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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, Chapter 34.

Chapter 34.

Phileas Fogg was in prison.

He had been shut up in the Custom House, and he was to be transferred to London the next day. Passepartout, when he saw his master arrested, would have fallen upon Fix had he not been held back by some policemen.

Aouda was thunderstruck at the suddenness of an event which she could not understand. Passepartout explained to her how it was that the honest and courageous Fogg was arrested as a robber. The young woman's heart revolted against so heinous a charge, and when she saw that she could attempt to do nothing to save her protector, she wept bitterly. As for Fix, he had arrested Mr. Fogg because it was his duty, whether Mr. Fogg were guilty or not.

The thought then struck Passepartout, that he was the cause of this new misfortune!

Had he not concealed Fix's errand from his master? When Fix revealed his true character and purpose, why had he not told Mr. Fogg? If the latter had been warned, he would no doubt have given Fix proof of his innocence, and satisfied him of his mistake; at least, Fix would not have continued his journey at the expense and on the heels of his master, only to arrest him the moment he set foot on English soil. Passepartout wept till he was blind, and felt like blowing his brains out. Aouda and he had remained, despite the cold, under the portico of the Custom House.

Neither wished to leave the place; both were anxious to see Mr. Fogg again. That gentleman was really ruined, and that at the moment when he was about to attain his end.

This arrest was fatal. Having arrived at Liverpool at twenty minutes before twelve on the 21st of December, he had till a quarter before nine that evening to reach the Reform Club, that is, nine hours and a quarter; the journey from Liverpool to London was six hours. If anyone, at this moment, had entered the Custom House, he would have found Mr. Fogg seated, motionless, calm, and without apparent anger, upon a wooden bench.

He was not, it is true, resigned; but this last blow failed to force him into an outward betrayal of any emotion. Was he being devoured by one of those secret rages, all the more terrible because contained, and which only burst forth, with an irresistible force, at the last moment? No one could tell. There he sat, calmly waiting--for what? Did he still cherish hope? Did he still believe, now that the door of this prison was closed upon him, that he would succeed? However that may have been, Mr. Fogg carefully put his watch upon the table, and observed its advancing hands.

Not a word escaped his lips, but his look was singularly set and stern. The situation, in any event, was a terrible one, and might be thus stated: if Phileas Fogg was honest, he was ruined. If he was a knave, he was caught. Did escape occur to him?

Did he examine to see if there were any practicable outlet from his prison? Did he think of escaping from it? Possibly; for once he walked slowly around the room. But the door was locked, and the window heavily barred with iron rods. He sat down again, and drew his journal from his pocket. On the line where these words were written, "21st December, Saturday, Liverpool," he added, "80th day, 11:40 a.m.," and waited. The Custom House clock struck one.

Mr. Fogg observed that his watch was two hours too fast. Two hours!

Admitting that he was at this moment taking an express train, he could reach London and the Reform Club by a quarter before nine, p.m. His forehead slightly wrinkled. At thirty-three minutes past two he heard a singular noise outside, then a hasty opening of doors.

Passepartout's voice was audible, and immediately after that of Fix. Phileas Fogg's eyes brightened for an instant. The door swung open, and he saw Passepartout, Aouda, and Fix, who hurried towards him.

Fix was out of breath, and his hair was in disorder.

He could not speak. "Sir," he stammered, "sir--forgive me--most--unfortunate resemblance--robber arrested three days ago--you are free! Phileas Fogg was free!

He walked to the detective, looked him steadily in the face, and with the only rapid motion he had ever made in his life, or which he ever would make, drew back his arms, and with the precision of a machine knocked Fix down. "Well hit!

cried Passepartout, "Parbleu! that's what you might call a good application of English fists! Fix, who found himself on the floor, did not utter a word.

He had only received his deserts. Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout left the Custom House without delay, got into a cab, and in a few moments descended at the station. Phileas Fogg asked if there was an express train about to leave for London.

It was forty minutes past two. The express train had left thirty-five minutes before. Phileas Fogg then ordered a special train.

There were several rapid locomotives on hand; but the railway arrangements did not permit the special train to leave until three o'clock.

At that hour Phileas Fogg, having stimulated the engineer by the offer of a generous reward, at last set out towards London with Aouda and his faithful servant.

It was necessary to make the journey in five hours and a half; and this would have been easy on a clear road throughout.

But there were forced delays, and when Mr. Fogg stepped from the train at the terminus, all the clocks in London were striking ten minutes before nine. (1) Having made the tour of the world, he was behindhand five minutes.

He had lost the wager! (1)A somewhat remarkable eccentricity on the part of the London clocks!--TR.

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Chapter 34. Kapitel 34. Capítulo 34. Capitolo 34. 第34章 34장. Hoofdstuk 34. Capítulo 34. Глава 34. Розділ 34. 第34章

Phileas Fogg was in prison. Phileas Fogg hapisteydi.

He had been shut up in the Custom House, and he was to be transferred to London the next day. ||||||||||||to||||||| Его заперли в таможне, и на следующий день его должны были перевести в Лондон. Gümrük Binası'na kapatılmıştı ve ertesi gün Londra'ya nakledilecekti. Passepartout, when he saw his master arrested, would have fallen upon Fix had he not been held back by some policemen. ||||||||||||teria|ele||||||| Паспарту, увидев, что его хозяин арестован, набросился бы на Фикса, если бы его не остановили какие-то полицейские. Паспарту, коли він побачив, що його хазяїн заарештований, накинувся б на Фікса, якби його не затримали поліцейські.

Aouda was thunderstruck at the suddenness of an event which she could not understand. ||astonished||||||||||| |||||súbito|||||||| Ауда была поражена внезапностью события, которого она не могла понять. Passepartout explained to her how it was that the honest and courageous Fogg was arrested as a robber. The young woman’s heart revolted against so heinous a charge, and when she saw that she could attempt to do nothing to save her protector, she wept bitterly. ||||возмущалась|||гнусный|||||||||||||||||||| ||||rejected strongly|||atrocious|||||||||||||||||||cried tears| |||||||hedionda|||||||||||||||||||chorou| |||||||abscheulichen|||||||||||||||||||weinte| |||||||жахливий|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||凄惨な|||||||||||||||||||| Сердце молодой женщины восстало против столь гнусного обвинения, и когда она увидела, что ничего не может сделать для спасения своего защитника, она горько заплакала. Genç kadının kalbi böylesine iğrenç bir suçlama karşısında isyan etti ve koruyucusunu kurtarmak için hiçbir şey yapamayacağını görünce acı acı ağladı. As for Fix, he had arrested Mr. Fogg because it was his duty, whether Mr. Fogg were guilty or not.

The thought then struck Passepartout, that he was the cause of this new misfortune! |pensamento|então||||||||||| Тут Паспарту поразила мысль, что он был причиной этого нового несчастья!

Had he not concealed Fix’s errand from his master? |||||mission||| Разве он не скрыл поручение Фикса от своего хозяина? Fix'in görevini efendisinden gizlememiş miydi? When Fix revealed his true character and purpose, why had he not told Mr. Fogg? If the latter had been warned, he would no doubt have given Fix proof of his innocence, and satisfied him of his mistake; at least, Fix would not have continued his journey at the expense and on the heels of his master, only to arrest him the moment he set foot on English soil. Если бы последний был предупрежден, то он, без сомнения, дал бы Фиксику доказательства своей невиновности и удовлетворил бы его в его ошибке; по крайней мере, Фикс не стал бы продолжать свое путешествие за счет и по пятам своего хозяина, только чтобы арестовать его, как только он ступит на английскую землю. Eğer ikincisi uyarılmış olsaydı, şüphesiz Fix'e masum olduğunu kanıtlayacak ve onu hatasından vazgeçirecekti; en azından Fix, efendisinin peşinden ve onun masraflarıyla yolculuğuna devam edip İngiliz topraklarına ayak basar basmaz onu tutuklatmayacaktı. Passepartout wept till he was blind, and felt like blowing his brains out. |cried heavily||||||||||| Passepartout gözleri kör olana kadar ağladı ve beynini dağıtmak istedi. Паспарту плакав, доки не осліп, і відчував, що йому хотілося продути собі мозок. Aouda and he had remained, despite the cold, under the portico of the Custom House. ||||||||||портик|||| ||||||||||entranceway|||| ||||||||||під портиком|||| Ауда и он остались, несмотря на холод, под портиком таможни. Aouda ve o, soğuğa rağmen Gümrük Binası'nın portikosunun altında kalmışlardı.

Neither wished to leave the place; both were anxious to see Mr. Fogg again. Никто не хотел покидать это место; оба очень хотели снова увидеть мистера Фогга. That gentleman was really ruined, and that at the moment when he was about to attain his end. Этот джентльмен был действительно разорен, и это в тот момент, когда он должен был достичь своей цели. O beyefendi gerçekten mahvolmuştu, hem de sonunu getirmek üzere olduğu bir anda.

This arrest was fatal. Having arrived at Liverpool at twenty minutes before twelve on the 21st of December, he had till a quarter before nine that evening to reach the Reform Club, that is, nine hours and a quarter; the journey from Liverpool to London was six hours. If anyone, at this moment, had entered the Custom House, he would have found Mr. Fogg seated, motionless, calm, and without apparent anger, upon a wooden bench. Если бы кто-нибудь в этот момент вошел в здание таможни, он нашел бы мистера Фогга неподвижно, спокойно и без явного гнева сидящим на деревянной скамье. Eğer biri şu anda Gümrük Binası'na girmiş olsaydı, Bay Fogg'u tahta bir bankın üzerinde hareketsiz, sakin ve görünürde bir öfkesi olmadan otururken bulurdu. Якби хтось у цю мить увійшов до митниці, він би побачив містера Фоґга, що сидів нерухомо, спокійно й без видимої злості на дерев’яній лавці.

He was not, it is true, resigned; but this last blow failed to force him into an outward betrayal of any emotion. ||||||||||||||||||предательство||| |||||||||||||||||visible|||| ||||||resignado||||golpe||||||||traição||| Он не был, это правда, покорным; но этот последний удар не вынудил его к внешней измене каким-либо чувствам. Boyun eğmediği doğruydu; ama bu son darbe onu herhangi bir duygusunu dışa vurmaya zorlayamadı. Was he being devoured by one of those secret rages, all the more terrible because contained, and which only burst forth, with an irresistible force, at the last moment? |||||||||гневов||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||out|||||||| |||||||||raivas|||||||e|||||||||||| Était-il dévoré par une de ces rages secrètes, d'autant plus terribles que contenues, et qui n'éclatèrent, avec une force irrésistible, qu'au dernier moment? Не пожирала ли его одна из тех тайных яростей, тем более страшных, что сдерживалась и которая вырывалась с непреодолимой силой лишь в последний момент? Gizli olduğu için daha da korkunç olan ve ancak son anda karşı konulmaz bir güçle patlak veren o gizli öfkelerden biri tarafından yutuluyor muydu? No one could tell. There he sat, calmly waiting--for what? Did he still cherish hope? |||hold dear| |||плекати| |||nutrir| Did he still believe, now that the door of this prison was closed upon him, that he would succeed? However that may have been, Mr. Fogg carefully put his watch upon the table, and observed its advancing hands. Как бы то ни было, мистер Фогг осторожно положил часы на стол и стал следить за их движущимися стрелками.

Not a word escaped his lips, but his look was singularly set and stern. ||||||||||remarkably|||serious and strict Ни слова не сорвалось с его губ, но взгляд его был необычайно строг и суров. Dudaklarından tek bir kelime bile dökülmedi ama bakışları son derece sert ve kararlıydı. The situation, in any event, was a terrible one, and might be thus stated: if Phileas Fogg was honest, he was ruined. Her halükarda durum korkunçtu ve şöyle ifade edilebilirdi: Phileas Fogg dürüstse, mahvolmuştu. If he was a knave, he was caught. ||||негодяй||| ||||dishonest person||| ||||patife||| ||||Schurke||| ||||Якщо він був шахраєм, його спіймали.||| ||||悪党||| S'il était un coquin, il était attrapé. Если он был лжецом, его поймали. Eğer bir düzenbazsa, yakalandı. Did escape occur to him? aconteceu|||| Приходил ли ему в голову побег? Kaçmak aklına geldi mi?

Did he examine to see if there were any practicable outlet from his prison? ||||||||||exits||| Проверял ли он, есть ли реальный выход из его тюрьмы? Hapishaneden çıkışın mümkün olup olmadığını inceledi mi? Did he think of escaping from it? Possibly; for once he walked slowly around the room. Muhtemelen; bir kez olsun odanın içinde yavaşça yürüdü. But the door was locked, and the window heavily barred with iron rods. ||||||||||||metal bars Но дверь была заперта, а окно сильно заколочено железными прутьями. Ama kapı kilitliydi ve pencere demir çubuklarla sıkıca kapatılmıştı. He sat down again, and drew his journal from his pocket. |||||tirou||||| He sat down again, and drew his journal from his pocket. Tekrar oturdu ve cebinden günlüğünü çıkardı. On the line where these words were written, "21st December, Saturday, Liverpool," he added, "80th day, 11:40 a.m.," and waited. The Custom House clock struck one. Часы таможни пробили час.

Mr. Fogg observed that his watch was two hours too fast. Мистер Фогг заметил, что его часы спешат на два часа раньше. Bay Fogg saatinin iki saat fazla ileri gittiğini fark etti. Two hours!

Admitting that he was at this moment taking an express train, he could reach London and the Reform Club by a quarter before nine, p.m. Признавая||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||express|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||quarto|||| Признавшись, что в данный момент он едет экспрессом, он мог добраться до Лондона и Реформ-клуба без четверти девять вечера. Şu anda ekspres trene bindiğini kabul ederek, saat dokuza çeyrek kala Londra'ya ve Reform Kulübü'ne ulaşabileceğini söyledi. His forehead slightly wrinkled. |||franzida Его лоб слегка сморщился. Alnı hafifçe kırıştı. At thirty-three minutes past two he heard a singular noise outside, then a hasty opening of doors. Saat ikiyi otuz üç geçe dışarıdan gelen tek bir ses duydu, ardından kapılar aceleyle açıldı.

Passepartout’s voice was audible, and immediately after that of Fix. |||hörbar|||||| Phileas Fogg’s eyes brightened for an instant. Глаза Филеаса Фогга на мгновение просветлели. The door swung open, and he saw Passepartout, Aouda, and Fix, who hurried towards him. ||||||||||||apressaram|| Kapı açıldı ve kendisine doğru koşan Passepartout, Aouda ve Fix'i gördü.

Fix was out of breath, and his hair was in disorder. Fix'in nefesi kesilmişti ve saçları dağınıktı. Фікс задихався, а його волосся було розламане.

He could not speak. "Sir," he stammered, "sir--forgive me--most--unfortunate resemblance--robber arrested three days ago--you are free! ||spoke with difficulty|||||||||||||| -- Сударь, -- пробормотал он, -- сударь -- простите -- весьма -- досадное сходство -- разбойник арестован три дня тому назад -- вы свободны! Phileas Fogg was free!

He walked to the detective, looked him steadily in the face, and with the only rapid motion he had ever made in his life, or which he ever would make, drew back his arms, and with the precision of a machine knocked Fix down. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||puxou||||||||de||||| Он подошел к сыщику, пристально посмотрел ему в лицо и единственным быстрым движением, которое он когда-либо делал в своей жизни и которое он когда-либо сделает, отвел руки назад и с точностью машины сбил Фикса с ног. Dedektife doğru yürüdü, yüzüne sabit bir şekilde baktı ve hayatında yaptığı ya da yapacağı tek hızlı hareketle kollarını geri çekti ve bir makine hassasiyetiyle Fix'i yere serdi. 他走到侦探身边,定定地看着他的脸,以他一生中唯一的快速动作,或者他永远不会做的动作,收回双臂,然后以机器般的精确度将菲克斯撞倒。 "Well hit! "İyi vuruş! “打得好!

cried Passepartout, "Parbleu! ||おおなんて — вигукнув Паспарту, — Парбле! that’s what you might call a good application of English fists! вот что можно назвать хорошим применением английских кулаков! 这就是您所说的英语拳头的良好应用! Fix, who found himself on the floor, did not utter a word. Фікс, який опинився на підлозі, не вимовив ні слова.

He had only received his deserts. |||||Strafen |||||just deserts |||||merecidos Он получил только по заслугам. Sadece hak ettiğini almıştı. Він отримав лише свої заслуги. Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout left the Custom House without delay, got into a cab, and in a few moments descended at the station. |||||||||||||||||||||||train station Phileas Fogg asked if there was an express train about to leave for London.

It was forty minutes past two. Было сорок минут третьего. The express train had left thirty-five minutes before. 特快列车三十五分钟前就开走了。 Phileas Fogg then ordered a special train.

There were several rapid locomotives on hand; but the railway arrangements did not permit the special train to leave until three o’clock. В наличии было несколько скоростных локомотивов; но устройство железной дороги не позволяло специальному поезду уйти раньше трех часов. Hazırda birkaç hızlı lokomotif vardı; ancak demiryolu düzenlemeleri özel trenin saat üçe kadar kalkmasına izin vermiyordu.

At that hour Phileas Fogg, having stimulated the engineer by the offer of a generous reward, at last set out towards London with Aouda and his faithful servant. ||||||encouraged motivated||||||||||||||||||||| В этот час Филеас Фогг, поощрив инженера предложением щедрого вознаграждения, наконец отправился в Лондон с Аудой и своим верным слугой.

It was necessary to make the journey in five hours and a half; and this would have been easy on a clear road throughout. Путь нужно было совершить за пять с половиной часов; и это было бы легко на чистой дороге повсюду.

But there were forced delays, and when Mr. Fogg stepped from the train at the terminus, all the clocks in London were striking ten minutes before nine. ||||||quando|||||||||||||||||||| Но были вынужденные задержки, и когда мистер Фогг вышел из поезда на конечной остановке, все часы в Лондоне били без десяти минут девять. Ancak zorunlu gecikmeler oldu ve Bay Fogg son durakta trenden indiğinde Londra'daki tüm saatler dokuza on kala çalıyordu. (1) Having made the tour of the world, he was behindhand five minutes. |||||||||позади|| |||||||||hinterher|| |||||||||behind|| |||||||||позаду графіка|| |||||||||atrasado|| Совершив кругосветное путешествие, он отстал на пять минут. Dünya turunu tamamladıktan sonra beş dakika geride kaldı. Зробивши кругосвітнє турне, він відстав на п'ять хвилин.

He had lost the wager! (1)A somewhat remarkable eccentricity on the part of the London clocks!--TR. |||||||||||Translation Request ||notável||||||||| (1) Несколько замечательная эксцентричность со стороны лондонских часов! (1) Londra saatlerinin biraz dikkat çekici bir eksantrikliği!--TR. (1) Дещо дивовижний ексцентриситет лондонських годинників!-- TR. (1) 伦敦钟表的一个有点显着的怪癖!--TR。