Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
21. 再見了維奧勒 - Goodbye Violet
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
22. 沿走廊而去 - Go along the corridor
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
23. 滴溜溜四下瞅著的方糖 - Sugar cubes dripping around
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
24. 韋魯卡在堅果室 - Veruka in the nut room
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
25. 巨大的玻璃電梯 - Huge glass elevator
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
26. 電視巧克力房 - TV Chocolate Room
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
27. 邁克·蒂韋被電視送走 - Mike Tivey was sent away by TV
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
28. 只剩下查理了 - Only Charlie is left
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
29. 其他孩子回家 - Other children go home
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
30. 查理的巧克力工廠 - Charlie's Chocolate Factory