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The Running Channel, How Not To F* Up Your Marathon

How Not To F* Up Your Marathon

You've made it. It's nearly race day.

All your hard work is about to pay off as you have the glorious moment of

crossing that finish line. Just

make sure you don't fudge it up.

Here are 10 things to keep in mind so that you don't stumble at the last hurdle

and finish your marathon strong.

But first we're hoping to reach 500,000 subscribers by Christmas.

Please do hit that subscribe button and help us out.

You know you want to, go on! Now, let's get to it.

We say it all the time, but it's so important. Nothing new on race day.

Trust me.

I have made that mistake before. You don't want to end up missing your marathon

goal because you had to queue for the toilets at mile 15,

after trying a new gel.

Now is not the time to try a brand new diet.

There are lots of tempting options out there,

but it takes time for your body to adjust.

And it's so important to maintain the routine that you've started in your

training. Make sure your meals in the week leading up to race day

feature more of a focus on carbs to fill up those glycogen stores and

eat the breakfast that you practice with in training on race day morning.

New running socks or shoes can make you feel like a boss.

And everyone wants to look and feel their best on race day,

but it won't feel so great when you're on mile four and you've got a bulging blister,

and you've still got 20 miles left. And you won't thank yourself the day after.

Also don't go getting overexcited at the expo. Yes,

there are lots of cool new things that you haven't heard of yet. Yes,

it's shiny and the atmosphere is full of anticipation. Yes,

it's tempting to test out loads of new things, but no.

Don't do it. You might want to see how long you can run at

Kipchoge's marathon pace for, and yes,

there might be a giant treadmill at that speed,

but that doesn't mean you should and take my word for it. It's very hard.

It can be tempting to go out for a final long run before marathon day.

You're in a routine and it just feels natural, right? Wrong.

You need to let your legs have time to rest and recover so that you're fresh on race day.

This includes walking.

Don't get over excited and agree to go on a giant hike or city sightseeing tour

in the week leading up to your marathon. Time on your feet is time on your feet.

In fact, consider your level of activity the week before. Steer clear of extreme sports

and try to prevent anything that will overexert you.

The marathon takes priority this week. And that means resting up.

Swot up ahead of race day. Read all the info on the website,

work out what you need to bring, where the bag drop is,

where the aid stations are and what they have available and the best place that

your spectators can support you.

Also check whether there are certain kit that's approved and other things that

you aren't allowed on the course.

There's nothing worse than selecting a power anthem for your mile 20 dip

and then discovering that headphone use could get you disqualified from the race.

Plus, you've been preparing for this day for months

now. You might as well know everything you need to know to make your race the

best day ever.

Check the weather ahead of your race so that you can make sure you know what kit

will suit the conditions best.

Rain or shine, the marathon is going to happen. So give yourself a head

start by being prepared, whatever.

Don't worry about

overpacking - there should be a bag drop to leave anything surplus that you don't

need at the start line. If it's a bit of a chilly day or chilly morning,

you might want a jumper for afterwards. And if it's rainy,

your feet will thank you for a dry pair of socks and shoes.

Plan ahead and look after yourself. If it's hot,

consider having a chilled bottle in your bag for the finish.

You will appreciate it more than you can ever imagine.

It always takes longer to get to the start line than you think it will.

It's likely there'll be road closures and allocated meeting points.

If you've listened to us already, then you've done your research, no sweat.

But do get up early just in case and leave ample time to arrive.

It's much better to arrive at the start line too soon and have enough time for a

nervous wee than find yourself running late, running through the city,

adding an extra mile or two onto that already extremely long run that's coming up.

There's nothing more exciting than being in a sea of people at the start of a

marathon. The atmosphere is something else.

It can be tempting to get swept up in the frivolities,

but it's important to start slow and ease in.

Don't forget that you are running a long distance race.

In this case, it really is a marathon and not a sprint. See what I did there?

I did actually.

At 10 miles in. You are really in your stride. You've soaked up the atmosphere,

you've found your rhythm. You're on fire. You could go on

forever. Warning. It's a trap. Do not pick up the pace. I repeat,

do not pick up the pace. Right now, you feel amazing,

but you still have a really, really long way to go.

If you let your speed increase now, you will be paying for it later.

Sometimes being so focused on your race day goal can be a good thing,

but other times it isn't. Having a bit of flexibility on race

day could be exactly what you need because things don't always go to plan, and

you know what, that's okay.

Yeah. Consider having a plan B. Plan A

could be your goal time and plan B can be the plan for if everything doesn't

quite go right.

It might be that plan B is to finish it or to hit a landmark by a certain


Knowing that you have a plan B can be something that you're hold in your back

pocket to keep you going

if everything seems lost and your motivation is dwindling. You could even consider

having a plan C.

You might have finished your race,

but don't go funking up someone else's by stopping directly on the finish line.

Imagine going for a PB and then missing it because you can't get round

all the finishers piling up on the line. Not cool.

Finally have fun. This is your day.

You've put in so much hard work and training and should be oh

so proud that you've come this far. This is the best bit. The home stretch,

the victory lap, the final countdown. The moment you've been waiting for.

So have the best time. You have got this, just don't fluff it up.

Got any tips that we've missed? Let us know how you get on in the races

in the comments below, and we'll see you next time on The Running Channel.

How Not To F* Up Your Marathon So vermasseln Sie Ihren Marathon nicht How Not To F* Up Your Marathon Comment ne pas gâcher votre marathon マラソンを台無しにしない方法 마라톤을 망치지 않는 방법 Jak nie spieprzyć swojego maratonu Como não estragar a sua maratona Как не испортить свой марафон Maratonunuzu Nasıl Batırmazsınız? 如何不搞砸你的马拉松比赛

You've made it. It's nearly race day. Você conseguiu. É quase dia de corrida. 你成功了。快到比赛日了。

All your hard work is about to pay off as you have the glorious moment of 你所有的努力即将得到回报,因为你有光荣的时刻

crossing that finish line. Just 越过那条终点线。只是

make sure you don't fudge it up. 确保你没有捏造它。

Here are 10 things to keep in mind so that you don't stumble at the last hurdle 这里有 10 件事要记住,这样你就不会在最后一个障碍上绊倒

and finish your marathon strong. 并坚强地完成你的马拉松比赛。

But first we're hoping to reach 500,000 subscribers by Christmas. 但首先我们希望在圣诞节前达到 500,000 名订阅者。

Please do hit that subscribe button and help us out. 请点击订阅按钮并帮助我们。

You know you want to, go on! Now, let's get to it. 你知道你想要,继续!现在,让我们开始吧。

We say it all the time, but it's so important. Nothing new on race day. 我们一直在说,但这很重要。比赛当天没有什么新鲜事。

Trust me. 相信我。

I have made that mistake before. You don't want to end up missing your marathon 我以前犯过那个错误。你不想错过你的马拉松比赛

goal because you had to queue for the toilets at mile 15, 目标是因为你必须在 15 英里处排队等厕所,

after trying a new gel. 试用新凝胶后。

Now is not the time to try a brand new diet. 现在不是尝试全新饮食的时候。

There are lots of tempting options out there, 那里有很多诱人的选择,

but it takes time for your body to adjust. 但是你的身体需要时间来适应。

And it's so important to maintain the routine that you've started in your 保持您已经开始的例程非常重要

training. Make sure your meals in the week leading up to race day 训练。确保在比赛日之前的一周内进餐

feature more of a focus on carbs to fill up those glycogen stores and 更多地关注碳水化合物来填充那些糖原储存和

eat the breakfast that you practice with in training on race day morning. 在比赛日早上吃你在训练中练习的早餐。

New running socks or shoes can make you feel like a boss. 新的跑步袜子或鞋子会让您感觉自己像个老板。

And everyone wants to look and feel their best on race day, 每个人都希望在比赛当天看起来和感觉最好,

but it won't feel so great when you're on mile four and you've got a bulging blister, 但是当你跑到第四英里的时候你的水泡鼓了起来,感觉就不那么好了,

and you've still got 20 miles left. And you won't thank yourself the day after. 你还剩下 20 英里。第二天你不会感谢自己。

Also don't go getting overexcited at the expo. Yes, 也不要在世博会上过度兴奋。是的,

there are lots of cool new things that you haven't heard of yet. Yes, 有许多您还没有听说过的很酷的新事物。是的,

it's shiny and the atmosphere is full of anticipation. Yes, 它闪闪发光,气氛充满期待。是的,

it's tempting to test out loads of new things, but no. 测试大量新事物很诱人,但是不行。

Don't do it. You might want to see how long you can run at 不要这样做。你可能想看看你能跑多长时间

Kipchoge's marathon pace for, and yes,

there might be a giant treadmill at that speed,

but that doesn't mean you should and take my word for it. It's very hard. 但这并不意味着你应该相信我的话。这很难。

It can be tempting to go out for a final long run before marathon day. 在马拉松日之前出去进行最后一次长跑可能很诱人。

You're in a routine and it just feels natural, right? Wrong. 你在例行公事中,感觉很自然,对吧?错误的。

You need to let your legs have time to rest and recover so that you're fresh on race day. 您需要让您的双腿有时间休息和恢复,以便您在比赛当天精神焕发。

This includes walking. 这包括步行。

Don't get over excited and agree to go on a giant hike or city sightseeing tour 不要过度兴奋并同意进行大型徒步旅行或城市观光旅游

in the week leading up to your marathon. Time on your feet is time on your feet. 在你的马拉松比赛前一周。站起来的时间就是站起来的时间。 在馬拉鬆比賽前一周。腳踏實地的時間就是腳踏實地的時間。

In fact, consider your level of activity the week before. Steer clear of extreme sports 事实上,考虑一下您前一周的活动水平。远离极限运动

and try to prevent anything that will overexert you. 并尽量避免任何会让你过度劳累的事情。

The marathon takes priority this week. And that means resting up. 本周马拉松优先。这意味着休息。

Swot up ahead of race day. Read all the info on the website, 在比赛日之前迅速行动起来。阅读网站上的所有信息,

work out what you need to bring, where the bag drop is,

where the aid stations are and what they have available and the best place that 救助站在哪里,他们有什么,最好的地方

your spectators can support you. 你的观众会支持你。

Also check whether there are certain kit that's approved and other things that 还要检查是否有某些套件已获批准和其他东西

you aren't allowed on the course. 你不被允许参加课程。

There's nothing worse than selecting a power anthem for your mile 20 dip 没有什么比为您的 20 英里游泳选择一首有力的歌曲更糟糕的了

and then discovering that headphone use could get you disqualified from the race. 然后发现使用耳机可能会让你失去比赛资格。

Plus, you've been preparing for this day for months 另外,你已经为这一天准备了好几个月

now. You might as well know everything you need to know to make your race the 现在。您不妨知道使您的比赛成为世界冠军所需知道的一切

best day ever. 最好的一天。

Check the weather ahead of your race so that you can make sure you know what kit 在比赛前检查天气,以确保您知道什么装备

will suit the conditions best. 将最适合条件。

Rain or shine, the marathon is going to happen. So give yourself a head 风雨无阻,马拉松比赛即将举行。所以给自己一个头

start by being prepared, whatever. 从准备开始,无论如何。

Don't worry about

overpacking - there should be a bag drop to leave anything surplus that you don't 过度包装 - 应该有一个行李托运处,以留下任何多余的东西

need at the start line. If it's a bit of a chilly day or chilly morning,

you might want a jumper for afterwards. And if it's rainy, 之后您可能需要一件套头衫。如果下雨,

your feet will thank you for a dry pair of socks and shoes. 你的脚会感谢你有一双干燥的袜子和鞋子。

Plan ahead and look after yourself. If it's hot, 提前计划并照顾好自己。天热的话

consider having a chilled bottle in your bag for the finish. 考虑在你的包里放一个冰镇的瓶子来完成。

You will appreciate it more than you can ever imagine.

It always takes longer to get to the start line than you think it will. 到达起跑线的时间总是比您想象的要长。

It's likely there'll be road closures and allocated meeting points. 很可能会有道路封闭和分配的会面点。

If you've listened to us already, then you've done your research, no sweat. 如果您已经听过我们的意见,那么您已经完成了研究,不用费力。

But do get up early just in case and leave ample time to arrive. 但是为了以防万一,一定要早起,并留出足够的时间到达。

It's much better to arrive at the start line too soon and have enough time for a 过早到达起跑线并有足够的时间进行比赛要好得多

nervous wee than find yourself running late, running through the city, 紧张的凌晨比发现自己迟到了,穿过城市,

adding an extra mile or two onto that already extremely long run that's coming up. 在即将到来的已经非常长的跑道上再多跑一两英里。

There's nothing more exciting than being in a sea of people at the start of a 没有什么比一开始就置身于人山人海更令人兴奋的了

marathon. The atmosphere is something else. 马拉松。气氛是另一回事。

It can be tempting to get swept up in the frivolities, 卷入琐碎的事情可能很诱人,

but it's important to start slow and ease in. 但重要的是要慢慢开始并慢慢适应。

Don't forget that you are running a long distance race. 别忘了你是在跑长跑。

In this case, it really is a marathon and not a sprint. See what I did there? 在这种情况下,它真的是一场马拉松而不是短跑。看到我在那里做了什么吗?

I did actually. 我确实做到了。

At 10 miles in. You are really in your stride. You've soaked up the atmosphere, 在 10 英里内。您真的很从容。你已经吸收了气氛,

you've found your rhythm. You're on fire. You could go on 你找到了自己的节奏。你着火了。你可以继续

forever. Warning. It's a trap. Do not pick up the pace. I repeat, 永远。警告。这是一个陷阱。不要加快步伐。我重复,

do not pick up the pace. Right now, you feel amazing, 不要加快步伐。此刻,你感觉很棒,

but you still have a really, really long way to go. 但你还有很长的路要走。

If you let your speed increase now, you will be paying for it later. 如果你现在让你的速度提高,你将在以后付出代价。

Sometimes being so focused on your race day goal can be a good thing, 有时如此专注于你的比赛日目标可能是一件好事,

but other times it isn't. Having a bit of flexibility on race 但其他时候不是。在比赛中有一点灵活性

day could be exactly what you need because things don't always go to plan, and 一天可能正是你所需要的,因为事情并不总是按计划进行,而且

you know what, that's okay. 你知道吗,没关系。

Yeah. Consider having a plan B. Plan A 是的。考虑制定 B 计划。 A 计划

could be your goal time and plan B can be the plan for if everything doesn't 可能是你的目标时间和计划 B 可以是如果一切都没有的计划

quite go right. 相当正确。

It might be that plan B is to finish it or to hit a landmark by a certain 可能是计划 B 是完成它或达到某个地标


Knowing that you have a plan B can be something that you're hold in your back 知道您有 B 计划可能是您的后顾之忧

pocket to keep you going 让你继续前进的口袋

if everything seems lost and your motivation is dwindling. You could even consider 如果一切似乎都失去了,你的动力正在减弱。你甚至可以考虑

having a plan C. 有计划 C.

You might have finished your race, 你可能已经完成了你的比赛,

but don't go funking up someone else's by stopping directly on the finish line. 但不要通过直接停在终点线上来激怒别人。

Imagine going for a PB and then missing it because you can't get round 想象一下去买 PB,然后因为无法绕过而错过了它

all the finishers piling up on the line. Not cool. 所有完成者都堆积在线上。不酷。

Finally have fun. This is your day. 终于玩得开心了。这是你的一天。

You've put in so much hard work and training and should be oh 你付出了如此多的努力和训练,应该是哦

so proud that you've come this far. This is the best bit. The home stretch, 很自豪你能走到这一步。这是最好的一点。本垒打,

the victory lap, the final countdown. The moment you've been waiting for. 胜利圈,最后的倒计时。你一直在等待的那一刻。

So have the best time. You have got this, just don't fluff it up. 所以要过最好的时光。你已经明白了,只是不要弄乱它。

Got any tips that we've missed? Let us know how you get on in the races 有任何我们错过的提示吗?让我们知道您在比赛中的表现

in the comments below, and we'll see you next time on The Running Channel. 在下面的评论中,我们下次在 The Running Channel 上见。