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Easy Stories in English, The Hair Thief - Easy Stories in English

The Hair Thief - Easy Stories in English

Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great.

I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. Today's story is for pre-intermediate learners. The name of the story is The Hair Thief. You can find a transcript of the episode at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. This contains the full story, as well as my conversation before it.

So today I'm reading you another story by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, a Japanese author. If you didn't listen last week, he is one of the most famous authors from Japan. He is sometimes known as the “father of the Japanese short story”.

The original title of this story is Rashoumon. Rashoumon is the name of a big gate in Kyoto, one of the largest cities in Japan. But this gate doesn't actually exist anymore. There is a stone monument that says, “This is where Rashoumon was”, but in modern pronunciation it's called Rajoumon, I believe.

When I say ‘a gate'... Well, Japanese “gates” are very, very big. They're huge. Much bigger than any Western gate. Gates are an important part of both of the major religions in Japan, Buddhism and Shinto. They are a barrier, so they mark where the normal world ends and the sacred, or magical, world begins. But at the same time, they can't be closed. They are always open. So they represent the fact that these worlds can mix.

They are in themselves a kind of space. So the big gates usually have rooms inside them. And in this story, one of the scenes happens inside the room of the gate Rashoumon.

You may be familiar with the film Rashomon, but actually the story is not this one. The same setting is used in the film as in this story, but the plot of the film Rashomon is from In a Grove, which is a story by the same author.

I've actually never seen the film, but I want to, because it's apparently very good. But I can see why they chose this setting because it's very, very moody. It's very scary, very creepy. It's just mysterious. So I think it would work really well in a film.

Anyway, I changed the name of this story because if you don't know the film and you don't know the author, the name “Rashoumon” probably doesn't mean anything to you. Also, the podcast is called Easy Stories in English, so if the name of the story is a Japanese word, it might confuse some people. So my title is based more on what happens in the story.

Let me just talk about some words in the story that you may not know.

So one of the things that comes up is “wigs”. So, a wig is a kind of fake hair. So, people who are bald, people who have no hair, can use wigs, and also people who dress up for their job, maybe performers, would use wigs sometimes. Britney Spears cut off all her hair and then started wearing wigs, for example. Sometimes wigs are fake, so they're made of plastic, but sometimes they're made of real, human hair.

“Snakes” also come up. So a snake is a long, thin animal with no arms. I think most of you probably know what a snake is, but I just want to make it clear, so you don't get confused. There is a snake in the Bible, so the Christian text, the Bible. The snake in the Garden of Eden tells Eve to eat the apple and everything went badly after that.

In the West and I think most parts of the world, people don't eat snakes. And they don't eat them in Japan either… usually. Well, I don't want to ruin the surprise!

So, remember you can find the transcript of this episode at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. And that's the full story as well as my conversation in text format.

So, listen and enjoy!

The Hair Thief

It was a cold, wet evening in Kyoto. The servant of a samurai stood under Rashoumon, a big gate. It was raining a lot, and he was waiting for the rain to stop.

Nobody else stood under the wide gate. It had once been bright red, but now the colour was fading. Large parts of the paint were coming off. On some parts of the gate sat insects. Rashoumon was on a large street, so usually there would be other people there, waiting for the rain to stop. But nobody else stood under the wide gate.

The city of Kyoto, where the gate stood, had suffered many problems in the past few years. The earth shook, winds attacked the city, and there were great fires. Many people died. Those who survived had to become thieves and murderers. People went into temples and stole Buddhist statues, and broke them into pieces, so that they could use them to light fires. So with all this trouble, it was not surprising that Rashoumon was falling apart.

Animals, such as foxes, had made their homes in the ruins of the gate, and many thieves made their home there, too. People even brought dead bodies to the gate and dropped them there. They did not have the money to bury them. At night, the gate was so creepy that nobody went inside.

As I said before, there was a man standing below the gate, waiting for the rain to stop. I told you he was the servant of a samurai, but this was a lie. Actually, he had just lost his job. Normally, he would have gone to the samurai's house to wait for the rain to stop. But because he had lost his job, he could not do this. He had worked for the samurai for many years, but because of the problems in Kyoto, many people had lost their jobs. So the man stood under Rashoumon, and thought about what to do.

He had two choices.

One, he could remain honest. This would mean he would certainly starve. He would die, because he had no food. Many people were starving to death at that time in Kyoto. His dead body would be dropped at this very gate.

The second option was to become a thief. He did not want to do this, because the samurai had taught him to be an honest man. He kept thinking through his problem, but his mind came to the same decision each time. He would have to become a thief. Still, he was afraid. He didn't want to be a thief.

The man sneezed many times. Atchoo, atchoo, atchoo! The cold weather made him feel sick. He wished he could sit by a fire and heat up. Even the insects that were sat on the gate had gone now, because it was so cold.

He looked up at Rashoumon. There were stairs in the side of the gate that lead up to a small room. That was where people put the dead bodies. It was going to be very creepy, but he had no choice. He needed to get out of the cold. So he would have to spend the night there. He put his hand on the sword he had on his belt, and started to climb the stairs.

A few seconds later, he saw something move in the room above. He held his breath and watched. Someone had made a light up there, and they were moving around in the room. The light was yellow, and made the room look even creepier. He tried to keep as quiet as he could, and went up the rest of the stairs.

At the top, he could see several dead bodies lying on the floor. The light was weak, and it was too dark to see how many there were. Some were naked, and others still had their clothes. They looked so still, that it was hard to believe they were ever alive. The smell was so strong that he had to cover his nose with his hand.

In front of one of the bodies was an old woman. She had grey hair, and was holding a torch, which was where the light was coming from. She was looking right into the face of a dead woman with long, black hair. As he watched, the old woman grabbed the black hairs and pulled them out one by one.

At first, the man was afraid. But his fear quickly turned into hate. This woman was evil, and she made him feel a strong hate of all evil. His hate burned like the old woman's torch.

Why was she pulling the hair out of the dead? It was hard to know whether she was truly evil, because he did not know why she did it. But pulling hair from the dead in Rashoumon, in the middle of a rainy night, was a serious crime to him. He quickly forgot that he had thought about becoming a thief.

He stepped forward, his hand on his sword. The old woman turned, and jumped up. She was shaking with fear. She waited for a moment, and then jumped towards the stairs.

‘Monster! Where are you going?' he shouted. He stood in front of her so she could not go down the stairs. She tried to push him away, and they started fighting. They fell onto the floor, and fought beside the dead bodies. He grabbed her arm and pulled it around her back, so that she couldn't move. Her arms were nothing but skin and bones. She was silent.

He pulled out his sword and held it under her nose. She was still silent. She shook, and her eyes were wide open. Her breath was slow and heavy. Her life was in his hands.

‘Look,' he said. ‘I'm not a police officer. I'm a stranger who was passing by this gate. I won't arrest you or hurt you, but you must tell me what you're doing up here.'

The old woman looked at him with sharp eyes. ‘I pull out the hair to make wigs.'

The evil in her disappeared. Suddenly, she was an old woman, shaking with fear. She was just an old woman who stole hair from the dead to make wigs. She probably only made a small amount of money from them. But he still felt hate for her. The old woman saw this, and spoke.

‘Making wigs out of hair of the dead may seem a great evil to you. But the people who have been dropped here are not good people. This woman, with the black hair, used to trick people. She took snakes, and cut them up, and sold them as dried fish. The city guards bought her snake meat, and said it was delicious fish.

‘If she hadn't died, she would still be selling her snake meat as fish. But still, what she did wasn't wrong. If she hadn't done it, she would have starved to death. So it can't be wrong. She had no other choice. She would probably think the same about me pulling out her hair.'

The man put his sword away and listened to her. He felt courage, suddenly. When he grabbed the woman, he had felt hate. Now he felt courage. He stopped asking himself if he should starve to death or become a thief. The idea of starvation was now unbelievable.

‘Are you sure?' he said. ‘Are you sure that the black-haired woman would think that what you do is right, because you need it to live?'

‘Yes, absolutely.'

‘Then it's right if I steal from you. If I don't steal from you, I'll starve to death.'

Then he pulled her clothes off her body and kicked her so that she fell onto the dead bodies. He ran down the stairs with her yellow clothes under his arm and disappeared into the night.

The old woman cried, and slowly stood up. She picked up her torch and went to look down the stairs. Beyond the light of the torch, there was only darkness, unknowing and unknown.


I hope you enjoyed the story. You can support the podcast by leaving a review on iTunes. Search for Easy Stories in English, give us a star rating, and say what you like about the show. It would really help us grow. Thank you for listening, and until next week.

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The Hair Thief - Easy Stories in English ||โจร|||| The Hair Thief - قصص سهلة باللغة الإنجليزية The Hair Thief - Einfache Geschichten auf Englisch The Hair Thief - Easy Stories in English The Hair Thief - Cuentos fáciles en inglés Le voleur de cheveux - Histoires faciles en anglais Il ladro di capelli - Storie facili in inglese 髪泥棒 - 英語で読むやさしい物語 머리카락 도둑 - 쉬운 영어 이야기 Złodziej włosów - łatwe historie po angielsku The Hair Thief - Histórias fáceis em inglês The Hair Thief - Легкие истории на английском языке Saç Hırsızı - İngilizce Kolay Hikayeler The Hair Thief - Легкі історії англійською 偷头发的小偷 頭髮賊 - 簡單的英語故事

Welcome to Easy Stories in English, the podcast that will take your English from OK to Good, and from Good to Great. مرحبًا بك في Easy Stories باللغة الإنجليزية ، البودكاست الذي سينقل لغتك الإنجليزية من OK إلى Good ومن Good إلى Great.

I am Ariel Goodbody, your host for this show. أنا أرييل جودبودي ، مضيفك لهذا العرض. Ich bin Ariel Goodbody, Ihr Gastgeber für diese Show. Ben Ariel Goodbody, bu programın sunucusuyum. Я Аріель Гудбоді, ведуча цієї програми. Today's story is for pre-intermediate learners. قصة اليوم للمتعلمين ما قبل المتوسط. Die heutige Geschichte ist für fortgeschrittene Lerner. Сегодняшняя история предназначена для учащихся начального уровня. Сьогоднішня історія розрахована на учнів з попереднім середнім рівнем володіння мовою. The name of the story is The Hair Thief. اسم القصة هو "سارق الشعر". Der Name der Geschichte ist The Hair Thief. O nome da história é The Hair Thief. Название рассказа - "Вор волос". Історія називається "Викрадач волосся". You can find a transcript of the episode at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. يمكنك العثور على نسخة من الحلقة على EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. Транскрипт епізоду можна знайти на сайті EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. هذا هو EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. This contains the full story, as well as my conversation before it. هذا يحتوي على القصة الكاملة ، وكذلك محادثتي قبلها. Ovo sadrži cijelu priču, kao i moj razgovor prije nje. Здесь содержится полный текст рассказа, а также моя беседа до него. Bu, hikayenin tamamını ve ondan önceki konuşmamı içerir. Тут міститься повна історія, а також моя розмова перед нею.

So today I'm reading you another story by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, a Japanese author. أقرأ لكم اليوم قصة أخرى لمؤلف ياباني Ryuunosuke Akutagawa. Então hoje eu estou lendo outra história de Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, um autor japonês. Bugün size Japon yazar Ryuunosuke Akutagawa'nın başka bir öyküsünü okuyorum. Тож сьогодні я читаю вам ще одне оповідання японського автора Рюносуке Акутагави. If you didn't listen last week, he is one of the most famous authors from Japan. |||||||||||||นักเขียน|| |||||||||||||autores|| إذا لم تستمع الأسبوع الماضي ، فهو أحد أشهر المؤلفين اليابانيين. Se você não ouviu na semana passada, ele é um dos autores mais famosos do Japão. Geçen hafta dinlemediyseniz, kendisi Japonya'nın en ünlü yazarlarından biridir. Якщо ви не слухали минулого тижня, він є одним з найвідоміших авторів з Японії. He is sometimes known as the “father of the Japanese short story”. يُعرف أحيانًا باسم "والد القصة اليابانية القصيرة". Bazen "Japon kısa öyküsünün babası" olarak bilinir.

The original title of this story is Rashoumon. |||||||Rashomon العنوان الأصلي لهذه القصة هو راشومون. Оригинальное название этой истории - Rashoumon. Bu hikayenin orijinal adı Rashoumon'dur. Оригінальна назва цієї історії - "Рашумон". Rashoumon is the name of a big gate in Kyoto, one of the largest cities in Japan. Rashoumon|||||||portão||Kyoto||||||| راشومون هو اسم بوابة كبيرة في كيوتو ، إحدى أكبر المدن في اليابان. Rashoumon es el nombre de una gran puerta en Kyoto, una de las ciudades más grandes de Japón. Rashoumon je ime velikih vrata u Kyotu, jednom od najvećih gradova u Japanu. Rashoumon é o nome de um grande portão em Kyoto, uma das maiores cidades do Japão. Rashoumon, Japonya'nın en büyük şehirlerinden biri olan Kyoto'daki büyük bir kapının adıdır. Рашумон - це назва великих воріт у Кіото, одному з найбільших міст Японії. But this gate doesn't actually exist anymore. لكن هذه البوابة لم تعد موجودة بالفعل. Pero esta puerta ya no existe realmente. Mas esse portão não existe mais. Ama bu kapı artık mevcut değil. Але цієї брами насправді більше не існує. There is a stone monument that says, “This is where Rashoumon was”, but in modern pronunciation it's called Rajoumon, I believe. ||||纪念碑|||||||||||||||| ||||Denkmal||||||||||||||Rajoumon|| ||||monument|||||||||||||||| ||||อนุสาวรีย์|||||||||||||||| ||||monumento||||||||||||||Rajoumon|| هناك نصب تذكاري حجري يقول ، "هذا هو المكان الذي كان فيه راشومون" ، ولكن في النطق الحديث يسمى راجومون ، على ما أعتقد. Postoji kameni spomenik koji kaže: "Ovdje je bio Rashoumon", ali u modernom izgovoru zove se Rajoumon, vjerujem. Há um monumento de pedra que diz: "Este é o lugar onde Rashoumon estava", mas na pronúncia moderna é chamado Rajoumon, eu acredito. Там есть каменный памятник, на котором написано: "Здесь был Рашумон", но в современном произношении он, по-моему, называется Раджумон. "Burası Rashoumon'un olduğu yer" yazan bir taş anıt var, ancak modern telaffuzda Rajoumon olarak adlandırıldığına inanıyorum. Там є кам'яний пам'ятник, на якому написано: "Тут був Рашумон", але в сучасній вимові він, здається, називається Раджумон.

When I say ‘a gate'... Well, Japanese “gates” are very, very big. |||||||portões|||| عندما أقول "بوابة" ... حسنًا ، "البوابات" اليابانية كبيرة جدًا جدًا. Cuando digo "una puerta" ... Bueno, las "puertas" japonesas son muy, muy grandes. Quando eu digo "um portão" ... Bem, "portões" japoneses são muito, muito grandes. Коли я кажу "ворота"... Ну, японські "ворота" дуже, дуже великі. They're huge. Eles são enormes. Much bigger than any Western gate. ||||ตะวันตก| ||||ocidental| Mucho más grande que cualquier puerta occidental. Muito maior que qualquer portão ocidental. Herhangi bir Batı kapısından çok daha büyük. Набагато більше, ніж будь-яка західна брама. Gates are an important part of both of the major religions in Japan, Buddhism and Shinto. ||||||||||宗教||||| ||||||||||ศาสนา||||| ||||||||||religiões|||||Xinto Las puertas son una parte importante de las dos principales religiones en Japón, el budismo y Shinto. 門は、日本の主要な宗教である仏教と神道の両方の重要な部分です。 Os portões são uma parte importante de ambas as principais religiões no Japão, o budismo e o xintoísmo. Ворота є важливою частиною обох основних релігій Японії - буддизму та синтоїзму. They are a barrier, so they mark where the normal world ends and the sacred, or magical, world begins. |||Barriere||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||sacred|||| |||อุปสรรค|||||||||||ศักดิ์สิ|||| |||barreira|||||||||||||mágico|| Son una barrera, por lo que marcan dónde termina el mundo normal y comienza el mundo sagrado o mágico. One su barijera, pa označavaju gdje prestaje normalan svijet i počinje sveti, odnosno magični svijet. それらは障壁であるため、通常の世界が終わり、神聖な、または魔法の世界が始まる場所を示します。 Eles são uma barreira, então eles marcam onde o mundo normal termina e o mundo sagrado, ou mágico, começa. Они являются барьером и обозначают место, где заканчивается обычный мир и начинается сакральный, или магический, мир. Onlar bir bariyerdir, bu yüzden normal dünyanın bittiği ve kutsal ya da büyülü dünyanın başladığı yeri işaretlerler. Вони є бар'єром, тому позначають, де закінчується звичайний світ і починається сакральний, або магічний, світ. But at the same time, they can't be closed. ||||||||ปิด しかし同時に、それらを閉じることはできません。 Mas, ao mesmo tempo, eles não podem ser fechados. Но в то же время их нельзя закрывать. Ancak aynı zamanda kapatılamazlar. Але водночас вони не можуть бути закритими. They are always open. 彼らは常に開いています。 Eles estão sempre abertos. Вони завжди відкриті. So they represent the fact that these worlds can mix. ||darstellen||||||| |||||||mundos|| Así que representan el hecho de que estos mundos pueden mezclarse. したがって、これらはこれらの世界が混在する可能性があるという事実を表しています。 Então eles representam o fato de que esses mundos podem se misturar. Таким образом, они представляют тот факт, что эти миры могут смешиваться. Yani bu dünyaların karışabileceği gerçeğini temsil ediyorlar. Отже, вони уособлюють той факт, що ці світи можуть змішуватися.

They are in themselves a kind of space. |||||||Raum |||eles mesmos|||| Sie sind in sich selbst eine Art Raum. Son en sí mismos una especie de espacio. One su same po sebi neka vrsta prostora. それらはそれ自体が一種の空間です。 Eles são em si um tipo de espaço. Они сами по себе являются своего рода пространством. Kendi içlerinde bir tür mekândırlar. Вони самі по собі є своєрідним простором. So the big gates usually have rooms inside them. Takže velká vrata mají obvykle místnosti uvnitř. Então os grandes portões geralmente têm salas dentro deles. Тому великі ворота зазвичай мають кімнати всередині. And in this story, one of the scenes happens inside the room of the gate Rashoumon. |||||||Szenen|||||||| |||||||ฉาก|||||||| A v tomto příběhu se jedna ze scén odehrává v místnosti brány Rashoumon. E nesta história, uma das cenas acontece dentro da sala do portão Rashoumon. Ve bu hikayede, sahnelerden biri Rashoumon kapısının odasında gerçekleşiyor. І в цій історії одна зі сцен відбувається в кімнаті брами Рашумон.

You may be familiar with the film Rashomon, but actually the story is not this one. |||vertraut|||||||||||| Puede que estés familiarizado con la película Rashomon, pero en realidad la historia no es esta. Você pode estar familiarizado com o filme Rashomon, mas na verdade a história não é essa. Rashomon filmine aşina olabilirsiniz, ama aslında hikaye bu değil. Можливо, ви знайомі з фільмом Рашомон, але насправді історія не така. The same setting is used in the film as in this story, but the plot of the film Rashomon is from In a Grove, which is a story by the same author. |||||||||||||||||||||||En un bosque|||||||| ||||||||||||||Handlung|||||||||Im Dickicht|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||bosque|||||||| ||||||||||||||เรื่อง||||||||||||||||| Der Schauplatz des Films ist derselbe wie in dieser Geschichte, aber die Handlung des Films Rashomon stammt aus In einem Hain, einer Erzählung desselben Autors. El mismo escenario se usa en la película que en esta historia, pero la trama de la película Rashomon es de In a Grove, que es una historia del mismo autor. U filmu se koristi ista postavka kao iu ovoj priči, ali radnja filma Rashomon je iz In a Grove, što je priča istog autora. O mesmo cenário é usado no filme como nesta história, mas o enredo do filme Rashomon é de In a Grove, que é uma história do mesmo autor. В фильме использована та же обстановка, что и в рассказе, но сюжет фильма "Рашомон" взят из рассказа "В роще" того же автора. Filmde de bu öyküdeki aynı ortam kullanılmış, ancak Rashomon filminin konusu aynı yazarın bir öyküsü olan In a Grove'dan alınmıştır. У фільмі використані ті ж самі декорації, що і в цьому оповіданні, але сюжет фільму "Рашомон" запозичений з оповідання "У гаю", яке належить тому ж автору.

I've actually never seen the film, but I want to, because it's apparently very good. ||||||||||||anscheinend|| ||||||||||||ดูเหมือนว่า|| En realidad nunca he visto la película, pero quiero hacerlo, porque aparentemente es muy buena. Zapravo nikad nisam pogledao film, ali želim, jer je izgleda vrlo dobar. Eu nunca vi o filme, mas eu quero, porque aparentemente é muito bom. Насправді я ніколи не бачив цього фільму, але хочу подивитися, бо він, судячи з усього, дуже хороший. But I can see why they chose this setting because it's very, very moody. |||||||||||||情绪化 |||||||||||||stimmungsvoll |||||||||||||มีอารมณ์ |||||||||||||melancólico ||||||||cenário|||||sombrio Pero puedo ver por qué eligieron esta configuración porque es muy, muy malhumorado. Mas eu posso ver porque eles escolheram esse cenário porque é muito, muito mal-humorado. Но я понимаю, почему они выбрали именно это место, потому что оно очень, очень угрюмое. Ama neden bu ortamı seçtiklerini anlayabiliyorum çünkü çok ama çok karamsar. Але я розумію, чому вони обрали саме таку обстановку, бо вона дуже, дуже похмура. It's very scary, very creepy. ||||unheimlich ||||น่าขนล ||assustador||assustador Es muy aterrador, muy espeluznante. É muito assustador, muito assustador. Це дуже страшно, дуже моторошно. It's just mysterious. Es simplemente misterioso. To je jednostavno misteriozno. É apenas misterioso. Це просто загадково. So I think it would work really well in a film. Así que creo que funcionaría muy bien en una película. だから私はそれが映画で本当にうまくいくと思います。 Então eu acho que funcionaria muito bem em um filme. Bu yüzden bir filmde çok işe yarayacağını düşünüyorum. Тому я думаю, що це дуже добре спрацювало б у фільмі.

Anyway, I changed the name of this story because if you don't know the film and you don't know the author, the name “Rashoumon” probably doesn't mean anything to you. De todos modos, cambié el nombre de esta historia porque si no conoces la película y no conoces al autor, el nombre "Rashoumon" probablemente no signifique nada para ti. Enfim, mudei o nome dessa história porque se você não conhece o filme e não conhece o autor, o nome “Rashoumon” provavelmente não significa nada para você. Also, the podcast is called Easy Stories in English, so if the name of the story is a Japanese word, it might confuse some people. também|||||||||||||||||||||||| Além disso, o podcast é chamado de Easy Stories em inglês, então se o nome da história for uma palavra japonesa, isso pode confundir algumas pessoas. So my title is based more on what happens in the story. Můj název tedy vychází spíše z toho, co se děje v příběhu. Então, meu título é baseado mais no que acontece na história. Yani benim başlığım daha çok hikâyede olanlara dayanıyor.

Let me just talk about some words in the story that you may not know. Permítanme hablar sobre algunas palabras de la historia que quizás no conozca. あなたが知らないかもしれない話のいくつかの言葉について話させてください。 Deixe-me falar apenas sobre algumas palavras da história que você talvez não conheça. Hikayede geçen ve bilmediğiniz bazı kelimelerden bahsetmeme izin verin.

So one of the things that comes up is “wigs”. |||||||||Perücken |||||||||wigs |||||||||วิก |||||||||pelucas |||||||||perucas Así que una de las cosas que surge es "pelucas". Dakle, jedna od stvari koja se pojavljuje su "perike". ですから、出てくるものの1つは「かつら」です。 Então, uma das coisas que surgem é “perucas”. И вот одна из тем, которая возникает, - "парики". So, a wig is a kind of fake hair. ||วิก|||||ปลอม| ||peruca|||||| Entonces, una peluca es una especie de cabello falso. Então, uma peruca é um tipo de cabelo falso. Итак, парик - это разновидность искусственных волос. So, people who are bald, people who have no hair, can use wigs, and also people who dress up for their job, maybe performers, would use wigs sometimes. ||||||||||||假发|||||||||||表演者|||| ||||kahlköpfig||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||หัวล้าน||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||carecas|||||||||||||vestem||||||artistas|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||intérpretes|||| Entonces, las personas que son calvas, las que no tienen pelo, pueden usar pelucas, y también las personas que se disfrazan para su trabajo, tal vez artistas, a veces usan pelucas. Então, pessoas que são carecas, pessoas que não têm cabelo podem usar perucas, e também pessoas que se vestem para seu trabalho, talvez artistas, usariam perucas às vezes. Yani, kel olan insanlar, saçı olmayan insanlar peruk kullanabilir ve ayrıca işleri için giyinen insanlar, belki de sanatçılar bazen peruk kullanabilir. Britney Spears cut off all her hair and then started wearing wigs, for example. Britney Spears|Britney Spears cortou todo o seu cabelo e depois começou a usar perucas, por exemplo.|||||||||||| たとえば、ブリトニー・スピアーズは髪の毛をすべて切り落とし、かつらをつけ始めました。 Britney Spears cortou todo o cabelo e começou a usar perucas, por exemplo. Sometimes wigs are fake, so they're made of plastic, but sometimes they're made of real, human hair. Às vezes, as perucas são falsas, então são feitas de plástico, mas às vezes são feitas de cabelo humano real.

“Snakes” also come up. "Las serpientes" también suben. “Cobras” também aparecem. Появляются также "змеи". "Yılanlar" da ortaya çıkıyor. So a snake is a long, thin animal with no arms. Portanto, uma cobra é um animal longo e magro, sem braços. Yani yılan, kolları olmayan uzun, ince bir hayvandır. I think most of you probably know what a snake is, but I just want to make it clear, so you don't get confused. Creo que la mayoría de ustedes probablemente saben lo que es una serpiente, pero solo quiero dejarlo claro para que no se confunda. Acho que a maioria de vocês provavelmente sabe o que é uma cobra, mas só quero deixar isso claro, para que não se confundam. Sanırım çoğunuz yılanın ne olduğunu biliyorsunuz, ama ben sadece kafanızın karışmaması için açıklığa kavuşturmak istiyorum. There is a snake in the Bible, so the Christian text, the Bible. ||||||พระคัมภี|||||| ||||||Bíblia|||||| Existe uma cobra na Bíblia, então o texto cristão, a Bíblia. В Библии есть змея, то есть христианский текст, Библия. İncil'de bir yılan vardır, yani Hıristiyan metni olan İncil'de. The snake in the Garden of Eden tells Eve to eat the apple and everything went badly after that. ||||||||||||||||糟糕地|| |||||||||||||||foi||| ||||||||อีฟ|||||||||| La serpiente en el Jardín del Edén le dice a Eva que coma la manzana y todo salió mal después de eso. エデンの園のヘビはイブにリンゴを食べるように言いました、そしてその後すべてがうまくいきませんでした。 A cobra no Jardim do Éden diz a Eva para comer a maçã e tudo vai mal depois disso. Змей в Эдемском саду уговаривает Еву съесть яблоко, и после этого все пошло наперекосяк.

In the West and I think most parts of the world, people don't eat snakes. No Ocidente e acho que na maior parte do mundo, as pessoas não comem cobras. And they don't eat them in Japan either… usually. |sie||essen||||auch| Und in Japan isst man sie auch nicht... normalerweise. E eles também não os comem no Japão ... normalmente. И в Японии их тоже не едят... обычно. Ve Japonya'da da yemezler... genellikle. Well, I don't want to ruin the surprise! |||||破坏|| |||||ทำให้เสีย|| Pa, ne želim pokvariti iznenađenje! さて、驚きを台無しにしたくない! Bem, eu não quero estragar a surpresa! Ну, я не хочу портить сюрприз! Sürprizi mahvetmek istemem!

So, remember you can find the transcript of this episode at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. Portanto, lembre-se de que você pode encontrar a transcrição desse episódio em EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. That's EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. Isso é EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Hair. And that's the full story as well as my conversation in text format. E essa é a história completa, bem como minha conversa em formato de texto.

So, listen and enjoy! Therefore||| Então, ouça e divirta-se!

The Hair Thief ||Der Haardieb The|| 髪の泥棒 O ladrão de cabelo

It was a cold, wet evening in Kyoto. Era una tarde fría y húmeda en Kioto. Era uma noite fria e úmida em Kyoto. Kyoto'da soğuk ve yağışlı bir akşamdı. The servant of a samurai stood under Rashoumon, a big gate. ||||武士|||||| |Diener||||||||| ||||warrior class|||||| |คนรับใช้||||||||| |servo|||samurai|ficou||||| El sirviente de un samurai estaba debajo de Rashoumon, una gran puerta. 한 무사의 하인이 큰 문인 라쇼몬 아래에 서 있었습니다. O servo de um samurai estava sob Rashoumon, um grande portão. Bir samurayın hizmetkârı büyük bir kapı olan Rashoumon'un altında duruyordu. It was raining a lot, and he was waiting for the rain to stop. Estava chovendo muito e ele esperava que a chuva parasse.

Nobody else stood under the wide gate. |outro|ficou|||| Nadie más estaba bajo la puerta ancha. 넓은 대문 아래에는 아무도 서 있지 않았습니다. Ninguém mais ficou sob o portão largo. Geniş kapının altında başka kimse durmuyordu. It had once been bright red, but now the colour was fading. |||||||||||褪色 Es||einst||leuchtend|rot||||||verblasste |||||||||||desvaneciéndose |||||||||||desbotando Es war einmal leuchtend rot gewesen, aber jetzt war die Farbe verblasst. Una vez había sido rojo brillante, pero ahora el color se estaba desvaneciendo. かつては真っ赤でしたが、今では色あせていました。 Antes era vermelho brilhante, mas agora a cor estava sumindo. Когда-то он был ярко-красным, но теперь цвет потускнел. Large parts of the paint were coming off. ||||a tinta||| Gran parte de la pintura se desprendía. Otpadali su veliki dijelovi boje. 塗料の大部分が剥がれていました。 페인트의 많은 부분이 벗겨지고 있었습니다. Grande parte da tinta estava caindo. Boyanın büyük bir kısmı dökülüyordu. On some parts of the gate sat insects. |||||||Insekten ||||||sentadas|insetos En algunas partes de la puerta se sentaban insectos. Na nekim dijelovima vrata sjedili su kukci. 門のいくつかの部分に昆虫が座っていました。 게이트의 일부에는 곤충이 앉아있었습니다. Em algumas partes do portão sentaram-se insetos. На некоторых частях ворот сидели насекомые. Kapının bazı kısımlarında böcekler oturuyordu. Rashoumon was on a large street, so usually there would be other people there, waiting for the rain to stop. Rashoumon estaba en una calle grande, así que normalmente había otras personas allí, esperando que la lluvia se detuviera. 羅生門は大通りにあったので、普段は雨がやむのを待っている人がいた。 Rashoumon ficava em uma rua grande, então normalmente haveria outras pessoas lá, esperando a chuva parar. Рашумон находился на большой улице, так что обычно там были и другие люди, ожидающие окончания дождя. But nobody else stood under the wide gate. Mas ninguém mais ficou sob o portão largo.

The city of Kyoto, where the gate stood, had suffered many problems in the past few years. |||||||||gelitten|||in||||Jahre |||||||||ประสบปัญหา||||||| |||||||||sofreu||||||| Die Stadt Kyoto, in der das Tor stand, hatte in den letzten Jahren unter vielen Problemen zu leiden. La ciudad de Kyoto, donde estaba la puerta, había sufrido muchos problemas en los últimos años. A cidade de Kyoto, onde ficava o portão, havia sofrido muitos problemas nos últimos anos. Kapının bulunduğu Kyoto şehri son birkaç yıl içinde pek çok sorun yaşamıştı. The earth shook, winds attacked the city, and there were great fires. |||风|||||||| ||bebte||||||||| ||สั่น||||||||| ||tremeu|ventos||||||||incêndios La tierra tembló, los vientos atacaron la ciudad, y hubo grandes incendios. 地球が揺れ、風が街を襲い、大火事がありました。 A terra tremeu, os ventos atacaram a cidade e houve grandes incêndios. Земля содрогнулась, ветры набросились на город, начались сильные пожары. Yer sarsıldı, rüzgârlar şehre saldırdı ve büyük yangınlar çıktı. Many people died. Muitas pessoas morreram. Those who survived had to become thieves and murderers. ||幸存者||||小偷||杀人犯 Diejenigen||||||||Mörder ||||||โจร||ฆาตกร ||||||ladrones|| ||sobreviveram||||ladrões||assassinos Diejenigen, die überlebten, mussten zu Dieben und Mördern werden. Oni koji su preživjeli morali su postati lopovi i ubojice. Aqueles que sobreviveram se tornaram ladrões e assassinos. Те, кто выжил, вынуждены были стать ворами и убийцами. Hayatta kalanlar hırsız ve katil olmak zorunda kaldı. People went into temples and stole Buddhist statues, and broke them into pieces, so that they could use them to light fires. Menschen||||||||||||Stücke||||||||| |||วัด||||รูปปั้น|||||||||||||| |||templos||||estátuas|||||||||||||| Die Leute gingen in die Tempel und stahlen buddhistische Statuen und zerbrachen sie in Stücke, um sie zum Anzünden von Feuer zu verwenden. La gente fue a los templos y robó estatuas budistas, y las rompió en pedazos, para que pudieran usarlas para encender fuegos. 人々は寺院に行って仏像を盗み、それらを細かく砕いて火を灯すことができました。 Люди заходили в храмы, похищали буддийские статуи и разбивали их на куски, чтобы использовать для розжига костров. İnsanlar tapınaklara girip Budist heykellerini çalıyor ve ateş yakmak için kullanmak üzere onları parçalara ayırıyorlardı. So with all this trouble, it was not surprising that Rashoumon was falling apart. |||||||||||||auseinanderfiel Takže se všemi těmi potížemi nebylo překvapivé, že se Rashoumon rozpadal. Bei all diesen Problemen war es nicht verwunderlich, dass Rashoumon auseinander fiel. Así que con todo este problema, no era sorprendente que Rashoumon se estuviera desmoronando. Dakle, uz sve ove probleme, nije bilo iznenađujuće da se Rashoumon raspadao. Portanto, com todo esse problema, não era surpreendente que Rashoumon estivesse desmoronando. Поэтому неудивительно, что из-за всех этих проблем Рашумон разваливался. Tüm bu sorunlarla birlikte Rashoumon'un dağılıyor olması şaşırtıcı değildi.

Animals, such as foxes, had made their homes in the ruins of the gate, and many thieves made their home there, too. |||狐狸|||||||||||||||||| |||สุนัขจ|||||||||||||||||| |||raposas|||||||||||||||||| Životinje, poput lisica, nastanile su se u ruševinama vrata, a tu su se smjestili i mnogi lopovi. キツネなどの動物が門の廃墟に家を建て、多くの泥棒もそこに家を建てました。 Animais, como raposas, fizeram suas casas nas ruínas do portão, e muitos ladrões também fizeram suas casas lá. Tilkiler gibi hayvanlar kapının kalıntılarını evleri haline getirmişlerdi ve birçok hırsız da burayı evleri haline getirmişti. People even brought dead bodies to the gate and dropped them there. ||brachten||||||||| ||trajeron||||||||| ||trouxeram|||||portão||deixaram|| 人々は死体を門に運び、そこに落としました。 As pessoas até trouxeram cadáveres para o portão e os jogaram lá. Люди даже приносили к воротам трупы и бросали их там. İnsanlar cesetleri bile kapıya getirip bıraktılar. They did not have the money to bury them. |||||||埋葬| |||||||ฝัง| Eles|||||||enterrar| 彼らは彼らを埋めるお金を持っていませんでした。 Eles não tinham dinheiro para enterrá-los. У них не было денег, чтобы похоронить их. Onları gömecek paraları yoktu. At night, the gate was so creepy that nobody went inside. ||||||unheimlich|||| ||||||น่าขนล|||| Por la noche, la puerta era tan espeluznante que nadie entró. 夜、門はとても不気味だったので、誰も中に入っていませんでした。 À noite, o portão era tão assustador que ninguém entrou.

As I said before, there was a man standing below the gate, waiting for the rain to stop. Como eu disse antes, havia um homem parado embaixo do portão, esperando a chuva parar. Daha önce de söylediğim gibi, kapının altında durmuş yağmurun dinmesini bekleyen bir adam vardı. I told you he was the servant of a samurai, but this was a lie. Te dije que era el sirviente de un samurai, pero esto era una mentira. 彼は侍のしもべだと言ったが、これは嘘だった。 Eu disse que ele era o servo de um samurai, mas era mentira. Я говорил вам, что он слуга самурая, но это была ложь. Actually, he had just lost his job. En realidad, acababa de perder su trabajo. 実際、彼は仕事を失ったばかりでした。 Na verdade, ele tinha acabado de perder o emprego. На самом деле он только что потерял работу. Normally, he would have gone to the samurai's house to wait for the rain to stop. |||||||武士的|||||||| |||||||ซามูไร|||||||| |||||||do samurai|||||||| Normalmente, él habría ido a la casa del samurai a esperar que la lluvia se detuviera. 通常、彼は雨が止むのを待つために武士の家に行ったでしょう。 평소 같으면 비가 그치기를 기다리기 위해 사무라이의 집으로 갔을 것입니다. Normalmente, ele teria ido para a casa do samurai para esperar a chuva parar. Обычно он отправлялся в дом самурая, чтобы переждать дождь. Normalde samurayın evine gidip yağmurun dinmesini beklerdi. But because he had lost his job, he could not do this. |||||sein|||||| 하지만 직장을 잃었기 때문에 이 일을 할 수 없었습니다. Mas porque ele havia perdido o emprego, ele não podia fazer isso. He had worked for the samurai for many years, but because of the problems in Kyoto, many people had lost their jobs. Godinama je radio za samuraje, ali zbog problema u Kyotu mnogi su ljudi ostali bez posla. 그는 오랫동안 사무라이를 위해 일했지만 교토의 문제로 인해 많은 사람들이 일자리를 잃었습니다. So the man stood under Rashoumon, and thought about what to do. 그래서 그 남자는 라쇼몬 아래에 서서 어떻게 해야 할지 생각했습니다. Então o homem ficou sob Rashoumon e pensou no que fazer. Böylece adam Rashoumon'un altında durdu ve ne yapacağını düşündü.

He had two choices. Tenía dos opciones. Ele tinha duas escolhas.

One, he could remain honest. Einer|||bleiben| ||||ซื่อสัตย์ Uno, él podría seguir siendo honesto. 一つは、彼は正直であり続けることができた。 첫째, 그는 정직하게 지낼 수 있었습니다. Um, ele poderia permanecer honesto. Во-первых, он мог оставаться честным. Birincisi, dürüst kalabilirdi. This would mean he would certainly starve. ||||||饿死 ||||||verhungern ||||||อดอยาก ||||||morir de hambre ||||||passaria fome Esto significaría que ciertamente se moriría de hambre. これは彼が確かに飢えていることを意味するでしょう。 이는 그가 굶주릴 것이 분명하다는 것을 의미합니다. Isso significaria que ele certamente morreria de fome. Bu kesinlikle açlıktan öleceği anlamına geliyordu. He would die, because he had no food. Ele morreria porque não tinha comida. Many people were starving to death at that time in Kyoto. |||morrendo de fome||||||| Muchas personas se morían de hambre en ese momento en Kyoto. Muitas pessoas estavam morrendo de fome naquela época em Kyoto. В то время в Киото многие люди умирали от голода. His dead body would be dropped at this very gate. Su cuerpo muerto sería arrojado en esta misma puerta. Njegovo mrtvo tijelo će biti bačeno na ova vrata. 彼の死体はまさにこの門に落とされるでしょう。 그의 시신은 바로 이 문에 버려질 것입니다. Seu cadáver seria jogado neste mesmo portão. Его труп будет сброшен у этих самых ворот. Cesedi tam da bu kapıya bırakılacaktı.

The second option was to become a thief. A segunda opção era se tornar um ladrão. He did not want to do this, because the samurai had taught him to be an honest man. |||||||||||สอน|||||| |||||||||||ensinado|||||| 侍が彼に正直な人であると教えたので、彼はこれをしたくありませんでした。 그는 사무라이가 그에게 정직한 사람이 되라고 가르쳤기 때문에 이것을 원하지 않았습니다. He kept thinking through his problem, but his mind came to the same decision each time. |manteve||através|||||||||||| Seguía pensando en su problema, pero su mente tomaba la misma decisión cada vez. 彼は自分の問題について考え続けましたが、彼の心は毎回同じ決断をしました。 Ele continuou pensando em seu problema, mas sua mente tomava a mesma decisão todas as vezes. Он продолжал обдумывать свою проблему, но каждый раз приходил к одному и тому же решению. Sorunu üzerinde düşünmeye devam etti, ancak zihni her seferinde aynı karara vardı. He would have to become a thief. Tendría que convertirse en un ladrón. 彼は泥棒にならなければならないでしょう。 그는 도둑이 되어야만 했습니다. Still, he was afraid. Sin embargo, tenía miedo. И все же он боялся. He didn't want to be a thief.

The man sneezed many times. ||niesste|| ||จาม|| ||espirrou|| El hombre estornudó muchas veces. O homem espirrou várias vezes. Atchoo, atchoo, atchoo! The cold weather made him feel sick. O tempo frio o fez sentir-se mal. He wished he could sit by a fire and heat up. |||||||||calentarse| |||||||||aquecer|aquecer Deseó poder sentarse junto al fuego y calentarse. Ele gostaria de poder se sentar perto do fogo e se aquecer. Ему хотелось бы посидеть у костра и отогреться. Bir ateşin yanına oturup ısınmayı diledi. Even the insects that were sat on the gate had gone now, because it was so cold. とても寒かったので、門に座っていた虫もいなくなってしまいました。 Até os insetos que estavam sentados no portão haviam sumido agora, porque estava muito frio. Даже насекомые, сидевшие на воротах, улетели, потому что было очень холодно. Hava çok soğuk olduğu için kapının üzerinde oturan böcekler bile gitmişti.

He looked up at Rashoumon. Levantó la vista hacia Rashoumon. Ele olhou para Rashoumon. There were stairs in the side of the gate that lead up to a small room. Había escaleras en el lado de la puerta que conducía a una pequeña habitación. Sa strane vrata nalazile su se stepenice koje su vodile u malu sobu. Kapının yan tarafında küçük bir odaya çıkan merdivenler vardı. That was where people put the dead bodies. |||||||ศพ Ahí era donde la gente ponía los cadáveres. Туда люди складывали трупы. It was going to be very creepy, but he had no choice. ||||||น่าขนล||||| ||||||Iba a ser muy espeluznante, pero no tenía otra opción.||||| Iba a ser muy espeluznante, pero no tenía otra opción. Seria muito assustador, mas ele não tinha escolha. Это будет очень жутко, но у него не было выбора. He needed to get out of the cold. Necesitaba salir del frio. Ele precisava sair do frio. So he would have to spend the night there. Então ele teria que passar a noite lá. He put his hand on the sword he had on his belt, and started to climb the stairs. ||||||Schwert||||||||||| ||||||espada||||||||||| Puso la mano en la espada que tenía en el cinturón y comenzó a subir las escaleras. 彼はベルトに持っていた剣に手を置き、階段を上り始めた。 Ele colocou a mão na espada que tinha no cinto e começou a subir as escadas. Elini belindeki kılıcın üzerine koydu ve merdivenleri tırmanmaya başladı.

A few seconds later, he saw something move in the room above. |||||||||||oben drüber Unos segundos más tarde, vio que algo se movía en la habitación de arriba. 数秒後、彼は上の部屋で何かが動くのを見ました。 Alguns segundos depois, ele viu algo se mover na sala acima. Через несколько секунд он увидел, что в комнате наверху что-то движется. He held his breath and watched. |กลั้น|||| |segurou||respiração|| Contuvo el aliento y miró. 彼は息を止めて見守っていた。 Ele prendeu a respiração e observou. Someone had made a light up there, and they were moving around in the room. Alguien había hecho una luz allí, y se estaban moviendo en la habitación. Netko je gore upalio svjetlo i oni su se kretali po sobi. Alguém acendeu uma luz lá em cima, e eles estavam se movendo pela sala. Кто-то зажег там свет, и он перемещался по комнате. Birisi orada bir ışık yapmış ve odanın içinde hareket ediyordu. The light was yellow, and made the room look even creepier. ||||||||||更阴森 ||||||||||unheimlicher ||||||||||น่าขนล ||||||||||mais assustador La luz era amarilla, e hizo que la habitación pareciera aún más espeluznante. A luz era amarela e tornava a sala ainda mais assustadora. Işık sarıydı ve odayı daha da ürkütücü gösteriyordu. He tried to keep as quiet as he could, and went up the rest of the stairs. ||||||||||subiu|||||| |พยายาม||||||||||||||| Intentó mantenerse lo más tranquilo que pudo y subió el resto de las escaleras. 彼はできるだけ静かにしようとし、残りの階段を上った。 Ele tentou ficar o mais quieto que pôde e subiu o resto da escada. Стараясь ступать как можно тише, он поднялся по остальным ступеням. Elinden geldiğince sessiz kalmaya çalıştı ve merdivenlerin geri kalanını çıktı.

At the top, he could see several dead bodies lying on the floor. ||||||mehrere|||||| |||||||||deitados||| No topo, ele podia ver vários cadáveres caídos no chão. The light was weak, and it was too dark to see how many there were. |||schwach||||||||||| La luz era débil, y estaba demasiado oscuro para ver cuántos había. 光が弱く、暗すぎて何個あるかわかりませんでした。 A luz estava fraca e muito escuro para ver quantos eram. Свет был слабым, и было слишком темно, чтобы понять, сколько их. Işık zayıftı ve kaç kişi olduklarını görmek için çok karanlıktı. Some were naked, and others still had their clothes. ||เปลือยก|||||| ||desnudos|||||| ||nus|||||| Algunos estaban desnudos, y otros todavía tenían sus ropas. Alguns estavam nus e outros ainda tinham suas roupas. They looked so still, that it was hard to believe they were ever alive. |||||||||||waren|| |||imóveis|||||||||| Parecían tan quietos, que era difícil creer que estuvieran vivos. Izgledali su tako mirno da je bilo teško povjerovati da su ikada bili živi. 彼らはとても静かに見えたので、彼らが今まで生きていたとは信じられませんでした。 Eles pareciam tão imóveis, que era difícil acreditar que algum dia estiveram vivos. Они выглядели настолько неподвижными, что трудно было поверить, что они вообще живы. O kadar hareketsiz görünüyorlardı ki, hayatta olduklarına inanmak zordu. The smell was so strong that he had to cover his nose with his hand. O cheiro era tão forte que ele teve que cobrir o nariz com a mão. Запах был настолько сильным, что ему пришлось закрыть нос рукой. Koku o kadar güçlüydü ki eliyle burnunu kapatmak zorunda kaldı.

In front of one of the bodies was an old woman. Frente a uno de los cuerpos había una anciana. Na frente de um dos corpos estava uma velha. She had grey hair, and was holding a torch, which was where the light was coming from. ||||||||Fackel|||||||| ||||||||ไฟฉาย|||||||| ||cinza|||||||||||||| Tenía el pelo gris y sostenía una antorcha, que era de donde venía la luz. Ela tinha cabelos grisalhos e segurava uma tocha, de onde vinha a luz. Gri saçları vardı ve elinde bir fener tutuyordu, ışığın geldiği yer de burasıydı. She was looking right into the face of a dead woman with long, black hair. Estaba mirando directamente a la cara de una mujer muerta con el pelo largo y negro. 彼女は長い黒髪の死んだ女性の顔を直視していた。 Ela estava olhando diretamente para o rosto de uma mulher morta com longos cabelos negros. Она смотрела прямо в лицо мертвой женщины с длинными черными волосами. Uzun, siyah saçlı ölü bir kadının yüzüne bakıyordu. As he watched, the old woman grabbed the black hairs and pulled them out one by one. |||||||||头发||||||| Als||||||||||||||||einen nach dem anderen ||||||จับ|||||||||| ||||||pegou|||cabelos||puxou||||| Während er zusah, griff die alte Frau nach den schwarzen Haaren und zog sie einzeln heraus. Mientras observaba, la anciana agarró los pelos negros y los sacó uno por uno. 彼が見ていると、老婆は黒い髪をつかみ、一本一本引き抜いた。 Enquanto ele observava, a velha agarrou os cabelos pretos e os puxou um por um. Пока он смотрел, старуха хватала черные волоски и выдергивала их один за другим. O izlerken, yaşlı kadın siyah saçları tuttu ve teker teker çekti.

At first, the man was afraid. Al principio, el hombre tenía miedo. No começo, o homem ficou com medo. Сначала человек испугался. But his fear quickly turned into hate. Pero su miedo se convirtió rápidamente en odio. しかし、彼の恐れはすぐに憎しみに変わりました。 Mas seu medo rapidamente se transformou em ódio. Но страх быстро перерос в ненависть. This woman was evil, and she made him feel a strong hate of all evil. Esta mujer era malvada, y ella lo hacía sentir un fuerte odio por todo mal. Ova je žena bila zla i natjerala ga je da osjeća snažnu mržnju prema svakom zlu. この女性は悪であり、彼女は彼にすべての悪に対する強い憎しみを感じさせました。 Esta mulher era má e o fazia sentir um forte ódio de todo o mal. Эта женщина была злой, и она вызывала у него сильную ненависть ко всему злому. Bu kadın şeytandı ve ona tüm kötülüklere karşı güçlü bir nefret hissettiriyordu. His hate burned like the old woman's torch. Sein||||||der alten Frau|Fackel ||||||da mulher| Sein Hass brannte wie die Fackel der alten Frau. Su odio ardía como la antorcha de la anciana. Njegova je mržnja gorjela poput staričine baklje. 彼の憎しみは老婆のたいまつのように燃えた。 Seu ódio queimava como a tocha da velha. Его ненависть горела, как факел старухи. Nefreti yaşlı kadının meşalesi gibi yanıyordu.

Why was she pulling the hair out of the dead? |||ดึง|||||| ¿Por qué ella estaba sacando el pelo de entre los muertos? Zašto je čupala kosu mrtvacima? なぜ彼女は死者の中から髪を引っ張ったのですか? Por que ela estava arrancando o cabelo dos mortos? Зачем она выдирала волосы из мертвецов? It was hard to know whether she was truly evil, because he did not know why she did it. |||||หรือไม่||||||||||||| |||||se||||||||||||| Era difícil saber si ella era verdaderamente malvada, porque él no sabía por qué lo hizo. Era difícil saber se ela era realmente má, porque ele não sabia por que ela fazia isso. Трудно было понять, действительно ли она злая, потому что он не знал, почему она так поступает. Onun gerçekten kötü olup olmadığını bilmek zordu, çünkü bunu neden yaptığını bilmiyordu. But pulling hair from the dead in Rashoumon, in the middle of a rainy night, was a serious crime to him. ||||||||||||||||||อาชญากรรม|| Pero arrancar el cabello de los muertos en Rashoumon, en medio de una noche lluviosa, fue un delito grave para él. しかし、雨の夜の真っ只中に羅城門で死者の中から髪を引っ張ることは、彼にとって重大な犯罪でした。 Mas arrancar cabelo dos mortos em Rashoumon, no meio de uma noite chuvosa, era um crime grave para ele. Но вырывание волос у мертвецов в Рашумоне, посреди дождливой ночи, было для него серьезным преступлением. He quickly forgot that he had thought about becoming a thief. ||esqueceu|||||||| 彼はすぐに泥棒になることを考えていたことを忘れました。 Ele rapidamente esqueceu que pensava em se tornar um ladrão. Hırsız olmayı düşündüğünü çabucak unuttu.

He stepped forward, his hand on his sword. |deu um passo|para frente||||| Dio un paso adelante, con la mano en la espada. 彼は剣に手を当てて前に出た。 Ele deu um passo à frente, com a mão na espada. Он шагнул вперед, положив руку на меч. The old woman turned, and jumped up. La anciana se dio la vuelta y se levantó de un salto. 老婆は振り返り、飛び上がった。 A velha se virou e deu um pulo. Старуха повернулась и вскочила. She was shaking with fear. ||zitterte|| ||ela estava tremendo de medo|| Ella estaba temblando de miedo. 彼女は恐怖で震えていました。 Ela estava tremendo de medo. Она дрожала от страха. She waited for a moment, and then jumped towards the stairs. ||||||||auf die|| ||||||||em direção|| Esperó un momento y luego saltó hacia las escaleras. 彼女はしばらく待ってから、階段に向かってジャンプしました。 Ela esperou um momento e então saltou em direção à escada. Bir süre bekledi ve sonra merdivenlere doğru atladı.

‘Monster! Where are you going?' どこに行くの?' Onde você está indo?' Куда ты идешь? he shouted. |er schrie ele gritou. He stood in front of her so she could not go down the stairs. |ยืน|||||||||||| Él se paró frente a ella para que ella no pudiera bajar las escaleras. Ele ficou na frente dela para que ela não pudesse descer as escadas. Merdivenlerden inememesi için onun önünde durdu. She tried to push him away, and they started fighting. Ella intentó alejarlo, y comenzaron a pelear. Ela tentou afastá-lo e eles começaram a lutar. They fell onto the floor, and fought beside the dead bodies. ||||||ต่อสู้|||| 彼らは床に倒れ、死体のそばで戦った。 Eles caíram no chão e lutaram ao lado dos cadáveres. Они упали на пол и сражались рядом с мертвыми телами. Yere düştüler ve cesetlerin yanında dövüştüler. He grabbed her arm and pulled it around her back, so that she couldn't move. Er|||||||||Rücken||||| Er packte ihren Arm und zog ihn um ihren Rücken, so dass sie sich nicht bewegen konnte. Él la agarró del brazo y se la llevó a la espalda, para que ella no pudiera moverse. 彼は彼女の腕をつかんで背中の周りに引っ張ったので、彼女は動くことができなかった。 Ele agarrou o braço dela e puxou-o pelas costas, de modo que ela não pudesse se mover. Он схватил ее за руку и потянул за спину, чтобы она не могла пошевелиться. Her arms were nothing but skin and bones. |||||||Knochen Sus brazos eran nada más que piel y huesos. 彼女の腕は皮膚と骨に他ならない。 Seus braços não eram nada além de pele e ossos. На ее руках были только кожа и кости. Kolları bir deri bir kemikten başka bir şey değildi. She was silent. ||Sie schwieg. Ela ficou em silêncio. Она молчала.

He pulled out his sword and held it under her nose. Él sacó su espada y la sostuvo bajo su nariz. 彼は剣を抜いて彼女の鼻の下に持った。 Ele puxou sua espada e segurou-a sob o nariz dela. Он вытащил свой меч и поднес его к ее носу. She was still silent. Ella todavía estaba en silencio. Ela ainda estava em silêncio. She shook, and her eyes were wide open. |ตัวสั่น|||||| |tremeu|||||| Ella se estremeció, y sus ojos estaban bien abiertos. 彼女は震え、目を大きく開いた。 Ela tremeu e seus olhos estavam bem abertos. Она задрожала, и ее глаза широко раскрылись. Her breath was slow and heavy. Sua respiração estava lenta e pesada. Her life was in his hands. A vida dela estava em suas mãos.

‘Look,' he said. "Olha", disse ele. ‘I'm not a police officer. ||||policial 'Eu não sou um policial. I'm a stranger who was passing by this gate. ||estranho|||||| Soy un extraño que pasaba por esta puerta. 私はこの門を通りかかった見知らぬ人です。 Eu sou um estranho que estava passando por este portão. Я - незнакомец, который проходил мимо этих ворот. Ben bu kapıdan geçen bir yabancıyım. I won't arrest you or hurt you, but you must tell me what you're doing up here.' ||verhaften|||||||||||||| ||จับ|||||||||||||| ||prender|||||||||||||| No te arrestaré ni te haré daño, pero debes decirme qué estás haciendo aquí arriba. Não vou prendê-lo nem machucá-lo, mas precisa me contar o que está fazendo aqui.

The old woman looked at him with sharp eyes. La anciana lo miró con ojos agudos. A velha olhou para ele com olhos penetrantes. ‘I pull out the hair to make wigs.' |||||||perucas 'Me saco el pelo para hacer pelucas'. "Eu arranco o cabelo para fazer perucas." "Peruk yapmak için saçları koparıyorum.

The evil in her disappeared. Das||||verschwand Das Böse in ihr verschwand. 彼女の悪は消えた。 O mal nela desapareceu. Зло в ней исчезло. Suddenly, she was an old woman, shaking with fear. ||||||||Angst Plötzlich war sie eine alte Frau, die vor Angst zitterte. De repente, ella era una anciana, temblando de miedo. 突然、彼女は老婆になり、恐怖で震えました。 De repente, ela era uma mulher velha, tremendo de medo. She was just an old woman who stole hair from the dead to make wigs. Ela era apenas uma velha que roubava cabelo dos mortos para fazer perucas. She probably only made a small amount of money from them. Probablemente ella solo hizo una pequeña cantidad de dinero de ellos. 彼女はおそらく彼らからわずかな金額しか稼ぎませんでした。 Ela provavelmente só ganhou uma pequena quantia de dinheiro com eles. Вероятно, она заработала на них совсем немного. Muhtemelen onlardan sadece küçük bir miktar para kazanmıştır. But he still felt hate for her. Pero él todavía sentía odio por ella. しかし、彼はまだ彼女を憎んでいると感じていました。 Mas ele ainda sentia ódio por ela. Но он по-прежнему испытывал к ней ненависть. The old woman saw this, and spoke. 老婆はこれを見て話しました。 A velha viu isso e falou. Старуха увидела это и заговорила.

‘Making wigs out of hair of the dead may seem a great evil to you. 'Hacer pelucas con el pelo de los muertos puede parecerte un gran mal. 「死者の髪の毛からかつらを作ることはあなたにとって大きな悪に思えるかもしれません。 - Fazer perucas com o cabelo dos mortos pode parecer um grande mal para você. Изготовление париков из волос умерших может показаться вам большим злом. 'Ölülerin saçlarından peruk yapmak size büyük bir kötülük gibi görünebilir. But the people who have been dropped here are not good people. |||ที่|||||||| Pero las personas que han caído aquí no son buenas personas. しかし、ここに落とされた人々は良い人々ではありません。 Mas as pessoas que foram descartadas aqui não são boas. Но люди, которые сюда попали, - нехорошие люди. Ancak buraya bırakılan insanlar iyi insanlar değil. This woman, with the black hair, used to trick people. ||||||||engañar| Esta mujer, con el pelo negro, solía engañar a la gente. Ova žena, s crnom kosom, prijevarila je ljude. Essa mulher, de cabelo preto, costumava enganar as pessoas. Эта женщина с черными волосами обманывала людей. Siyah saçlı bu kadın insanları kandırırdı. She took snakes, and cut them up, and sold them as dried fish. Sie|||||||||||getrocknet|getrockneter Fisch |||||||||||ปลาแห้ง| Sie nahm Schlangen, zerschnitt sie und verkaufte sie als Trockenfisch. Tomó serpientes, las cortó y las vendió como pescado seco. Uzela je zmije, isjekla ih i prodala kao sušenu ribu. 彼女はヘビを取り、それらを切り刻み、干物として販売しました。 Ela pegou cobras, cortou-as e vendeu-as como peixe seco. Она брала змей, разделывала их и продавала как сушеную рыбу. Yılanları alır, keser ve kurutulmuş balık olarak satardı. The city guards bought her snake meat, and said it was delicious fish. Die||||||||||||Fisch ||guardas|||||||||| Die Stadtwachen kauften ihr Schlangenfleisch und sagten, es sei köstlicher Fisch. Os guardas da cidade compraram carne de cobra para ela e disseram que era um peixe delicioso. Городские стражники угостили ее змеиным мясом и сказали, что это вкусная рыба.

‘If she hadn't died, she would still be selling her snake meat as fish. 'Si ella no hubiera muerto, todavía estaría vendiendo su carne de serpiente como pescado. 「彼女が死ななかったならば、彼女はまだ彼女のヘビの肉を魚として売っていたでしょう。 'Se ela não tivesse morrido, ela ainda estaria vendendo sua carne de cobra como peixe. Если бы она не умерла, то до сих пор продавала бы свое змеиное мясо под видом рыбы. But still, what she did wasn't wrong. Pero aún así, lo que ella hizo no estaba mal. しかし、それでも、彼女がしたことは間違っていませんでした。 Mesmo assim, o que ela fez não foi errado. Но все же в том, что она сделала, нет ничего плохого. Ama yine de yaptığı şey yanlış değildi. If she hadn't done it, she would have starved to death. ||||||||饿死|| ||||||||verhungert|| ||||||||อดตาย|| ||||||||muerto de hambre|| ||||||||morreria de fome|| もし彼女がそれをしていなかったら、彼女は飢えて死んでいたでしょう。 Se ela não tivesse feito isso, ela teria morrido de fome. Если бы она этого не сделала, то умерла бы от голода. Eğer bunu yapmasaydı, açlıktan ölecekti. So it can't be wrong. Así que no puede estar equivocado. だからそれは間違いではありません。 Portanto, não pode estar errado. Поэтому она не может быть ошибочной. She had no other choice. 彼女は他に選択肢がなかった。 Ela não tinha outra escolha. У нее не было другого выбора. She would probably think the same about me pulling out her hair.' Sie|||||||||||Haare herausziehen ||||||||puxando||| Sie würde wahrscheinlich dasselbe denken, wenn ich ihr die Haare ausreißen würde.' Probablemente ella pensaría lo mismo de que yo me arrancara el pelo. 彼女はおそらく私が彼女の髪を抜くことについて同じことを考えるでしょう。 Ela provavelmente pensaria o mesmo sobre eu arrancar seu cabelo. Она, наверное, подумала бы то же самое, если бы я вырвал у нее волосы". Muhtemelen saçını çekmem konusunda da aynı şeyi düşünürdü.

The man put his sword away and listened to her. 男は剣を片付けて彼女の言うことを聞いた。 O homem guardou sua espada e a ouviu. Мужчина убрал меч и выслушал ее. He felt courage, suddenly. ||Er fühlte plötzlich Mut.| ||ความกล้าหาญ| ||coragem| Sintió coraje, de repente. 彼は突然勇気を感じた。 Ele sentiu coragem, de repente. Он вдруг почувствовал смелость. When he grabbed the woman, he had felt hate. Als||||||||Hass ||agarrou|||||| Als er die Frau packte, hatte er Hass empfunden. Cuando agarró a la mujer, sintió odio. 彼がその女性をつかんだとき、彼は憎しみを感じていた。 Quando ele agarrou a mulher, ele sentiu ódio. Когда он схватил женщину, он почувствовал ненависть. Now he felt courage. |||Ahora sentía valor. Ahora sentía coraje. Agora ele sentia coragem. Теперь он почувствовал смелость. He stopped asking himself if he should starve to death or become a thief. Ele parou de se perguntar se deveria morrer de fome ou se tornar um ladrão. Он перестал спрашивать себя, что ему делать: умереть с голоду или стать вором. The idea of starvation was now unbelievable. |||饥饿||| ||||||unglaublich |||ความอดอยาก||| |||La idea de **inanición** era ahora increíble.||| |||a inanição||| La idea de la inanición era ahora increíble. 飢餓の考えは今では信じられないほどでした。 A ideia de fome agora era inacreditável. Мысль о голодной смерти теперь казалась невероятной. Açlık fikri artık inanılmazdı.

‘Are you sure?' 'Tem certeza?' he said. ele disse. ‘Are you sure that the black-haired woman would think that what you do is right, because you need it to live?' ||||||黑发的||||||||||||||| ||||||de cabelos||||||||||||||| "¿Estás seguro de que la mujer de pelo negro pensaría que lo que haces es correcto, porque lo necesitas para vivir?" 「あなたはそれが生きるために必要なので、黒髪の女性はあなたがしていることが正しいと思うだろうと確信していますか?」 'Tem certeza de que a mulher de cabelo preto pensaria que o que você faz é certo, porque você precisa disso para viver?' Вы уверены, что черноволосая женщина считает правильным то, что вы делаете, потому что вам это нужно для жизни? "Siyah saçlı kadının yaptığınız şeyin doğru olduğunu düşüneceğinden emin misiniz, çünkü yaşamak için buna ihtiyacınız var?

‘Yes, absolutely.' 'Sim absolutamente.' 'Да, безусловно'.

‘Then it's right if I steal from you. 'Entonces está bien si te robo. 「それなら、私があなたから盗んだら正しい。 - Então está certo se eu roubar de você. 'Тогда будет правильно, если я у тебя украду. If I don't steal from you, I'll starve to death.' 私があなたから盗まなければ、私は餓死するでしょう。」 Se eu não roubar de você, vou morrer de fome. ' Если я не украду у тебя, то умру с голоду". Eğer sizden çalmazsam, açlıktan öleceğim.

Then he pulled her clothes off her body and kicked her so that she fell onto the dead bodies. Dann||||||||||||||||||Leichen ||puxou|||||||chutou||||||||| Dann zog er ihr die Kleider vom Leib und trat sie, so dass sie auf die Leichen fiel. Luego le quitó la ropa del cuerpo y la pateó para que cayera sobre los cadáveres. それから彼は彼女の服を彼女の体から引き離し、彼女が死体に落ちるように彼女を蹴った。 Então ele tirou a roupa dela e a chutou de forma que ela caiu sobre os corpos. Затем он сорвал с нее одежду и ударил ногой так, что она упала на трупы. Sonra kadının kıyafetlerini çekip çıkardı ve tekmeleyerek ölü bedenlerin üzerine düşmesini sağladı. He ran down the stairs with her yellow clothes under his arm and disappeared into the night. ||||||||||||||in die|| |||||||||||||หายไป||| |desceu||||||||||||||| Corrió por las escaleras con su ropa amarilla bajo el brazo y desapareció en la noche. Ele desceu correndo as escadas com as roupas amarelas dela debaixo do braço e desapareceu na noite. Он сбежал по лестнице с ее желтой одеждой под мышкой и скрылся в ночи.

The old woman cried, and slowly stood up. A||||||| La anciana lloró, y lentamente se puso de pie. 老婆は泣き、ゆっくりと立ち上がった。 A velha chorou e se levantou devagar. Старуха заплакала и медленно встала. She picked up her torch and went to look down the stairs. ||||Taschenlampe||||||| Cogió su linterna y fue a mirar las escaleras. 彼女はトーチを手に取り、階段を見下ろしに行きました。 Ela pegou a tocha e foi olhar as escadas. Она взяла фонарик и пошла смотреть вниз по лестнице. Beyond the light of the torch, there was only darkness, unknowing and unknown. ||||||||||||未知的 |||||||gab es|||||unbekannt ||||||||||ไม่รู้|| ||||||||||desconhecimento|| Más allá de la luz de la antorcha, solo había oscuridad, desconocida y desconocida. Iza svjetla baklje, postojala je samo tama, nepoznata i nepoznata. トーチの光を超えて、暗闇だけがあり、知らず、未知でした。 Além da luz da tocha, havia apenas escuridão, desconhecida e desconhecida. За светом факела была только тьма, непознанная и неизвестная. Meşalenin ışığının ötesinde sadece karanlık, bilinmezlik ve bilinmezlik vardı.


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