entire company or you're working on a

gigantic project you can have specific

projects you can have lists within those

projects tasks themselves can have lists

of subtasks those subtasks and have

subtasks and you can do a lot more as

well you can assign multiple people to

one specific task if you've assigned

maybe a group to get something done

together you can do task dependencies so |||||dependencias de tareas|

you can say this task needs to be done

by this date but this task over here

must be done first and when you're

juggling a big project these features haciendo malabares con un gran proyecto estas características

can actually be very very useful

especially when you're working with

multiple people future Tom here so let

me tell you about my original idea for

this video I was going to do a secondary

recommendation for each of the different

categories which would have totaled 20 ||||sumado a 20

apps but uh my initial cut for that aplicaciones pero uh mi corte inicial para que

version of the video was 26 minutes long

and I don't know if any of you guys want

to sit through 26 minutes so I've cut it

down to just one recommendation for

category but there's one app that I just

cannot leave out and that is notion now

the reason I did not put notion as the

top recommendation in any one categories

because notion does so much but I don't

feel that it is the best app in any one

category that being said I use

every single day and it's absolutely

indispensable to my workflow and I'm

gonna show you a little bit of a teaser ||||||||avance breve

here for the video that I have coming

either later this week or very very

early next week about how I use motion

because I use motion to track my entire

youtube channel all the videos the

stages of progress in the entire video

production process so I do want to give

a big shout out to notion it's a very

very capable app and I think it's worth

playing with but again I don't think it

really is specialized enough to be

considered the best app in any one

category I would have put it in project

management which is why we're talking

now I don't use it as a note-taker

personally I'm gonna get into the app

that I do use a note-taker later on in ||||||tomador de notas|||

the video but for me it is my project

management app choice okay so looking at

my list here number four is note-taking

so I guess later in the video is

actually right now my favorite

note-taking app as you are probably

aware is Evernote Evernote has been my

mainstay for about a decade and nothing

has dethroned it the way that it |ha destronado|||||

organizes information just really works

for my workflow

I love the writing experience even ||||experiencia de escritura|

though it doesn't support markdown ||||aunque no soporta markdown

doesn't have the nice hybrid markdown

futures of some other editors it just

works for me and the amount of different

types of data you can quickly get into

Evernote it's really the killer feature

for me I can take a picture of almost

anything I can scan a document I can set

it to Evernote and if there's

handwriting or text on it it's actually

going to be searchable I also can easily |||buscable||||

record my voice and put that into

Evernote it's just really full-featured

and I haven't found anything that can

take all the same boxes for me the next

category on our list is a serious long

form writing app so if you're the kind

of person who writes really long essays

or articles or who wants to write a book

at some point my girlfriend is actually

writing a novel right now and she's

using a serious writing app not a

note-taking app then you might want to

consider an app like Scrivener it's ||||Scrivener|

governor is actually my top pick here

because it has a ton of different

features and it's actually the app that

I use to write to my book ten steps to

earning awesome grades this is a print

edition but there is a free version you

can get in the description down below

but Scrivener makes the writing process

incredibly easy it has this outline

corkboard view where you can actually vista de corcho|||||

you know create different scenes or

scene ideas and reorder them and move |||Reordenar ideas escena|||

them around or trash them you know kind

of flush them out so it's great for the |sacarlos|||||||

planning process it's great for making

sure that things make sense and your

timelines work but you can also zero in

on specific sections of your writing so

I found that when writing in different

apps I'll often get you know into five

thousand six thousand word territory and

it just gets kind of overwhelming and I

wish I could split my writing up and

Scrivener lets you do this by default Scrivener te permite||||||

you can just sort of drill into a |||||perforar en||

specific section of your writing and

work on that and then see it in context

and it also has lots of great export

options so if you want to export a PDF

or an ePub or a Kindle file you can do

that straight from Scrivener

so that brings us to habit trackers and

habit trackers are among my favorite

types of productivity apps not least of

which because back in 2014 when I have

first gone full-time as an entrepreneur

it was a habit tracker that really

helped me take my work seriously and act

like a professional and get things done

on a schedule and that app which is my

recommendation for the best habit

tracker out there is hebediah now I ||||Hebediah ahora soy||

gotta say this upfront habitable Acker |||de antemano||Campo habitable

and I am a very nerdy guy I like |||||muy nerd|||

statistics I like video games so when I

found a habit tracker where you get a

little character and by doing your

habits you actually level that character

up get some experience points get them

gear and allowing the going quests I was

absolutely sold but habiddig AHA's a |||"habiddig" does not appear to be a recognizable English word, and the context provided is unclear. Could you please provide more context or check for any typographical errors?|AHA's|

feature that I've seen in no other habit

tracker and that is the party system you rastreador|||||||

can actually party up with friends and

go on quests together and this creates ||misiones||||

some very powerful accountability |||Responsabilidad poderosa

because if you're on a quest maybe

you're fighting a dragon or something |||||Luchando un dragón

and you fail to do your habits on a

specific day the dragon is going to

damage everyone in your party so it will

be your fault if someone else in your

party happens to die from that hit and

that creates a very powerful motivator

to make sure you get all of your habits

done every single day all right let's

talk about time tracking apps so this is

gonna be a bit of a different section

because there are two different types of

time tracking apps but I didn't want to

create two separate categories so we're

just gonna shove them in to this one ||meter|||||

category there is active time tracking

and then there's passive time tracking

so for active time tracking my main

recommendation is an app called toggle

and with toggle it's just like it sounds ||alternar|||||

you actively track your time and I like

toggle more than any

other time tracking app out there

because it actually has a feature that

will remind you to start time tracking

if you've forgotten to do so now passive

time tracking is different instead of

actively tracking the time that you are

spending on specific tasks or projects

these are programs that live on your

computer and just quietly track how much

time you are spending on specific apps

or specific websites and for my money on

the desktop side I think the best app in

this category is rescue time it will

again track how much time you're

spending on specific apps and websites

but it'll also categorize the time you |||categorizará|||

spend as either productive or non

productive and you can sort of see what

percentage of your time during the work

day that you are actually getting things

done staying on task instead of just

going over to YouTube and distracting

yourself ok so we are now at email

management and you can probably guess my

number one recommendation here because

it is of course Gmail Gmail is that old

mainstay and it just works it's free pilar fundamental||||||

it's fast it's reliable and I love the

fact that you can label messages and

create nested hierarchies of labels so |Anidadas|jerarquías anidadas|||

you can easily organize things of course

it's built on Google search so it's so

easy to search for a message if you've

lost it or can't remember what label you

gave to it and Gmail has really great

keyboard shortcuts that are easy to

learn so once you learn these such as

hitting e to archive a message or

hitting the pound sign to delete one you pulsar la almohadilla para borrar una que

can process your email so so quickly in

addition if you are to do a snoozer |||||||si te duermes

there is a todoist Chrome extension for |||extensión de Todoist|||

Gmail so you can turn emails into tasks

and get them out of your inbox team chat

it is time to talk about team chat so if

you are part of a team or if you're part

of a group project in school you might

want to have an easy way to chat with

your group or with your team and my top

recommendation there is slack as much as |||holgura|||

I love to complain about slack on slack

to my various slack teams slack is great

it allows you to chat in real time with

whoever you need to work with it allows

you to direct message people create

specific group chats or create channels

that have a specific topic and there are

also lots of different integrations so

you can have tweets come in you can

embed Google Drive documents all kinds incrustar documentos Google|||||

of really cool stuff and that brings us

to our final category which is cloud

sync and I think no productivity

app stack is complete without some kind

of cloud sync app if you use multiple

devices or even if you just have a

computer and a phone you want to be able

to access all of your important working

files on whatever device you happen to

have with you at the moment so my big

recommendation here is Google Drive or I

guess it's called Google one now there

are a lot of different cloud sync apps

out there and if you're not familiar

with what they do they essentially sync

all of your files then a specific folder

to the cloud and then keep them synced |||||||sincronizados

between all of your devices and up to

date on all of your devices which is

very very important and useful but I

like Google Drive the best simply

because it has the best pricing for free |||||mejor precio gratis||

15 gigabytes which is higher than I

think any other competitor out there and

then if you need more space you can get

a hundred gigabytes for just two bucks a

month and that is again better than most

of the other options out there and of

course you also get access to the entire

Google office suite you get Google Docs ||paquete de oficina||||Documentos de Google

sheets I forget if they're PowerPoint

competitor is but it's pretty good now

some people will find that the Microsoft

apps are better so you might want to go

with onedrive some people are Apple only

so maybe iCloud Drive I like Google

Drive now it's important to remember

that all these apps are just tools and

yes using and tweaking them and adding |||ajustándolos||| sí usarlos y retocarlos y añadir

them into your system can definitely

help make improvements to your

efficiency in your workflow but to make

more significant improvements you need

to focus on the hardware up here and you

do that by making sure you're

consistently learning new things and

also working on your problem solving

skills and one resource that can help

you in both of those areas at the same

time is brilliant brilliant is a

learning platform that helps you

efficiently master math science and

computer science through library of more

than 50 in-depth courses that all focus

on active learning when you're going

through a course on brilliant you're not

just passively in taking information

you're instead immediately tackling

challenging yet bite-sized problems that

are laid out in a logical order and it

will help you stay interested longer and

learn faster and boost your general

problem-solving skills along the way now

in their library you'll find courses on

calculus on probability gravitational

physics Python programming and lots lots

more plus their daily challenges feature

gives you new problems to solve every

single day in a variety of areas which

can help you make learning a daily habit

so to get started for free

- brilliant org slash thomas frank and

sign-up and if you're one of the first

200 people to use that link you're gonna

get 20% off the annual premium

subscription huge thanks as always -

brilliant for sponsoring this video at

being a big supporter of my channel and

thank you for watching hopefully you got

a good recommendation in this video that

you haven't checked out before or maybe

just some inspiration for tweaking the ||||ajustar|

app that you already use either way if

you enjoy the video definitely leave a

like to support the channel and I will

see you in the next video until then you

can subscribe right there to make sure

you don't miss out on new videos that

come up and again that new video is

going to be mine ocean setup so

definitely check that out if you're


otherwise you can get a free copy of

this book right here on how to earn

better grades it is a digital copy but

you click right there and get it

delivered to your email for free and

beyond that you can just check out a

couple more videos on this channel right

here or here thanks again for watching

and I will see you in the next