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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Learn to talk about having the flu in 6 minutes - YouTube

Learn to talk about having the flu in 6 minutes - YouTube

Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Dan, and joining me today is Neil. Hi Neil.

Neil: Hi, everyone!

Dan: Bless you! Are you ok?

Neil: I think I'm coming down with something serious.

Dan: It's just a case of the sniffles.

Neil: The sniffles

is an informal way of saying a cold or flu.

It comes from the sniffing sound people make

when they have a runny nose.

Dan: And a runny nose is when liquid mucus keeps

leaking from our nose,

usually when we are sick.

I'm afraid you'll just have to soldier on Neil.

Neil: To soldier on means to continue despite difficulty.

I'm dying!

What's it about anyway?

Dan: It's about ‘man flu',

and whether it's actually real, or

just something men like to complain about.

We'll give you 6 words and expressions – and, of course, our quiz question.

Neil: Alright, fire away.

Dan: In a survey conducted by Nuts magazine

that asked its readers

how long they took to recover from a cold or flu,

where women put an average of 1.5 days,

what did men put?

Was it a) 1 day

b) 2 days or c) 3 days?

Neil: I'm going to say 3 days.

The threat of ‘man flu' is real.

Dan: Well, we'll find out later, but let's clarify.

‘Man flu' is the tendency that many people believe men

have to complain about a minor illness,

such as a cold or flu,

and act as if they were suffering from something

a lot more serious.

Neil: Yes. But science cannot say whether men

do actually suffer more than women,

or if men just tend to complain more.

Dan: Let's hear from this British couple

about whether they think ‘man flu' is real or not.

Man: Men definitely do suffer a lot more, I think,

than women do when we get flu.

Woman: Yeah, I'm not so convinced.

I feel like they just complain more.

Woman: I was ill recently and I just carried on

and went to work and everything.

And when Chris had got sick recently

he was on the sofa and couldn't really do anything, so…

Dan: And it seems that it's not just in the UK.

Listen to this BBC Journalist interviewing a woman

from Europe.

BBC Journalist: You're from the Netherlands.

Have you ever accused your

boyfriend of having man flu?

Dutch woman: Oh, absolutely yes. Yeah.

BBC Journalist: What have you accused him of doing?

Dutch woman: …whining?

Neil: Whining is when someone complains repeatedly

and often in an annoying way about something.

So, there certainly seems to be something there

but nothing has been proven, right?

Dan: Well, a recent scientific study

has indicated that there could be something to

‘man flu' after all.

Doctor Kyle Sue,

an assistant professor of

family medicine at Memorial University

of Newfoundland in Canada,

has suggested

that there could be a difference

between men and women

when it comes to respiratory diseases.

Neil: Respiratory meaning related to breathing.

He says that there was already a lot of evidence

from existing studies suggesting men experience

worse, longer-lasting symptoms.

Dan: Symptoms are the feelings of illness caused

by a disease.

Listen to him explain why this is.

Dr Sue: It seems that the higher the testosterone levels,

the lower the immune response to

these types of infections,

whereas the higher the oestrogen level,

the stronger the immune response.

Neil: Testosterone and oestrogen are hormones

that exist in both men and women.

Testosterone is higher in males

and oestrogen is higher in females.

Dr. Sue's research suggests that

the more oestrogen a person has,

the better able they are to fight off the infection.

That's it then! Man flu is real!

Dan: Hold your horses, Neil.

There are two problems.

First of all, the Royal college of GPs in the UK

says that there is no such thing as ‘man flu'.

And secondly,

even Dr Sue admits that these results, including his own,

are only ‘suggestive' and are not ‘definitive'.

Neil: So, basically he's saying that

there is a suggestion that ‘man flu' exists,

but the evidence so far cannot say for sure.

Dan: Exactly.

More studies need to be done.

But you know what we can be sure about?

The answer to this week's quiz question.

I asked you

in a survey conducted by Nuts magazine

that asked its readers

how long they took to recover from a cold or flu,

where women put an average of 1.5 days,

what did men put?

a) 1 day b) 2 days or c) 3 days

Neil:And I said 3 days.

Dan:And you were


Neil :Good!

Dan: The men said they took twice as long to recover!

Neil: It must be all that manly testosterone.

Let's review our vocabulary, shall we?

Dan: Our first was the sniffles.

If you have the sniffles,

you have a cold, informally speaking.

What's the best cure for the sniffles Neil?

Neil: Stay in bed and sweat it out, my mum always said.

Just make sure you have lots of tissues

to deal with your runny nose.

That's when a person's nose leaks mucus,

usually because they are ill. Yuck!

Dan: Next we had soldier on.

This phrasal verb means to continue despite difficulty.

When was the last time you had to soldier on, Neil?

Neil: A few days ago when I went the whole day

without eating any lunch!

Then we had ‘man flu'.

That's is the name given to the situation where a person,

often a man,

tends to complain and exaggerate a small illness

such as a cold.

Do you do that, Dan?

Dan: I'm sure my wife would say I do!

Next we had whining.

If you whine, you complain repeatedly

and often in an annoying way.

Neil: Like my children did

last time I didn't buy them ice-cream.

And finally we had symptoms.

These are the feelings of illness caused by a disease.

What are the symptoms of flu, Dan?

Dan: A headache, aching muscles, and a fever.

And that's the end of this 6 Minute English!

Don't forget to check out our YouTube,

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

There you made it. You can collapse now.

Neil: Bye.

Dan: Bye!

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Learn to talk about having the flu in 6 minutes - YouTube ||||||грипп||| ||||||Grippe||| ||||||influenza||| In 6 Minuten über die Grippe sprechen lernen - YouTube Aprende a hablar de la gripe en 6 minutos - YouTube یاد بگیرید در 6 دقیقه در مورد ابتلا به آنفولانزا صحبت کنید - YouTube Apprendre à parler de la grippe en 6 minutes - YouTube 6分間でインフルエンザにかかったことを話すことができるようになる - YouTube Naucz się mówić o grypie w 6 minut - YouTube Aprender a falar sobre a gripe em 6 minutos - YouTube Научитесь говорить о гриппе за 6 минут - YouTube Grip hakkında konuşmayı 6 dakikada öğrenin - YouTube Навчіться говорити про грип за 6 хвилин - YouTube 6 分钟内学会谈论流感 - YouTube 6 分鐘內學會談流感 - YouTube

Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

I'm Dan, and joining me today is Neil. Hi Neil. Je suis Dan, et Neil me rejoint aujourd'hui. Salut Neil.

Neil: Hi, everyone! نیل: سلام، همه!

Dan: Bless you! Are you ok? |Saúde!|||| Dan: Bůh ti žehnej! Jsi v poűádku? دن: آفرین بر شما! خوبی؟ Dan : Soyez bénis ! Êtes-vous OK?

Neil: I think I'm coming down with something serious. |||||bị bệnh||| |ich||ich bin||||| نیل: فکر می کنم دارم با یک چیز جدی روبرو هستم. Neil : Je pense que j'arrive à quelque chose de sérieux. Neil: Chyba dopada mnie coś poważnego. 尼尔:我想我遇到了一些严重的事情。

Dan: It's just a case of the sniffles. |||||||насморк |||||||minor cold symptoms |||||||um resfriado leve |||||||hắt hơi |||||||Schnupfen |||||||katar Ден: Це просто нежить.

Neil: The sniffles ||Schnupfen

is an informal way of saying a cold or flu. |||||||||Grippe روشی غیررسمی برای گفتن سرماخوردگی یا آنفولانزا است. це неформальний спосіб сказати "застуда" або "грип".

It comes from the sniffing sound people make ||||tiếng hít vào||| ||||schnüffeln||| ||||sniffing noise||| ||||o som de cheirar|||

when they have a runny nose. ||||chảy nước mũ| |sie|||| ||||escorrendo nariz| quand ils ont le nez qui coule. коли у них нежить.

Dan: And a runny nose is when liquid mucus keeps |||||||жидкий|слизь| |||liquid dripping continuously|||||nasal discharge| ||||||||muco líquido| ||||||||液體黏液| |||laufende|||||| |||||||chất lỏng|chất nhầy| ||||||||śluz| Dan : Et le nez qui coule, c'est quand le mucus liquide reste

leaking from our nose, chảy ra||| laufen||| dripping from nose||| 流出||| течет||| از بینی ما نشت می کند،

usually when we are sick. معمولا وقتی مریض هستیم geralmente quando estamos doentes.

I'm afraid you'll just have to soldier on Neil. ||||||терпеть|| ||||||persevere|| Obávám se, že budeš muset bojovat dál, Neile. J'ai peur que vous n'ayez qu'à vous battre contre Neil. Боюся, що тобі доведеться просто воювати з Нілом.

Neil: To soldier on means to continue despite difficulty. |||||||mặc dù|khó khăn |инфинитивный союз||в|означает|||несмотря на| ||堅持|||||| Neil: Weitermachen bedeutet, trotz Schwierigkeiten weiterzumachen. Neil : Soldat signifie continuer malgré les difficultés. Neil: Seguir em frente significa continuar apesar das dificuldades. Ніл: Боротися означає продовжувати, незважаючи на труднощі.

I'm dying! |estou morrendo

What's it about anyway? De quoi s'agit-il de toute façon?

Dan: It's about ‘man flu', دن: درباره «آنفولانزای مردی» است،

and whether it's actually real, or |ли|||| |liệu|nó có||| et si c'est réellement réel, ou

just something men like to complain about. |||||жаловаться| juste quelque chose dont les hommes aiment se plaindre. саме те, на що чоловіки люблять скаржитися.

We'll give you 6 words and expressions – and, of course, our quiz question. |||||выражения|||||викторина| |||||phrases|||||| ||||||||||câu hỏi| ما 6 کلمه و عبارات را به شما می دهیم - و، البته، سوال مسابقه ما. Ми дамо вам 6 слів і виразів - і, звичайно ж, запитання нашої вікторини.

Neil: Alright, fire away. نیل: باشه، آتش بزن. Neil : D'accord, tirez. Гаразд, починай.

Dan: In a survey conducted by Nuts magazine |||опросе|проведённом||| ||||carried out||| ||||được thực hiện||| Dan : Dans une enquête menée par le magazine Nuts Dan: W ankiecie przeprowadzonej przez magazyn Nuts Ден: В опитуванні, проведеному журналом Nuts

that asked its readers |||độc giả qui a demandé à ses lecteurs

how long they took to recover from a cold or flu, |||||восстановиться||||| |||||get better||||| combien de temps ils ont mis à se remettre d'un rhume ou d'une grippe, ile czasu zajęło im wyleczenie się z przeziębienia lub grypy, скільки часу їм знадобилося, щоб оговтатися від застуди чи грипу,

where women put an average of 1.5 days, ||||trung bình|| جایی که زنان به طور متوسط 1.5 روز می گذارند، où les femmes mettent en moyenne 1,5 jour, gdzie kobiety odkładały średnio 1,5 dnia,

what did men put? qu'est-ce que les hommes ont mis? що ставили чоловіки?

Was it a) 1 day Était-ce a) 1 jour

b) 2 days or c) 3 days?

Neil: I'm going to say 3 days. نیل: میخوام بگم 3 روز.

The threat of ‘man flu' is real. |угроза||||| |serious risk||||| |ameaça||||| |||đàn ông||| La menace de la « grippe masculine » est réelle.

Dan: Well, we'll find out later, but let's clarify. ||||||но||уточним |||||||lass uns|klären ||||||||make clear ||||||||esclarecer Dan : Eh bien, nous le découvrirons plus tard, mais clarifions.

‘Man flu' is the tendency that many people believe men ||||тенденция||||| ||||Tendenz||||| ||||belief|||||males ||||xu hướng||||| «آنفولانزای مردانه» گرایشی است که بسیاری از مردم به مردان اعتقاد دارند La « grippe des hommes » est la tendance que beaucoup de gens croient que les hommes

have to complain about a minor illness, |||||незначительной| |||||slight| |||||uma doença leve|doença leve |||||nhẹ|bệnh nhẹ باید از یک بیماری جزئی شکایت کرد، avoir à se plaindre d'une maladie bénigne,

such as a cold or flu, comme un rhume ou une grippe,

and act as if they were suffering from something ||||||страдающими|| et agissent comme s'ils souffraient de quelque chose

a lot more serious. beaucoup plus grave.

Neil: Yes. But science cannot say whether men ||||||ли| ||||||liệu rằng| Neil : Oui. Mais la science ne peut pas dire si les hommes

do actually suffer more than women, |||||женщины در واقع بیشتر از زنان رنج می برند، souffrent en fait plus que les femmes,

or if men just tend to complain more. ||人們||||| ||||склонны||| ou si les hommes ont juste tendance à se plaindre davantage.

Dan: Let's hear from this British couple

about whether they think ‘man flu' is real or not. |liệu|||||||| در مورد اینکه آیا فکر می کنند "آنفولانزای مرد" واقعی است یا خیر. savoir s'ils pensent que la « grippe masculine » est réelle ou non.

Man: Men definitely do suffer a lot more, I think, مرد: من فکر می‌کنم مردان قطعاً رنج بیشتری می‌کشند، Homme : Les hommes souffrent certainement beaucoup plus, je pense,

than women do when we get flu. que les femmes quand nous attrapons la grippe.

Woman: Yeah, I'm not so convinced. |||||убеждена ||ich bin||| |||||not sure

I feel like they just complain more. ich|||||| J'ai l'impression qu'ils se plaignent davantage.

Woman: I was ill recently and I just carried on ||||||||tiếp tục| Woman: I was ill recently and I just carried on Kobieta: Niedawno byłam chora i po prostu kontynuowałam

and went to work and everything. and went to work and everything. و رفت سر کار و همه چیز. et est allé travailler et tout.

And when Chris had got sick recently |als||||| And when Chris had got sick recently Et quand Chris était tombé malade récemment A kiedy Chris niedawno zachorował

he was on the sofa and couldn't really do anything, so…

Dan: And it seems that it's not just in the UK. دن: و به نظر می رسد که این فقط در بریتانیا نیست. Dan : Et il semble que ce ne soit pas seulement au Royaume-Uni.

Listen to this BBC Journalist interviewing a woman به مصاحبه خبرنگار بی بی سی با یک زن گوش دهید

from Europe. از اروپا

BBC Journalist: You're from the Netherlands.

Have you ever accused your |||обвинял| Hast|||| |||blamed| |||acusado| |||buộc tội| Avez-vous déjà accusé votre Czy kiedykolwiek oskarżyłeś

boyfriend of having man flu? Freund mit Männergrippe|||| petit ami d'avoir la grippe masculine? chłopak z męską grypą?

Dutch woman: Oh, absolutely yes. Yeah. زن هلندی: اوه، کاملاً بله. آره

BBC Journalist: What have you accused him of doing? ||Was|||||| Journaliste de la BBC : De quoi l'avez-vous accusé ? Dziennikarz BBC: O co go oskarżyłeś?

Dutch woman: …whining? ||нытье ||complaining or fussing ||queixando-se ||than thở ||jammern ||jęczenie

Neil: Whining is when someone complains repeatedly |抱怨||||| |||||beschwert sich| |Constant complaining||||| ||||||постоянно نیل: ناله کردن زمانی است که شخصی به طور مکرر شکایت می کند

and often in an annoying way about something.

So, there certainly seems to be something there |da|||||| Donc, il semble certainement y avoir quelque chose là-bas

but nothing has been proven, right? ||||demonstrated| ||||provado| اما هیچ چیز ثابت نشده است، درست است؟ mais rien n'a été prouvé, non? 但什么都还没有得到证实,对吧?

Dan: Well, a recent scientific study

has indicated that there could be something to |đã chỉ ra|||||| |angedeutet|dass||||| |suggested|||||| نشان داده است که ممکن است چیزی وجود داشته باشد a indiqué qu'il pourrait y avoir quelque chose 已经表明可能会有事情发生

‘man flu' after all. à « grippe humaine » après tout.

Doctor Kyle Sue,

an assistant professor of |trợ lý|| یک استادیار از

family medicine at Memorial University

of Newfoundland in Canada, نیوفاندلند در کانادا،

has suggested

that there could be a difference qu'il pourrait y avoir une différence

between men and women

when it comes to respiratory diseases. ||||hô hấp|bệnh hô hấp ||||respiratorischen| ||||breathing-related| ||||oddechowe| وقتی صحبت از بیماری های تنفسی می شود. quand il s'agit de maladies respiratoires.

Neil: Respiratory meaning related to breathing.

He says that there was already a lot of evidence Il dit qu'il y avait déjà beaucoup de preuves

from existing studies suggesting men experience |các nghiên cứu hiện|||| à partir d'études existantes suggérant que les hommes éprouvent 现有研究表明男性会经历

worse, longer-lasting symptoms. علائم بدتر و طولانی تر des symptômes pires et plus durables. 症状更加严重,持续时间更长。

Dan: Symptoms are the feelings of illness caused Dan : Les symptômes sont les sentiments de maladie causés

by a disease. ||bệnh توسط یک بیماری

Listen to him explain why this is. به او گوش دهید که چرا اینطور است.

Dr Sue: It seems that the higher the testosterone levels, ||||||||testosterone| ||||||||testosterona| Dr Sue : Il semble que plus les niveaux de testostérone sont élevés,

the lower the immune response to |||miễn dịch|| |||resistant|| |||免疫|| هر چه پاسخ ایمنی کمتر باشد plus la réponse immunitaire à 免疫反应越低

these types of infections, |||nhiễm tr |||Infektionen |||感染 این نوع عفونت ها

whereas the higher the oestrogen level, ||||estrogênio| در حالی که هر چه سطح استروژن بالاتر باشد، alors que plus le niveau d'oestrogène est élevé,

the stronger the immune response. |||miễn dịch| هر چه پاسخ ایمنی قوی تر باشد

Neil: Testosterone and oestrogen are hormones |睾酮||雌激素|| |||oestrogen||hormones

that exist in both men and women. که هم در مردان و هم در زنان وجود دارد.

Testosterone is higher in males Testosteron||||

and oestrogen is higher in females. |||||Weibchen |||||as fêmeas و استروژن در زنان بیشتر است.

Dr. Sue's research suggests that |Dr. Sue's||| |дослідження доктора Сью||| تحقیقات دکتر سو نشان می دهد که

the more oestrogen a person has, هر چه یک فرد استروژن بیشتری داشته باشد، plus une personne a d'œstrogènes,

the better able they are to fight off the infection. |||||||||Infektion بهتر می توانند با عفونت مبارزه کنند. mieux ils sont capables de combattre l'infection. 他们抵抗感染的能力就越强。

That's it then! Man flu is real! پس همین! آنفولانزای مرد واقعی است! C'est tout alors ! La grippe masculine est réelle!

Dan: Hold your horses, Neil. |||ngựa của bạn| Dan : Tenez vos chevaux, Neil. 丹:冷静一点,尼尔。

There are two problems.

First of all, the Royal college of GPs in the UK اول از همه، کالج سلطنتی پزشکان عمومی در انگلستان Tout d'abord, le Collège royal des médecins généralistes du Royaume-Uni

says that there is no such thing as ‘man flu'. می گوید که چیزی به نام "آنفولانزای مردی" وجود ندارد. dit qu'il n'y a pas de « grippe masculine ».

And secondly,

even Dr Sue admits that these results, including his own, |||thừa nhận|||||| |||gibt zu|||||| حتی دکتر سو اعتراف می کند که این نتایج، از جمله نتایج او، 苏博士也承认,包括他自己的研究结果在内,

are only ‘suggestive' and are not ‘definitive'. ||gợi ý||||quyết định ||vorschlagend|||nicht| ||implying but uncertain||||conclusive or final ||sugestivas||||

Neil: So, basically he's saying that نیل: بنابراین، اساساً او این را می گوید Neil : Donc, en gros, il dit que

there is a suggestion that ‘man flu' exists, |||đề xuất|||| da|||||||

but the evidence so far cannot say for sure. |||||nicht sagen||| mais les preuves jusqu'à présent ne peuvent pas dire avec certitude. 但目前的证据还不能确定。

Dan: Exactly.

More studies need to be done. D'autres études doivent être faites.

But you know what we can be sure about? しかし、私たちが確信できることを知っていますか? 但你知道我们可以确定什么吗?

The answer to this week's quiz question. پاسخ سوال مسابقه این هفته. La réponse à la question du quiz de cette semaine.

I asked you je t'ai demandé

in a survey conducted by Nuts magazine |||được thực hiện||| dans une enquête menée par le magazine Nuts 在《坚果》杂志进行的一项调查中

that asked its readers که از خوانندگانش پرسید qui a demandé à ses lecteurs

how long they took to recover from a cold or flu, wie viel|||||||||| چه مدت طول کشید تا از سرماخوردگی یا آنفولانزا بهبود پیدا کنند،

where women put an average of 1.5 days,

what did men put? qu'est-ce que les hommes ont mis?

a) 1 day b) 2 days or c) 3 days

Neil:And I said 3 days.

Dan:And you were دن: و تو بودی Dan : Et tu étais


Neil :Good!

Dan: The men said they took twice as long to recover! ||||||||||hồi phục ||||sie|||||| ||||||two times longer|||| دن: مردها گفتند دوبرابر طول کشید تا بهبودی پیدا کنند! Dan : Les hommes ont dit qu'ils mettaient deux fois plus de temps à récupérer ! 丹:这些人说他们花了两倍的时间才恢复!

Neil: It must be all that manly testosterone. ||||||nam tính| ||||||männlich| ||||||masculina| Neil : Ça doit être toute cette testostérone virile.

Let's review our vocabulary, shall we?

Dan: Our first was the sniffles. Dan : Notre premier était les reniflements.

If you have the sniffles, |du||| Si vous avez les reniflements,

you have a cold, informally speaking. ||||nói không chính thức|

What's the best cure for the sniffles Neil? |||best remedy|||| |||remédio|||| Quel est le meilleur remède contre les reniflements de Neil ?

Neil: Stay in bed and sweat it out, my mum always said.

Just make sure you have lots of tissues |||||||giấy ăn |||||||Taschentücher |||||||lenços de papel Assurez-vous simplement d'avoir beaucoup de mouchoirs 只要确保你有很多纸巾

to deal with your runny nose. ||||escorrendo| pour faire face à votre nez qui coule.

That's when a person's nose leaks mucus, |||||chảy| ||||||Schleim ||||||nasal discharge |||||vaza muco|

usually because they are ill. Yuck! |||||Thật ghê t |||||How disgusting! |||||que nojo

Dan: Next we had soldier on. ||||Soldat| Dan : Ensuite, nous avons eu un soldat. 丹:接下来我们继续前进。

This phrasal verb means to continue despite difficulty. |động từ cụm||||||khó khăn 这个短语动词的意思是尽管有困难仍要继续前进。

When was the last time you had to soldier on, Neil? À quand remonte la dernière fois que vous avez dû persévérer, Neil ?

Neil: A few days ago when I went the whole day Neil : Il y a quelques jours, quand j'y suis allé toute la journée

without eating any lunch!

Then we had ‘man flu'. Ensuite, nous avons eu la « grippe humaine ».

That's is the name given to the situation where a person,

often a man,

tends to complain and exaggerate a small illness ||||phóng đại||| ||||overstate||| ||||exagera||| 倾向于抱怨和夸大小病

such as a cold. comme un rhume.

Do you do that, Dan? Tu fais ça, Dan ?

Dan: I'm sure my wife would say I do! 丹:我相信我的妻子会说我愿意!

Next we had whining. |||complaining or crying Ensuite, nous avons pleurniché.

If you whine, you complain repeatedly ||jammern||| ||queixar-se||| Si vous vous plaignez, vous vous plaignez à plusieurs reprises

and often in an annoying way.

Neil: Like my children did Neil : Comme mes enfants l'ont fait

last time I didn't buy them ice-cream. 上次我没有给他们买冰淇淋。

And finally we had symptoms. Et finalement nous avons eu des symptômes.

These are the feelings of illness caused by a disease. |||||||||bệnh Ce sont les sentiments de malaise causés par une maladie.

What are the symptoms of flu, Dan?

Dan: A headache, aching muscles, and a fever. |||đau nhức|||| |||schmerzenden|||| |||||||high temperature |||dores||||

And that's the end of this 6 Minute English!

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There you made it. You can collapse now. Da|du|||du||| ||||||fall apart| Voilà tu as réussi. Vous pouvez vous effondrer maintenant.

Neil: Bye.

Dan: Bye! Dan: Goodbye!|