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Pulp_Fiction, #1. In a Cafe

#1. In a Cafe

YOUNG MAN: Forget it. It's too risky. I'm through doin' that shit.

YOUNG WOMAN: You always say that. The same thing every time. I'm through, never again, too dangerous.

YOUNG MAN: I know that's what I always say. I'm always right too.

YOUNG WOMAN: But you forget about it in a day or two.

YOUNG MAN: The days of me forgettin' are over, and the days me rememberin' have just begun.

YOUNG WOMAN: You know, when you go on like this, you know what you sound like?

YOUNG MAN: I sound like a sensible fucking man, is what I sound like.

YOUNG WOMAN: You sound like a duck. Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack...

YOUNG MAN: Well take heart, 'cause you're never gonna hafta hear it again.

Because since I'm never gonna do it again, you're never gonna have to hear me quack about how I'm never gonna do it.

YOUNG WOMAN: After tonight?

YOUNG MAN: Correct. I got all tonight to quack.

WAITRESS: Can I get anyone more coffee?

YOUNG WOMAN: Oh, yes. Thank you.

WAITRESS: You are welcome.

YOUNG MAN: I mean the way it is now, you're takin' the same risk as when you rob a bank. You take more of a risk. Banks are easier! Federal banks aren't supposed to stop you anyway, during a robbery. They're insured, why should they give a fuck? I don't even need a gun in a federal bank. Heard about this one bloke, he walked into a bank with a portable phone. He gives a phone to a teller. The bloke on the other end says: "We got this guy's little girl, and if you don't give him all your money, we're gonna kill her."

YOUNG WOMAN: Did it work?

YOUNG MAN: Fuckin' right it worked, that's what I'm talkin' about! Knucklehead walks into a bank with a telephone. Not a pistol, not a shotgun, but a fuckin' phone, cleans the place out, they don't lift a fuckin' finger.

YOUNG WOMAN: Did they hurt the little girl?

YOUNG MAN: I don't know. There probably never was a little girl at the first place. The point of the story isn't the little girl. The point of the story is they robbed the bank with a telephone.

YOUNG WOMAN: You wanna rob banks?

YOUNG MAN: I'm not sayin' I wanna rob banks, I'm just illustrating that if we did, it would be easier than what we been doin'.

YOUNG WOMAN: And no more liquor stores?

YOUNG MAN: What have we been talking about? Yeah, no more-liquor-stores. Besides, it ain't the giggle it used to be. There is too many many foreigners own liquor stores. Vietnamese, Koreans, don't even speak fuckin' English. You tell 'em: "Empty out the register," and they don't know what you fuckin' talking about. They make it too personal. We keep on, one of those gook motherfuckers' gonna make us kill 'em.

YOUNG WOMAN: I'm not gonna kill anybody.

YOUNG MAN: I don't wanna kill anybody either. But they'll probably put us in a situation where it's us or them. And if it's not the gooks, it these old fucking Jews who've owned the store for fifteen fuckin' generations. Ya got Grandpa Irving sittin' behind the counter with a fuckin' Magnum in his hand. Try walkin' into one of those stores with nothin' but a telephone, see how far it gets you. Fuck it, forget it, we're out of it.

YOUNG WOMAN: Well, what then, day jobs?

YOUNG MAN: Not this life.

YOUNG WOMAN: Well what then?

YOUNG MAN: Garcon! Coffee!

YOUNG MAN: This place.

WAITRESS: "Garcon" means boy.

YOUNG WOMAN: This place? A coffee shop?

YOUNG MAN: What's wrong with that? Nobody ever robs restaurants. Why not? Bars, liquor stores, gas stations; you get your head blown off stickin' up one of them. Restaurants, on the other hand, you catch with their pants down. They're not expecting to get robbed. Not as expecting, anyway.

YOUNG WOMAN: I bet you could cut down on the hero factor in a place like this.

YOUNG MAN: Correct. Just like banks, these places are insured. Manager. He don't give a fuck. They're just tryin' to get ya out the door before you start pluggin' the diners. Waitresses. Fucking forget it. No way they are takin' a bullet for the register. Busboys. Some wetback gettin' paid a dollar fifty a hour really give a fuck you're stealin' from the owner? Customers are sittin' there with food in their mouths, they don't know what's goin' on. One minute they're havin' a Denver omelet, next minute somebody's stickin' a gun in their face.

YOUNG MAN: See, I got the idea last liquor store we stuck up. 'Member all those customers kept comin' in? See, I got the idea the last liquor store we struck up, remember? All the customers keep coming in.


YOUNG MAN: You got the idea of taking their wallets. Now, that was a good idea.


YOUNG MAN: Made more from the wallets than we did the register.

YOUNG WOMAN: Yes, we did.

YOUNG MAN: A lot of people go to restaurants.

YOUNG WOMAN: A lot of wallets.

YOUNG MAN: Pretty smart, huh?

YOUNG WOMAN: Pretty smart. I'm ready, let's do it. Right now, right here. Come on.

YOUNG MAN: All right. Same as last time, remember? You're crowd control. I handle the employees.

YOUNG WOMAN: I love you, Pumpkin.

YOUNG MAN: I love you, Honey Bunny.

PUMPKIN: Everybody be cool! This is a robbery!

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#1. In a Cafe # 1. في المقهى #1. In einem Cafe #1. En un café #1. Dans un café #1. In un caffè #1. W kawiarni #1. Num café #1. Bir Kafede #1.在咖啡館

YOUNG MAN: Forget it. الشاب: انس الأمر. GENÇ ADAM: Unut gitsin. It's too risky. C'est trop risqué. Bu çok riskli. I'm through doin' that shit. J'en ai fini avec cette merde. Estou farto de fazer essa merda. З мене досить цього лайна.

YOUNG WOMAN: You always say that. The same thing every time. I'm through, never again, too dangerous. J'en ai fini, plus jamais, trop dangereux.

YOUNG MAN: I know that's what I always say. JEUNE HOMME : Je sais que c'est ce que je dis toujours. Я знаю, що я завжди так кажу. I'm always right too.

YOUNG WOMAN: But you forget about it in a day or two.

YOUNG MAN: The days of me forgettin' are over, and the days me rememberin' have just begun. ||||||esquecendo|||||||||| الشاب: لقد ولت الأيام التي نسيتها ، والأيام التي أتذكرها قد بدأت للتو. JEUNE HOMME : Les jours où je m'oubliais sont révolus, et les jours où je me souviens ne font que commencer. МОЛОДИЙ ЧОЛОВІЧЕ: Дні, коли я забував, закінчилися, а дні, коли я пам'ятав, тільки почалися.

YOUNG WOMAN: You know, when you go on like this, you know what you sound like? المرأة الشابة: كما تعلم ، عندما تمضي على هذا النحو ، هل تعرف كيف يبدو صوتك؟ JEUNE FEMME : Tu sais, quand tu continues comme ça, tu sais à quoi tu ressembles ?

YOUNG MAN: I sound like a sensible fucking man, is what I sound like. الشاب: أبدو وكأنني رجل سخيف عاقل ، هذا ما يبدو عليه. JEUNE HOMME: J'ai l'air d'un putain d'homme sensé, c'est ce que j'ai l'air. Я говорю, як розсудливий довбаний чоловік, ось як я говорю.

YOUNG WOMAN: You sound like a duck. المرأة الشابة: تبدو مثل البطة. JEUNE FEMME : Vous avez l'air d'un canard. Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack...

YOUNG MAN: Well take heart, 'cause you're never gonna hafta hear it again. YOUNG MAN: Well take heart, 'cause you're never gonna hafta hear it again. JEUNE HOMME : Eh bien, rassurez-vous, parce que vous n'allez plus jamais l'entendre. МОЛОДИЙ ЧОЛОВІЧЕ: Заспокойся, бо ти більше ніколи не почуєш цього.

Because since I'm never gonna do it again, you're never gonna have to hear me quack about how I'm never gonna do it. Parce que puisque je ne le ferai plus jamais, tu n'auras plus jamais à m'entendre dire que je ne le ferai jamais. Тому що, оскільки я більше ніколи не буду цього робити, вам більше ніколи не доведеться чути, як я шарлатаню про те, що я більше ніколи не буду цього робити.

YOUNG WOMAN: After tonight? Після сьогоднішнього вечора?

YOUNG MAN: Correct. I got all tonight to quack. J'ai tout ce soir pour cancaner. У мене є ціла ніч, щоб кряхтіти.

WAITRESS: Can I get anyone more coffee? SERVEUSE : Puis-je avoir plus de café pour quelqu'un ?

YOUNG WOMAN: Oh, yes. Thank you.

WAITRESS: You are welcome.

YOUNG MAN: I mean the way it is now, you're takin' the same risk as when you rob a bank. JEUNE HOMME : Je veux dire comme c'est maintenant, tu prends le même risque que quand tu braques une banque. Я маю на увазі, що зараз ви ризикуєте так само, як при пограбуванні банку. You take more of a risk. Ви більше ризикуєте. Banks are easier! Federal banks aren't supposed to stop you anyway, during a robbery. Les banques fédérales ne sont pas censées vous arrêter de toute façon, lors d'un vol. Федеральні банки не повинні зупиняти вас під час пограбування. They're insured, why should they give a fuck? Ils sont assurés, pourquoi s'en foutent-ils ? Вони застраховані, яка їм різниця? I don't even need a gun in a federal bank. Heard about this one bloke, he walked into a bank with a portable phone. Entendu parler de ce type, il est entré dans une banque avec un téléphone portable. Чув про одного хлопця, який зайшов до банку з портативним телефоном. He gives a phone to a teller. Il donne un téléphone à un caissier. Він дає телефон касиру. The bloke on the other end says: "We got this guy's little girl, and if you don't give him all your money, we're gonna kill her." Le type à l'autre bout du fil dit : "Nous avons la petite fille de ce type, et si vous ne lui donnez pas tout votre argent, nous allons la tuer."

YOUNG WOMAN: Did it work?

YOUNG MAN: Fuckin' right it worked, that's what I'm talkin' about! JEUNE HOMME : Putain ça a marché, c'est de ça dont je parle ! МОЛОДИЙ ЧОЛОВІЧЕ: Бляха-муха, це спрацювало, ось про що я кажу! Knucklehead walks into a bank with a telephone. foolish person||||||| Knucklehead entre dans une banque avec un téléphone. Придурок заходить до банку з телефоном. Not a pistol, not a shotgun, but a fuckin' phone, cleans the place out, they don't lift a fuckin' finger. Pas un pistolet, pas un fusil de chasse, mais un putain de téléphone, nettoie l'endroit, ils ne lèvent pas le petit doigt. Не пістолет, не дробовик, а сраний телефон, зачищає місце, а вони й пальцем не ворухнуть.

YOUNG WOMAN: Did they hurt the little girl?

YOUNG MAN: I don't know. There probably never was a little girl at the first place. Il n'y a probablement jamais eu de petite fille au départ. Напевно, там ніколи не було маленької дівчинки. The point of the story isn't the little girl. Le but de l'histoire n'est pas la petite fille. The point of the story is they robbed the bank with a telephone.

YOUNG WOMAN: You wanna rob banks?

YOUNG MAN: I'm not sayin' I wanna rob banks, I'm just illustrating that if we did, it would be easier than what we been doin'.

YOUNG WOMAN: And no more liquor stores? І більше ніяких винних магазинів?

YOUNG MAN: What have we been talking about? МОЛОДИЙ ЧОЛОВІЧЕ: Про що ми говорили? Yeah, no more-liquor-stores. Besides, it ain't the giggle it used to be. En plus, ce n'est plus le fou rire qu'il était. До того ж, це вже не той сміх, що раніше. There is too many many foreigners own liquor stores. Занадто багато іноземців володіють алкогольними магазинами. Vietnamese, Koreans, don't even speak fuckin' English. You tell 'em: "Empty out the register," and they don't know what you fuckin' talking about. Tu leur dis : "Videz la caisse", et ils ne savent pas de quoi vous parlez. Кажеш їм: "Викладайте все з каси", а вони не розуміють, про що ви, блядь, говорите. They make it too personal. Вони роблять це занадто особистим. We keep on, one of those gook motherfuckers' gonna make us kill 'em. ||||||derogatory term|||||| On continue, un de ces enfoirés va nous obliger à les tuer. Якщо ми не зупинимося, один з цих виродків змусить нас вбити їх.

YOUNG WOMAN: I'm not gonna kill anybody. Я не збираюся нікого вбивати.

YOUNG MAN: I don't wanna kill anybody either. But they'll probably put us in a situation where it's us or them. Але вони, ймовірно, поставлять нас у ситуацію, коли або ми, або вони. And if it's not the gooks, it these old fucking Jews who've owned the store for fifteen fuckin' generations. |||||Vietnamese people||||||||||||| Et si ce ne sont pas les fous, ce sont ces putains de vieux juifs qui tiennent le magasin depuis quinze putains de générations. І якщо це не косоокі, то це старі довбані євреї, які володіють крамницею вже п'ятнадцять довбаних поколінь. Ya got Grandpa Irving sittin' behind the counter with a fuckin' Magnum in his hand. Tu as mis grand-père Irving assis derrière le comptoir avec un putain de Magnum à la main. За прилавком сидить дідусь Ірвінг з довбаним "Магнумом" у руці. Try walkin' into one of those stores with nothin' but a telephone, see how far it gets you. Essayez d'entrer dans l'un de ces magasins avec rien d'autre qu'un téléphone, voyez jusqu'où cela vous mène. Fuck it, forget it, we're out of it. Putain, oublie ça, on s'en sort.

YOUNG WOMAN: Well, what then, day jobs? JEUNE FEMME : Eh bien, quoi alors, les emplois de jour ?

YOUNG MAN: Not this life.

YOUNG WOMAN: Well what then?

YOUNG MAN: Garcon! Coffee!

YOUNG MAN: This place.

WAITRESS: "Garcon" means boy.

YOUNG WOMAN: This place? A coffee shop?

YOUNG MAN: What's wrong with that? МОЛОДИЙ ЧОЛОВІЧЕ: А що в цьому поганого? Nobody ever robs restaurants. Why not? Bars, liquor stores, gas stations; you get your head blown off stickin' up one of them. Bars, magasins d'alcools, stations-service; tu te fais exploser la tête en collant l'un d'eux. Бари, винні крамниці, заправки - вам рознесуть голову, якщо ви зайдете до одного з них. Restaurants, on the other hand, you catch with their pants down. Les restaurants, par contre, vous attrapez avec leur pantalon baissé. Ресторани, з іншого боку, ви застаєте зі спущеними штанами. They're not expecting to get robbed. Not as expecting, anyway. Принаймні, не так, як я очікував.

YOUNG WOMAN: I bet you could cut down on the hero factor in a place like this. JEUNE FEMME : Je parie que vous pourriez réduire le facteur héros dans un endroit comme celui-ci. JOVEM MULHER: Aposto que você poderia reduzir o fator herói em um lugar como este. Можу посперечатися, що в такому місці, як це, можна було б зменшити фактор героя.

YOUNG MAN: Correct. Just like banks, these places are insured. Tout comme les banques, ces lieux sont assurés. Manager. He don't give a fuck. Il s'en fout. They're just tryin' to get ya out the door before you start pluggin' the diners. Ils essaient juste de vous faire sortir avant que vous ne commenciez à brancher les convives. Вони просто намагаються виставити вас за двері до того, як ви почнете набивати шишки. Waitresses. Fucking forget it. Забудь про це. No way they are takin' a bullet for the register. Pas question qu'ils prennent une balle pour le registre. Вони нізащо не підуть під кулі за касу. Busboys. restaurant workers Офіціанти. Some wetback gettin' paid a dollar fifty a hour really give a fuck you're stealin' from the owner? |immigrant worker|||||||||||||||| Un wetback payé un dollar cinquante de l'heure s'en fout vraiment que tu voles au propriétaire ? Якомусь нелегалу, який отримує долар п'ятдесят на годину, дійсно є діло до того, що ти крадеш у власника? Customers are sittin' there with food in their mouths, they don't know what's goin' on. One minute they're havin' a Denver omelet, next minute somebody's stickin' a gun in their face. ||||||Denver omelet|||||||||

YOUNG MAN: See, I got the idea last liquor store we stuck up. |||||||||||robbed| JEUNE HOMME : Tu vois, j'ai eu l'idée du dernier magasin d'alcools que nous avons rencontré. МОЛОДИЙ ЧОЛОВІЧЕ: Бачиш, у мене з'явилася ідея, коли ми грабували останній винний магазин. 'Member all those customers kept comin' in? « Membre, tous ces clients n'arrêtaient pas de venir ? » "Членом, всі ці клієнти продовжували приходити? See, I got the idea the last liquor store we struck up, remember? Tu vois, j'ai eu l'idée du dernier magasin d'alcools qu'on a ouvert, tu te souviens ? Бачиш, у мене виникла ідея, коли ми востаннє грабували винний магазин, пам'ятаєш? All the customers keep coming in.


YOUNG MAN: You got the idea of taking their wallets. Now, that was a good idea.


YOUNG MAN: Made more from the wallets than we did the register. МОЛОДИЙ ЧОЛОВІЧЕ: З гаманців ми заробили більше, ніж з каси.

YOUNG WOMAN: Yes, we did.

YOUNG MAN: A lot of people go to restaurants.

YOUNG WOMAN: A lot of wallets.

YOUNG MAN: Pretty smart, huh? Youthful||||

YOUNG WOMAN: Pretty smart. I'm ready, let's do it. Right now, right here. Come on.

YOUNG MAN: All right. Same as last time, remember? Comme la dernière fois, tu te souviens ? You're crowd control. Vous contrôlez la foule. I handle the employees.

YOUNG WOMAN: I love you, Pumpkin.

YOUNG MAN: I love you, Honey Bunny.

PUMPKIN: Everybody be cool! This is a robbery!