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Pulp_Fiction, #17. Purity in Action

#17. Purity in Action

PUMPKIN: I love you, Honey Bunny!Everybody be cool! This is a robbery!

HONEY BUNNY: Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every one of you motherfuckers! You got that?! You just be quiet over there!

PUMPKIN: Waitresses on the floor! Get the fuck down! Fuck down!

HONEY BUNNY: You are in a blind spot. Take your dames over to that on the count of ten!

PUMPKIN: Mexicans, out of the fucking kitchen!

HONEY BUNNY: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

PUMPKIN: What the fuck are you doing, you fucking yuppie? Get down! Fucking move! Move!

HONEY BUNNY: Throw those bags!

MANAGER: I'm the manager here, there's no problem. No problem at all.

MANAGER: No, I'm not.

PUMPKIN: You're gonna give me a problem?

PUMPKIN: Thought you said you were gonna give me a fucking problem!

MANAGER: No, I'm not.

I'm not gonna give you any problem!

PUMPKIN: I think we got a hero here, Honey Bunny.

HONEY BUNNY: Well, just e Now xecute him!

MANAGER: Please don't! I'm not a hero. I'm just a coffee shop manager. Take anything you want.

PUMPKIN: Now you talk to the customers.


PUMPKIN: You tell everybody to be fucking cool and everything will be over. You understand me?


MANAGER: Listen, everybody. Be calm, cooperate and this will all be over in a minute!

PUMPKIN: Get the fuck down Well done.

PUMPKIN: All right, now, people, gonna come around and collect your wallets! You don't fucking talk. You just throw 'em in the bag. Are we clear?

PUMPKIN: I said, are we fucking clear?

PUMPKIN: Good! Now, wallets out! That's it. Get the fuck down. In the bag.

In the fucking bag!

CUSTOMER: I don't have nothing on me, man.

PUMPKIN: In the bag! What I am waiting for? in the fucking bag! Laura. Laura. Tips. In the bag.

PUMPKIN: Is that a cellular phone?


PUMPKIN: in the fucking bag. Tidy up, tidy up, that's it. now get the fuck down on the floor. In the bag.

In the bag.

PUMPKIN: In the bag.

PUMPKIN: What's in the case?

JULES: My boss' dirty laundry.

PUMPKIN: You boss makes you do his laundry?

JULES: When he wants it clean.

PUMPKIN: Sounds like a shit job.

JULES: Funny, I was thinkin' the same thing.

PUMPKIN: Open it.

JULES: 'Fraid I can't do that.

PUMPKIN: I didn't hear you.

JULES: Yes, you did.

HONEY BUNNY: What's goin' on?

PUMPKIN: Looks like we got a vigilante in our midst.

HONEY BUNNY; S in the face!

JULES: Ito shatter your ego, but this ain't the first time I've had gun pointed at me.

PUMPKIN: You don't take your hand off that case, it's will be your last.

MANAGER: Quit causing problems, you'll get us all killed! Give 'em what you got and get 'em out of here.

JULES: Shut the fuck up, fat man! This ain't none of your goddamn business!

PUMPKIN: Be cool, Honey Bunny, be cool. No problem. I got it under control. I'm countin' to three, and if you don't open that case, I'm gonna unload in your fucking face. We clear? One...

PUMPKIN: ...two... three.

JULES: Ok, Ringo. You win. It's yours.

PUMPKIN: Open it.

HONEY BUNNY: Hey, what is it? What is it?

PUMPKIN: Is that what I think it is?

JULES: Mm-hmm.

PUMPKIN: It's beautiful.

HONEY BUNNY: Goddammit, what is it?

HONEY BUNNY: You let him go! You let him go! I'll blow your fuckin' head off! I'll kill ya! I'll kill ya! You're gonna die, you're gonna fuckin' die bad!

JULES: Tell that bitch to be cool! Say, bitch be cool!

Say, bitch be cool!

PUMPKIN: Be cool! Be cool!

HONEY BUNNY: Let him go!

JULES: Tell that bitch to chill! HONEY BUNNY: You are gonna die so fuckin' bad!

JULES: Chill that fucking bitch out!

PUMPKIN: Chill out, Honey Bunny!

HONEY BUNNY: Chill out of him!

PUMPKIN: Chill out, Honey Bunny!

JULES: Now promise her it's gonna be all right!

PUMPKIN: I promise!

JULES: Tell her to chill.

PUMPKIN: Chill out, Honey Bunny!

JULES: now tell me her

PUMPKIN: Yolanda.

JULES: All right, now, Yolanda, we are not gonna do anything stupid, are we?

YOLANDA: Don't you hurt him.

JULES: Nobody's gonna hurt anybody. We're gonna be like three little Fonzies. And what' Fonzie like?

JULES: C'mon Yolanda, what's Fonzie like?


JULES: What?


JULES: Correctamundo! And that's what we're gonna be, we're gonna be cool. Now Ringo, I'm gonna count to three and I want you to let go your gun and lay your palms flat on the table. But when you do it, do it cool. You ready?

JULES: One... two... three.

YOLANDA: Okay, now you let him go!

JULES: Yolanda, I thought you were gonna be cool. When you yell at me, it makes me nervous. When I get nervous, I get scared. And when motherfuckers get scared, that's when motherfuckers accidentally geshot.

YOLANDA: Just know: you hurt him, you die.

JULES: That seems to be the situation. But I don't want that and you don't want that and Ringo here don't want that. So let's see what we can do. Now, here is the situation. Normally both of your asses would be dead as fuckin' fried chicken. But you happened to pull this shit while I'm in a transitional period. I don't wanna kill ya, I want to help ya. But I'm afraid I can't give you the case. It don't belong to me. Besides, I went through too much shit this morning on account of this case to just hand it over to your dumb ass. Vincent!

JULES: It's cool. We're still just talkin'. come on. Point the gun at me. Point the gun at me. There you go. Now, Vincent, you just hang back and don't do a goddamn thing. Tell her it's still cool.

PUMPKIN: It's still cool, Honey Bunny.

JULES: Yolanda, how we doin, baby?

YOLANDA: I gotta go pee! I want to go home.

JULES: Just hang in there, baby, you're doing' great, Ringo's proud of you. It's almost over. Tell her you're proud of her.

PUMPKIN: I'm proud of you, Honey Bunny.

HONEY BUNNY: I love you.

PUMPKIN: I love you too, Honey Bunny.

JULES: Now I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet.

PUMPKIN: Which one is it?

JULES: It's the one that says Bad Motherfucker.

JULES: That's it. That's my bad motherfucker. Open it up. Take out the money. Count it. How much is there?

PUMPKIN: About fifteen hundred dollars.

JULES: Put it in your pocket, it's yours. Now with the rest of them wallets and the register, that makes this a pretty successful little score.

VINCENT: Jules, if you give this fuckin' nimrod fifteen hundred buck, and will shoot him on general principle.

JULES: No, Yolanda! Yolanda! He ain't gonna do a goddamn, motherfuckin' thing! Vince, shut the fuck up! Shut up! Now, I ain't givin' it to him, Vincent. I'm buyin' somethin' for my money. Wanna know what I'm buyin' , Ringo?


JULES: Your life. I'm givin' you that money so I don't have to, kill your ass. You read the Bible?

PUMPKIN: Not regularly, no.

JULES: There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never gave much thought what it meant. I just thought it was just a coldblooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this morning made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin', it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr 9 -millimiter here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or is could by you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin'. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd.


VINCENT: I think we should be leaving now.

JULES: Yes, that's probably a good idea.

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#17. Purity in Action Purity|of| #17. Reinheit in Aktion #17. Purity in Action #17. Pureza en acción #17. La pureté en action #17. La purezza in azione #17.行動する純粋さ #17 Czystość w działaniu #17. Pureza em ação #17. Чистота в действии #17. Eylemde Saflık #17. 行动中的纯洁 #17。行動的純潔性

PUMPKIN: I love you, Honey Bunny!Everybody be cool! term of endearment||adore|||||| This is a robbery! |||theft in progress

HONEY BUNNY: Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every one of you motherfuckers! You got that?! You just be quiet over there!

PUMPKIN: Waitresses on the floor! Get the fuck down! Fuck down!

HONEY BUNNY: You are in a blind spot. Take your dames over to that on the count of ten! ||as damas|||||||| Leve suas damas a isso na contagem de dez!

PUMPKIN: Mexicans, out of the fucking kitchen!

HONEY BUNNY: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

PUMPKIN: What the fuck are you doing, you fucking yuppie? |||||||||yuppie PUMPKIN: What the fuck are you doing, you fucking yuppie? PUMPKIN: Que porra você está fazendo, seu yuppie de merda? Get down! Fucking move! Move!

HONEY BUNNY: Throw those bags!

MANAGER: I'm the manager here, there's no problem. No problem at all.

MANAGER: No, I'm not.

PUMPKIN: You're gonna give me a problem?

PUMPKIN: Thought you said you were gonna give me a fucking problem!

MANAGER: No, I'm not.

I'm not gonna give you any problem!

PUMPKIN: I think we got a hero here, Honey Bunny.

HONEY BUNNY: Well, just e Now xecute him!

MANAGER: Please don't! I'm not a hero. I'm just a coffee shop manager. Take anything you want.

PUMPKIN: Now you talk to the customers.


PUMPKIN: You tell everybody to be fucking cool and everything will be over. You understand me?


MANAGER: Listen, everybody. Be calm, cooperate and this will all be over in a minute!

PUMPKIN: Get the fuck down Well done.

PUMPKIN: All right, now, people, gonna come around and collect your wallets! You don't fucking talk. You just throw 'em in the bag. Are we clear?

PUMPKIN: I said, are we fucking clear?

PUMPKIN: Good! Now, wallets out! That's it. Get the fuck down. In the bag.

In the fucking bag!

CUSTOMER: I don't have nothing on me, man.

PUMPKIN: In the bag! What I am waiting for? in the fucking bag! Laura. Laura. Tips. Dicas In the bag.

PUMPKIN: Is that a cellular phone?


PUMPKIN: in the fucking bag. Tidy up, tidy up, that's it. now get the fuck down on the floor. In the bag.

In the bag.

PUMPKIN: In the bag.

PUMPKIN: What's in the case?

JULES: My boss' dirty laundry.

PUMPKIN: You boss makes you do his laundry?

JULES: When he wants it clean.

PUMPKIN: Sounds like a shit job.

JULES: Funny, I was thinkin' the same thing.

PUMPKIN: Open it.

JULES: 'Fraid I can't do that.

PUMPKIN: I didn't hear you.

JULES: Yes, you did.

HONEY BUNNY: What's goin' on?

PUMPKIN: Looks like we got a vigilante in our midst. |||||||||meio

HONEY BUNNY; S in the face!

JULES: Ito shatter your ego, but this ain't the first time I've had gun pointed at me. |Ito|abalroar||||||||||||||

PUMPKIN: You don't take your hand off that case, it's will be your last.

MANAGER: Quit causing problems, you'll get us all killed! Give 'em what you got and get 'em out of here.

JULES: Shut the fuck up, fat man! This ain't none of your goddamn business!

PUMPKIN: Be cool, Honey Bunny, be cool. No problem. I got it under control. I'm countin' to three, and if you don't open that case, I'm gonna unload in your fucking face. We clear? One...

PUMPKIN: ...two... three.

JULES: Ok, Ringo. You win. It's yours.

PUMPKIN: Open it.

HONEY BUNNY: Hey, what is it? What is it?

PUMPKIN: Is that what I think it is?

JULES: Mm-hmm.

PUMPKIN: It's beautiful.

HONEY BUNNY: Goddammit, what is it? ||droga|||

HONEY BUNNY: You let him go! You let him go! I'll blow your fuckin' head off! |vou explodir|||| I'll kill ya! I'll kill ya! You're gonna die, you're gonna fuckin' die bad!

JULES: Tell that bitch to be cool! Say, bitch be cool!

Say, bitch be cool!

PUMPKIN: Be cool! Be cool!

HONEY BUNNY: Let him go!

JULES: Tell that bitch to chill! HONEY BUNNY: You are gonna die so fuckin' bad!

JULES: Chill that fucking bitch out!

PUMPKIN: Chill out, Honey Bunny!

HONEY BUNNY: Chill out of him!

PUMPKIN: Chill out, Honey Bunny!

JULES: Now promise her it's gonna be all right!

PUMPKIN: I promise!

JULES: Tell her to chill.

PUMPKIN: Chill out, Honey Bunny!

JULES: now tell me her

PUMPKIN: Yolanda.

JULES: All right, now, Yolanda, we are not gonna do anything stupid, are we?

YOLANDA: Don't you hurt him.

JULES: Nobody's gonna hurt anybody. We're gonna be like three little Fonzies. And what' Fonzie like?

JULES: C'mon Yolanda, what's Fonzie like?


JULES: What?


JULES: Correctamundo! And that's what we're gonna be, we're gonna be cool. Now Ringo, I'm gonna count to three and I want you to let go your gun and lay your palms flat on the table. But when you do it, do it cool. You ready?

JULES: One... two... three.

YOLANDA: Okay, now you let him go!

JULES: Yolanda, I thought you were gonna be cool. When you yell at me, it makes me nervous. When I get nervous, I get scared. And when motherfuckers get scared, that's when motherfuckers accidentally geshot.

YOLANDA: Just know: you hurt him, you die.

JULES: That seems to be the situation. But I don't want that and you don't want that and Ringo here don't want that. So let's see what we can do. Now, here is the situation. Normally both of your asses would be dead as fuckin' fried chicken. |ambos|de||||||||| But you happened to pull this shit while I'm in a transitional period. I don't wanna kill ya, I want to help ya. But I'm afraid I can't give you the case. It don't belong to me. Besides, I went through too much shit this morning on account of this case to just hand it over to your dumb ass. |||||||||||||||||||||sua cabeça oca| Vincent!

JULES: It's cool. We're still just talkin'. come on. Point the gun at me. Point the gun at me. There you go. Now, Vincent, you just hang back and don't do a goddamn thing. Tell her it's still cool.

PUMPKIN: It's still cool, Honey Bunny.

JULES: Yolanda, how we doin, baby?

YOLANDA: I gotta go pee! I want to go home.

JULES: Just hang in there, baby, you're doing' great, Ringo's proud of you. ||aguenta firme|||||||||| It's almost over. Tell her you're proud of her.

PUMPKIN: I'm proud of you, Honey Bunny.

HONEY BUNNY: I love you.

PUMPKIN: I love you too, Honey Bunny.

JULES: Now I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet.

PUMPKIN: Which one is it?

JULES: It's the one that says Bad Motherfucker.

JULES: That's it. That's my bad motherfucker. Open it up. Take out the money. Count it. How much is there?

PUMPKIN: About fifteen hundred dollars.

JULES: Put it in your pocket, it's yours. Now with the rest of them wallets and the register, that makes this a pretty successful little score.

VINCENT: Jules, if you give this fuckin' nimrod fifteen hundred buck, and will shoot him on general principle. ||||||||||paus||||||| VINCENT: Jules, se você der a esse maldito nimrod mil e quinhentos dólares, e ele atirará nele por princípio.

JULES: No, Yolanda! Yolanda! He ain't gonna do a goddamn, motherfuckin' thing! Vince, shut the fuck up! Shut up! Now, I ain't givin' it to him, Vincent. I'm buyin' somethin' for my money. Wanna know what I'm buyin' , Ringo?


JULES: Your life. I'm givin' you that money so I don't have to, kill your ass. You read the Bible? |lê||

PUMPKIN: Not regularly, no.

JULES: There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. |||||||cercado||||||||||||||| Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never gave much thought what it meant. ||||pensamento||| I just thought it was just a coldblooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. ||||||||||||||||disparou||||| But I saw some shit this morning made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin', it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr 9 -millimiter here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. ||||||pastor||||||||| Or is could by you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin'. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd.


VINCENT: I think we should be leaving now.

JULES: Yes, that's probably a good idea.