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The Discovery of New Worlds, 03. Voyage and Shipwreck

03. Voyage and Shipwreck

"Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. " —ACTS XV. 26.

To appeal to the great Roman Cæsar the apostle Paul now set sail for his longest voyage. A convoy of prisoners was starting for Rome, and with them Paul embarked at Cæsarea, a new Roman seaport named after Cæsar: with a fair wind the ship soon reached Sidon. It was the last city on the coast of Syria he ever saw.

Leaving Sidon, the old Phœnician port, the wind blew from the north-west and drove them to the north of the island of Cyprus. Still beating against a contrary wind, the ship reached the shores of Asia Minor, and put into the port of Myra, one of the great harbours of the Egyptian service. Here was a ship carrying corn from Alexandria to Rome, a large merchant vessel, which had probably been blown out of her course and taken refuge at Myra. On board this ship Paul and the prisoners were put, and off they sailed once more. Slowly they sailed south against heavy winds and high seas till they reached Crete, where in the harbour, which is known as "Fair Havens" to this day, they anchored to wait for a change of wind. Time passed, and they were still wind-bound: autumn was coming on, and it was time for navigation in the Mediterranean to cease. The old ships were not fit to brave the storms of winter in the open sea. A discussion took place as to whether they should winter in Crete or push on farther. The owner of the ship was for going on: Paul advised caution.

"Sirs," he said, "I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the cargo and ship, but also of our lives. " In spite of this advice, however, they determined to make for a safer harbour in which to spend the winter. With a south wind blowing softly they set sail, and had neared their desired haven, when a sudden violent wind came down from the mountains of Crete and struck the ship, whirling her round so that steering became impossible. An ancient ship with one huge sail was exposed to extreme danger from such a blast as now blew. The straining of the great sail on the single mast was more than the hull could bear, and the ship might any moment founder in the open sea.

The hurricane blew her southwards, away from Crete, and towards the dreaded quicksands of the African coast near Cyrene.

The violence of the storm continued. After drifting helplessly at the mercy of the wind and waves for two days and nights, they began to throw overboard the cargo to lighten the ship, and then "with our own hands," says the writer of the Acts, "we threw away all the ship's fittings and equipment. " Here is a striking picture of the growing panic. Still the wind blew, no sun shone by day, no stars lit the dark sea by night; cold and wet and very hungry, they drifted on towards death and destruction.

At last Paul made his voice heard above the storm. "Sirs, ye should have hearkened to my counsel, and not have set sail from Crete," he said; "thus you would have been spared this harm and loss. And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but only of the ship. " The gale continued day and night for fourteen days. At the end of that time, towards midnight, the sailors heard the breaking of waves on a shore.

They were nearing land, but the danger was still great, for the ship might be dashed on the rocks and go to pieces. In an agony of terror they waited for the dawn. No coast was visible, only a wild waste of waters. The sailors, under pretext of casting anchors, lowered a boat, intending to row off and leave the sinking ship and its two hundred and seventy-six passengers to their fate. Paul saw their intention.

"Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved," he said to those in authority. They had learnt to listen to the words of this remarkable prisoner. The ropes of the boat were instantly cut, and the sailors' selfish plan failed. "This is the fourteenth day that you watch and continue fasting, and have taken nothing. Wherefore I beseech you to take some food: for this is for your safety. " Again Paul's advice was taken. Daylight came, land was visible, and they made for a pebbly beach and ran the ship aground. By means of boards and broken planks they all reached land safely, while the old ship which had borne them through the storm went to pieces before their eyes.

They had reached Malta, and the bay where they landed is known to-day as St Paul's Bay. The sight of the ship attracted the natives on the island—Phœnician and Greek settlers, subject now to Rome—and they treated the shipwrecked crew with unusual kindness.

For three months, until February opened the sea again to navigation, they stayed at Malta. Then another corn-ship from Alexandria—the "Castor and Pollux"—took the passengers on board, and sailed for Syracuse in Sicily. Here they waited three days for a good wind, which carried them through the narrow straits of Messina, dividing Italy from Sicily. They passed between chains of snow-clad hills, till at last the merchant ship sailed into a beautiful calm blue bay to unload its cargo, and very soon Paul found himself in the great city of Rome herself.

He had already sent a long letter or epistle to the men of Rome.

"I long to see you," he had written to them three years before this; "I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are in Rome also. " Now he was among them. True, he was a prisoner: a light chain fastened his hand to that of a soldier who was guarding him, though he had his own house in the city.

And here Paul preached the good news he had brought, and the Romans became Christians in such numbers that they were recognised in the city by the emperor.

03. Voyage and Shipwreck Plavba a ztroskotání||Námořní katastrofa 03. Reise und Schiffswrack 03. Viaje y naufragio 03. Voyage et naufrage 03. Viaggio e naufragio 03.航海と難破 03. Viagem e Naufrágio 03. Путешествие и кораблекрушение 03\. Подорож і корабельна аварія 03. 航行与沉船

"Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. |||riskovali|||||||||| |||risked|||||||||| "Uomini che hanno rischiato la vita per il nome di nostro Signore Gesù Cristo. "Homens que arriscaram suas vidas pelo nome de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. «Люди, які ризикували своїм життям заради імені Господа нашого Ісуса Христа. " —ACTS XV. 26.

To appeal to the great Roman Cæsar the apostle Paul now set sail for his longest voyage. Per fare appello al grande Cesare romano, l'apostolo Paolo salpa ora per il suo viaggio più lungo. Para apelar ao grande César romano, o apóstolo Paulo partiu para sua viagem mais longa. Щоб звернутися до великого римського цезаря, апостол Павло тепер відправився у свою найдовшу подорож. A convoy of prisoners was starting for Rome, and with them Paul embarked at Cæsarea, a new Roman seaport named after Cæsar: with a fair wind the ship soon reached Sidon. |Konvoj vězňů|||||||||||nalodil se||Césarea Maritima||||přístavní město||||||||||||Sidón Um comboio de prisioneiros estava partindo para Roma, e com eles Paulo embarcou em Cesareia, um novo porto marítimo romano com o nome de César: com um vento favorável, o navio logo chegou a Sidon. 一队俘虏正启程前往罗马,保罗和他们一起在凯撒利亚登船,这是一个以凯撒命名的新罗马海港:顺风,船很快就到达了西顿。 It was the last city on the coast of Syria he ever saw. Foi a última cidade na costa da Síria que ele viu. Це було останнє місто на узбережжі Сирії, яке він бачив.

Leaving Sidon, the old Phœnician port, the wind blew from the north-west and drove them to the north of the island of Cyprus. ||||Féničan|||||||||||||||||||Kypru Saindo de Sidon, o antigo porto fenício, o vento soprou do noroeste e os levou para o norte da ilha de Chipre. Still beating against a contrary wind, the ship reached the shores of Asia Minor, and put into the port of Myra, one of the great harbours of the Egyptian service. ||||||||||||||||||||Myra||||||||| Ainda batendo contra o vento contrário, o navio chegou às costas da Ásia Menor e atracou no porto de Myra, um dos grandes portos do serviço egípcio. Все ще б’ючись проти протилежного вітру, корабель досяг берегів Малої Азії і зайшов у порт Міра, одну з великих гавань єгипетської служби. Here was a ship carrying corn from Alexandria to Rome, a large merchant vessel, which had probably been blown out of her course and taken refuge at Myra. |||||||||||||plavidlo|||||||||||||| Si trattava di una nave che trasportava grano da Alessandria d'Egitto a Roma, un grosso vascello mercantile, che probabilmente era stato spazzato via dalla sua rotta e si era rifugiato a Myra. Aqui estava um navio transportando milho de Alexandria para Roma, um grande navio mercante, que provavelmente havia sido desviado de seu curso e se refugiado em Myra. 这是一艘将谷物从亚历山大港运往罗马的船,是一艘大型商船,可能已经被吹离航线并在迈拉避难。 On board this ship Paul and the prisoners were put, and off they sailed once more. Paulo e os prisioneiros foram colocados a bordo deste navio, e eles partiram novamente. На борт цього корабля посадили Павла і в’язнів, і вони знову відпливли. Slowly they sailed south against heavy winds and high seas till they reached Crete, where in the harbour, which is known as "Fair Havens" to this day, they anchored to wait for a change of wind. |||||||||||||Kréta||||||||||Přístavů krásných|||||||||||| Navigarono lentamente verso sud contro venti forti e mare grosso fino a raggiungere Creta, dove nel porto, che ancora oggi è noto come "Fair Havens", gettarono l'ancora in attesa di un cambio di vento. Lentamente eles navegaram para o sul contra ventos fortes e mar alto até chegarem a Creta, onde no porto, que é conhecido como "Fair Havens" até hoje, eles ancoraram para esperar uma mudança de vento. Time passed, and they were still wind-bound: autumn was coming on, and it was time for navigation in the Mediterranean to cease. |||||||||||||||||plavba||||| Il tempo passava e i due erano ancora legati al vento: l'autunno si avvicinava e la navigazione nel Mediterraneo cessava. O tempo passou e eles ainda estavam presos ao vento: o outono estava chegando e era hora de cessar a navegação no Mediterrâneo. 时光荏苒,他们依旧被风困住:秋天来了,地中海的航行也该停止了。 The old ships were not fit to brave the storms of winter in the open sea. Os velhos navios não eram adequados para enfrentar as tempestades do inverno em mar aberto. A discussion took place as to whether they should winter in Crete or push on farther. A discussion took place as to whether they should winter in Crete or push on farther. Si discute se svernare a Creta o proseguire oltre. Houve uma discussão sobre se eles deveriam passar o inverno em Creta ou seguir adiante. Відбулася дискусія щодо того, чи варто їм зимувати на Криті чи просуватися далі. The owner of the ship was for going on: Paul advised caution. |||||||||||opatrnost O dono do navio era a favor: Paulo aconselhou cautela.

"Sirs," he said, "I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the cargo and ship, but also of our lives. " ||||vnímat|||||||||||||||náklad||||||| "Signori", disse, "mi rendo conto che questo viaggio sarà con danno e molto danno, non solo per il carico e la nave, ma anche per le nostre vite". " "Senhores", disse ele, "percebo que esta viagem será com danos e muitos danos, não apenas da carga e do navio, mas também de nossas vidas." In spite of this advice, however, they determined to make for a safer harbour in which to spend the winter. Apesar desse conselho, porém, eles decidiram procurar um porto mais seguro para passar o inverno. With a south wind blowing softly they set sail, and had neared their desired haven, when a sudden violent wind came down from the mountains of Crete and struck the ship, whirling her round so that steering became impossible. |||||||||||||požadovaný|přístav|||||||||||||||||otáčející||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||spinning rapidly||||||| Con un vento da sud che soffiava dolcemente, salparono e si erano avvicinati al porto desiderato, quando un vento improvviso e violento scese dalle montagne di Creta e colpì la nave, facendola girare su se stessa in modo da rendere impossibile il governo. Com um vento sul soprando suavemente, eles zarparam e haviam se aproximado de seu porto desejado, quando um súbito vento violento desceu das montanhas de Creta e atingiu o navio, girando-o de modo que a direção se tornou impossível. An ancient ship with one huge sail was exposed to extreme danger from such a blast as now blew. ||||||||vystavená|||||||||| Starożytny statek z jednym ogromnym żaglem był narażony na ogromne niebezpieczeństwo w wyniku takiego wybuchu, jaki wiał teraz. Um navio antigo com uma enorme vela foi exposto a extremo perigo de uma explosão como a que agora soprou. 一艘有着巨大风帆的古船,在现在这样的爆炸中,暴露在了极度的危险之中。 The straining of the great sail on the single mast was more than the hull could bear, and the ship might any moment founder in the open sea. |napínání|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||ship's main body||||||||||||| Lo sforzo della grande vela sull'unico albero era superiore a quello che lo scafo poteva sopportare e la nave poteva da un momento all'altro naufragare in mare aperto. Naprężenie wielkiego żagla na pojedynczym maszcie było większe, niż mógł znieść kadłub, i statek mógł w każdej chwili zatonąć na otwartym morzu. O esforço da grande vela no mastro único era mais do que o casco podia suportar, e o navio poderia afundar a qualquer momento em mar aberto. Напруга великого вітрила на єдиній щоглі була більшою, ніж корпус міг витримати, і корабель будь-якої миті міг завалитися у відкритому морі.

The hurricane blew her southwards, away from Crete, and towards the dreaded quicksands of the African coast near Cyrene. ||||||||||||pohyblivé písky||||||Kyrena ||||||||||||dangerous sinking sands|||||| O furacão a levou para o sul, para longe de Creta, em direção às temidas areias movediças da costa africana perto de Cirene. Ураган відніс її на південь, подалі від Криту, до жахливих плавких пісків африканського узбережжя поблизу Кірени.

The violence of the storm continued. Жорстокість шторму тривала. After drifting helplessly at the mercy of the wind and waves for two days and nights, they began to throw overboard the cargo to lighten the ship, and then "with our own hands," says the writer of the Acts, "we threw away all the ship’s fittings and equipment. " ||||||||||||||||||||||||odlehčit loď|||||||||||||||||||||vybavení lodi|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ship's fixtures|| Dopo essere rimasti alla deriva in balia del vento e delle onde per due giorni e due notti, cominciarono a gettare in mare il carico per alleggerire la nave e poi "con le nostre mani", dice lo scrittore degli Atti, "gettammo via tutti gli arredi e le attrezzature della nave". " Depois de vagar impotentes à mercê do vento e das ondas por dois dias e duas noites, eles começaram a jogar ao mar a carga para aliviar o navio, e então "com nossas próprias mãos", diz o escritor dos Atos, "jogamos fora todas as os acessórios e equipamentos do navio." Here is a striking picture of the growing panic. Ecco un'immagine impressionante del panico crescente. Aqui está uma imagem impressionante do pânico crescente. 这是日益严重的恐慌的惊人画面。 Still the wind blew, no sun shone by day, no stars lit the dark sea by night; cold and wet and very hungry, they drifted on towards death and destruction.

At last Paul made his voice heard above the storm. "Sirs, ye should have hearkened to my counsel, and not have set sail from Crete," he said; "thus you would have been spared this harm and loss. ||||naslouchali||||||||||||||||||ušetřeni|||| ||||listened to|||advice||||||||||||||||||| "Signori, avreste dovuto ascoltare il mio consiglio e non salpare da Creta", disse, "così vi sareste risparmiati questo danno e questa perdita". „Panowie, powinniście posłuchać mojej rady i nie wypływać z Krety”, powiedział; „w ten sposób oszczędzono by ci tej krzywdy i straty. "Senhores, devíeis ter dado ouvidos ao meu conselho e não ter zarpado de Creta", disse ele; "assim teríeis sido poupados a este dano e perda. «Панове, ви повинні були послухати мою пораду, а не відпливати з Криту», — сказав він; «Таким чином, ви були б позбавлені цієї шкоди та втрат. “先生们,你们应该听从我的劝告,不要从克里特岛启航,”他说。 “这样你就不会受到这种伤害和损失。 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, but only of the ship. " |||povzbuzuji vás||||||||||||||||||||||| |||urge strongly||||||||||||||||||||||| E ora vi esorto a stare di buon animo, perché non ci sarà perdita di vite umane tra di voi, ma solo della nave". " A teraz napominam was, abyście byli dobrej myśli, bo nikomu z was nie zginie, prócz okrętu. " E agora vos exorto a que tenhais bom ânimo, porque não se perderá a vida de ninguém entre vós, mas somente a do navio. " А тепер я закликаю вас бути бадьорими, бо серед вас не буде загибелі жодної людини, а лише корабель. " The gale continued day and night for fourteen days. O vendaval continuou dia e noite durante catorze dias. At the end of that time, towards midnight, the sailors heard the breaking of waves on a shore. Ao fim desse tempo, perto da meia-noite, os marinheiros ouviram o quebrar das ondas numa praia.

They were nearing land, but the danger was still great, for the ship might be dashed on the rocks and go to pieces. ||approaching|||||||||||||||||||| Si stavano avvicinando alla terraferma, ma il pericolo era ancora grande, perché la nave poteva sbattere sugli scogli e andare in pezzi. Zbliżali się do lądu, ale niebezpieczeństwo wciąż było wielkie, bo statek mógł rozbić się o skały i rozpaść na kawałki. Estavam a aproximar-se de terra, mas o perigo era ainda grande, pois o navio podia bater nas rochas e ficar em pedaços. In an agony of terror they waited for the dawn. No coast was visible, only a wild waste of waters. Nenhuma costa era visível, apenas um deserto selvagem de águas. Узбережжя не було видно, лише дикі води. The sailors, under pretext of casting anchors, lowered a boat, intending to row off and leave the sinking ship and its two hundred and seventy-six passengers to their fate. |||záminkou|||kotvy||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||dropping|heavy weights||||||||||||||||||||||| Os marinheiros, a pretexto de lançar âncoras, baixaram um barco, pretendendo remar e deixar à própria sorte o navio que naufragava e os seus duzentos e setenta e seis passageiros. 水手们以抛锚为借口,放下一艘船,打算划开,让正在沉没的船和它的 276 名乘客听天由命。 Paul saw their intention. Paulo viu a intenção deles. Павло побачив їхній намір.

"Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved," he said to those in authority. ||zůstanou||||||||||||| ||remain in||||||||||||| "Se non rimarranno nella nave, non potrete essere salvati", disse a coloro che avevano l'autorità. „Poza tym, że mieszkają na statku, nie możecie być zbawieni” – powiedział do władzy. "A menos que estes permaneçam no navio, não podereis ser salvos", disse ele às autoridades. «Якщо вони не залишаться на кораблі, ви не можете врятуватися», — сказав він тим, хто має владу. “除非这些人留在船上,否则你们无法得救,”他对当权者说。 They had learnt to listen to the words of this remarkable prisoner. The ropes of the boat were instantly cut, and the sailors' selfish plan failed. As cordas do barco foram cortadas instantaneamente e o plano egoísta dos marinheiros falhou. Мотузки човна були миттєво перерізані, і егоїстичний план моряків провалився. "This is the fourteenth day that you watch and continue fasting, and have taken nothing. ||||||||||půst|||| "Este é o décimo quarto dia que você vigia e continua jejuando, e não tem comido nada. Wherefore I beseech you to take some food: for this is for your safety. " Proto vás žádám||naléhavě prosím||||||||||| ||beg||||||||||| Perciò vi prego di prendere del cibo, perché questo è per la vostra sicurezza". " Dlatego proszę cię, abyś zabrał trochę jedzenia: bo to jest dla twojego bezpieczeństwa. " Rogo-vos, pois, que tomeis alguma coisa para comer, porque isto é para vossa segurança. " 所以我劝你吃点东西:这是为了你的安全。 " Again Paul’s advice was taken. Mais uma vez o conselho de Paulo foi seguido. Знову порада Павла була сприйнята. Daylight came, land was visible, and they made for a pebbly beach and ran the ship aground. ||||||||||oblázková||||||na mělčinu ||||||||||covered in pebbles|||||| Arrivò la luce del giorno, la terra era visibile, si diressero verso una spiaggia di ciottoli e fecero incagliare la nave. Nadszedł dzień, ląd był widoczny, a oni skierowali się na kamienistą plażę i wbili statek na mieliznę. Chegou a luz do dia, a terra era visível, dirigiram-se para uma praia de seixos e encalharam o navio. 天亮了,可以看到陆地,他们驶向一片鹅卵石海滩,把船搁浅了。 By means of boards and broken planks they all reached land safely, while the old ship which had borne them through the storm went to pieces before their eyes. Za pomocą desek i połamanych desek wszyscy bezpiecznie dotarli na ląd, podczas gdy stary statek, który przeniósł ich przez sztorm, rozpadł się na ich oczach. Por meio de tábuas e pranchas partidas, todos chegaram a terra em segurança, enquanto o velho navio que os tinha levado através da tempestade se desfazia diante dos seus olhos.

They had reached Malta, and the bay where they landed is known to-day as St Paul’s Bay. |||Malta|||||||||||||| Eles chegaram a Malta, e a baía onde desembarcaram é hoje conhecida como Baía de São Paulo. Вони досягли Мальти, і бухта, де вони висадилися, відома сьогодні як затока Святого Павла. 他们到达了马耳他,他们登陆的海湾今天被称为圣保罗湾。 The sight of the ship attracted the natives on the island—Phœnician and Greek settlers, subject now to Rome—and they treated the shipwrecked crew with unusual kindness. |||||||||||||||||||||||ztroskotanou posádku|||| Widok statku przyciągnął tubylców na wyspie — osadników fenickich i greckich, podlegających teraz Rzymowi — i potraktowali załogę rozbitka z niezwykłą życzliwością. A visão do navio atraiu os nativos da ilha - colonos fenícios e gregos, agora sujeitos a Roma - e estes trataram a tripulação naufragada com uma bondade invulgar.

For three months, until February opened the sea again to navigation, they stayed at Malta. Три місяці, поки лютий знову не відкрив море для навігації, вони пробули на Мальті. Then another corn-ship from Alexandria—the "Castor and Pollux"—took the passengers on board, and sailed for Syracuse in Sicily. |||||||Kastor||Pollux|||||||||Syrakusy na Sicílii|| Depois, um outro navio de transporte de milho de Alexandria, o "Castor e Pólux", embarcou os passageiros e partiu para Siracusa, na Sicília. Here they waited three days for a good wind, which carried them through the narrow straits of Messina, dividing Italy from Sicily. |||||||||||||||úžiny Messiny||Messinské úžiny|oddělující||| Aqui esperaram três dias por um bom vento, que os levou através do estreito de Messina, que separa a Itália da Sicília. They passed between chains of snow-clad hills, till at last the merchant ship sailed into a beautiful calm blue bay to unload its cargo, and very soon Paul found himself in the great city of Rome herself. ||||||||||||||||||||||vyložit||||||||||||||| Passaram entre cadeias de colinas cobertas de neve, até que finalmente o navio mercante navegou para uma bela baía azul e calma para descarregar a sua carga, e muito em breve Paulo encontrou-se na grande cidade de Roma. Вони пройшли між ланцюгами засніжених пагорбів, поки нарешті торгове судно не запливло в прекрасну спокійну блакитну бухту, щоб вивантажити свій вантаж, і дуже скоро Пол опинився у самому великому місті Римі.

He had already sent a long letter or epistle to the men of Rome. ||||||||epištola||||| ||||||||послание||||| Ele já havia enviado uma longa carta ou epístola aos homens de Roma.

"I long to see you," he had written to them three years before this; "I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are in Rome also. " "Ho voglia di vedervi", aveva scritto loro tre anni prima; "sono pronto a predicare il Vangelo anche a voi che siete a Roma". " „Chcę cię zobaczyć”, napisał do nich trzy lata wcześniej; „Jestem gotów głosić Ewangelię wam, którzy również jesteście w Rzymie”. "Desejo vê-los", ele havia escrito para eles três anos antes disso; "Estou pronto para pregar o Evangelho a vocês que estão em Roma também." Now he was among them. Ora era in mezzo a loro. Agora ele estava entre eles. Тепер він був серед них. True, he was a prisoner: a light chain fastened his hand to that of a soldier who was guarding him, though he had his own house in the city. È vero, era prigioniero: una catena leggera gli legava la mano a quella di un soldato che lo sorvegliava, anche se aveva la sua casa in città. É verdade que ele era um prisioneiro: uma leve corrente prendia sua mão à de um soldado que o guardava, embora ele tivesse sua própria casa na cidade.

And here Paul preached the good news he had brought, and the Romans became Christians in such numbers that they were recognised in the city by the emperor. |||kázal|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||delivered a sermon|||||||||||||||||||||||| Qui Paolo predicò la buona novella che aveva portato, e i romani divennero cristiani in numero tale da essere riconosciuti in città dall'imperatore. E aqui Paulo pregou as boas novas que ele havia trazido, e os romanos se tornaram cristãos em tal número que foram reconhecidos na cidade pelo imperador. І тут Павло проповідував добру новину, яку він приніс, і римляни стали християнами в такій кількості, що імператор їх визнав у місті.