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Assorted YouTube videos, 7 Reasons Why Smart, Hardworking People Don't Become Successful

7 Reasons Why Smart, Hardworking People Don't Become Successful

For the longest time, I believed that if smart people worked hard and grew up in a reasonably

nurturing environment, success would come eventually.

I looked at other people and thought, “Wow, that person's going to go on to do great


But as I grew older, I realized that's not necessarily the case.

A few people I know who are intelligent and have a strong work ethic have gone on to do

notable things, while many others are doing fine.

Unfortunately, there are some that drift along, unsure about what to do.

I then realized that there are a lot of factors when it comes to success, whether it means

having a fulfilling career, having great relationships, or staying healthy.

Yes, smarts are part of it, and so is work ethic.

But there's more at play than just these two factors.

Here are seven reasons why you might not be finding success even if you're smart and

hardworking: It's easy to stick to people you've known

for a long time.

You know each other's histories and can laugh at inside jokes together.

The problem with old friends, though, is that the same ideas are recycled over and over

again, and you don't get to learn new perspectives outside of your bubble.

It can be tough to reach out at first to new people, but starting small can help.

Aim for a low goal initially, such as introducing yourself to one person a week.

Being in the same environment for a long time makes it hard to adapt to something new.

The good news is that change presents a chance for opportunities and innovation.

Instead of resisting changes, see how you can make the best of them.

Maybe you can cater to a growing businesses need or see a different perspective.

Be open to new concepts and curious about the world around you.

Smart people often choose the safe route.

They might follow the same path as their peers or choose a career because it's considered

acceptable by their peers.

While this guarantees a degree of security, it can be mundane.

I hear so often from smart people that they find their jobs unfulfilling and that they

want to do something else, but are afraid to do so.

If you're thinking about branching out into unfamiliar territory, consider what your life

will be like decades from now if you opt not to pursue something.

Will you regret it, or will you be happy with your decision?

People that worked hard in school are used to being at the top and told how much potential

they show.

This seems good initially, but there are some negative side effects.

I've heard people claim they deserve something because of their intelligence or where they

went to school.

They expect things to pan out automatically because of their credentials.

Sadly, though, life doesn't work like that.

In the real world, you don't get results based on the work you put in.

You get results based on the combination of hard work, strategic thinking, and some luck


You can increase that last factor by working on the first two.

One thing I hear often from high achievers is that they hate wasting time.

Smart people are all too aware of the value of their time, as time and effort spent on

one thing means that they could potentially be missing out on something else.

While this is a strong attribute, it also means chasing the next big thing and not following


Starting out in any field or endeavor is tough, and getting through the initial obstacles

requires patience.

Focusing effort on one goal yields much better results in the long run than going after one

thing, getting bored, and then going after something new.

Being smart and working hard can open up numerous doors.

Unfortunately, having too many options can be as restricting as having few choices.

An abundance of choices makes it difficult to decide what to do.

As a result, it's tempting to jump around and “see what suits you”.

I knew someone who attended numerous graduate school programs, one after another.

Over ten years later, she still can't figure out what to do.

Rather than dabbling in many endeavors, I suggest testing things out first.

Talk to other people and do the research before making a big decision, so that you know whether

or not an option suits your personality and lifestyle.

Surprisingly, smart people can underestimate their own abilities.

They are their own worst critic, causing them to believe that they can't accomplish as

much as they can.

Smart people have high standards when it comes to their work.

Whenever they work on a project, they tend to scrutinize and second-guess the final product.

This seems like a good thing on the surface, but it's often more debilitating than helpful.

Perfectionism can hinder people from progressing forward in their goals or starting on anything

in the first place.

So instead of letting fears of “what if” or “I'm not good enough” keep you back

from something new, think of how you want your life to look like years from now.

Getting started beats waiting for something to happen anytime.

What will you do today to get closer to your success?

What are some things that have been holding you back?

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7 Reasons Why Smart, Hardworking People Don't Become Successful أسباب||||||| |||||||bem-sucedidas Razones||||Personas inteligentes trabajadoras||| 7 Gründe, warum intelligente, fleißige Menschen nicht erfolgreich werden 7 Reasons Why Smart, Hardworking People Don't Become Successful 7 razones por las que las personas inteligentes y trabajadoras no alcanzan el éxito 7 raisons pour lesquelles les personnes intelligentes et travailleuses ne réussissent pas 7 motivi per cui le persone intelligenti e laboriose non raggiungono il successo 賢く勤勉な人が成功しない7つの理由 똑똑하고 열심히 일하는 사람이 성공하지 못하는 7가지 이유 7 powodów, dla których inteligentni i pracowici ludzie nie odnoszą sukcesu 7 razões pelas quais as pessoas inteligentes e trabalhadoras não se tornam bem-sucedidas 7 причин, по которым умные и трудолюбивые люди не становятся успешными Akıllı, Çalışkan İnsanların Başarılı Olamamasının 7 Nedeni 7 причин, чому розумні та працьовиті люди не стають успішними 聪明、勤奋的人无法成功的 7 个原因 聰明、勤奮的人無法成功的 7 個原因

For the longest time, I believed that if smart people worked hard and grew up in a reasonably |||||||||||||||||بشكل معقول |||||inandım||||||||büyüdüler||||makul bir şekilde |||||||||||||||||razoável ||más largo tiempo|||creía|||||trabajaran duro|trabajaran duro||||||razonablemente Uzun bir süre, akıllı insanların çok çalışıp makul bir şekilde büyüdüklerine inandım.

nurturing environment, success would come eventually. |entorno propicio|éxito||| بيئة رعاية||||| besleyici|ortam||olur||eninde sonunda 育成する||||| acolhedora|ambiente|||| بيئة تحتضن، سيأتي النجاح في النهاية. çevreyi beslemek, başarı eninde sonunda gelecekti.

I looked at other people and thought, “Wow, that person's going to go on to do great ||||||pensé|||de esa persona||||||| |olhei|||pessoas||pensamento|nossa||||||||| نظرت إلى الآخرين و thought, “واو، سينجح ذلك الشخص في القيام بأشياء رائعة. Diğer insanlara baktım ve "Vay canına, bu kişi harika şeyler yapmaya devam edecek" diye düşündüm.

things.” coisas” em <coisas”. “الأشياء.” şeyler."

But as I grew older, I realized that's not necessarily the case. |||||||||||durum böyle ||||||||||el| |mas||cresci|||percebi||||| ولكن عندما كبرت، أدركت أن هذا ليس بالضرورة هو الحال. Ama büyüdükçe, bunun mutlaka böyle olmadığını anladım.

A few people I know who are intelligent and have a strong work ethic have gone on to do |||||||||||||労働倫理||||| |||||||inteligentes||||||ética||||| بعض الأشخاص الذين أعرفهم وذو ذكاء ولديهم أخلاقيات عمل قوية قد حققوا أشياء بارزة، في حين أن الكثيرين الآخرين يقومون بعمل جيد. Zeki ve güçlü bir iş ahlakına sahip tanıdığım birkaç kişi devam etti.

notable things, while many others are doing fine. dikkate değer||||||| |coisas|enquanto||||fazendo| الكثير من الأشخاص الذين أعرفهم وذو ذكاء ولديهم أخلاقيات عمل قوية قد حققوا أشياء بارزة. dikkate değer şeyler, diğerleri iyi durumdayken.

Unfortunately, there are some that drift along, unsure about what to do. |||||sürüklenmek|sürüklenen|ne yapacağını bilmeyen|||| ||||||seguem||||| |||||se dejan llevar|||||| Infelizmente, há alguns que andam à deriva, sem saber o que fazer. Ne yazık ki, ne yapacağını bilemeyenler arasında sürüklenenler var.

I then realized that there are a lot of factors when it comes to success, whether it means |||||||||||||||olup olmadığını|| ||percebi||||||||||diz respeito||sucesso|se||significa Daha sonra, başarı söz konusu olduğunda birçok faktör olduğunu fark ettim.

having a fulfilling career, having great relationships, or staying healthy. ||tatmin edici||||||| ||satisfatória|carreira||||||saudável ||satisfactorio||||||| ter uma carreira gratificante, ter óptimas relações ou manter-se saudável. tatmin edici bir kariyere sahip olmak, harika ilişkiler kurmak veya sağlıklı kalmak.

Yes, smarts are part of it, and so is work ethic. |||||||||trabalho|ética Evet, zeka da bunun bir parçası, iş ahlakı da.

But there's more at play than just these two factors. Ancak bu iki faktörden daha fazlası söz konusudur.

Here are seven reasons why you might not be finding success even if you're smart and ||||||pode||||||||| İşte akıllı ve zeki olmanıza rağmen başarıya ulaşamamanızın yedi nedeni

hardworking: It's easy to stick to people you've known ||||bağlanmak|||| |||||||que você conheceu| ||||aferrarse a|||| trabalhador: É fácil mantermo-nos fiéis às pessoas que conhecemos Çalışkan: Tanıdığınız insanlara bağlı kalmak kolaydır 勤奮:很容易堅持你認識的人

for a long time. uzun bir süre. 許久。

You know each other's histories and can laugh at inside jokes together. أنتما تعرفان تاريخ بعضكما البعض ويمكنكما الضحك على النكات الداخلية معًا. Birbirinizin geçmişini biliyorsunuz ve aranızdaki esprilere birlikte gülebiliyorsunuz.

The problem with old friends, though, is that the same ideas are recycled over and over ||||||||||||tekrar kullanılır||| |||||porém||||||||repetidamente|| المشكلة مع الأصدقاء القدامى، مع ذلك، هي أن نفس الأفكار تتكرر مرة بعد مرة، Ancak eski dostlarla ilgili sorun, aynı fikirlerin tekrar tekrar geri dönüştürülmesidir

again, and you don't get to learn new perspectives outside of your bubble. ||||||||||||kabuğun ولا تتمكن من تعلم وجهات نظر جديدة خارج فقاعتك. ve baloncuğunuzun dışında yeni bakış açıları öğrenemezsiniz.

It can be tough to reach out at first to new people, but starting small can help. |||||تواصل مع||||||||||| قد يكون من الصعب التواصل في البداية مع أشخاص جدد، لكن البدء بخطوات صغيرة يمكن أن يساعد. İlk başta yeni insanlara ulaşmak zor olabilir, ancak küçük başlamak yardımcı olabilir.

Aim for a low goal initially, such as introducing yourself to one person a week. Hedef belirle|||||başlangıçta||||||||| objetivo|||baixo|objetivo|inicialmente|como|||||||| استهدف هدفاً منخفضاً في البداية، مثل تقديم نفسك لشخص واحد في الأسبوع. Başlangıçta düşük bir hedef belirleyin, örneğin kendinizi haftada bir kişiyle tanıştırmak gibi.

Being in the same environment for a long time makes it hard to adapt to something new. |||||||||||||adaptar||| الوجود في نفس البيئة لفترة طويلة يجعل من الصعب التكيف مع شيء جديد. Uzun süre aynı ortamda bulunmak yeni bir şeye adapte olmayı zorlaştırır.

The good news is that change presents a chance for opportunities and innovation. İyi haber ise değişimin fırsatlar ve yenilikler için bir şans sunmasıdır.

Instead of resisting changes, see how you can make the best of them. ||direnmek|||||||||| ||resistindo||||||||||deles Değişikliklere direnmek yerine, onlardan en iyi şekilde nasıl yararlanabileceğinizi görün.

Maybe you can cater to a growing businesses need or see a different perspective. |||تلبية|||||||||| |||hizmet etmek|||||||||| |||atender|||||||||| |||atender a|||||||||| |||応じる|||||||||| Talvez possa dar resposta a uma necessidade de uma empresa em crescimento ou ver uma perspectiva diferente. Belki büyüyen bir işletmenin ihtiyacını karşılayabilir veya farklı bir bakış açısı görebilirsiniz.

Be open to new concepts and curious about the world around you. ||||||meraklı||||| ||||conceitos||||||| Yeni kavramlara açık olun ve etrafınızdaki dünya hakkında meraklı olun.

Smart people often choose the safe route. ||||||rota

They might follow the same path as their peers or choose a career because it's considered |||||yol|||akranlar, yaşıtlar|||||||görülüyor ||||||||pares||||carreira|||considerada Akranlarıyla aynı yolu izleyebilirler ya da bir kariyer seçebilirler çünkü o kariyer

acceptable by their peers. |||pelos seus pares akranları tarafından kabul edilebilir.

While this guarantees a degree of security, it can be mundane. ||güvence verir||||||||sıkıcı ||||||||||平凡な ||garante|||||||| Embora isso garanta um certo grau de segurança, pode ser mundano. Bu bir dereceye kadar güvenliği garanti etse de, sıradan olabilir.

I hear so often from smart people that they find their jobs unfulfilling and that they Zeki insanlardan sık sık işlerini tatmin edici bulmadıklarını ve

want to do something else, but are afraid to do so. başka bir şey yapmak isterler ama bunu yapmaktan korkarlar.

If you're thinking about branching out into unfamiliar territory, consider what your life ||||dallanmak||||bilinmeyen alanlar|||| ||||ramificação|||inexplorado||||| ||||expandirse|||||||| Se está a pensar em aventurar-se em território desconhecido, considere o que a sua vida Bilmediğiniz bir alana dalmayı düşünüyorsanız, hayatınızın nasıl olacağını düşünün

will be like decades from now if you opt not to pursue something. |||on yıllar||||||||peşinden gitmek| ||||||||optar por no|||| |||décadas||||||||seguir|

Will you regret it, or will you be happy with your decision? ||pişman olmak||||||||| ||arrepentirás|||||||||

People that worked hard in school are used to being at the top and told how much potential

they show.

This seems good initially, but there are some negative side effects. |||inicialmente|||||||

I've heard people claim they deserve something because of their intelligence or where they |||iddia etmek|||||||||| |||afirmam|||||||||| Já ouvi pessoas dizerem que merecem algo devido à sua inteligência ou ao local onde vivem.

went to school.

They expect things to pan out automatically because of their credentials. ||||gerçekleşmek|||||| ||||||automaticamente|||| ||||resultar|||||| Esperam que as coisas se resolvam automaticamente devido às suas credenciais.

Sadly, though, life doesn't work like that. infelizmente|porém||||| Lamentablemente||||||

In the real world, you don't get results based on the work you put in.

You get results based on the combination of hard work, strategic thinking, and some luck

involved. envolvido

You can increase that last factor by working on the first two.

One thing I hear often from high achievers is that they hate wasting time. |||||||成功者||||||

Smart people are all too aware of the value of their time, as time and effort spent on

one thing means that they could potentially be missing out on something else.

While this is a strong attribute, it also means chasing the next big thing and not following |||||||||kovalamak||||||| enquanto||||||||significa||||||||seguindo

through. através

Starting out in any field or endeavor is tough, and getting through the initial obstacles ||||||çaba||||||||engeller ||||||esfuerzo||Difícil|||||| |começar|||campo||||difícil|||através|||obstáculos

requires patience. gerektirir| |requiere paciencia

Focusing effort on one goal yields much better results in the long run than going after one |||||sağlar||||||||||| |esforço||||||||||||||| Centrar el esfuerzo en un objetivo da mucho mejores resultados a largo plazo que perseguir uno solo.

thing, getting bored, and then going after something new. ||entediado||||||

Being smart and working hard can open up numerous doors.

Unfortunately, having too many options can be as restricting as having few choices. infelizmente||||||||restritivo||||

An abundance of choices makes it difficult to decide what to do. |Bolluk||||||||||

As a result, it's tempting to jump around and “see what suits you”. |||||||||||uygun olanı| ||resultado|||||||||se adapta| Como resultado, es tentador ir saltando de un sitio a otro y "ver lo que te conviene".

I knew someone who attended numerous graduate school programs, one after another. ||||frequentou||pós-graduação|||||

Over ten years later, she still can't figure out what to do. |||||||anlayamamak|ne yapacağını||| |||||||descobrir||||

Rather than dabbling in many endeavors, I suggest testing things out first. ||oyalık etmek|||çabalar|||||| ||incursionar en||||||||| em vez de||se aventurar|||esforços||sugerir|||| ||手を出す|||||||||

Talk to other people and do the research before making a big decision, so that you know whether |||||||pesquisa||||||||||se

or not an option suits your personality and lifestyle. ||||combina|||| ||||se adapta a||personalidad y estilo de vida|| o no una opción se adapte a su personalidad y estilo de vida.

Surprisingly, smart people can underestimate their own abilities. ||||küçümsemek||| ||||subestimar|||

They are their own worst critic, causing them to believe that they can't accomplish as

much as they can. tanto como puedan.

Smart people have high standards when it comes to their work. ||||padrões|||||seu| Las personas inteligentes son muy exigentes con su trabajo.

Whenever they work on a project, they tend to scrutinize and second-guess the final product. |||||||eğilimindedirler||dikkatle incelemek|||||| |||||||||詳細に調査する|||||| Siempre que trabajan en un proyecto, tienden a examinar y cuestionar el producto final.

This seems like a good thing on the surface, but it's often more debilitating than helpful. |||||||||||||衰弱させ|| ||||||||aparência|||||debilitante||

Perfectionism can hinder people from progressing forward in their goals or starting on anything ||impedir||||avançar||||||| ||impedir|||||||||||

in the first place. en primer lugar.

So instead of letting fears of “what if” or “I'm not good enough” keep you back |em vez|||||||||||||| Así que en lugar de dejar que el miedo a "qué pasaría si" o "no soy lo suficientemente bueno" te retenga

from something new, think of how you want your life to look like years from now. de algo nuevo, piensa en cómo quieres que sea tu vida dentro de unos años.

Getting started beats waiting for something to happen anytime. ||始めること|||||| ||supera|||||| Empezar es mejor que esperar a que ocurra algo en cualquier momento.

What will you do today to get closer to your success?

What are some things that have been holding you back?