
Adjective - विशेषण (Viśeṣaṇ)

In Hindi grammar, adjectives are referred to as "विशेषण" (Viśeṣaṇ). Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns (or pronouns). They provide additional information about the qualities, characteristics, or attributes of the nouns they modify.

There are four types of Adjectives:

1. Qualitative Adjective - गुणवाचक विशेषण

These adjectives describe the inherent qualities or characteristics of nouns.

  • बड़ा घर (bada ghar) - Big house
  • सुंदर गाना (sundar gaana) - Beautiful song

2. Quantitative Adjective - परिणामवाचक विशेषण

These adjectives indicate the quantity or degree of the noun.

  • कई लोग (kai log) - Many people
  • थोड़ा पानी (thoda paani) - Some water

Differences of Quantitative Adjectives

1. Indefinite Quantitative Adjective

Where there is no definite knowledge of the measurement and weight of an object, it is called an Indefinite Adjective.

  • थोडा पानी (A Little Water),
  • कुछ आटा (Some flour)
  • बहुत दूध( Lot Of Milk)
  • थोडा धन (A Little Money), आदि |

2. Definite Quantitative Adjective

Where there is definite knowledge of the measurement and weight of an object, it is called a Definite Quantitative Adjective.

  • पांच लिटर घी (Five Liters Of Ghee)
  • दस किलो आलू (Ten Kilos of Potato)
  • दस हाथ की जगह (Ten Hands Of Space)
  • चार किलो चावल (Four Kilos Of Rice)
  • एक लीटर पानी (One Litre Water)
  • दस किलोमीटर (Ten Kilometers)
  • एक एकड़ जमीन (One Acre Land)

3. Demonstrative Adjective - सार्वनामिक विशेषण या संकेतवाचक विशेषण

These adjectives point out or demonstrate specific nouns.

  • यह लड़का तेज भागता है | (This boy runs fast.)
  • इस कबूतर को पिंजरे से निकालो | (Take this pigeon out of the cage)
  • उस मटके में पानी भरो | (Fill that pot with water)

Note – On demonstrative adjectives (except the words First Person, Second Person, and Possessive pronouns), the noun comes immediately after the other pronouns.
For Example:

  • यह मेरा घर है। (सर्वनाम) / This is my house. (Pronoun)
  • यह घर मेरा है। (सार्वनामिक विशेषण)/ This house is mine. (Demonstrative Adjective)
  • वह मेरी पुस्तक है। (सर्वनाम) / That is my book. (Pronoun)
  • वह पुस्तक मेरी है। (सर्वनामिक विशेषण) / That book is mine. (Demonstrative Adjective)