45. Huahua & Wolf – Chinese Food
45. Huahua & Wolf - Comida Chinesa
45. Huahua & Wolf – Chinese Food
花花 ,現在 又 到 吃飯 的 時間 了 。
Huahua|now|again|arrive|mealtime|possessive particle|time|past action marker
Huahua, it's time to eat again.
我 在 想 ,今天 晚上 到底 要 吃些 什麼 。
I|am|thinking|today|evening|exactly|want|eat some|what
I'm thinking about what to eat tonight.
我 想 ,今天 晚上 我 可能 打算 要 吃 麵 。
I think I might plan to eat noodles tonight.
你 非常 喜歡 吃 麵 嗎 ?
you|very|like|eat|noodles|question particle
Do you really like eating noodles?
對 。
因為 作為 北方 人 ,可能 傳統 還是 以 麵食 為主 。
because|as|northern|person|possibly|tradition|still|based on|noodles|primarily
Because as a person from the north, it might be traditional to mainly eat wheat-based foods.
我 是不是 太 喜歡 吃 麵 的 。
I|am I not|too|like|eating|noodles|particle indicating past action
Am I too fond of eating noodles?
我 想 這 還是 和 地域 、習慣 有 關係 吧 。
I think this is still related to the region and habits.
因為 我 在 家鄉 那邊 ,一頓 三餐 基本上 都 是 以 吃 米 為主 。
because|I|at|hometown|over there|one meal|three meals|basically|all|are|based on|eating|rice|primarily
Because in my hometown, basically every meal consists mainly of rice.
比如說 ,早上 的 時候 ,吃 米粥 ;中午 吃 米飯 ;然後 晚上 也 吃 米飯 。
for example|morning|possessive particle|time|eat|rice porridge|noon|eat|rice|then|evening|also|eat|rice
For example, in the morning, I eat rice porridge; at noon, I eat rice; and then in the evening, I also eat rice.
恩 。
但是 在 北方 幾乎 這種 情況 會 很少 。
but|in|the north|almost|this kind of|situation|will|very rare
However, this situation is very rare in the north.
比如 我們 早上 基本上 不會 喝 米粥 ,我們 一般 都 會 喝 豆漿 ,或者 是 喝 牛奶 。
for example|we|in the morning|basically|will not|drink|rice porridge|we|usually|all|will|drink|soy milk|or|is|drink|milk
For example, we basically do not drink rice porridge in the morning; we usually drink soy milk or milk.
然後 吃 油條 啊 ,吃 油餅 啊 ,或者 是 吃 包子 啊 等等等等 。
then|eat|fried dough stick|ah|eat|fried cake|ah|or|to be|eat|steamed bun|ah|etc
Then we eat fried dough sticks, eat oil cakes, or eat steamed buns, and so on.
然後 到 中午 的 時候 ,有 可能 會 吃 米飯 。
then|by|noon|possessive particle|time|there is|possibly|will|eat|rice
Then at noon, we might eat rice.
但是 普遍 的 ……我 知道 的 很多 和 我 同樣 是 北方 的 孩子 ,他們 中午 基本上 都 會 吃 麵條 。
but|generally|possessive particle|I|know|past action particle|many|and|I|similarly|am|northern|possessive particle|children|they|noon|basically|all|will|eat|noodles
But generally speaking, I know many kids from the north, like me, who basically eat noodles for lunch.
然後 晚上 的 時候 ,有 可能 會 吃 米飯 ,也 有 可能 會 吃 麵食 ,比如說 饅頭 、餃子 、包子 。
then|evening|possessive particle|time|there is|possibility|will|eat|rice|also|there is|possibility|will|eat|noodles|for example|steamed bun|dumplings|stuffed bun
Then in the evening, they might eat rice, or they might eat wheat products, such as steamed buns, dumplings, or buns.
就是 ,用 麵食 我們 會 做出 很多 花樣 ,但是 我 覺得 吃 米飯 是 一個 很 單調 的 事情 。
exactly|using|noodles|we|will|create|many|variations|but|I|feel|eating|rice|is|a|very|monotonous|(possessive particle)|thing
That is, we can make many variations with wheat products, but I think eating rice is a very monotonous thing.
我 想 還是 和 習慣 有 關係 把 ,因為 …… 尤其 是 江蘇 、浙江 再 往南 那 一遍 ,可能 都 是 以 吃 米飯 為 主 的 ,可能 麵 食 也 沒有 什麼 人 願意 吃 ,也 沒有 什麼 太 大 的 普及 的 程度 。
I|think|still|and|habit|have|relationship|particle indicating action|because|especially|is|Jiangsu|Zhejiang|again|southward|that|area|possibly|all|are|based|eating|rice|as|main|particle indicating possession|possibly|noodles|food|also|not have|any|people|willing|eat|also|not have|any|too|big|particle indicating possession|popularization|particle indicating possession|level
I think it still has to do with habits, because... especially in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and further south, they probably mainly eat rice, and there might not be many people willing to eat wheat products, nor is there a large degree of popularity.
我 想 在 西北 那 一遍 ,可能 是 相反 的 情況 。
I|want|at|northwest|that|one time|possibly|is|opposite|possessive particle|situation
I want to go to the northwest, it might be the opposite situation.
因為 我 之前 有 一個 是 來自 陝西 的 一個 同事 ,他 說 ,他 每年 基本上 以 吃 麵 為主 ,然後 米飯 嘛 ,只是 非常 非常 少 ,難得 吃 一頓 。
because|I|previously|had|a|to be|from|Shaanxi|possessive particle|a|colleague|he|said|he|every year|basically|with|eating|noodles|primarily|then|rice|question particle|only|very|very|few|rarely|eat|one meal
Because I previously had a colleague from Shaanxi, he said that he basically eats noodles every year, and rice is very, very rare, it's hard to have a meal of it.
當時 我 聽 了 覺得 似乎 有些 驚訝 ,為 什麼 吃 麵 呢 ?
at that time|I|heard|past tense marker|felt|seemed|somewhat|surprised|why|what|eat|noodles|question particle
At that time, I was a bit surprised when I heard it, why eat noodles?
我來 北京 ,有 一點 是 我 的 切身體會 ,那 就是 ,我來 北京 之前 ,沒有 發現 ,麵條 原來 可以 這麼 好吃 。
I came|Beijing|has|a little|is|I|possessive particle|personal experience|that|is|I came|Beijing|before|did not|realize|noodles|originally|can|this|delicious
When I came to Beijing, one thing I personally experienced is that before I came to Beijing, I didn't realize that noodles could be this delicious.
恩 ,我 認識 的 幾個 南方 的 朋友 ,他們 也 說 ,(覺得) 他們 家鄉 是 沒有 賣 包子 的 。
uh|I|know|possessive particle|a few|southern|possessive particle|friends|they|also|said|(think)|they|hometown|is|not|selling|steamed buns|particle indicating past action
Well, a few friends of mine from the south also said that they feel there are no steamed buns sold in their hometown.
我 想 ,包子 ,包括 麵條 這些 麵食 ,我們 那 都 有 賣 。
I|want|steamed bun|including|noodles|these|wheat-based food|we|that|all|have|sell
I think steamed buns, including noodles and other wheat products, are sold everywhere in our area.
我 的 意思 就是 ,人們 不是 每天 以 它們 為 主食 。
I|possessive particle|meaning|just means|people|not|every day|using|them|as|staple food
What I mean is that people do not eat them as their main food every day.
可能 都 是 以米食為主 食 。
possibly|all|are|based on rice as the main food|food
They might primarily eat rice-based foods.
我 說 的 那個 情況 跟 你 的 不 一樣 。
I|said|past tense marker|that|situation|with|you|possessive particle|not|the same
The situation I mentioned is different from yours.
是 他們 家 的 那個 地方 就是 幾乎 就 沒有 人 吃 麵 ,就 沒有 人 賣 這種 成品 的 東西 ,所以 他 從來 沒有 在 他 家鄉 那裡 買過 包子 。
is|they|home|possessive particle|that|place|just|almost|then|no|people|eat|noodles|then|no|people|sell|this kind of|finished product|possessive particle|thing|so|he|never|no|at|he|hometown|there|bought|steamed buns
In their area, almost no one eats noodles, and no one sells this kind of finished product, so he has never bought baozi in his hometown.
然後 也 加上 ……可能 因為 沒有 太 多 的 人 吃 ,所以 你們 的 做法 跟 我們 的 也 不 太 一樣 。
then|also|adding|possibly|because|not|too|many|possessive particle|people|eat|so|you (plural)|possessive particle|method|with|we|possessive particle|also|not|too|similar
Also, perhaps because not many people eat it, your method is also quite different from ours.
那 他 來 北京 之後 ,他 跟 我 說 ,他 說 ,我 太 喜歡 吃 北京 的 包子 了 。
then|he|arrives|Beijing|after|he|with|me|said|he|said|I|too|like|eating|Beijing|possessive particle|steamed buns|past action marker
After he came to Beijing, he told me that he really likes eating baozi from Beijing.
我 恨不得 每天 都 要 買 幾個 包子 (這樣 )吃 。
I|wish I could|every day|all|have to|buy|a few|steamed buns|like this|eat
I wish I could buy a few buns every day to eat.
他 就 會 覺得 ,原來 ,我 原來 沒有 嘗試 過 的 事物 是 因為 ,我 的 生活 環境 就是 沒有 這樣 一個 飲食 的 習慣 ,所以 我 才 不 喜歡 ;並 不是 說 這些 東西 它 不 好吃 ,或者 怎麼樣 。
he|then|will|feel|originally|I|originally|not|tried|past|possessive particle|things|is|because|my|possessive particle|life|environment|is just|not|such|a|eating|possessive particle|habit|so|I|only|not|like|and|not|saying|these|things|they|not|tasty|or|how
He would think that the reason I have never tried certain things is that my living environment does not have such a dietary habit, so I don't like them; it's not that these things are not delicious or anything.
就像 ,其實 像 你 說 的 ,如果 要是 我 ,從小到大 都 是 南方 的 孩子 ,也許 我 也 會 非常 喜歡 吃 米飯 。
just like|actually|like|you|said|(possessive particle)|if|if|I|from childhood to adulthood|all|am|southern|(possessive particle)|child|maybe|I|also|would|very|like|eating|rice
Just like, actually, as you said, if I had been a child from the south all my life, maybe I would really love to eat rice.
但是 ,正因為 自己 生活 的 地域 就是 在 北方 ,那 會 覺得 ,哎呀 ,我 還是 愛 吃 麵食 ,因為 我 喜歡 吃 的 東西 基本 都 跟 面 有 關係 。
but|precisely because|oneself|life|possessive particle|region|is|in|the north|then|would|feel|oh|I|still|love|eating|wheat-based food|because|I|like|eating|possessive particle|things|basically|all|related to|noodles|have|relationship
However, precisely because I live in the north, I feel that I still love to eat wheat products, because the things I like to eat are basically related to wheat.
對啊 。
我 想 ,比如說 一個 地方 ,如果 沒有 幾個 人 喜歡 吃 麵食 的話 ,那個 地方 的 麵食 行業 就 非常 不 發達 ,也 很 難 做 出來 很 好吃 的 麵食 。
I|want|for example|a|place|if|there are not|a few|people|like|eating|noodles|particle indicating condition|that|place|possessive particle|noodle|industry|then|very|not|developed|also|very|hard|make|out|very|delicious|particle indicating adjective|noodles
I think, for example, in a place, if there aren't many people who like to eat noodles, then the noodle industry in that place will be very underdeveloped, and it will be difficult to make delicious noodles.
這樣 可能 人們 就 更加 不 喜愛 吃 麵食 了 。
like this|possibly|people|then|even more|not|like|eat|noodles|past tense marker
This might make people even less fond of eating noodles.
我 以前 有 個 同事 ,他 (家) 是 地道 的 南方人 。
I|previously|had|measure word for people|colleague|he|(family)|is|authentic|possessive particle|southerner
I used to have a colleague, he (his family) is a true southerner.
他 就 跟 我 說過 ,因為 我們 在 公司 吃飯 的 時候 ,有時候 會 吃 餃子 ,那 北方 人 的 飲食習慣 呢 ,就是 我 吃餃子 就 不 吃 其他 的 東西 了 ,就 直接 能夠 吃到 飽 。
he|then|with|I|has said|because|we|at|company|eating|possessive particle|time|sometimes|will|eat|dumplings|that|northern|people|possessive particle|eating habits|question particle|just|I|eat dumplings|then|not|eat|other|possessive particle|food|past tense particle|then|directly|able to|eat to|full
He told me that when we have meals at the company, sometimes we eat dumplings, and the eating habits of people from the north are such that when I eat dumplings, I don't eat anything else, and I can directly eat until I'm full.
那 他 就 會 說 , 他 說 , 在 我 的 家鄉 , 吃餃子 的 唯一 情況 是 吃 水餃 , 一般 都 是 早餐 的 時候 , 以 它 當 湯來 吃 。
Then he would say, he said, in my hometown, the only situation for eating dumplings is to eat boiled dumplings, usually during breakfast, using it as soup.
然後 他 就 跟 我 說 , 他 說 , 我 看 你們 吃餃子 不吃 別的 東西 , 我 就 很 奇怪 , 你們 能 吃 的 飽 嗎 ?
Then he told me, he said, I see you all eat dumplings without eating anything else, and I find it very strange, can you really get full?
但是 他 每次 ……我們 在 吃餃子 的 時候 ,他 都 會 覺得 他 吃不飽 。
but|he|every time|we|at|eating dumplings|possessive particle|time|he|always|will|feel|he|not full
But every time... when we are eating dumplings, he always feels that he can't get full.
提到 餃子 ,我 想到 今年 春節 聯歡晚會 的 時候 一個 小小的 鬧劇 。
mentioning|dumplings|I|think of|this year|Spring Festival|reunion party|possessive particle|when|a|small|farce
When it comes to dumplings, I think of a little farce during this year's Spring Festival Gala.
今年 春節 聯歡 晚會 的 時候 ,當時 中央 電視 台 的 主持人 就 說 ,願 大家 都 在 吃餃子 這樣的話 。
|||party||||the Central|television|||host|||wish||||eating dumplings|like this
During this year's Spring Festival Gala, the host from China Central Television said, 'I hope everyone is eating dumplings.'
然後 第二天 我 上網 看 評論 ,就 有 這樣 的 評論 …… 就是 那些 特別 偏南 的 地方 ,就是 福建 啊 ,廣州 這些 地區 ,因為 他們 都 是 不 吃餃子 的 ,他們 過年 也 不 吃 餃子 ,所以 他們 沒有 這樣 一個 習慣 。
then|the next day|I|go online|read|comments|then|there are|such|(possessive particle)|comments|it's just|those|especially|southward|(possessive particle)|places|it's just|Fujian|ah|Guangzhou|these|regions|because|they|all|are|not|eat dumplings|(past action particle)|they|New Year|also|not|eat|dumplings|so|they|do not have|such|a|habit
Then the next day I went online to see the comments, and there were comments like this... In those particularly southern regions, like Fujian and Guangzhou, they don't eat dumplings; they don't eat dumplings during the New Year, so they don't have that habit.
他們 就 在 那 抗議 , 說 主持人 應該 照顧 一下 他們 的 飲食 習慣 。
They protested, saying that the host should take their eating habits into consideration.
那 其實 ,你 說 這種 南北 差異 ,我 也 想到 ,其實 有 各地 的 差異 。
then|actually|you|said|this kind of|north-south|difference|I|also|thought of|actually|have|all places|possessive particle|differences
Well, actually, when you mention this kind of north-south difference, I also think about the differences in various regions.
就 比如說 ,我們 在 過生日 的 時候 ,北方 人 的 老 講究 是 ,我們 要 吃 長壽 麵 ,我們 要 吃 壽桃 。
then|for example|we|at|birthday|possessive particle|time|northern|people|possessive particle|old|customs|is|we|must|eat|longevity|noodles|we|must|eat|peach of longevity
For example, when we celebrate birthdays, people in the north are very particular about eating longevity noodles and peach-shaped buns.
然後 ……我們 要 吃 那種 就是 一根 拉 到 尾 的 ,就是 這 一根 面 ,只有 一個 頭 ,就是 一直 拉 到 最 尾端 ,只有 這 一根 那種 長 麵 條 。
then|we|want|eat|that kind|that is|one|pulled|to|end|(possessive particle)|that is|this|one|noodle|only|one|end|that is|continuously|pulled|to|most|end|only|this|one|that kind|long|noodle|strip
And... we have to eat that kind of noodle that is pulled to the end, meaning there is only one noodle, which is pulled all the way to the very end, just one long noodle.
就是 你 過年 的 時候 要 夾 這 長 麵條 ,一直 夾 ,哪怕 你 站 在 椅子 上 把 它 拉 的 老 高 ,這 叫 “挑壽 ”。
it means|you|Lunar New Year|possessive particle|time|must|pick up|this|long|noodle|continuously|pick up|even if|you|stand|in|chair|on|(indicates action)|it|pull|past action particle|very|high|this|is called|longevity noodles
So, during the New Year, you have to pick up this long noodle, keep picking it up, even if you stand on a chair to pull it really high, this is called '挑壽' (picking longevity).
但是 在 南方 ,他們 好像 不 講究 (說 )吃 長壽 麵 。
but|in|the south|they|seem|not|particular about|saying|eating|longevity|noodles
But in the south, they don't seem to emphasize (saying) eating longevity noodles.
也 有 這樣 的 講究 ,但是 非常 少 。
also|has|this way|possessive particle|attention to detail|but|very|few
There is such an emphasis, but it is very rare.
可能 大都 是 看 興致 吧 。
probably|mostly|is|watching|interest|particle indicating suggestion or assumption
It might mostly depend on interest.
比如說 , 假如 今天 過生日 了 ,( 比如說 ) 大家 一 起來 吃 一個 長壽 麵 吧 。
For example, if today is someone's birthday, (for example) everyone can come together to eat a bowl of longevity noodles.
但 我 想 ,那 不是 刻意 的 ,每次 都 是 這樣 的 。
but|I|think|that|not|intentional|particle|every time|all|is|like this|particle
But I think, that's not intentional, it's always like this.
也就是一個興致的問題 。
it is just a matter of interest
It's just a matter of interest.
我 有 一次 去 河北 的 一個 地方 吃飯 。
I|have|one time|go|Hebei|possessive particle|a|place|eat
I once went to a place in Hebei to eat.
雖然 它 跟 北京 離 的 很 近 ,但是 就是 在 飲食 方面 ,就 已經 有 很多 的 變化 了 ,有 很多 的 不同 。
although|it|with|Beijing|distance|possessive particle|very|close|but|just|in|diet|aspect|already|already|has|many|possessive particle|changes|past tense marker|has|many|possessive particle|differences
Although it's very close to Beijing, there are already many changes in terms of food, there are many differences.
然後 ,就 比如說 ,一個 正常 的 ,我們 說 的 長壽麵 ,在 河北 ,他 吃 的 長壽麵 跟 北京 的 就 不會 一樣 。
then|just|for example|a|normal|possessive particle|we|say|possessive particle|longevity noodles|in|Hebei|he|eats|possessive particle|longevity noodles|with|Beijing|possessive particle|just|will not|the same
Then, for example, a normal longevity noodle, the one we talk about, in Hebei, the longevity noodle they eat is not the same as the one in Beijing.
它 的 做法 就 完全 不同 。
it|possessive particle|method|then|completely|different
Its preparation is completely different.
我們 講 ,長壽 麵 是 一定 要 在 上面 蓋 一個 雞蛋 ,就是 煮 雞蛋 。
we|say|longevity|noodles|is|definitely|must|on|top|put|one|egg|that is|boiled|egg
We say that longevity noodles must have a boiled egg on top.
是 那種 把 雞蛋 打開 ,然後 在 水 裡面 煮熟 的 那種 。
is|that kind of|(particle indicating action)|egg|open|then|in|water|inside|cooked|(possessive particle)|that kind of
It is the kind where the egg is cracked open and then cooked in water.
那 在 河北 ,他們 可能 就 沒有 那種 習慣 。
that|in|Hebei|they|probably|then|do not have|that kind of|habit
Well, in Hebei, they might not have that kind of habit.
那 我們 在 吃飯 的 時候 要 跟 服務員 特意 說 ,你 一定 要 跟 我們 在 裡面 下 一個 煮 雞蛋 。
then|we|at|eating|possessive particle|time|must|with|waiter|specifically|say|you|definitely|must|with|us|in|inside|order|one|boiled|egg
So when we are eating, we have to specifically tell the waiter, you must make sure to put a boiled egg in for us.
然後 …… 就是 他們 會 覺得 ,為什麼 還要 下 煮 雞蛋 呢 ?
then|it's just that|they|will|think|why|still need to|boil|cook|eggs|question particle
Then... they would wonder, why do we still need to put in a boiled egg?
就是 ,可能 各地 都 會 有 一點點 小小的 差異 ,但是 不會 很大 ,畢竟 都 是 在 同一個 國家 ,都 能夠 互相 理解 這種 地域性 的 風俗 吧 。
just|maybe|all places|all|will|have|a little|tiny|differences|but|will not|very big|after all|all|are|in|the same|country|all|able to|mutually|understand|this kind of|regional|possessive particle|customs|suggestion particle
There might be some small differences in various places, but they won't be very big, after all, we are all in the same country and can understand these regional customs.
我 想 ,大 的 方面 ,應該 沒有 什麼 差異 ,主要 都 是 以 麵食 或者 米食 為主 。
I|think|big|possessive particle|aspect|should|not have|any|difference|mainly|all|are|based on|wheat-based food|or|rice-based food|primarily
I think, in general, there shouldn't be much difference, mainly based on wheat or rice dishes.
但是 就是 ,某些 特定 的 飲食習慣 還是 有 不少 的 (差異 )。
but|just|certain|specific|possessive particle|dietary habits|still|have|quite a few|possessive particle|differences
However, there are still quite a few specific dietary habits that differ.
比如說 ,在 廣州 ,福建 那些 偏南 的 地方 ,可能 有 的 人 還 會 吃 蛇肉 。
for example|in|Guangzhou|Fujian|those|relatively southern|possessive particle|places|possibly|there are|possessive particle|people|still|will|eat|snake meat
For example, in Guangzhou and those southern areas like Fujian, some people might still eat snake meat.
我 想 吃 蛇肉 ,在 北方 是 非常 少見 的 。
I|want|eat|snake meat|in|the north|is|very|rare|particle indicating description
I think eating snake meat is very rare in the north.
或者 就 像 剛才 你 說 的 ,就是 有關 吃 麵食 的 那個 話題 是 一樣 的 ,就是說 ,因為 我們 這裡 吃 這種 東西 的 人 少 ,所以 能夠 做 這個 東西 的 人 也 少 ,那麼 做 出來 的 味道 和 口感 ,可能 也 就 不如 真正 人家 吃 的 精 的 地方 做 的 那麼 好 。
or|just|like|just now|you|said|possessive particle|it is|related to|eating|noodles|possessive particle|that|topic|is|the same|possessive particle|that is to say|because|we|here|eat|this kind of|food|possessive particle|people|few|so|able to|make|this|thing|possessive particle|people|also|few|then|made|out|possessive particle|taste|and|texture|probably|also|just|not as good|real|others|eating|possessive particle|refined|possessive particle|place|made|possessive particle|that|good
Or just like what you said earlier, the topic about eating noodles is the same. It means that because there are few people here who eat this kind of food, there are also few people who can make it. Therefore, the taste and texture of what is made may not be as good as what is made in places where people really eat it.
所以 就 越來越 沒有 人 做 ,也 越來越 沒有 人 吃 。
so|then|more and more|no|people|work|also|more and more|no|people|eat
So, fewer and fewer people make it, and fewer and fewer people eat it.
可能 跟 這個 有 關係 。
This might be related.
還 可能 跟 一個 地方 的 飲食習慣 有 關係 吧 。
still|might|with|a|place|possessive particle|eating habits|have|relationship|suggestion particle
It may also be related to the eating habits of a place.
比如說 , 北方 的 這些 人 , 他 就是 覺得 , 比如說 , 蛇 很 噁心 , 我 不想 吃 那個 東西 。
For example, these people in the north feel that, for instance, snakes are very disgusting, and they don't want to eat that thing.
但是 ,一個 南方人 看到 蛇 ,他 可能 覺得 ,恩 ,這是 一頓 美味 啊 ,可能 要 嘗 一下 才 好 。
but|a|southerner|sees|snake|he|might|thinks|hmm|this is|a meal|delicious|ah|might|want|to taste|a little|only|good
However, a person from the south might see a snake and think, well, this is a delicious meal, and they might want to try it.
我 想 這些 都 是 有 很多 方面 原因 的 吧 。
I|think|these|all|are|have|many|aspects|reasons|possessive particle|suggestion particle
I think there are many reasons for all of this.
另外 還有 一點 ,就是 吃 辣 的 問題 ,還有 吃 甜 的 問題 。
additionally|also|one thing|that is|eating|spicy|possessive particle|question|also|eating|sweet|possessive particle|question
Additionally, there is also the issue of eating spicy food and the issue of eating sweet food.
我 想 ,來自 四川 和 湖南 的 人 比較 能 吃 辣 。
I|think|come from|Sichuan|and|Hunan|possessive particle|people|relatively|able to|eat|spicy
I think people from Sichuan and Hunan can eat spicy food better.
而 像 那些 浙江 啊 ,包括 江蘇 的 某些 地方 ,還有 福建 廣州 這些 東南 遍 的 地區 ,可能 都 會 偏好 甜食 多 一些 。
but|like|those|Zhejiang|ah|including|Jiangsu|possessive particle|certain|places|and also|Fujian|Guangzhou|these|Southeast|everywhere|possessive particle|regions|possibly|all|will|prefer|sweets|more|a little
And places like Zhejiang, including some areas of Jiangsu, as well as Fujian and Guangzhou in the southeast, might prefer sweeter foods.
(我 聽 )我的 一個 同事 (就 跟 我 )說過 ,他 說 ——他 就是 一個 四川人 ,他 就 說 ,我們 四川 的 辣椒 跟 你們 北方 的 辣椒 不 一樣 。
I|heard|my|a|colleague|then|with|me|had said|he|said|he|is|a|person from Sichuan|he|then|said|we|Sichuan|possessive particle|chili|with|you (plural)|northern|possessive particle|chili|not|the same
(I heard) one of my colleagues (told me) that he said—he is from Sichuan—he said, our Sichuan peppers are different from the peppers in the north.
他 給 我 帶 過 他們 那裡 的 辣椒 讓 我 吃 , 那種 辣 讓 你 覺得 , 就是 那個 辣椒 剛一 沾 到 嘴唇 , 你 就 會 覺得 , 這個 嘴唇 就 火燒火燎 的 那種 感覺 , 就 好像 被 燙 到 了 一樣 。
He brought me some of their peppers to try, and that kind of spiciness makes you feel like, as soon as that pepper touches your lips, you feel like your lips are on fire, as if they have been scalded.
然後 他 吃 咱們 的 辣椒 ,就是 北方 辣椒 的 時候 ,他 就 會 說 ,他 說 你們 的 辣椒 非常 的 幹 。
then|he|eats|our|possessive particle|chili|just|northern|chili|possessive particle|time|he|then|will|say|he|says|you|possessive particle|chili|very|adverbial particle|dry
Then he eats our chili, which is the northern chili, and he will say, he says your chili is very dry.
然後 ,吃 到 嘴裡 以後 沒什麼 感覺 ,不能 往 下嚥 ,一咽 就 會 覺得 胃裡 燒 開了 花 了 。
then|eat|into|mouth|after|not much|feeling|cannot|down|swallow|one swallow|then|will|feel|in stomach|burning|opened|flower|past tense marker
Then, after it goes into his mouth, he doesn't feel much, he can't swallow it, and if he swallows it, he feels like his stomach is on fire.
他 就 會 覺得 ,可能 因為 地域 ,就是 氣候 啊 ,還有 濕潤 度 啊 ,還有 種植 的 地方 不同 ,所以 這個 辣椒 的 口感 不同 。
he|then|will|feel|possibly|because|region|that is|climate|ah|and also|humidity|level|ah|and also|planting|possessive particle|area|different|so|this|chili pepper|possessive particle|taste|different
He will think that maybe because of the region, the climate, the humidity, and the different places of cultivation, the taste of this chili is different.
他 會 覺得 他 適應 不了 ,雖然 他 很 能 吃 辣 。
He feels that he can't adapt, even though he can eat spicy food very well.
我 看 他 吃 辣椒 真的 是 ,一下子 吃掉 半瓶 那樣 ,你 就 會 覺得 很 嚇人 。
I|see|he|eat|chili|really|is|in one go|eat up|half a bottle|like that|you|then|will|feel|very|scary
When I saw him eat chili, it was really something; he finished half a bottle in one go, and you would find it quite shocking.
但是 他 吃 不了 我們 某 一個 地方 的 辣 。
but|he|||we|certain|one|place|possessive particle|spicy food
But he can't handle the spiciness from our certain region.
就像 你 說 的 ,吃 甜的 問題 一樣 。
just like|you|said|(possessive particle)|eating|sweet|question|the same
It's just like you said, the issue with eating sweet things.
我 的 姐姐 在 出差 去 上海 的 時候 ,他們 上海 的 (那種 )飯館 ,點菜 的 時候 會 寫 上 (叫 )小 青菜 。
I|possessive particle|older sister|at|business trip|to go|Shanghai|possessive particle|when|they|Shanghai|possessive particle|that kind of|restaurant|ordering food|possessive particle|when|will|write|on|called|small|green vegetable
My sister, when she was on a business trip to Shanghai, said that at the restaurants there, when ordering, they would write down (what they call) 'little greens'.
當時 她 就 問 他 這 小 青菜 到底 是 什麼 青菜 。
at that time|she|then|asked|him|this|small|vegetable|exactly|is|what|vegetable
At that time, she asked him what this little vegetable was.
他 就 說 ,我們 就是 小 青菜 。
he|then|said|we|are|small|green vegetables
He said, we are just little vegetables.
然後 上來 的 那個 菜 有點像 小白菜 那樣 , 然後 她 就 說 , 她 說 , 他們 所有 的 菜 都 會 擱 一點點 的 糖 , 就是 你 吃 所有 的 菜 都 會 覺得 甜絲絲 的 。
Then the dish that came up looked a bit like bok choy, and she said, she said that all their vegetables would have a little bit of sugar, so when you eat all the vegetables, they would taste sweet.
然後 她 就 跟 那個 大廚 說 ,你 可不可以 給 我 做 一個 不 放糖 的 菜 ?
then|she|then|with|that|chef|said|you|could you|give|me|make|one|not|put sugar|(possessive particle)|dish
Then she asked the chef, could you make me a dish without sugar?
然後 大廚 確實 給 她 做 了 一個 不 放糖 的 菜 。
then|the chef|indeed|gave|her|made|past tense marker|one|not|adding sugar|possessive particle|dish
Then the chef indeed made her a dish without sugar.
端上來 之後 , 依然 是 甜 的 。
After it was served, it was still sweet.
然後 她 就 說 , 她 說 , 這個 主要 的 問題 可能 就是 因為 他們 的 菜 都 要 放糖 , 他們 的 鍋 可能 都 是 甜 的 。
Then she said, she said, the main problem might be that their dishes all require sugar, their pots might all be sweet.
(就是 )他們 家喻戶曉 的 一個 習慣 就是 ,一定 要 放糖 。
that is|they|well-known|possessive particle|a|habit|is|definitely|must|put sugar
(That is) a well-known habit in their family is that they must add sugar.
他 放糖 不是 為了 提味 ,不是 為了 提鮮 ,而是 飲食 的 習慣 ,就是 固有 的 必須 放糖 。
He|adds sugar|not|in order to|enhance flavor|not|in order to|enhance freshness|but rather|diet|possessive particle|habit|is|inherent|possessive particle|must|add sugar
He adds sugar not to enhance the flavor, not to enhance the freshness, but because it is a dietary habit, it is a necessity to add sugar.
在 上 海 那 一遍 的 地區 (還是 )人們 都 比較 喜歡 吃 甜食 。
in|on|sea|that|one time|possessive particle|area|still|people|all|relatively|like|eating|sweets
In that area of Shanghai, people generally prefer to eat sweet foods.
我 是 深有體會 的 。
I|am|deeply understand|past action particle
I have a deep understanding of this.
當然 我 還 記得 ,有 一次 非常 出乎 我 的 預料 。
of course|I|still|remember|there is|one time|very|beyond|my|possessive particle|expectation
Of course, I still remember that there was one time that was very unexpected for me.
因為 我 本身 是 非常 能 吃 辣 的 ,我 也 比較 喜歡 吃 辣 。
because|I|myself|am|very|able|eat|spicy|(particle indicating past action)|I|also|relatively|like|eating|spicy
Because I can eat spicy food very well, I also prefer to eat spicy.
結果 我 有 一次 去 蘇州 ,(因為) 蘇州 離 上海 很 近 ,只有 半個 小時 的 火車 ,甚至 還 不要 ,都 是 以 吃 甜食 為 主 。
result|I|have|one time|go|Suzhou|(because)|Suzhou|away from|Shanghai|very|close|only|half an|hour|possessive particle|train|even|still|not needed|all|is|based on|eating|sweets|as|main
As a result, I once went to Suzhou, (because) Suzhou is very close to Shanghai, only half an hour by train, and even less, mainly focused on eating sweets.
我 那次 去 蘇州 之後 ,有 一個 朋友 要 請 我 吃飯 ,然後 到 了 一個 飯館 裡面 。
I|that time|went|Suzhou|after|had|a|friend|wanted|to treat|me|to eat|then|arrived|past tense marker|a|restaurant|inside
After I went to Suzhou that time, a friend wanted to invite me to dinner, and then we went to a restaurant.
然後 我 就要 了 一碗 面 。
then|I|will order|past tense marker|a bowl of|noodles
Then I ordered a bowl of noodles.
那 碗 麵 上 寫 了 有 三個 辣 的 等級 ,就是 “微辣 ”,“中辣 ”和 “特辣 ”三個 等級 。
that|bowl|noodles|on|wrote|past tense marker|has|three|spicy|possessive particle|levels|that is|mild spicy|medium spicy|and|extra spicy|three|levels
The bowl of noodles had three levels of spiciness written on it: 'Mild', 'Medium', and 'Extra Spicy'.
我 當時 就 想 ,我 想 ,蘇州人 肯定 不能 吃 辣 ,我 就 來 個 “特辣 ”吧 ,要不然 ,可能 一點 辣 的 味道 都 沒有 。
I|at that time|then|thought|I|thought|Suzhou people|definitely|cannot|eat|spicy|I|then|ordered|a|extra spicy|suggestion particle|otherwise|might|a little|spicy|possessive particle|flavor|at all|not have
At that time, I thought to myself, 'People from Suzhou definitely can't handle spicy food, so I'll go for the 'Extra Spicy', otherwise, there might not be any spicy flavor at all.'
結果 等 麵條 上來 之後 ,我 發現 “特辣 ”的 辣味 讓 我 這個 非常 能 吃 辣椒 的 人 都 是 非常 的 受不了 。
result|wait|noodles|come up|after|I|realized|extra spicy|possessive particle|spiciness|made|I|this|very|able to|eat|chili|possessive particle|person|all|are|very|particle indicating adverbial|unable to tolerate
However, when the noodles arrived, I found that the spiciness of the 'Extra Spicy' was so intense that even I, who can handle a lot of chili, couldn't stand it.
所以 我 覺得 ,有 的 時候 還是 不 能夠 小看 人家 。
so|I|think|have|possessive particle|times|still|not|able to|underestimate|others
So I think sometimes you really shouldn't underestimate others.
其實 你 說 到 這些 問題 之後 ,我們 也 會 想 ,就是 南北方 的 這種 飲食 的 差異 ,之所以 這麼 的 不同 ,可能 因為 我們 地域 跨度 很 大 有 關係 。
actually|you|mention|to|these|questions|after|we|also|will|think|it's just|north and south|possessive particle|this kind of|diet|possessive particle|difference|the reason why|so|possessive particle|different|possibly|because|we|region|span|very|large|has|relationship
Actually, after you mentioned these issues, we also think about the differences in diet between the north and south. The reason for such differences may be related to the large geographical span we have.
你 想 ,從 最 北面 ,最 寒冷 的 地方 ,一直 到 最 南面 ,接近 赤道 的 地方 ,那 你 這個 這麼 大 的 跨度 ,一定 是 生長 環境 是 不 一樣 ,那 你 的 飲食 就 一定 不 一樣 。
you|think|from|most|northern|most|cold|possessive particle|place|all the way|to|most|southern|close to|equator|possessive particle|place|then|you|this|so|large|possessive particle|span|definitely|is|growth|environment|is|not|the same|then|you|possessive particle|diet|then|definitely|not|the same
Think about it, from the northernmost, coldest places all the way to the southernmost areas, close to the equator. With such a large span, the growing environments must be different, and therefore, the diets will definitely be different.
像 你 說 的 我們 北方 愛 吃 麵 食 一樣 , 我們 北方 就 只能 是 種 小麥 , 因為 它 的 這種 生長 環境 就 不 適合 種 水稻 。
For example, as you said, we in the north love to eat wheat products. In the north, we can only grow wheat because the growing environment is not suitable for rice cultivation.
它 沒有 那麼 潮濕 ,沒有 那麼 大 的 雨水 ,那 我 種 不了 水稻 ,那 沒 辦法 ,大家 都 以 麵 食 為 主 。
it|does not have|that much|humid|does not have|that much|heavy|possessive particle|rainfall|then|I|plant|cannot|rice|then|no|way|everyone|all|take|wheat|food|as|staple
It is not that humid and does not receive that much rainfall, so I cannot grow rice. Therefore, everyone mainly relies on wheat products.
那 南方 呢 ,可能 南方 它 的 生長 環境 不 適宜 種 小麥 ,它 很 濕潤 ,它 很 適合 種 水稻 ,很 適合 長 這種 作物 的 時候 ,那 它 種 這種 植物 可能 就 會 量 更 大 一些 ,那 大家 吃 的 這個 東西 也 就 更 多 一些 。
then|south|question particle|possibly|south|it|possessive particle|growth|environment|not|suitable|grow|wheat|it|very|humid|it|very|suitable|grow|rice|very|suitable|grow|this type of|crop|possessive particle|time|then|it|grow|this type of|plant|possibly|then|will|yield|more|large|some|then|everyone|eat|possessive particle|this|thing|also|then|more|many|some
As for the south, it is possible that the growing environment there is not suitable for planting wheat; it is very humid and very suitable for growing rice. When it is suitable for growing such crops, the yield of these plants may be larger, and thus there will be more of this food for everyone to eat.
對 , 我 想 這 也 是 很 有 道理 的 。
Yes, I think this makes a lot of sense.
因為 古時候 說 ,江南 ,就是 長江 以南 那 一遍 地區 ,稱之為 “魚米之鄉 ”。
because|in ancient times|it was said|Jiangnan|is|Yangtze River|south of|that|whole|region|called|land of fish and rice
In ancient times, it was said that Jiangnan, the area south of the Yangtze River, was called the "land of fish and rice."
“ 魚米之鄉 ”,“ 魚 ” 就是 …… 因為 那 地方 靠水 嘛 , 所以 有 很多 海鮮 , 海鮮 和 水產 ; 然後 “ 米 ” 就是指 水稻 , 吃 米 嘛 , 所以 叫 “ 魚米之鄉 ”。
The "land of fish and rice" refers to... because that area is close to water, there are many seafood and aquatic products; and "rice" refers to rice, as in eating rice, so it is called the "land of fish and rice."
恩 ,我 想 ,那 北方 呢 ,我們 通常 會 吃 的 一些 食品 還是 比較 靠近 我們 自己 的 這些 東西 。
uh|I|think|then|north|question particle|we|usually|will|eat|possessive particle|some|food|or|relatively|close to|we|ourselves|possessive particle|these|things
Well, I think in the north, the foods we usually eat are still quite close to our own.
就 比如說 ,冬天 的 時候 ,北方 人 會 儲存 大白菜 。
then|for example|winter|possessive particle|time|northern|people|will|store|napa cabbage
For example, in winter, people in the north will store Chinese cabbage.
就是 因為 ,到 冬天 的 時候 ,這個 時令 的 季節 ,北方 產 的 其它 作物 很 少 。
it is just|because|by|winter|possessive particle|time|this|seasonal|possessive particle|season|northern|produced|possessive particle|other|crops|very|few
This is because, in winter, during this seasonal period, there are very few other crops produced in the north.
大白菜 是 最 多 的 。
napa cabbage|is|most|abundant|possessive particle
Chinese cabbage is the most abundant.
那 南方 我 相信 他 不會 儲存 這種 東西 ,因為 它 是 一年 兩季 收割 ,但是 北方 只有 一季 收割 。
that|south|I|believe|he|will not|store|this kind of|thing|because|it|is|one year|two seasons|harvest|but|north|only|one season|harvest
Well, in the south, I believe they won't store such things, because there are two harvests a year, but in the north, there is only one harvest.
那 就 會 直接 影響 到 我們 的 飲食習慣 的 。
That will directly affect our eating habits.
但 我 想 , 現在 , 對於 當今 的 這種 社會 來說 , 我 想 , 飲食習慣 ( 的 差異 ) 不像 以前 那麼 大 了 。
But I think, now, for today's society, I believe the differences in eating habits are not as significant as they used to be.
因為 ,比如說 ,我 在 北京 ,我 也 可以 吃 ……專門 挑選 我 自己 想要 吃 的 東西 。
because|for example|I|in|Beijing|I|also|can|eat|specifically|choose|I|myself|want|eat|(possessive particle)|things
Because, for example, I am in Beijing, and I can also eat... specifically choose what I want to eat.
我 也 可以 一頓 三餐 都 吃 米食 ,而 不吃 麵食 。
I|also|can|one meal|three meals|all|eat|rice|but|do not eat|noodles
I can also eat rice for all three meals and not eat noodles.
我 想 這些 飲食習慣 ,都 隨著 這種 人們 的 交流 還有 互動 越來越 多 而 漸漸 的 淡化 了 。
I|think|these|eating habits|all|along with|this kind of|people|possessive particle|communication|and|interaction|more and more|much|and|gradually|adverbial particle|diluted|past tense marker
I think these dietary habits have gradually faded as people interact and communicate more.
比如說 ,你 剛才 的 姐姐 去 上海 的 時候 ,我 想 如果 她 找 對 地方 的話 ,她 也 可以 找到 北京 風味 的 飯館 ,比如 ,找 一個 北京 烤鴨店 甚至 都 可以 。
for example|you|just now|possessive particle|older sister|go|Shanghai|possessive particle|when|I|thought|if|she|find|right|place|conditional particle|she|also|can|find|Beijing|flavor|possessive particle|restaurant|for example|find|a|Beijing|roast duck restaurant|even|all|can
For example, when your sister went to Shanghai just now, I think if she finds the right place, she can also find restaurants with Beijing flavors, like a Peking duck restaurant.
其實 就 像 你 說 的 一樣 ,我們 現在 發展 的 越來越 好 ,那 我們 所有 的 這些 食品 都 會 南北 共通 嘛 。
actually|just|like|you|said|(possessive particle)|the same|we|now|development|(possessive particle)|more and more|good|then|we|all|(possessive particle)|these|food|all|will|north and south|common|question particle
Actually, just as you said, we are developing better and better now, so all of these foods will be common in both the north and south.
就 比如說 , 我 在 北京 , 可以 找到 四川 館子 , 可以 找到 東北 館子 , 也 可以 找到 粵菜館 , 也 可以 找到 上海 菜 。
For example, I can find Sichuan restaurants, Northeast restaurants, Cantonese restaurants, and Shanghai cuisine in Beijing.
我們 可以 在 同一個 地域 吃到 不同 的 食物 ,可以 去 享受 各地 的 飲食文化 。
we|can|in|the same|region|eat|different|possessive particle|food|can|go|enjoy|various places|possessive particle|food culture
We can eat different foods in the same region and enjoy the culinary culture from various places.
那 我 相信 在 南方 也 是 一樣 。
then|I|believe|in|the south|also|is|the same
I believe it is the same in the south.
只不過 它 是 加以 改良 的 ,是 適合 某 一個 地方 的 人 的 口味 。
just|it|is|additionally|improved|(possessive particle)|is|suitable|certain|one|place|(possessive particle)|people|(possessive particle)|taste
It's just that it has been modified to suit the tastes of people in a specific area.
應該 會 有 這種 區別 而已 。
should|will|have|this kind of|distinction|only
There should be such a distinction.
對 ,而且 我 想 ,這 兩年 在 中國 ,流行 的 菜 還有 日菜 和 韓菜 ,就是 日本料理 還有 韓國菜 。
yes|moreover|I|think|this|two years|in|China|popular|possessive particle|cuisine|and also|Japanese cuisine|and|Korean cuisine|that is|Japanese food|and also|Korean food
Yes, and I think that in the past two years in China, popular cuisines also include Japanese and Korean dishes.
這 兩種 餐館 最近 開 了 很多 。
this|two types|restaurants|recently|opened|past tense marker|many
Many restaurants of these two types have opened recently.
恩 ,不光 是 這些 ,還有 ,比如說 像 泰國菜 。
uh|not only|is|these|also|for example|like|Thai food
Well, not only these, but also, for example, Thai cuisine.
我 曾經 和 一個 朋友 一起 去 吃 過 一次 泰國菜 ,它 的 所有 的 菜 裡面 都 會 擱 很 多 的 那些 香料 。
I|once|with|one|friend|together|go|eat|past tense marker|one time|Thai food|it|possessive particle|all|possessive particle|dishes|inside|all|will|put|very|many|possessive particle|those|spices
I once went to eat Thai food with a friend, and all the dishes had a lot of those spices.
咖哩 。
包括 ……它 還 會 擱 很多 辣椒 。
including|it|also|will|add|a lot of|chili peppers
Including... it also had a lot of chili.
它 基本上 所有 的 菜 好像 是 辣 的 偏 多 。
it|basically|all|possessive particle|dishes|seems|are|spicy|particle indicating adjective|relatively|many
Basically, all the dishes seemed to be quite spicy.
然後 你 也 會 覺得 ,很 有 異域 的 風味 。
then|you|also|will|feel|very|have|exotic|possessive particle|flavor
Then you will also feel that it has a very exotic flavor.
然後 你 也 不是 說 很 不能 接受 ,是 因為 它 也 按照 中國 人 的 口味 稍 做 了 一些 調試 。
then|you|also|not|said|very|unable to|accept|is|because|it|also|according to|Chinese|people|possessive particle|taste|slightly|made|past tense marker|some|adjustments
And you don't really find it unacceptable, because it has been slightly adjusted to suit Chinese tastes.
對 ,我 想 ,各個 地方 都 有 自己 獨特 的 風味 吧 。
right|I|think|every|place|all|has|its own|unique|possessive particle|flavor|question particle
Yes, I think every place has its own unique flavor.
我 覺得 泰國菜 口味 很 重 , 就是 覺得 咸 , 還有 …… 也 不是 辣 , 就是 覺得 那種 味道 很 重 的 感覺 , 可能 因為 咖哩 放 的 很多 。
I think Thai food has a very strong flavor; it feels salty, and... it's not really spicy, but it has a very strong taste, probably because a lot of curry is used.
當然 還有 印度 菜 ,越南 菜 ,甚至 還有 台灣 小吃 這些 。
of course|also have|Indian|cuisine|Vietnamese|cuisine|even|also have|Taiwanese|snacks|these
Of course, there are also Indian cuisine, Vietnamese cuisine, and even Taiwanese snacks.
當然 還有 非常 非常多 的 西餐館 。
of course|there are still|very|very many|possessive particle|Western restaurants
Of course, there are also a very, very large number of Western restaurants.
但 相 比較 而言 ,我 想 ,我 還是 最 喜歡 中國 的 菜 ,中國 的 食品 。
but|relatively|comparison|speaking|I|think|I|still|most|like|China|possessive particle|cuisine|China|possessive particle|food
But comparatively speaking, I think I still prefer Chinese cuisine, Chinese food.
順便 提醒 一句 ,據 我 的 經驗 還有 朋友 的 經驗 ,正宗 的 中國 食品 ,中國 菜 ,只 可以 在 中國 吃到 。
by the way|remind|one thing|according to|I|possessive particle|experience|and also|friend|possessive particle|experience|authentic|possessive particle|Chinese|food|Chinese|cuisine|only|can|in|China|be eaten
By the way, based on my experience and the experience of friends, authentic Chinese food, Chinese cuisine, can only be found in China.
現在 各地 都 有 中國 的 餐館 ,但是 ,據說 這些 餐館 燒 的 並 不是 正宗 的 中國 菜 。
now|everywhere|all|have|Chinese|possessive particle|restaurant|but|it is said|these|restaurants|cooked|possessive particle|not|is not|authentic|possessive particle|Chinese|cuisine
Now, there are Chinese restaurants everywhere, but it is said that these restaurants do not serve authentic Chinese cuisine.
所以 ,喜歡 中國 菜 的 朋友 可能 要 注意 了 ,要 想 吃到 正宗 的 中國 菜 ,可能 還是 要 親自 來 一趟 中國 。
so|likes|Chinese|food|possessive particle|friend|might|needs to|pay attention|past action marker|wants to|think|eat|authentic|possessive particle|Chinese|food|might|still|needs to|in person|come|one trip|China
So, friends who like Chinese food may need to pay attention; if you want to eat authentic Chinese food, you might still have to come to China in person.
其實 就 像 你 說 的 這個 問題 一樣 ……我 的 一個 朋友 ,他 會 到 各國 去 出差 ,他 就 跟 我 說過 一件 事 。
actually|just|like|you|said|possessive particle|this|question|same|I|possessive particle|one|friend|he|will|to|all countries|go|business trip|he|then|with|I|had told|one|thing
Actually, just like the question you mentioned... A friend of mine, who travels to various countries for business, once told me something.
他 說 , 原來 麥當勞 和 肯德基 在 各個 地方 的 味道 是 不 一樣 的 。
He said that the taste of McDonald's and KFC is different in different places.
他 就 說 ,原來 別的 地方 的 漢堡 跟 中國 的 漢堡 味道 不同 ,它 不是 完全 一致 的 。
he|then|said|originally|other|places|possessive particle|hamburger|with|China|possessive particle|hamburger|taste|different|it|is not|completely|the same|possessive particle
He said that hamburgers in other places taste different from those in China; they are not exactly the same.
它 會 根據 你 地域 的 不同 去 改變 味道 。
it|will|according to|your|region|possessive particle|different|to|change|taste
The taste will change depending on your region.
他 就 跟 我 說過 這麼 一件 事情 之後 ,我 突然 就 會 想到 ,那 其實 我們 的 中國 菜 也 一樣 。
he|then|with|I|had said|such a|one|thing|after|I|suddenly|then|would|think of|that|actually|we|possessive particle|Chinese|food|also|the same
After he told me this, I suddenly thought that our Chinese cuisine is the same.
也許 我們 到 了 美國 的 時候 ,我們 會 變成 適合 美國 人口味 的 味道 。
maybe|we|arrive|past tense marker|America|possessive particle|time|we|will|become|suitable|America|people's taste|possessive particle|flavor
Maybe when we go to America, we will adapt to flavors that suit American tastes.
那 也許 我們 到 了 德國 ,我們 會 適應 德國人 的 口味 。
then|maybe|we|arrive|past tense marker|Germany|we|will|adapt|Germans|possessive particle|taste
Then maybe when we get to Germany, we will adapt to the tastes of the Germans.
那 你 到 不同 的 地域 之後 ,你 就要 以 人家 的 那種 地域 味道 來 牽制 你 的 口味 。
then|you|arrive|different|possessive particle|region|after|you|will have to|use|others|possessive particle|that kind of|regional|flavor|to|control|your|possessive particle|taste
When you go to different regions, you have to adjust your taste to match the local flavors.
或者說 ,你 有 一點點 小小的 變化 ,人家 才 更好 接受 。
or rather|you|have|a little|tiny|change|others|only|better|accept
Or rather, if you make a small change, people will be more accepting.
但是 ,真正 的 本土 文化 一定 要 在 本土 才 能夠 享受 得到 。
but|true|possessive particle|local|culture|definitely|must|in|local|only|able to|enjoy|obtain
However, true local culture can only be enjoyed in its native place.
也就是像你說的 ,還是 歡迎 所有的 人 來 中國 本土 來 品嚐 我們 最 正宗 的 中國 美食 。
just like you said|still|welcome|all|people|to|China|local|to|taste|our|most|authentic|(possessive particle)|Chinese|cuisine
As you said, we still welcome everyone to come to China to taste our most authentic Chinese cuisine.
是啊 ,而且 花花 可能 會 請客 。
yeah|moreover|Huahua|might|will|treat (to a meal)
Yes, and Huahua might treat us.
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