[재택플러스] 편의점 '젊은 사장'‥매출 효과는? (2022.04.06/뉴스투데이/MBC) - YouTube
work from home|convenience store|young|owner|sales|effect|News Today|MBC|YouTube
[Homeplus] Negozio di alimentari 'giovane capo' ‥ Qual è l'effetto delle vendite? (2022.04.06/News Today/MBC) - YouTube
[在宅プラス]コンビニの「若い社長」‥売上効果は? (2022.04.06/ニューストゥデイ/MBC) - YouTube - YouTube
[Homeplus] Buurtwinkel 'jonge baas' ‥ Wat is het verkoopeffect? (2022.04.06/News Today/MBC) - YouTube
[Homeplus] Магазин біля дому "молодий бос" ‥ Який ефект продажів? (2022.04.06/News Today/MBC) - YouTube
[Home Plus] Convenience Store 'Young Boss'... What is the sales effect? (2022.04.06/News Today/MBC) - YouTube
-(앵커) 재미있고 유용한 경제 정보를 전해드리는 재택플러스 시간입니다.
(anchor)|interesting|useful|economic|information|providing|Work-from-home Plus|time
-(Anchor) This is the Home Plus segment where we provide interesting and useful economic information.
편의점 창업하면 4, 50대 퇴직자들이 많이 선택했던 것으로 여겨졌는데요.
convenience store|if you start|50s|retirees|many|chosen|as|considered
It was thought that many retirees in their 40s and 50s chose to start convenience stores.
최근에는 2030 세대가 창업에 뛰어들면서 변화의 바람이 불고 있다고 합니다.
recently|generation|to entrepreneurship|diving in|of change|wind|blowing|is|is said to be
Recently, however, it is said that the 2030 generation is jumping into entrepreneurship, bringing about a change.
(interview, no transcription)
(interview, no transcription)
-(기자) 퇴직금으로 비교적 쉽게 창업할 수 있어 중장년층의 노후 대비 수단 중 하나로 여겨졌던 동네편의점.
reporter|with retirement pay|relatively|easily|starting a business|means||of the middle-aged|old age|preparation|method|among|one|was considered|neighborhood convenience store
|退職金で|||起業する|||中高年層|老後|老後 대비||||と見なされて|近所のコンビ
-(Reporter) Neighborhood convenience stores, which were considered one of the means for middle-aged and older adults to prepare for retirement due to relatively easy startup with severance pay.
하지만 최근 MZ세대가 젊은 사장님으로 등장하면서 분위기가 확 바뀌고 있습니다.
but|recent|MZ generation|young|as a boss|appearing|atmosphere|significantly|changing|is
However, the atmosphere is changing dramatically as the MZ generation emerges as young owners.
3년 전 20%대에 그쳤던 2030세대 점주가 올해 1분기 기준으로 40%를 넘어서 절반에 육박하며 세대 교체를 예고하고 있다는 분석입니다.
3 years|ago|in the 20% range|was|2030 generation|store owners|this year|first quarter|based on|40%|exceeding|half|approaching|generation|replacement|predicting|that is|analysis
An analysis indicates that the proportion of store owners in their 20s and 30s, which was around 20% three years ago, has now surpassed 40% in the first quarter of this year, approaching half and signaling a generational shift.
특히 20대는 비중이 6%에서 26%로 4배 이상 급증한 점이 눈에 띕니다.
especially|among those in their 20s|proportion|from 6%|to 26%|4 times|more than|increased|point|to the eye|
In particular, the share of those in their 20s has surged more than four times, from 6% to 26%, which is noteworthy.
업계는 이른바 가치 소비, 실리 투자를 중시하는 MZ세대들이 편의점 창업을 선택한 데 주목하고 있습니다.
the industry|so-called|value|consumption|practical||valuing|MZ generation|convenience store|entrepreneurship|chosen|in|paying attention|is
The industry is paying attention to the so-called value consumption and practical investment-focused MZ generation choosing to start convenience stores.
젊은 감각으로 무장한 이들은 벌써부터 기존 점포들과의 차별화에 나섰습니다.
young|with a sense of|armed|they|already|existing|with stores|differentiation|have begun
Armed with a young sensibility, they have already begun to differentiate themselves from existing stores.
프랜차이즈 본사의 일률적이고 통상적인 제품 구상에서 벗어나 SNS에서 유행하는 최신 먹거리들을 파악해 매장을 채우고 있습니다.
franchise|head office|uniform|conventional|product|from the concept|deviating|on SNS|trending|latest|food items|identifying|store|filling|
They are filling their stores by identifying the latest food trends that are popular on social media, breaking away from the uniform and conventional product concepts of franchise headquarters.
또 최신 트렌드에 맞춰 매장 진열이나묶음 상품을 만들기도 하고 SNS를 통해 적극 홍보에도 나서고 있습니다.
also|latest|to the trend|in accordance with|store||products|also creating|and|social media|through|actively|in promotion|taking action|is
They are also creating store displays and bundled products that align with the latest trends and are actively promoting through social media.
실제로 편의점 3사의 지난해 매출은전년보다 6.8% 늘어났는데 업계는 이러한 현장에서 시작된 변화가 계기가 됐을 것으로 보고 있습니다.
actually|convenience store|of the three|last year|sales compared to the previous year|increased|the industry|this|in the field|started|change|opportunity|became|as|seen|is
In fact, the sales of three convenience store companies last year increased by 6.8% compared to the previous year, and the industry believes that the changes that started in the field may have triggered this.
-(앵커) 트렌드를 소비하는 젊은 세대가 유통과 판매에도 나선 셈인데요.
anchor|trend|consuming|young|generation|distribution|in sales|has entered|it seems
-(Anchor) The younger generation that consumes trends is now stepping into distribution and sales.
취업난을 해결하는 한 가지 방법이 될 수 있을지 지켜보겠습니다.
the employment crisis|solving|one|way|method|be|possibility|whether|I will watch
We will see if this can be one way to solve the employment crisis.
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