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The Fraser Institute, Essential Joseph Schumpeter: Who was Joseph Schumpeter?

Essential Joseph Schumpeter: Who was Joseph Schumpeter?

Welcome to the essential ideas of Joseph Schumpeter. Joseph Schumpeter is one of

the most accomplished economist of the 20th century. He popularized the phrase

"creative destruction", to describe the entrepreneurial process. Born in 1883 in

Triesch - a small town south of Prague - in what is now the Czech Republic, he lost

his father at a young age. In 1901, Schumpeter entered the University of Vienna,

and after graduating in 1906, began working as a lawyer in Cairo. However he

returned to the University of Vienna in 1908 to obtain his PhD in Economics.

While working at the University of Czernowitz he wrote The Theory of Economic Development

in which he introduced the entrepreneur and innovation in

explaining economic progress. The book catapulted him to prominence in

fundamentally challenging the status quo thinking about economic progress. His

path to academic prominence was not a traditional, straight line. He worked in

the government sector and in 1919 was appointed the Minister of Finance for

the Austrian government. After leaving government he entered the private sector,

becoming chairman and president of the Biedermann Bank, in Vienna in this role Schumpeter

had amassed a significant fortune, which was subsequently lost in the

Vienna stock market crash of 1924. These experiences influenced

his later academic work. Returning to research and teaching in the early 1930s,

he split his time between the University of Bonn in Germany and Harvard

University in Massachusetts. In 1942 his most popular book, Capitalism, Socialism,

and Democracy, was published. It encapsulated his major ideas about the

role of the entrepreneur and innovation in driving economic progress.

Three years before his death in 1950 Schumpeter received the honor of being

elected president of the American Economics Association. Based on his

experience working in government, the private sector and the academy, Joseph

Schumpeter fundamentally influenced the way economists think about

entrepreneurship innovation and economic progress. For more information on Joseph

Schumpeter, visit essentialschumpeter.org and to learn about more essential

scholars visit essentialscholars.org

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Essential Joseph Schumpeter: Who was Joseph Schumpeter? ||シュンペーター|||| Der wesentliche Joseph Schumpeter: Wer war Joseph Schumpeter? Essential Joseph Schumpeter: Who was Joseph Schumpeter? Lo esencial de Joseph Schumpeter: ¿Quién fue Joseph Schumpeter? L'essentiel de Joseph Schumpeter : Qui était Joseph Schumpeter ? 필수 조셉 슘페터: 조셉 슘페터는 누구였나요? Esminis Josephas Schumpeteris: Kas buvo Josephas Schumpeteris? Niezbędnik Josepha Schumpetera: Kim był Joseph Schumpeter? O essencial de Joseph Schumpeter: Quem foi Joseph Schumpeter? Йозеф Шумпетер: Кем был Йозеф Шумпетер? Temel Joseph Schumpeter: Joseph Schumpeter kimdir? Сутність Йозефа Шумпетера: Хто такий Йозеф Шумпетер? 约瑟夫·熊彼特概要:约瑟夫·熊彼特是谁? 約瑟夫·熊彼特概要:約瑟夫·熊彼特是誰?

Welcome to the essential ideas of Joseph Schumpeter. Joseph Schumpeter is one of 欢迎来到约瑟夫·熊彼特的基本思想。约瑟夫·熊彼特是其中之一 歡迎來到約瑟夫·熊彼特的基本思想。約瑟夫·熊彼特是其中之一

the most accomplished economist of the 20th century. He popularized the phrase ||杰出的|||||||使流行|| ||著名な|||||||普及させた|| |||ekonomista||||||spopularyz|| o economista mais talentoso do século XX. Ele popularizou a frase 20世纪最有成就的经济学家。他让这句话流行起来 20世紀最有成就的經濟學家。他讓這句話流行起來

"creative destruction", to describe the entrepreneurial process. Born in 1883 in |创造性破坏|||||||| |||||起業家の|||| |||||przedsiębiorczy|proces||| "destruição criativa", para descrever o processo empreendedor. Nasceu em 1883 em “创造性破坏”,来形容创业过程。 1883年出生于 “創造性破壞”,來形容創業過程。 1883年出生於

Triesch - a small town south of Prague - in what is now the Czech Republic, he lost トリエシュ||||||プラハ||||||共和国|共和国|| ||||||||||teraz||Czech Republic||| Triesch - małe miasteczko na południe od Pragi - w dzisiejszej Republice Czeskiej, stracił Triesch - uma pequena cidade ao sul de Praga - onde hoje é a República Tcheca, ele perdeu 特里施 - 布拉格南部的一个小镇 - 在现在的捷克共和国,他失去了 特里施 - 布拉格南部的一個小鎮 - 在現在的捷克共和國,他失去了

his father at a young age. In 1901, Schumpeter entered the University of Vienna, |||||||熊彼特|||||维也纳大学 ||||||||||||ウィーン大学 |ojciec|||||||wstąpił do||||Wiedeń seu pai em tenra idade. Em 1901, Schumpeter ingressou na Universidade de Viena, 他的父亲年轻时。 1901年,熊彼特进入维也纳大学, 他的父親年輕時。 1901年,熊彼特進入維也納大學,

and after graduating in 1906, began working as a lawyer in Cairo. However he ||graduating|||||||||| ||||||||prawnik||Kairze|| Po ukończeniu studiów w 1906 r. rozpoczął pracę jako prawnik w Kairze. e depois de se formar em 1906, começou a trabalhar como advogado no Cairo. No entanto, ele 1906年毕业后,开始在开罗担任律师。然而他 1906年畢業後,開始在開羅擔任律師。然而他

returned to the University of Vienna in 1908 to obtain his PhD in Economics. ||||||||获得|||| ||||||||||||economics ||||||||||doktorat z ekonom|| retornou à Universidade de Viena em 1908 para obter seu PhD em Economia. 1908年返回维也纳大学获得经济学博士学位。 1908年返回維也納大學取得經濟學博士學位。

While working at the University of Czernowitz he wrote The Theory of Economic Development ||||||切尔诺维茨大学||||||| ||||||チェルノヴィッツ大学||||||| ||||||Czernowcu||napisał||||| Podczas pracy na Uniwersytecie w Czernowitz napisał Teorię rozwoju gospodarczego Enquanto trabalhava na Universidade de Czernowitz, ele escreveu The Theory of Economic Development 在切尔诺维茨大学工作期间,他撰写了《经济发展理论》 在切爾諾維茨大學工作期間,他撰寫了《經濟發展理論》

in which he introduced the entrepreneur and innovation in |||||企业家||| |||wprowadził||||| dans lequel il a présenté l'entrepreneur et l'innovation dans les em que apresentou o empreendedor e a inovação no 他在其中介绍了企业家和创新 他在其中介紹了企業家和創新

explaining economic progress. The book catapulted him to prominence in |||||使他迅速成|||显赫地位| |||||急上昇させた|||名声| wyjaśnianie|||||wystrzelił|||| expliquant le progrès économique. Ce livre l'a propulsé sur le devant de la scène dans le monde entier. Książka ta sprawiła, że zyskał on rozgłos w wielu krajach. explicar o progresso econômico. O livro o catapultou para a proeminência 解释经济进步。这本书让他一举成名 解釋經濟進步。這本書讓他一舉成名

fundamentally challenging the status quo thinking about economic progress. His 根本上|根本挑战|||现状||||| essentially|difficult|||||||| |||現状|現状||||| fundamentalnie|||status quo|status quo||||| en remettant fondamentalement en question le statu quo en matière de progrès économique. Son fundamentalnie podważając status quo myślenia o postępie gospodarczym. Jego desafiando fundamentalmente o pensamento do status quo sobre o progresso econômico. Dele фундаментально кидаючи виклик статус-кво у мисленні про економічний прогрес. Його 从根本上挑战关于经济进步的现状思维。他的 從根本上挑戰關於經濟進步的現狀思維。他的

path to academic prominence was not a traditional, straight line. He worked in |||显著性||||||||| |||名声||||||||| ścieżka|||wybitności akademick||||||||| Le chemin qui l'a mené à la notoriété académique n'a pas été une ligne droite traditionnelle. Il a travaillé en Ścieżka do akademickiej sławy nie była tradycyjną, prostą linią. Pracował w caminho para a proeminência acadêmica não era uma linha reta tradicional. Ele trabalhou em 取得学术成就的道路并不是一条传统的直线。他曾工作于 取得學術成就的道路並不是一條傳統的直線。他曾經工作於

the government sector and in 1919 was appointed the Minister of Finance for ||部门||||任命为||||| ||||||任命された||||| ||sektor||||||minister finansów||| w sektorze rządowym, a w 1919 r. został mianowany ministrem finansów dla setor governamental e em 1919 foi nomeado Ministro das Finanças para 政府部门,并于 1919 年被任命为财政部长 政府部門,並於 1919 年被任命為財政部長

the Austrian government. After leaving government he entered the private sector, |オーストリアの||||||||| |austriacki|||||||||sektor prywatny o governo austríaco. Depois de deixar o governo, ingressou no setor privado, 奥地利政府。离开政府后,他进入私营部门, 奧地利政府。離開政府後,他進入私部門,

becoming chairman and president of the Biedermann Bank, in Vienna in this role Schumpeter |会長|||||ビーダーマン銀行|||||||シュンペーター |przewodniczą||prezydent|||Biedermann Bank||||||| zostając przewodniczącym i prezesem Biedermann Bank w Wiedniu, w tej roli Schumpeter tornando-se presidente e presidente do Biedermann Bank, em Viena nesta função Schumpeter 熊彼特在维也纳担任 Biedermann 银行董事长兼行长 熊彼得在維也納擔任 Biedermann 銀行董事長兼行長

had amassed a significant fortune, which was subsequently lost in the |积累了||||||随后||| |vergaard||||||||| |蓄積した||||||その後||| |zgromadził||znaczną|fortuna|||||| zgromadził znaczną fortunę, która została następnie utracona w havia acumulado uma fortuna significativa, que foi posteriormente perdida no накопичив значні статки, які згодом були втрачені під час 积累了一笔巨额财富,但随后又被损失殆尽 累積了一筆巨額財富,但隨後又被損失殆盡

Vienna stock market crash of 1924. These experiences influenced |||krach|||| Krach giełdowy w Wiedniu w 1924 r. Doświadczenia te wpłynęły na Quebra da bolsa de Viena em 1924. Essas experiências influenciaram 1924 年维也纳股市崩盘。这些经历影响了 1924 年維也納股市崩盤。這些經驗影響了

his later academic work. Returning to research and teaching in the early 1930s, ||||Powracając do||badania||||||jego późniejszej pracy Wracając do badań i nauczania na początku lat trzydziestych XX wieku, seu trabalho acadêmico posterior. Voltando à pesquisa e ao ensino no início da década de 1930, 他后来的学术工作。 20世纪30年代初重返研究和教学, 他後來的學術工作。 1930年代初重返研究與教學,

he split his time between the University of Bonn in Germany and Harvard |分配||||||||||| |dzielił|||||||Bonn||Niemcy||Harvard dzielił swój czas między Uniwersytet w Bonn w Niemczech i Harvard ele dividiu seu tempo entre a Universidade de Bonn, na Alemanha, e Harvard 他在德国波恩大学和哈佛大学之间度过了一段时间 他在德國波昂大學和哈佛大學之間度過了一段時間

University in Massachusetts. In 1942 his most popular book, Capitalism, Socialism, |||||||||社会主義 ||Massachusetts||||||Kapitalizm|socjalizm W 1942 r. ukazała się jego najpopularniejsza książka Kapitalizm, socjalizm, 大学在马萨诸塞州。 1942 年,他最受欢迎的著作《资本主义、社会主义》 大學在馬薩諸塞州。 1942 年,他最受歡迎的著作《資本主義、社會主義》

and Democracy, was published. It encapsulated his major ideas about the |||||概括了||||| |||||要約した||||| |demokracja||opublikowana||podsumowywał||||| Zawierała ona jego główne poglądy na temat demokracji. e Democracia, foi publicado. Ele encapsulava suas principais ideias sobre o 和《民主》已出版。它概括了他关于 和《民主》已出版。它概括了他關於

role of the entrepreneur and innovation in driving economic progress. |||企业家||创新|||| rola przedsiębiorcy i innowacji w napędzaniu postępu gospodarczego. papel do empreendedor e da inovação na condução do progresso econômico. роль підприємця та інновацій у рушійних силах економічного прогресу. 企业家和创新在推动经济进步中的作用。 企業家和創新在推動經濟進步中的作用。

Three years before his death in 1950 Schumpeter received the honor of being ||||||シュンペーター||||| ||||śmierci|||||honorarium|| Trzy lata przed śmiercią w 1950 roku Schumpeter otrzymał zaszczyt bycia Três anos antes de sua morte em 1950, Schumpeter recebeu a honra de ser 1950 年熊彼特去世前三年,他荣获 1950 年熊彼特去世前三年,他榮獲

elected president of the American Economics Association. Based on his 当选||||||||| ||||||Stowarzyszenie||| eleito presidente da American Economics Association. Baseado em seu 当选美国经济学会主席。根据他的 當選美國經濟學會主席。根據他的

experience working in government, the private sector and the academy, Joseph |||||||||学术界| |||||||||akademia| experiência trabalhando no governo, no setor privado e na academia, Joseph 约瑟夫在政府、私营部门和学院工作的经验 約瑟夫在政府、私營部門和學院工作的經驗

Schumpeter fundamentally influenced the way economists think about |||||经济学家|| |||||ekonomiści|| Schumpeter zasadniczo wpłynął na sposób, w jaki ekonomiści myślą o Schumpeter influenciou fundamentalmente a maneira como os economistas pensam sobre 熊彼特从根本上影响了经济学家的思考方式 熊彼特從根本上影響了經濟學家的思考方式

entrepreneurship innovation and economic progress. For more information on Joseph 创业精神||||||||| empreendedorismo, inovação e progresso econômico. Para mais informações sobre José 创业创新与经济进步。有关约瑟夫的更多信息 創業創新與經濟進步。有關約瑟夫的更多信息

Schumpeter, visit essentialschumpeter.org and to learn about more essential ||重要的熊彼特||||||| ||重要なシュンペーター||||||| Шумпетер, відвідайте essentialschumpeter.org і дізнайтеся про інші важливі 熊彼特,請訪問 Essentialschumpeter.org 並了解更多重要信息

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