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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 24 - Dr. Seward's Phonograph Diary, part 3

CHAPTER 24 - Dr. Seward's Phonograph Diary, part 3

MINA HARKER'S JOURNAL 5 October, 5 P.M.--Our meeting for report. Present: Professor Van Helsing, Lord Godalming, Dr. Seward, Mr. Quincey Morris, Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker.

Dr. Van Helsing described what steps were taken during the day to discover on what boat and whither bound Count Dracula made his escape.

"As I knew that he wanted to get back to Transylvania, I felt sure that he must go by the Danube mouth, or by somewhere in the Black Sea, since by that way he come. It was a dreary blank that was before us. _Omne ignotum pro magnifico_; and so with heavy hearts we start to find what ships leave for the Black Sea last night. He was in sailing ship, since Madam Mina tell of sails being set. These not so important as to go in your list of the shipping in the Times, and so we go, by suggestion of Lord Godalming, to your Lloyd's, where are note of all ships that sail, however so small. There we find that only one Black Sea bound ship go out with the tide. She is the Czarina Catherine, and she sail from Doolittle's Wharf for Varna, and thence to other ports and up the Danube. 'So!' said I, 'this is the ship whereon is the Count. ' So off we go to Doolittle's Wharf, and there we find a man in an office. From him we inquire of the goings of the Czarina Catherine. He swear much, and he red face and loud of voice, but he good fellow all the same. And when Quincey give him something from his pocket which crackle as he roll it up, and put it in a so small bag which he have hid deep in his clothing, he still better fellow and humble servant to us. He come with us, and ask many men who are rough and hot. These be better fellows too when they have been no more thirsty. They say much of blood and bloom, and of others which I comprehend not, though I guess what they mean. But nevertheless they tell us all things which we want to know.

"They make known to us among them, how last afternoon at about five o'clock comes a man so hurry. A tall man, thin and pale, with high nose and teeth so white, and eyes that seem to be burning. That he be all in black, except that he have a hat of straw which suit not him or the time. That he scatter his money in making quick inquiry as to what ship sails for the Black Sea and for where. Some took him to the office and then to the ship, where he will not go aboard but halt at shore end of gangplank, and ask that the captain come to him. The captain come, when told that he will be pay well, and though he swear much at the first he agree to term. Then the thin man go and some one tell him where horse and cart can be hired. He go there and soon he come again, himself driving cart on which a great box.

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CHAPTER 24 - Dr. Seward's Phonograph Diary, part 3 |||Fonógrafo de Dr. Seward|| KAPITEL 24 - Dr. Sewards phonographisches Tagebuch, Teil 3 CAPÍTULO 24 - El diario fonográfico del Dr. Seward, parte 3 CAPÍTULO 24 - Diário fonográfico do Dr. Seward, parte 3 KAPITEL 24 - Dr. Sewards dagbok om fonografer, del 3

MINA HARKER'S JOURNAL 5 October, 5 P.M.--Our meeting for report. 5 de outubro, 17 horas -- A nossa reunião para apresentação do relatório. Present:  Professor Van Helsing, Lord Godalming, Dr. Seward, Mr. Quincey Morris, Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker. Presentes: Professor Van Helsing, Lord Godalming, Dr. Seward, Sr. Quincey Morris, Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker.

Dr. Van Helsing described what steps were taken during the day to discover on what boat and whither bound Count Dracula made his escape. ||||||||||||||||||gerichtet||||| |||||||||||||||||hacia dónde|||||| O Dr. Van Helsing descreveu os passos que foram dados durante o dia para descobrir em que barco e para onde o Conde Drácula fugiu.

"As I knew that he wanted to get back to Transylvania, I felt sure that he must go by the Danube mouth, or by somewhere in the Black Sea, since by that way he come. ||||||||||||||||||||Danubio|||||||||||||| "Como eu sabia que ele queria regressar à Transilvânia, tive a certeza de que devia ir pela foz do Danúbio, ou por algum lugar no Mar Negro, pois por ali ele vinha. It was a dreary blank that was before us. |||sombrío||||| Era um espaço sombrio diante de nós. _Omne ignotum pro magnifico_; and so with heavy hearts we start to find what ships leave for the Black Sea last night. alles|Unbekannte||großartig|||||||||||||||||| Todo lo desconocido|||magnífico|||||||||||||||||| _Omne ignotum pro magnifico_؛ وهكذا بقلوب ثقيلة نبدأ في العثور على السفن التي تغادر إلى البحر الأسود الليلة الماضية. _Omne ignotum pro magnifico_; e assim, com o coração pesado, começamos a procurar os navios que partiram para o Mar Negro na noite passada. He was in sailing ship, since Madam Mina tell of sails being set. ||||||||||velas izadas|| Estava num veleiro, já que a Madame Mina contou que as velas estavam a ser içadas. These not so important as to go in your list of the shipping in the Times, and so we go, by suggestion of Lord Godalming, to your Lloyd's, where are note of all ships that sail, however so small. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Lloyd's Register||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Lloyd's Register||||||||||| Estes não são tão importantes que possam ir na vossa lista de navios no Times, e por isso vamos, por sugestão de Lord Godalming, ao vosso Lloyd's, onde estão anotados todos os navios que navegam, por mais pequenos que sejam. There we find that only one Black Sea bound ship go out with the tide. ||||||||||||||marea Lá descobrimos que apenas um navio com destino ao Mar Negro sai com a maré. She is the Czarina Catherine, and she sail from Doolittle's Wharf for Varna, and thence to other ports and up the Danube. |||Zarin||||||Doolittles|Anlegestelle||||||||||| |||Zarina Catalina||||||de Doolittle|Muelle Doolittle||||"de allí"|||puertos||||el Danubio O navio é o Czarina Catherine e parte de Doolittle's Wharf para Varna, seguindo depois para outros portos e subindo o Danúbio. 'So!' "Então! said I, 'this is the ship whereon is the Count. ||||||en la cual||| قلت ، 'هذه هي السفينة التي يكون فيها الكونت. disse eu, "este é o navio em que está o Conde. '  So off we go to Doolittle's Wharf, and there we find a man in an office. ||||||Muelle de Doolittle||||||||| Então, lá vamos nós para Doolittle's Wharf, e lá encontramos um homem num escritório. From him we inquire of the goings of the Czarina Catherine. ||||||los movimientos|||| Por ele, informamo-nos sobre os passos da Czarina Catarina. He swear much, and he red face and loud of voice, but he good fellow all the same. Praguejava muito, tinha a cara vermelha e a voz alta, mas era sempre um bom rapaz. And when Quincey give him something from his pocket which crackle as he roll it up, and put it in a so small bag which he have hid deep in his clothing, he still better fellow and humble servant to us. ||||||||||knisterte|||rolle||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||makes noise|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||crujir|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| وعندما يعطيه كوينسي شيئًا ما من جيبه الذي يتداعى وهو يلفه ويضعه في كيس صغير للغاية أخبأه بملابسه ، فإنه لا يزال أفضل من زميلنا وخادم متواضع. E quando Quincey lhe dá algo do seu bolso, que estala quando ele o enrola, e o coloca num saco tão pequeno que escondeu no fundo da roupa, continua a ser melhor companheiro e humilde servidor para nós. He come with us, and ask many men who are rough and hot. Ele vem connosco e pergunta a muitos homens que são rudes e quentes. These be better fellows too when they have been no more thirsty. يكون هؤلاء زملاء أفضل أيضًا عندما لا يكونون عطشانًا. Estes também serão melhores companheiros quando deixarem de ter sede. They say much of blood and bloom, and of others which I comprehend not, though I guess what they mean. إنهم يقولون الكثير من الدم والازدهار ، وغيرهم من الناس الذين لا أفهمهم ، على الرغم من أنني أعتقد ما يعنون. Falam muito de sangue e de flor, e de outras coisas que não compreendo, embora adivinhe o que querem dizer. Kan ve çiçeklenme hakkında çok şey söylüyorlar ve benim anlamadığım diğerlerinin ne anlama geldiğini tahmin etseler de. But nevertheless they tell us all things which we want to know. Mas, apesar disso, dizem-nos tudo o que queremos saber.

"They make known to us among them, how last afternoon at about five o'clock comes a man so hurry. |||||||||||||||||in Eile| "Deram-nos a conhecer, entre eles, que na tarde passada, por volta das cinco horas, apareceu um homem muito apressado. A tall man, thin and pale, with high nose and teeth so white, and eyes that seem to be burning. Um homem alto, magro e pálido, com nariz alto e dentes tão brancos, e olhos que parecem estar a arder. That he be all in black, except that he have a hat of straw which suit not him or the time. Que esteja todo de preto, exceto com um chapéu de palha que não lhe fica bem nem a ele nem à época. That he scatter his money in making quick inquiry as to what ship sails for the Black Sea and for where. ||desperdiciar|||||||||||zarpa||||||| Que ele esbanje o seu dinheiro a fazer um inquérito rápido sobre o navio que parte para o Mar Negro e para onde. Some took him to the office and then to the ship, where he will not go aboard but halt at  shore end of gangplank, and ask that the captain come to him. |||||||||||||||||||an||||Schiffsplanke|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||boarding ramp|||||||| ||||||||||||||||a bordo de|||||||pasarela de embarque|||||||| Alguns levaram-no para o escritório e depois para o navio, onde ele não sobe a bordo, mas pára na ponta da prancha e pede ao capitão que venha ter com ele. The captain come, when told that he will be pay well, and though he swear much at the first he agree to term. O capitão vem, quando lhe dizem que pagará bem e, apesar de jurar muito no início, concorda em se pronunciar. Then the thin man go and some one tell him where horse and cart can be hired. |||||||||||||carro||| Então o homem magro vai e alguém lhe diz onde se pode alugar um cavalo e uma carroça. He go there and soon he come again, himself driving cart on which a great box. ||||||||||carro||||| Ele foi para lá e logo voltou, conduzindo ele próprio uma carroça na qual estava uma grande caixa.