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Society and people, The Gun Incident

The Gun Incident

Todd: So you said somebody pulled a gun on you once . Aaraon: Yeah, well, what happened was that I was working the side door with a friend, good old Brent, the loose cannon as it were, and someone said, "Oh, my God, Oh, my God and we were scared so we had, one of had our radios on, so we radioed inside, get outide quick, go over and there's a cowboy, who has reached inside his truck and pulled out a hand gun and is fending off four or five other guys. Todd: Whoa. Aaron: Whoa, what the heck is going on? And these guys are pretty keyed up about it . And so I tried right away to get the other guys to back off to try and calm this other guy down. Brent was doing the same, kind of eyeing the gun thinking they might be able to go for it and then one of the guys that was crowding the guy with the gun took a step forward and the guy shot him Todd: Really? Aaron: Yeah. Todd: He shot him! Aaron: Well, hold on. And this is where it all went to hell in a hand basket . It was a bee-bee gun. So this guy reached into his truck and pulled out a bb-gun. Very real. It looked like a 9 millimeter, and then bang. He was surrounded by four or five guys. He figured he'd hold them off but, the guy was hit in the chest, and he looks down, thinking to see blood and he sees this little ball in his leather jacket. He picks it out and then all of a sudden we've got five really angry men and one scared cowboy because now the fear is off. Todd: Right. Aaraon: It was a heck of a tussle, but yeah. Todd: So did they beat up the cowboy pretty bad? Aaron: Well, we tried to prevent as much as we could. We kind of backed in a cirlce around him. Even though we were angry at him as well. We knew if we let it go, the man would be dead. Yeah, so we backed up around him, trying to keep the guys off, they got a couple punches in but within about ten seconds, the other bouncers were outside, so that's what's handy about being a bouncer, is if you got a good team, it really is a team. You watch your boys back, so if something goes down, you're searching and you're looking and you're running, which I think a lot of people don't see.

The Gun Incident Der Vorfall mit der Waffe El incidente de la pistola 銃乱射事件 O incidente da arma Silah Olayı 持枪事件

Todd: So you said somebody pulled a gun on you once . Todd: Du hast also gesagt, dass jemand einmal eine Waffe auf dich gerichtet hat. トッド:誰かに銃を突きつけられたことがあると言ったね。 Aaraon: Yeah, well, what happened was that I was working the side door with a friend, good old Brent, the loose cannon as it were, and someone said, "Oh, my God, Oh, my God and we were scared so we had, one of had our radios on, so we radioed inside, get outide quick, go over and there’s a cowboy, who has reached inside his truck and pulled out a hand gun and is fending off four or five other guys. Aaraon: Ja, also, was passiert ist, war, dass ich mit einem Freund am Seiteneingang gearbeitet habe, dem guten alten Brent, dem Scharfschützen sozusagen, und jemand sagte: "Oh, mein Gott, Oh, mein Gott, und wir hatten Angst, also hatten wir, einer von uns hatte unser Funkgerät an, also haben wir reingefunkt, kommt schnell raus, geht rüber und da ist ein Cowboy, der hat in seinen Truck gegriffen und eine Handfeuerwaffe rausgezogen und wehrt vier oder fünf andere Typen ab. 誰かが「大変だ、大変だ」と言ったので、私たちは怖くなって、無線機をつけて、中に無線で連絡したんだ。 Aaraon: Evet, olan şuydu, ben bir arkadaşımla yan kapıda çalışıyordum, iyi yaşlı Brent, olduğu gibi serseri mayın ve birisi dedi ki, "Aman Tanrım, Aman Tanrım ve biz korktuk, telsizlerimizden biri açıktı, bu yüzden içeriye telsizle haber verdik, çabuk dışarı çıkın, oraya gidin ve kamyonunun içine uzanıp bir el silahı çıkaran ve dört ya da beş diğer adamı savuşturan bir kovboy var. Todd: Whoa. Aaron: Whoa, what the heck is going on? アーロン:おっと、いったい何が起こっているんだ? And these guys are pretty keyed up about it . そして、この男たちはそのことにかなり神経をとがらせている。 And so I tried right away to get the other guys to back off to try and calm this other guy down. Also habe ich sofort versucht, die anderen Jungs zu beruhigen, damit sie sich zurückziehen. それで、私はすぐに他の選手たちを下がらせて、この男を落ち着かせようとした。 因此我立即尝试让其他人后退,以试图让这个人冷静下来。 Brent was doing the same, kind of eyeing the gun thinking they might be able to go for it and then one of the guys that was crowding the guy with the gun took a step forward and the guy shot him Brent tat das Gleiche, er starrte auf die Waffe und dachte, sie könnten vielleicht zuschlagen, und dann machte einer der Kerle, die den Kerl mit der Waffe bedrängten, einen Schritt nach vorne und der Kerl erschoss ihn. ブレントも同じように、狙えるかもしれないと思いながら銃を見つめていた。 布伦特也做了同样的事情,他盯着枪想着他们也许可以抢一把,然后其中一个围着拿枪的人向前走了一步,那个人开枪打死了他 Todd: Really? Aaron: Yeah. Todd: He shot him! Aaron: Well, hold on. アーロン:ちょっと待って。 And this is where it all went to hell in a hand basket . Und hier ist alles zum Teufel gegangen. そして、ここですべてが地獄に突き落とされた。 这就是一切都变得一团糟的地方。 It was a bee-bee gun. Es war ein Bienengewehr. 那是一把蜜蜂枪。 So this guy reached into his truck and pulled out a bb-gun. それでこの男はトラックの中に手を入れて、拳銃を取り出した。 于是这个家伙伸手进他的卡车并拿出一把 BB 枪。 Very real. 非常真实。 It looked like a 9 millimeter, and then bang. 看上去像是 9 毫米,然后砰的一声。 He was surrounded by four or five guys. 他周围围着四五个人。 He figured he’d hold them off but, the guy was hit in the chest, and he looks down, thinking to see blood and he sees this little ball in his leather jacket. Er dachte, er würde sie abwehren können, aber der Typ wurde in die Brust getroffen, und als er nach unten sah, dachte er, er würde Blut sehen, und er sah dieses kleine Knäuel in seiner Lederjacke. しかし、その男は胸を殴られ、血を見ようと思って下を見ると、革ジャンの中に小さなボールがあった。 他想他可以阻止他们,但是,那家伙胸部被击中,他低头一看,以为看到血,然后就看到那家伙皮夹克里有一个小球。 He picks it out and then all of a sudden we’ve got five really angry men and one scared cowboy because now the fear is off. Er wählt sie aus und plötzlich haben wir fünf wirklich wütende Männer und einen verängstigten Cowboy, denn jetzt ist die Angst weg. 彼がそれを選ぶと、突然、本当に怒っている5人の男たちと怖がっている1人のカウボーイになる。 他选了出来,然后突然间我们就看到了五个非常愤怒的男人和一个害怕的牛仔,因为现在恐惧已经消失了。 Todd: Right. 托德:对。 Aaraon: It was a heck of a tussle, but yeah. Aaraon: Es war ein verdammt harter Kampf, aber ja. アラオン:すごい揉め事だったけど、そうだね。 阿隆:这确实是一场激烈的争斗,但是是的。 Todd: So did they beat up the cowboy pretty bad? Todd: Haben sie den Cowboy also ziemlich verprügelt? 托德:那么他们把牛仔打得很惨吗? Aaron: Well, we tried to prevent as much as we could. アーロン:まあ、できる限り防ごうとした。 亚伦:嗯,我们尽力了。 We kind of backed in a cirlce around him. Wir haben uns quasi im Kreis um ihn gedreht. 私たちは彼の周りをグルグルと回った。 我们围成一个圈围绕着他。 Even though we were angry at him as well. 尽管我们也对他很生气。 We knew if we let it go, the man would be dead. Wir wussten, dass der Mann tot sein würde, wenn wir ihn gehen ließen. 我们知道,如果我们放手,这个人就没命了。 Yeah, so we backed up around him, trying to keep the guys off, they got a couple punches in but within about ten seconds, the other bouncers were outside, so that’s what’s handy about being a bouncer, is if you got a good team, it really is a team. Ja, also haben wir uns um ihn herum geduckt und versucht, die Typen abzuhalten, sie haben ein paar Schläge eingesteckt, aber innerhalb von zehn Sekunden waren die anderen Türsteher draußen, das ist das Praktische daran, Türsteher zu sein, wenn man ein gutes Team hat, ist es wirklich ein Team. ああ、だから俺たちは彼の周りに下がって、奴らを遠ざけようとしたんだ。奴らは2、3発パンチを食らわせたけど、10秒もしないうちに他の用心棒が外に出て行った。 是的,所以我们在他周围退了回去,试图阻止那些人,他们打了几拳,但大约十秒钟后,其他保镖就跑到外面了,所以,当保镖的便利之处在于,如果你有一个好的团队,那它就是一个真正的团队。 You watch your boys back, so if something goes down, you’re searching and you’re looking and you’re running, which I think a lot of people don’t see. Du hältst deinen Jungs den Rücken frei, und wenn etwas passiert, suchst du, schaust du und rennst du, was viele Leute nicht sehen. だから、何かが起きたら、探して、探して、走るんだ。 你要照看你的士兵,所以如果有什么事情发生,你会去搜寻,去观察,去奔跑,我想很多人没有看到这一点。