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Englishme - Short Stories, Nonna's Cooking

Nonna's Cooking

Coming from an Italian family, I grew up on Long Island. Every holiday our family would have the table overflowing with Nonna's famous pastas, lasagnas and custom homemade strombolis and calzones. Her cooking was so good it made every meal special. I never learned to cook because I never had to, Nonna simply took care of everything, I always had enough to eat, even when we had the neighborhood kids over for dinner we would still have left-overs! I remember “Mangia Mangia!” she would always say, you were always too skinny in her eyes! Things changed though when I was accepted into the University of Michigan.

After I settled in at my new dorm, I was excited to finally be out of the house, I loved home but my parents were very protective and I needed some breathing space. There was one big difference about living in a dorm though, and I hadn't realized just how big of a problem it would become. I was starving! I mean I could barely use a microwave! There is only so long you can eat just microwavable ramen noodles! I never thought I would have to cook meals for myself. The first few months at school were great though, I made loads of new friends, and my grades were good, but I still had to do something about my diet. I was living off Starbucks coffee and cheap microwavable food from the dollar store. So one night I called my Nonna, she was so happy to hear from me, she asked all the usual things how is school, what are your friends like, are you sleeping OK and of course are you eating enough! I told her about my situation, and about how much I missed her meals. She was ecstatic to hear my question “Can you teach me how to cook like you?”. So that's what she did, we talked for hours that night and she gave me all the tips and instructions I could possibly write down, the recipes seemed so complicated, but I was determined! After weeks of trying and failing, I burnt the noodles, I forgot ingredients and I messed up a lot, but slowly I got better. It started to taste better each time, I was motivated and I promised my Nonna I would learn her recipes. Soon my roommates were asking me to cook almost every night, I started remembering the recipes by heart and I could cook them with much less effort. I was starting to love to cook! We started having our friends come over and eat with us, it was great and I really felt I had accomplished something. My Nonna was so proud, maybe when I'm her age I can provide those same mind blowing meals she always did. Let's just say I wasn't ever hungry again after those few weeks!

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Nonna's Cooking Nonnas Kochkünste La cocina de la Nonna La cuisine de Nonna La cucina della nonna ノンナの料理 Cozinha da Nonna Кулинария Нонны Nonna'nın Yemekleri 诺娜的烹饪 诺娜烹饪

Coming from an Italian family, I grew up on Long Island. كوني من عائلة إيطالية ، نشأت في لونغ آيلاند. 이탈리아 가정에서 태어난 저는 롱아일랜드에서 자랐습니다. İtalyan bir aileden geldiğim için Long Island'da büyüdüm. Every holiday our family would have the table overflowing with Nonna's famous pastas, lasagnas and custom homemade strombolis and calzones. |||||||||||||||||Strombolis|| ||||||||overflowing||||pastas||||||| ||||||||溢れんばかりの||ノンナの|||ラザニア||||ストロンボリ||カルツォーネ في كل عطلة ، سيكون لدى عائلتنا طاولة مليئة بالباستا الشهيرة من نونا واللازانيا والسترومبوليس والكالزونيس المصنوع منزليًا. Her bayram ailemizin sofrası Nonna'nın meşhur makarnaları, lazanyaları ve özel ev yapımı strombolileri ve calzone'leriyle dolup taşardı. Her cooking was so good it made every meal special. كان طبخها جيدًا لدرجة جعل كل وجبة مميزة. I never learned to cook because I never had to, Nonna simply took care of everything, I always had enough to eat, even when we had the neighborhood kids over for dinner we would still have left-overs! لم أتعلم أبدًا الطبخ لأنني لم أضطر لذلك مطلقًا ، لقد اعتنت نونا بكل شيء ، وكان لدي ما يكفي من الطعام دائمًا ، حتى عندما كان لدينا أطفال الحي لتناول العشاء ، كان لا يزال لدينا بقايا! 저는 요리를 배울 필요가 없었기 때문에 요리를 배우지 않았고, 노나가 모든 것을 처리했기 때문에 항상 먹을만큼 충분했고, 이웃 아이들을 저녁 식사에 초대해도 여전히 남은 음식이있었습니다! I remember “Mangia Mangia!” she would always say, you were always too skinny in her eyes! ||食べなさい||||||||||痩せすぎ||| "망가 망가!"라고 늘 말씀하시던 게 기억나요. 항상 너무 말라 보이셨거든요! Things changed though when I was accepted into the University of Michigan. |||||||||||ミシガン大学 하지만 미시간 대학교에 합격하면서 상황이 바뀌었습니다.

After I settled in at my new dorm, I was excited to finally be out of the house, I loved home but my parents were very protective and I needed some breathing space. |||||||dormitory||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||寮|||||||||||||||||||過保護な|||||| There was one big difference about living in a dorm though, and I hadn't realized just how big of a problem it would become. I was starving! ||very hungry ||お腹が空いていた I mean I could barely use a microwave! |||was able to|||| |||||||電子レンジ Quer dizer, eu mal conseguia usar um micro-ondas! There is only so long you can eat just microwavable ramen noodles! ||||||||||ramen noodles| ||||||||||インスタントラーメン| Man kann nicht so lange nur mikrowellengeeignete Ramen-Nudeln essen! 전자레인지용 라면만 먹을 수 있는 시간은 한정되어 있습니다! Não há muito tempo para comer apenas massa de ramen para micro-ondas! I never thought I would have to cook meals for myself. 제가 직접 식사를 준비해야 할 줄은 상상도 못했어요. The first few months at school were great though, I made loads of new friends, and my grades were good, but I still had to do something about my diet. I was living off Starbucks coffee and cheap microwavable food from the dollar store. ||||||||電子レンジ用||||| 저는 스타벅스 커피와 달러 스토어에서 파는 값싼 전자렌지 음식으로 생활하고 있었습니다. So one night I called my Nonna, she was so happy to hear from me, she asked all the usual things how is school, what are your friends like, are you sleeping OK and of course are you eating enough! ||||||おばあちゃん||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I told her about my situation, and about how much I missed her meals. She was ecstatic to hear my question “Can you teach me how to cook like you?”. ||ekstatisch||||||||||||| ||overjoyed||||||||||||| ||有頂天||||||||||||| So that's what she did, we talked for hours that night and she gave me all the tips and instructions I could possibly write down, the recipes seemed so complicated, but I was determined! |||||||||||||||||||||||note down|||||||||| 그래서 그날 밤 몇 시간 동안 이야기를 나누면서 제가 적을 수 있는 모든 팁과 지침을 알려주었고, 레시피가 너무 복잡해 보였지만 저는 결심했습니다! After weeks of trying and failing, I burnt the noodles, I forgot ingredients and I messed up a lot, but slowly I got better. |||||||焦がした|||||材料||||||||||| It started to taste better each time, I was motivated and I promised my Nonna I would learn her recipes. 매번 맛이 더 좋아지기 시작했고, 동기 부여가 되어 할머니에게 레시피를 배우겠다고 약속했습니다. Soon my roommates were asking me to cook almost every night, I started remembering the recipes by heart and I could cook them with much less effort. ||housemates|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||ルームメイトたち|||||||||||||||||||||||| 룸메이트들이 거의 매일 밤 저에게 요리를 해달라고 부탁하자 레시피를 외우기 시작했고, 훨씬 더 적은 노력으로 요리를 할 수 있게 되었습니다. I was starting to love to cook! 요리하는 것을 좋아하기 시작했어요! We started having our friends come over and eat with us, it was great and I really felt I had accomplished something. ||||||||||||||||||||erreicht| 친구들이 와서 함께 식사를 하기 시작했는데, 정말 좋았고 무언가를 성취한 것 같았습니다. My Nonna was so proud, maybe when I'm her age I can provide those same mind blowing meals she always did. 할머니는 제가 할머니 나이가 되면 할머니가 항상 해 주셨던 것처럼 마음을 사로잡는 식사를 제공할 수 있을 거라며 자랑스러워하셨습니다. Let's just say I wasn't ever hungry again after those few weeks! Digamos que nunca mais tive fome depois dessas semanas!