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Aunt Jane’s Nieces by L. Frank Baum, CHAPTER V. AUNT JANE.


"Lift me up, Phibbs—no, not that way! Confound your awkwardness—do you want to break my back? There! That's better. Now the pillow at my head. Oh—h. What are you blinking at, you old owl?" "Are you better this morning, Miss Jane?" asked the attendant, with grave deference.

"No; I'm worse." "You look brighter, Miss Jane." "Don't be stupid, Martha Phibbs. I know how I am, better than any doctor, and I tell you I'm on my last legs." "Anything unusual, Miss?" "Of course. I can't be on my last legs regularly, can I?" "I hope not, Miss." "What do you mean by that? Are you trying to insult me, now that I'm weak and helpless? Answer me, you gibbering idiot!" "I'm sure you'll feel better soon, Miss. Can't I wheel you into the garden? It's a beautiful day, and quite sunny and warm already." "Be quick about it, then; and don't tire me out with your eternal doddering. When a thing has to be done, do it. That's my motto." "Yes, Miss Jane." Slowly and with care the old attendant wheeled her mistress's invalid chair through the doorway of the room, along a stately passage, and out upon a broad piazza at the back of the mansion. Here were extensive and carefully tended gardens, and the balmy morning air was redolent with the odor of flowers.

Jane Merrick sniffed the fragrance with evident enjoyment, and her sharp grey eyes sparkled as she allowed them to roam over the gorgeous expanse of colors spread out before her.

"I'll go down, I guess, Phibbs. This may be my last day on earth, and I'll spend an hour with my flowers before I bid them good-bye forever." Phibbs pulled a bell-cord, and a soft faraway jingle was heard. Then an old man came slowly around the corner of the house. His bare head was quite bald. He wore a short canvas apron and carried pruning-shears in one hand. Without a word of greeting to his mistress or scarce a glance at her half recumbent form, he mounted the steps of the piazza and assisted Phibbs to lift the chair to the ground.

"How are the roses coming on, James?" "Poorly, Miss," he answered, and turning his back returned to his work around the corner. If he was surly, Miss Jane seemed not to mind it. Her glance even softened a moment as she followed his retreating form.

But now she was revelling amongst the flowers, which she seemed to love passionately. Phibbs wheeled her slowly along the narrow paths between the beds, and she stopped frequently to fondle a blossom or pull away a dead leaf or twig from a bush. The roses were magnificent, in spite of the old gardener's croaking, and the sun was warm and grateful and the hum of the bees musical and sweet. "It's hard to die and leave all this, Phibbs," said the old woman, a catch in her voice. "But it's got to be done." "Not for a while yet, I hope, Miss Jane." "It won't be long, Phibbs. But I must try to live until my nieces come, and I can decide which of them is most worthy to care for the old place when I am gone." "Yes, Miss." "I've heard from two of them, already. They jumped at the bait I held out quickly enough; but that's only natural. And the letters are very sensible ones, too. Elizabeth DeGraf says she will be glad to come, and thanks me for inviting her. Louise Merrick is glad to come, also, but hopes I am deceived about my health and that she will make me more than one visit after we become friends. A very proper feeling; but I'm not deceived, Phibbs. My end's in plain sight." "Yes, Miss Jane." "And somebody's got to have my money and dear Elmhurst when I'm through with them. Who will it be, Phibbs?" "I'm sure I don't know, Miss." "Nor do I. The money's mine, and I can do what I please with it; and I'm under no obligation to anyone." "Except Kenneth," said a soft voice behind her. Jane Merrick gave a start at the interruption and turned red and angry as, without looking around, she answered:

"Stuff and nonsense! I know my duties and my business, Silas Watson." "To be sure," said a little, withered man, passing around the chair and facing the old woman with an humble, deprecating air. He was clothed in black, and his smooth-shaven, deeply lined face was pleasant of expression and not without power and shrewd intelligence. The eyes, however, were concealed by heavy-rimmed spectacles, and his manner was somewhat shy and reserved. However, he did not hesitate to speak frankly to his old friend, nor minded in the least if he aroused her ire.

"No one knows better than you, dear Miss Jane, her duties and obligations; and no one performs them more religiously. But your recent acts, I confess, puzzle me. Why should you choose from a lot of inexperienced, incompetent girls a successor to Thomas Bradley's fortune, when he especially requested you in his will to look after any of his relatives, should they need assistance? Kenneth Forbes, his own nephew, was born after Tom's death, to be sure; but he is alone in the world now, an orphan, and has had no advantages to help him along in life since his mother's death eight years ago. I think Tom Bradley must have had a premonition of what was to come even though his sister was not married at the time of his death, and I am sure he would want you to help Kenneth now." "He placed me under no obligations to leave the boy any money," snapped the old woman, white with suppressed wrath, "you know that well enough, Silas Watson, for you drew up the will." The old gentleman slowly drew a pattern upon the gravelled walk with the end of his walking-stick.

"Yes, I drew up the will," he said, deliberately, "and I remember that he gave to you, his betrothed bride, all that he possessed—gave it gladly and lovingly, and without reserve. He was very fond of you, Miss Jane. But perhaps his conscience pricked him a bit, after all, for he added the words: 'I shall expect you to look after the welfare of my only relative, my sister. Katherine Bradley—or any of her heirs.' It appears to me, Miss Jane, that that is a distinct obligation. The boy is now sixteen and as fine a fellow as one often meets." "Bah! An imbecile—an awkward, ill-mannered brat who is only fit for a stable-boy! I know him, Silas, and I know he'll never amount to a hill of beans. Leave him my money? Not if I hadn't a relative on earth!" "You misjudge him, Jane. Kenneth is all right if you'll treat him decently. But he won't stand your abuse and I don't think the less of him for that." "Why abuse? Haven't I given him a home and an education, all because Thomas asked me to look after his relatives? And he's been rebellious and pig-headed and sullen in return for my kindness, so naturally there's little love lost between us." "You resented your one obligation, Jane; and although you fulfilled it to the letter you did not in the spirit of Tom Bradley's request. I don't blame the boy for not liking you." "Sir!" "All right, Jane; fly at me if you will," said the little man, with a smile; "but I intend to tell you frankly what I think of your actions, just as long as we remain friends." Her stern brows unbent a trifle.

"That's why we are friends, Silas; and it's useless to quarrel with you now that I'm on my last legs. A few days more will end me, I'm positive; so bear with me a little longer, my friend." He took her withered hand in his and kissed it gently.

"You're not so very bad, Jane," said he, "and I'm almost sure you will be with us for a long time to come. But you're more nervous and irritable than usual, I'll admit, and I fear this invasion of your nieces won't be good for you. Are they really coming?" "Two of them are, I'm sure, for they've accepted my invitation," she replied. "Here's a letter that just arrived," he said, taking it from his pocket. "Perhaps it contains news from the third niece." "My glasses, Phibbs!" cried Miss Jane, eagerly, and the attendant started briskly for the house to get them.

"What do you know about these girls?" asked the old lawyer curiously.

"Nothing whatever. I scarcely knew of their existence until you hunted them out for me and found they were alive. But I'm going to know them, and study them, and the one that's most capable and deserving shall have my property." Mr. Watson sighed.

"And Kenneth?" he asked.

"I'll provide an annuity for the boy, although it's more than he deserves. When I realized that death was creeping upon me I felt a strange desire to bequeath my fortune to one of my own flesh and blood. Perhaps I didn't treat my brothers and sisters generously in the old days, Silas." "Perhaps not," he answered. "So I'll make amends to one of their children. That is, if any one of the three nieces should prove worthy." "I see. But if neither of the three is worthy?" "Then I'll leave every cent to charity—except Kenneth's annuity." The lawyer smiled.

"Let us hope," said he, "that they will prove all you desire. It would break my heart, Jane, to see Elmhurst turned into a hospital." Phibbs arrived with the spectacles, and Jane Merrick read her letter, her face growing harder with every line she mastered. Then she crumpled the paper fiercely in both hands, and a moment later smoothed it out carefully and replaced it in the envelope.

Silas Watson had watched her silently.

"Well," said he, at last, "another acceptance?" "No, a refusal," said she. "A refusal from the Irishman's daughter, Patricia Doyle." "That's bad," he remarked, but in a tone of relief. "I don't see it in that light at all," replied Miss Jane. "The girl is right. It's the sort of letter I'd have written myself, under the circumstances. I'll write again, Silas, and humble myself, and try to get her to come." "You surprise me!" said the lawyer.

"I surprise myself," retorted the old woman, "but I mean to know more of this Patricia Doyle. Perhaps I've found a gold mine, Silas Watson!"

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"Lift me up, Phibbs—no, not that way! Підніми|||Фіббс|||| Confound your awkwardness—do you want to break my back? 搞乱||尴尬||||||| Збити||незручність||||||| Confondre votre maladresse - voulez-vous me briser le dos ? There! That's better. Now the pillow at my head. ||подушка||| Oh—h. What are you blinking at, you old owl?" |||мигання||||сову Pourquoi clignez-vous des yeux, vieille chouette ?" "Are you better this morning, Miss Jane?" asked the attendant, with grave deference. |||||尊重 ||працівник служби||серйозною повагою|повага

"No; I'm worse." "You look brighter, Miss Jane." ||яскравіше|| "Vous avez l'air plus en forme, Mlle Jane". "Don't be stupid, Martha Phibbs. I know how I am, better than any doctor, and I tell you I'm on my last legs." Je sais comment je vais, mieux que n'importe quel médecin, et je vous dis que je suis sur la fin." "Anything unusual, Miss?" "Rien d'inhabituel, mademoiselle ?" "Of course. I can't be on my last legs regularly, can I?" Je ne peux pas être régulièrement à bout de souffle, n'est-ce pas ?" "I hope not, Miss." "What do you mean by that? Are you trying to insult me, now that I'm weak and helpless? ||||ти мене ображаєш|||||слабкий||безпорадний Answer me, you gibbering idiot!" |||胡言乱语的| |||бормотливий| Réponds-moi, espèce d'idiot qui baragouine !" "I'm sure you'll feel better soon, Miss. ||||||пані Can't I wheel you into the garden? ||колесо|||| It's a beautiful day, and quite sunny and warm already." |||||досить|сонячний||| "Be quick about it, then; and don't tire me out with your eternal doddering. |||||而|||||||| |||||||втомлювати||втомлювати мене|||вічному|блукання "Il faut donc faire vite, et ne pas me fatiguer avec tes éternelles dodos. When a thing has to be done, do it. |||||做||| Lorsqu'une chose doit être faite, faites-la. That's my motto." ||座右铭 ||девіз "Yes, Miss Jane." Slowly and with care the old attendant wheeled her mistress's invalid chair through the doorway of the room, along a stately passage, and out upon a broad piazza at the back of the mansion. |||||||推||女主人的|轮椅||||门口||||沿着||宏伟的|||||||阳台||||||大厦 ||||||прислужник|колісний||пані|хворий||||дверний отвір||||||урочистий|прохід|||||широкий|площа||||||особняк Lentement et avec précaution, la vieille servante fit rouler le fauteuil de sa maîtresse à travers la porte de la chambre, le long d'un passage majestueux, et sortit sur une large piazza à l'arrière du manoir. Here were extensive and carefully tended gardens, and the balmy morning air was redolent with the odor of flowers. ||||||花园|||宜人的||||弥漫着||||| ||широкі|||дбайливо доглянуті|сади||ці|м'який|ранок|||ароматний|||аромат|| Il y avait ici de vastes jardins soigneusement entretenus, et l'air doux du matin était imprégné de l'odeur des fleurs. Тут були великі і дбайливо доглянуті сади, а ранкове повітря було напоєне запахом квітів.

Jane Merrick sniffed the fragrance with evident enjoyment, and her sharp grey eyes sparkled as she allowed them to roam over the gorgeous expanse of colors spread out before her. ||闻||||明显的|||||||闪烁||||||游览|||美丽的|广阔的区域||色彩|||| |Меррік|вдихнула||аромат||очевидним|задоволення|||пронизливі|сірі||засяяли||||||блукати мандрувати|||чудовий|простір кольорів||кольорів|простерта||| Jane Merrick huma le parfum avec un plaisir évident, et ses yeux gris étincelèrent lorsqu'elle les laissa parcourir la magnifique étendue de couleurs qui s'étalait devant elle.

"I'll go down, I guess, Phibbs. This may be my last day on earth, and I'll spend an hour with my flowers before I bid them good-bye forever." ||||||||||||||||||попрощаюсь|||| C'est peut-être mon dernier jour sur terre, et je passerai une heure avec mes fleurs avant de leur dire adieu pour toujours." 这可能是我在地球上的最后一天,我会在告别我的花朵之前,花一个小时与它们相处。 Phibbs pulled a bell-cord, and a soft faraway jingle was heard. |||||||||叮当声|| |||дзвін|канат||||далекий||| Phibbs tira sur un cordon de sonnette et un doux tintement lointain se fit entendre. 菲布斯拉了一根铃索,远处传来了柔和的叮当声。 Then an old man came slowly around the corner of the house. 然后,一个老人慢慢地从房子的拐角走来。 His bare head was quite bald. |||||光秃秃的 他光秃秃的头完全是秃的。 He wore a short canvas apron and carried pruning-shears in one hand. |||||围裙||提着|修剪|剪刀||| |||||фартух|||обрізка|||| Il porte un tablier court en toile et un sécateur dans une main. 他穿着一条短帆布围裙,手里拿着修剪剪刀。 Without a word of greeting to his mistress or scarce a glance at her half recumbent form, he mounted the steps of the piazza and assisted Phibbs to lift the chair to the ground. |||||||女主人||几乎没有||||||躺着的|||上|||||||帮助|||||||| |||||||||рідкісний||погляд|||||||mounted|||||||допоміг|||||||| Sans un mot de salut à sa maîtresse, ni même un regard à sa forme à demi couchée, il monta les marches de la piazza et aida Phibbs à soulever la chaise jusqu'au sol. 他没有跟女主人打招呼,也几乎没有看她半卧的身姿,就登上了阳台的台阶,帮助菲布斯把椅子抬到地上。

"How are the roses coming on, James?" ||||||詹姆斯 “詹姆斯,玫瑰长得怎么样?” "Poorly, Miss," he answered, and turning his back returned to his work around the corner. Погано|||||||||||||| “不好,小姐,”他回答道,转过身去,回到角落里的工作。 If he was surly, Miss Jane seemed not to mind it. |||грубий|Міс||здавалося|||| 如果他情绪低落,简小姐似乎并不在意。 Her glance even softened a moment as she followed his retreating form. |||柔和|||||||远去的| |погляд|||||||||відступаючий| Son regard s'adoucit même un instant alors qu'elle suivait sa forme en train de reculer. 当她目送他渐行渐远的身影时,她的目光甚至在那一瞬间柔和了起来。

But now she was revelling amongst the flowers, which she seemed to love passionately. |||||在花丛中||||||||热烈地 |||||серед|||||здавалося|||пристрастно 但现在她正陶醉于花丛中,似乎对这些花充满了热爱。 Phibbs wheeled her slowly along the narrow paths between the beds, and she stopped frequently to fondle a blossom or pull away a dead leaf or twig from a bush. ||||||||||||||||抚摸||花||||||||小枝||| |||||||стежки|||||||||||||||||||||| Phibbs la faisait rouler lentement le long des sentiers étroits entre les parterres, et elle s'arrêtait fréquemment pour caresser une fleur ou arracher une feuille ou une brindille morte d'un buisson. 菲布斯缓慢地将她推过花床之间狭窄的小路,她时常停下来抚摸一朵花,或者从灌木丛中拔掉一片枯叶或树枝。 The roses were magnificent, in spite of the old gardener's croaking, and the sun was warm and grateful and the hum of the bees musical and sweet. |||壮丽||||||老园丁的|||||||||||嗡嗡声|||蜜蜂||| |||||||||садівника||||||||||||||||| "It's hard to die and leave all this, Phibbs," said the old woman, a catch in her voice. "C'est dur de mourir et de laisser tout ça, Phibbs", dit la vieille femme, avec une nuance dans la voix. "But it's got to be done." "Mais il faut le faire". "Not for a while yet, I hope, Miss Jane." "Pas avant un certain temps, j'espère, Mlle Jane." "希望不久后不会这样,简小姐。" "It won't be long, Phibbs. "不会太久, 菲布斯。 But I must try to live until my nieces come, and I can decide which of them is most worthy to care for the old place when I am gone." ||||||||侄女||||||||||||||||||||| 但我必须努力活到我的侄女们来,才能决定哪个人最值得在我去世后照顾这个旧地方。" "Yes, Miss." "I've heard from two of them, already. They jumped at the bait I held out quickly enough; but that's only natural. ||||намішка||||||||| Ils ont sauté sur l'appât que j'ai tendu assez rapidement, mais c'est tout à fait naturel. 他们很快就跳到了我伸出的诱饵上;这也是很自然的。 And the letters are very sensible ones, too. 而且这些信件也非常明智。 Elizabeth DeGraf says she will be glad to come, and thanks me for inviting her. |||||||||||||邀请| |||||||||||||запрошуючи| 伊丽莎白·德格拉夫说她很高兴能来,并感谢我邀请她。 Louise Merrick is glad to come, also, but hopes I am deceived about my health and that she will make me more than one visit after we become friends. |||||||||||误解||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||обманутий||||||||||||||||| Louise Merrick est également heureuse de venir, mais elle espère que je me trompe sur ma santé et qu'elle me rendra plus d'une visite une fois que nous serons devenues amies. 路易丝·梅里克也很高兴到来,但希望我对我的健康有误解,并且在我们成为朋友后她会多来几次。 A very proper feeling; but I'm not deceived, Phibbs. |||||||我没有上当| ||правильний|||||обманутий| C'est un sentiment très correct, mais je ne suis pas dupe, Phibbs. 这种感觉非常恰当;但我并没有被欺骗,菲布斯。 My end's in plain sight." |结局||| |||прямий|видимість Ma fin est bien visible." 我的结局一目了然。 "Yes, Miss Jane." "是的,简小姐。" "And somebody's got to have my money and dear Elmhurst when I'm through with them. "Et quelqu'un devra avoir mon argent et ce cher Elmhurst quand j'en aurai fini avec eux. "总得有个人能拿到我的钱,还有亲爱的埃尔姆赫斯特,在我结束与他们的交易后。" Who will it be, Phibbs?" "会是谁呢,菲布斯?" "I'm sure I don't know, Miss." "我确信我不知道,小姐。" "Nor do I. The money's mine, and I can do what I please with it; and I'm under no obligation to anyone." ||||钱|||||||||||||||义务|| Ні||||||||||||||||||||| 我也不是。钱是我的,我可以随心所欲地使用;而我对任何人都没有义务。 "Except Kenneth," said a soft voice behind her. |肯尼斯|||||| "Sauf Kenneth", dit une voix douce derrière elle. “除了肯尼斯,”她身后传来一个柔和的声音。 Jane Merrick gave a start at the interruption and turned red and angry as, without looking around, she answered: |||||||打断||||||||||| |||||||перерва||||||||||| 简·梅里克因被打断而愣了一下,随即面红耳赤,生气地回答,未曾回头:

"Stuff and nonsense! "胡说八道!" I know my duties and my business, Silas Watson." |||职责|||||沃森 |||обов'язки||||| "我知道我的职责和我的事务,西拉斯·沃森。" "To be sure," said a little, withered man, passing around the chair and facing the old woman with an humble, deprecating air. ||||||枯萎的|||||||面对|||||||谦卑的| |||||||||||||||||||скромний|| "C'est sûr", dit un petit homme flétri, en contournant la chaise et en faisant face à la vieille femme d'un air humble et dédaigneux. "当然,"一个小小的、干瘪的男人说道,他绕过椅子,带着谦卑和谦逊的神情面对着老太婆。 He was clothed in black, and his smooth-shaven, deeply lined face was pleasant of expression and not without power and shrewd intelligence. ||||||||剃得光滑的||有皱纹的|||||||||||聪明| |||||||||||||||||||||проникливий| Il était vêtu de noir, et son visage rasé de près, aux rides profondes, avait une expression agréable et n'était pas dépourvu de puissance et d'intelligence. 他身穿黑衣,光滑的剃须面庞线条深刻,表情愉悦,且不乏力量和聪慧。 The eyes, however, were concealed by heavy-rimmed spectacles, and his manner was somewhat shy and reserved. ||||||||||||||||内向 |||||||обрамлених||||||||| Ses yeux sont cependant cachés par des lunettes à monture épaisse et ses manières sont quelque peu timides et réservées. 然而,他的眼睛被厚框眼镜遮住了,举止有些害羞和内敛。 However, he did not hesitate to speak frankly to his old friend, nor minded in the least if he aroused her ire. ||||犹豫|||坦率地||||||在意||||||惹||愤怒 Однак||||не вагався|||відверто||||||турбуватися|||||||| Cependant, il n'hésite pas à parler franchement à sa vieille amie, et ne se soucie pas le moins du monde de susciter son ire. Однак він не посоромився відверто поговорити зі своєю давньою подругою і анітрохи не злякався, що викликав її гнів. 不过,他并不犹豫地对老朋友坦诚相待,也丝毫不介意激怒她。

"No one knows better than you, dear Miss Jane, her duties and obligations; and no one performs them more religiously. ||||||||||||义务||||履行|||认真地 ||||||||||обов'язки||||||виконує|||релігійно "Personne ne connaît mieux que vous, chère Miss Jane, ses devoirs et ses obligations, et personne ne les accomplit plus religieusement. "没有人比您更了解,亲爱的简小姐,她的职责和义务;也没有人比您更虔诚地履行它们。 But your recent acts, I confess, puzzle me. |||||我承认|让我困惑| |||||зізнатися|| 但我承认,您最近的行为让我感到困惑。 Why should you choose from a lot of inexperienced, incompetent girls a successor to Thomas Bradley's fortune, when he especially requested you in his will to look after any of his relatives, should they need assistance? ||||||||||||继承者||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||недосвідчені|некомпетентні|||наступник|||||||||||||||||||||||допомога Pourquoi devriez-vous choisir parmi un grand nombre de jeunes filles inexpérimentées et incompétentes un successeur à la fortune de Thomas Bradley, alors qu'il vous a expressément demandé dans son testament de vous occuper de tous ses proches, s'ils avaient besoin d'aide ? Чому ви повинні вибирати з безлічі недосвідчених, некомпетентних дівчат спадкоємицю статків Томаса Бредлі, коли він особливо просив вас у своєму заповіті подбати про будь-кого з його родичів, якщо їм знадобиться допомога? 为什么您要从一群没有经验、无能的女孩中选择托马斯·布拉德利的遗产继承人,而他在遗嘱中特别请求您在他们需要帮助时照顾他的任何亲属呢? Kenneth Forbes, his own nephew, was born after Tom's death, to be sure; but he is alone in the world now, an orphan, and has had no advantages to help him along in life since his mother's death eight years ago. |福布斯|||||||汤姆||||||||||||||孤儿|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||сирота|||||||||||||||||| Kenneth Forbes, son propre neveu, est né après la mort de Tom, certes, mais il est seul au monde, orphelin, et n'a bénéficié d'aucun avantage pour l'aider dans sa vie depuis la mort de sa mère, il y a huit ans. 肯尼斯·福布斯,他自己的侄子,出生在汤姆去世之后,这一点是肯定的;但他现在是世界上唯一的孤儿,自从他母亲在八年前去世以来,他在生活上没有任何优势可以帮助他。 I think Tom Bradley must have had a premonition of what was to come even though his sister was not married at the time of his death, and I am sure he would want you to help Kenneth now." ||汤姆|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||передчуття|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Je pense que Tom Bradley a dû avoir un pressentiment de ce qui allait se passer, même si sa sœur n'était pas mariée au moment de sa mort, et je suis sûre qu'il voudrait que vous aidiez Kenneth maintenant". Я думаю, що Том Бредлі, напевно, передчував те, що має статися, навіть якщо його сестра не була заміжня на момент його смерті, і я впевнений, що він хотів би, щоб ви допомогли Кеннету зараз". 我认为汤姆·布拉德利即使在去世时他的妹妹没有结婚,也一定预感到了将要发生的事情,我相信他会希望你现在帮助肯尼斯。 "He placed me under no obligations to leave the boy any money," snapped the old woman, white with suppressed wrath, "you know that well enough, Silas Watson, for you drew up the will." ||||||||||||||||||压抑的|愤怒||||||||||||| ||||||||||||різко|||||||гнів||||||||||склав||| "Il ne m'a pas obligée à laisser de l'argent à ce garçon", s'emporta la vieille femme, blanche de colère, "vous le savez bien, Silas Watson, puisque c'est vous qui avez rédigé le testament". "Він не зобов'язував мене залишати хлопчикові гроші, - огризнулася стара жінка, біла від пригніченого гніву, - ви це добре знаєте, Сайласе Вотсоне, бо ви склали заповіт". “他并没有让我有任何义务去留给那个男孩钱,”老女人愤怒地说道,脸色白得像纸,“你对此再清楚不过了,西拉斯·沃森,因为你起草了遗嘱。” The old gentleman slowly drew a pattern upon the gravelled walk with the end of his walking-stick. |||||||||铺砾的|||||||| |||||||||гравійною доріжкою|||||||| Le vieil homme dessine lentement un motif sur l'allée gravillonnée avec l'extrémité de sa canne. Старий джентльмен повільно намалював візерунок на гравійованій доріжці кінцем свого ціпка. 那位老人慢慢地用手杖的末端在铺有碎石的小路上画了一个图案。

"Yes, I drew up the will," he said, deliberately, "and I remember that he gave to you, his betrothed bride, all that he possessed—gave it gladly and lovingly, and without reserve. |||||||||||||||||||新娘|||||||高兴地||爱地|||保留 ||склав|||||||||||||||||||||все що мав|||з радістю||||| "Oui, j'ai rédigé le testament, dit-il, délibérément, et je me souviens qu'il vous a donné, à vous, sa fiancée, tout ce qu'il possédait - il l'a donné avec joie et amour, et sans réserve. "Так, я склав заповіт, - сказав він навмисне, - і пам'ятаю, що він віддав тобі, своїй нареченій, все, що мав, - віддав з радістю, з любов'ю і беззастережно. "是的,我起草了遗嘱,"他说,故作镇定,"我记得他把他所有的财产都赠予给了你,他的未婚妻——他心甘情愿、满怀爱意地给予,并且没有任何保留。 He was very fond of you, Miss Jane. |||喜欢|||| |||дуже любив|||| 他非常喜欢你,简小姐。 But perhaps his conscience pricked him a bit, after all, for he added the words: 'I shall expect you to look after the welfare of my only relative, my sister. |||良心|刺痛||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||совість|покусала|||||||||||||||||||добробут||||родич|| Katherine Bradley—or any of her heirs.' It appears to me, Miss Jane, that that is a distinct obligation. ||||||||||明确的|义务 ||||||||||чіткий|зобов'язання The boy is now sixteen and as fine a fellow as one often meets." ||||||像|好的|个|小伙子|像|||见 |||||||||young man|||| Le garçon a maintenant seize ans et c'est un bon garçon comme on en rencontre souvent". "Bah! An imbecile—an awkward, ill-mannered brat who is only fit for a stable-boy! |傻瓜||笨拙的||有礼貌的|小子|谁|||适合|||马厩| |||незграбний||||||||||| Un imbécile, un gosse maladroit, mal élevé, digne d'un garçon d'écurie ! Імбецил - незграбна, невихована дитина, яка годиться хіба що на конюха! I know him, Silas, and I know he'll never amount to a hill of beans. |||西拉斯|||||永远|成就|||||豆子 Je le connais, Silas, et je sais qu'il ne vaudra jamais rien. Я знаю його, Сайласа, і знаю, що він ніколи не буде вартий і пагорба з бобами. Leave him my money? Not if I hadn't a relative on earth!" |||没有|||| |||||родич|| Pas si je n'avais pas un parent sur terre !" Ні, якби у мене не було родича на землі!" "You misjudge him, Jane. Kenneth is all right if you'll treat him decently. ||||||||гідно Kenneth va bien si vous le traitez décemment. But he won't stand your abuse and I don't think the less of him for that." Mais il ne supportera pas vos abus et je ne l'estime pas moins pour cela." "Why abuse? Haven't I given him a home and an education, all because Thomas asked me to look after his relatives? ||||||||освіта|||||||||| Хіба не я дав йому дім і освіту, і все це тому, що Томас попросив мене подбати про його родичів? And he's been rebellious and pig-headed and sullen in return for my kindness, so naturally there's little love lost between us." |||叛逆|||||阴沉||||||||||||| |||бунтівний|||||||||||||||||| Et il a été rebelle, têtu et maussade en retour de ma gentillesse, alors naturellement il n'y a pas beaucoup d'amour perdu entre nous". "You resented your one obligation, Jane; and although you fulfilled it to the letter you did not in the spirit of Tom Bradley's request. |怨恨|||||||||||||||||||||| |обурювалася|||обов'язок|||хоча і||виконали|||||||||||||| "Vous en vouliez à votre seule obligation, Jane, et bien que vous l'ayez remplie à la lettre, vous ne l'avez pas fait dans l'esprit de la demande de Tom Bradley. "Ти обурювалася своїм єдиним зобов'язанням, Джейн; і хоча ти виконала його дослівно, але не в дусі прохання Тома Бредлі. I don't blame the boy for not liking you." ||не звинувачую|||||| "Sir!" "All right, Jane; fly at me if you will," said the little man, with a smile; "but I intend to tell you frankly what I think of your actions, just as long as we remain friends." ||||||||||||||||||маю намір||||відверто||||||||||||| "D'accord, Jane ; attaquez-moi si vous voulez, dit le petit homme en souriant ; mais j'ai l'intention de vous dire franchement ce que je pense de vos actions, aussi longtemps que nous resterons amis. "Гаразд, Джейн, лети на мене, якщо хочеш, - сказав маленький чоловічок з посмішкою, - але я маю намір відверто сказати тобі, що я думаю про твої вчинки, доки ми залишаємося друзями". Her stern brows unbent a trifle. |严肃的|眉毛|微微弯曲||一点 |суворий||||трохи Ses sourcils sévères se dégagent légèrement.

"That's why we are friends, Silas; and it's useless to quarrel with you now that I'm on my last legs. ||||||||没用||争吵||||||||| ||||||||||сварка||||||||| "C'est pour cela que nous sommes amis, Silas, et il est inutile de se disputer avec toi maintenant que je suis sur mes dernières jambes. A few days more will end me, I'm positive; so bear with me a little longer, my friend." He took her withered hand in his and kissed it gently. |||枯萎的|||||||

"You're not so very bad, Jane," said he, "and I'm almost sure you will be with us for a long time to come. "Vous n'êtes pas si mal, Jane, dit-il, et je suis presque sûr que vous resterez avec nous encore longtemps. But you're more nervous and irritable than usual, I'll admit, and I fear this invasion of your nieces won't be good for you. |||||烦躁||平常||||||||||||||| |||||дратівливий||||||||||||||||| Are they really coming?" "Two of them are, I'm sure, for they've accepted my invitation," she replied. "我肯定她们中有两个,因为她们接受了我的邀请,"她回答道。 "Here's a letter that just arrived," he said, taking it from his pocket. "这是刚到的信,"他说,掏出信件。 "Perhaps it contains news from the third niece." "也许里面有第三个侄女的消息。" "My glasses, Phibbs!" cried Miss Jane, eagerly, and the attendant started briskly for the house to get them. |||急切地|||仆人|走|迅速地|||||| |Міс||прагнучи|||||пружно|||||| 珍小姐急切地喊道,服务员迅速朝屋子走去拿它们。

"What do you know about these girls?" “你对这些女孩了解多少?” asked the old lawyer curiously. |||адвокат| 老律师好奇地问道。

"Nothing whatever. I scarcely knew of their existence until you hunted them out for me and found they were alive. |几乎不|||||||||||||||| |ледве||||існування|||||||||||| But I'm going to know them, and study them, and the one that's most capable and deserving shall have my property." Mr. Watson sighed.

"And Kenneth?" he asked.

"I'll provide an annuity for the boy, although it's more than he deserves. "Je lui verserai une rente, même si c'est plus que ce qu'il mérite. When I realized that death was creeping upon me I felt a strange desire to bequeath my fortune to one of my own flesh and blood. ||||||逼近|临近|||||||||||||||||| ||||||підкрадається|||||||||||||||||плоть|| 当我意识到死亡正在逼近我时,心中涌起一种奇怪的欲望,想把我的财富遗赠给我自己亲生的后代。 Perhaps I didn't treat my brothers and sisters generously in the old days, Silas." 也许我在过去并没有宽待我的兄弟姐妹,西拉斯。 "Perhaps not," he answered. “也许是这样,”他回答道。 "So I'll make amends to one of their children. |||补偿||||| |||виправлення||||| That is, if any one of the three nieces should prove worthy." ||||||||||доказати| "I see. But if neither of the three is worthy?" ||жоден|||||гідний "Then I'll leave every cent to charity—except Kenneth's annuity." The lawyer smiled. |адвокат|

"Let us hope," said he, "that they will prove all you desire. "Espérons, dit-il, qu'ils prouveront tout ce que vous désirez. It would break my heart, Jane, to see Elmhurst turned into a hospital." ||||||||埃尔姆赫斯特|||| Phibbs arrived with the spectacles, and Jane Merrick read her letter, her face growing harder with every line she mastered. ||||眼镜|||||||||||||||理解 |||||||||||||||||||опанувала Phibbs arriva avec les lunettes, et Jane Merrick lut sa lettre, son visage devenant plus dur à chaque ligne qu'elle maîtrisait. 菲布斯带着眼镜来了,简·梅里克读着她的信,随着每一行的理解,她的脸越变越冷硬。 Then she crumpled the paper fiercely in both hands, and a moment later smoothed it out carefully and replaced it in the envelope. |||||||||||||抚平||||||||| |||||люто|||||||||||||поклала назад|||| 然后她用双手猛烈地把纸揉皱,片刻后仔细地把纸展平,并把它放回信封里。

Silas Watson had watched her silently. 西拉斯·沃特森默默地注视着她。

"Well," said he, at last, "another acceptance?" ||||||прийняття "No, a refusal," said she. ||відмова|| "A refusal from the Irishman's daughter, Patricia Doyle." "爱尔兰人女儿帕特里夏·道尔的拒绝。" "That's bad," he remarked, but in a tone of relief. "C'est grave", a-t-il remarqué, mais sur un ton de soulagement. "这不好,"他评论道,但语气中带着松口气的感觉。 "I don't see it in that light at all," replied Miss Jane. "Je ne le vois pas du tout sous cet angle", répond Miss Jane. "我根本不这么认为,"简小姐回答道。 "The girl is right. "La fille a raison. “那个女孩是对的。” It's the sort of letter I'd have written myself, under the circumstances. 在这种情况下,这是一封我自己会写的信。 I'll write again, Silas, and humble myself, and try to get her to come." 我会再写一封,西拉斯,谦卑自己,试着让她来。 "You surprise me!" "你让我很惊讶!" said the lawyer. ||адвокат 律师说道。

"I surprise myself," retorted the old woman, "but I mean to know more of this Patricia Doyle. "我自己也很惊讶,"老人回应道,"但我想更多地了解这个帕特里夏·道尔。" Perhaps I've found a gold mine, Silas Watson!" J'ai peut-être trouvé une mine d'or, Silas Watson !" 也许我发现了一个金矿,西拉斯·沃森!