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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - XXII

Chapter - XXII

XXII. Jason stood to one side and watched the deadly cargo being loaded into the hold of the ship.

The Pyrrans were in good humor as they stowed away riot guns, grenades and gas bombs. When the back-pack atom bomb was put aboard one of them broke into a marching song, and the others picked it up. Maybe they were happy, but the approaching carnage only filled Jason with an intense gloom. He felt that somehow he was a traitor to life. Perhaps the life form he had found needed destroying—and perhaps it didn't. Without making the slightest attempt at conciliation, destruction would be plain murder. Kerk came out of the operations building and the starter pumps could be heard whining inside the ship.

They would leave within minutes. Jason forced himself into a foot-dragging rush and met Kerk halfway to the ship. "I'm coming with you, Kerk.

You owe me at least that much for finding them. Kerk hesitated, not liking the idea.

"This is an operational mission," he said. "No room for observers, and the extra weight— And it's too late to stop us Jason, you know that. "You Pyrrans are the worst liars in the universe," Jason said.

"We both know that ship can lift ten times the amount it's carrying today. Now ... do you let me come, or forbid me without reason at all? "Get aboard," Kerk said.

"But keep out of the way or you'll get trampled. This time, with a definite destination ahead, the flight was much faster.

Meta took the ship into the stratosphere, in a high ballistic arc that ended at the islands. Kerk was in the co-pilot's seat, Jason sat behind them where he could watch the screens. The landing party, twenty-five volunteers, were in the hold below with the weapons. All the screens in the ship were switched to the forward viewer. They watched the green island appear and swell, then vanish behind the flames of the braking rockets. Jockeying the ship carefully, Meta brought it down on a flat shelf near the cave mouth. Jason was ready this time for the blast of mental hatred—but it still hurt.

The gunners laughed and killed gleefully as every animal on the island closed in on the ship. They were slaughtered by the thousands, and still more came. "Do you have to do this?

Jason asked. "It's murder—carnage, just butchering those beasts like that. "Self-defense," Kerk said.

"They attack us and they get killed. What could be simpler? Now shut up, or I'll throw you out there with them. It was a half an hour before the gunfire slackened.

Animals still attacked them, but the mass assaults seemed to be over. Kerk spoke into the intercom. "Landing party away—and watch your step.

They know we're here and will make it as hot as they can. Take the bomb into that cave and see how far back it runs. We can always blast them from the air, but it'll do no good if they're dug into solid rock. Keep your screen open, leave the bomb and pull back at once if I tell you to. Now move. The men swarmed down the ladders and formed into open battle formation.

They were soon under attack, but the beasts were picked off before they could get close. It didn't take long for the man at point to reach the cave. He had his pickup trained in front of him, and the watchers in the ship followed the advance. "Big cave," Kerk grunted.

"Slants back and down. What I was afraid of. Bomb dropped on that would just close it up. With no guarantee that anything sealed in it, couldn't eventually get out. We'll have to see how far down it goes. There was enough heat in the cave now to use the infra-red filters.

The rock walls stood out harshly black and white as the advance continued. "No signs of life since entering the cave," the officer reported.

"Gnawed bones at the entrance and some bat droppings. It looks like a natural cave—so far. Step by step the advance continued, slowing as it went.

Insensitive as the Pyrrans were to psi pressure, even they were aware of the blast of hatred being continuously leveled at them. Jason, back in the ship, had a headache that slowly grew worse instead of better. " Watch out!

Kerk shouted, staring at the screen with horror. The cave was filled from wall to wall with pallid, eyeless animals.

They poured from tiny side passages and seemed to literally emerge from the ground. Their front ranks dissolved in flame, but more kept pressing in. On the screen the watchers in the ship saw the cave spin dizzily as the operator fell. Pale bodies washed up and concealed the lens. "Close ranks—flame-throwers and gas!

Kerk bellowed into the mike. Less than half of the men were alive after that first attack.

The survivors, protected by the flame-throwers, set off the gas grenades. Their sealed battle armor protected them while the section of cave filled with gas. Someone dug through the bodies of their attackers and found the pickup. "Leave the bomb there and withdraw," Kerk ordered.

"We've had enough losses already. A different man stared out of the screen.

The officer was dead. "Sorry, sir," he said, "but it will be just as easy to push ahead as back as long as the gas grenades hold out. We're too close now to pull back. "That's an order," Kerk shouted, but the man was gone from the screen and the advance continued.

Jason's fingers hurt where he had them clamped to the chair arm.

He pulled them loose and massaged them. On the screen the black and white cave flowed steadily towards them. Minute after minute went by this way. Each time the animals attacked again, a few more gas grenades were used up. "Something ahead—looks different," the panting voice cracked from the speaker.

The narrow cave slowly opened out into a gigantic chamber, so large the roof and far walls were lost in the distance. "What are those?

Kerk asked. "Get a searchlight over to the right there. The picture on the screen was fuzzy and hard to see now, dimmed by the layers of rock in-between.

Details couldn't be made out clearly, but it was obvious this was something unusual. "Never saw ... anything quite like them before," the speaker said.

"Look like big plants of some kind, ten meters tall at least—yet they're moving. Those branches, tentacles or whatever they are, keep pointing towards us and I get the darkest feeling in my head ..." "Blast one, see what happens," Kerk said.

The gun fired and at the same instant an intensified wave of mental hatred rolled over the men, dropping them to the ground.

They rolled in pain, blacked out and unable to think or fight the underground beasts that poured over them in renewed attack. In the ship, far above, Jason felt the shock to his mind and wondered how the men below could have lived through it.

The others in the control room had been hit by it as well. Kerk pounded on the frame of the screen and shouted to the unhearing men below. "Pull back, come back ..."

It was too late.

The men only stirred slightly as the victorious Pyrran animals washed over them, clawing for the joints in their armor. Only one man moved, standing up and beating the creatures away with his bare hands. He stumbled a few feet and bent over the writhing mass below him. With a heave of his shoulders he pulled another man up. The man was dead but his shoulder pack was still strapped to his back. Bloody fingers fumbled at the pack, then both men were washed back under the wave of death. "That was the bomb!

Kerk shouted to Meta. "If he didn't change the setting, it's still on ten-second minimum. Get out of here! Jason had just time to fall back on the acceleration couch before the rockets blasted.

The pressure leaned on him and kept mounting. Vision blacked out but he didn't lose consciousness. Air screamed across the hull, then the sound stopped as they left the atmosphere behind. Just as Meta cut the power a glare of white light burst from the screens.

They turned black instantly as the hull pickups burned out. She switched filters into place, then pressed the button that rotated new pickups into position. Far below, in the boiling sea, a climbing cloud of mushroom-shaped flame filled the spot where the island had been seconds before.

The three of them looked at it, silently and unmoving. Kerk recovered first. "Head for home, Meta, and get operations on the screen.

Twenty-five men dead, but they did their job. They knocked out those beasts—whatever they were—and ended the war. I can't think of a better way for a man to die. Meta set the orbit, then called operations.

"Trouble getting through," she said.

"I have a robot landing beam response, but no one is answering the call. A man appeared on the empty screen.

He was beaded with sweat and had a harried look in his eyes. "Kerk," he said, "is that you? Get the ship back here at once. We need her firepower at the perimeter. All blazes broke loose a minute ago, a general attack from every side, worse than I've ever seen. "What do you mean?

Kerk stammered in unbelief. "The war is over—we blasted them, destroyed their headquarters completely. "The war is going like it never has gone before," the other snapped back.

"I don't know what you did, but it stirred up the stewpot of hell here. Now stop talking and get the ship back! Kerk turned slowly to face Jason, his face pulled back in a look of raw animal savagery.


You did it! I should have killed you the first time I saw you. I wanted to, now I know I was right. You've been like a plague since you came here, sowing death in every direction. I knew you were wrong, yet I let your twisted words convince me. And look what has happened. First you killed Welf. Then you murdered those men in the cave. Now this attack on the perimeter—all who die there, you will have killed! Kerk advanced on Jason, step by slow step, hatred twisting his features.

Jason backed away until he could retreat no further, his shoulders against the chart case. Kerk's hand lashed out, not a fighting blow, but an open slap. Though Jason rolled with it, it still battered him and stretched him full length on the floor. His arm was against the chart case, his fingers near the sealed tubes that held the jump matrices. Jason seized one of the heavy tubes with both hands and pulled it out.

He swung it with all his strength into Kerk's face. It broke the skin on his cheekbone and forehead and blood ran from the cuts. But it didn't slow or stop the big man in the slightest. His smile held no mercy as he reached down and dragged Jason to his feet. "Fight back," he said, "I will have that much more pleasure as I kill you.

He drew back the granite fist that would tear Jason's head from his shoulders. "Go ahead," Jason said, and stopped struggling.

"Kill me. You can do it easily. Only don't call it justice. Welf died to save me. But the men on the island died because of your stupidity. I wanted peace and you wanted war. Now you have it. Kill me to soothe your conscience, because the truth is something you can't face up to. With a bellow of rage Kerk drove the pile-driver fist down.

Meta grabbed the arm in both her hands and hung on, pulling it aside before the blow could land.

The three of them fell together, half crushing Jason. "Don't do it," she screamed.

"Jason didn't want those men to go down there. That was your idea. You can't kill him for that! Kerk, exploding with rage, was past hearing.

He turned his attention to Meta, tearing her from him. She was a woman and her supple strength was meager compared to his great muscles. But she was a Pyrran woman and she did what no off-worlder could. She slowed him for a moment, stopped the fury of his attack until he could rip her hands loose and throw her aside. It didn't take him long to do this, but it was just time enough for Jason to get to the door. Jason stumbled through, and jammed shut the lock behind him.

A split second after he had driven the bolt home Kerk's weight plunged into the door. The metal screamed and bent, giving way. One hinge was torn loose and the other held only by a shred of metal. It would go down on the next blow. Jason wasn't waiting for that.

He hadn't stayed to see if the door would stop the raging Pyrran. No door on the ship could stop him. Fast as possible, Jason went down the gangway. There was no safety on the ship, which meant he had to get off it. The lifeboat deck was just ahead. Ever since first seeing them, he had given a lot of thought to the lifeboats.

Though he hadn't looked ahead to this situation, he knew a time might come when he would need transportation of his own. The lifeboats had seemed to be the best bet, except that Meta had told him they had no fuel. She had been right in one thing—the boat he had been in had empty tanks, he had checked. There were five other boats, though, that he hadn't examined. He had wondered about the idea of useless lifeboats and come to what he hoped was a correct conclusion. This spaceship was the only one the Pyrrans had.

Meta had told him once that they always had planned to buy another ship, but never did. Some other necessary war expense managed to come up first. One ship was really enough for their uses. The only difficulty lay in the fact they had to keep that ship in operation or the Pyrran city was dead. Without supplies they would be wiped out in a few months. Therefore the ship's crew couldn't conceive of abandoning their ship. No matter what kind of trouble she got into, they couldn't leave her. When the ship died, so did their world. With this kind of thinking, there was no need to keep the lifeboats fueled.

Not all of them, at least. Though it stood to reason at least one of them held fuel for short flights that would have been wasteful for the parent ship. At this point Jason's chain of logic grew weak. Too many "ifs." If they used the lifeboats at all, one of them should be fueled. If they did, it would be fueled now. And if it were fueled—which one of the six would it be? Jason had no time to go looking. He had to be right the first time. His reasoning had supplied him with an answer, the last of a long line of suppositions.

If a boat were fueled, it should be the one nearest to the control cabin. The one he was diving towards now. His life depended on this string of guesses. Behind him the door went down with a crash.

Kerk bellowed and leaped. Jason hurled himself through the lifeboat port with the nearest thing to a run he could manage under the doubled gravity. With both hands he grabbed the emergency launching handle and pulled down. An alarm bell rang and the port slammed shut, literally in Kerk's face.

Only his Pyrran reflexes saved him from being smashed by it. Solid-fuel launchers exploded and blasted the lifeboat clear of the parent ship.

Their brief acceleration slammed Jason to the deck, then he floated as the boat went into free fall. The main drive rockets didn't fire. In that moment Jason learned what it was like to know he was dead.

Without fuel the boat would drop into the jungle below, falling like a rock and blasting apart when it hit. There was no way out. Then the rockets caught, roared, and he dropped to the deck, bruising his nose.

He sat up, rubbing it and grinning. There was fuel in the tanks—the delay in starting had only been part of the launching cycle, giving the lifeboat time to fall clear of the ship. Now to get it under control. He pulled himself into the pilot's seat. The altimeter had fed information to the autopilot, leveling the boat off parallel to the ground.

Like all lifeboat controls these were childishly simple, designed to be used by novices in an emergency. The autopilot could not be shut off, it rode along with the manual controls, tempering foolish piloting. Jason hauled the control wheel into a tight turn and the autopilot gentled it to a soft curve. Through the port he could see the big ship blaring fire in a much tighter turn.

Jason didn't know who was flying it or what they had in mind—he took no chances. Jamming the wheel forward into a dive he cursed as they eased into a gentle drop. The larger ship had no such restrictions. It changed course with a violent maneuver and dived on him. The forward turret fired and an explosion at the stern rocked the little boat. This either knocked out the autopilot or shocked it into submission. The slow drop turned into a power dive and the jungle billowed up. Jason pulled the wheel back and there was just time to get his arms in front of his face before they hit.

Thundering rockets and cracking trees ended in a great splash.

Silence followed and the smoke drifted away. High above, the spaceship circled hesitantly. Dropping a bit as if wanting to go down and investigate. Then rising again as the urgent message for aid came from the city. Loyalty won and she turned and spewed fire towards home.

Chapter - XXII Kapitel - XXII Capítulo - XXII Rozdział - XXII Capítulo - XXII Глава - XXII Bölüm - XXII 第二十二章

XXII. Jason stood to one side and watched the deadly cargo being loaded into the hold of the ship.

The Pyrrans were in good humor as they stowed away riot guns, grenades and gas bombs. ||||||||||бунтівні||||| When the back-pack atom bomb was put aboard one of them broke into a marching song, and the others picked it up. ||||бомба|||||||||||||||||| Maybe they were happy, but the approaching carnage only filled Jason with an intense gloom. |||||||різанина||||||| He felt that somehow he was a traitor to life. Perhaps the life form he had found needed destroying—and perhaps it didn’t. Without making the slightest attempt at conciliation, destruction would be plain murder. ||||||примирення||||| Kerk came out of the operations building and the starter pumps could be heard whining inside the ship. Керк вышел из операционного корпуса, и внутри корабля завыли пусковые насосы.

They would leave within minutes. Jason forced himself into a foot-dragging rush and met Kerk halfway to the ship. "I’m coming with you, Kerk.

You owe me at least that much for finding them. По крайней мере, ты должен мне так много за то, что нашел их. Kerk hesitated, not liking the idea.

"This is an operational mission," he said. «Это оперативная миссия, — сказал он. "No room for observers, and the extra weight— And it’s too late to stop us Jason, you know that. "You Pyrrans are the worst liars in the universe," Jason said. |||||брехуни|||||

"We both know that ship can lift ten times the amount it’s carrying today. Now ... do you let me come, or forbid me without reason at all? |||||||забороняє||||| "Get aboard," Kerk said.

"But keep out of the way or you’ll get trampled. |||||||||потоптаний — Но держись подальше, иначе тебя затопчут. This time, with a definite destination ahead, the flight was much faster.

Meta took the ship into the stratosphere, in a high ballistic arc that ended at the islands. ||||||стратосфера||||балістична траєкторія|||||| Kerk was in the co-pilot’s seat, Jason sat behind them where he could watch the screens. The landing party, twenty-five volunteers, were in the hold below with the weapons. All the screens in the ship were switched to the forward viewer. Все экраны на корабле переключились на передний обзор. They watched the green island appear and swell, then vanish behind the flames of the braking rockets. |||||||||||||||гальмівних| Они смотрели, как появляется и раздувается зеленый остров, а затем исчезает за пламенем тормозящих ракет. Jockeying the ship carefully, Meta brought it down on a flat shelf near the cave mouth. Маневруючи||||||||||||||| Осторожно управляя кораблем, Мета опустила его на плоскую полку у входа в пещеру. Jason was ready this time for the blast of mental hatred—but it still hurt.

The gunners laughed and killed gleefully as every animal on the island closed in on the ship. |артилеристи||||радісно||||||||||| Артиллеристы радостно смеялись и убивали, когда все животные на острове приблизились к кораблю. They were slaughtered by the thousands, and still more came. ||знищені||||||| Они были убиты тысячами, и пришло еще больше. "Do you have to do this?

Jason asked. "It’s murder—carnage, just butchering those beasts like that. «Это убийство — бойня, просто вот так зарезать этих зверей. "Self-defense," Kerk said.

"They attack us and they get killed. What could be simpler? Now shut up, or I’ll throw you out there with them. А теперь заткнись, или я вышвырну тебя туда с ними. It was a half an hour before the gunfire slackened. |||||||||послабилася Прошло полчаса, прежде чем стрельба стихла.

Animals still attacked them, but the mass assaults seemed to be over. Животные по-прежнему нападали на них, но массовые нападения, казалось, закончились. Kerk spoke into the intercom. ||||переговорний пристрій "Landing party away—and watch your step. «Десантный отряд уходит — и смотрите под ноги.

They know we’re here and will make it as hot as they can. Они знают, что мы здесь, и сделают все как можно горячее. Take the bomb into that cave and see how far back it runs. Отнеси бомбу в эту пещеру и посмотри, как далеко она убежит. We can always blast them from the air, but it’ll do no good if they’re dug into solid rock. Мы всегда можем взорвать их с воздуха, но если они вкопаны в твердую скалу, толку от этого не будет. Keep your screen open, leave the bomb and pull back at once if I tell you to. Now move. The men swarmed down the ladders and formed into open battle formation. |||||драбини||||||формувалися в бой Мужчины сползли по лестницам и выстроились в открытый боевой порядок.

They were soon under attack, but the beasts were picked off before they could get close. Вскоре они подверглись нападению, но зверей убили прежде, чем они успели приблизиться. It didn’t take long for the man at point to reach the cave. He had his pickup trained in front of him, and the watchers in the ship followed the advance. Его пикап был направлен перед ним, и наблюдатели на корабле следовали за ним. "Big cave," Kerk grunted.

"Slants back and down. tilts||| нахиляється||| «Наклоняется назад и вниз. What I was afraid of. Bomb dropped on that would just close it up. Бомба, сброшенная на это, просто закроет его. With no guarantee that anything sealed in it, couldn’t eventually get out. Без какой-либо гарантии, что что-либо, запечатанное в нем, не сможет в конечном итоге выйти наружу. We’ll have to see how far down it goes. Мы должны увидеть, как далеко он пойдет. There was enough heat in the cave now to use the infra-red filters.

The rock walls stood out harshly black and white as the advance continued. |||||різко||||||| Скальные стены резко выделялись черно-белым цветом, пока наступление продолжалось. "No signs of life since entering the cave," the officer reported.

"Gnawed bones at the entrance and some bat droppings. погризені||||||||послід кажанів «Обглоданные кости у входа и немного помета летучих мышей. It looks like a natural cave—so far. Step by step the advance continued, slowing as it went. Шаг за шагом продвижение продолжалось, замедляясь по мере продвижения.

Insensitive as the Pyrrans were to psi pressure, even they were aware of the blast of hatred being continuously leveled at them. Какими бы нечувствительными ни были пирранцы к пси-давлению, даже они осознавали, что на них постоянно обрушивается поток ненависти. Jason, back in the ship, had a headache that slowly grew worse instead of better. Джейсон, вернувшись на корабль, почувствовал головную боль, которая постепенно усиливалась, а не уменьшалась. " Watch out! " Осторожно!

Kerk shouted, staring at the screen with horror. The cave was filled from wall to wall with pallid, eyeless animals. Пещера была заполнена от стены до стены бледными безглазыми животными.

They poured from tiny side passages and seemed to literally emerge from the ground. Они лились из крохотных боковых проходов и, казалось, буквально выходили из-под земли. Their front ranks dissolved in flame, but more kept pressing in. ||ряди|зникли в пол||||||| Их передние ряды вспыхнули пламенем, но все больше приближалось. On the screen the watchers in the ship saw the cave spin dizzily as the operator fell. ||||||||||||запаморочливо|||| На экране наблюдатели на корабле увидели, как пещера головокружительно закружилась, когда оператор упал. Pale bodies washed up and concealed the lens. Бледные тела смылись и скрыли объектив. "Close ranks—flame-throwers and gas! «Сомкнутые шеренги — огнеметы и газ!

Kerk bellowed into the mike. |гримнув у м||| Керк проревел в микрофон. Less than half of the men were alive after that first attack.

The survivors, protected by the flame-throwers, set off the gas grenades. Выжившие, прикрытые огнеметами, взорвали газовые гранаты. Their sealed battle armor protected them while the section of cave filled with gas. Их запечатанная боевая броня защищала их, пока часть пещеры заполнялась газом. Someone dug through the bodies of their attackers and found the pickup. Кто-то перерыл тела нападавших и нашел пикап. "Leave the bomb there and withdraw," Kerk ordered. «Оставьте там бомбу и отступайте», — приказал Керк.

"We’ve had enough losses already. «У нас уже достаточно потерь. A different man stared out of the screen. С экрана смотрел другой человек.

The officer was dead. Офицер был мертв. "Sorry, sir," he said, "but it will be just as easy to push ahead as back as long as the gas grenades hold out. «Извините, сэр, — сказал он, — но будет так же легко продвигаться вперед, как и назад, пока держат газовые гранаты. We’re too close now to pull back. Мы слишком близко, чтобы отступить. "That’s an order," Kerk shouted, but the man was gone from the screen and the advance continued.

Jason’s fingers hurt where he had them clamped to the chair arm. Пальцы Джейсона болели в том месте, где он прижимал их к подлокотнику кресла.

He pulled them loose and massaged them. Он расслабил их и помассировал. On the screen the black and white cave flowed steadily towards them. На экране к ним неуклонно приближалась черно-белая пещера. Minute after minute went by this way. Так проходила минута за минутой. Each time the animals attacked again, a few more gas grenades were used up. Каждый раз, когда животные снова атаковали, израсходовалось еще несколько газовых гранат. "Something ahead—looks different," the panting voice cracked from the speaker. «Что-то впереди… выглядит по-другому», — хрипел задыхающийся голос из динамика.

The narrow cave slowly opened out into a gigantic chamber, so large the roof and far walls were lost in the distance. Узкая пещера медленно открывалась в гигантское помещение, настолько большое, что крыша и дальние стены терялись вдали. "What are those? "Что это?

Kerk asked. "Get a searchlight over to the right there. ||прожектор на прав||||| «Вон там прожектор справа. The picture on the screen was fuzzy and hard to see now, dimmed by the layers of rock in-between. ||||||розмита||||||потемніла||||||| Изображение на экране было расплывчатым, и теперь его было трудно разглядеть, затуманенное слоями скалы между ними.

Details couldn’t be made out clearly, but it was obvious this was something unusual. |||||||||||||незвичайне "Never saw ... anything quite like them before," the speaker said.

"Look like big plants of some kind, ten meters tall at least—yet they’re moving. «Похожи на какие-то большие растения, не меньше десяти метров в высоту, но они двигаются. Those branches, tentacles or whatever they are, keep pointing towards us and I get the darkest feeling in my head ..." Эти ветки, щупальца или что бы они ни были, продолжают указывать на нас, и у меня в голове возникает самое мрачное чувство…» "Blast one, see what happens," Kerk said.

The gun fired and at the same instant an intensified wave of mental hatred rolled over the men, dropping them to the ground. Пистолет выстрелил, и в тот же миг усиленная волна душевной ненависти накатила на мужчин, повалив их на землю.

They rolled in pain, blacked out and unable to think or fight the underground beasts that poured over them in renewed attack. Они катались от боли, потеряли сознание и не могли думать или сражаться с подземными зверями, которые обрушились на них в новой атаке. In the ship, far above, Jason felt the shock to his mind and wondered how the men below could have lived through it. На корабле, далеко наверху, Джейсон ощутил потрясение и задался вопросом, как люди внизу могли пережить это.

The others in the control room had been hit by it as well. Остальные в диспетчерской тоже пострадали от него. Kerk pounded on the frame of the screen and shouted to the unhearing men below. |pounded||||||||||||| ||||||||||||нечуючих|| Керк стучал по раме экрана и кричал неслышным людям внизу. "Pull back, come back ..." «Отойди, вернись…»

It was too late.

The men only stirred slightly as the victorious Pyrran animals washed over them, clawing for the joints in their armor. Люди лишь слегка пошевелились, когда победоносные пирранские животные пронеслись над ними, вцепившись в сочленения их доспехов. Only one man moved, standing up and beating the creatures away with his bare hands. Только один человек двигался, вставая и отбивая существ голыми руками. He stumbled a few feet and bent over the writhing mass below him. Он споткнулся на несколько футов и склонился над корчащейся массой под собой. With a heave of his shoulders he pulled another man up. ||потужним рух|||||||| Взмахом плеч он вытащил еще одного человека. The man was dead but his shoulder pack was still strapped to his back. Мужчина был мертв, но его наплечная сумка все еще была привязана к его спине. Bloody fingers fumbled at the pack, then both men were washed back under the wave of death. Окровавленные пальцы шарили в рюкзаке, затем обоих мужчин смыло волной смерти. "That was the bomb!

Kerk shouted to Meta. "If he didn’t change the setting, it’s still on ten-second minimum. «Если он не изменил настройку, она все еще на десятисекундном минимуме. Get out of here! Jason had just time to fall back on the acceleration couch before the rockets blasted. Джейсон успел откинуться на кушетку, прежде чем взорвались ракеты.

The pressure leaned on him and kept mounting. Давление давило на него и продолжало нарастать. Vision blacked out but he didn’t lose consciousness. В глазах потемнело, но сознание он не потерял. Air screamed across the hull, then the sound stopped as they left the atmosphere behind. Just as Meta cut the power a glare of white light burst from the screens. Как только Мета отключила питание, с экранов вырвалась вспышка белого света.

They turned black instantly as the hull pickups burned out. |||||||збірники|| Они моментально почернели, когда сгорели звукосниматели корпуса. She switched filters into place, then pressed the button that rotated new pickups into position. Она поставила фильтры на место, затем нажала кнопку, которая повернула новые звукосниматели. Far below, in the boiling sea, a climbing cloud of mushroom-shaped flame filled the spot where the island had been seconds before. Далеко внизу, в кипящем море, восходящее облако грибовидного пламени заполнило то место, где секунду назад был остров.

The three of them looked at it, silently and unmoving. Kerk recovered first. "Head for home, Meta, and get operations on the screen. «Направляйся домой, Мета, и займись операциями на экране.

Twenty-five men dead, but they did their job. They knocked out those beasts—whatever they were—and ended the war. Они вырубили этих зверей — кем бы они ни были — и положили конец войне. I can’t think of a better way for a man to die. Я не могу придумать лучшего способа умереть для человека. Meta set the orbit, then called operations. Мета установила орбиту, затем вызвала операции.

"Trouble getting through," she said. «Проблемы со связью», — сказала она.

"I have a robot landing beam response, but no one is answering the call. «У меня есть ответ посадочного луча робота, но никто не отвечает на звонок. A man appeared on the empty screen. На пустом экране появился мужчина.

He was beaded with sweat and had a harried look in his eyes. ||вкритий потом|||||||||| На нем выступили капли пота, а в глазах застыло измученное выражение. "Kerk," he said, "is that you? Get the ship back here at once. Немедленно верните корабль сюда. We need her firepower at the perimeter. |||вогневу міць||| Нам нужна ее огневая мощь на периметре. All blazes broke loose a minute ago, a general attack from every side, worse than I’ve ever seen. |все пекло|||||||||||||||| Все пожары вспыхнули минуту назад, общая атака со всех сторон, хуже, чем я когда-либо видел. "What do you mean?

Kerk stammered in unbelief. |||невіра Керк недоверчиво запнулся. "The war is over—we blasted them, destroyed their headquarters completely. «Война закончилась — мы их взорвали, полностью разрушили их штаб. "The war is going like it never has gone before," the other snapped back.

"I don’t know what you did, but it stirred up the stewpot of hell here. |||||||||||каструля пекла||| «Я не знаю, что вы сделали, но это развернуло здесь адскую кастрюлю. Now stop talking and get the ship back! Kerk turned slowly to face Jason, his face pulled back in a look of raw animal savagery. Керк медленно повернулся к Джейсону, его лицо откинулось назад с выражением грубой звериной ярости.


You did it! I should have killed you the first time I saw you. I wanted to, now I know I was right. You’ve been like a plague since you came here, sowing death in every direction. ||||чума|||||сієш смерть|||| I knew you were wrong, yet I let your twisted words convince me. Я знал, что ты ошибаешься, но позволил твоим искаженным словам убедить меня. And look what has happened. First you killed Welf. Then you murdered those men in the cave. Now this attack on the perimeter—all who die there, you will have killed! Kerk advanced on Jason, step by slow step, hatred twisting his features. |поступався вперед|||||||||| Керк приближался к Джейсону, шаг за шагом, ненависть искажала его черты.

Jason backed away until he could retreat no further, his shoulders against the chart case. Джейсон отступил, пока не смог отступить дальше, прижавшись плечами к футляру с картами. Kerk’s hand lashed out, not a fighting blow, but an open slap. Рука Керка хлестнула не боевым ударом, а открытой пощечиной. Though Jason rolled with it, it still battered him and stretched him full length on the floor. Хотя Джейсон катался с ним, он все равно бил его и растягивал во всю длину на полу. His arm was against the chart case, his fingers near the sealed tubes that held the jump matrices. |||||||||||||||||матриці стрибків Его рука была прижата к футляру с картами, а пальцы — рядом с запечатанными трубками, в которых находились матрицы прыжков. Jason seized one of the heavy tubes with both hands and pulled it out. Джейсон схватил одну из тяжелых труб обеими руками и вытащил ее.

He swung it with all his strength into Kerk’s face. Он изо всех сил ударил им Керка в лицо. It broke the skin on his cheekbone and forehead and blood ran from the cuts. ||||||вилична кістка|||||||| Он разорвал кожу на его скуле и лбу, и из порезов потекла кровь. But it didn’t slow or stop the big man in the slightest. Но это нисколько не замедлило и не остановило большого человека. His smile held no mercy as he reached down and dragged Jason to his feet. В его улыбке не было милосердия, когда он наклонился и поставил Джейсона на ноги. "Fight back," he said, "I will have that much more pleasure as I kill you. «Дай отпор, — сказал он, — я получу гораздо больше удовольствия, когда убью тебя.

He drew back the granite fist that would tear Jason’s head from his shoulders. Он отвел гранитный кулак, который должен был оторвать Джейсону голову от его плеч. "Go ahead," Jason said, and stopped struggling. — Давай, — сказал Джейсон и перестал сопротивляться.

"Kill me. You can do it easily. Only don’t call it justice. ||||справедливістю Только не называйте это справедливостью. Welf died to save me. But the men on the island died because of your stupidity. I wanted peace and you wanted war. Now you have it. Kill me to soothe your conscience, because the truth is something you can’t face up to. |||заспокоїти||совість|||||||||| Убей меня, чтобы успокоить свою совесть, потому что правда — это то, с чем ты не можешь смириться. With a bellow of rage Kerk drove the pile-driver fist down. С ревом ярости Керк ударил кулаком сваебойного молота.

Meta grabbed the arm in both her hands and hung on, pulling it aside before the blow could land. Мета схватила руку обеими руками и повисла, отводя ее в сторону до того, как удар достиг цели.

The three of them fell together, half crushing Jason. Все трое упали вместе, наполовину раздавив Джейсона. "Don’t do it," she screamed.

"Jason didn’t want those men to go down there. «Джейсон не хотел, чтобы эти люди спускались туда. That was your idea. You can’t kill him for that! Вы не можете убить его за это! Kerk, exploding with rage, was past hearing. |вибухаючи||||| Керк, взорвавшийся от ярости, не слышал.

He turned his attention to Meta, tearing her from him. She was a woman and her supple strength was meager compared to his great muscles. |||||||||незначна||||| Она была женщиной, и ее гибкая сила была скудной по сравнению с его огромными мышцами. But she was a Pyrran woman and she did what no off-worlder could. Но она была пиррянкой и делала то, что не мог сделать ни один инопланетянин. She slowed him for a moment, stopped the fury of his attack until he could rip her hands loose and throw her aside. |||||||||||||||вирвати||||||| Она на мгновение замедлила его, остановила ярость его атаки, пока он не смог вырвать ее руки и отбросить в сторону. It didn’t take him long to do this, but it was just time enough for Jason to get to the door. Это не заняло у него много времени, но Джейсону хватило времени, чтобы добраться до двери. Jason stumbled through, and jammed shut the lock behind him. Джейсон протиснулся внутрь и захлопнул за собой замок.

A split second after he had driven the bolt home Kerk’s weight plunged into the door. Через долю секунды после того, как он загнал засов, Керк своим весом вонзился в дверь. The metal screamed and bent, giving way. Металл завизжал и согнулся, поддавшись. One hinge was torn loose and the other held only by a shred of metal. |завіса||||||||||||| Одна петля была оторвана, а другая держалась только на куске металла. It would go down on the next blow. Он упадет при следующем ударе. Jason wasn’t waiting for that.

He hadn’t stayed to see if the door would stop the raging Pyrran. |||||||||||бурхливий| No door on the ship could stop him. Fast as possible, Jason went down the gangway. |||||||boarding ramp Как можно быстрее Джейсон спустился по трапу. There was no safety on the ship, which meant he had to get off it. На корабле не было никакой безопасности, а это означало, что он должен был покинуть его. The lifeboat deck was just ahead. ||палуба||| Впереди была палуба спасательных шлюпок. Ever since first seeing them, he had given a lot of thought to the lifeboats. С тех пор, как он впервые увидел их, он много думал о спасательных шлюпках.

Though he hadn’t looked ahead to this situation, he knew a time might come when he would need transportation of his own. Хотя он не предвидел эту ситуацию, он знал, что может наступить время, когда ему понадобится собственный транспорт. The lifeboats had seemed to be the best bet, except that Meta had told him they had no fuel. Спасательные шлюпки казались лучшим выбором, за исключением того, что Мета сказала ему, что у них нет топлива. She had been right in one thing—the boat he had been in had empty tanks, he had checked. В одном она была права: на лодке, в которой он находился, были пустые баки, он проверил. There were five other boats, though, that he hadn’t examined. He had wondered about the idea of useless lifeboats and come to what he hoped was a correct conclusion. Он размышлял об идее бесполезных спасательных шлюпок и пришел, как он надеялся, к правильному выводу. This spaceship was the only one the Pyrrans had. Этот космический корабль был единственным, что был у пиррян.

Meta had told him once that they always had planned to buy another ship, but never did. Мета однажды сказала ему, что они всегда планировали купить еще один корабль, но так и не сделали этого. Some other necessary war expense managed to come up first. Некоторые другие необходимые военные расходы возникли первыми. One ship was really enough for their uses. Одного корабля действительно было достаточно для их использования. The only difficulty lay in the fact they had to keep that ship in operation or the Pyrran city was dead. Единственная трудность заключалась в том, что они должны были поддерживать этот корабль в рабочем состоянии, иначе пирранский город погибнет. Without supplies they would be wiped out in a few months. Therefore the ship’s crew couldn’t conceive of abandoning their ship. Поэтому экипаж корабля не мог и подумать о том, чтобы покинуть свой корабль. No matter what kind of trouble she got into, they couldn’t leave her. When the ship died, so did their world. With this kind of thinking, there was no need to keep the lifeboats fueled. |||||||||||||заправленими

Not all of them, at least. Though it stood to reason at least one of them held fuel for short flights that would have been wasteful for the parent ship. Хотя вполне логично, что по крайней мере в одном из них было топливо для коротких полетов, которые были бы расточительны для корабля-базы. At this point Jason’s chain of logic grew weak. В этот момент логическая цепочка Джейсона ослабла. Too many "ifs." ||Забагато "якщо". If they used the lifeboats at all, one of them should be fueled. If they did, it would be fueled now. Если бы они это сделали, это было бы заправлено сейчас. And if it were fueled—which one of the six would it be? Jason had no time to go looking. He had to be right the first time. His reasoning had supplied him with an answer, the last of a long line of suppositions. |||||||||||||||припущень Его рассуждения дали ему ответ, последний из длинной череды предположений.

If a boat were fueled, it should be the one nearest to the control cabin. ||||||||||||||кабінка управ The one he was diving towards now. Тот, к которому он сейчас нырял. His life depended on this string of guesses. |||||||здогадки Его жизнь зависела от этой цепочки догадок. Behind him the door went down with a crash.

Kerk bellowed and leaped. Керк взревел и прыгнул. Jason hurled himself through the lifeboat port with the nearest thing to a run he could manage under the doubled gravity. Джейсон бросился через порт спасательной шлюпки с максимальной скоростью, которую он мог выдержать под удвоенной силой тяжести. With both hands he grabbed the emergency launching handle and pulled down. Обеими руками он ухватился за рукоятку аварийного спуска и потянул вниз. An alarm bell rang and the port slammed shut, literally in Kerk’s face. Прозвенел тревожный звонок, и порт захлопнулся буквально прямо перед Керком.

Only his Pyrran reflexes saved him from being smashed by it. Только его пирранские рефлексы спасли его от поражения. Solid-fuel launchers exploded and blasted the lifeboat clear of the parent ship. ||пускові установки|||||||||| Твердотопливные пусковые установки взорвались и отбросили спасательную шлюпку от головного корабля.

Their brief acceleration slammed Jason to the deck, then he floated as the boat went into free fall. Их кратковременное ускорение швырнуло Джейсона на палубу, а затем он поплыл, когда лодка вошла в свободное падение. The main drive rockets didn’t fire. Ракеты главного привода не стреляли. In that moment Jason learned what it was like to know he was dead. В этот момент Джейсон узнал, каково это — знать, что он мертв.

Without fuel the boat would drop into the jungle below, falling like a rock and blasting apart when it hit. Без топлива лодка рухнет в джунгли внизу, рухнет, как камень, и разлетится на части при ударе. There was no way out. Then the rockets caught, roared, and he dropped to the deck, bruising his nose. Потом ракеты зацепили, взревели, и он упал на палубу, ушибив себе нос.

He sat up, rubbing it and grinning. ||||||smiling broadly Он сел, потирая ее и ухмыляясь. There was fuel in the tanks—the delay in starting had only been part of the launching cycle, giving the lifeboat time to fall clear of the ship. В баках было топливо — задержка с запуском была лишь частью цикла запуска, дав шлюпке время оторваться от корабля. Now to get it under control. Теперь, чтобы взять его под контроль. He pulled himself into the pilot’s seat. The altimeter had fed information to the autopilot, leveling the boat off parallel to the ground. |висотомір|||||||вирівнюючи||||||| Альтиметр передал информацию автопилоту, выравнивая лодку параллельно земле.

Like all lifeboat controls these were childishly simple, designed to be used by novices in an emergency. ||||||по-дитячому просто|||||||новачки||| Как и все органы управления спасательной шлюпкой, они были по-детски простыми и предназначались для использования новичками в чрезвычайных ситуациях. The autopilot could not be shut off, it rode along with the manual controls, tempering foolish piloting. Автопилот нельзя было отключить, он ехал вместе с ручным управлением, смягчая глупое пилотирование. Jason hauled the control wheel into a tight turn and the autopilot gentled it to a soft curve. ||||||||||||пом'якшив його||||| Джейсон сделал крутой поворот штурвалом, и автопилот плавно выровнял его. Through the port he could see the big ship blaring fire in a much tighter turn. |||||||||випускаючи|||||| Сквозь иллюминатор он мог видеть большой корабль, ревущий огнем в гораздо более крутом повороте.

Jason didn’t know who was flying it or what they had in mind—he took no chances. Джейсон не знал, кто на нем летел и что у них на уме, — он не рисковал. Jamming the wheel forward into a dive he cursed as they eased into a gentle drop. Направив руль вперед, чтобы пикировать, он выругался, пока они плавно спускались вниз. The larger ship had no such restrictions. У более крупного корабля таких ограничений не было. It changed course with a violent maneuver and dived on him. ||||||маневр|||| Резким маневром он изменил курс и нырнул на него. The forward turret fired and an explosion at the stern rocked the little boat. Носовая турель выстрелила, и лодочку встряхнуло от взрыва в корме. This either knocked out the autopilot or shocked it into submission. Это либо вырубило автопилот, либо заставило его подчиниться током. The slow drop turned into a power dive and the jungle billowed up. |||||||||||роздулася| Медленное падение превратилось в мощное погружение, и джунгли вздрогнули. Jason pulled the wheel back and there was just time to get his arms in front of his face before they hit. Джейсон повернул руль назад, и было как раз время, чтобы вынести руки перед лицом, прежде чем они ударились.

Thundering rockets and cracking trees ended in a great splash. Гремящие ракеты и треск деревьев закончились громким всплеском.

Silence followed and the smoke drifted away. Наступила тишина, и дым рассеялся. High above, the spaceship circled hesitantly. |||||вагливо Dropping a bit as if wanting to go down and investigate. Немного падает, как будто хочет спуститься и исследовать. Then rising again as the urgent message for aid came from the city. Затем снова поднялся, когда из города пришло срочное сообщение о помощи. Loyalty won and she turned and spewed fire towards home. Лояльність|||||||||