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Society and people, New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

Fred: Hi, Sabriya. So tell me, in Oman do you guys have the same culture, the same traditions as we do? Do you celebrate New Year's? Sabriya: Yes, we do. It's not one of the big events known in Oman but we do celebrate New Year and we follow the same calendar as you guys do. Fred: Oh, is that right? So, as New Year's is almost coming soon, do you have any New Year's Resolution? Sabriya: Well, for the past maybe three or four years I've been trying to have different resolutions but I never manage to stick to them or keep them. However, this year, I think I've made my mind up on a resolution which I plan to keep and that is to limit or actually lessen my phone bill. Fred: Lessen your phone bill. Wow. I can't imagine how big the phone bill was before if you want to change it. Sabriya: Oh, my goodness it was so big. I mean, you know, you know how much I love talking on the phone so, yes, it was quite big and I intend to, you know, discipline myself a lot more. So what about you Fred? Fred: What about my New Year's Resolution? Sabriya: Yes. Fred: Wow! My New Year's resolution... I would say more my New Year's resolutions. I have many, but I think I have to focus on one or two of them to make it happen, so number one, I think as many people out there, I would like to quit smoking. Sabriya: Good for you. Fred: Thank you very much. Sabriya: Good for you. Fred: Will you support me? Sabriya: Definitely. No doubt about it. I will personally support you. Fred: Thank you very much for all your support. I think it's gonna be very good for me. Not only because this is bad for my health, but you know, it's just something that I think will give me a lot of confidence if I'm able to to do this, to quit. I will say I am strong and confident in myself and I can do this. Now, my other New Year's resolution would be... I love my grandmother so much, but as I don't live close to her anymore, I feel that I'm losing a bit in my relationship with her, and so I would like to call her every week. Sabriya: That is very sweet. That is so cute. I think that's something we should all have. Fred: Thank you very much. Sabriya: To have grandmothers and mothers and call them all the time.

New Year's Resolutions ||Yeni Yıl Kararları Vorsätze für das neue Jahr Propósitos de Año Nuevo 新年の抱負

Fred: Hi, Sabriya. So tell me, in Oman do you guys have the same culture, the same traditions as we do? ||||Umman'da||||||||||gelenekler||| Söyler misiniz, Umman'da bizimle aynı kültüre, aynı geleneklere sahip misiniz? Do you celebrate New Year’s? ||||Yılbaşı Sabriya: Yes, we do. サブリヤ||| It’s not one of the big events known in Oman but we do celebrate New Year and we follow the same calendar as you guys do. |||||||||||||||||||||takvim|||| Fred: Oh, is that right? So, as New Year’s is almost coming soon, do you have any New Year’s Resolution? Peki, yeni yıl yaklaşırken, sizin yeni yıl için bir kararınız var mı? Sabriya: Well, for the past maybe three or four years I’ve been trying to have different resolutions but I never manage to stick to them or keep them. Sabriya: Nun, in den letzten drei oder vier Jahren habe ich versucht, verschiedene Vorsätze zu fassen, aber ich habe es nie geschafft, sie einzuhalten oder sie zu erfüllen. Sabriya: Şey, son üç ya da dört yıldır farklı kararlar almaya çalışıyorum ama hiçbir zaman onlara bağlı kalmayı ya da onları tutmayı başaramıyorum. However, this year, I think I’ve made my mind up on a resolution which I plan to keep and that is to limit or actually lessen my phone bill. ||||||||||||karar|||||||||||||azaltmak||| Ancak bu yıl, sanırım tutmayı planladığım bir karar aldım ve bu da telefon faturamı sınırlamak veya gerçekten azaltmak. Fred: Lessen your phone bill. |Azaltmak||| |||電話料金| Wow. I can’t imagine how big the phone bill was before if you want to change it. Sabriya: Oh, my goodness it was so big. I mean, you know, you know how much I love talking on the phone so, yes, it was quite big and I intend to, you know, discipline myself a lot more. ||||||||||||||||||||||niyetindeyim|||||||| So what about you Fred? Fred: What about my New Year’s Resolution? ||||新しい|| Sabriya: Yes. Fred: Wow! My New Year’s resolution... I would say more my New Year’s resolutions. |||||||||||yeni yıl kararları I have many, but I think I have to focus on one or two of them to make it happen, so number one, I think as many people out there, I would like to quit smoking. Ich habe viele, aber ich denke, ich muss mich auf ein oder zwei davon konzentrieren, um es zu schaffen, also Nummer eins, ich denke, wie viele Leute da draußen, würde ich gerne mit dem Rauchen aufhören. Çok sayıda hedefim var, ancak bunu gerçekleştirmek için bir ya da iki tanesine odaklanmam gerektiğini düşünüyorum: Birincisi, sanırım dışarıdaki pek çok insan gibi ben de sigarayı bırakmak istiyorum. Sabriya: Good for you. Fred: Thank you very much. Sabriya: Good for you. Fred: Will you support me? Sabriya: Definitely. No doubt about it. |Şüphe|| I will personally support you. Fred: Thank you very much for all your support. I think it’s gonna be very good for me. Not only because this is bad for my health, but you know, it’s just something that I think will give me a lot of confidence if I’m able to to do this, to quit. I will say I am strong and confident in myself and I can do this. Now, my other New Year’s resolution would be... I love my grandmother so much, but as I don’t live close to her anymore, I feel that I’m losing a bit in my relationship with her, and so I would like to call her every week. Şimdi, diğer Yeni Yıl kararım şu olacak. Büyükannemi çok seviyorum, ancak artık ona yakın yaşamadığım için onunla olan ilişkimi biraz kaybettiğimi hissediyorum ve bu yüzden onu her hafta aramak istiyorum. Sabriya: That is very sweet. That is so cute. I think that’s something we should all have. Bence bu hepimizde olması gereken bir şey. Fred: Thank you very much. Sabriya: To have grandmothers and mothers and call them all the time. Sabriya: Büyükannelere ve annelere sahip olmak ve onları her zaman aramak.