2-達斯汀 想 去 度假
Dustin|wants|to go|vacation
2 – Dustin vuole andare in vacanza
2 - 达斯汀想去度假
2 - Dustin wants to go on vacation
故事 二 :達斯汀 想 去 度假
story|two|Dustin|wants|to go|vacation
Story Two: Dustin wants to go on vacation
寒假 到 了 ,達斯汀 很 興奮 。
winter vacation|arrive|past tense marker|Dustin|very|excited
Winter break has arrived, and Dustin is very excited.
這 個 冬天 他 可以 休息 一 段 時間 了 。
this|measure word|winter|he|can|rest|one|period|time|past tense marker
This winter he can take a break for a while.
兩 週 的 時間 裡 ,他 不用 再 去 工作 。
two|weeks|possessive particle|time|inside|he|does not need to|again|go|work
For two weeks, he doesn't have to work anymore.
他 想 去 休假 。
He|wants|to go|vacation
He wants to go on vacation.
可是 ,他 不知道 去 哪裡 。
but|he|doesn't know|go|where
But he doesn't know where to go.
他 想 去 法國 。
he|wants|to go|France
He wants to go to France.
但是 法國 太 貴 了 。
but|France|too|expensive|past tense marker
But France is too expensive.
飛機票 非常 貴 。
airplane ticket|very|expensive
The plane tickets are very expensive.
而且 達斯汀 還 不會 說 法 語 。
Moreover, Dustin doesn't speak French.
他 還是 決定 待 在 家 裡 學習 、省錢 。
he|still|decided|to stay|at|home|inside|study|save money
He decided to stay at home to study and save money.
用 不同 的 方式 講述 同 一 個 故事 。
use|different|possessive particle|way|narrate|same|one|measure word|story
Tell the same story in different ways.
寒假 到 了 ,我 很 興奮 。
winter vacation|arrive|past tense marker|I|very|excited
The winter vacation has arrived, and I am very excited.
這 個 冬天 我 可以 休息 一 段 時間 了 。
this|measure word|winter|I|can|rest|one|period|time|past tense marker
I can take a break for a while this winter.
兩 週 的 時間 裡 ,我 不用 再 工作 了 。
two|weeks|possessive particle|time|inside|I|don't need to|again|work|past tense marker
For two weeks, I don't have to work anymore.
我 想 去 休假 。
I|want|to go|vacation
I want to go on vacation.
可是 ,我 不知道 去 哪裡 。
but|I|don't know|go|where
But, I don't know where to go.
我 想 去 法國 。
I|want|to go|France
I want to go to France.
但是 法國 太 貴 了 。
but|France|too|expensive|past tense marker
But France is too expensive.
飛機票 非常 貴 。
airplane ticket|very|expensive
The plane tickets are very expensive.
而且 我 還 不會 說法 語 。
Moreover, I can't speak French.
我 還是 決定 待 在 家裡 學習 、省錢 。
I|still|decided|to stay|at|home|study|save money
I still decided to stay at home to study and save money.
問題 :
一 : 寒假 到 了 , 達斯汀 很 興奮 。
One: Winter vacation has arrived, and Dustin is very excited.
達斯汀 很 興奮 嗎 ?
Dustin|very|excited|question particle
Is Dustin very excited?
是的 ,寒假 到了 ,達斯汀 很 興奮 。
yes|winter vacation|has arrived|Dustin|very|excited
Yes, winter vacation has arrived, and Dustin is very excited.
二 :這 個 冬天 他 可以 休息 一 段 時間 了 。
two|this|measure word|winter|he|can|rest|one|period|time|past tense marker
Two: He can take a break for a while this winter.
這 個 冬天 達斯汀 可以 有 一些 空閒 時間 了 嗎 ?
this|measure word|winter|Dustin|can|have|some|free|time|past tense marker|question particle
Can Dustin have some free time this winter?
是的 ,這個 冬天 達斯汀 可以 休息 一段 時間 了 。
yes|this|winter|Dustin|can|rest|a period of|time|past tense marker
Yes, Dustin can take a break for a while this winter.
三 :達斯汀 想 去 渡假 。
three|Dustin|wants|to go|vacation
Three: Dustin wants to go on vacation.
達斯汀 想 待 在 家 裡 嗎 ?
Dustin|wants|to stay|at|home|inside|question particle
Does Dustin want to stay at home?
達斯汀 不 想 待 在 家 裡 ,他 想 去 渡假 。
Dustin|not|wants|stay|at|home|inside|he|wants|to go|vacation
Dustin doesn't want to stay at home, he wants to go on vacation.
四 :但是 ,達斯汀 不 知道 去 哪裡 。
But, Dustin doesn't know where to go.
達斯汀 知道 去 哪裡 嗎 ?
Dustin|knows|go|where|question particle
Does Dustin know where to go?
不 ,達斯汀 不 知道 去 哪裡 。
No, Dustin doesn't know where to go.
五 :達斯汀 想 去 法國 渡假 。
5|Dustin|wants|to go|France|vacation
Five: Dustin wants to go to France for vacation.
達斯汀 想 去 法國 嗎 ?
Dustin|wants|to go|France|question particle
Does Dustin want to go to France?
是的 ,達斯汀 想 去 法國 渡假 。
yes|Dustin|wants|to go|France|vacation
Yes, Dustin wants to go to France for vacation.
六 :但是 法國 太 貴 了 。
six|but|France|too|expensive|past tense marker
Six: But France is too expensive.
法國 很 便宜 嗎 ?
France|very|cheap|question particle
Is France very cheap?
不 ,法國 不便宜 ,法國 很 貴 。
no|France|is not cheap|France|very|expensive
No, France is not cheap, France is very expensive.
七 :達斯汀 不會 說 法 語 。
Seven: Dustin does not speak French.
達斯汀 會 說 法 語 嗎 ?
Dustin|can|speak|French|language|question particle
Can Dustin speak French?
不 ,達斯汀 不會 說 法 語 。
no|Dustin|will not|speak|French|language
No, Dustin will not speak French.
八 :達斯汀 打算 假期 待 在 家裡 學 法語 ,省錢 。
eight|Dustin|plans|holiday|to stay|at|home|to learn|French|save money
Eight: Dustin plans to stay at home during the holiday to learn French and save money.
達斯汀 打算 學 法語 嗎 ?
Dustin|plans|to learn|French|question particle
Does Dustin plan to learn French?
是的 ,他 決心 學 法語 、省錢 、整個 假期 都 待 在 家裡 。
yes|he|is determined|to learn|French|to save money|entire|holiday|all|to stay|in|home
Yes, he is determined to learn French, save money, and stay at home for the entire holiday.
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