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Robinson Crusoe Written Anew for Children by Daniel Defoe. Adapted by James Baldwin., CHAPTER 48. I HAVE A NEW SUIT OF CLOTHES


THE next morning I slept quite late in my hammock, for the night had been full of toil and I had had but little rest.

All at once I was awakened by the sound of a gun.

Then I heard some one calling me, "Governor! Governor!" It was the captain's voice. I hurried out.

He grasped my hand and pointed to the sea. There, a little way from our beach, was the ship.

The weather being fair, the men had brought her around and anchored her near the mouth of the river.

"My dear friend," cried the captain, "there is your ship! She is all yours, for we owe our lives to you. We also are yours. Everything on board of her is yours." I was ready to sink down with surprise.

For here was a large ship, at last, ready to carry me wherever I wished to go.

At first I could not answer him.

We stood for some minutes with our arms around each other, and neither of us could speak.

At last I broke out, crying like a child. Then we rejoiced together.

When he had talked awhile, the captain told me that he had brought me a present.

"Bring up the box for the governor!" he cried to his men.

They came up the hill, carrying a wooden chest. When it was put down in my castle the captain bade me open it and help myself to all that was inside it.

I did so.

I found first two pounds of good tobacco, then twelve pieces of beef, six pieces of pork, a bag of peas, a box of sugar, a box of flour, a bag full of lemons, and two bottles of lime juice.

But under these was the greatest surprise. There I found six new shirts, six neckties, two pairs of gloves, a pair of shoes, a pair of stockings, a hat, and a very good suit of clothes.

I could now dress like a man again.

I went about it at once. It had been so long since I had worn such clothes that I was very awkward at putting them on.

But at last I came out fully dressed. Friday did not know me. I hardly knew myself.

The next day all was in readiness to sail away.

The second mate, the carpenter, and other ruffians who had been foremost in the rebellion were to be left on the island. In fact, I had put the matter to them in such a way that they requested this as a favor.

"It will be better to stay here than be taken to England to be hanged," I said to them. I left with them a keg of powder, three muskets, and three swords.

I told them also about my goats, and how I managed them—how I milked them and made butter and cheese.

I showed them my fields of barley and rice.

I showed them, also, my castle, my cave in the woods, and my bower.

"All these are yours," I said. "They are much more than we deserve," said the second mate; and I agreed with him.

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THE next morning I slept quite late in my hammock, for the night had been full of toil and I had had but little rest. |||||||||||||||||辛劳||||||| |||||||||||||||||Mühe||||||| |||||||||swinging bed||||||||labor||||||| Na manhã seguinte, dormi até bastante tarde na minha rede, pois a noite tinha sido de muito trabalho e eu tinha descansado pouco. Наступного ранку я проспав у своєму гамаку досить довго, бо ніч була сповнена праці, і я майже не відпочивав.

All at once I was awakened by the sound of a gun. |||||aufgeweckt|||||| |||||suddenly alert|||||| De um momento para o outro, fui acordado pelo som de uma arma. Раптом мене розбудив звук пострілу.

Then I heard some one calling me, "Governor! Depois ouvi alguém chamar-me: "Governador! Governor!" Governador!" It was the captain's voice. Era a voz do capitão. I hurried out. |eilte| Apressei-me a sair.

He grasped my hand and pointed to the sea. |抓住了||||||| |ergriff||||||| |took hold of||||||| Agarrou na minha mão e apontou para o mar. Він схопив мене за руку і показав на море. There, a little way from our beach, was the ship. Ali, um pouco longe da nossa praia, estava o navio.

The weather being fair, the men had brought her around and anchored her near the mouth of the river. |||||||||带到||||||||| ||das Wetter|schön||||||||verankert||||||| |||clear||||brought her||||moored||||||| Como o tempo estava bom, os homens deram a volta ao navio e ancoraram-no perto da foz do rio. В хорошую погоду мужчины вытащили ее и поставили на якорь у устья реки. Погода була гарна, чоловіки розвернули судно і поставили його на якір біля гирла річки. 天气晴朗,男人们已经绕过船,并将她锚定在河口附近。

"My dear friend," cried the captain, "there is your ship! "Meu caro amigo", gritou o capitão, "ali está o teu navio! “我亲爱的朋友,”船长大声说道,“那就是你的船! She is all yours, for we owe our lives to you. ||||||verdanken|||| Ela é toda vossa, pois devemos a nossa vida a vós. Вона вся твоя, бо ми завдячуємо тобі своїм життям. 她全都归你所有,因为我们欠你我们的生命。 We also are yours. |||belonging to you Nós também somos vossos. Everything on board of her is yours." Tudo a bordo dela é vosso". 她船上的一切都是你的。 I was ready to sink down with surprise. ||||sink|sink|| |||||||surpresa Estava pronto para me afundar de surpresa. Я була готова впасти від несподіванки. 我准备好惊讶地沉下去了。

For here was a large ship, at last, ready to carry me wherever I wished to go. ||||||||||take|||||| Porque, finalmente, aqui estava um grande navio, pronto para me levar para onde eu quisesse. 终于,这里有一艘大船,可以带我去任何我想去的地方。

At first I could not answer him. Primeiro, não consegui responder-lhe. 起初,我无法回答他。

We stood for some minutes with our arms around each other, and neither of us could speak. Ficámos alguns minutos com os braços à volta um do outro, e nenhum de nós conseguia falar. 我们彼此搂着对方站了一会儿,我们俩谁也说不出话来。

At last I broke out, crying like a child. Por fim, desatei a chorar como uma criança. Нарешті я вирвалася, плачучи, як дитина. 最后,我突然爆发出来,像个孩子一样大哭起来。 Then we rejoiced together. ||欢欣雀跃| ||Dann freuten wir uns.| ||celebrated together| Depois rejubilámos juntos. 然后我们一同欢欣鼓舞。

When he had talked awhile, the captain told me that he had brought me a present. ||||一会儿||||||||||| ||||eine Weile||||||||||| ||||for a bit||||||||||| Depois de ter falado um pouco, o capitão disse-me que me tinha trazido um presente. Поговоривши трохи, капітан сказав, що привіз мені подарунок. 他和我聊了一会儿后,船长告诉我他给我带来了一份礼物。

"Bring up the box for the governor!" "Tragam a caixa para o governador!" "把箱子搬上来给州长!" he cried to his men. gritou para os seus homens. 他对他的手下喊道。

They came up the hill, carrying a wooden chest. ||||slope|holding||made of wood| Eles subiram a colina, carregando uma arca de madeira. 他们沿着山坡走了过来,扛着一个木箱。 When it was put down in my castle the captain bade me open it and help myself to all that was inside it. |||hingelegt|||||||bat mich|||||||||||| ||||||||||commanded|||||||||||| Quando foi colocada no meu castelo, o capitão mandou-me abri-la e servir-me de tudo o que tinha dentro. 当它被放在我的城堡里时,队长命令我打开它,随便拿里面的东西。

I did so. Я так і зробив. 我照做了。

I found first two pounds of good tobacco, then twelve pieces of beef, six pieces of pork, a bag of peas, a box of sugar, a box of flour, a bag full of lemons, and two bottles of lime juice. ||||||||||||||||Schweinefleisch||||Erbsen||||||||Mehl|||||Zitronen|||||Limettensaft| ||||weight unit|||tobacco||twelve pieces|||beef||||pork meat||||dried legumes||||||||baking ingredient|||||lemons|||bottles of||| Encontrei primeiro duas libras de bom tabaco, depois doze peças de carne de vaca, seis peças de carne de porco, um saco de ervilhas, uma caixa de açúcar, uma caixa de farinha, um saco cheio de limões e duas garrafas de sumo de lima. 我找到了两磅好烟草,然后是十二块牛肉,六块猪肉,一袋豌豆,一盒糖,一盒面粉,一袋柠檬,以及两瓶酸橙汁。

But under these was the greatest surprise. Mas, debaixo destes, estava a maior surpresa. 但在这些下面是最大的惊喜。 There I found six new shirts, six neckties, two pairs of gloves, a pair of shoes, a pair of stockings, a hat, and a very good suit of clothes. |||||||||||手套||||||||长筒袜||||||||| |||||||Krawatten||||Handschuhe||||||||Strümpfe|||||||Anzug||Kleidung |||||||neckties||sets||||||||set||stocking pair||a hat|||||set|| Dort fand ich sechs neue Hemden, sechs Krawatten, zwei Paar Handschuhe, ein Paar Schuhe, ein Paar Strümpfe, einen Hut und einen sehr guten Anzug. Aí encontrei seis camisas novas, seis gravatas, dois pares de luvas, um par de sapatos, um par de meias, um chapéu e um fato muito bom. 那里我找到了六件新衬衫,六条领带,两双手套,一双鞋,一双袜子,一顶帽子和一套很好的衣服。

I could now dress like a man again. Agora podia voltar a vestir-me como um homem.

I went about it at once. Eu comecei logo a tratar do assunto. Я одразу взявся за це. 我立即开始做这件事。 It had been so long since I had worn such clothes that I was very awkward at putting them on. |||||||||||||||ungeschickt|||| ||||||||worn them|||||||clumsy|||| Há tanto tempo que não usava roupa assim que me sentia pouco à vontade a vesti-la. 我已经很久没有穿这样的衣服了,穿起来感觉很笨拙。

But at last I came out fully dressed. |||||||in full clothing Mas finalmente saí completamente vestida. 但最终我还是穿好了出来。 Friday did not know me. Sexta-feira não me conhecia. 星期五不认识我。 I hardly knew myself. |barely|| Eu mal me conhecia. 我几乎认不出自己来。

The next day all was in readiness to sail away. ||||||准备就绪||| ||||||Bereitschaft||| ||||||preparation||| No dia seguinte, tudo estava pronto para zarpar. 第二天一切准备好了,可以启航离开了。

The second mate, the carpenter, and other ruffians who had been foremost in the rebellion were to be left on the island. ||||Zimmermann|||Raufbolde||||führend|||||||||| |||||||troublemakers||||most prominent|||uprising||||||| O segundo imediato, o carpinteiro e outros rufiões que tinham sido os primeiros na rebelião deviam ser deixados na ilha. Другого помічника капітана, теслю та інших розбишак, які стояли на чолі повстання, мали залишити на острові. 第二副船长、木匠和其他领头参与叛乱的暴徒将被留在岛上。 In fact, I had put the matter to them in such a way that they requested this as a favor. |||||||||||||||darum baten||||Gefallen ||||||issue|||||||||asked||||request De facto, eu tinha-lhes apresentado o assunto de tal forma que eles o pediram como um favor. Насправді, я поставив питання таким чином, що вони попросили про це як про послугу. 事实上,我以这样的方式向他们提出了这个问题,他们请求这样做是为了帮忙。

"It will be better to stay here than be taken to England to be hanged," I said to them. |||||||||||||||||in| "Será melhor ficar aqui do que ser levado para Inglaterra para ser enforcado", disse-lhes eu. "Краще залишитися тут, ніж бути повішеним в Англії", - сказав я їм. “留在这里要比被带到英格兰绞死好,”我对他们说。 I left with them a keg of powder, three muskets, and three swords. |||||ड्रम||||||| |||||Fass||Pulver||Musketen||| |||||barrel||||firearms||| Deixei com eles um barril de pólvora, três mosquetes e três espadas. 我和他们一起留下了一个装有火药的桶,三支火枪和三把剑。

I told them also about my goats, and how I managed them—how I milked them and made butter and cheese. 我|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||extracted milk|||||| Falei-lhes também das minhas cabras e de como as tratava - como as ordenhava e fazia manteiga e queijo. 我还告诉他们关于我的山羊,以及我是如何管理它们的——我是如何挤奶、制作黄油和奶酪的。

I showed them my fields of barley and rice. ||||crops||barley crop||rice plants Mostrei-lhes os meus campos de cevada e de arroz. 我给他们看了我的大麦田和稻田。

I showed them, also, my castle, my cave in the woods, and my bower. |||||||||||||Laube Mostrei-lhes também o meu castelo, a minha gruta no bosque e o meu caramanchão. Я також показав їм свій замок, свою печеру в лісі і свою альтанку. 我还向他们展示了我的城堡、森林中的洞穴和我的凉亭。

"All these are yours," I said. "They are much more than we deserve," said the second mate; and I agreed with him. ||||||verdienen||||||||| ||||||merit||||||||| "São muito mais do que merecemos", disse o segundo imediato; e eu concordei com ele. “他们远比我们应得的要多,”二副说道;我同意了他的看法。