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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - XV

Chapter - XV

XV. The truck rumbled up to the perimeter gate and stopped.

Krannon waved to the guards through the front window, then closed a metal shield over it. When the gates swung open the truck—really a giant armored tank—ground slowly forward. There was a second gate beyond the first, that did not open until the interior one was closed. Jason looked through the second-driver's periscope as the outer gate lifted. Automatic flame-throwers flared through the opening, cutting off only when the truck reached them. A scorched area ringed the gate, beyond that the jungle began. Unconsciously Jason shrank back in his seat. All the plants and animals he had seen only specimens of, existed here in profusion.

Thorn-ringed branches and vines laced themselves into a solid mat, through which the wild life swarmed. A fury of sound hurled at them, thuds and scratchings rang on the armor. Krannon laughed and closed the switch that electrified the outer grid. The scratchings died away as the beasts completed the circuit to the grounded hull. It was slow-speed, low-gear work tearing through the jungle.

Krannon had his face buried in the periscope mask and silently fought the controls. With each mile the going seemed to get better, until he finally swung up the periscope and opened the window armor. The jungle was still thick and deadly, but nothing like the area immediately around the perimeter. It appeared as if most of the lethal powers of Pyrrus were concentrated in the single area around the settlement. Why? Jason asked himself. Why this intense and planetary hatred? The motors died and Krannon stood up, stretching.

"We're here," he said. "Let's unload. There was bare rock around the truck, a rounded hillock that projected from the jungle, too smooth and steep for vegetation to get a hold.

Krannon opened the cargo hatches and they pushed out the boxes and crates. When they finished Jason slumped down, exhausted, onto the pile. "Get back in, we're leaving," Krannon said.

"You are, I'm staying right here.

Krannon looked at him coldly.

"Get in the truck or I'll kill you. No one stays out here. For one thing you couldn't live an hour alone. But worse than that the grubbers would get you. Kill you at once, of course, but that's not important. But you have equipment that we can't allow into their hands. You want to see a grubber with a gun? While the Pyrran talked, Jason's thoughts had rushed ahead.

He hoped that Krannon was as thick of head as he was fast of reflex. Jason looked at the trees, let his gaze move up through the thick branches.

Though Krannon was still talking, he was automatically aware of Jason's attention. When Jason's eyes widened and his gun jumped into his hand, Krannon's own gun appeared and he turned in the same direction. "There—in the top!

Jason shouted, and fired into the tangle of branches. Krannon fired, too. As soon as he did, Jason hurled himself backwards, curled into a ball, rolling down the inclined rock. The shots had covered the sounds of his movements, and before Krannon could turn back the gravity had dragged him down the rock into the thick foliage. Crashing branches slapped at him, but slowed his fall. When he stopped moving he was lost in the tangle. Krannon's shots came too late to hit him. Lying there, tired and bruised, Jason heard the Pyrran cursing him out.

He stamped around on the rock, fired a few shots, but knew better than to enter the trees. Finally he gave up and went back to the truck. The motor gunned into life and the treads clanked and scraped down the rock and back into the jungle. There were muted rumblings and crashes that slowly died away. Then Jason was alone.

Up until that instant he hadn't realized quite how alone he would be.

Surrounded by nothing but death, the truck already vanished from sight. He had to force down an overwhelming desire to run after it. What was done was done. This was a long chance to take, but it was the only way to contact the grubbers.

They were savages, but still they had come from human stock. And they hadn't sunk so low as to stop the barter with the civilized Pyrrans. He had to contact them, befriend them. Find out how they had managed to live safely on this madhouse world. If there had been another way to lick the problem, he would have taken it; he didn't relish the role of martyred hero.

But Kerk and his deadline had forced his hand. The contact had to be made fast and this was the only way. There was no telling where the savages were, or how soon they would arrive.

If the woods weren't too lethal he could hide there, pick his time to approach them. If they found him among the supplies, they might skewer him on the spot with a typical Pyrran reflex. Walking warily he approached the line of trees.

Something moved on a branch, but vanished as he came near. None of the plants near a thick-trunked tree looked poisonous, so he slipped behind it. There was nothing deadly in sight and it surprised him. He let his body relax a bit, leaning against the rough bark. Something soft and choking fell over his head, his body was seized in a steel grip.

The more he struggled the tighter it held him until the blood thundered in his ears and his lungs screamed for air. Only when he grew limp did the pressure let up.

His first panic ebbed a little when he realized that it wasn't an animal that attacked him. He knew nothing about the grubbers, but they were human so he still had a chance. His arms and legs were tied, the power holster ripped from his arm.

He felt strangely naked without it. The powerful hands grabbed him again and he was hurled into the air, to fall face down across something warm and soft. Fear pressed in again, it was a large animal of some kind. And all Pyrran animals were deadly. When the animal moved off, carrying him, panic was replaced by a feeling of mounting elation.

The grubbers had managed to work out a truce of some kind with at least one form of animal life. He had to find out how. If he could get that secret—and get it back to the city—it would justify all his work and pain. It might even justify Welf's death if the age-old war could be slowed or stopped. Jason's tightly bound limbs hurt terribly at first, but grew numb with the circulation shut off.

The jolting ride continued endlessly, he had no way of measuring the time. A rainfall soaked him, then he felt his clothes steaming as the sun came out. The ride was finally over.

He was pulled from the animal's back and dumped down. His arms dropped free as someone loosed the bindings. The returning circulation soaked him in pain as he lay there, struggling to move. When his hands finally obeyed him he lifted them to his face and stripped away the covering, a sack of thick fur. Light blinded him as he sucked in breath after breath of clean air. Blinking against the glare, he looked around.

He was lying on a floor of crude planking, the setting sun shining into his eyes through the doorless entrance of the building. There was a ploughed field outside, stretching down the curve of hill to the edge of the jungle. It was too dark to see much inside the hut. Something blocked the light of the doorway, a tall animallike figure.

On second look Jason realized it was a man with long hair and thick beard. He was dressed in furs, even his legs were wrapped in fur leggings. His eyes were fixed on his captive, while one hand fondled an ax that hung from his waist. "Who're you?

What y'want?" the bearded man asked suddenly. Jason picked his words slowly, wondering if this savage shared the same hair-trigger temper as the city dwellers.

"My name is Jason.

I come in peace. I want to be your friend ..." "Lies!

the man grunted, and pulled the ax from his belt. "Junkman tricks. I saw y'hide. Wait to kill me. Kill you first." He tested the edge of the blade with a horny thumb, then raised it. "Wait!

Jason said desperately. "You don't understand. The ax swung down.

"I'm from off-world and—"

A solid thunk shook him as the ax buried itself in the wood next to his head.

At the last instant the man had twitched it aside. He grabbed the front of Jason's clothes and pulled him up until their faces touched. "S'true?

he shouted. "Y'from off-world?" His hand opened and Jason dropped back before he could answer. The savage jumped over him, towards the dim rear of the hut. "Rhes must know of this," he said as he fumbled with something on the wall.

Light sprang out. All Jason could do was stare.

The hairy, fur-covered savage was operating a communicator. The calloused, dirt-encrusted fingers deftly snapped open the circuits, dialed a number.

Chapter - XV Kapitel - XV Capítulo - XV 장 - XV Rozdział - XV Глава - XV Bölüm - XV 第十五章

XV. The truck rumbled up to the perimeter gate and stopped. ||made a low noise|to||||||

Krannon waved to the guards through the front window, then closed a metal shield over it. When the gates swung open the truck—really a giant armored tank—ground slowly forward. There was a second gate beyond the first, that did not open until the interior one was closed. ||||||||||||||внутрішній||| Jason looked through the second-driver’s periscope as the outer gate lifted. ||||||перископ||||| Automatic flame-throwers flared through the opening, cutting off only when the truck reached them. |||||||cutting|off|||||| Из проема вспыхнули автоматические огнеметы, отключив их только тогда, когда к ним подъехал грузовик. A scorched area ringed the gate, beyond that the jungle began. Ворота окружала выжженная местность, за которой начинались джунгли. Unconsciously Jason shrank back in his seat. Несвідомо||сховався|||| Неосознанно Джейсон откинулся на спинку сиденья. All the plants and animals he had seen only specimens of, existed here in profusion. |||||||||екземпляри||існували тут|||професійно Все растения и животные, которых он видел только образцы, существовали здесь в изобилии.

Thorn-ringed branches and vines laced themselves into a solid mat, through which the wild life swarmed. Ветви и лозы, покрытые шипами, сплелись в сплошную циновку, сквозь которую кишела дикая жизнь. A fury of sound hurled at them, thuds and scratchings rang on the armor. |ярість|||||||||||| На них обрушилась ярость звука, по доспехам раздались удары и царапанье. Krannon laughed and closed the switch that electrified the outer grid. ||||||||||сітка Крэннон рассмеялся и замкнул выключатель, электризовавший внешнюю сеть. The scratchings died away as the beasts completed the circuit to the grounded hull. |||||||||circuit|||| Царапины стихли, когда звери завершили цепь к заземленному корпусу. It was slow-speed, low-gear work tearing through the jungle. ||||||||||джунглі Это была медленная работа на пониженной передаче, продирающаяся через джунгли.

Krannon had his face buried in the periscope mask and silently fought the controls. Краннон уткнулся лицом в маску перископа и молча боролся с управлением. With each mile the going seemed to get better, until he finally swung up the periscope and opened the window armor. С каждой милей движение становилось все лучше, пока он, наконец, не поднял перископ и не открыл оконную броню. The jungle was still thick and deadly, but nothing like the area immediately around the perimeter. Джунгли по-прежнему были густыми и смертоносными, но ничего похожего на местность сразу по периметру. It appeared as if most of the lethal powers of Pyrrus were concentrated in the single area around the settlement. |здавалося|||||||||||||||||| Казалось, что большая часть смертоносной силы Пирра была сосредоточена в одной области вокруг поселения. Why? Jason asked himself. Джейсон||собі Why this intense and planetary hatred? |||||ненависть Почему эта интенсивная и планетарная ненависть? The motors died and Krannon stood up, stretching. |двигуни||||||розтягуючи тіло Моторы заглохли, и Краннон встал, потягиваясь.

"We’re here," he said. "Let’s unload. There was bare rock around the truck, a rounded hillock that projected from the jungle, too smooth and steep for vegetation to get a hold. |||||||||small hill|||||||||||plant life|||| Вокруг грузовика была голая скала, округлый холм, выступавший из джунглей, слишком гладкий и крутой, чтобы за него могла зацепиться растительность.

Krannon opened the cargo hatches and they pushed out the boxes and crates. ||||люки|||||||| Крэннон открыл грузовые люки, и они вытолкнули ящики и ящики. When they finished Jason slumped down, exhausted, onto the pile. Когда они закончили, Джейсон в изнеможении рухнул на кучу. "Get back in, we’re leaving," Krannon said. — Возвращайтесь, мы уходим, — сказал Крэннон.

"You are, I’m staying right here. - Ты, я остаюсь здесь.

Krannon looked at him coldly. Краннон холодно посмотрел на него.

"Get in the truck or I’ll kill you. No one stays out here. Здесь никто не остается. For one thing you couldn’t live an hour alone. Во-первых, вы не могли бы прожить и часа в одиночестве. But worse than that the grubbers would get you. Но хуже того, корчеватели доберутся до вас. Kill you at once, of course, but that’s not important. Убить сразу, конечно, но это не важно. But you have equipment that we can’t allow into their hands. Но у вас есть оборудование, которое мы не можем отдать им в руки. You want to see a grubber with a gun? Хочешь увидеть корчевателя с ружьем? While the Pyrran talked, Jason’s thoughts had rushed ahead. |||||||moved quickly| Пока пирранец говорил, мысли Джейсона устремились вперед.

He hoped that Krannon was as thick of head as he was fast of reflex. ||||||thick-headed|||||||| Он надеялся, что Краннон был так же туп, как и быстро реагировал. Jason looked at the trees, let his gaze move up through the thick branches. Джейсон посмотрел на деревья, позволил своему взгляду пройти сквозь толстые ветви.

Though Krannon was still talking, he was automatically aware of Jason’s attention. Хотя Крэннон все еще говорил, он автоматически ощущал внимание Джейсона. When Jason’s eyes widened and his gun jumped into his hand, Krannon’s own gun appeared and he turned in the same direction. |||розширилися|||||||||||||||||| Когда глаза Джейсона расширились и его пистолет прыгнул ему в руку, появился собственный пистолет Краннона, и он повернулся в том же направлении. "There—in the top! «Там — наверху!

Jason shouted, and fired into the tangle of branches. Krannon fired, too. As soon as he did, Jason hurled himself backwards, curled into a ball, rolling down the inclined rock. ||||||threw himself||||||||||| Как только он это сделал, Джейсон отлетел назад, свернувшись в клубок и покатившись по наклонной скале. The shots had covered the sounds of his movements, and before Krannon could turn back the gravity had dragged him down the rock into the thick foliage. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||листя Выстрелы заглушили звуки его движений, и, прежде чем Краннон успел повернуть назад, гравитация потащила его вниз по скале в густую листву. Crashing branches slapped at him, but slowed his fall. |гілки||||||| Разбивающиеся ветки шлепали его, но замедляли падение. When he stopped moving he was lost in the tangle. |||||||||плутанина Когда он перестал двигаться, то потерялся в путанице. Krannon’s shots came too late to hit him. Lying there, tired and bruised, Jason heard the Pyrran cursing him out. |||||||||погані слова|| Лежа там, усталый и весь в синяках, Джейсон слышал, как пирранцы проклинают его.

He stamped around on the rock, fired a few shots, but knew better than to enter the trees. |||||||||||understood|knew more||||| Он потоптался на скале, сделал несколько выстрелов, но не стал влезать в деревья. Finally he gave up and went back to the truck. The motor gunned into life and the treads clanked and scraped down the rock and back into the jungle. ||revved|||||tracks||||||||||| Мотор ожил, и гусеницы зазвенели и заскребли по скале обратно в джунгли. There were muted rumblings and crashes that slowly died away. Послышался приглушенный грохот и треск, которые постепенно стихли. Then Jason was alone.

Up until that instant he hadn’t realized quite how alone he would be. До этого момента он не осознавал, насколько одиноким он будет.

Surrounded by nothing but death, the truck already vanished from sight. Окруженный ничем, кроме смерти, грузовик уже скрылся из виду. He had to force down an overwhelming desire to run after it. ||||||пригнічуюче||||| Ему пришлось подавить непреодолимое желание бежать за ней. What was done was done. Что было сделано, то сделано. This was a long chance to take, but it was the only way to contact the grubbers. |||extended|risk|||||||||||| Это был долгий шанс, но это был единственный способ связаться с корчевателями.

They were savages, but still they had come from human stock. ||||||||||потомство Они были дикарями, но все же произошли от людей. And they hadn’t sunk so low as to stop the barter with the civilized Pyrrans. |||знизили|||||||обмін|||| И они не пали так низко, чтобы прекратить бартер с цивилизованными пиррянами. He had to contact them, befriend them. Find out how they had managed to live safely on this madhouse world. Узнайте, как им удавалось безопасно жить в этом сумасшедшем мире. If there had been another way to lick the problem, he would have taken it; he didn’t relish the role of martyred hero. |||||||solve||||||||||||||sacrificial| |||||||обійти||||||||||||||| Если бы существовал другой способ решить проблему, он бы им воспользовался; ему не нравилась роль замученного героя.

But Kerk and his deadline had forced his hand. Но Керк и его крайний срок заставили его руку. The contact had to be made fast and this was the only way. There was no telling where the savages were, or how soon they would arrive. ||||||дикі|||||||

If the woods weren’t too lethal he could hide there, pick his time to approach them. Если бы лес не был слишком смертоносным, он мог бы спрятаться там, выбрав время, чтобы приблизиться к ним. If they found him among the supplies, they might skewer him on the spot with a typical Pyrran reflex. |||||||||проткнути||||на місці||||| Если они найдут его среди припасов, то могут проткнуть его на месте с типичным пирранским рефлексом. Walking warily he approached the line of trees. |обережно||||||

Something moved on a branch, but vanished as he came near. Что-то шевельнулось на ветке, но исчезло, когда он приблизился. None of the plants near a thick-trunked tree looked poisonous, so he slipped behind it. Ни одно из растений рядом с деревом с толстым стволом не выглядело ядовитым, поэтому он проскользнул за него. There was nothing deadly in sight and it surprised him. В поле зрения не было ничего смертельного, и это удивило его. He let his body relax a bit, leaning against the rough bark. Он позволил своему телу немного расслабиться, прислонившись к грубой коре. Something soft and choking fell over his head, his body was seized in a steel grip. Что-то мягкое и удушающее упало ему на голову, тело схватило стальной хваткой.

The more he struggled the tighter it held him until the blood thundered in his ears and his lungs screamed for air. Only when he grew limp did the pressure let up. Only when he grew limp did the pressure let up. Только когда он обмяк, давление ослабло.

His first panic ebbed a little when he realized that it wasn’t an animal that attacked him. Его первая паника немного улеглась, когда он понял, что на него напало не животное. He knew nothing about the grubbers, but they were human so he still had a chance. His arms and legs were tied, the power holster ripped from his arm. Его руки и ноги были связаны, силовая кобура была сорвана с руки.

He felt strangely naked without it. Без него он чувствовал себя странно голым. The powerful hands grabbed him again and he was hurled into the air, to fall face down across something warm and soft. Сильные руки снова схватили его, и он был подброшен в воздух и упал лицом вниз на что-то теплое и мягкое. Fear pressed in again, it was a large animal of some kind. Страх снова нахлынул, это было какое-то большое животное. And all Pyrran animals were deadly. When the animal moved off, carrying him, panic was replaced by a feeling of mounting elation. |||||||||||||||euphoria Когда животное тронулось с места, унося его, паника сменилась чувством нарастающего восторга.

The grubbers had managed to work out a truce of some kind with at least one form of animal life. Корчевателям удалось заключить какое-то перемирие по крайней мере с одной формой животного мира. He had to find out how. If he could get that secret—and get it back to the city—it would justify all his work and pain. |||||||||||||||виправдати||||| Если бы он смог получить этот секрет — и вернуть его в город — это оправдало бы всю его работу и боль. It might even justify Welf’s death if the age-old war could be slowed or stopped. Это могло бы даже оправдать смерть Вельфа, если бы вековую войну можно было замедлить или остановить. Jason’s tightly bound limbs hurt terribly at first, but grew numb with the circulation shut off. Тесно связанные конечности Джейсона поначалу ужасно болели, но после прекращения кровообращения онемели.

The jolting ride continued endlessly, he had no way of measuring the time. |тряска|||безкінечно|||||||| Тряска ехала бесконечно, он не мог измерить время. A rainfall soaked him, then he felt his clothes steaming as the sun came out. Дождь промок насквозь, потом он почувствовал, как его одежда испаряется, когда выглянуло солнце. The ride was finally over.

He was pulled from the animal’s back and dumped down. ||||||||thrown| Его сняли со спины животного и бросили вниз. His arms dropped free as someone loosed the bindings. ||||||||зв'язки Его руки высвободились, когда кто-то ослабил путы. The returning circulation soaked him in pain as he lay there, struggling to move. Возвратившееся кровообращение пропитало его болью, пока он лежал, пытаясь двигаться. When his hands finally obeyed him he lifted them to his face and stripped away the covering, a sack of thick fur. Когда его руки, наконец, послушались его, он поднес их к лицу и сорвал покрывало, мешок с густым мехом. Light blinded him as he sucked in breath after breath of clean air. Свет ослеплял его, когда он вдыхал чистый воздух за вдохом. Blinking against the glare, he looked around. |||сліпуче||| Моргая от яркого света, он огляделся.

He was lying on a floor of crude planking, the setting sun shining into his eyes through the doorless entrance of the building. ||||||||wooden boards|||||||||||||| Он лежал на полу из грубых досок, заходящее солнце светило ему в глаза через вход в здание без дверей. There was a ploughed field outside, stretching down the curve of hill to the edge of the jungle. Снаружи было вспаханное поле, простирающееся вниз по изгибу холма к краю джунглей. It was too dark to see much inside the hut. |||||||||хатина Something blocked the light of the doorway, a tall animallike figure. ||||||||||фігура Что-то заслонило свет в дверном проеме, высокая фигура, похожая на животное.

On second look Jason realized it was a man with long hair and thick beard. При втором взгляде Джейсон понял, что это мужчина с длинными волосами и густой бородой. He was dressed in furs, even his legs were wrapped in fur leggings. Он был одет в меха, даже ноги были обмотаны меховыми гетрами. His eyes were fixed on his captive, while one hand fondled an ax that hung from his waist. його||||||пленник||||||||||| Его взгляд был прикован к пленнику, а одна рука гладила топор, свисавший с его пояса. "Who’re you?

What y’want?" Чего ты хочешь?" the bearded man asked suddenly. — спросил вдруг бородатый мужчина. Jason picked his words slowly, wondering if this savage shared the same hair-trigger temper as the city dwellers. ||||||||||||hair-trigger temper|||||| Джейсон медленно подбирал слова, задаваясь вопросом, разделяет ли этот дикарь тот же вспыльчивый характер, что и горожане.

"My name is Jason.

I come in peace. I want to be your friend ..." "Lies! "Вранье!

the man grunted, and pulled the ax from his belt. мужчина хмыкнул и вытащил топор из-за пояса. "Junkman tricks. "Трюки старьевщика. I saw y’hide. Wait to kill me. Kill you first." Убей тебя первым». He tested the edge of the blade with a horny thumb, then raised it. Он проверил край лезвия ороговевшим большим пальцем, затем поднял его. "Wait!

Jason said desperately. ||відчайдушно — отчаянно сказал Джейсон. "You don’t understand. The ax swung down. Цей|сокира||

"I’m from off-world and—"

A solid thunk shook him as the ax buried itself in the wood next to his head. Сильный удар потряс его, когда топор вонзился в дерево рядом с его головой.

At the last instant the man had twitched it aside. В последний момент человек дернул его в сторону. He grabbed the front of Jason’s clothes and pulled him up until their faces touched. Он схватил Джейсона за одежду и потянул вверх, пока их лица не соприкоснулись. "S’true? "Правда?

he shouted. "Y’from off-world?" His hand opened and Jason dropped back before he could answer. Его рука разжалась, и Джейсон откинулся назад прежде, чем успел ответить. The savage jumped over him, towards the dim rear of the hut. Дикарь перепрыгнул через него и направился к темной задней части хижины. "Rhes must know of this," he said as he fumbled with something on the wall. Рес|||||||||||||| — Рес должен знать об этом, — сказал он, возясь с чем-то на стене.

Light sprang out. Світло з'явилося|вибухнув з'явився| Вспыхнул свет. All Jason could do was stare. Все, что Джейсон мог делать, это смотреть.

The hairy, fur-covered savage was operating a communicator. Волосатый, покрытый мехом дикарь работал на коммуникаторе. The calloused, dirt-encrusted fingers deftly snapped open the circuits, dialed a number. Мозолистые, покрытые грязью пальцы ловко разомкнули цепи, набрали номер.