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By Pond and River by Arabella B. Buckley, CHAPTER 2. THE DRAGON-FLY AND HIS COMPANIONS


EVERY country boy or girl, who wants to learn about water animals, should make a pond net. You have only to get a willow twig, and bind it into a hoop with string. Then make a muslin bag and sew a small stone in the bottom of it, and sew the mouth of the bag onto the hoop. Get a stick out of the hedge and fasten to it a long piece of string. Split the string near the end, and tie it to the two sides of the hoop. Then you have a net which you can let down and fish up animals from the bottom of the pond. You had better have a wide-mouthed bottle as well in which you can put what you catch. I know a shady pond just outside a farm yard at the turn of a lane. There on a bright sunny day the insects are often very busy.

In one corner of the pond the little whirligig beetles are swimming round and round, making circles in the water. Their shining black backs look almost green in the sun. Every now and then one jumps up to catch a fly in the air, or another dives down to eat a grub. Drop your net into the water and bring it up quickly under a beetle, and put him in the bottle so that you can see him.

You will think that he has four eyes, for each of his two eyes is divided. One half looks up into the air, and one half looks down into the water. So as he whirls about, he can see the flies in the air and the grubs in the water.

Gnats are flitting to and fro over the pond, and there is quite a crowd of those large flies with gauze wings which we call May-flies. And now a more splendid fly, three inches long, with four big gauze wings rises out of the bulrushes and flies over the pond.

All boys know the dragon-fly. His lovely wings are covered with cross-bars filled with air, and they glitter in the sunshine with red, blue, and green colours. He has a long tail and a thick body with six legs, and a round head with huge eyes.

Each eye has more than ten thousand tiny windows in it, so that he can see up and down, right and left, as he darts about, killing the butterflies and moths that come in his way. Then he settles down on a plant or bush by the water-side, and rests till he starts off again across the pond.

If you go often in April to a pond where dragon-flies are, you may perhaps see one begin its life in the air. This is how it happens.

Under the water a large insect crawls up the stem of a plant. He has a body as big as a dragon-fly and has six legs. But he has a curious dull look in his face, and where his wings should be there are only two short stumps.

He crawls very slowly up the stem, till he comes out of the water into the air. Then a strange thing happens. The skin of his back cracks, and out creeps a real dragon-fly.

First his head, then his body with its six legs and four soft, crumpled wings, and lastly his tail. He cannot fly yet. He stands by his old empty skin, and slowly stretches out his wings to the sun. In a few hours they are long and strong and hard. Then he is ready to fly over the pond and feed.

This is how the dragon-fly comes up to the air. You will not find him so easily under the water, but we will try next week with our net. We have seen so much at the top of the pond to-day that we have not had time to dredge in the mud below.


EVERY country boy or girl, who wants to learn about water animals, should make a pond net. ينبغي لكل صبي أو فتاة من أي بلد يرغب في تعلم المزيد عن الكائنات المائية أن يصنع شبكة للبركة. КАЖДЫЙ деревенский мальчик или девочка, желающие узнать о водных животных, должны сделать сачок для пруда. Su hayvanları hakkında bilgi edinmek isteyen HER köylü erkek ya da kız çocuğu bir gölet ağı yapmalıdır. You have only to get a willow twig, and bind it into a hoop with string. ||||||غصن صفصاف|غصن الصفصاف||اربطها||||طوق||خيط يكفي أن تحصل فقط على غصن من الصفصاف وتربطه بحلقة بواسطة خيط. Tek yapmanız gereken bir söğüt dalı almak ve onu iple bir çemberin içine bağlamak. Then make a muslin bag and sew a small stone in the bottom of it, and sew the mouth of the bag onto the hoop. ||||||||||||||||||||||||Reifen |||كيس قماش موسلين||||||||||||||||||||| ثم صنع كيس من المسلين وخياطة حجر صغير في أسفله، وخياطة فم الكيس على الحلقة. Затем сделайте муслиновый мешочек и пришейте к его дну небольшой камень, а горловину мешочка пришейте к обручу. Daha sonra bir muslin torba yapın ve altına küçük bir taş dikin ve torbanın ağzını kasnağa dikin. Get a stick out of the hedge and fasten to it a long piece of string. ||||||السياج||اربط||||||| احصل على عصا من التخفي واربط بداخلها قطعة طويلة من الحبل. Çitten bir sopa alın ve ona uzun bir ip parçası bağlayın. Split the string near the end, and tie it to the two sides of the hoop. ||||الـ|||||||||||الحلقة افصل الحبل بالقرب من النهاية، واربطه بجانبي الحلقة. İpi ucuna yakın bir yerden ayırın ve kasnağın iki yanına bağlayın. Then you have a net which you can let down and fish up animals from the bottom of the pond. |||||||||أسفل|||||||||| ثم ستكون لديك شبكة يمكنك من خلالها إسقاط وصيد الحيوانات من قاع البركة. You had better have a wide-mouthed bottle as well in which you can put what you catch. ||||||واسع الفم||||||||||| من الأفضل أن يكون لديك زجاجة بفتحة عريضة أيضًا يمكنك وضع ما تمسك به فيها. Вам также лучше иметь бутылку с широким горлышком, в которую вы можете положить то, что поймаете. I know a shady pond just outside a farm yard at the turn of a lane. |||بركة مظللة|||||||||||| أعرف بركة مظللة تقع خارج ساحة مزرعة عند تحول الطريق. There on a bright sunny day the insects are often very busy. هناك في يوم مشمس مشرق غالبًا ما تكون الحشرات مشغولة جدًا. Parlak güneşli bir günde böcekler genellikle çok meşguldür.

In one corner of the pond the little whirligig beetles are swimming round and round, making circles in the water. ||||||||خنفساء دوارة|الخنافس|||||||||| في زاوية من البركة يسبح الخنافس الدوامية الصغيرة حول وحول، يصنعون دوائر في الماء. Göletin bir köşesinde küçük fırıldak böcekleri suyun içinde daireler çizerek döne döne yüzüyorlar. Their shining black backs look almost green in the sun. ظهورهم الأسود اللامع يبدو أنه يكاد يكون أخضر تحت أشعة الشمس. Parlayan siyah sırtları güneşte neredeyse yeşil görünür. Every now and then one jumps up to catch a fly in the air, or another dives down to eat a grub. |||||||||||||||||||||يرقة كل الآن والحين يقفز أحدهم ليمسك ذبابة في الهواء، أو يغوص آخر ليأكل يرقة. Drop your net into the water and bring it up quickly under a beetle, and put him in the bottle so that you can see him. أسقط شبكتك في الماء واسحبها بسرعة تحت الخنفساء، وضعها في الزجاجة بحيث يمكنك رؤيته. Ağınızı suya bırakın ve hızlıca bir böceğin altına getirin ve onu görebileceğiniz şekilde şişeye koyun.

You will think that he has four eyes, for each of his two eyes is divided. ستعتقد أن لديه أربع عيون، لأن كل من عينيه مقسمة. Onun dört gözü olduğunu düşüneceksiniz, çünkü iki gözünün her biri bölünmüştür. One half looks up into the air, and one half looks down into the water. نصف ينظر إلى الأعلى في الهواء، ونصف ينظر إلى الأسفل في الماء. So as he whirls about, he can see the flies in the air and the grubs in the water. |||يدور|حول|||||||||||||| وبينما يدور حول نفسه، يمكنه رؤية الذباب في الهواء واليرقات في الماء. Böylece dönüp dururken havadaki sinekleri ve sudaki kurtçukları görebiliyor.

Gnats are flitting to and fro over the pond, and there is quite a crowd of those large flies with gauze wings which we call May-flies. البعوض||يتنقلون|إلى||ذهابًا وإيابًا|||||||تمامًا||||||||أجنحة شفافة|||||| تتطاير البعوض هنا وهناك فوق البركة، وهناك حشد كبير من تلك الذباب الكبيرة ذات الأجنحة الرقيقة التي نسميها بذباب شهر مايو. Sivrisinekler göletin üzerinde bir o yana bir bu yana uçuşuyor ve Mayıs sineği dediğimiz tül kanatlı büyük sineklerden oluşan bir kalabalık var. And now a more splendid fly, three inches long, with four big gauze wings rises out of the bulrushes and flies over the pond. ||||||||||||أجنحة شفافة||||||القصب البردي||||| والآن ذبابة أكثر روعة، بطول ثلاث بوصات، بأربع أجنحة كبيرة من الزجاج تطير خارج الجناحين وتحلق فوق البركة.

All boys know the dragon-fly. يعرف جميع الأولاد الذبابة الظلامية. His lovely wings are covered with cross-bars filled with air, and they glitter in the sunshine with red, blue, and green colours. |||||بـ||||||||تتلألأ||||||||| أجنحته الجميلة مغطاة بأشرطة متقاطعة مملوءة بالهواء، وتتلألأ في أشعة الشمس بألوان حمراء وزرقاء وخضراء. He has a long tail and a thick body with six legs, and a round head with huge eyes. لديه ذيل طويل وجسم سميك مع ستة أرجل، ورأس مستدير مع عيون ضخمة.

Each eye has more than ten thousand tiny windows in it, so that he can see up and down, right and left, as he darts about, killing the butterflies and moths that come in his way. ||||||||||||||||||||||||يندفع||||||العثث||||| كل عين لها أكثر من عشرة آلاف نافذة صغيرة فيها، بحيث يمكن له أن يرى لأعلى ولأسفل، لليمين ولليسار، بينما يتجول، قتلاً الفراشات والفراشات الليلية التي تأتي في طريقه. Then he settles down on a plant or bush by the water-side, and rests till he starts off again across the pond. ||||||||شجيرة|||||||||||||| ثم يستقر على نبات أو شجيرة بجانب الماء، ويستريح حتى يستأنف رحلته مرة أخرى عبر البركة.

If you go often in April to a pond where dragon-flies are, you may perhaps see one begin its life in the air. إذا ذهبت كثيرا في أبريل إلى بركة يوجد بها اليعسوب، قد ترى ربما واحدًا يبدأ حياته في الهواء. This is how it happens. هكذا تحدث الأمور.

Under the water a large insect crawls up the stem of a plant. |||||تحت الماء حشرة كبيرة تزحف على ساق النبات.|يزحف||تحت الماء|ساق النبات||| تحت الماء، يزحف حشرة كبيرة على ساق النبات. He has a body as big as a dragon-fly and has six legs. لديه جسم بحجم اليعسوب وستة أرجل. У него тело размером со стрекозу и шесть ног. But he has a curious dull look in his face, and where his wings should be there are only two short stumps. ||||فضولي|باهت|نظرة باهتة||||||||||||||| لكن لديه نظرة غريبة مملة في وجهه، وحيث يجب أن تكون جناحيه هناك فقط قرنان قصيران. Но у него странное унылое выражение лица, а там, где должны быть крылья, только два коротких обрубка.

He crawls very slowly up the stem, till he comes out of the water into the air. هو|||||||||||||||| يزحف ببطء شديد على الساق ، حتى يخرج من الماء إلى الهواء. Then a strange thing happens. ثم يحدث شيء غريب. The skin of his back cracks, and out creeps a real dragon-fly. |||||يتشقق||يخرج||||| يتشقق جلد ظهره ، ويزحف خارجها ذبابة التنين الحقيقية. Кожа на его спине трескается, и из нее выползает настоящая стрекоза.

First his head, then his body with its six legs and four soft, crumpled wings, and lastly his tail. ||رأسه|||جسده||||||||||||| أولاً رأسه، ثم جسمه مع ستة أرجل وأربعة أجنحة ناعمة متجعدة، وأخيرًا ذيله. He cannot fly yet. لا يمكنه الطيران بعد. He stands by his old empty skin, and slowly stretches out his wings to the sun. يقف بجانب جلده القديم الفارغ، ويمتد ببطء أجنحته إلى الشمس. In a few hours they are long and strong and hard. في غضون بضع ساعات تصبح طويلة وقوية وصلبة. Через несколько часов они становятся длинными, сильными и твердыми. Then he is ready to fly over the pond and feed. ثم يكون جاهزًا للطيران فوق البركة والتغذية. Тогда он готов летать над водоемом и кормиться.

This is how the dragon-fly comes up to the air. هكذا تأتي تُنَيْن الذبابة (الزُّغبة) إلى الهواء. You will not find him so easily under the water, but we will try next week with our net. لن تجده بسهولة تحت الماء، ولكن سنحاول الأسبوع المقبل بشبكتنا. We have seen so much at the top of the pond to-day that we have not had time to dredge in the mud below. |||||||||||||||||||إلى|نستخرج من الطين|||| لقد رأينا الكثير في قمة البركة اليوم حتى لم نكن لدينا وقت لحفر في الطين بالأسفل. Сегодня мы так много видели наверху пруда, что у нас не было времени копаться в грязи внизу.