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English LingQ 2.0 Podcast, Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: How Polyglot Steve Kaufmann Uses LingQ 5.0 (2)

Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: How Polyglot Steve Kaufmann Uses LingQ 5.0 (2)

computer, I like to have a sidebar.

So you have the option, you can have a sidebar with the dictionary definition

and so forth permanently sort of like showing up as you go through the lesson.

Uh, whereas on the iPad, I liked the floating sort of LingQ widget

so I can look words up and so forth.

Again, it's these things that it's difficult to explain in great detail,

but it's just more convenient.

I like the color of the lesson page and just more pleasing.

I don't get tired.

I used to, I found the previous lesson page a little bit harsh

and it was a little bit tiring.

So it's a more comfortable environment.

Uh, there are a number of things that can be customized, but I think

initially, you know, certainly I'm not going to try to customize

anything until I've really gotten used to sort of the default settings.

And for me, the default setting in the browser is with that sidebar.

Another thing that's very useful, but only exists for certain languages is if

you click on translate the lesson, you'll get interspersed between the lines of

the target language, the translation, and this is also very helpful.

I think we've all had the experience that we look up individual words um, we don't

understand what they all mean together.

And sure we can try to save a phrase, but sometimes we don't necessarily want

to save the phrase, we just want to get a sense of the meaning and it helps us

go through the text, looking at words.

And so the ability to click and immediately see a translation interspersed

with the lines of texts and the target language, I think is a great improvement.

Wonderful feature.

Another thing that I enjoy is sentenced mode.

I'm in difficult languages, like difficult for me, like Arabic and Persian.

And so I tend to go through them in sentence mode and very often, uh, first

of all, if, if this is an external LingQ from YouTube or something, then,

uh, it's very often timestamped, but the timestamp may not be accurate.

In other words, the audio file doesn't correspond exactly to the text and it's

now so easy in sentence mode to edit the sentence if there's something you

don't like there, or to adjust the start and end the time of that audio, uh,

which then the next time you review it, you'll get matching audio to sentence,

or someone who comes in behind you another member of LingQ will have the

advantage of having that already adjusted.

So I think that's tremendous.

Those are great.


Have you had a chance to try a listening mode?


Listening mode.

It's really good for things like songs.

Listening mode, by the way, is the idea that you see the words highlighted,

I'm going from right to left because I'm in Arabic and Persian, but

obviously left to right if you're in a language that goes left to right.

Uh, but uh, you can be listening and then watching and scrolling

down and watching these words appear highlighted on the screen.

Uh, I like to do that.

Uh, maybe I'll go through that once that way, get a sense of the lesson.

Obviously, a lot of words I didn't understand, then I go in sentence

mode and, and go through, you know, in detail looking at words.

And then I might go back into listening mode to go through it one more time.

So I think that's another great advantage.

Yeah, I like that too.

It's not just, just another thing.


Another element, another, maybe you need something different switch

on listening mode and kind of study that way for a little bit.


I, I think, you know, I believe very much that we learn from exposure and,

but sometimes we get tired of doing the same thing over and over again, so we

can get tired of LingQing for example.

But if we can have some linking some listening mode where we're just following

the, you know, much like karaoke.


Um, I, you know, sentence mode, I can go in there and I'm listening to the audio

file several times in order to adjust the timestamping I'm listening while

I'm doing that, I might review the words in the vocab section changing status.

So all of this is exposure to the language, but a variety of different

kinds of exposure and variety is important because the brain gets

tired of doing the same thing.

Yes for sure.

And you mentioned that the old version yet within the lesson

page made your eyes tired.

Uh, are you using dark mode?

Now we have dark mode available find that really helps.

I see dark mode is very popular with many of our learners but I don't use dark mode.

Ah, okay.


You finding the...

Not every feature, different people like different things.

Personal preference.



Yeah, you can, you can have it, switch it on or off or have it change to day/night

within the system, very helpful feature.

Multiple playlists, uh, appeals to many people.

Uh, I, again, I tend to just, uh, play the course audio.

So if I'm in a course that has 5, 10, 15 lessons what I do most often

is just like play course audio.

And so that if the lessons in it are three minutes long and it takes me

20 minutes to clean up the kitchen, uh, which is when I listen, you know,

half an hour or whatever it might be.

So then I'll just go through that and sometimes I'll

play, uh, you know shuffled.

Uh, so I tend not to create playlists, but, uh, because I tend to use the

course playlist, but many people do create playlists and you can create

playlists for songs, for whatever heading or grouping is of interest to you.

So then you can focus in on that playlist and play that playlist and listen to it.

And of course, all the while that you're listening to your playlist,

you are contibuting to your coins, if that is something of interest to you.

And it is to me, I kind of like it.

Yeah, it is worth pointing out that these external links to YouTube and

Netflix are extremely effective.

You know, we have YouTube, their TED Talks in many languages and, uh, if you find a

subject of interest, then it's so easy to bring it in and start learning from it.

So I think these external links have really enriched our library, the library.

I think we'll continue refining it as we go forward.

I know that the content, for example, for sale, uh, such as the

stories that Olly Richards does, you know, uh, what do you call it?

Graded readers and things of that nature that people like, and they

buy, and these are going, these are not available in every language.

They aren't necessarily being featured as prominently as they

should be in some languages.

There are opportunities for customizing your library.

And again, these are the things that people will gradually, you know, uh,

figure out how to do and, you know, Elle, as you know, we have to come up with

tutorials now for the new LingQ 5.0, to help people do some of these things.

So I think there's enough there to start with for people, but eventually, uh,

I think people will want to customize.

And with the new LingQ 5.0 being more flexible from a programming point

of view, I think it'll be easier to introduce, uh, opportunities for

customization, always bearing in mind that we don't want to confuse people.

So we have, there's this constant struggle between function and the ability to

customize on the other hand, getting rid of clutter and simplification

so that people don't get confused.

Yeah, that's our ongoing struggle to try to find a compromise between

functionality and simplification.

Those tutorial videos are coming.

I just want to say the team we're working on those to, to help, uh,

help new members or just members figuring out this new system.

And also we have, um, the LingQ librarians also working, as you mentioned, content

readers in different languages, we're always searching with librarians in

different languages, searching for new content and, uh, yeah it's just gonna...

the library is just gonna grow and grow and grow.


One function that I forgot about is many people like to bring in text

only material that is of interest to them and isn't necessarily shared with

other people, but they would like to have that, uh, some audio, even if

it's text to speech, it's not ideal.


So we now have the option that you can convert a whole, uh, you know, text

material that you import you can use this automatically convert to text to speech

and you have something to listen to.

So I think that's a good feature.


Oh, for sure.

It's better than nothing.

Yeah, like you say.

Some of these text, text to speech voices are great, of course it's

a bit robotic, but at least you get that listening in with that.

Some languages are better than others.


That's very true.

Uh, you also touched on something that is important and that is that

we do have volunteer librarians helping us uh, improve the libraries.

I mean, there is content in our library that's not very good, content with

poor audio or for whatever reason, or maybe content that is not outside

copyright that shouldn't be there.

And so with the help of our librarians, and I think you're still looking for

more volunteer librarians so that we can make the libraries better for everyone.


I'll pop the info in the description of the video for sure.

The big thing is.

Feels better.


It's very important to be in a comfortable environment in a pleasant

environment when you're studying.

And I think 4.0 was getting a little tired and, uh, the interface wasn't that great.

5.0 is much more pleasant.

We still have a lot of refining to do.

We want to work on the speed of uploading lessons.

Uh, but the main, the first thing was to get the whole thing, you know, working.

And now we will apply the resources that we use to get, you

know, LingQ 5.0 up and running.

We will be applying those same resources to refining it, improving

it, improving the speed, uh, addressing some of the, uh, comments and requests

that we received from our members.

But I'm very excited.

We've turned a page.

We're in a new world as far as LingQ is concerned.


New era.


Like was founded in 2007 LingQ started.

That's a long time.

That's a long time ago.



Well, Steve, thank you so much, so much.

Lots of great info there.

I think the best thing to do is for anyone interested or members to just

get in and try it out and have fun.

Um, yeah.

Thank you so much for joining us, Steve.

And, um, we'll chat again.

Thank you.

Thank you.



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Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: How Polyglot Steve Kaufmann Uses LingQ 5.0 (2) تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية LingQ Podcast #38: كيف يستخدم Polyglot Steve Kaufmann LingQ 5.0 (2) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: Wie der Polyglott Steve Kaufmann LingQ 5.0 verwendet (2) Aprenda inglés LingQ Podcast #38: Cómo utiliza LingQ 5.0 el políglota Steve Kaufmann (2) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38 : Comment le polyglotte Steve Kaufmann utilise LingQ 5.0 (2) Imparare l'inglese LingQ Podcast #38: Come il poliglotta Steve Kaufmann usa LingQ 5.0 (2) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: ポリグロット・スティーブ・カウフマンのLingQ 5.0の使い方 (2) 영어 배우기 LingQ 팟캐스트 #38: 다국어 구사자 스티브 카우프만이 LingQ 5.0을 사용하는 방법 (2) (2) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: Jak poliglota Steve Kaufmann używa LingQ 5.0 (2) Aprenda Inglês LingQ Podcast #38: Como o poliglota Steve Kaufmann usa o LingQ 5.0 (2) Учим английский LingQ Подкаст #38: Как полиглот Стив Кауфман использует LingQ 5.0 (2) Learn English LingQ Podcast #38: Poliglot Steve Kaufmann LingQ 5.0'ı Nasıl Kullanıyor (2) 学习英语 LingQ 播客 #38:多语言 Steve Kaufmann 如何使用 LingQ 5.0 (2) 學習英語 LingQ 播客 #38:多語言 Steve Kaufmann 如何使用 LingQ 5.0 (2)

computer, I like to have a sidebar. ||||||Seitenleiste ||||||barra lateral Computer, habe ich gerne eine Seitenleiste. computer, mi piace avere una barra laterale.

So you have the option, you can have a sidebar with the dictionary definition Sie haben also die Möglichkeit, eine Seitenleiste mit der Wörterbuchdefinition zu haben Quindi hai l'opzione, puoi avere una barra laterale con la definizione del dizionario

and so forth permanently sort of like showing up as you go through the lesson. und so weiter, die ständig im Laufe der Lektion auftauchen. y así sucesivamente permanentemente como apareciendo a medida que avanzas en la lección. e così via in modo permanente, un po' come presentarsi durante la lezione.

Uh, whereas on the iPad, I liked the floating sort of LingQ widget ||||||||||||Widget ||||||||||||ferramenta Ling ||||||||||||widget de LingQ آه، بينما على جهاز iPad، أحببت النوع العائم من أداة LingQ Auf dem iPad hingegen mochte ich die schwebende Art des LingQ-Widgets Mientras que en el iPad, me gustaba el widget flotante de LingQ...

so I can look words up and so forth. damit ich Wörter nachschlagen kann und so weiter. para poder buscar palabras y demás.

Again, it's these things that it's difficult to explain in great detail,

but it's just more convenient. aber es ist einfach bequemer.

I like the color of the lesson page and just more pleasing. Ich mag die Farbe der Lektionsseite und sie gefällt mir einfach besser.

I don't get tired. Ich werde nicht müde. non mi stanco.

I used to, I found the previous lesson page a little bit harsh ||||||||||||dura اعتدت أن أجد صفحة الدرس السابق قاسية بعض الشيء Früher fand ich die vorherige Lektionsseite ein bisschen hart Antes, la página de la lección anterior me parecía un poco dura Una volta, trovavo la pagina della lezione precedente un po' dura Kiedyś, poprzednia strona z lekcjami była dla mnie trochę szorstka Eu costumava, achei a página da lição anterior um pouco dura

and it was a little bit tiring. ||||||cansativo und es war ein bisschen anstrengend.

So it's a more comfortable environment. Quindi è un ambiente più confortevole.

Uh, there are a number of things that can be customized, but I think ||||||||||personalizadas||| ||||||||||personalizadas||| Es gibt eine Reihe von Dingen, die angepasst werden können, aber ich denke

initially, you know, certainly I'm not going to try to customize ||||||||||personalizar Zunächst einmal werde ich sicherlich nicht versuchen, die

anything until I've really gotten used to sort of the default settings. bis ich mich wirklich an die Standardeinstellungen gewöhnt habe. nada hasta que me haya acostumbrado a la configuración por defecto. qualsiasi cosa fino a quando non mi sono davvero abituato a ordinare le impostazioni predefinite.

And for me, the default setting in the browser is with that sidebar. E per me, l'impostazione predefinita nel browser è con quella barra laterale.

Another thing that's very useful, but only exists for certain languages is if Un'altra cosa molto utile, ma che esiste solo per alcune lingue, è if

you click on translate the lesson, you'll get interspersed between the lines of ||||||||eingestreut|||| ||||||||mixed in|||| ||||||||intercaladas|||| ||||||||intercaladas|||| Wenn Sie auf "Lektion übersetzen" klicken, werden Sie zwischen den Zeilen mit fai clic su traduci la lezione, verrai intervallato tra le righe di

the target language, the translation, and this is also very helpful. la lengua de llegada, la traducción, y esto también es muy útil.

I think we've all had the experience that we look up individual words um, we don't Penso che tutti abbiamo avuto l'esperienza di cercare singole parole ehm, non lo facciamo

understand what they all mean together. capire cosa significano tutti insieme.

And sure we can try to save a phrase, but sometimes we don't necessarily want E certo possiamo provare a salvare una frase, ma a volte non lo vogliamo necessariamente

to save the phrase, we just want to get a sense of the meaning and it helps us per salvare la frase, vogliamo solo avere un'idea del significato e questo ci aiuta

go through the text, looking at words.

And so the ability to click and immediately see a translation interspersed |||||||||||intercalada E così la possibilità di fare clic e vedere immediatamente una traduzione intervallata

with the lines of texts and the target language, I think is a great improvement. with the lines of texts and the target language, I think is a great improvement.

Wonderful feature. Caratteristica meravigliosa.

Another thing that I enjoy is sentenced mode. Eine andere Sache, die ich genieße, ist der Satzmodus. Un'altra cosa che mi piace è la modalità condanna.

I'm in difficult languages, like difficult for me, like Arabic and Persian. Ich spreche schwierige Sprachen, die mir schwer fallen, wie Arabisch und Persisch.

And so I tend to go through them in sentence mode and very often, uh, first Ich neige also dazu, sie im Satzmodus durchzugehen, und sehr oft, äh, zuerst Y así tiendo a ir a través de ellos en el modo de oración y muy a menudo, eh, primero

of all, if, if this is an external LingQ from YouTube or something, then, vor allem, wenn es sich um einen externen LingQ von YouTube oder so handelt, dann, de todo, si, si se trata de un LingQ externa de YouTube o algo así, entonces,

uh, it's very often timestamped, but the timestamp may not be accurate. ||||zeitgestempelt|||Zeitstempel(1)|||| |||||||timestamp|||| ||||con fecha y hora|||marca de tiempo|||| ||||com data e hora||||||| uh, es muy a menudo timestamped, pero la marca de tiempo puede no ser exacta. uh, molto spesso è contrassegnato con data e ora, ma il timestamp potrebbe non essere accurato.

In other words, the audio file doesn't correspond exactly to the text and it's

now so easy in sentence mode to edit the sentence if there's something you

don't like there, or to adjust the start and end the time of that audio, uh,

which then the next time you review it, you'll get matching audio to sentence, que la próxima vez que lo revises, conseguirás que el audio coincida con la frase,

or someone who comes in behind you another member of LingQ will have the o qualcuno che arriva dietro di te avrà un altro membro di LingQ

advantage of having that already adjusted.

So I think that's tremendous.

Those are great. Sono fantastici.


Have you had a chance to try a listening mode? Hai avuto modo di provare una modalità di ascolto?


Listening mode.

It's really good for things like songs. È davvero buono per cose come le canzoni.

Listening mode, by the way, is the idea that you see the words highlighted,

I'm going from right to left because I'm in Arabic and Persian, but Voy de derecha a izquierda porque estoy en árabe y persa, pero Vado da destra a sinistra perché sono in arabo e persiano, ma

obviously left to right if you're in a language that goes left to right. natürlich von links nach rechts, wenn Sie eine Sprache sprechen, die von links nach rechts geschrieben wird.

Uh, but uh, you can be listening and then watching and scrolling Uh, ma uh, puoi ascoltare e poi guardare e scorrere

down and watching these words appear highlighted on the screen.

Uh, I like to do that.

Uh, maybe I'll go through that once that way, get a sense of the lesson. Uh, tal vez voy a ir a través de que una vez de esa manera, tener una idea de la lección. Uh, forse lo affronterò una volta in quel modo, per farmi un'idea della lezione.

Obviously, a lot of words I didn't understand, then I go in sentence

mode and, and go through, you know, in detail looking at words.

And then I might go back into listening mode to go through it one more time. E poi potrei tornare in modalità di ascolto per ripercorrerlo ancora una volta.

So I think that's another great advantage.

Yeah, I like that too. Sì, mi piace anche quello.

It's not just, just another thing. Non è solo, solo un'altra cosa.


Another element, another, maybe you need something different switch Un altro elemento, un altro, forse hai bisogno di cambiare qualcosa di diverso

on listening mode and kind of study that way for a little bit. en modo escucha y estudiar así un rato. 在聆听模式下,并以这种方式进行一点学习。


I, I think, you know, I believe very much that we learn from exposure and, Io, penso, sai, credo molto che impariamo dall'esposizione e,

but sometimes we get tired of doing the same thing over and over again, so we

can get tired of LingQing for example. ||||LingQing|| può stancarsi di LingQing per esempio.

But if we can have some linking some listening mode where we're just following Ma se possiamo avere dei collegamenti, una modalità di ascolto in cui stiamo solo seguendo

the, you know, much like karaoke. il, sai, proprio come il karaoke.


Um, I, you know, sentence mode, I can go in there and I'm listening to the audio

file several times in order to adjust the timestamping I'm listening while ||||||||Zeitstempel||| ||||||||marcación de tiempo|||

I'm doing that, I might review the words in the vocab section changing status.

So all of this is exposure to the language, but a variety of different

kinds of exposure and variety is important because the brain gets

tired of doing the same thing.

Yes for sure.

And you mentioned that the old version yet within the lesson Y usted mencionó que la versión antigua todavía dentro de la lección

page made your eyes tired.

Uh, are you using dark mode? Uh, stai usando la modalità oscura?

Now we have dark mode available find that really helps. Ora abbiamo la modalità oscura disponibile che aiuta davvero.

I see dark mode is very popular with many of our learners but I don't use dark mode.

Ah, okay.


You finding the...

Not every feature, different people like different things. No todas las características, a cada persona le gustan cosas diferentes. Non tutte le funzionalità, a persone diverse piacciono cose diverse.

Personal preference. |personal choice Persönliche Vorliebe.



Yeah, you can, you can have it, switch it on or off or have it change to day/night Sì, puoi, puoi averlo, accenderlo o spegnerlo o farlo cambiare in giorno/notte

within the system, very helpful feature.

Multiple playlists, uh, appeals to many people. Playlist multiple, uh, fanno appello a molte persone.

Uh, I, again, I tend to just, uh, play the course audio. Uh, io, di nuovo, tendo solo a riprodurre l'audio del corso.

So if I'm in a course that has 5, 10, 15 lessons what I do most often Wenn ich also in einem Kurs bin, der 5, 10 oder 15 Lektionen hat, mache ich meistens Así que si estoy en un curso que tiene 5, 10, 15 lecciones lo que hago más a menudo

is just like play course audio. ist genau wie der Spielkurs Audio. è proprio come riprodurre l'audio del corso.

And so that if the lessons in it are three minutes long and it takes me Und wenn die Lektionen darin drei Minuten lang sind und ich dafür E così che se le lezioni in esso sono lunghe tre minuti e mi ci vuole

20 minutes to clean up the kitchen, uh, which is when I listen, you know, 20 Minuten, um die Küche aufzuräumen, dann höre ich zu, wissen Sie,

half an hour or whatever it might be. eine halbe Stunde oder was immer es sein mag.

So then I'll just go through that and sometimes I'll Dann gehe ich das einfach durch, und manchmal werde ich Quindi lo affronterò ea volte lo farò

play, uh, you know shuffled. ||||gemischt ||||mezclado ||||misturado spielen, äh, du weißt schon, gemischt. gioca, uh, sai mescolato.

Uh, so I tend not to create playlists, but, uh, because I tend to use the

course playlist, but many people do create playlists and you can create

playlists for songs, for whatever heading or grouping is of interest to you. |||||||Gruppe||||| |||||||agrupamento||||| |||||||agrupación||||| playlist per canzoni, per qualunque titolo o raggruppamento ti interessi.

So then you can focus in on that playlist and play that playlist and listen to it.

And of course, all the while that you're listening to your playlist, 当然,当你在听播放列表的时候,

you are contibuting to your coins, if that is something of interest to you. ||beitragen||||||||||| ||contribuindo||||||||||| ||contribuyendo a|||||||||||

And it is to me, I kind of like it. Y a mí me gusta.

Yeah, it is worth pointing out that these external links to YouTube and Ja, es ist erwähnenswert, dass diese externen Links zu YouTube und Sí, vale la pena señalar que estos enlaces externos a YouTube y Sì, vale la pena sottolineare che questi collegamenti esterni a YouTube e

Netflix are extremely effective.

You know, we have YouTube, their TED Talks in many languages and, uh, if you find a

subject of interest, then it's so easy to bring it in and start learning from it. argomento di interesse, allora è così facile introdurlo e iniziare a imparare da esso.

So I think these external links have really enriched our library, the library. ||||||||enriquecido|||| ||||||||enriquecido||||

I think we'll continue refining it as we go forward. ||||verfeinern||||| Creo que seguiremos perfeccionándolo a medida que avancemos. Penso che continueremo a perfezionarlo man mano che andiamo avanti.

I know that the content, for example, for sale, uh, such as the

stories that Olly Richards does, you know, uh, what do you call it?

Graded readers and things of that nature that people like, and they

buy, and these are going, these are not available in every language.

They aren't necessarily being featured as prominently as they ||||||deutlich|| ||||||de manera destacada|| ||||||de forma destacada|| No se les da tanta importancia como se les da. 它们并不一定像它们那样引人注目

should be in some languages. 应该有几种语言版本。

There are opportunities for customizing your library. ||||Anpassung|| ||||personalizar|| ||||personalización||

And again, these are the things that people will gradually, you know, uh,

figure out how to do and, you know, Elle, as you know, we have to come up with

tutorials now for the new LingQ 5.0, to help people do some of these things. Tutorials|||||||||||||

So I think there's enough there to start with for people, but eventually, uh,

I think people will want to customize. ||||||personalizarán

And with the new LingQ 5.0 being more flexible from a programming point 新的 LingQ 5.0 从编程角度来看更加灵活

of view, I think it'll be easier to introduce, uh, opportunities for

customization, always bearing in mind that we don't want to confuse people. Anpassung (1)||im Hinterkopf||||||||| personalização||tendo em conta||||||||| personalización||teniendo en cuenta||||||||| personalización, siempre teniendo en cuenta que no queremos confundir a la gente.

So we have, there's this constant struggle between function and the ability to

customize on the other hand, getting rid of clutter and simplification ||||||||Unordnung|| ||||||||desorden||simplificación ||||||||desordem|e|simplificação Anpassen andererseits, Entrümpeln und Vereinfachen personalizar por otro lado, deshacerse del desorden y simplificar personalizar, por outro lado, a eliminação da desordem e a simplificação

so that people don't get confused.

Yeah, that's our ongoing struggle to try to find a compromise between

functionality and simplification.

Those tutorial videos are coming. |os tutoriais|||

I just want to say the team we're working on those to, to help, uh,

help new members or just members figuring out this new system.

And also we have, um, the LingQ librarians also working, as you mentioned, content |||||||Bibliothekare|||||| |||||||os bibliotecários||||||

readers in different languages, we're always searching with librarians in ||||||||Bibliothekaren|

different languages, searching for new content and, uh, yeah it's just gonna...

the library is just gonna grow and grow and grow. Die Bibliothek wird wachsen und wachsen und wachsen.


One function that I forgot about is many people like to bring in text

only material that is of interest to them and isn't necessarily shared with nur Material, das für sie von Interesse ist und nicht unbedingt mit anderen geteilt wird

other people, but they would like to have that, uh, some audio, even if

it's text to speech, it's not ideal. es ist Text in Sprache, das ist nicht ideal.


So we now have the option that you can convert a whole, uh, you know, text

material that you import you can use this automatically convert to text to speech

and you have something to listen to.

So I think that's a good feature.


Oh, for sure.

It's better than nothing.

Yeah, like you say.

Some of these text, text to speech voices are great, of course it's

a bit robotic, but at least you get that listening in with that. ||roboterhaft|||||||||| ein bisschen roboterhaft, aber damit bekommt man wenigstens das Zuhören mit.

Some languages are better than others.


That's very true.

Uh, you also touched on something that is important and that is that |||tocou||||||||| Uh, también tocaste algo que es importante y es que

we do have volunteer librarians helping us uh, improve the libraries.

I mean, there is content in our library that's not very good, content with

poor audio or for whatever reason, or maybe content that is not outside schlechter Ton oder aus welchem Grund auch immer, oder vielleicht Inhalte, die nicht außerhalb audio pobre o por la razón que sea, o tal vez contenido que no está fuera de

copyright that shouldn't be there. авторське право|||| Urheberrecht, das dort nicht sein sollte.

And so with the help of our librarians, and I think you're still looking for

more volunteer librarians so that we can make the libraries better for everyone.


I'll pop the info in the description of the video for sure. Ich werde die Info auf jeden Fall in die Beschreibung des Videos einfügen. Metterò sicuramente le informazioni nella descrizione del video.

The big thing is.

Feels better.


It's very important to be in a comfortable environment in a pleasant

environment when you're studying.

And I think 4.0 was getting a little tired and, uh, the interface wasn't that great. |||||||||||interface de usuário|||

5.0 is much more pleasant.

We still have a lot of refining to do. Wir haben noch viel zu tun.

We want to work on the speed of uploading lessons. ||||||||o envio|

Uh, but the main, the first thing was to get the whole thing, you know, working.

And now we will apply the resources that we use to get, you E ora applicheremo le risorse che usiamo per ottenere, tu

know, LingQ 5.0 up and running. sai, LingQ 5.0 è attivo e funzionante.

We will be applying those same resources to refining it, improving |||anwenden|||||||

it, improving the speed, uh, addressing some of the, uh, comments and requests ||||||||||||Anfragen

that we received from our members.

But I'm very excited.

We've turned a page. Wir haben ein neues Kapitel aufgeschlagen.

We're in a new world as far as LingQ is concerned. Wir befinden uns in einer neuen Welt, was LingQ betrifft. Estamos en un mundo nuevo en lo que respecta a LingQ. Siamo in un nuovo mondo per quanto riguarda LingQ. Estamos num novo mundo no que diz respeito à LingQ.


New era.


Like was founded in 2007 LingQ started. Wie wurde 2007 gegründet LingQ gestartet.

That's a long time.

That's a long time ago.



Well, Steve, thank you so much, so much.

Lots of great info there.

I think the best thing to do is for anyone interested or members to just

get in and try it out and have fun. Steigen Sie ein, probieren Sie es aus und haben Sie Spaß.

Um, yeah.

Thank you so much for joining us, Steve.

And, um, we'll chat again. Und, ähm, wir werden uns wieder unterhalten.

Thank you.

Thank you.

B-bye adiós|
