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Society and people, Three Wishes

Three Wishes

Todd: OK, I'm going to talk about my one wish. I think everybody has one or two things they wish they could change about themselves and for me I really wish I could sing. Unfortunately I have a terrible voice. I cannot sing at all, and in Japan, this is very embarrassing because Japanese people love to go to karaoke, and karaoke is when you go with a bunch of friends to a place, a karaoke bar, I guess, or center, and you get a small room and inside the room there are TV's and songs are on the TV's. You can choose what songs to watch and then one person sings the song and everyone listens and it's very popular in Japan and it's a lot of fun but it's really embarrassing because I can't sing and everybody always says, " No, no, no, you sing. Oh, no, it's OK. It's OK. Don't worry. Don't be embarrassed," but after I sing, my singing is so bad that everybody doesn't want me to sing anymore, so it's also really hard for me because I teach children and I love teaching children and when you teach children you need to teach songs, and so I sing many, many songs with my students, for example, "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" or "Row-Row-Row your boat!" or many many songs, but I can't sing and so luckily the kids really don't care so usually it's alright that my voice is really bad but sometimes they tell me, they say, "Sensei, Sensei!" in Japanese, "You're singing is terrible!" so it's really embarrassing but I have to do it. Songs are very important for children when they're little. I think the reason I cannot sing is because unfortunately in my country we don't sing as children and I really would like this to change. It really bothers me. I've noticed in Thailand, in Japan, in other countries that I have taught, children sing in elementary school a lot and in the United States you don't do this and I think's it's terrible because you need to sing when you're little to train your voice so it can learn tones and so it can learn how to sing properly and because I never learned to sing when I was little it's almost impossible to learn how to sing when you're older, so yeah, I really wish I could sing but I just don't think that it's ever going to be a reality.

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Three Wishes Drei Wünsche Tres deseos 3つの願い Üç Dilek 三个愿望

Todd: OK, I’m going to talk about my one wish. Todd: OK, ik ga het hebben over mijn enige wens. I think everybody has one or two things they wish they could change about themselves and for me I really wish I could sing. Bence herkesin kendisiyle ilgili değiştirmek istediği bir ya da iki şey vardır ve benim için gerçekten şarkı söyleyebilmeyi dilerdim. Unfortunately I have a terrible voice. I cannot sing at all, and in Japan, this is very embarrassing because Japanese people love to go to karaoke, and karaoke is when you go with a bunch of friends to a place, a karaoke bar, I guess, or center, and you get a small room and inside the room there are TV’s and songs are on the TV’s. Hiç şarkı söyleyemiyorum ve Japonya'da bu çok utanç verici çünkü Japonlar karaokeye gitmeyi seviyor ve karaoke, bir grup arkadaşınızla bir yere gittiğinizde, sanırım bir karaoke barı veya merkezi ve küçük bir odaya giriyorsunuz ve odanın içinde TV'ler var ve TV'lerde şarkılar var. You can choose what songs to watch and then one person sings the song and everyone listens and it’s very popular in Japan and it’s a lot of fun but it’s really embarrassing because I can’t sing and everybody always says, " No, no, no, you sing. Oh, no, it’s OK. It’s OK. Don’t worry. Don’t be embarrassed," but after I sing, my singing is so bad that everybody doesn’t want me to sing anymore, so it’s also really hard for me because I teach children and I love teaching children and when you teach children you need to teach songs, and so I sing many, many songs with my students, for example, "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" or "Row-Row-Row your boat!" or many many songs, but I can’t sing and so luckily the kids really don’t care so usually it’s alright that my voice is really bad but sometimes they tell me, they say, "Sensei, Sensei!" in Japanese, "You’re singing is terrible!" so it’s really embarrassing but I have to do it. Songs are very important for children when they’re little. I think the reason I cannot sing is because unfortunately in my country we don’t sing as children and I really would like this to change. Sanırım şarkı söyleyemememin nedeni ne yazık ki ülkemde çocukken şarkı söylemememiz ve bunun değişmesini gerçekten çok istiyorum. It really bothers me. I’ve noticed in Thailand, in Japan, in other countries that I have taught, children sing in elementary school a lot and in the United States you don’t do this and I think’s it’s terrible because you need to sing when you’re little to train your voice so it can learn tones and so it can learn how to sing properly and because I never learned to sing when I was little it’s almost impossible to learn how to sing when you’re older, so yeah, I really wish I could sing but I just don’t think that it’s ever going to be a reality. Tayland'da, Japonya'da, öğretmenlik yaptığım diğer ülkelerde çocukların ilkokulda çok fazla şarkı söylediğini fark ettim ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde bunu yapmıyorsunuz ve bence bu korkunç çünkü sesinizi eğitmek için küçükken şarkı söylemeniz gerekiyor, böylece tonları öğrenebilir ve nasıl düzgün şarkı söyleyeceğinizi öğrenebilirsiniz ve küçükken şarkı söylemeyi hiç öğrenmediğim için büyüdüğünüzde nasıl şarkı söyleyeceğinizi öğrenmek neredeyse imkansız, bu yüzden evet, gerçekten şarkı söyleyebilmeyi isterdim ama bunun hiçbir zaman gerçek olacağını sanmıyorum. 我注意到在泰国、日本以及我教过的其他国家,很多小学生在小学唱歌,而在美国却不这样做,我认为这很糟糕,因为你从小就需要唱歌来训练你的声音,这样它才能学习音调,才能学会如何正确地唱歌,而因为我小时候从未学过唱歌,所以长大后几乎不可能再学会唱歌,所以是的,我真的希望我会唱歌,但我认为这永远不会成为现实。