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The Infographics Show, How They Caught Serial Killer Ted Bundy

How They Caught Serial Killer Ted Bundy

A young woman walks down an alleyway on her way home from college, illuminated only in

small puddles of light by the lamps above her.

Little does she know that a man will be waiting for her as she emerges into the carpark.

“Poor soul,” she thinks, after seeing that the well-dressed man is struggling to

carry books to his Volkswagen Beetle - especially as one of his arms is in a sling.

She walks over to him and offers assistance, to which the polite and softly spoken man

gives her his utmost thanks.

As she takes some of the books and leans down to place them in the passenger seat, he hits

her over the head with a tire iron.

He gets in the driver's seat and leaves the scene.

He will strangle her like he did many others.

He will do unspeakable things to her.

He's a quintessential maniac.

His name is Ted Bundy.

The scene we have just described to you was the modus operandi of this particular serial

killer, well, when he had planned his murders.

Bundy's thing was to use his good looks, his speaking skills and his educated demeanor

to lure people into his trap.

At times he'd put his arm in a sling, or even walk on crutches, to give his victims

a false sense of security.

How harmful could a man on crutches be, one dressed in a suit driving a cute car?

This is why he was so hard to catch, he just didn't fit the profile of a serial killer,

one who did absolutely disgusting things to people, at the moment they died and after

they died.

He probably should have been caught much earlier than he was.

After all, when young women went out and never came back, on a few occasions witnesses came

forward and said they had seen a man lurking around, a man with one arm in a sling, a man

that drove a VW Bug. 22-year old Brenda Carol Ball was last seen

talking to a guy in a carpark who had brown hair and an arm in a sling.

Soon after, Susan Elaine Rancourt went missing, never to return.

Two people came forward after that and said they'd been approached by a man who wore

a sling.

He'd asked them for help putting some books into his car, a VW Beetle.

Then on June 11, 1974, University of Washington student Georgann Hawkins went missing.

Her body would never be found.

We know that she'd been with her boyfriend and she'd left him after midnight.

On her walk home to her sorority house, she was spotted by a male friend who was driving

a car.

He shouted out of the window, “Hey George!

What's happening?”

She chatted with him for a minute or two and expressed that she was a bit nervous about

her upcoming Spanish exam.

Later, witnesses told the cops that they'd seen some guy skulking around in an alleyway

close to Hawkins', a guy whose arm was in a sling.

One woman said he'd asked her to help him load a briefcase into a light brown Volkswagen


Little did she know at the time how close she was to being murdered.

Hawkins wasn't so lucky.

She fell for the trick, as any helpful person might.

We know what happened to her because Bundy later talked about it.

When she was close enough to his car, he hit her over the head with a crowbar, which knocked

her clean out.

When she came around, she was obviously confused, although to Bundy's surprise she seemed

to think that he'd turned up to help her with Spanish.

She was evidently in shock.

This is what Bundy said about that, “It's odd the kinds of things people will say under

those circumstances.”

He strangled her and dumped her body, a body he would return to on at least three occasions.

You can only imagine how demented he was, returning to a body that was decomposing.

He had his reasons, but we'll get to that.

Bundy was brazen, there's no doubt about it.

He didn't ever think he'd be caught.

He thought he was too intelligent for the police.

After all, he'd worked in politics.

He worked as an Assistant Director of the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission

where he wrote a paper on rape prevention.

He did a stint at the Department of Emergency Services where he talked about missing women

and how to find them.

That's likely why Bundy didn't have any qualms about returning to the alleyway from

where he'd picked up Hawkins.

The day after the abduction he was there at the same time as the police, hiding in plain

sight as he picked up one of the girl's shoes and her necklace.

If he wasn't picking up girls in a car park or close by one, he was sneaking into basements

while they slept and then bludgeoning the victim with some kind of iron bar.

Bundy was like the boogeyman, a serial killer that crawled through windows and viciously

attacked people while they were at their most vulnerable.

But he was also a con artist; he played confidence tricks and he was very good at it.

Investigators knew that when girls went missing at times a man was seen with an arm in a sling;

a man that owned a VW Beetle.

Surely Bundy was easy prey after that?

How many VW Beetles were there in those areas where the abductions happened, areas dotted

around the Pacific Midwest?

The reality was Bundy's reign of terror was only in the early stages.

The public and police were worried, that's for sure.

Young folks stopped hitching rides, and many became fearful of talking to strangers or

leaving their windows open at night.

Those with most to fear were young, white women.

Bundy's victims were almost always in their late teens or early twenties.

They were Caucasian and most of them were attractive.

They studied at university and were said to be intelligent and gifted students.

Another thing was the fact each girl disappeared at a college where construction work was going


Could the disappearances be linked, wondered investigators?

They just didn't know.

They had very little forensic evidence to work with and there were no bodies.

That didn't mean the cops thought the girls had just taken off some place.

Nothing about their personalities and state of mind suggested that.

Only weeks after Hawkins went missing, two women were abducted in broad daylight at Lake

Sammamish State Park not far from the city of Seattle.

Bundy had first approached five women in the park, and in what they later described as

a Canadian or British accent, the man introduced himself as Ted.

Ted, dressed in a pressed white tennis outfit, with one arm in a sling, politely asked them

if they could help him unload a sailboat from his bronze-colored Volkswagen Beetle.

Four of them said no, but one followed him to his car.

Thankfully, she ran away when she became aware that there was no sailboat.

That day, Bundy managed to enlist one woman for help and he later abducted another close

to a restroom.

Both would die.

Did he kill one in front of the other?

He once said that was true, but close to his execution date he recanted that terribly bleak


This is not a story about his crimes, though.

What we want to know is how the hell did police not get closer to Bundy seeing as he was using

the same car and the same sling trick and so the same modus operandi.

He even told the girls that escaped that he was named Ted.

What more did the cops need?

A written confession?

They were closer, but still a long way from getting him.

They at least now had a good description of this Ted guy and it did look quite like him.

In no time at all, this sketch appeared in many newspapers and was shown on TV.

Remember that we said Bundy worked at the Department of Emergency Services.

Well, one of his co-workers there saw that sketch and heard about the VW Beetle and she

knew she was looking at her colleague.

Mr. Bundy.

She made a call to the cops as did another person that knew Ted Bundy.

The cops at the time were receiving something like 200 of these calls in one day, and they

quickly assumed that a clean-cut law student with no criminal record couldn't be behind

the abductions.

Serial killers didn't look like that, or so they thought.

The heat was on, though, and Bundy knew it.

A couple of months after his last murder, bones were being found.

Those bones were the remains of his victims, scattered in various places where the cops

hadn't thought to look.

It was fortunate for Bundy then that he was accepted to study at the University of Utah

Law School.

He packed his bags and headed south in August of ‘74.

He was only in Utah a month when he started killing again.

September 2, a hitchhiker.

October 2, a 16-year old girl.

October 18, a 17-year old girl from a pizza parlor.

It turned out that she was the daughter of a police chief.

After her decomposing body was found on a hiking trail the postmortem exam revealed

that Bundy had kept her alive for perhaps seven days.

Each had been subjected to the most brutal depravity, although Bundy admitted years later

that after he killed them, he shampooed their hair and applied makeup to their faces, keeping

them in a state that he liked.

He wanted the physical possession of the remains, and he wanted to do what he wanted to them.

He sometimes chopped them, sometimes kept heads in his apartment; and he dressed them

the way he wanted them to look.

Then he took a photograph.

“When you work hard to do something right,” he once said, “You don't want to forget


More abductions happened, more murders, as well as attempted abductions.

The disappearances were reported in the media, and after reading about them a woman named

Elizabeth Kloepfer who'd dated Bundy back when he was in Washington put two and two


She not only called the King County cops and told them she thought she had been dating

the killer, but she also called the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office and said the same


She was still talking to Bundy at this point on the telephone, but she didn't say anything

about her calls.

For her, the sketch looked like Bundy; the car was Bundy's, and so the murders following

him around was just too much of a coincidence.

Bundy then started killing in Colorado.

Things didn't change much.

Death by blunt force trauma, sometimes strangulation; bodies dumped, mutilated, sometimes wearing

clothes that weren't theirs.

1975 drew to an end and there were more victims, some whose bodies have never been found.

1976 turned out to be another bloody year, so how come the Washington cops weren't

at the very least looking at Bundy?

They only did that after they discovered a new toy, a computer and a database.

They found they could input data about the murders and the computer would compare that

data to data already in the system.

Thousands of names were in that database, but only 26 names matched the crimes.

Bundy's was one of them.

The problem was connecting the Utah and Colorado murders to the Pacific Midwest murders.

At the time there was no large database connecting all the states' police departments.

The fact of the matter was, while the cops should have known better after the tip offs,

because Bundy moved around, he managed to evade capture.

But then he was pulled over by a cop in a Salt Lake City suburb after he'd been driving

around looking suspicious.

On searching Bundy's car, the cop found quite the collection of suspicious items:

a ski mask, trash bags, handcuffs, a crowbar, lengths of rope, and an ice pick.

All that was pretty much the consummate serial killer stash.

It didn't take long for the cops to understand that they might have a maniac on their hands.

They had the phone call from Bundy's lover in their records and they had his car description

from one of the abductions.

Still, after searching his house the police didn't have enough on him to keep him.

One thing they didn't find that day was a bunch of photographs of his dead victims.

Things would have been very different had they discovered those awful snaps.

Bundy was on the loose again, but he was being monitored all day long.

Some of the cops flew to Seattle to speak to Bundy's lover.

She told them that some things just didn't add up.

Such as, why did he keep crutches in the house.

And what about that plaster of Paris, not to mention the surgical gloves, big knives,

a meat cleaver, and a bag full of women's clothes.

Bundy was certainly in a fix now, but he was by no means done.

He sold his beloved Beetle, but that was soon sequestered by investigators who gave the

interior a good going over.

What they found were strands of hair from females, and those females were very likely

victims of murder.

Police brought Bundy in and put him in a line up, but they only had enough evidence to possibly

put him on trial for aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal assault.

His parents paid his $15,000 bail and off he went once again, a free man, but under

heavy round-the-clock surveillance.

He actually lived with his lover again while he was on bail, which should have been a very

strange time for her.

At this point the lead investigators from Utah, Washington, and Colorado, all finally

got together and shared their stories and what evidence they had.

They were pretty darn sure that they had a serial killer on their hands, and an utterly

depraved one at that.

Before they could get him for murder, though, he faced trial for kidnapping and assault.

He was found guilty and sentenced to one-to-15 years in the Utah State Prison.

While in there, he was charged with just one of the murders.

Bundy was a desperate man around this time, likely knowing that his crimes, or most of

them, would catch up with him and he'd be looking at the death penalty.

He chose to defend himself, and because of that he didn't have to wear handcuffs or

leg shackles in court.

On one of those court appearances he managed to convince the court he needed the library

and he leapt from a window.

He actually survived for six days around the wilderness of Aspen mountain but was eventually

picked up by the cops.

The case against him for that one murder was actually quite weak, but it seemed that Bundy

believed they would get him.

If he was done for that case, more cases might follow.

Over a period of six months, he got his hands on a floor plan of the jail.

He saved money after getting it smuggled in by visitors and he also got himself a hacksaw.

On December 30, 1977, Bundy filled his bed with books so it might look like he was sleeping.

He then got through the ceiling and into an apartment.

There he changed into civilian clothes and then walked out of the jail.

He went from Chicago to Atlanta to Florida in stolen cars, only stopping to steal certain

items or wallets from people.

On January 15, 1978, he walked around at night in Florida State University.

In the early hours of the morning, he assaulted, bludgeoned, strangled, and bit three sleeping

women in three different rooms, all within about 15 minutes.

Two of them survived, but were very badly injured.

He left the sorority house and went to an apartment building, where he viciously attacked

another girl, fracturing her skull and jaw.

There he left behind one of his favorite things, his pantyhose mask.

Police also found sperm and hair samples.

Bundy later drove to Jacksonville where he abducted and killed a 12-year old girl.

A few days later he was stopped by a police officer.

During questioning,he kicked the man's legs and ran for it.

The cop fired warning shots, but Bundy kept running.

He was too slow.

He was tackled, and in spite of his best efforts, he couldn't get the gun from the cop.

Bundy was done for, sat in the car, handcuffed, on his way to certain death.

Still, this Florida policeman didn't know who he had in the car.

He was not aware that he was carrying one of the USA's most wanted fugitives.

He certainly had no idea that the occupant of his vehicle would become known as one of

the worst, most vile serial killers of all time, a demon whose warped brutality knew

no bounds.

And do you know what Bundy said to that cop while he was in the car?

He said, “I wish you had killed me.”

He eventually confessed to 30 murders, but there could have been many more.

On January 24, 1989, aged 42, Bundy took his final breaths in the electric chair.

His last words were, “I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends.”

Now you need to watch this, “Who Are The Most Evil Serial Killers in America?”

Or, watch this…

How They Caught Serial Killer Ted Bundy |||||Ted| The way||Captured|||| Come|||||| cómo|||||| ||prenderam||||Ted Bundy Wie sie den Serienmörder Ted Bundy gefangen haben Πώς έπιασαν τον κατά συρροή δολοφόνο Ted Bundy Cómo atraparon al asesino en serie Ted Bundy Comment ils ont attrapé le tueur en série Ted Bundy Come hanno catturato il serial killer Ted Bundy 連続殺人犯テッド・バンディを逮捕するまで 연쇄 살인범 테드 번디를 잡는 방법 Hoe ze seriemoordenaar Ted Bundy pakten Jak złapano seryjnego mordercę Teda Bundy'ego Como apanharam o assassino em série Ted Bundy Как поймали серийного убийцу Теда Банди Hur de fångade seriemördaren Ted Bundy Seri Katil Ted Bundy Nasıl Yakalandı? Як спіймали серійного вбивцю Теда Банді 他们如何抓住连环杀手泰德-邦迪 他们如何抓住连环杀手泰德-邦迪

A young woman walks down an alleyway on her way home from college, illuminated only in ||||||переулок|||||||освещённой|только в|в ||||||Gasse||||||||| ||||||narrow passage||||||||| ||||||pelo beco|||||||iluminada apenas por|| |joven|una joven|camina|por el camino|una|callejón||su|camino|a casa||universidad|iluminada solo por|solo en|

small puddles of light by the lamps above her. |Pfützen||||||| |small spots||||||| |poças|||||lâmpadas|acima de| pequeñas|charcos||luz|||lámparas|sobre ella| kleine plassen licht bij de lampen boven haar.

Little does she know that a man will be waiting for her as she emerges into the carpark. ||||||||||||||herauskommt||| ||||||||||||||sai|||estacionamento |verbo auxiliar|ella|sabe|||un hombre|estará|verbo auxiliar|esperando por ella|||||sale|||estacionamiento Она еще не знает, что, когда она выйдет на парковку, ее будет ждать мужчина.

“Poor soul,” she thinks, after seeing that the well-dressed man is struggling to |pobre alma|||||||||||| pobre|pobre alma||piensa|después de|ver|||pobre hombre|bien vestido|||luchando por|

carry books to his Volkswagen Beetle - especially as one of his arms is in a sling. |||||||||||||||arm support device llevar|libros||su|Volkswagen Beetle|Volkswagen Beetle|especialmente||uno de ellos|||brazos||||cabestrillo levará|||||||||||||||pendurado em uma atadura

She walks over to him and offers assistance, to which the polite and softly spoken man |caminha|até|||||||||||suavemente||

gives her his utmost thanks. |||äußersten| |||maximum| |||máxima gratidão|

As she takes some of the books and leans down to place them in the passenger seat, he hits ||||||||inclina-se|para baixo|||||||||bate

her over the head with a tire iron. ||||||bateu com|

He gets in the driver's seat and leaves the scene. |entra||||||||

He will strangle her like he did many others. ||erwürgen|||||| ||estrangulará||||||

He will do unspeakable things to her. |||coisas indescritíveis|||

He's a quintessential maniac. ||typischer|Wahnsinniger ||perfect example of|crazy person ||o exemplo perfeito|

His name is Ted Bundy. ||||Bundy

The scene we have just described to you was the modus operandi of this particular serial ||||||||||operating method||||| Сцена, которую мы вам только что описали, была способом действия этого конкретного серийного

killer, well, when he had planned his murders.

Bundy's thing was to use his good looks, his speaking skills and his educated demeanor ||||||||||||||Erscheinung ||||||||||||||polished behavior ||||||||||||||comportamento educado

to lure people into his trap. |anlocken|||| |entice|||| |atrair||||

At times he'd put his arm in a sling, or even walk on crutches, to give his victims |||||||||||||Krücken|||| |||||||||||||walking aids|||| |||||||||||||muletas|||| ||||||||cabestrillo|||||||||

a false sense of security.

How harmful could a man on crutches be, one dressed in a suit driving a cute car? |||||||||||||||adorable| ||||||muletas||||||terno||||

This is why he was so hard to catch, he just didn't fit the profile of a serial killer, ||||||||||||||typical characteristics||||

one who did absolutely disgusting things to people, at the moment they died and after ||||repugnante||||||||||

they died.

He probably should have been caught much earlier than he was.

After all, when young women went out and never came back, on a few occasions witnesses came |||||||||||||||people who saw| |||||||||||||||testemunhas|

forward and said they had seen a man lurking around, a man with one arm in a sling, a man ||||||||lauern||||||||||| ||||||||hiding nearby||||||||||| ||||||||espreitando|||||||||||

that drove a VW Bug. 22-year old Brenda Carol Ball was last seen ||||Volkswagen Beetle||||||||

talking to a guy in a carpark who had brown hair and an arm in a sling. ||||||||||||||||arm support device ||||||estacionamento|||castanho|||||||

Soon after, Susan Elaine Rancourt went missing, never to return. pronto después||Susan Elaine Rancourt|Elaine Rancourt|Rancourt||desapareció|||volver

Two people came forward after that and said they'd been approached by a man who wore ||||||||eles tinham||abordados|||||usava uma dos||||||||ellos habían||contactados|||||llevaba puesto

a sling.

He'd asked them for help putting some books into his car, a VW Beetle. ||||||||||||Volkswagen Beetle| |había pedido|||ayuda|metiendo||||||||

Then on June 11, 1974, University of Washington student Georgann Hawkins went missing. entonces||junio|Universidad de Washington||Universidad de Washington|estudiante de la Universidad de Washington|Georgann|Hawkins||

Her body would never be found. |cuerpo||||encontrada

We know that she'd been with her boyfriend and she'd left him after midnight. |||ella había||||novio|||había dejado|||medianoche

On her walk home to her sorority house, she was spotted by a male friend who was driving ||||||Schwesternschaftshaus||||||||||| ||||||sisterhood residence||||||||||| ||||||hermanas|casa de sororidad|||visto por|||amigo masculino|amigo||| ||||||casa de irmandade||||visto por|||||||

a car.

He shouted out of the window, “Hey George! |gritó||||ventana|hey|George |gritou||||||

What's happening?” qué está|sucediendo

She chatted with him for a minute or two and expressed that she was a bit nervous about |charló|||||un momento||||expresó que|||||un poco||acerca de |conversou||||||||||||||||

her upcoming Spanish exam. |||test |próxima|español|examen |próxima||

Later, witnesses told the cops that they'd seen some guy skulking around in an alleyway ||||||||||||||Gasse ||||||||||lurking stealthily||||narrow passage ||||os policiais||||||espreitando furtivamente|||| más tarde||||los policías||||||merodeando||||

close to Hawkins', a guy whose arm was in a sling. cerca de|||||cuyo||||| рядом с Хокинсом, парень, чья рука была в перевязи.

One woman said he'd asked her to help him load a briefcase into a light brown Volkswagen |||||||||cargar||maletín||||| |||||||||carregar||maleta de mão|||||


Little did she know at the time how close she was to being murdered. ||||||||||||ser asesinada|asesinada

Hawkins wasn't so lucky.

She fell for the trick, as any helpful person might.

We know what happened to her because Bundy later talked about it.

When she was close enough to his car, he hit her over the head with a crowbar, which knocked ||||||||||||||||Brecheisen|| ||||||||||||||||metal bar|| ||||||||||||||||pé de cabra||derrubou Когда она подошла достаточно близко к его машине, он ударил ее ломом по голове, отчего она упала.

her clean out. она вычищена.

When she came around, she was obviously confused, although to Bundy's surprise she seemed Когда она пришла в себя, то была явно смущена, хотя, к удивлению Банди, выглядела так.

to think that he'd turned up to help her with Spanish. подумать, что он пришел, чтобы помочь ей с испанским.

She was evidently in shock. ||offensichtlich|| ||evidentemente||choque emocional

This is what Bundy said about that, “It's odd the kinds of things people will say under ||||||||estranho||||||||

those circumstances.”

He strangled her and dumped her body, a body he would return to on at least three occasions. ||||discarded||||||||||||| |estrangulou|||desovou||||||||||||| Он задушил ее и выбросил тело, к которому возвращался не менее трех раз.

You can only imagine how demented he was, returning to a body that was decomposing. |||||verrückt|||||||||verrottend |||||insane or irrational||||||||| |||||demente|||||||||

He had his reasons, but we'll get to that. У него были свои причины, но об этом мы еще поговорим.

Bundy was brazen, there's no doubt about it. ||frech||||| ||shameless||||| ||descarado|||||

He didn't ever think he'd be caught.

He thought he was too intelligent for the police.

After all, he'd worked in politics.

He worked as an Assistant Director of the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission ||||||||||Crime deterrence|Consultative body| |||||||||||consultiva|

where he wrote a paper on rape prevention. ||||||sexual assault prevention| ||||||prevenção da violação|

He did a stint at the Department of Emergency Services where he talked about missing women |||Aufenthalt|||||||||||| |||short period of time|||||||||||| |||período de trabalho||||||||||||

and how to find them.

That's likely why Bundy didn't have any qualms about returning to the alleyway from |||||||Bedenken|||||| |||||||second thoughts|||||| |||||||remorsos||||||

where he'd picked up Hawkins.

The day after the abduction he was there at the same time as the police, hiding in plain ||||Entführung||||||||||||| ||||kidnapping||||||||||||| ||||sequestro|||||||||||escondido à vista||à vista

sight as he picked up one of the girl's shoes and her necklace. Anblick|||||||||||| visão||||||||||||colar

If he wasn't picking up girls in a car park or close by one, he was sneaking into basements |||||||||||nearby|||||||basements ||||||||||||||||entrando furtivamente||porões

while they slept and then bludgeoning the victim with some kind of iron bar. |||||erschlagen|||||||| |||||beating with force|||||||| ||dormiram|||agredindo com força|||||||| terwijl ze sliepen en het slachtoffer vervolgens met een soort ijzeren staaf knuppelden.

Bundy was like the boogeyman, a serial killer that crawled through windows and viciously |||||||||||||grausam ||||nightmare figure|||||||||brutally attacked ||||bicho-papão|||||entrava pelas||||de forma cruel

attacked people while they were at their most vulnerable.

But he was also a con artist; he played confidence tricks and he was very good at it. |||||Betrüger|||||||||||| |||||con|||||||||||| |||||um vigarista|||||golpes de confiança||||||| Но он был еще и мошенником; он разыгрывал трюки на доверие и был очень хорош в этом.

Investigators knew that when girls went missing at times a man was seen with an arm in a sling;

a man that owned a VW Beetle.

Surely Bundy was easy prey after that? Certainly|||||| certamente||||presa fácil|| Конечно, после этого Банди стал легкой добычей?

How many VW Beetles were there in those areas where the abductions happened, areas dotted |||||||||||Entführungen|||punktiert ||||||||||||||pontilhadas

around the Pacific Midwest? |||Centro-Oeste

The reality was Bundy's reign of terror was only in the early stages. ||||Herrschaft|||||||| ||||period|||||||| ||||reinado||terrorismo||||||

The public and police were worried, that's for sure. Общественность и полиция были обеспокоены, это точно.

Young folks stopped hitching rides, and many became fearful of talking to strangers or |||trampen|||||||||| |||hitchhiking|||||||||| |||pedindo carona|||||temerosos de||||| Молодые люди перестали ездить автостопом, многие стали бояться разговаривать с незнакомцами или

leaving their windows open at night.

Those with most to fear were young, white women. ||||||||as mulheres Больше всего боялись молодые белые женщины.

Bundy's victims were almost always in their late teens or early twenties. ||||||||adolescentes|||

They were Caucasian and most of them were attractive. ||kaukasisch|||||| ||white or European|||||| Они были кавказцами, и большинство из них были привлекательными.

They studied at university and were said to be intelligent and gifted students.

Another thing was the fact each girl disappeared at a college where construction work was going |||||||desapareceu||||||||


Could the disappearances be linked, wondered investigators? ||desaparecimentos|||| Могут ли эти исчезновения быть связаны, задаются вопросом следователи?

They just didn't know.

They had very little forensic evidence to work with and there were no bodies. |||||Beweise|||||||| У них было очень мало улик для судебно-медицинской экспертизы, а тел погибших не было.

That didn't mean the cops thought the girls had just taken off some place. Но это не значит, что полицейские решили, что девушки просто куда-то ушли.

Nothing about their personalities and state of mind suggested that.

Only weeks after Hawkins went missing, two women were abducted in broad daylight at Lake |||||||||kidnapped||||| |||||||||||à luz do dia|à luz do dia||

Sammamish State Park not far from the city of Seattle.

Bundy had first approached five women in the park, and in what they later described as |||approached||||||||||||

a Canadian or British accent, the man introduced himself as Ted.

Ted, dressed in a pressed white tennis outfit, with one arm in a sling, politely asked them ||||gebügelten|||||||||||| ||||passada a ferro|||traje esportivo|||||||de forma educada|| Тед, одетый в белый теннисный костюм, с одной рукой в перевязи, вежливо спросил их

if they could help him unload a sailboat from his bronze-colored Volkswagen Beetle. |||||||Segelboot|||||| ||||||||||bronze-colored||| |||||descarregar||vela de barco||||||

Four of them said no, but one followed him to his car.

Thankfully, she ran away when she became aware that there was no sailboat. Fortunately|||||||||||| Felizmente||||||||||||

That day, Bundy managed to enlist one woman for help and he later abducted another close |||||einberufen|||||||||| |||||recruit||||||||kidnapped|| |||||recrutar||||||||||

to a restroom. ||banheiro

Both would die.

Did he kill one in front of the other?

He once said that was true, but close to his execution date he recanted that terribly bleak |||||||||||||widerrief|||düster |||||||||||||withdrew his statement|||gloomy |||||||||||||retratou-se disso||muito pessimista|sombrio e desolador


This is not a story about his crimes, though.

What we want to know is how the hell did police not get closer to Bundy seeing as he was using

the same car and the same sling trick and so the same modus operandi.

He even told the girls that escaped that he was named Ted.

What more did the cops need?

A written confession? ||Written admission?

They were closer, but still a long way from getting him.

They at least now had a good description of this Ted guy and it did look quite like him.

In no time at all, this sketch appeared in many newspapers and was shown on TV. ||||||esboço|||||||||

Remember that we said Bundy worked at the Department of Emergency Services.

Well, one of his co-workers there saw that sketch and heard about the VW Beetle and she |||||||||esboço||||||||

knew she was looking at her colleague. Она знала, что смотрит на своего коллегу.

Mr. Bundy.

She made a call to the cops as did another person that knew Ted Bundy. Она позвонила в полицию, как и еще один человек, знавший Теда Банди.

The cops at the time were receiving something like 200 of these calls in one day, and they ||||na época||||||||||||

quickly assumed that a clean-cut law student with no criminal record couldn't be behind

the abductions. |Entführungen

Serial killers didn't look like that, or so they thought.

The heat was on, though, and Bundy knew it. |a pressão||||||| Однако Банди знал, что жара спала.

A couple of months after his last murder, bones were being found.

Those bones were the remains of his victims, scattered in various places where the cops ||||||||verstreut|||||| ||||||||dispersed||different|||| ||||||||espalhadas||||||

hadn't thought to look.

It was fortunate for Bundy then that he was accepted to study at the University of Utah ||glücklich|||||||||||||| ||lucky|||||||||||||| ||afortunado||||||||||||||

Law School.

He packed his bags and headed south in August of ‘74. |fez as malas||||seguiu em direção a||||

He was only in Utah a month when he started killing again.

September 2, a hitchhiker. ||Trampenfahrer ||caroneiro

October 2, a 16-year old girl.

October 18, a 17-year old girl from a pizza parlor. ||||||||pizza restaurant ||||||||pizzaria

It turned out that she was the daughter of a police chief. |||||||||||chefe de polícia

After her decomposing body was found on a hiking trail the postmortem exam revealed ||||||||trilha de caminhada|trilha de caminhada||exame post-mortem||revelou

that Bundy had kept her alive for perhaps seven days.

Each had been subjected to the most brutal depravity, although Bundy admitted years later ||||||||Brutalität||||| ||||||||extreme moral corruption||||| ||||||||depravação brutal|||||

that after he killed them, he shampooed their hair and applied makeup to their faces, keeping ||||||frisiert||||||||| ||||||lavou|||||maquiagem||||

them in a state that he liked.

He wanted the physical possession of the remains, and he wanted to do what he wanted to them. Er||||Besitz||||||||||||| ||||ownership||||||||||||| ||||posse física||||||||||||| Он хотел получить физическое владение останками и делать с ними все, что ему заблагорассудится.

He sometimes chopped them, sometimes kept heads in his apartment; and he dressed them ||picava ou cortava|||||||||||

the way he wanted them to look.

Then he took a photograph. ||||fotografia

“When you work hard to do something right,” he once said, “You don't want to forget


More abductions happened, more murders, as well as attempted abductions. ||||||||tried kidnappings| ||||||||tentativas de abdução|

The disappearances were reported in the media, and after reading about them a woman named |||announced||||||||||| |desaparecimentos|||||||||||||

Elizabeth Kloepfer who'd dated Bundy back when he was in Washington put two and two ||quem tinha|namorou|||||||||||


She not only called the King County cops and told them she thought she had been dating ||||||condado||||||||||

the killer, but she also called the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office and said the same |||||||||Condado de Salt Lake||||||


She was still talking to Bundy at this point on the telephone, but she didn't say anything

about her calls.

For her, the sketch looked like Bundy; the car was Bundy's, and so the murders following |||esboço||||||||||||

him around was just too much of a coincidence. ||||||||Zufall

Bundy then started killing in Colorado.

Things didn't change much.

Death by blunt force trauma, sometimes strangulation; bodies dumped, mutilated, sometimes wearing ||stumpf|||||||verstümmelt|| ||objeto contundente||||estrangulamento||desovadas|||

clothes that weren't theirs.

1975 drew to an end and there were more victims, some whose bodies have never been found. zog||||||||||||||| chegou|||||||||||||||

1976 turned out to be another bloody year, so how come the Washington cops weren't |||||maldita||||||||

at the very least looking at Bundy?

They only did that after they discovered a new toy, a computer and a database.

They found they could input data about the murders and the computer would compare that

data to data already in the system.

Thousands of names were in that database, but only 26 names matched the crimes.

Bundy's was one of them.

The problem was connecting the Utah and Colorado murders to the Pacific Midwest murders.

At the time there was no large database connecting all the states' police departments.

The fact of the matter was, while the cops should have known better after the tip offs, Дело в том, что после получения наводок полицейские должны были догадаться, в чем дело,

because Bundy moved around, he managed to evade capture. |||||||entkommen| ||traveled about|||||avoid capture| |||||||evitar a captura| Поскольку Банди передвигался, ему удавалось избегать поимки.

But then he was pulled over by a cop in a Salt Lake City suburb after he'd been driving

around looking suspicious.

On searching Bundy's car, the cop found quite the collection of suspicious items:

a ski mask, trash bags, handcuffs, a crowbar, lengths of rope, and an ice pick. |||||algemas||pé de cabra|comprimentos de corda||cordas de comprimento||||

All that was pretty much the consummate serial killer stash. ||||||vollendete||| ||||||perfect example of|||hidden collection ||||||completa|||acervo do assassino Все это было практически идеальным тайником серийного убийцы.

It didn't take long for the cops to understand that they might have a maniac on their hands. ||||||||||||||dangerous person|||

They had the phone call from Bundy's lover in their records and they had his car description ||||||||||files|||||| |||||||amante de Bundy|||||||||

from one of the abductions.

Still, after searching his house the police didn't have enough on him to keep him.

One thing they didn't find that day was a bunch of photographs of his dead victims. |||||||||um conjunto||||||

Things would have been very different had they discovered those awful snaps. |||||||||||photos or images |||||||||||fotos desagradáveis

Bundy was on the loose again, but he was being monitored all day long. ||||at large||||||||| ||||||||||monitorado|||

Some of the cops flew to Seattle to speak to Bundy's lover. ||||voaram|||||||

She told them that some things just didn't add up. Она сказала им, что некоторые вещи просто не сходятся.

Such as, why did he keep crutches in the house. ||||||mobility aids||| ||||||muletas|||

And what about that plaster of Paris, not to mention the surgical gloves, big knives, ||||Gips|||||||||| ||||bandage material|||||||||| ||||||||||||luvas cirúrgicas||facas grandes А как же парижский гипс, не говоря уже о хирургических перчатках, больших ножах,

a meat cleaver, and a bag full of women's clothes. ||Fleischmesser||||||| ||meat-cutting tool||||||| ||faca de carne|||||||

Bundy was certainly in a fix now, but he was by no means done. |||||Zwickmühle|||||||| Банди, конечно же, был в затруднительном положении, но это было еще не все.

He sold his beloved Beetle, but that was soon sequestered by investigators who gave the |||||||||beschlagnahmt||||| |||||||||confiscated by authorities||||| |||querido carro||||||apreendido pelos investigadores||||| Он продал свой любимый "Жук", но тот вскоре был арестован следователями, которые дали

interior a good going over. inside|||| interior de|||| Интерьер хорошо просматривается.

What they found were strands of hair from females, and those females were very likely ||||Haare||||||||||

victims of murder.

Police brought Bundy in and put him in a line up, but they only had enough evidence to possibly

put him on trial for aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal assault. |||||schwerwiegend||||| |||||serious||||| |||||agravada|||||agressão criminosa

His parents paid his $15,000 bail and off he went once again, a free man, but under ||||bail||||||||||| ||||fiança|||||||||||

heavy round-the-clock surveillance. ||||vigilância constante

He actually lived with his lover again while he was on bail, which should have been a very |||||namorada|||||||||||| Пока он находился под залогом, он снова жил со своей любовницей, что должно было стать очень

strange time for her.

At this point the lead investigators from Utah, Washington, and Colorado, all finally |||||||No translation needed|||||

got together and shared their stories and what evidence they had.

They were pretty darn sure that they had a serial killer on their hands, and an utterly |||ziemlich sicher|||||||||||||völlig ||quite|very|||||||||||||completely |||muito certo|||||||||||||absolutamente

depraved one at that. verderbt||| morally corrupt individual||| depravado|||

Before they could get him for murder, though, he faced trial for kidnapping and assault. ||||||||||||sequestro||

He was found guilty and sentenced to one-to-15 years in the Utah State Prison. Он был признан виновным и приговорен к заключению в тюрьме штата Юта на срок от одного года до 15 лет.

While in there, he was charged with just one of the murders. |||||accused of|||||| Пока он находился там, ему было предъявлено обвинение только в одном из убийств.

Bundy was a desperate man around this time, likely knowing that his crimes, or most of |||desesperado||||||||||||

them, would catch up with him and he'd be looking at the death penalty. |||||||||||||pena de morte

He chose to defend himself, and because of that he didn't have to wear handcuffs or |||represent|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||algemas|

leg shackles in court. |restraints|| |grilhões nas pernas||

On one of those court appearances he managed to convince the court he needed the library |||||||||persuade|||||| |||||aparições judiciais||||||||||

and he leapt from a window. ||sprang hinaus||| ||saltou|||

He actually survived for six days around the wilderness of Aspen mountain but was eventually ||||||||wilds|||||| ||||||||selvagem de Aspen||||||

picked up by the cops.

The case against him for that one murder was actually quite weak, but it seemed that Bundy

believed they would get him.

If he was done for that case, more cases might follow.

Over a period of six months, he got his hands on a floor plan of the jail. |||||||||||||plano de planta||| В течение шести месяцев он получил в свои руки поэтажный план тюрьмы.

He saved money after getting it smuggled in by visitors and he also got himself a hacksaw. ||||||||||||||||Bügelsäge ||||||illegally transported||||||||||cutting tool ||||||contrabandeado||||||||||serrote de arco

On December 30, 1977, Bundy filled his bed with books so it might look like he was sleeping.

He then got through the ceiling and into an apartment. |||||teto|||| Затем он пробрался через потолок и проник в квартиру.

There he changed into civilian clothes and then walked out of the jail.

He went from Chicago to Atlanta to Florida in stolen cars, only stopping to steal certain |||Chicago||||||||||||

items or wallets from people. ||as carteiras||

On January 15, 1978, he walked around at night in Florida State University.

In the early hours of the morning, he assaulted, bludgeoned, strangled, and bit three sleeping |||||||||erschlug||||| |||||||||Beaten severely||||| ||||||||agrediu|golpeou com um|estrangulou||||

women in three different rooms, all within about 15 minutes.

Two of them survived, but were very badly injured.

He left the sorority house and went to an apartment building, where he viciously attacked |||Schwesternschaft||||||||||grausam| |||sisterhood organization||||||||||| |||a casa da irmand||||||||||de forma cruel|

another girl, fracturing her skull and jaw. ||brechen||Schädel||Kiefer ||fraturando||||mandíbula

There he left behind one of his favorite things, his pantyhose mask. ||||||||||Strumpfhose| ||||||||||hosiery mask|pantyhose mask ||||||||||meia-calça| Там он оставил одну из своих любимых вещей - маску из колготок.

Police also found sperm and hair samples. |||espermatozoides|||

Bundy later drove to Jacksonville where he abducted and killed a 12-year old girl. |||||||kidnapped||||||

A few days later he was stopped by a police officer.

During questioning,he kicked the man's legs and ran for it. |||deu um chute|||||||

The cop fired warning shots, but Bundy kept running. |||||||continuou a correr|

He was too slow.

He was tackled, and in spite of his best efforts, he couldn't get the gun from the cop. ||derrubado|||apesar de||||||||||||

Bundy was done for, sat in the car, handcuffed, on his way to certain death. ||||||||algemado|||||| С Банди было покончено, он сидел в машине, закованный в наручники, на пути к верной смерти.

Still, this Florida policeman didn't know who he had in the car.

He was not aware that he was carrying one of the USA's most wanted fugitives. ||||||||||||||Flüchtlinge ||||||||||||||wanted criminals ||||||||||||||fugitivos mais procur

He certainly had no idea that the occupant of his vehicle would become known as one of |||||||Insasse||||||||| |||||||person inside||||||||| |||||||ocupante|||||||||

the worst, most vile serial killers of all time, a demon whose warped brutality knew |||abscheulichsten|||||||||verzerrten|| |||disgusting|||||||||twisted|| |||vile|||||||um demônio||deformada|brutalidade|

no bounds. |limites

And do you know what Bundy said to that cop while he was in the car?

He said, “I wish you had killed me.”

He eventually confessed to 30 murders, but there could have been many more. ||confessou|||||||||

On January 24, 1989, aged 42, Bundy took his final breaths in the electric chair. ||com 42 anos|||||últimos suspiros||||

His last words were, “I'd like you to give my love to my family and friends.” Его последними словами были: "Я хотел бы, чтобы вы передали мою любовь моей семье и друзьям".

Now you need to watch this, “Who Are The Most Evil Serial Killers in America?”

Or, watch this…