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It`s Okay To Be Smart, Elephant Moms Carry the Wisdom of Generations | IN OUR NATURE (3)

Elephant Moms Carry the Wisdom of Generations | IN OUR NATURE (3)

Just like with the sparrows who don't love the old birds' music, because remember that's

how they pick their mates.

If they don't like the songs, they're not going to mate.

And when cultures at risk, individuals or even species are at risk.

You guys know this term biodiversity?

It's basically one way that we measure the health of ecosystems, right?

On one level you got genetic diversity.

And then on another level above that, you've got how many species there are in a particular

habitat or ecosystem.

And then finally you've got how many habitats and ecosystems.

But I'm realizing when it comes to the diversity of life, that doesn't quite cover it.

For many species, I think there's another dimension of biodiversity, cultural diversity.

And I think we're just beginning to appreciate how rich that is.

We're not so different from these other animals that we share the planet with.

And it makes you think, if our ways of living deserve to survive, don't theirs too?

Something to think about.

We'll see you in the next chapter.



Elephant Moms Carry the Wisdom of Generations | IN OUR NATURE (3) Elefantenmütter tragen die Weisheit von Generationen in sich | IN UNSERER NATUR (3) Las mamás elefante llevan la sabiduría de generaciones | EN NUESTRA NATURALEZA (3) Les mamans éléphants portent la sagesse des générations | DANS NOTRE NATURE (3) Le mamme elefante portano la saggezza di generazioni | NELLA NOSTRA NATURA (3) ゾウのママは何世代もの知恵を受け継いでいる|IN OUR NATURE (3) Elephant Moms dragen de wijsheid van generaties | IN ONZE NATUUR (3) Słoniowe mamy niosą mądrość pokoleń | W NASZEJ NATURZE (3) Mães elefante carregam a sabedoria de gerações | NA NOSSA NATUREZA (3) Мамы-слонихи несут мудрость поколений | В НАШЕЙ НАТУРЕ (3) Fil Anneler Nesillerin Bilgeliğini Taşıyor | DOĞAMIZDA (3) 大象妈妈传承了几代人的智慧我们的本性 (3) 大象媽媽傳承了幾代的智慧我們的本性 (3)

Just like with the sparrows who don't love the old birds' music, because remember that's Assim como os pardais que não gostam da música dos velhos pássaros, porque lembre-se que é

how they pick their mates.

If they don't like the songs, they're not going to mate.

And when cultures at risk, individuals or even species are at risk.

You guys know this term biodiversity?

It's basically one way that we measure the health of ecosystems, right?

On one level you got genetic diversity.

And then on another level above that, you've got how many species there are in a particular

habitat or ecosystem.

And then finally you've got how many habitats and ecosystems.

But I'm realizing when it comes to the diversity of life, that doesn't quite cover it.

For many species, I think there's another dimension of biodiversity, cultural diversity.

And I think we're just beginning to appreciate how rich that is.

We're not so different from these other animals that we share the planet with.

And it makes you think, if our ways of living deserve to survive, don't theirs too?

Something to think about.

We'll see you in the next chapter.

