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Twinkle Tale 2 - Policeman Bluejay by L. Frank Baum, Introduction


I MUST admit that the great success of the "TWINKLE TALES" has astonished me as much as it has delighted the solemn-eyed, hard working publishers. Therefore I have been encouraged to write a new "TWINKLE BOOK," hoping with all my heart that my little friends will find it worthy to occupy a place beside the others on their pet bookshelves. And because the children seem to especially love the story of "Bandit Jim Crow," and bird-life is sure to appeal alike to their hearts and their imaginations, I have again written about birds. The tale is fantastical, and intended to amuse rather than instruct; yet many of the traits of the feathered folk, herein described, are in strict accordance with natural history teachings and will serve to acquaint my readers with the habits of birds in their wildwood homes. At the same time my birds do unexpected things, because I have written a fairy tale and not a natural history.

The question is often asked me whether Twinkle and Chubbins were asleep or awake when they encountered these wonderful adventures; and it grieves me to reflect that the modern child has been deprived of fairy tales to such an extent that it does not know--as I did when a girl--that in a fairy story it does not matter whether one is awake or not. You must accept it as you would a fragrant breeze that cools your brow, a draught of sweet water, or the delicious flavor of a strawberry, and be grateful for the pleasure it brings you, without stopping to question too closely its source.

For my part I am glad if my stories serve to while away a pleasant hour before bedtime or keep one contented on a rainy day. In this way they are sure to be useful, and if a little tenderness for the helpless animals and birds is acquired with the amusement, the value of the tales will be doubled.


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I MUST admit that the great success of the "TWINKLE TALES" has astonished me as much as it has delighted the solemn-eyed, hard working publishers. |||||||||||||||||||||庄重的|||| |||||||||||||||||||||serious|serious-eyed||| MUSZĘ przyznać, że wielki sukces „Błyszczących Opowieści” zdumiał mnie tak samo, jak zachwycił ciężko pracujących wydawców o poważnych oczach. Tenho de admitir que o grande sucesso dos "TWINKLE TALES" me surpreendeu tanto quanto encantou os editores de olhos solenes e trabalhadores. Я ДОЛЖЕН признать, что большой успех «Мерцающих сказок» поразил меня не меньше, чем восхитил серьезных и трудолюбивых издателей. Therefore I have been encouraged to write a new "TWINKLE BOOK," hoping with all my heart that my little friends will find it worthy to occupy a place beside the others on their pet bookshelves. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||宠爱|书架上 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||favorite books| Therefore I have been encouraged to write a new "TWINKLE BOOK," hoping with all my heart that my little friends will find it worthy to occupy a place beside the others on their pet bookshelves. Por lo tanto, me he animado a escribir un nuevo "LIBRO BRILLANTE", esperando de todo corazón que mis amiguitos encuentren digno ocupar un lugar junto a los demás en sus estanterías favoritas. Поэтому меня побудили написать новую «Мерцающую книгу», всем сердцем надеясь, что мои маленькие друзья сочтут достойным занять место рядом с другими на своих любимых книжных полках. And because the children seem to especially love the story of "Bandit Jim Crow," and bird-life is sure to appeal alike to their hearts and their imaginations, I have again written about birds. Y debido a que a los niños parece gustarles especialmente la historia de "Bandit Jim Crow", y la vida de las aves seguramente atraerá tanto sus corazones como su imaginación, he vuelto a escribir sobre las aves. The tale is fantastical, and intended to amuse rather than instruct; yet many of the traits of the feathered folk, herein described, are in strict accordance with natural history teachings and will serve to acquaint my readers with the habits of birds in their wildwood homes. ||||||||||||||||||羽毛的||其中描述的||||||||||||||||||||||||野树林| At the same time my birds do unexpected things, because I have written a fairy tale and not a natural history.

The question is often asked me whether Twinkle and Chubbins were asleep or awake when they encountered these wonderful adventures; and it grieves me to reflect that the modern child has been deprived of fairy tales to such an extent that it does not know--as I did when a girl--that in a fairy story it does not matter whether one is awake or not. ||||||||||||||||||||||使我悲伤||||||||||剥夺了||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| You must accept it as you would a fragrant breeze that cools your brow, a draught of sweet water, or the delicious flavor of a strawberry, and be grateful for the pleasure it brings you, without stopping to question too closely its source. ||||||||芳香的|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Debes aceptarlo como lo harías con una brisa fragante que refresca tu frente, un trago de agua dulce o el delicioso sabor de una fresa, y estar agradecido por el placer que te brinda, sin detenerte a cuestionar demasiado de cerca su origen.

For my part I am glad if my stories serve to while away a pleasant hour before bedtime or keep one contented on a rainy day. |||||||||||||||||||||满足的|||| Por mi parte, me alegro si mis historias sirven para pasar una hora agradable antes de acostarse o para tener contento un día lluvioso. In this way they are sure to be useful, and if a little tenderness for the helpless animals and birds is acquired with the amusement, the value of the tales will be doubled.