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Spotlight Broadcasts, International Women's Day 2008

International Women's Day 2008

Voice 1

Hello. I'm Rachel Hobson

Voice 2

And I'm Marina Santee. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

All over the world women gather together. They are celebrating International Women's Day - around March the eighth.

Voice 2

In Beirut, women will celebrate the day at the UNESCO Palace Dinner. Here, they will think about the difficulties of working women in Lebanon. And they will discuss new medical improvements concerning women.

Voice 1

In Sierra Leone a national show will mark the day. Women will celebrate female artists. The event organisers are the Sierra Leone Female Musical Association. This group unites native female artists all across Sierra Leone.

Voice 2

In the Bahamas women will celebrate with a special radio broadcast. The aim of the broadcast is to encourage women across the world. The organisers work to stop violence against women and children. One way they do this is through talk shows.

Voice 1

At Spotlight, we celebrate International Women's Day by discussing the work of three women in Nepal. Together they are empowering women in an amazing way.

Voice 2

The wind blows over the huge mountains. A group of women follow a narrow path. They look around them in wonder. In the far distance they can see the white tops of the Himalayan Mountains. The Himalaya Mountains circle round other groups of mountains. One of these groups is the Annapurna Mountains. The women are travelling, or trekking, into the centre of these mountains. The mountains tops reach up to eight thousand metres. To be so close to such beauty is an amazing experience. The women stop for a time, and enjoy the wonder of nature. Then, the women's trekking guide leads them on. Their guide is experienced and knows the mountains well. The women travellers chose this guide for a particular reason. They chose her because she is female.

Female trekker guides are not common in Nepal. But three sisters are working to change this.

Voice 2

Lucky Chhetri is a fit young woman. She trained in the Himalayan Mountaineering Training Institute in Darjeeling, India. And she dreamed of trekking throughout the Himalayas one day. Lucky's sisters, Nicky and Dicky, shared her dreams. But it seemed impossible. It was unusual for Nepalese women to do this. However, one day at work, Lucky had an idea. At that time, the three were working in an eating place in Pokhara, Nepal. Lucky said;

Voice 3

‘In 1993, we were managing a restaurant. It was in a hotel in Pokhara. We had the chance to meet women from all over the world. We met some unhappy and frightened women - who were travelling alone. They had had some bad experiences with their male guides. We felt sad when we head these stories. So we decided to do something.' Voice 1

In 1994, the sisters started a women's trekking guide service. It is part of EWN - Empowering Women of Nepal. The trekking service is for female travellers. But it also works to empower the women of Nepal. Years earlier, Lucky had visited the far west of Nepal. Here, she had seen the struggles of many women. Their husbands and brothers had gone to India. The women were left on the dry, unfarmed land of Western Nepal. Lucky dreamed of working to support these women. She said;

Voice 3

‘Our female trekking group helped me make that dream real. I remembered these hard working women. And I recognised that country women would be the perfect people for female guides!' Voice 2

Nepali women come to the EWN for different reasons. Some want employment. Others seek knowledge and skills. They can then use their skills in their communities. At the EWN trainees take part in a four week English programme. They also learn about water cleanliness, waste management, and different kinds of fuels. The women's training gives them skills to teach others how to care for the mountains. For example, they encourage people not to use plastic water bottles. Instead they advise travellers to use iodine to purify their water. This way, plastic bottles will not cover the beautiful mountains.

When the women have completed their training they can work as guides and earn money. Then, they gain experience. They lead groups of women on different treks through the mountains. After this, some women return to their villages to spread news of the program. Others continue their education at universities. Or some receive a loan from the EWN. The loan is for women who want to become community leaders.

Voice 1

So the EWN is a success for the local women and the travellers. Women trekkers like the female guides. They enjoy the knowledge that they share. And they like the fun atmosphere that the sisters create. They feel at ease as they explore the wonders of the Nepali Mountains. The sister's treks are very different to other treks. These usually involve racing to the top of mountains! The EWN treks are all about enjoyment. Lucky and her sisters said;

Voice 3

‘We concentrate on exploring the mountains and enjoying all they have to offer. The enjoyment of the trip is as great as reaching the end destination. Our aim is to share knowledge of our country and its culture. We are not racing against time. We bring time. We bring time to stop and smell mountain flowers. We bring time to watch animals play, birds fly.' Voice 1

The sisters seem to be walking along two roads. First there is the real road - where they trek through the Himalayan Mountains as guides. Then, there is the road that people cannot see. This road leads towards women gaining control of their lives. In many ways, the second road is harder. Social laws may put women as second class citizens. They may stop women getting a good education. And they may make women feel as though they are not worth very much. But the sisters hope that education and skill training will change all this. They hope that Nepali women will go on to bring real changes in their communities. The sister's work is not easy. It is a difficult road ahead. But it is worth it. They said;

Voice 3

‘Our dream is to empower the women of Nepal. It is a long and hard path to walk. But the jewels at the end are so great. It is a path that we must travel.' Voice 2

The writer and producer of today's programme was Marina Santee. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and South Africa. All quotes were adapted for this program. Computer users can hear our programmes, read our scripts and see our word list on our website at www.radio.english.net. This programme is called, ‘International Women's Day 2008.' Voice 1

How do you celebrate Women's Day? Write and tell us. Our email address is radio @ english . net. Thank you for joining us in today's Spotlight programme. Until next time. Goodbye.

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International Women's Day 2008 Internationaler Frauentag 2008 Διεθνής Ημέρα της Γυναίκας 2008 Día Internacional de la Mujer 2008 Journée internationale de la femme 2008 Giornata internazionale della donna 2008 2008年国際女性デー Międzynarodowy Dzień Kobiet 2008 Dia Internacional da Mulher 2008 Международный женский день 2008 Міжнародний жіночий день 2008 2008 年国际妇女节 2008 年國際婦女節

Voice 1

Hello. I’m Rachel Hobson

Voice 2

And I’m Marina Santee. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. 本節目採用特殊的英文播出方式。 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Це легше зрозуміти людям, незалежно від того, в якій частині світу вони живуть. 人們更容易理解,無論他們生活在世界的哪個角落。

Voice 1

All over the world women gather together. They are celebrating International Women’s Day - around March the eighth. 彼らは国際女性デーを祝っています - 3月8日頃。

Voice 2

In Beirut, women will celebrate the day at the UNESCO Palace Dinner. ベイルートでは、女性たちがユネスコのパレス ディナーでこの日を祝います。 Here, they will think about the difficulties of working women in Lebanon. ここでは、レバノンで働く女性の大変さについて考えます。 And they will discuss new medical improvements concerning women. |||||||sobre| また、女性に関する新しい医療の改善についても議論します。

Voice 1

In Sierra Leone a national show will mark the day. シエラレオネでは、全国的なショーがその日を記念します。 Women will celebrate female artists. The event organisers are the Sierra Leone Female Musical Association. イベントの主催者はシエラレオネ女性音楽協会です。 This group unites native female artists all across Sierra Leone. このグループは、シエラレオネ全土のネイティブの女性アーティストを結びつけています。

Voice 2

In the Bahamas women will celebrate with a special radio broadcast. The aim of the broadcast is to encourage women across the world. |objetivo|||||||||| この放送の目的は、世界中の女性を励ますことです。 The organisers work to stop violence against women and children. One way they do this is through talk shows. 彼らがこれを行う1つの方法は、トークショーを通じてです。 Один із способів зробити це - ток-шоу.

Voice 1

At Spotlight, we celebrate International Women’s Day by discussing the work of three women in Nepal. Spotlight では、ネパールの 3 人の女性の仕事について話し合うことで、国際女性デーを祝います。 Together they are empowering women in an amazing way. 一緒に、彼らは驚くべき方法で女性に力を与えています.

Voice 2

The wind blows over the huge mountains. A group of women follow a narrow path. They look around them in wonder. In the far distance they can see the white tops of the Himalayan Mountains. 遠くにヒマラヤ山脈の白い頂上が見えます。 The Himalaya Mountains circle round other groups of mountains. ヒマラヤ山脈は、他の山群の周りを回っています。 One of these groups is the Annapurna Mountains. ||||||Annapurna| これらのグループの 1 つがアンナプルナ山脈です。 The women are travelling, or trekking, into the centre of these mountains. |||||caminando largas distancias|||||| 女性たちは、これらの山の中心に向かって旅行またはトレッキングを行っています。 The mountains tops reach up to eight thousand metres. |||alcanzan||||| 山の頂上は最高で 8,000 メートルに達します。 To be so close to such beauty is an amazing experience. a|||||||||| そのような美しさにこれほど近づくことは素晴らしい経験です。 The women stop for a time, and enjoy the wonder of nature. Then, the women’s trekking guide leads them on. その後、女性のトレッキングガイドが先導します。 Their guide is experienced and knows the mountains well. The women travellers chose this guide for a particular reason. They chose her because she is female. 彼女が女性だったので、彼らは彼女を選びました。

Female trekker guides are not common in Nepal. |viajera|||||| ネパールでは女性のトレッカー ガイドは一般的ではありません。 Жінки-гіди в Непалі не є поширеним явищем. But three sisters are working to change this.

Voice 2

Lucky Chhetri is a fit young woman. |Chhetri|||||mujer joven ラッキー・チェトリは健康な若い女性です。 She trained in the Himalayan Mountaineering Training Institute in Darjeeling, India. |||||montañismo||||Darjeeling| 彼女は、インドのダージリンにあるヒマラヤ登山訓練研究所で訓練を受けました。 And she dreamed of trekking throughout the Himalayas one day. そして、いつかヒマラヤ山脈をトレッキングすることを夢見ていました。 Lucky’s sisters, Nicky and Dicky, shared her dreams. de Lucky||Nicky||Dicky||| But it seemed impossible. It was unusual for Nepalese women to do this. However, one day at work, Lucky had an idea. しかし、ある日、ラッキーはあるアイデアを思いつきました。 At that time, the three were working in an eating place in Pokhara, Nepal. ||||||||||||Pokhara Nepal| 当時、3人はネパールのポカラにある飲食店で働いていた。 Lucky said;

Voice 3

‘In 1993, we were managing a restaurant. 「1993年、私たちはレストランを経営していました。 It was in a hotel in Pokhara. We had the chance to meet women from all over the world. Ми мали нагоду познайомитися з жінками з усього світу. We met some unhappy and frightened women - who were travelling alone. They had had some bad experiences with their male guides. We felt sad when we head these stories. |||||escuchamos|| So we decided to do something.' Voice 1

In 1994, the sisters started a women’s trekking guide service. It is part of EWN - Empowering Women of Nepal. ||||EWN|||| The trekking service is for female travellers. But it also works to empower the women of Nepal. しかし、それはまた、ネパールの女性に力を与えるためにも機能します. Years earlier, Lucky had visited the far west of Nepal. 何年も前に、ラッキーはネパールの最西端を訪れていました。 Here, she had seen the struggles of many women. Their husbands and brothers had gone to India. 彼らの夫と兄弟はインドに行っていました。 The women were left on the dry, unfarmed land of Western Nepal. |las mujeres||||||no cultivada|||| 女性たちは西ネパールの乾燥した耕作されていない土地に置き去りにされました。 Lucky dreamed of working to support these women. She said;

Voice 3

‘Our female trekking group helped me make that dream real. 「私たちの女性のトレッキング グループは、その夢を実現するのを助けてくれました。 I remembered these hard working women. |||trabajadoras arduas|| 私はこれらの勤勉な女性たちを思い出しました。 Я згадала цих працьовитих жінок. And I recognised that country women would be the perfect people for female guides!' |||que|||||||||| そして私は、田舎の女性が女性ガイドに最適な人物であることを認識しました!」 Voice 2

Nepali women come to the EWN for different reasons. Some want employment. Others seek knowledge and skills. They can then use their skills in their communities. その後、コミュニティでスキルを使用できます。 At the EWN trainees take part in a four week English programme. |||los aprendices|||||||| EWN では、研修生は 4 週間の英語プログラムに参加します。 EWN'de stajyerler dört haftalık bir İngilizce programına katılmaktadır. They also learn about water cleanliness, waste management, and different kinds of fuels. |||||limpieza del agua||gestión de residuos||||| また、水の清浄度、廃棄物管理、さまざまな種類の燃料についても学びます。 The women’s training gives them skills to teach others how to care for the mountains. For example, they encourage people not to use plastic water bottles. たとえば、ペットボトルを使用しないよう人々に勧めています。 Instead they advise travellers to use iodine to purify their water. ||||||yodo|||| 代わりに、ヨウ素を使用して水を浄化するよう旅行者に勧めています。 This way, plastic bottles will not cover the beautiful mountains. このように、ペットボトルは美しい山を覆いません。

When the women have completed their training they can work as guides and earn money. Then, they gain experience. その後、彼らは経験を積む。 They lead groups of women on different treks through the mountains. |||||||caminatas||| 彼らは山を通るさまざまなトレッキングで女性のグループを率いています。 After this, some women return to their villages to spread news of the program. Others continue their education at universities. 他の人は大学で教育を続けます。 Or some receive a loan from the EWN. または、EWN から融資を受ける人もいます。 The loan is for women who want to become community leaders.

Voice 1

So the EWN is a success for the local women and the travellers. Women trekkers like the female guides. 女性トレッカーは女性ガイドが好きです。 They enjoy the knowledge that they share. 彼らは共有する知識を楽しんでいます。 And they like the fun atmosphere that the sisters create. そして、姉妹が作り出す楽しい雰囲気が気に入っています。 They feel at ease as they explore the wonders of the Nepali Mountains. ||en||||||maravillas|||| 彼らはネパールの山々の不思議を探索するとき、安心しています。 The sister’s treks are very different to other treks. These usually involve racing to the top of mountains! これらには通常、山の頂上までのレースが含まれます。 The EWN treks are all about enjoyment. ||caminatas|||| EWN トレッキングは楽しみがすべてです。 Lucky and her sisters said;

Voice 3

‘We concentrate on exploring the mountains and enjoying all they have to offer. 「私たちは山を探索し、山が提供するすべてのものを楽しむことに集中しています。 The enjoyment of the trip is as great as reaching the end destination. 旅の楽しみは、目的地にたどり着くのと同じくらい素晴らしいものです。 Our aim is to share knowledge of our country and its culture. We are not racing against time. 私たちは時間と競争していません。 We bring time. 時間をもたらします。 We bring time to stop and smell mountain flowers. We bring time to watch animals play, birds fly.' 動物が遊んだり、鳥が飛んだりするのを見る時間を提供します。 Voice 1

The sisters seem to be walking along two roads. 姉妹は2つの道を歩いているようです。 First there is the real road - where they trek through the Himalayan Mountains as guides. 最初に実際の道があります - 彼らはガイドとしてヒマラヤ山脈をトレッキングします。 Then, there is the road that people cannot see. そして、人の見えない道があります。 This road leads towards women gaining control of their lives. |||||ganando poder|||| この道は、女性が自分の人生をコントロールできるようになる道です。 In many ways, the second road is harder. Social laws may put women as second class citizens. |leyes sociales||||||| 社会法は、女性を二級市民として扱うかもしれません。 They may stop women getting a good education. And they may make women feel as though they are not worth very much. |||||||como si|||||| そして、女性は自分には価値がないように感じてしまうかもしれません。 But the sisters hope that education and skill training will change all this. |las||||||||||| They hope that Nepali women will go on to bring real changes in their communities. 彼らは、ネパールの女性がコミュニティに真の変化をもたらすことを望んでいます. The sister’s work is not easy. It is a difficult road ahead. 前途多難です。 But it is worth it. しかし、それだけの価値があります。 They said;

Voice 3

‘Our dream is to empower the women of Nepal. It is a long and hard path to walk. But the jewels at the end are so great. ||joyas|||||| しかし、最後の宝石はとても素晴らしいです。 It is a path that we must travel.' Voice 2

The writer and producer of today’s programme was Marina Santee. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and South Africa. All quotes were adapted for this program. Computer users can hear our programmes, read our scripts and see our word list on our website at www.radio.english.net. This programme is called, ‘International Women’s Day 2008.' Voice 1

How do you celebrate Women’s Day? 女性の日をどのように祝いますか? Write and tell us. Our email address is radio @ english . net. Thank you for joining us in today’s Spotlight programme. Until next time. Goodbye.