Question 4 - TOCFL Band C Listening
Question 4 - TOCFL Band C Listening
太空人 克里斯 ‧哈德菲爾 上校 退役 後 ,上 節目 分享 他 當 太空人 的 心路歷程 。
astronaut|Chris|Hadfield|Colonel|retirement|after|on|program|shared|he|being|astronaut|possessive particle|journey of the mind
Astronaut Chris Hadfield, after retiring, appeared on a program to share his journey as an astronaut.
以下 節錄 部分 訪談 內容 ,請 聽完 後 ,回答 三個 問題 。
the following|excerpt|part|interview|content|please|after listening|after|answer|three|questions
Below is an excerpt from the interview. Please listen to it and answer three questions.
現在 請 聽 訪問 。
Now please listen to the interview.
女 :您 剛剛 提到 ,如果 想 減輕 自己 的 壓力 ,最好 的 方式 就是 「小題大做 」。
female|you (formal)|just now|mentioned|if|want|to reduce|oneself|possessive particle|stress|best|possessive particle|way|is|making a big deal out of a small issue
Woman: You just mentioned that if you want to reduce your stress, the best way is to "make a big deal out of a small issue."
「小題大做 」在 我們 印象 中 就是 舉手 紛爭 的 禍首 ,您 怎麼 會 把 它 視為 減輕 壓力 的 方法 呢 ?
make a big deal out of a small issue|in|our|impression|in|is|raising hands|dispute|possessive particle|culprit|you (formal)|how|would|particle indicating disposal|it|regard as|relieving|stress|possessive particle|method|question particle
"Making a big deal out of a small issue" is usually seen as the root of disputes. How can you consider it a method to relieve stress?
男 :哈哈 ,我 這麼 說 吧 ,看 一件 事 ,我 會 用 最 悲觀 的 態度 來 看 ,並且 設想著 所有 可能 發生 的 狀況 。
man|haha|I|like this|say|suggestion particle|look|one|thing|I|will|use|most|pessimistic|possessive particle|attitude|to|view|and|imagining|all|possible|happening|possessive particle|situations
Man: Haha, let me put it this way, when I look at a situation, I adopt the most pessimistic attitude and imagine all the possible scenarios that could happen.
例如 ,開車 上路 時 ,我 就 想著 後頭 的 車子 可能 會 煞車 不及 朝 我 撞過來 ,這樣 我 就 會 時時 留心 後頭 車子 的 車況 ,降低 可能 發生 的 風險 。
for example|driving|on the road|when|I|then|think about|behind|possessive particle|car|possibly|will|brake|unable to stop in time|towards|me|crash into|this way|I|then|will|always|pay attention to|behind|car|possessive particle|condition|reduce|possible|occurrence|possessive particle|risk
For example, when driving on the road, I think about the car behind me possibly not being able to brake in time and crashing into me. This way, I stay alert to the condition of the car behind me, reducing the potential risks.
女 :您 的 意思 是 ,設想 所有 最糟 的 情況 ,在 危急 時刻 就 能 有效地 反應 嗎 ?
female|you|possessive particle|meaning|is|to imagine|all|worst|possessive particle|situations|at|critical|moment|then|can|effectively|react|question particle
Female: What you mean is to imagine all the worst-case scenarios, so that you can respond effectively in a critical moment, right?
男 :對 ,在 我 的 工作 中 ,這點 非常 重要 。
Male|right|in|my|possessive particle|work|in|this point|very|important
Male: Yes, this is very important in my work.
因為 我們 面對 太多 未知 的 狀況 。
because|we|face|too many|unknown|possessive particle|situations
Because we face too many unknown situations.
當 狀況 發生 時 ,如果 手足無措 的話 ,會 把 自己 陷入 更 糟糕 的 處境 中 。
when|situation|occurs|time|if|at a loss|then|will|(particle indicating action towards an object)|oneself|fall into|more|worse|(possessive particle)|predicament|in
When a situation occurs, if you are at a loss, it will put you in an even worse predicament.
女 :嗯 ,太空人 真是 一個 高風險 的 行業 ,確實 有 「居安思危 」的 必要性 。
female|hmm|astronaut|really is|a|high-risk|possessive particle|industry|indeed|has|thinking of danger in times of peace|possessive particle|necessity
Female: Hmm, being an astronaut is indeed a high-risk profession, and there is certainly a necessity for 'being prepared for the worst'.
8.根據 訪談 ,哈德菲爾 認知 的 「小題大做 」是 什麼 ?
according to|interview|Haderfield|cognition|possessive particle|making a big deal out of a small issue|is|what
8. According to the interview, what does Haderfield mean by 'making a big deal out of a small issue'?
(A)裝腔作勢 (B)有備無患 (C)煞有介事 (D)大材小用
|to act pretentiously||better safe than sorry||to be overly serious about something trivial||to waste great talent on trivial matters
(A) Putting on airs (B) Better safe than sorry (C) Making a fuss (D) Wasting talent
9.在 訪談 中 ,哈德菲爾 為何 提到 悲觀 的 態度 ?
during|interview|in|Haderfield|why|mentioned|pessimistic|(possessive particle)|attitude
9. In the interview, why did Haderfield mention a pessimistic attitude?
(A) 因為 可以 防患未然 (B) 因為 生活 壓力 很大 (C) 因為 人生 充滿 憾事 (D) 因為 事事 難以預料
(A) Because it can prevent problems before they arise (B) Because the pressure of life is very high (C) Because life is full of regrets (D) Because everything is hard to predict
10.哈德菲爾 在 訪談 最後 所 說 的 話 是 什麼 意思 ?
Haderfield|at|interview|end|particle indicating possession|said|particle indicating past action|words|is|what|meaning
10. What did Haderfield say at the end of the interview?
(A)強調 冷靜 的 重要性 (B)說明 太空人 面對 的 風險 (C)指出 太空人 對 未知 的 看法 (D)強調 工作 不如 大眾 想像 風光
|emphasize|calmness|possessive particle|importance||explain|astronaut|facing|possessive particle|risks||point out|astronaut|towards|unknown|possessive particle|perspective||emphasize|work|not as|the public|imagination|glamorous
(A) Emphasizing the importance of staying calm (B) Explaining the risks faced by astronauts (C) Pointing out astronauts' views on the unknown (D) Emphasizing that work is not as glamorous as the public imagines.
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