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Assorted YouTube videos, Inside The $5 Billion Apple Headquarters

Inside The $5 Billion Apple Headquarters


what looks like a giant spaceship parked

in the lush flats of cupertino


is actually tech giant apple's new hq

fittingly named the apple park

this stunning architecture sprawls

across acres of land

and might just be one of the most

stunning campuses in the world

despite its incredibly futuristic looks

the apple park has been a long time in

the making with steve jobs first

announcing the project way back in 2006.

it took eight long years of planning

proposals and permit applications but by


construction was well underway and by


the vast apple workforce was already

starting to move in

the massive ring-shaped building is now

an iconic symbol of the apple brand

and is a fantastic testament to the

company's dedication to effortless

design sustainability and the future of


it was originally estimated that the

campus would cost just half a billion

dollars to put together

however the land alone cost 160 million

dollars and the cost quickly started to


by 2011 the budget in place had

multiplied to a little under 3 billion

and when it was all said and done apple

were looking at a bill closer to 5.

a 5 billion build is a big sum of money

for any company to justify

any company except apple that is who's

currently worth

two trillion dollars and is estimated to

profit around 60 billion dollars by the

end of this year alone

so where was all that money spent and

what makes the apple park so incredible

for starters the campus is made up of

multiple buildings however 80 percent of

the land is still considered to be green


apple and the designers put a lot of

effort into making the park fit

seamlessly into nature

planting over 9 000 drought resistant

trees throughout the grounds

including cherry apricot olive and of

course a few varieties of apple

to encourage workers to maintain a

healthy lifestyle the grounds feature

3.2 kilometers worth of various walking

and running trails as well as 1 000

bikes that can be used to commute

between the buildings

other lifestyle facilities include a gym

wellness center and a couple of

basketball courts

there's also a huge two-story yoga

studio where the desk jockeys can wind

down and

ease out their back pain the campus

really does look after

its staff and the environment too all of

the buildings are incredibly

eco-friendly with the main ring

construction being home to one of the

world's largest rooftop solar farms

the solar covered roof generates up to

17 megawatts of power which is enough to

meet 75 percent of the campuses energy

demand during peak times

the rest of the campus's needs are met

by on-site fuel cells powered by biofuel

or natural gas

the main building also utilizes a

natural ventilation system

meaning that it doesn't use traditional

heating and cooling methods for nine

months of the year

furthering the space's green credentials

nicknamed the spaceship or the ring

the central circular building is quite a

sight to behold

sitting four stories high it has over

1.2 million square feet of office space

and enough room to accommodate up to 12

000 members of staff

to bring the outside world in the design

has incorporated a lot of glass into the

build and the construction even features

the largest

curved glass panes in the world there

are 800 of the 45 foot tall

curved glass panels around the

building's exterior and around 3 000

smaller panels to be found within

the low energy leds natural sunlight and

sheer amount of see-through material

make the spaceship a stunningly bright

place to be

which i'm sure is great at keeping the

some 12 000 staff members

feeling energized throughout their long

working days despite being hidden from


one of the most amazing spaceship

features happens to be found

deep underground the main ring is one of

the few buildings in the u.s and the

world to make use of base

isolation which protects the ring from

even the worst of californian


the isolation system is made up of 692

huge stainless steel plates which allow

the building to shift up to four feet in

any given direction

without causing any structural damage

also to be found underground is an

expansive parking area and road network

that's completely hidden from site

putting these amenities underground was

an absolute necessity in order to

maximize the green space

in and around the apple park other

features to be found around the campus

include seven cafes with the largest

being sprawled across three levels with

enough seating for three thousand people

the huge catering team says it has

enough capacity to feed around fifteen

thousand people

every lunchtime so there's definitely

some growing room if apple decides to

expand its already huge workforce

also within the parks grounds is the

inspiring apple auditorium

formerly known as the steve jobs theatre

the spectacular circular glass building

mirrors the spaceship in its form

and is topped with the world's largest

carbon fiber roof the theater includes a

42 foot high glass elevator that takes

guests underground to the 1000 seat


made from chemically tempered glass the

elevator is also considered to be the

tallest freestanding glass elevator in

the world

other buildings dotted around the park

include a one hundred thousand square

foot fitness center

two three hundred thousand square foot

research and development facilities

a care clinic and the visitors center

which happens to be the only building in

the entire park that guests can visit

without a pass

the apple park visitor center is all

under one roof but is divided into four

very special sections

a ten thousand square foot apple store

filled with the latest apple products

a two thousand square foot cafe an

observation deck where you can look over

the campus and a designated

ar experience area the ar area includes

a scale model of the entire apple park

offering visitors an employer's look at

life on campus

the apple park is so full of amazing

features and amenities

more so than almost any other work

environment in the world

apple has thought of everything from

their environmental footprint to keeping

their workforce full up with food

leisure and creativity there have been a

few complaints about the open plan

office spaces with some workers saying

that they are distracting

counterproductive and removes

opportunity for privacy but still

the futuristic facility has been

incredibly well received and has set a

new world standard in how amazing a work

environment can truly be


Inside The $5 Billion Apple Headquarters |na||| Das Innere des 5-Milliarden-Dollar-Hauptquartiers von Apple Inside The $5 Billion Apple Headquarters El interior de la sede de Apple, valorada en 5.000 millones de dólares All'interno della sede Apple da 5 miliardi di dollari 50億ドルのアップル本社に潜入 50억 달러 규모의 애플 본사 내부 5 milijardų JAV dolerių vertės "Apple" būstinės vidus Por dentro da sede da Apple de 5 mil milhões de dólares Внутри штаб-квартиры Apple стоимостью 5 миллиардов долларов 5 Milyar Dolarlık Apple Genel Merkezinin İçinde Всередині штаб-квартири Apple вартістю 5 мільярдів доларів 价值 50 亿美元的苹果总部内部 價值 50 億美元的蘋果總部內部

[Music] [Muzyka]

what looks like a giant spaceship parked o que|||||| o que parece uma nave espacial gigante estacionada что похоже на припаркованный гигантский космический корабль 看起來像一艘停泊著的巨型太空船

in the lush flats of cupertino ||茂密的|平坦地带||库比蒂诺 nos luxuriantes apartamentos de cupertino в пышных квартирах Купертино 在庫比蒂諾鬱鬱蔥蔥的公寓裡


is actually tech giant apple's new hq ||||||总部 é na verdade a nova sede da Apple gigante da tecnologia 其實是科技巨擘蘋果的新總部

fittingly named the apple park 恰当地|||| 蘋果公園恰如其分地命名

this stunning architecture sprawls |||延展 esta arquitetura impressionante se espalha эта потрясающая архитектура простирается 這座令人驚嘆的建築蔓延

across acres of land em hectares de terra по акрам земли 跨越數英畝的土地

and might just be one of the most e pode ser apenas um dos mais и может быть просто одним из самых 可能只是其中之一

stunning campuses in the world campi deslumbrantes do mundo 世界上令人驚嘆的校園

despite its incredibly futuristic looks apesar de|||| apesar de sua aparência incrivelmente futurista несмотря на его невероятно футуристический вид 儘管它的外觀令人難以置信的未來感

the apple park has been a long time in o parque da maçã está há muito tempo em 蘋果公園已經存在很久了

the making with steve jobs first a tomada com steve jobs primeiro сначала со стивом джобсом 首先是史蒂夫賈伯斯的創作

announcing the project way back in 2006. anunciando o projeto em 2006. анонсируя проект еще в 2006 году. 早在 2006 年就宣布了這個項目。

it took eight long years of planning потребовалось восемь долгих лет планирования 花了八年的時間進行規劃

proposals and permit applications but by предложения и заявки на получение разрешений, но 建議和許可申請,但透過

2014 2014年

construction was well underway and by строительство шло полным ходом и к 施工工作正在順利進行中


the vast apple workforce was already огромная рабочая сила Apple уже была 龐大的蘋果員工團隊已經

starting to move in 開始搬入

the massive ring-shaped building is now массивное кольцеобразное здание сейчас 這座巨大的環形建築現在是

an iconic symbol of the apple brand 蘋果品牌的標誌性象徵

and is a fantastic testament to the 是對

company's dedication to effortless 本公司致力於毫不費力

design sustainability and the future of


it was originally estimated that the 最初估計

campus would cost just half a billion 校園只要花費五億美元

dollars to put together 美元放在一起

however the land alone cost 160 million однако одна только земля стоила 160 миллионов 然而光是土地就花了1.6億

dollars and the cost quickly started to

overrun 超限

by 2011 the budget in place had 到 2011 年,預算已到位

multiplied to a little under 3 billion 乘以略低於 30 億

and when it was all said and done apple 當這一切都說了又做了之後,蘋果

were looking at a bill closer to 5. смотрели на счет ближе к 5. 我們正在尋找接近 5 的賬單。

a 5 billion build is a big sum of money 50億建設是一筆巨款

for any company to justify 任何公司都可以證明

any company except apple that is who's アップル以外のどの企業も 除了蘋果以外的任何公司

currently worth 目前價值

two trillion dollars and is estimated to 預計將達到 2 兆美元

profit around 60 billion dollars by the 利潤約600億美元

end of this year alone 光是今年底

so where was all that money spent and 那麼這些錢都花在哪裡了

what makes the apple park so incredible 是什麼讓蘋果公園如此不可思議

for starters the campus is made up of 首先,校園由以下部分組成

multiple buildings however 80 percent of 多棟建築物,但 80%

the land is still considered to be green 這片土地仍然被認為是綠色的

space 空間

apple and the designers put a lot of 蘋果和設計師投入了很多

effort into making the park fit 努力使公園適合

seamlessly into nature 無縫融入自然

planting over 9 000 drought resistant 種植超過 9 000 株抗旱植物

trees throughout the grounds 整個場地都有樹木

including cherry apricot olive and of 包括櫻桃、杏、橄欖等

course a few varieties of apple

to encourage workers to maintain a 鼓勵工人保持

healthy lifestyle the grounds feature 健康的生活方式 場地特色

3.2 kilometers worth of various walking 3.2公里的各種步行

and running trails as well as 1 000 和跑步路線以及 1 000

bikes that can be used to commute 可用於通勤的自行車

between the buildings

other lifestyle facilities include a gym

wellness center and a couple of

basketball courts

there's also a huge two-story yoga

studio where the desk jockeys can wind студия, где дежурные жокеи могут накручивать 辦公桌操作員可以放鬆的工作室

down and

ease out their back pain the campus

really does look after

its staff and the environment too all of

the buildings are incredibly

eco-friendly with the main ring

construction being home to one of the

world's largest rooftop solar farms

the solar covered roof generates up to

17 megawatts of power which is enough to

meet 75 percent of the campuses energy

demand during peak times

the rest of the campus's needs are met

by on-site fuel cells powered by biofuel

or natural gas

the main building also utilizes a

natural ventilation system

meaning that it doesn't use traditional

heating and cooling methods for nine

months of the year

furthering the space's green credentials

nicknamed the spaceship or the ring

the central circular building is quite a

sight to behold

sitting four stories high it has over

1.2 million square feet of office space

and enough room to accommodate up to 12

000 members of staff

to bring the outside world in the design

has incorporated a lot of glass into the

build and the construction even features

the largest

curved glass panes in the world there

are 800 of the 45 foot tall

curved glass panels around the

building's exterior and around 3 000

smaller panels to be found within

the low energy leds natural sunlight and

sheer amount of see-through material

make the spaceship a stunningly bright

place to be

which i'm sure is great at keeping the

some 12 000 staff members

feeling energized throughout their long

working days despite being hidden from


one of the most amazing spaceship

features happens to be found

deep underground the main ring is one of

the few buildings in the u.s and the

world to make use of base

isolation which protects the ring from

even the worst of californian


the isolation system is made up of 692

huge stainless steel plates which allow

the building to shift up to four feet in

any given direction

without causing any structural damage

also to be found underground is an

expansive parking area and road network

that's completely hidden from site

putting these amenities underground was

an absolute necessity in order to

maximize the green space

in and around the apple park other

features to be found around the campus

include seven cafes with the largest

being sprawled across three levels with 分佈在三個層次上

enough seating for three thousand people

the huge catering team says it has

enough capacity to feed around fifteen

thousand people

every lunchtime so there's definitely

some growing room if apple decides to

expand its already huge workforce

also within the parks grounds is the

inspiring apple auditorium

formerly known as the steve jobs theatre

the spectacular circular glass building

mirrors the spaceship in its form

and is topped with the world's largest

carbon fiber roof the theater includes a

42 foot high glass elevator that takes

guests underground to the 1000 seat


made from chemically tempered glass the

elevator is also considered to be the

tallest freestanding glass elevator in

the world

other buildings dotted around the park

include a one hundred thousand square

foot fitness center

two three hundred thousand square foot

research and development facilities

a care clinic and the visitors center

which happens to be the only building in

the entire park that guests can visit

without a pass

the apple park visitor center is all

under one roof but is divided into four

very special sections

a ten thousand square foot apple store

filled with the latest apple products

a two thousand square foot cafe an

observation deck where you can look over

the campus and a designated

ar experience area the ar area includes

a scale model of the entire apple park

offering visitors an employer's look at

life on campus

the apple park is so full of amazing

features and amenities

more so than almost any other work

environment in the world

apple has thought of everything from

their environmental footprint to keeping

their workforce full up with food

leisure and creativity there have been a

few complaints about the open plan 對開放式規劃的抱怨很少

office spaces with some workers saying

that they are distracting

counterproductive and removes

opportunity for privacy but still

the futuristic facility has been

incredibly well received and has set a

new world standard in how amazing a work

environment can truly be
