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TED Talks 2019 + Video, Bina Venkataraman / The power to think ahead in a reckless age

Bina Venkataraman / The power to think ahead in a reckless age

So in the winter of 2012, I went to visit my grandmother's house in South India, a place, by the way, where the mosquitos have a special taste for the blood of the American-born. (Laughter) No joke.

When I was there, I got an unexpected gift. It was this antique instrument made more than a century ago, hand-carved from a rare wood, inlaid with pearls and with dozens of metal strings. It's a family heirloom, a link between my past, the country where my parents were born, and the future, the unknown places I'll take it. I didn't actually realize it at the time I got it, but it would later become a powerful metaphor for my work. We all know the saying, "There's no time like the present. " But nowadays, it can feel like there's no time but the present. What's immediate and ephemeral seems to dominate our lives, our economy and our politics. It's so easy to get caught up in the number of steps we took today or the latest tweet from a high-profile figure. It's easy for businesses to get caught up in making immediate profits and neglect what's good for future invention. And it's far too easy for governments to stand by while fisheries and farmland are depleted instead of conserved to feed future generations. I have a feeling that, at this rate, it's going to be hard for our generation to be remembered as good ancestors. If you think about it, our species evolved to think ahead, to chart the stars, dream of the afterlife, sow seeds for later harvest. Some scientists call this superpower that we have "mental time travel," and it's responsible for pretty much everything we call human civilization, from farming to the Magna Carta to the internet -- all first conjured in the minds of humans. But let's get real: if we look around us today, we don't exactly seem to be using this superpower quite enough, and that begs the question: Why not? What's wrong is how our communities, businesses and institutions are designed. They're designed in a way that's impairing our foresight. I want to talk to you about the three key mistakes that I think we're making. The first mistake is what we measure. When we look at the quarterly profits of a company or its near-term stock price, that's often not a great measure of whether that company is going to grow its market share or be inventive in the long run. When we glue ourselves to the test scores that kids bring back from school, that's not necessarily what's great for those kids' learning and curiosity in the long run. We're not measuring what really matters in the future. The second mistake we're making that impairs our foresight is what we reward. When we celebrate a political leader or a business leader for the disaster she just cleaned up or the announcement she just made, we're not motivating that leader to invest in preventing those disasters in the first place, or to put down payments on the future by protecting communities from floods or fighting inequality or investing in research and education. The third mistake that impairs our foresight is what we fail to imagine. Now, when we do think about the future, we tend to focus on predicting exactly what's next, whether we're using horoscopes or algorithms to do that. But we spend a lot less time imagining all the possibilities the future holds. When the Ebola outbreak emerged in 2014 in West Africa, public health officials around the world had early warning signs and predictive tools that showed how that outbreak might spread, but they failed to fathom that it would, and they failed to act in time to intervene, and the epidemic grew to kill more than 11,000 people. When people with lots of resources and good forecasts don't prepare for deadly hurricanes, they're often failing to imagine how dangerous they can be. Now, none of these mistakes that I've described, as dismal as they might sound, are inevitable. In fact, they're all avoidable. What we need to make better decisions about the future are tools that can aid our foresight, tools that can help us think ahead. Think of these as something like the telescopes that ship captains of yore used when they scanned the horizon. Only instead of for looking across distance and the ocean, these tools are for looking across time to the future. I want to share with you a few of the tools that I've found in my research that I think can help us with foresight. The first tool I want to share with you I think of as making the long game pay now. This is Wes Jackson, a farmer I spent some time with in Kansas. And Jackson knows that the way that most crops are grown around the world today is stripping the earth of the fertile topsoil we need to feed future generations. He got together with a group of scientists, and they bred perennial grain crops which have deep roots that anchor the fertile topsoil of a farm, preventing erosion and protecting future harvests. But they also knew that in order to get farmers to grow these crops in the short run, they needed to boost the annual yields of the crops and find companies willing to make cereal and beer using the grains so that farmers could reap profits today by doing what's good for tomorrow. And this is a tried-and-true strategy. In fact, it was used by George Washington Carver in the South of the United States after the Civil War in the early 20th century. A lot of people have probably heard of Carver's 300 uses for the peanut, the products and recipes that he came up with that made the peanut so popular. But not everyone knows why Carver did that. He was trying to help poor Alabama sharecroppers whose cotton yields were declining, and he knew that planting peanuts in their fields would replenish those soils so that their cotton yields would be better a few years later. But he also knew it needed to be lucrative for them in the short run.

Alright, so let's talk about another tool for foresight. This one I like to think of as keeping the memory of the past alive to help us imagine the future. So I went to Fukushima, Japan on the sixth anniversary of the nuclear reactor disaster there that followed the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of 2011. When I was there, I learned about the Onagawa Nuclear Power Station, which was even closer to the epicenter of that earthquake than the infamous Fukushima Daiichi that we all know about. In Onagawa, people in the city actually fled to the nuclear power plant as a place of refuge. It was that safe. It was spared by the tsunamis. It was the foresight of just one engineer, Yanosuke Hirai, that made that happen. In the 1960s, he fought to build that power plant farther back from the coast at higher elevation and with a higher sea wall. He knew the story of his hometown shrine, which had flooded in the year 869 after a tsunami. It was his knowledge of history that allowed him to imagine what others could not.

OK, one more tool of foresight. This one I think of as creating shared heirlooms. These are lobster fishermen on the Pacific coast of Mexico, and they're the ones who taught me this. They have protected their lobster harvest there for nearly a century, and they've done that by treating it as a shared resource that they're passing on to their collected children and grandchildren. They carefully measure what they catch so that they're not taking the breeding lobster out of the ocean. Across North America, there are more than 30 fisheries that are doing something vaguely similar to this. They're creating long-term stakes in the fisheries known as catch shares which get fishermen to be motivated not just in taking whatever they can from the ocean today but in its long-term survival. Now there are many, many more tools of foresight I would love to share with you, and they come from all kinds of places: investment firms that look beyond near-term stock prices, states that have freed their elections from the immediate interests of campaign financiers. And we're going to need to marshal as many of these tools as we can if we want to rethink what we measure, change what we reward and be brave enough to imagine what lies ahead. Not all this is going to be easy, as you can imagine. Some of these tools we can pick up in our own lives, some we're going to need to do in businesses or in communities, and some we need to do as a society. The future is worth this effort.

My own inspiration to keep up this effort is the instrument I shared with you. It's called a dilruba, and it was custom-made for my great-grandfather. He was a well-known music and art critic in India in the early 20th century. My great-grandfather had the foresight to protect this instrument at a time when my great-grandmother was pawning off all their belongings, but that's another story. He protected it by giving it to the next generation, by giving it to my grandmother, and she gave it to me.

When I first heard the sound of this instrument, it haunted me. It felt like hearing a wanderer in the Himalayan fog. It felt like hearing a voice from the past. (Music) (Music ends)

That's my friend Simran Singh playing the dilruba. When I play it, it sounds like a cat's dying somewhere, so you're welcome. (Laughter)

This instrument is in my home today, but it doesn't actually belong to me. It's my role to shepherd it in time, and that feels more meaningful to me than just owning it for today. This instrument positions me as both a descendant and an ancestor. It makes me feel part of a story bigger than my own.

And this, I believe, is the single most powerful way we can reclaim foresight: by seeing ourselves as the good ancestors we long to be, ancestors not just to our own children but to all humanity. Whatever your heirloom is, however big or small, protect it and know that its music can resonate for generations.

Thank you.


Bina Venkataraman / The power to think ahead in a reckless age |||||||||imprudent| |||||||||careless or rash| Bina Venkataraman / Die Kraft, in einer rücksichtslosen Zeit vorauszudenken Bina Venkataraman / The power to think ahead in a reckless age Bina Venkataraman / El poder de pensar en el futuro en una era imprudente Bina Venkataraman / Le pouvoir de penser à l'avenir dans une ère d'insouciance Bina Venkataraman / Il potere di pensare al futuro in un'epoca spericolata ビナ・ヴェンカタラーマン / 無謀な時代に先を読む力 비나 벤카타라만 / 무모한 시대에 앞서 생각할 수 있는 힘 Bina Venkataraman / Galia mąstyti į priekį neapgalvotame amžiuje Bina Venkataraman / De kracht om vooruit te denken in een roekeloze tijd Bina Venkataraman / Siła myślenia z wyprzedzeniem w lekkomyślnych czasach Bina Venkataraman / O poder de pensar no futuro numa época imprudente Бина Венкатараман / Сила мыслить наперед в безрассудный век Bina Venkataraman / Pervasız bir çağda ileriyi düşünme gücü Біна Венкатараман / Сила думати наперед у безрозсудну епоху Bina Venkataraman / 在鲁莽的时代超前思考的力量 Bina Venkataraman / 在魯莽的時代超前思考的力量

So in the winter of 2012, I went to visit my grandmother's house in South India, a place, by the way, where the mosquitos have a special taste for the blood of the American-born. ||||||||||||||||||||||les moustiques||||||||||| Así que en el invierno de 2012 fui a visitar la casa de mi abuela en el sur de la India, un lugar, por cierto, donde los mosquitos tienen un gusto especial por la sangre de los nacidos en América. Così, nell'inverno del 2012, sono andato a visitare la casa di mia nonna nell'India del Sud, un luogo, tra l'altro, dove le zanzare hanno un gusto speciale per il sangue dei nati in America. 2012年の冬、私は南インドにある祖母の家を訪ねた。ちなみにこの場所は、蚊がアメリカ生まれの血を特別に好む場所である。 Bu yüzden 2012 kışında büyükannemin Güney Hindistan'daki evini ziyarete gittim; bu arada sivrisineklerin Amerikan doğumluların kanına karşı özel bir damak tadı olduğu bir yer. (Laughter)   No joke.

When I was there, I got an unexpected gift. Als ich dort war, bekam ich ein unerwartetes Geschenk. Cuando estaba allí, recibí un regalo inesperado. Lorsque j'étais là-bas, j'ai reçu un cadeau inattendu. It was this antique instrument made more than a century ago, hand-carved from a rare wood, inlaid with pearls and with dozens of metal strings. |||antique|||||||||sculpté à la|||||incrusté de||perles|||||| ||||||||||||||||||з цим||||||| Es handelte sich um ein antikes Instrument, das vor mehr als einem Jahrhundert aus einem seltenen Holz handgeschnitzt, mit Perlen besetzt und mit Dutzenden von Metallsaiten versehen wurde. Se trataba de un instrumento antiguo fabricado hace más de un siglo, tallado a mano en una madera rara, con incrustaciones de perlas y decenas de cuerdas metálicas. Il s'agissait d'un instrument antique fabriqué il y a plus d'un siècle, sculpté à la main dans un bois rare, incrusté de perles et doté de dizaines de cordes métalliques. それは100年以上前に作られたアンティークの楽器で、珍しい木から手彫りされ、真珠がはめ込まれ、何十本もの金属の弦が張られていた。 Yüzyıldan daha uzun bir süre önce yapılmış, nadir bulunan bir ağaçtan elle oyulmuş, incilerle işlenmiş ve düzinelerce metal tele sahip bu antika enstrümandı. It's a family heirloom, a link between my past, the country where my parents were born, and the future, the unknown places I'll take it. |||héritage familial||||||||||||||||||||| |||precious family artifact||||||||||||||||||||| Es una reliquia familiar, un vínculo entre mi pasado, el país donde nacieron mis padres, y el futuro, los lugares desconocidos a los que la llevaré. C'est un héritage familial, un lien entre mon passé, le pays où sont nés mes parents, et l'avenir, les lieux inconnus où je l'emmènerai. È un cimelio di famiglia, un legame tra il mio passato, il Paese in cui sono nati i miei genitori, e il futuro, i luoghi sconosciuti in cui la porterò. 家宝であり、両親の生まれた国という過去と、これから行く未知の場所という未来をつなぐものだ。 Bu bir aile yadigârı, ailemin doğduğu ülke olan geçmişimle, onu götüreceğim bilinmeyen yerler olan gelecek arasında bir bağ. I didn't actually realize it at the time I got it, but it would later become a powerful metaphor for my work. En realidad no me di cuenta en el momento en que lo recibí, pero más tarde se convertiría en una poderosa metáfora de mi trabajo. それを手にした当時は実感が湧かなかったが、後に私の仕事に対する強力なメタファーとなる。 Na verdade, eu não percebi isso na época em que consegui, mas mais tarde se tornaria uma metáfora poderosa para o meu trabalho. 当我拿到它的时候我并没有真正意识到它,但它后来成为我作品的一个强有力的隐喻。 We all know the saying, "There's no time like the present. Todos conocemos el dicho: "No hay tiempo como el presente". Nous connaissons tous le dicton "Il n'y a pas de meilleur moment que le présent". 私たちは皆、「今ほど楽しい時はない」ということわざを知っている。 Hepimiz şu sözü biliriz: "Şimdiki zaman gibisi yoktur. " But nowadays, it can feel like there's no time but the present. „Aber heutzutage kann es sich anfühlen, als gäbe es keine andere Zeit als die Gegenwart. " Pero hoy en día puede parecer que no hay más tiempo que el presente. " Mais aujourd'hui, on peut avoir l'impression qu'il n'y a pas d'autre temps que le présent. "でも今は、今しか時間がないように感じることもある。 " Ancak bugünlerde, şimdiki zamandan başka zaman yokmuş gibi hissedebilirsiniz. What's immediate and ephemeral seems to dominate our lives, our economy and our politics. ||||||dominer||||||| |||short-lived|||||||||| Lo inmediato y efímero parece dominar nuestras vidas, nuestra economía y nuestra política. L'immédiateté et l'éphémère semblent dominer nos vies, notre économie et notre politique. Anlık ve geçici olan hayatlarımıza, ekonomimize ve politikamıza hükmediyor gibi görünüyor. It's so easy to get caught up in the number of steps we took today or the latest tweet from a high-profile figure. Es ist so einfach, sich an der Anzahl der Schritte zu orientieren, die wir heute gemacht haben, oder an dem letzten Tweet eines Prominenten. Es muy fácil dejarse llevar por el número de pasos que hemos dado hoy o por el último tuit de un personaje famoso. Il est si facile de se laisser emporter par le nombre de pas que l'on a fait aujourd'hui ou par le dernier tweet d'une personnalité en vue. È così facile farsi prendere dal numero di passi che abbiamo fatto oggi o dall'ultimo tweet di un personaggio di alto profilo. 今日歩いた歩数や有名人の最新ツイートに気を取られるのは簡単だ。 Bugün kaç adım attığımıza veya yüksek profilli bir kişinin attığı son tweet'e takılıp kalmak çok kolay. It's easy for businesses to get caught up in making immediate profits and neglect what's good for future invention. |||||||||||||overlook||||| Es ist für Unternehmen leicht, sich in der Erzielung unmittelbarer Gewinne zu verlieren und zu vernachlässigen, was gut für zukünftige Erfindungen ist. Es fácil que las empresas se vean atrapadas en la obtención de beneficios inmediatos y descuiden lo que es bueno para la invención futura. Il est facile pour les entreprises de se concentrer sur les profits immédiats et de négliger ce qui est bon pour l'invention future. 企業が目先の利益を上げることにとらわれ、将来の発明のためになることをおろそかにするのは簡単なことだ。 İşletmelerin anlık kârlar elde etmeye kapılıp gelecekteki buluşlar için neyin iyi olduğunu ihmal etmeleri kolaydır. And it's far too easy for governments to stand by while fisheries and farmland are depleted instead of conserved to feed future generations. |||||||||||les pêches||||épuisées|||préservées|||| |||||||||||||||exhausted||||||| Y es demasiado fácil que los gobiernos se queden de brazos cruzados mientras se esquilman las pesquerías y las tierras de cultivo en lugar de conservarlas para alimentar a las generaciones futuras. Et il est bien trop facile pour les gouvernements de rester les bras croisés alors que les pêcheries et les terres agricoles s'épuisent au lieu d'être conservées pour nourrir les générations futures. Ed è fin troppo facile per i governi stare a guardare mentre la pesca e i terreni agricoli vengono impoveriti invece di essere conservati per nutrire le generazioni future. そして、漁業や農地が将来の世代に食糧を供給するために保全されるのではなく、枯渇していくのを政府が傍観するのはあまりにも簡単なことだ。 E é muito fácil para os governos ficarem parados enquanto a pesca e as terras agrícolas são esgotadas em vez de conservadas para alimentar as gerações futuras. Ve gelecek nesilleri beslemek için balıkçılık ve tarım arazileri korunmak yerine tüketilirken hükümetlerin buna seyirci kalması çok kolay. I have a feeling that, at this rate, it's going to be hard for our generation to be remembered as good ancestors. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass es bei diesem Tempo für unsere Generation schwer werden wird, als gute Vorfahren in Erinnerung zu bleiben. Tengo la sensación de que, a este paso, va a ser difícil que nuestra generación sea recordada como buenos antepasados. J'ai le sentiment qu'à ce rythme, il sera difficile pour notre génération de se rappeler au bon souvenir des ancêtres. Ho la sensazione che, di questo passo, sarà difficile per la nostra generazione essere ricordata come un buon antenato. このままでは、私たちの世代が良き先祖として記憶されるのは難しいような気がする。 If you think about it, our species evolved to think ahead, to chart the stars, dream of the afterlife, sow seeds for later harvest. ||||||||||||||||||au-delà|sème|semer||| |||||||||||||||||||plant for future|||| Wenn man darüber nachdenkt, hat sich unsere Spezies so entwickelt, dass sie vorausschauend denkt, die Sterne kartiert, vom Leben nach dem Tod träumt und Samen für eine spätere Ernte sät. Si l'on y réfléchit bien, notre espèce a évolué pour penser à l'avenir, pour observer les étoiles, pour rêver de l'au-delà, pour semer des graines en vue d'une récolte ultérieure. Se ci pensate, la nostra specie si è evoluta per pensare al futuro, per tracciare le stelle, per sognare l'aldilà, per seminare per poi raccogliere. 考えてみれば、私たちの種は先のことを考え、星図を描き、死後の世界を夢見、後の収穫のために種をまくように進化してきた。 Düşünecek olursanız, türümüz ileriyi düşünmek, yıldızların haritasını çıkarmak, öbür dünyayı hayal etmek, daha sonra hasat etmek üzere tohumlar ekmek için evrimleşmiştir. Some scientists call this superpower that we have "mental time travel," and it's responsible for pretty much everything we call human civilization, from farming to the Magna Carta to the internet -- all first conjured in the minds of humans. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||évoqué||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||imagined or created||||| Certains scientifiques appellent ce superpouvoir que nous possédons "voyage mental dans le temps". Il est à l'origine de presque tout ce que nous appelons la civilisation humaine, de l'agriculture à la Magna Carta en passant par l'internet, tous ces éléments ayant d'abord été conçus dans l'esprit des êtres humains. 人間の持つこの超能力を「精神的タイムトラベル」と呼ぶ科学者もいる。農業からマグナ・カルタ、インターネットに至るまで、人間の文明と呼ばれるものはほとんどすべて、人間の頭の中で最初に思いついたものだ。 Bazı bilim insanları sahip olduğumuz bu süper gücü "zihinsel zaman yolculuğu" olarak adlandırıyor ve tarımdan Magna Carta'ya ve internete kadar insan uygarlığı olarak adlandırdığımız hemen hemen her şeyden sorumlu - hepsi ilk olarak insanların zihninde yaratıldı. But let's get real: if we look around us today, we don't exactly seem to be using this superpower quite enough, and that begs the question: Why not? |||||||||сьогодні|||||||||||||||||| Aber seien wir ehrlich: Wenn wir uns heute umschauen, scheinen wir diese Supermacht nicht gerade häufig zu nutzen, und das wirft die Frage auf: Warum nicht? But let's get real: if we look around us today, we don't exactly seem to be using this superpower quite enough, and that begs the question: Why not? Mais soyons réalistes : si nous regardons autour de nous aujourd'hui, il semble que nous n'utilisions pas suffisamment ce superpouvoir, ce qui soulève la question : Pourquoi pas ? しかし、現実を見よう。今日、私たちの周りを見渡せば、この超能力を十分に使っているようには見えない:なぜそうしないのか? Ancak gerçekçi olalım: Bugün etrafımıza baktığımızda, bu süper gücü yeterince kullanıyor gibi görünmüyoruz ve bu da şu soruyu akla getiriyor: Neden kullanmıyoruz? What's wrong is how our communities, businesses and institutions are designed. Ce qui ne va pas, c'est la façon dont nos communautés, nos entreprises et nos institutions sont conçues. 間違っているのは、地域社会、企業、組織のあり方だ。 Yanlış olan toplumlarımızın, işletmelerimizin ve kurumlarımızın nasıl tasarlandığıdır. They're designed in a way that's impairing our foresight. ||||||nuisant à||prévision Sie sind so konzipiert, dass unsere Voraussicht beeinträchtigt wird. Ils sont conçus d'une manière qui nuit à notre prévoyance. 先見の明が損なわれるように設計されているんだ。 Eles são projetados de uma forma que está prejudicando nossa previsão. Öngörümüzü zayıflatacak şekilde tasarlanmışlar. I want to talk to you about the three key mistakes that I think we're making. The first mistake is what we measure. La première erreur concerne ce que nous mesurons. Il primo errore è quello che misuriamo. 最初の間違いは、何を測定するかということだ。 Yaptığımız ilk hata, ölçtüğümüz şeydir. When we look at the quarterly profits of a company or its near-term stock price, that's often not a great measure of whether that company is going to grow its market share or be inventive in the long run. Les bénéfices trimestriels d'une entreprise ou le cours de ses actions à court terme ne permettent pas toujours de savoir si cette entreprise va accroître sa part de marché ou faire preuve d'inventivité à long terme. Quando guardiamo ai profitti trimestrali di un'azienda o al suo prezzo azionario a breve termine, spesso non è una misura ottimale per capire se quell'azienda crescerà la sua quota di mercato o sarà inventiva nel lungo periodo. ある企業の四半期ごとの利益や目先の株価を見たところで、その企業が長期的に市場シェアを伸ばせるかどうか、あるいは創意工夫を凝らすことができるかどうかを測る尺度にはならないことが多い。 Bir şirketin üç aylık karlarına veya yakın vadeli hisse senedi fiyatına baktığımızda, genellikle bu şirketin pazar payını büyüteceği veya uzun vadede yenilikçi olacağı konusunda harika bir ölçü değildir. When we glue ourselves to the test scores that kids bring back from school, that's not necessarily what's great for those kids' learning and curiosity in the long run. Wenn wir uns an den Testergebnissen orientieren, die die Kinder aus der Schule mitbringen, ist das auf lange Sicht nicht unbedingt gut für das Lernen und die Neugier der Kinder. Lorsque nous nous attachons aux résultats des tests que les enfants ramènent de l'école, ce n'est pas nécessairement ce qu'il y a de mieux pour l'apprentissage et la curiosité de ces enfants à long terme. Quando ci incolliamo ai punteggi dei test che i bambini riportano da scuola, non è detto che questo sia un bene per l'apprendimento e la curiosità dei bambini nel lungo periodo. 子供たちが学校から持ち帰るテストの点数に固執するのは、長い目で見れば、子供たちの学習や好奇心にとって必ずしも良いことではない。 Quando nos colamos aos resultados dos testes que as crianças trazem da escola, isso não é necessariamente o que é ótimo para o aprendizado e a curiosidade dessas crianças a longo prazo. Çocukların okuldan getirdikleri sınav notlarına yapışıp kaldığımızda, bu çocukların uzun vadede öğrenmeleri ve merakları için harika bir şey olmadığına dikkat etmeliyiz. We're not measuring what really matters in the future. Nous ne mesurons pas ce qui est vraiment important pour l'avenir. Non stiamo misurando ciò che conta davvero per il futuro. The second mistake we're making that impairs our foresight is what we reward. ||||||hinders|||||| La deuxième erreur que nous commettons et qui nuit à notre prévoyance concerne les récompenses que nous accordons. Il secondo errore che commettiamo e che pregiudica la nostra capacità di previsione è quello di premiare. 先見の明を損なう2つ目の過ちは、報奨金である。 When we celebrate a political leader or a business leader for the disaster she just cleaned up or the announcement she just made, we're not motivating that leader to invest in preventing those disasters in the first place, or to put down payments on the future by protecting communities from floods or fighting inequality or investing in research and education. |||||||||||||||nettoyée||||||||||motivant||||||prévenir|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Lorsque nous célébrons un dirigeant politique ou un chef d'entreprise pour la catastrophe qu'il vient de nettoyer ou l'annonce qu'il vient de faire, nous ne l'incitons pas à investir dans la prévention de ces catastrophes, ni à faire des versements pour l'avenir en protégeant les communautés contre les inondations, en luttant contre les inégalités ou en investissant dans la recherche et l'éducation. Quando festeggiamo un leader politico o imprenditoriale per il disastro che ha appena ripulito o per l'annuncio che ha appena fatto, non lo motiviamo a investire nella prevenzione di quei disastri in primo luogo, o a versare acconti per il futuro proteggendo le comunità dalle inondazioni o combattendo la disuguaglianza o investendo nella ricerca e nell'istruzione. 政治指導者やビジネス・リーダーが災害を片付けたり、発表したりしたことを称えるとき、私たちはそのリーダーに対して、災害を未然に防ぐための投資や、地域社会を洪水から守ったり、不平等と闘ったり、研究や教育に投資したりすることで、将来への頭金を支払う意欲を持たせてはいない。 Quando celebramos um líder político ou um líder empresarial pelo desastre que acabou de limpar ou pelo anúncio que acabou de fazer, não estamos motivando esse líder a investir na prevenção desses desastres em primeiro lugar ou a fazer pagamentos no futuro protegendo as comunidades das inundações ou combatendo a desigualdade ou investindo em pesquisa e educação. Bir siyasi lideri ya da bir iş dünyası liderini temizlediği felaket ya da yaptığı duyuru nedeniyle kutladığımızda, o lideri bu felaketleri önlemeye yatırım yapmaya ya da toplumları sellerden koruyarak, eşitsizlikle mücadele ederek ya da araştırma ve eğitime yatırım yaparak geleceğe yönelik ödemeler yapmaya motive etmemiş oluruz. The third mistake that impairs our foresight is what we fail to imagine. ||||hinders|||||||| La troisième erreur qui nuit à notre prévoyance est ce que nous n'imaginons pas. Il terzo errore che pregiudica la nostra lungimiranza è quello che non riusciamo a immaginare. Öngörümüzü zayıflatan üçüncü hata ise hayal etmekte başarısız olduğumuz şeydir. Now, when we do think about the future, we tend to focus on predicting exactly what's next, whether we're using horoscopes or algorithms to do that. ||||||||||||||||||||horoscopes||||| Lorsque nous pensons à l'avenir, nous avons tendance à nous concentrer sur la prédiction de ce qui va suivre, que ce soit à l'aide d'horoscopes ou d'algorithmes. Ora, quando pensiamo al futuro, tendiamo a concentrarci sulla previsione esatta di ciò che accadrà in seguito, sia che utilizziamo oroscopi o algoritmi per farlo. Şimdi, gelecek hakkında düşündüğümüzde, genellikle bir sonraki adımı tam olarak tahmin etmeye odaklanıyoruz, bunu burçlar veya algoritmalar kullanarak yapalım. But we spend a lot less time imagining all the possibilities the future holds. Mais nous passons beaucoup moins de temps à imaginer toutes les possibilités que nous offre l'avenir. Ma passiamo molto meno tempo a immaginare tutte le possibilità del futuro. Ancak, geleceğin içinde barındırdığı tüm olasılıkları hayal etmeye harcadığımız zaman çok daha azdır. When the Ebola outbreak emerged in 2014 in West Africa, public health officials around the world had early warning signs and predictive tools that showed how that outbreak might spread, but they failed to fathom that it would, and they failed to act in time to intervene, and the epidemic grew to kill more than 11,000 people. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||intervenir||||||||| ||||came to light|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||understand fully||||||||||||take action||||||||| Lorsque l'épidémie d'Ebola est apparue en 2014 en Afrique de l'Ouest, les responsables de la santé publique du monde entier disposaient de signes d'alerte précoce et d'outils de prévision qui montraient comment l'épidémie pourrait se propager, mais ils n'ont pas compris qu'elle se propagerait, et ils n'ont pas agi à temps pour intervenir, et l'épidémie s'est propagée pour tuer plus de 11 000 personnes. Quando nel 2014 è scoppiata l'epidemia di Ebola in Africa occidentale, i funzionari della sanità pubblica di tutto il mondo disponevano di segnali di allarme e di strumenti predittivi che mostravano come l'epidemia si sarebbe potuta diffondere, ma non sono riusciti a prevedere che lo avrebbe fatto, non hanno agito in tempo per intervenire e l'epidemia è cresciuta fino a uccidere più di 11.000 persone. Quando o surto de Ebola surgiu em 2014 na África Ocidental, as autoridades de saúde pública em todo o mundo tinham sinais de alerta precoce e ferramentas de previsão que mostravam como esse surto poderia se espalhar, mas não conseguiram imaginar que isso aconteceria e não agiram a tempo de intervir , e a epidemia cresceu para matar mais de 11.000 pessoas. 2014 yılında Batı Afrika'da ortaya çıkan Ebola salgınında, dünya çapındaki sağlık yetkililerinin o salgının nasıl yayılabileceğini gösteren erken uyarı işaretleri ve tahmin araçları vardı, ancak bunun gerçekleşebileceğini anlamamışlar ve zamanında müdahale etmemişlerdi ve salgın 11.000'den fazla insanın ölümüne neden oldu. When people with lots of resources and good forecasts don't prepare for deadly hurricanes, they're often failing to imagine how dangerous they can be. ||||||||prévisions|||||ouragans|||||||||| Wenn Menschen, die über viele Ressourcen und gute Vorhersagen verfügen, sich nicht auf tödliche Wirbelstürme vorbereiten, können sie sich oft nicht vorstellen, wie gefährlich sie sein können. Lorsque des personnes disposant de ressources importantes et de bonnes prévisions ne se préparent pas à affronter des ouragans meurtriers, elles n'imaginent souvent pas à quel point ils peuvent être dangereux. Quando le persone con molte risorse e buone previsioni non si preparano ad affrontare uragani mortali, spesso non immaginano quanto possano essere pericolosi. Quando pessoas com muitos recursos e boas previsões não se preparam para furacões mortais, muitas vezes não conseguem imaginar o quão perigosos podem ser. Çok sayıda kaynağa ve iyi tahminlere sahip insanlar ölümcül kasırgalar için hazırlık yapmadıklarında, genellikle ne kadar tehlikeli olabileceklerini hayal edemiyorlar. Now, none of these mistakes that I've described, as dismal as they might sound, are inevitable. |||||||||lamentables|||||| Aucune des erreurs que j'ai décrites, aussi lugubres qu'elles puissent paraître, n'est inévitable. Ora, nessuno di questi errori che ho descritto, per quanto possano sembrare desolanti, è inevitabile. Şimdi, anlattığım bu hataların hiçbiri, kulağa ne kadar kasvetli gelse de, kaçınılmaz değildir. In fact, they're all avoidable. ||||évitable En fait, ils peuvent tous être évités. In realtà, sono tutti evitabili. What we need to make better decisions about the future are tools that can aid our foresight, tools that can help us think ahead. Per prendere decisioni migliori sul futuro abbiamo bisogno di strumenti che ci aiutino a prevedere, che ci aiutino a pensare al futuro. Think of these as something like the telescopes that ship captains of yore used when they scanned the horizon. ||||||||||||d'autrefois||||scrutaient|| ||||||||||||long ago|||||| Il s'agit d'un peu comme les télescopes que les capitaines de navire utilisaient autrefois pour scruter l'horizon. Pensate a qualcosa di simile ai telescopi che i capitani delle navi di un tempo usavano per scrutare l'orizzonte. Bunları eski gemi kaptanlarının ufku tararken kullandıkları teleskoplar gibi düşünün. Only instead of for looking across distance and the ocean, these tools are for looking across time to the future. Solo che invece di guardare attraverso la distanza e l'oceano, questi strumenti servono a guardare attraverso il tempo e il futuro. Ancak bu araçlar uzaklara ve okyanusa bakmak yerine, zamanın ötesine, geleceğe bakmak içindir. I want to share with you a few of the tools that I've found in my research that I think can help us with foresight. Voglio condividere con voi alcuni degli strumenti che ho trovato nella mia ricerca e che penso possano aiutarci nella previsione. Quero compartilhar com você algumas das ferramentas que encontrei em minha pesquisa que acho que podem nos ajudar na previsão. The first tool I want to share with you I think of as making the long game pay now. Le premier outil que je souhaite partager avec vous est celui qui permet de rentabiliser le long jeu dès maintenant. Il primo strumento che voglio condividere con voi è quello di far fruttare ora il gioco lungo. 私が皆さんにお伝えしたい最初のツールは、長期戦を今支払うことです。 A primeira ferramenta que quero compartilhar com vocês é como fazer o longo jogo valer a pena agora. Sizinle paylaşmak istediğim ilk araç, uzun oyunun karşılığını şimdi almak olarak düşünüyorum. This is Wes Jackson, a farmer I spent some time with in Kansas. |||||un agriculteur||||||| Questo è Wes Jackson, un agricoltore con cui ho trascorso del tempo in Kansas. カンザスで一緒に過ごした農家のウェス・ジャクソンだ。 And Jackson knows that the way that most crops are grown around the world today is stripping the earth of the fertile topsoil we need to feed future generations. ||||||||||||||||dépouiller||||||la couche arable|||||| Und Jackson weiß, dass die Art und Weise, wie die meisten Feldfrüchte heute weltweit angebaut werden, der Erde den fruchtbaren Mutterboden entzieht, den wir für die Ernährung künftiger Generationen brauchen. Et Jackson sait que la façon dont la plupart des cultures sont pratiquées dans le monde aujourd'hui prive la terre de la couche arable fertile dont nous avons besoin pour nourrir les générations futures. E Jackson sa che il modo in cui oggi viene coltivata la maggior parte delle colture in tutto il mondo sta privando la terra del fertile suolo superiore di cui abbiamo bisogno per nutrire le generazioni future. そしてジャクソンは、現在世界中で行われているほとんどの農作物の栽培方法が、将来の世代に食糧を供給するために必要な肥沃な表土を奪っていることを知っている。 E Jackson sabe que a forma como a maioria das plantações são cultivadas ao redor do mundo hoje está tirando a terra do solo fértil que precisamos para alimentar as gerações futuras. Ve Jackson, bugün dünya çapında çoğu ürünün yetiştirilme şeklinin, gelecek nesilleri beslemek için ihtiyaç duyduğumuz verimli üst toprağı yeryüzünden sıyırdığını biliyor. He got together with a group of scientists, and they bred perennial grain crops which have deep roots that anchor the fertile topsoil of a farm, preventing erosion and protecting future harvests. |||||||||||plantes vivaces|céréales|||||||||||||||||||récoltes futures ||||||||||developed|lasting multiple years|||||||||||||||||||| Zusammen mit einer Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern züchtete er mehrjährige Getreidepflanzen, die mit ihren tiefen Wurzeln den fruchtbaren Oberboden eines Betriebs verankern, Erosion verhindern und künftige Ernten schützen. Avec un groupe de scientifiques, il a sélectionné des cultures céréalières pérennes dont les racines profondes ancrent la couche arable fertile d'une exploitation, empêchant ainsi l'érosion et protégeant les récoltes futures. Insieme a un gruppo di scienziati, ha allevato colture di cereali perenni che hanno radici profonde che ancorano il terreno fertile di una fattoria, prevenendo l'erosione e proteggendo i raccolti futuri. 彼は科学者グループと協力し、多年生の穀物作物を育種した。この作物は根が深く、農場の肥沃な表土を固定し、浸食を防いで将来の収穫を守る。 Ele se juntou a um grupo de cientistas e eles criaram grãos perenes com raízes profundas que ancoram o solo fértil de uma fazenda, evitando a erosão e protegendo as colheitas futuras. Bir grup bilim insanıyla bir araya geldi ve bir çiftliğin verimli üst toprağını sabitleyen, erozyonu önleyen ve gelecekteki hasatları koruyan derin köklere sahip çok yıllık tahıl bitkileri yetiştirdiler. But they also knew that in order to get farmers to grow these crops in the short run, they needed to boost the annual yields of the crops and find companies willing to make cereal and beer using the grains so that farmers could reap profits today by doing what's good for tomorrow. ||||||||||||||||||||||||rendements|||||||||||||||grains|||||récolter des bénéf|||||||| Sie wussten aber auch, dass sie, um die Landwirte kurzfristig zum Anbau dieser Pflanzen zu bewegen, die jährlichen Erträge steigern und Unternehmen finden mussten, die bereit waren, Getreide und Bier aus diesen Körnern herzustellen, damit die Landwirte heute Gewinne erzielen konnten, indem sie das taten, was für morgen gut ist. Mais ils savaient aussi que pour inciter les agriculteurs à cultiver ces plantes à court terme, ils devaient augmenter les rendements annuels des cultures et trouver des entreprises disposées à fabriquer des céréales et de la bière à partir des grains, afin que les agriculteurs puissent récolter des bénéfices aujourd'hui en faisant ce qui est bon pour demain. Ma sapevano anche che, per convincere gli agricoltori a coltivare queste colture nel breve periodo, dovevano aumentare i rendimenti annuali delle colture e trovare aziende disposte a produrre cereali e birra utilizzando i cereali, in modo che gli agricoltori potessero raccogliere profitti oggi facendo ciò che è bene per il domani. しかし、農家に短期的にこれらの作物を栽培してもらうためには、作物の年間収穫量を増やし、その穀物を使ってシリアルやビールを作ってくれる企業を見つける必要があることもわかっていた。 Mas eles também sabiam que, para conseguir que os agricultores cultivassem essas culturas no curto prazo, eles precisavam aumentar os rendimentos anuais das culturas e encontrar empresas dispostas a fazer cereais e cerveja usando os grãos para que os agricultores pudessem obter lucros hoje fazendo o que é bom para amanhã. Ancak çiftçilerin kısa vadede bu mahsulleri yetiştirmelerini sağlamak için, mahsullerin yıllık verimini artırmaları ve tahılları kullanarak tahıl ve bira üretmeye istekli şirketler bulmaları gerektiğini de biliyorlardı, böylece çiftçiler yarın için iyi olanı yaparak bugün kar elde edebileceklerdi. And this is a tried-and-true strategy. Und das ist eine bewährte Strategie. Il s'agit d'une stratégie qui a fait ses preuves. Si tratta di una strategia collaudata. Ve bu denenmiş ve doğrulanmış bir stratejidir. In fact, it was used by George Washington Carver in the South of the United States after the Civil War in the early 20th century. ||||||||Carver|||||||||||||||| Infatti, è stato utilizzato da George Washington Carver nel Sud degli Stati Uniti dopo la Guerra Civile, all'inizio del XX secolo. A lot of people have probably heard of Carver's 300 uses for the peanut, the products and recipes that he came up with that made the peanut so popular. ||||||||||||cacahuète||||||||||||||| Beaucoup de gens ont probablement entendu parler des 300 utilisations de la cacahuète par Carver, des produits et des recettes qu'il a inventés et qui ont rendu la cacahuète si populaire. Molte persone hanno probabilmente sentito parlare dei 300 usi che Carver fece dell'arachide, dei prodotti e delle ricette che ideò per rendere l'arachide così popolare. おそらく多くの人が、カーヴァーがピーナッツの300の用途、ピーナッツをこれほど普及させた製品やレシピを考案したことを耳にしたことがあるだろう。 Muitas pessoas provavelmente já ouviram falar dos 300 usos de Carver para o amendoim, os produtos e receitas que ele inventou que tornaram o amendoim tão popular. But not everyone knows why Carver did that. Ma non tutti sanno perché Carver l'abbia fatto. He was trying to help poor Alabama sharecroppers whose cotton yields were declining, and he knew that planting peanuts in their fields would replenish those soils so that their cotton yields would be better a few years later. |||||||les métayers||coton||||||||||||||reconstituer||les sols|||||||||||| |||||||tenant farmers|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Il essayait d'aider les pauvres métayers de l'Alabama dont les rendements en coton étaient en baisse, et il savait que planter des arachides dans leurs champs permettrait de reconstituer les sols afin que les rendements en coton soient meilleurs quelques années plus tard. Stava cercando di aiutare i poveri mezzadri dell'Alabama, i cui raccolti di cotone stavano diminuendo, e sapeva che piantare arachidi nei loro campi avrebbe ricostituito quei terreni in modo che i loro raccolti di cotone sarebbero stati migliori qualche anno dopo. Ele estava tentando ajudar os meeiros pobres do Alabama cujas colheitas de algodão estavam diminuindo, e sabia que plantar amendoim em seus campos reabasteceria esses solos para que suas colheitas de algodão fossem melhores alguns anos depois. Pamuk verimi düşen yoksul Alabama ortakçılarına yardım etmeye çalışıyordu ve tarlalarına yer fıstığı ekmenin bu toprakları yenileyeceğini, böylece birkaç yıl sonra pamuk verimlerinin daha iyi olacağını biliyordu. But he also knew it needed to be lucrative for them in the short run. ||||||||прибутковим|||||| Ma sapeva anche che doveva essere redditizio per loro nel breve periodo.

Alright, so let's talk about another tool for foresight. Très bien, parlons donc d'un autre outil de prospective. Bene, parliamo di un altro strumento di previsione. This one I like to think of as keeping the memory of the past alive to help us imagine the future. Ich sehe das so, dass wir die Erinnerung an die Vergangenheit lebendig halten, um uns die Zukunft vorstellen zu können. J'aime à penser qu'il s'agit de conserver la mémoire du passé pour nous aider à imaginer l'avenir. Mi piace pensare che questo sia un modo per mantenere viva la memoria del passato per aiutarci a immaginare il futuro. So I went to Fukushima, Japan on the sixth anniversary of the nuclear reactor disaster there that followed the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of 2011. ||||||||||||||||||||tremblement de||tsunami| Mi sono quindi recato a Fukushima, in Giappone, in occasione del sesto anniversario del disastro dei reattori nucleari seguito al terremoto e allo tsunami di Tohoku del 2011. Então fui para Fukushima, no Japão, no sexto aniversário do desastre do reator nuclear que se seguiu ao terremoto e tsunami de Tohoku em 2011. When I was there, I learned about the Onagawa Nuclear Power Station, which was even closer to the epicenter of that earthquake than the infamous Fukushima Daiichi that we all know about. ||||||||||||||||||épicentre||||||||||||| Sur place, j'ai appris l'existence de la centrale nucléaire d'Onagawa, qui était encore plus proche de l'épicentre du tremblement de terre que la tristement célèbre Fukushima Daiichi que nous connaissons tous. Durante la mia permanenza lì, ho imparato a conoscere la centrale nucleare di Onagawa, che era ancora più vicina all'epicentro del terremoto rispetto alla famigerata Fukushima Daiichi, che tutti conosciamo. Quando eu estava lá, aprendi sobre a Usina Nuclear de Onagawa, que estava ainda mais perto do epicentro daquele terremoto do que o infame Fukushima Daiichi que todos conhecemos. In Onagawa, people in the city actually fled to the nuclear power plant as a place of refuge. |||||||se sont réfugiés||||||||||refuge In Onagawa sind die Menschen in der Stadt sogar in das Kernkraftwerk geflüchtet, um dort Zuflucht zu finden. À Onagawa, les habitants de la ville se sont réfugiés dans la centrale nucléaire. A Onagawa, gli abitanti della città si sono effettivamente rifugiati nella centrale nucleare. Onagawa'da insanlar sığınacak yer olarak nükleer santrale kaçmışlardır. It was that safe. C'était aussi sûr que cela. Era così sicuro. It was spared by the tsunamis. ||épargné||| Sie wurde von den Tsunamis verschont. It was spared by the tsunamis. Elle a été épargnée par les tsunamis. È stata risparmiata dallo tsunami. Foi poupado pelos tsunamis. Tsunamiden kurtuldu. It was the foresight of just one engineer, Yanosuke Hirai, that made that happen. C'est grâce à la clairvoyance d'un seul ingénieur, Yanosuke Hirai, que cela s'est produit. È stata la lungimiranza di un solo ingegnere, Yanosuke Hirai, a renderlo possibile. Foi a previsão de apenas um engenheiro, Yanosuke Hirai, que fez isso acontecer. In the 1960s, he fought to build that power plant farther back from the coast at higher elevation and with a higher sea wall. |||||||||||||||||élévation|||||| Dans les années 1960, il s'est battu pour que cette centrale soit construite plus loin de la côte, à une altitude plus élevée et avec une digue plus haute. Negli anni '60, si batté per costruire la centrale elettrica più lontano dalla costa, a un'altezza maggiore e con un muro più alto. Na década de 1960, ele lutou para construir aquela usina mais afastada da costa em altitude mais alta e com um paredão mais alto. 1960'larda bu enerji santralinin kıyıdan daha geride, daha yüksek bir kotta ve daha yüksek bir deniz duvarıyla inşa edilmesi için mücadele etti. He knew the story of his hometown shrine, which had flooded in the year 869 after a tsunami. |||||||sanctuaire||||||||| Il connaissait l'histoire du sanctuaire de sa ville natale, qui avait été inondé en l'an 869 à la suite d'un tsunami. Conosceva la storia del santuario della sua città natale, che si era allagato nell'anno 869 in seguito a uno tsunami. Ele conhecia a história do santuário de sua cidade natal, que havia inundado no ano de 869 após um tsunami. It was his knowledge of history that allowed him to imagine what others could not. C'est sa connaissance de l'histoire qui lui a permis d'imaginer ce que d'autres ne pouvaient pas. Era la sua conoscenza della storia che gli permetteva di immaginare ciò che gli altri non potevano immaginare. Foi seu conhecimento de história que lhe permitiu imaginar o que os outros não podiam.

OK, one more tool of foresight. OK, ein weiteres Instrument der Voraussicht. OK, encore un outil de prévoyance. OK, un altro strumento di previsione. This one I think of as creating shared heirlooms. ||||||||héritages partagés ||||||||family treasures Ich denke dabei an die Schaffung gemeinsamer Erbstücke. Pour moi, il s'agit de créer des héritages partagés. Questo lo vedo come la creazione di cimeli condivisi. これは共有の家宝を作ることだと思う。 Ben bunu ortak yadigârlar yaratmak olarak görüyorum. These are lobster fishermen on the Pacific coast of Mexico, and they're the ones who taught me this. ||les homards||||||||||||||| Ce sont des pêcheurs de homards de la côte pacifique du Mexique qui m'ont appris cela. Sono pescatori di aragoste sulla costa pacifica del Messico e sono loro che mi hanno insegnato questo. They have protected their lobster harvest there for nearly a century, and they've done that by treating it as a shared resource that they're passing on to their collected children and grandchildren. ||||||||||||||||la considérant|||||||||||||||petits-enfants Ils protègent leur pêche au homard depuis près d'un siècle, en la considérant comme une ressource partagée qu'ils transmettent à leurs enfants et petits-enfants. Hanno protetto il loro raccolto di aragoste per quasi un secolo, trattandolo come una risorsa condivisa da trasmettere ai loro figli e nipoti. Eles protegeram sua colheita de lagosta lá por quase um século, e fizeram isso tratando-a como um recurso compartilhado que estão passando para seus filhos e netos coletados. Yaklaşık bir asırdır buradaki ıstakoz hasadını korudular ve bunu, topladıkları çocuklarına ve torunlarına aktardıkları ortak bir kaynak olarak ele alarak yaptılar. They carefully measure what they catch so that they're not taking the breeding lobster out of the ocean. ||||||||||||reproduction||||| Ils mesurent soigneusement ce qu'ils pêchent afin de ne pas retirer le homard reproducteur de l'océan. Misurano attentamente le catture per evitare di sottrarre all'oceano le aragoste da riproduzione. 繁殖したロブスターを海から持ち出さないよう、漁獲量を注意深く測定している。 Eles medem cuidadosamente o que capturam para não tirar a lagosta reprodutora do oceano. Yakaladıklarını dikkatle ölçüyorlar, böylece üreyen ıstakozları okyanustan çıkarmamış oluyorlar. Across North America, there are more than 30 fisheries that are doing something vaguely similar to this. ||||||||||||somewhat similarly||| In ganz Nordamerika gibt es mehr als 30 Fischereien, die etwas Ähnliches tun. In tutto il Nord America, ci sono più di 30 attività di pesca che stanno facendo qualcosa di vagamente simile a questo. 北アメリカ全土で、30以上の漁業がこれと漠然と似たようなことをしている。 They're creating long-term stakes in the fisheries known as catch shares which get fishermen to be motivated not just in taking whatever they can from the ocean today but in its long-term survival. |||||||||||parts||||||||||||||||||||||| Sie schaffen langfristige Beteiligungen an der Fischerei, die als Fanganteile bekannt sind und die Fischer dazu motivieren, nicht nur so viel wie möglich aus dem Meer zu holen, sondern auch an dessen langfristigem Überleben mitzuwirken. Ils créent des enjeux à long terme dans les pêcheries, connus sous le nom de "parts de capture", qui incitent les pêcheurs à ne pas se contenter de prélever tout ce qu'ils peuvent dans l'océan aujourd'hui, mais à s'intéresser à sa survie à long terme. Si stanno creando delle partecipazioni a lungo termine nelle attività di pesca, note come quote di cattura, che spingono i pescatori a non limitarsi a prendere tutto ciò che possono dall'oceano oggi, ma a pensare alla sua sopravvivenza a lungo termine. 漁業者に、今現在の海から取れるものを取るだけでなく、その長期的な存続に意欲を持たせるためだ。 Eles estão criando participações de longo prazo nas pescarias conhecidas como compartilhamentos de captura que levam os pescadores a serem motivados não apenas a tirar o que puderem do oceano hoje, mas em sua sobrevivência a longo prazo. Now there are many, many more tools of foresight I would love to share with you, and they come from all kinds of places: investment firms that look beyond near-term stock prices, states that have freed their elections from the immediate interests of campaign financiers. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||libéré|||||||||financiers de campagne |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||campaign funders Es gibt noch viele, viele weitere Instrumente der Voraussicht, die ich gerne mit Ihnen teilen würde, und sie kommen von allen möglichen Seiten: Investmentfirmen, die über die kurzfristigen Aktienkurse hinausblicken, Staaten, die ihre Wahlen von den unmittelbaren Interessen der Wahlkampffinanziers befreit haben. Il existe de nombreux autres outils de prévoyance que j'aimerais partager avec vous, et ils proviennent de toutes sortes d'endroits : des sociétés d'investissement qui regardent au-delà des cours boursiers à court terme, des États qui ont libéré leurs élections des intérêts immédiats des financiers des campagnes électorales. Ora ci sono molti, molti altri strumenti di previsione che mi piacerebbe condividere con voi, e provengono da tutti i tipi di luoghi: società di investimento che guardano oltre i prezzi delle azioni a breve termine, Stati che hanno liberato le loro elezioni dagli interessi immediati dei finanziatori delle campagne. 目先の株価にとらわれない投資会社や、選挙資金提供者の目先の利益から選挙を解放した州などだ。 Agora, existem muitas, muitas outras ferramentas de previsão que eu adoraria compartilhar com você, e elas vêm de todos os tipos de lugares: empresas de investimento que olham além dos preços das ações de curto prazo, estados que liberaram suas eleições dos interesses imediatos da campanha financiadores. Şimdi sizinle paylaşmak istediğim daha pek çok öngörü aracı var ve bunlar her türlü yerden geliyor: yakın vadeli hisse senedi fiyatlarının ötesine bakan yatırım şirketleri, seçimlerini kampanya finansörlerinin acil çıkarlarından kurtaran eyaletler. And we're going to need to marshal as many of these tools as we can if we want to rethink what we measure, change what we reward and be brave enough to imagine what lies ahead. ||||||mobiliser||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und wir müssen so viele dieser Instrumente wie möglich einsetzen, wenn wir überdenken wollen, was wir messen, wenn wir ändern wollen, was wir belohnen, und wenn wir mutig genug sein wollen, uns vorzustellen, was in der Zukunft liegt. Nous devrons mobiliser le plus grand nombre possible de ces outils si nous voulons repenser ce que nous mesurons, changer ce que nous récompensons et avoir le courage d'imaginer ce qui nous attend. E dovremo utilizzare il maggior numero possibile di questi strumenti se vogliamo ripensare a ciò che misuriamo, cambiare ciò che premiamo ed essere abbastanza coraggiosi da immaginare ciò che ci aspetta. そして、私たちが何を測定するかを再考し、何に報いるかを変え、その先にあるものを想像する勇気を持ちたいのであれば、これらのツールをできるだけ多く結集させる必要がある。 E vamos precisar reunir o máximo possível dessas ferramentas se quisermos repensar o que medimos, mudar o que recompensamos e ser corajosos o suficiente para imaginar o que está por vir. Neyi ölçtüğümüzü yeniden düşünmek, neyi ödüllendirdiğimizi değiştirmek ve ileride ne olacağını hayal edecek kadar cesur olmak istiyorsak, bu araçların mümkün olduğunca çoğunu bir araya getirmemiz gerekecek. Not all this is going to be easy, as you can imagine. Non tutto questo sarà facile, come potete immaginare. ご想像の通り、すべてが簡単なことではない。 Some of these tools we can pick up in our own lives, some we're going to need to do in businesses or in communities, and some we need to do as a society. Certains de ces outils peuvent être utilisés dans notre propre vie, d'autres devront être utilisés dans les entreprises ou les communautés, et d'autres encore devront l'être en tant que société. Alcuni di questi strumenti possono essere utilizzati nella nostra vita, altri devono essere utilizzati nelle aziende o nelle comunità, altri ancora devono essere utilizzati come società. The future is worth this effort. L'avenir en vaut la peine. Il futuro vale questo sforzo. 未来はこの努力に値する。 Gelecek bu çabaya değer.

My own inspiration to keep up this effort is the instrument I shared with you. La mia ispirazione per continuare questo sforzo è lo strumento che ho condiviso con voi. Minha própria inspiração para manter esse esforço é o instrumento que compartilhei com você. It's called a dilruba, and it was custom-made for my great-grandfather. |||dilruba||||||||| |||musical instrument||||||||| Man nennt sie Dilruba, und sie wurde für meinen Urgroßvater angefertigt. Il s'agit d'un dilruba, qui a été fabriqué sur mesure pour mon arrière-grand-père. Si chiama dilruba ed è stata fatta su misura per il mio bisnonno. He was a well-known music and art critic in India in the early 20th century. Il était un célèbre critique musical et artistique en Inde au début du XXe siècle. È stato un noto critico musicale e d'arte in India all'inizio del XX secolo. My great-grandfather had the foresight to protect this instrument at a time when my great-grandmother was pawning off all their belongings, but that's another story. ||||||||||||||||||mettant en gage||||biens personnels|||| ||||||||||||||||||selling for cash|||||||| Mein Urgroßvater hatte die Weitsicht, dieses Instrument zu einer Zeit zu schützen, als meine Urgroßmutter ihr gesamtes Hab und Gut verpfändete, aber das ist eine andere Geschichte. Mon arrière-grand-père a eu la clairvoyance de protéger cet instrument à une époque où mon arrière-grand-mère mettait tous ses biens en gage, mais c'est une autre histoire. Il mio bisnonno ebbe la lungimiranza di proteggere questo strumento in un momento in cui la mia bisnonna stava impegnando tutti i suoi averi, ma questa è un'altra storia. 曽祖父は、曽祖母が全財産を質に入れていた時代にこの楽器を守る先見の明があったが、それはまた別の話だ。 Meu bisavô teve a clarividência de proteger este instrumento numa época em que minha bisavó penhorava todos os seus pertences, mas isso é outra história. He protected it by giving it to the next generation, by giving it to my grandmother, and she gave it to me. L'ha protetto dandolo alla generazione successiva, dandolo a mia nonna, e lei l'ha dato a me.

When I first heard the sound of this instrument, it haunted me. ||||||||||stayed with me| Als ich den Klang dieses Instruments zum ersten Mal hörte, verfolgte er mich. La première fois que j'ai entendu le son de cet instrument, il m'a hanté. Quando ho ascoltato per la prima volta il suono di questo strumento, mi ha ossessionato. Bu enstrümanın sesini ilk duyduğumda aklımdan çıkmıyordu. It felt like hearing a wanderer in the Himalayan fog. |||||un vagabond|||| ||||||||Himalayan mountains| J'ai eu l'impression d'entendre un vagabond dans le brouillard de l'Himalaya. Sembrava di sentire un vagabondo nella nebbia dell'Himalaya. It felt like hearing a voice from the past. J'ai eu l'impression d'entendre une voix du passé. Sembrava di sentire una voce dal passato. (Music)   (Music ends)

That's my friend Simran Singh playing the dilruba. When I play it, it sounds like a cat's dying somewhere, so you're welcome. Quand je la joue, on dirait qu'un chat est en train de mourir quelque part, alors je vous en prie. (Laughter)

This instrument is in my home today, but it doesn't actually belong to me. Cet instrument se trouve aujourd'hui chez moi, mais il ne m'appartient pas. It's my role to shepherd it in time, and that feels more meaningful to me than just owning it for today. ||||guider|||||||||||||||| C'est mon rôle de le guider dans le temps, et cela me semble plus important que de le posséder aujourd'hui. Il mio ruolo è quello di guidarla nel tempo, e questo mi sembra più significativo che possederla solo per oggi. This instrument positions me as both a descendant and an ancestor. |||||||descendant|||ancêtre It makes me feel part of a story bigger than my own. Cela me donne l'impression de faire partie d'une histoire plus grande que la mienne.

And this, I believe, is the single most powerful way we can reclaim foresight: by seeing ourselves as the good ancestors we long to be, ancestors not just to our own children but to all humanity. Et c'est là, je crois, le moyen le plus puissant de recouvrer la prévoyance : en nous considérant comme les bons ancêtres que nous aspirons à être, les ancêtres non seulement de nos propres enfants, mais de l'humanité tout entière. E essa, acredito, é a maneira mais poderosa de recuperar a previsão: nos vendo como os bons ancestrais que desejamos ser, ancestrais não apenas de nossos próprios filhos, mas de toda a humanidade. Whatever your heirloom is, however big or small, protect it and know that its music can resonate for generations. ||family treasure||||||||||||||echo through time|| Quel que soit votre objet de famille, grand ou petit, protégez-le et sachez que sa musique peut résonner pendant des générations.

Thank you.

(Applause) (Applaudissements)