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Alphabet Pronunciation, Uitspraak Van Het Alfabet

A a.

Abricot, Aardbei.

B b.

Bal, Batterij.

C c.

Clarinet, Citroen.

D d.

Dinosaurus, Dreumes.

E e.

Emmer, Eekhoorn.

F f.

Fiets, Föhn.

G g.

Giraffe , Garage.

H h.

Haan, Hommel.

I i.

Iris, Idée.

J j.

Juf, Jas.

K k.

Koala, Kiwi.

L l.

Lama, Lezen.

M m.

Melk, Muziek.

N n.

Noot, Nicht.

O o.

Object, Oranje.

P p.

Pet, Pasta.

Q q.

Quiz, Quiche.

R r.

Rijden, Rugby.

S s.

Saus, Salade.

T t.

Tafel, Taart.

U u.

Uitleg, Utopie.

V v.

Violet, Varken.

W w.

Wagen, Wals.

X x.

Xylofoon, Xenonlamp.

Y y.

Yoghurt, Ypsilon.

Z z.

Zaal, Zwembadd.

A a. Could you please provide the specific text or phrase you would like translated from Dutch to French?| Sure, could you provide the specific Dutch text you need translated?|<a> Jedan| Sure, could you please provide the specific text or phrase "<A>" that you would like translated from Dutch to German?| Nederlands: <A> Arabisch: <A a.>| Please provide the specific text "<A>" that you would like translated from Dutch to Ukrainian.|один أ. A a. A a. Un a. A a. A a.

Abricot, Aardbei. Абрикос|Клубника Abricot, Fraise.|Fraise Apricot|Strawberry Aprikose|Erdbeere Абрикос|Полуниця المشمش، الفراولة. Aprikose, Erdbeere. Apricot, Strawberry. Albaricoque, Fresa. Abricot, Aardbei. Kayısı, Çilek. Абрикос, полуниця.

B b. <B> im Kontext von <B b.>.| Please provide the Dutch text you would like translated.|Sure, could you provide the Dutch text you need translated? Б|<b> в контексті <B b.>. ب ب. B b. B b.

Bal, Batterij. Шар, батарея.|Мяч, Батарея. Balle, Batterie.|Pile, Batterie Ball|Battery Ball, Batterie.|Ball, Batterie. |电池 كرة| М'яч|Акумулятор Kugel, Batterie. Ball, Battery. Bola, Batería. Мяч, аккумулятор. Top, Pil. М'яч, Батарея.

C c. <C> dans le contexte de <C c.>. Maximum 3 mots.| Could you please provide the specific Dutch text you would like translated?|Could you please provide the specific Dutch text you would like translated? <C> im Kontext von <C c.>.| <C> у контексті <C c.>.|с C c. C c. Гаразд.

Clarinet, Citroen. Clarinette, Citroën.|Citroën Clarinet, Lemon.|Lemon clarinete| Klarinette, Zitrone.|Klarinette, Zitrone. 单簧管|雪铁龙 Кларнет, Цитрон.|Кларнет, Лимон. Clarinet, Lemon. Clarinete, Lemon. Klarnet, Limon. Кларнет, Лемон.

D d. <D d.>| Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the Dutch text you want translated?|Could you please provide the specific Dutch text you would like translated? D д|день D d. D d. Д-д.

Dinosaurus, Dreumes. Динозавр, Малыш.|Малыш. Dinosaure, Bambin.|Bébé, tout-petit Dinosaur, Toddler.|Toddler Dinosaurier, Kleinkind.|Dinosaurier, Kleinkind. 恐龙|幼儿 ديناصور، طفل صغير.| Динозавр|малюк Dinosaurier, Kleinkind. Dinosaur, Toddler. Dinosaurio, niño pequeño. Dinosaure, enfant en bas âge. Dinozauras, Mažylis. Dinozor, Bebek. Динозавр, Малюк.

E e. <E e.>| <E.g.>|Sure, I can help. Please provide the Dutch text you would like translated. Електронний| E e. E e.

Emmer, Eekhoorn. Эммер, белка.|Белка Seau, Écureuil.|Écureuil Bucket|Squirrel Emmer|esquilo Eimer, Eichhörnchen.|Eimer, Eichhörnchen. |松鼠 відро|білка Bucket, Squirrel. Bucket, Squirrel. Seau, écureuil. Kova, Sincap. Відро, Білка.

F f. <Ф. ф.>| |<Seite> <F> in the context of <F f.> can be translated to "and following pages."|<f> in the context of <F f.> can be translated to "and following pages." F f. F f. F f.

Fiets, Föhn. Велосипед| Vélo, sèche-cheveux.|Sèche-cheveux Bike, Hairdryer.|Hair dryer Fahrrad, Föhn.|Fahrrad, Föhn. |吹风机 Велосипед|фен Bicycle, hair dryer. Bicicleta, Secador de pelo. Bisiklet, saç kurutma makinesi. Велосипед, фен.

G g. <G g.>| <G> in the context of <G g.> can be translated to "Guilder" in English.| <G> in <G g.>| |група G g. G g. Боже.

Giraffe , Garage. Жираф, гараж.| Girafe, Garage.|Girafe, garage. Giraffe, Garage.|Garage Giraffe, Garage.|Giraffe, Garage. 长颈鹿|车库 жирафа|гараж Giraffe , Garage. Giraffe, Garage. Jirafa , Garaje. Girafe , Garage. Zürafa Garajı. Жираф, Гараж.

H h. <H h.>| <H> in the context of <H h.> can be translated to "Height" in English.|Height H h. H h. Гм.

Haan, Hommel. Петух, Шмель.| Coq, Bourdon.|Coq, bourdon. Rooster, Bumblebee.|Bumblebee Hahn, Hummel.|Hummel 汉|大黄蜂 Петро|Гоммель Hahn, Hummel. Rooster, Bumblebee. Gallo, Abejorro. Coq, Bourdon. Horoz, yaban arısı. Півень, Джміль.

I i. Ich| I in.|I in. я| I i. Evet.

Iris, Idée. Ирис, Идея.| Iris, Idée.|Idée Iris, Idea.|Idea Iris, Idee.|Iris, Idee. 鸢尾花|想法 ірис|Ідея Iris, Idée. Iris, Idea. İris, Fikir. Айріс, Ідей.

J j. <J j.>| <J>|Sure, could you provide the Dutch text you would like translated? J| J j. j j. J j.

Juf, Jas. 老师| Mlle, manteau|Manteau Miss, coat|Coat Lehrerin, Mantel.|Mantel вчителька|пальто Teacher (female), Jas. Mademoiselle, Jas. Bayan Jas. Міс, Жас.

K k. Klein| Sure, could you please provide the Dutch text you would like translated?|Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the specific Dutch text you would like translated? |Sure, please provide the specific text or phrase in Dutch that you would like translated into German. К к|клас K k. K k. К-к.

Koala, Kiwi. 考拉|奇异果 Koala, Kiwi.|Kiwi Koala, Kiwi.|Kiwi Koala, Kiwi.|Kiwi коала|Ківі Koala, Kiwi. Koala, Kiwi. Коала, ківі.

L l. <L l.>| <L l.>|Could you please provide the specific Dutch text you would like translated? л| L l. Ben. L l.

Lama, Lezen. Lama, Lire.|Lire Llama, Reading.|Llama, Reading. lama|Ler Lama, Lesen.|Lama, Lesen. 喇嘛| Лама|Читати Llama, Read. Lama, Lecture. Lama, Reading. Лама, Редінг.

M m. <M> in the context of <M m.> translates to <M m.> in German.| <M> in the context of <M m.> translates to "Mr."|<month> Мужчина| M m. M m. Мм.

Melk, Muziek. Milch, Musik.| Milk, Music.|Music молоко|Музика Milk, Music. Süt, Müzik. Молоко, музика.

N n. <N>| Sure, I can help with that. Please provide the Dutch word or phrase you would like translated.|<n> N n. N n. Н-н.

Noot, Nicht. 注释|不 Noeud|pas Nuss, Nicht.|Nuss, Nichte. Note, not.|Cousin нота|не Note, Niece. Note, Cousin. Not, kuzen. Зауваж, кузене.

O o. <O o.>| Object|The eye. О|о O o. O o. Ох.

Object, Oranje. 物体| Objekt, Orange.|Objekt, Orange. Object, Orange.|Object, Orange. об'єкт|Помаранчевий Object, Orange (color). Nesne, Turuncu. Заперечую, Помаранчевий.

P p. <P p.>| <Paragraph>|page сторінка| P p. P p. П-п.

Pet, Pasta. Haustier, Pasta.|Haustier, Pasta. Cap|Pet, Pasta. пет|Паста Cap, Pasta. Cap, Pasta. Kap, Makarna. Кепка, макарони.

Q q. Sure, please provide the text you want translated from Dutch to German.| Sure, please provide the Dutch text you would like translated.|Sure, please provide the Dutch text you would like translated. питання|запитання Q q. Q q. К'ю-к'ю.

Quiz, Quiche. |咸派 |Quiche Quiz, Test|Quiche Quiz, Quiche.|Quiche вікторина|Кіш Quiz, Quiche. Quiz, Quiche. Вікторина, Квіче.

R r. |<r> <R> in the context of <R r.> can be translated to "King" in English.|Please provide the Dutch text you would like translated. R р| R r. R r. R r.

Rijden, Rugby. Rouler|Rugby, Rugby. Drive, Rugby.|Driving, Rugby. |Rugby spielen катання|регбі Drive, Rugby. Sürüş, Rugby. Водіння, регбі.

S s. Sure, please provide the Dutch text you would like translated.|Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the specific Dutch sentence or phrase you need translated? S-пункт| S s. S s. С-с-с.

Saus, Salade. sauce| Soße|Salat Sauce|Salad соус|салат Sauce, salad. Sos, salata. Соус, салат.

T t. <T t.>|Sure, I can help. Please provide the Dutch text you want translated. T|т T t. T t.

Tafel, Taart. Tafel, Kuchen.|Torte Table|Cake mesa|Bolo стіл|торт طاولة، كيك. Table, Pie. Table, Gâteau. Masa, Pasta.

U u. Under the.|<u> in de context van <U u.>. Maximaal 3 woorden. у|у U u. U u.

Uitleg, Utopie. Explication| Erklärung, Utopie.|Erklärung, Utopie. Explanation, Utopia.|Explanation, Utopia. пояснення|утопія Explanation, Utopia. Explication, Utopie. Açıklama, Ütopya. Пояснення, утопія.

V v. Vingt| <V> gegen <V>| <V> in the context of <V v.> can be translated to "versus" or "against."|<V v.> В| V v. V v. V v.

Violet, Varken. |cochon Violet, Schwein.|Violett, Schwein. Violet, Pig.|Pig Фіолетовий|свиня Violet, Pig. Violet, Cochon. Violet, Domuz. Фіалка, Свиня.

W w. Watt| <W w.>| <W> in the context of <W w.> translates to "With regard to."|<with> В| W w. W w. Ууу.

Wagen, Wals. voiture|Valse Wagen, Walze|Walze Car, Wals.|Roller Автомобіль|валик Car, Waltz. Wagon, Valse. Вагон, Вальс. Wagon, Waltz. Вагон, вальс.

X x. Sure, please provide the Dutch text you would like translated.|Sure, please provide the Dutch text you would like translated. <Х>| X x. X x.

Xylofoon, Xenonlamp. |lampe au xénon Xylophon, Xenonlampe.|Xenonlampe Xylophone, Xenon lamp.|Xenon lamp xilofone| Скрипка|ксенонова лампа إكسيليفون، مصباح زينون. Xylophone, Xenon lamp. Xylophone, lampe au xénon. Ксилофон, ксеноновая лампа. Ksilofon, Ksenon lambası. Ксилофон, ксенонова лампа.

Y y. Sure, please provide the specific text <Y> that you would like translated from Dutch to German.| Sure, I can help with that. Could you please provide the Dutch text you would like translated?|Could you please provide the specific Dutch text you would like translated? Y y| Y y. Y y. Y y. Так, так.

Yoghurt, Ypsilon. Йогурт, Ипсилон.|Ипсилон |Upsilon Joghurt, Ypsilon.|Joghurt, Ypsilon. Yogurt, Y.|Yogurt, Y. Йогурт|Іпсилон الزبادي، يبسيلون. Yoghurt, Ypsilon. Yoghourt, Ypsilon. Йогурт, Ypsilon. Yoğurt, Ypsilon. Йогурт, Іпсілон.

Z z. |<z> <Z> in the context of <Z z.> translates to "for example".|"they" |заголовок Z z. z z. З-з.

Zaal, Zwembadd. Зал, бассейн|Бассейн salle| Halle, Schwimmbad|Schwimmbad Hall, Swimming Pool|Swimming pool зал|Басейн صالة، حمام سباحة. Hall, Swimming Pool. Hall, Poold. Salon, havuz. Холл, Полд.