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Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver's Travels: Part 8: Horrible science

Gulliver's Travels: Part 8: Horrible science

A Yeeess?

We're here to look round the Academy… I'm Lady Monodi… and this is Dr Gulliver, from England.

A England! Ahh! Land of great mathematicians and astronomers – Isaac Newton – now he is the talk of the Academy at the moment with his theory of gravity… Is it true that it was an apple falling on his head that gave him the idea? I believe so…

I'm sure Gulliver would like to see what goes on in our great Academy…

I was indeed interested to see what went on in the Academy but equally, I was glad to spend more time in the company of Lady Monodi. She was a delightful companion, not ignorant as the King had described her.

Do you visit Lagado often?

My husband Lord Monodi spends all his time reading astronomy books and thinking… I get so bored on Laputa… You know, my husband won't even notice I'm gone.


Yes, I prefer it here in Lagado, even though life down here is hard and most people are very poor. It's infinitely preferable to a life of abstract thinking… Don't you think?

I wondered if Lady Monodi was secretly making plans for me… I knew I would have to get away before I fell for her completely. But first, as a doctor, I was keen to see the famous Academy and meet the scientists working there.

I'm sure you won't have seen any inventions before like the ones here. They are quite at the cutting edge of science…

Lady Monodi was right. I was totally unprepared for what I was to find.

Interesting experiment going on here…

The room we entered had a huge pile of cucumbers in the middle. A woman covered in soot and with scorched hair was holding half a cucumber in her hand. The other blackened half, was on the floor.

And what is your project?

Ah… well, I am extracting sunbeams from cucumbers…

I'm sorry…? Did you say "extracting sunbeams … from… cucumbers"?

Yes… That's right… So people can use them to keep warm in winter. A cucumber takes in sunlight to grow, so we should be able to extract the sunlight…

And have you managed to extract any yet?

Well…not quite yet…I think I'm getting very close to it though…

[SFX: Explosion]

Oh dear!

And how long have you been working on this project? Oh, only eight years….

Right, I see… Well good luck!

[To himself] You'll need more than that…

Now, you will be very interested in the project in this next room. A very learned physician is conducting an important experiment. He is famous for curing the problem of wind.

Now that could be useful. It's something I suffer from… Perhaps he can help me?

In the room we had just entered there was a dog in the middle of the floor and a man standing over it with some bellows pointing towards the dog's backside.

What are you doing?

Well, if the dog is suffering from a little bit of wind, then using the bellows gently, I draw the bad air out. If the condition is serious, like in the case of this dog… if I squeeze the bellows hard like this… air goes in and out of the dog…

I see…This dog looks pretty dead to me…

Is he? Oh dear! How unfortunate… He may recover if I just… gently squeeze the bellows so I that I can draw out air… like that… Now did I hear you say that you also suffer from wind? 'Cause if you like, I can…

No, I think you must have misheard me… We ought to move on!

We hurried out, leaving the doctor trying to revive the poor dog. We visited several other laboratories all with quite bizarre experiments that frankly, seemed pointless and with little chance of success.

And do they get funding for their experiments?

Yes, of course.

But how can so much money be spent on these pointless, degrading projects…when people are living in such misery?

You're not impressed then?

No, I'm not. These aren't creative projects. They're unhealthy and impractical. What's more – they're immoral – people are starving in the city. Monodi, I've seen enough. I want to go home…

You mean back to Laputa…?

No… to England. Is there a ship that can take me…?

You need to take the ferry to Glubbdubdrib. From there you can get on board a boat for Japan, and then England. I'll be sorry to see you go, Gulliver.

You have been very kind and a great guide. But I have been away many months and I miss my country and my family.

So, I left the beautiful Lady Monodi and sailed first to Glubbdubdrib, which she had forgotten to tell me, was a land of magicians. I had several adventures there, which are quite another tale… From Glubbdubdrib, I went to Japan and boarded a ship to England…

It was wonderful to be reunited with my wife and children. I knew, though, that it wouldn't be long before sea life would tempt me once again. Little did I know that even more dangerous adventures lay ahead of me.

Gulliver's Travels: Part 8: Horrible science Gullivers Reisen: Teil 8: Schreckliche Wissenschaft Los viajes de Gulliver: Parte 8: Ciencia horrible I viaggi di Gulliver: Parte 8: La scienza orribile As Viagens de Gulliver: Parte 8: Ciência horrível Gulliver'in Seyahatleri: 8. Bölüm: Korkunç bilim Мандри Гуллівера: Частина 8: Жахлива наука 格列佛游记:第 8 部分:可怕的科学

A Yeeess?

We're here to look round the Academy… I'm Lady Monodi… and this is Dr Gulliver, from England.

A England! Ahh! Land of great mathematicians and astronomers – Isaac Newton – now he is the talk of the Academy at the moment with his theory of gravity… Is it true that it was an apple falling on his head that gave him the idea? I believe so…

I'm sure Gulliver would like to see what goes on in our great Academy…

I was indeed interested to see what went on in the Academy but equally, I was glad to spend more time in the company of Lady Monodi. She was a delightful companion, not ignorant as the King had described her. Мне было интересно узнать, что происходит в Академии, но в то же время я был рад провести больше времени в обществе леди Моноди. Она оказалась восхитительной собеседницей, а не невеждой, как описывал ее король. Мені справді було цікаво спостерігати за тим, що відбувалося в Академії, але так само я був радий проводити більше часу в товаристві леді Моноді. Вона була чудовою співрозмовницею, а не невігласом, як її описував король.

Do you visit Lagado often? Ви часто буваєте в Лагадо?

My husband Lord Monodi spends all his time reading astronomy books and thinking… I get so bored on Laputa… You know, my husband won't even notice I'm gone. Мій чоловік лорд Моноді весь час читає книжки з астрономії і думає... Мені так нудно на Лапуті... Знаєте, мій чоловік навіть не помітить, що мене немає.


Yes, I prefer it here in Lagado, even though life down here is hard and most people are very poor. It's infinitely preferable to a life of abstract thinking… Don't you think? Да, мне больше нравится здесь, в Лагадо, хотя жизнь здесь тяжелая и большинство людей очень бедные. Это бесконечно предпочтительнее, чем жизнь в абстрактных размышлениях... Вы не находите?

I wondered if Lady Monodi was secretly making plans for me… I knew I would have to get away before I fell for her completely. But first, as a doctor, I was keen to see the famous Academy and meet the scientists working there. Мені було цікаво, чи не будує леді Моноді таємних планів щодо мене... Я знав, що мені доведеться втекти, поки я не закохався в неї остаточно. Але спочатку, як лікар, я прагнув побачити знамениту Академію і познайомитися з ученими, які там працюють.

I'm sure you won't have seen any inventions before like the ones here. They are quite at the cutting edge of science… Уверен, вы не видели ни одного изобретения, подобного тем, что представлены здесь. Они находятся на самом острие науки... Я впевнений, що ви ще не бачили таких винаходів, як ті, що тут є. Вони знаходяться на передньому краї науки...

Lady Monodi was right. I was totally unprepared for what I was to find. Леди Моноди была права. Я был совершенно не готов к тому, что мне предстояло найти.

Interesting experiment going on here… Está a decorrer aqui uma experiência interessante... Интересный эксперимент...

The room we entered had a huge pile of cucumbers in the middle. A woman covered in soot and with scorched hair was holding half a cucumber in her hand. The other blackened half, was on the floor. В комнате, куда мы вошли, посредине лежала огромная куча огурцов. Женщина, покрытая сажей и с опаленными волосами, держала в руке половину огурца, другая, почерневшая, лежала на полу. У кімнаті, куди ми зайшли, посередині стояла величезна купа огірків. Жінка, вкрита кіптявою, з обгорілим волоссям, тримала в руці половину огірка. Інша, почорніла половина, лежала на підлозі.

And what is your project?

Ah… well, I am extracting sunbeams from cucumbers… А... ну, я добываю солнечные лучи из огурцов...

I'm sorry…? Did you say "extracting sunbeams … from… cucumbers"?

Yes… That's right… So people can use them to keep warm in winter. A cucumber takes in sunlight to grow, so we should be able to extract the sunlight… Да... Правильно... Чтобы люди могли использовать их, чтобы согреться зимой. Огурец получает солнечный свет, чтобы расти, поэтому мы должны быть в состоянии извлечь солнечный свет... Так... Саме так... Щоб люди могли використовувати їх, щоб зігрітися взимку. Огірок потребує сонячного світла, щоб рости, тож ми повинні мати можливість видобувати сонячне світло...

And have you managed to extract any yet? E já conseguiu extrair alguma? И вам уже удалось добыть хоть что-нибудь? І чи вдалося вам щось витягти?

Well…not quite yet…I think I'm getting very close to it though… Bem... ainda não... mas acho que estou a chegar muito perto disso... Ну... ще не зовсім... але думаю, що я вже дуже близько до цього...

[SFX: Explosion]

Oh dear!

And how long have you been working on this project? Oh, only eight years….

Right, I see… Well good luck!

[To himself] You'll need more than that… [Para si próprio] Vais precisar de mais do que isso...

Now, you will be very interested in the project in this next room. A very learned physician is conducting an important experiment. He is famous for curing the problem of wind. А сейчас вас заинтересует проект в соседней комнате. Один очень ученый врач проводит важный эксперимент. Он известен тем, что вылечил проблему ветра. Зараз вас дуже зацікавить проект у наступній кімнаті. Дуже вчений лікар проводить важливий експеримент. Він прославився тим, що вилікував проблему вітру.

Now that could be useful. It's something I suffer from… Perhaps he can help me? Это может быть полезно. Я от этого страдаю... Может, он сможет мне помочь? Це могло б стати в нагоді. Я від цього страждаю... Можливо, він зможе мені допомогти?

In the room we had just entered there was a dog in the middle of the floor and a man standing over it with some bellows pointing towards the dog's backside. В комнате, куда мы только что вошли, посреди пола лежала собака, а над ней стоял человек с какими-то метелками, направленными на собачью спину.

What are you doing?

Well, if the dog is suffering from a little bit of wind, then using the bellows gently, I draw the bad air out. If the condition is serious, like in the case of this dog… if I squeeze the bellows hard like this… air goes in and out of the dog… Bem, se o cão estiver a sofrer de um pouco de vento, então, usando o fole suavemente, retiro o ar mau. Se a condição for grave, como no caso deste cão... se eu apertar o fole com força assim... o ar entra e sai do cão... Если собака страдает от небольшого ветра, то с помощью сильфона я осторожно вытягиваю плохой воздух. Если состояние серьезное, как в случае с этой собакой... если я сильно сожму сильфон, как здесь... воздух входит и выходит из собаки... Ну, якщо собака страждає від невеликого вітру, то я обережно, використовуючи сильфон, витягую погане повітря. Якщо стан серйозний, як у випадку з цим собакою... якщо я сильно стискаю сильфон ось так... повітря надходить і виходить з собаки...

I see…This dog looks pretty dead to me… Estou a ver... Este cão parece-me bastante morto... Зрозуміло... Як на мене, цей пес виглядає досить мертвим...

Is he? Oh dear! How unfortunate… He may recover if I just… gently squeeze the bellows so I that I can draw out air… like that… Now did I hear you say that you also suffer from wind? 'Cause if you like, I can… Ai, ai, que pena... Pode ser que recupere se eu... apertar o fole com suavidade para poder puxar o ar... assim... Ouvi-o dizer que também sofre de vento? Porque se quiser, eu posso... Правда? О, Боже! Как жаль... Он может поправиться, если я просто... слегка сожму мехи, чтобы выпустить воздух... вот так... Я слышал, вы сказали, что тоже страдаете от ветра? Потому что, если хотите, я могу...

No, I think you must have misheard me… We ought to move on! Нет, вы, наверное, ослышались... Нам нужно двигаться дальше!

We hurried out, leaving the doctor trying to revive the poor dog. We visited several other laboratories all with quite bizarre experiments that frankly, seemed pointless and with little chance of success. Мы поспешили уйти, оставив доктора пытаться оживить бедную собаку. Мы посетили еще несколько лабораторий, где проводились довольно странные эксперименты, которые, честно говоря, казались бессмысленными и не имели шансов на успех.

And do they get funding for their experiments? И получают ли они финансирование на свои эксперименты? І чи отримують вони фінансування для своїх експериментів?

Yes, of course.

But how can so much money be spent on these pointless, degrading projects…when people are living in such misery? Но как можно тратить столько денег на эти бессмысленные, унизительные проекты... когда люди живут в таком бедственном положении?

You're not impressed then? Значить, не вразило?

No, I'm not. These aren't creative projects. They're unhealthy and impractical. What's more – they're immoral – people are starving in the city. Monodi, I've seen enough. I want to go home… Нет, я не буду. Это не творческие проекты. Они вредны и непрактичны. Более того, они аморальны - в городе голодают люди. Моноди, я уже достаточно насмотрелся. Я хочу домой...

You mean back to Laputa…?

No… to England. Is there a ship that can take me…?

You need to take the ferry to Glubbdubdrib. From there you can get on board a boat for Japan, and then England. I'll be sorry to see you go, Gulliver. Вам нужно переправиться на пароме в Глуббдубдриб. Оттуда вы можете сесть на корабль до Японии, а потом до Англии. Мне будет жаль, если вы уедете, Гулливер.

You have been very kind and a great guide. But I have been away many months and I miss my country and my family. Вы были очень добры и прекрасным гидом. Но меня не было дома много месяцев, и я скучаю по своей стране и своей семье.

So, I left the beautiful Lady Monodi and sailed first to Glubbdubdrib, which she had forgotten to tell me, was a land of magicians. I had several adventures there, which are quite another tale… From Glubbdubdrib, I went to Japan and boarded a ship to England… Итак, я покинул прекрасную леди Моноди и отплыл сначала в Глуббдубдриб, который, как она забыла мне сказать, был страной волшебников. Там я пережил несколько приключений, но это уже совсем другая история... Из Глуббдубдриба я отправился в Японию и сел на корабль до Англии... Отже, я покинув прекрасну леді Моноді і поплив спочатку до Ґлаббдабдрібу, про який вона забула мені сказати, що це країна чарівників. Там я пережив кілька пригод, але це вже зовсім інша історія... З Ґлаббдабдрібу я поїхав до Японії і сів на корабель до Англії...

It was wonderful to be reunited with my wife and children. I knew, though, that it wouldn't be long before sea life would tempt me once again. Little did I know that even more dangerous adventures lay ahead of me.