阿拉伯 帝國 如何 滅亡 的 , 阿拉伯 帝國 歷史 , 中東 歷史 , 阿拉伯 歷史 , 阿拉伯 簡史 , 阿拉伯 國王 , 阿拉伯 帝國 最後 的 哈 裏 發 , 哈 裏 發 , 蒙古 伊兒汗 國 , 花剌子 模 王朝 , 旭烈 兀 , 塞爾柱 突厥 帝國 , 歐洲 十字軍 , 白益 王朝
How the Arab Empire fell, the history of the Arab Empire, the history of the Middle East, Arab history, a brief history of the Arabs, Arab kings, the last caliph of the Arab Empire, caliphs, the Mongol Ilkhanate, the Khwarezmian dynasty, Genghis Khan, the Seljuk Empire, the European Crusades, the Ayyubid dynasty.
馬 蒙 的 時代 是 阿拉伯 伊斯蘭 文化 最 輝煌 的 時代
Ma|Mong|possessive particle|era|is|Arab|Islamic|culture|most|glorious|possessive particle|era
The era of Al-Ma'mun was the most glorious period of Arab Islamic culture.
833 年 馬蒙 去世 他 弟弟 繼位 從 他 弟穆 阿 臺 綏姆 開始 阿拔斯 王朝 就 開始 衰落 了
year|Al-Ma'mun|died|he|younger brother|succeeded to the throne|from|he|Al-Mu'tasim|the|the|Suyum|began|Abbasid|dynasty|then|began|decline|past tense marker
In 833, Al-Ma'mun passed away, and his brother succeeded him. From the time of his brother Al-Mu'tasim, the Abbasid dynasty began to decline.
阿拔斯 王朝 就 開始 衰落 了
Abbas|dynasty|then|began|decline|past tense marker
The Abbasid dynasty began to decline.
之後 基本上 就 沒有 在 對外 征服 過 穆阿 臺 綏姆 他媽 是 一個 突厥 女奴
after|basically|then|no|in|external|conquest|past action marker|Mu'a|Tai|Suim|his mother|is|a|Turkic|female slave
After that, basically, there was no external conquest of Mu'a Tai Suimu, who is a Turkic female slave.
基於 這 一層 關系 小穆哥 就 挑選 了 一些 有才幹 的 突厥 人
based on|this|layer|relationship|Little Mu|then|selected|past tense marker|some|talented|possessive particle|Turkic|people
Based on this relationship, Little Mu chose some capable Turkic people.
直接 就 晉升 為 將軍
They were directly promoted to generals.
組建 了 一支 幾千人 全是 突厥 人 的 禁衛軍
formed|past tense marker|a|few thousand people|all are|Turkic|people|possessive particle|imperial guard
A guard army of several thousand people, all of whom were Turkic, was formed.
他 為 什 麽 這 麽 幹 呢 ?
Why is he doing this?
除了 他媽 是 突厥 人 之外 更 重要 的 一個 原因 是
besides|his mother|is|Turkic|person|other than|more|important|possessive particle|one|reason|is
Besides the fact that his mother is a Turk, a more important reason is
阿拔斯 王朝 不是 靠著 波斯 人 幫忙 才 推翻 了 倭馬亞 王朝 起家 的 嘛
Abbas|dynasty|not|relying on|Persian|people|help|only then|overthrew|past tense marker|Umayyad|dynasty|rise|possessive particle|question particle
the Abbasid dynasty did not overthrow the Umayyad dynasty with the help of Persians, right?
所以 在 阿拔斯 王朝 軍事 力量 當中 波斯 人 占 了 很 重要 的 位置
so|in|Abbasid|dynasty|military|power|among|Persian|people|occupied|past tense marker|very|important|possessive particle|position
So, Persians held a very important position in the military power of the Abbasid dynasty.
可 畢竟 波斯 人 不是 自己 人 小穆 對 他們 不 放心 啊
but|after all|Persian|people|not|own|people|Little Mu|towards|them|not|at ease|ah
But after all, the Persians are not one of their own, and Xiao Mu is not at ease with them.
為 了 削弱 波斯 人 的 勢力 才 讓 當時 並 沒有 什 麽 背景 的 突厥 人
In order to weaken the power of the Persians, they allowed the Turks, who at that time had no background, to take on the task of defending themselves.
擔任 保衛 自己 的 工作
serve as|protect|oneself|possessive particle|job
What he did not anticipate was that this Turkish imperial guard would later become a huge threat to the empire.
他 沒有 想到 的 是 這 一只 突厥 禁衛軍 日後 成為 了 帝國 一個 巨大 的 威脅
he|did not|think|particle indicating past action|is|this|a|Turkic|imperial guard|in the future|became|past tense marker|empire|a|huge|particle indicating possession|threat
在 得到 了 小穆 的 擡舉 之後 突厥 人 的 地位 很快 就 大為 的 提高
after|receiving|past tense marker|Xiao Mu|possessive particle|promotion|after|Turkic|people|possessive particle|status|very quickly|then|greatly|adverbial particle|improved
After receiving the support of Little Mu, the status of the Turks quickly rose significantly.
地位 一 提高 就 開始 跋扈 起來
Once their status rose, they began to act arrogantly.
巴格達 的 居民 和 正規軍 看 這幫 禁衛軍 非常 不 順眼 雙方 時有 摩擦
Baghdad|possessive particle|residents|and|regular army|see|this group|Imperial Guard|very|not|pleasing to the eye|both sides|occasionally have|friction
The residents of Baghdad and the regular army found this group of imperial guards very displeasing, and there were frequent conflicts between the two sides.
為了 解決 到 這個 矛盾 836 年 的 時候 小穆 就 帶著 禁衛軍 搬 了 家
in order to|resolve|by|this|contradiction|year|possessive particle|time|Xiao Mu|then|brought|Imperial Guard|moved|past tense marker|home
To resolve this conflict, in 836, Little Mu moved with the imperial guards.
把 首都 從 巴格達 搬到 了 一個 叫 薩邁拉 的 地方
to move|capital|from|Baghdad|moved to|past tense marker|a|called|Samarra|possessive particle|place
The capital was moved from Baghdad to a place called Samarra.
這一 搬 就是 半個 多 世紀 直到 892 年 的 時候 又 遷都 回 了 巴格達
this|move|just|half|more|century|until|year|possessive particle|time|again|move capital|back|past tense marker|Baghdad
This move lasted for more than half a century until the capital was moved back to Baghdad in 892.
當然 了 這 幾十年 間 小穆 早就 死 了 除了 他 之外
of course|past tense marker|this|several decades|during|Xiao Mu|long ago|died|past tense marker|except for|he|outside of
Of course, during these decades, little Mu had already died, apart from him.
後面 的 幾個 哈 裏 發 都 在 薩 邁 拉 執政
behind|possessive particle|several|ha|inside|fa|all|at|Sa|Mai|La|in power
The subsequent caliphs governed from Samarra.
搬家 這件 事情 產生 了 一個 什 麽 樣 的 後果 呢 ?
What kind of consequences did moving house bring?
小穆 帶著 突厥 禁衛軍 跑 到 新城 後 他 帶兵 出征 拜占庭
Little Mu|brought|Turkic|Imperial Guard|ran|to|New City|after|he|led troops|expedition|Byzantium
After Little Mu led the Turkic Imperial Guard to the new city, he took his troops to campaign against Byzantium.
這時 一個 突厥 將軍 就 趁機 跳 起來 叛變
at this moment|a|Turkic|general|then|taking advantage of the opportunity|jumped|up|rebelled
At this moment, a Turkic general took the opportunity to jump up and rebel.
小穆 只好 放棄 了 遠征 回師 平亂
Xiao Mu|had no choice but to|give up|past tense marker|expedition|return|suppress the rebellion
Little Mu had no choice but to abandon the expedition and return to quell the unrest.
雖然 是 成功 了
although|is|successful|past tense marker
Although it was successful
但是 這件 事情 就 可以 看 出來 哈 裏 發 離開 了 大本營
but|this|matter|then|can|see|out|ha|inside|Fa|leave|past tense marker|base
this matter clearly shows that Harif has left the base
巴格達 看上去 的確 是 解除 了 波斯 人 在 軍中 對 哈 裏 發 的 威脅
Baghdad|seems|indeed|is|lifted|past tense marker|Persian|people|in|military|towards|Ha|Li|Fa|possessive particle|threat
Baghdad indeed seems to have lifted the threat of the Persians against Harif in the military
解除 了 突厥 人 與 巴格達 軍民 之間 的 矛盾
resolve|past tense marker|Turkic|people|and|Baghdad|military and civilians|between|possessive particle|conflict
and resolved the conflict between the Turks and the Baghdad military and civilians
可 實際上 這 麽 做 對 哈 裏 發 的 威脅 是 大 過於 好處 的
but|actually|this|question particle|doing|to|Harry|in|Voldemort|possessive particle|threat|is|greater|than|benefits|possessive particle
But in reality, doing this poses a greater threat to Harif than the benefits it brings.
因為 突厥 人 也 不是 省有 個 燈 啊 他們 又 不是 乖乖 的 保護 好 了 皇帝
because|Turkic|people|also|are not|have|a|lamp|ah|they|again|are not|obedient|possessive particle|protect|well|past tense marker|emperor
Because the Turks are not to be underestimated; they are not obediently protecting the emperor.
做好 自己 的 工作 就 可以 了
do well|oneself|possessive particle|work|then|can|past action marker
Just doing their own job is enough.
在 這個 新 的 首都 相當於 哈 裏 發 就 成為 了 突厥 禁衛軍 的 人質
in|this|new|possessive particle|capital|equivalent to|Ha|Li|Fa|then|became|past tense marker|Turkic|Imperial Guard|possessive particle|hostage
In this new capital, Harif has effectively become a hostage of the Turkish Imperial Guard.
照理 來說 發生 了 這 一次 的 叛亂 之後 小穆 應該 開始 戒備 突厥 人 了 吧
logically|speaking|happened|past tense marker|this|one time|possessive particle|rebellion|after|Xiao Mu|should|start|guard against|Turkic|people|past tense marker|suggestion particle
Logically speaking, after this rebellion occurred, Xiao Mu should have started to be on guard against the Turks.
可是 他 並 沒有
but|he|not|did not have
But he did not.
等到 他 兒子 繼位 的 時候 他 兒子 還給 了 一個 突厥 軍官 非常 大 的 權利
When his son ascended to the throne, he gave a Turkic officer very great power.
導致 了 他 兒子 死 後 這個 軍官 大權在握
caused|past tense marker|he|son|death|after|this|officer|in power
As a result, after his son's death, this officer held great power.
權力 到 了 什 麽 樣 的 程度 呢 ? 大到 了 哈 裏 發 的 繼承人 之位
To what extent has power reached? It has grown to the position of the Caliph of Harun.
都 是 由 他 來立 由 他 來 廢 哈 裏 發成 了 他 手上 的 傀儡
All appointments and dismissals are made by him, turning the Caliphate into a puppet in his hands.
以後 的 數年 阿拔斯 王朝 的 多位 哈 裏 發 都 被 突厥 軍官 掌控
in the following|possessive particle|several years|Abbasid|dynasty|possessive particle|many|caliph|in|the|all|by|Turkic|military officers|controlled
In the following years, several Caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty were controlled by Turkish military officials.
這些 軍官 又 各自 爭權奪利 相互 鬥爭
these|officers|again|each|vie for power and profit|mutually|struggle
These officials, in turn, fought among themselves for power and profit.
搞 得 整個 帝國 都 是 烏煙瘴氣 局面 混亂 不堪
to mess up|resultative particle|entire|empire|all|is|filled with corruption|situation|chaotic|unbearable
The entire empire was in a state of chaos and confusion.
在 這樣 的 動 蕩 時期 869 年 的 時候 又 發生 了 一起 非常 大 的 起義
at|such|possessive particle|movement|upheaval|period|year|possessive particle|time|again|occurred|past tense marker|one|very|large|possessive particle|uprising
During this tumultuous period, a major uprising occurred in the year 869.
當時 很多 非洲 的 黑奴 被 賣 到 阿拉伯 從事 繁重 的 體力勞動
at that time|many|Africa|possessive particle|black slaves|passive marker|sold|to|Arabia|engaged in|heavy|possessive particle|manual labor
At that time, many African slaves were sold to Arabia to engage in heavy physical labor.
他們 過著 極度 痛苦 的 生活
They|live|extremely|painful|possessive particle|life
They lived extremely painful lives.
一個 黑奴 首領 阿 裏 ,利用 不 穩定 的 局勢 號召 黑奴 們 反抗 阿拔斯 王朝
a|slave|leader|A|Li|used|not|stable|possessive particle|situation|called upon|slaves|plural marker|to rebel|Abbasid|dynasty
A black slave leader named Ali called on the slaves to rebel against the Abbasid dynasty, taking advantage of the unstable situation.
這個 兄弟 特別 會 吹牛 居然 自稱 是 安拉 的 使者
this|brother|especially|can|brag|unexpectedly|self-proclaimed|is|Allah|possessive particle|messenger
This brother is particularly boastful, actually claiming to be the messenger of Allah.
他 的 使命 就是 來 解放 這些 黑奴
he|possessive particle|mission|is|to|liberate|these|black slaves
His mission is to liberate these slaves.
他 主張 要 廢除 哈 裏 發 為 黑奴 爭取 自由
He|advocates|to|abolish|Ha|Li|Fa|for|enslaved people|fighting for|freedom
He advocates for the abolition of the caliphate to fight for the freedom of the slaves.
這一波 打著 安拉 使者 的 宣傳 很 給力 啊 無數 的 黑奴 加入 到 起義 聲勢浩大
this wave|under the banner of|Allah|Messenger|possessive particle|propaganda|very|effective|ah|countless|possessive particle|black slaves|joined|to|uprising|with great momentum
This wave of propaganda under the banner of the Messenger of Allah is very powerful, and countless black slaves joined the uprising with great momentum.
當時 的 哈 裏 發叫 穆 阿 臺 米德 米德 驚慌失措 急急忙忙 就 派兵 鎮壓
at that time|possessive particle|Ha|Li|called|Mu|A|Tai|Mid|Mid|panicked|hurriedly|then|sent troops|suppress
At that time, the caliph hurriedly sent troops to suppress it in a panic.
最後 經過 了 數年 的 鬥爭 這場 起義 才 被 血腥 的 鎮壓 了 下去
finally|after|past tense marker|several years|possessive particle|struggle|this|uprising|only then|passive marker|bloody|possessive particle|suppression|past tense marker|down
In the end, after several years of struggle, this uprising was brutally suppressed.
據說 這場 鎮壓 死 了 幾十萬 人 是 西亞 史上 死傷 最 多 破壞 也 是 最大 的 叛亂
it is said|this|suppression|died|past tense marker|hundreds of thousands|people|is|West Asia|in history|casualties|most|many|destruction|also|is|largest|possessive particle|rebellion
It is said that this suppression resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, making it the deadliest and most destructive rebellion in the history of West Asia.
這次 的 叛亂 只是 九世紀 時期 阿拔斯 王朝 面臨 的 諸多 叛亂 中 的 一場 而已
this time|possessive particle|rebellion|only|9th century|period|Abbasid|dynasty|facing|possessive particle|many|rebellions|among|possessive particle|one|only
This rebellion is just one of the many rebellions faced by the Abbasid Caliphate during the ninth century.
帝國 一直 不斷 對 底層 人民 殘酷 剝削 導致 了 各種各樣 的 矛盾 不斷 激化
The empire has continuously exploited the lower-class people cruelly, leading to various contradictions intensifying.
全國 起義 此起彼伏
nationwide|uprising|one after another
National uprisings have occurred one after another.
加上 帝國 的 皇室 大權 旁落 實際 的 權力 掌握 在 突厥 將領 的 手裏
in addition|empire|possessive particle|royal family|great power|fallen away|actual|possessive particle|power|control|in|Turkic|general|possessive particle|hands
Moreover, the imperial royal power has declined, and actual power is held in the hands of the Turkic generals.
他們 對 哈 裏 發 那 是 想 廢 就 廢 想 殺 就 殺
They treat the caliph as if they can abolish him whenever they want and kill him whenever they want.
這種 情形 下 阿拔斯 王朝 怎 麽 可能 不 衰敗 呢
Under such circumstances, how could the Abbasid dynasty not decline?
到 了 934 年 的 時候 新 上任 的 哈 裏 發叫 拉迪
By the year 934, the newly appointed caliph was named Al-Radi.
阿拉伯 的 史學家 稱 他 為 “ 最後 的 實際 哈 裏 發 ”
Arab historians referred to him as "the last real caliph."
既然 都 是 最後 的 了 說明 他 之後 的 哈 裏 發連 基本 的 權利 都 沒有 了
since|all|is|last|possessive particle|past tense marker|explanation|he|after|possessive particle|ha (laughing sound)|inside|Falian (a name)|basic|possessive particle|rights|all|have not|past tense marker
Since this is the end, it indicates that he no longer has any basic rights after this.
什 麽 軍政 權力 世俗 權利 通通 都 沒有 僅僅 是 作為 精神 上 的 宗教 領袖 存在
He has no military power, no secular power, and exists merely as a spiritual religious leader.
本來 嘛 阿拉伯 帝國 就是 靠 征服 征服 再 征服 打下 遼闊 疆土
originally|particle indicating obviousness|Arab|empire|is|rely on|conquest|conquest|again|conquest|established|vast|territory
Originally, the Arab Empire relied on conquest, conquering and conquering again to establish vast territories.
雖然 在 伊斯蘭教 的 同化 下 不同 民族 不同 宗教
although|in|Islam|possessive particle|assimilation|under|different|ethnic groups|different|religions
Although under the assimilation of Islam, different ethnic groups and different religions coexist.
組成 了 這樣 一個 龐大 的 帝國
formed|past tense marker|such|a|vast|possessive particle|empire
It formed such a vast empire.
即使 是 在 阿拔斯 王朝 最 巔峰 的 時期 哈 裏 發 政權 也 不能 駕馭 全國
even if|is|in|Abbasid|dynasty|most|peak|possessive particle|period|Harun|al-Rashid|al-Rashid|regime|also|cannot|control|the whole country
Even at the peak of the Abbasid dynasty, the caliphate could not control the entire country.
因為 太大 了 嘛 民族 又 多 也 不是 人人 都 皈依 伊斯蘭教 的
because|too large|past tense marker|question particle|ethnic groups|again|many|also|not|everyone|all|convert to|Islam|possessive particle
Because it was too large, and there were many ethnic groups, not everyone converted to Islam.
一些 邊遠 的 地區 一 開始 就 處於 這種 半 獨立 的 狀態
some|remote|possessive particle|areas|one|beginning|already|were in|this kind of|semi|independent|possessive particle|state
Some remote areas were in a semi-independent state from the very beginning.
而 到 了 現在 那 就 更 不用 說 了 哈 裏 發 的 權力 都 被 架空 了
and|arrive|past tense marker|now|that|then|even more|no need|to say|past tense marker|ha|inside|development|possessive particle|power|all|passive marker|undermined|past tense marker
And now, there's no need to say more, Harry's power has been completely undermined.
誰 還聽 他 的 話 各地 開始 紛紛 的 獨立 ,帝國 變得 四分五裂
who|still listens|he|possessive particle|words|everywhere|began|one after another|particle indicating action|independence|empire|became|fragmented
Who still listens to him? Various regions have started to declare independence, and the empire has become fragmented.
這個 時候 在 伊朗 地區 ,一個 叫 白益 的 人 他 有 三個 兒子
this|time|in|Iran|region|a|named|Bai Yi|possessive particle|person|he|has|three|sons
At this time, in the region of Iran, there was a man named Bai Yi who had three sons.
這 幾個 兄弟 各個 能征善戰 他們 從 伊朗 起家 開始 向外 征服
this|several|brothers|each|are skilled in battle|they|from|Iran|started|began|outward|conquering
These brothers were all skilled in battle, and they began their conquests outward from Iran.
公元 945 年 家裏 最小 的 弟弟 艾哈邁德 · 伊本 · 白益 征服 了 巴格達
AD|year|at home|youngest|possessive particle|brother|Ahmad|ibn|Ba'ith|conquered|past tense marker|Baghdad
In the year 945, the youngest brother in the family, Ahmad ibn Bayy, conquered Baghdad.
哎 巴格達 不是 阿拉伯 帝國 的 首都 嗎 ?是 啊
hey|Baghdad|not|Arab|Empire|possessive particle|capital|question particle|yes|ah
Isn't Baghdad the capital of the Arab Empire? Yes, it is.
哈 裏 發 的 禁衛軍 打 不過 人家 嘛 ,就 被 征服 了
ha|inside|Fa|possessive particle|imperial guard|fight|not as good as|others|question particle|then|passive marker|conquered|past tense marker
The caliph's guards couldn't defeat them, so they were conquered.
這個 迅速 崛起 的 王朝 就是 白益 王朝 是 當時 中東 最 具 影響力 的 王朝
this|rapid|rising|possessive particle|dynasty|is|Baiyi|dynasty|is|at that time|Middle East|most|possessing|influence|possessive particle|dynasty
This rapidly rising dynasty is the Buyid dynasty, which was the most influential dynasty in the Middle East at that time.
拿下 了 巴格達 之後 阿拔斯 王朝 的 哈 裏 發並 沒有 被 殺
After capturing Baghdad, the caliph of the Abbasid dynasty was not killed.
也就是說 阿拔斯 王朝 還在 只不過 哈 裏 發 從 突厥 將軍 的 傀儡
that is to say|Abbasid|dynasty|still exists|it's just that|Ha|Li|Fa|from|Turkic|general|possessive particle|puppet
In other words, the Abbasid dynasty was still intact, but the caliph had become a puppet of the Turkic generals.
變成 了 白益 王朝 的 傀儡
became|past tense marker|Baiyi|dynasty|possessive particle|puppet
He had turned into a puppet of the Buyid dynasty.
白益 王朝 統治 了 當時 名義上 屬於 阿拔斯 全部 的 領土
Baiyi|dynasty|ruled|past tense marker|at that time|nominally|belonged to|Abbasid|all|possessive particle|territory
The Buyid dynasty ruled over all the territories that were nominally under the Abbasids at that time.
可惜 啊 這個 王朝 來得 快 去 得 更 快
Unfortunately, this dynasty came quickly and left even faster.
存在 也就 100 多 年 的 時間 ,後期 因為 內戰 ,國力 衰弱
existence|only about|more than|years|possessive particle|time|later period|because|civil war|national power|weakened
It existed for just over 100 years, and later weakened due to internal strife.
在 1055 年 的 時候 塞爾柱 突厥 人 攻入 巴格達 白益 王朝 滅亡
in|year|possessive particle|time|Seljuk|Turkic|people|invaded|Baghdad|Buyid|dynasty|fell
In 1055, the Seljuk Turks invaded Baghdad, leading to the fall of the Buyid dynasty.
塞爾柱 突厥 人 是 什 麽 樣 的 來歷 呢 ?
What kind of origins do the Seljuk Turks have?
1000 多 年 前 突厥 人 當中 的 一支 在 他們 酋長 塞爾柱 這個 人 的 帶領 下
more|years|ago|Turkic|people|among|possessive particle|one branch|under|their|chieftain|Seljuk|this|person|possessive particle|leadership|under
Over a thousand years ago, a branch of the Turkic people, led by their chieftain Seljuk,
從中 亞 來到 阿拉伯 ,成為 了 遜尼派 的 穆斯林
from Central|Asia|came to|Arabia|became|past tense marker|Sunni|possessive particle|Muslim
came from Central Asia to Arabia and became Sunni Muslims.
到 了 塞爾柱 的 孫子 圖 赫裏 勒 的 時代 1037 年 的 時候
arrive|past tense marker|Seljuk|possessive particle|grandson|Tughra|Hulegu|Le|possessive particle|era|year|possessive particle|time
By the time of Seljuk's grandson Tughril in 1037,
他 建立 了 塞爾柱 帝國 然後 進攻 巴格達
He|established|past tense marker|Seljuk|Empire|then|attacked|Baghdad
he established the Seljuk Empire and then attacked Baghdad.
從 白益 王朝 的 手上 搶下 了 巴格達
from|Baiyi|dynasty|possessive particle|hands|seized|past tense marker|Baghdad
Seized Baghdad from the hands of the Buyid dynasty.
當時 的 哈 裏 發 還 以為 是 救星 來 了 終於 可以 擺脫 白益 王朝 的 控制
at that time|possessive particle|Harry|inside|thought|still|believed|was|savior|come|past tense marker|finally|could|get rid of|Baiyi|dynasty|possessive particle|control
At that time, the caliph thought that a savior had finally come to free them from the control of the Buyid dynasty.
正式 的 封圖 赫裏 勒為 蘇丹 蘇丹 就是 權威 的 意思
formal|possessive particle|cover image|Hurri|called|Sultan|Sultan|is|authority|possessive particle|meaning
Officially appointed, he was titled Sultan, which means authority.
阿拔斯 王朝 的 哈 裏 發 從 白益 王朝 手上 解脫 出來 了 他 終於 有 了 實權 了 是 嗎 ?
Abbas|dynasty|possessive particle|Harun|al-Rashid|caliph|from|Umayyad|dynasty|under|liberation|out|past tense marker|he|finally|had|past tense marker|real power|past tense marker|is|question particle
The Abbasid caliph was liberated from the Buyid dynasty. Did he finally have real power?
當然 沒有 又 成 了 塞爾柱 帝國 的 傀儡 而已
of course|not|again|become|past tense marker|Seljuk|Empire|possessive particle|puppet|only
Of course, it became a puppet of the Seljuk Empire.
有 了 哈 裏 發 的 支持 雖然 這個 哈 裏 發 也 沒有 什 麽 實力 吧
With the support of the Harith, although this Harith didn't have much strength.
塞爾柱 突厥 人 就 急速 向外 擴張 先後 擊敗 了 一票 非常 難搞 的 敵人
Seljuk|Turkic|people|then|rapidly|outward|expansion|one after another|defeated|past tense marker|a group of|very|difficult|possessive particle|enemies
The Seljuk Turks rapidly expanded outward, defeating a number of very difficult enemies.
到 11 世紀 末 的 時候 塞爾柱 成 了 一個 強大 的 軍事 帝國
by|century|end|possessive particle|time|Seljuk|became|past tense marker|a|powerful|possessive particle|military|empire
By the end of the 11th century, the Seljuks had become a powerful military empire.
同樣 ,到 了 帝國 的 後期 各種各樣 的 破事 就 出現 了
similarly|to|past tense marker|empire|possessive particle|later period|all kinds of|possessive particle|troubles|then|appeared|past tense marker
Similarly, by the later period of the empire, all sorts of troubles began to emerge.
皇室 內訌 ,塞爾柱 帝國 分裂 成 了 許多 小 的 地方 王朝
royal family|infighting|Seljuk|empire|split|became|past tense marker|many|small|possessive particle|local|dynasties
Internal strife within the royal family led to the Seljuk Empire splitting into many small local dynasties.
到 了 這個 時候 無論是 塞爾柱 也好 阿拔斯 王朝 也好 ,都 已經 是 日薄西山
arrive|past tense marker|this|time|regardless of whether|Seljuk|or|Abbasid|dynasty|or|all|already|is|sunset
By this time, whether it was the Seljuks or the Abbasid dynasty, both were already in decline.
而 這段 時期 內 呢 又 遇上 了 歐洲 特產 十字軍
and|this|period|within|question particle|again|encountered|past tense marker|Europe|specialty|Crusaders
During this period, they also encountered the European specialty, the Crusades.
十字軍 是 幹嘛 的 ?就是 基督教徒 反對 伊斯蘭教 徒
Crusaders|are|for what|particle indicating possession|just|Christians|against|Islam|followers
What were the Crusades for? They were Christians opposing Muslims.
十字軍 東征 就是 教皇 召喚 歐洲 的 領主 啊 騎士 啊 跑 到 西亞 和 穆斯林 去 搶 地盤
Crusaders|expedition|is|Pope|summoned|Europe|possessive particle|lords|ah|knights|ah|ran|to|Asia|and|Muslims|to|seize|territory
The Crusades were the Pope calling upon the lords and knights of Europe to go to Asia and fight Muslims for territory.
隨著 十字軍 的 到來 塞爾柱 人 失去 了 地中海 沿岸 大部分 的 領土
with|Crusaders|possessive particle|arrival|Seljuk|people|lost|past tense marker|Mediterranean|coastal|most|possessive particle|territory
With the arrival of the Crusaders, the Seljuks lost most of their territory along the Mediterranean coast.
後面 的 局勢 也 就 更加 的 不 樂觀 了 最終 1194 年
later|possessive particle|situation|also|then|even more|adverbial particle|not|optimistic|past tense marker|eventually|year
The situation afterwards became even more pessimistic, ultimately leading to 1194.
塞爾柱 末代 蘇丹 被 花剌子 模 的 國王 擊敗 塞爾柱 帝國 滅亡
Seljuk|last|sultan|by|Khwarezm|army|possessive particle|king|defeated|Seljuk|empire|perished
The last Sultan of the Seljuk was defeated by the Khwarezmian king, leading to the fall of the Seljuk Empire.
花剌子 模 吃掉 了 塞爾柱 之後 自己 還 沒有 高興 幾天
Khwarezm|Mo|devoured|past tense marker|Seljuk|after|himself|still|not|happy|a few days
After the Khwarezmian consumed the Seljuks, they hadn't even celebrated for a few days.
一個 更 恐怖 的 敵人 就 來 了 蒙古
a|more|terrifying|(possessive particle)|enemy|then|came|past tense marker|Mongolia
An even more terrifying enemy arrived: the Mongols.
1220 年 左右 的 時候 花剌子 模 國王 被 成吉思汗 打敗
year|around|possessive particle|time|Khwarezm|dynasty|king|by|Genghis Khan|defeated
Around the year 1220, the Khwarezmian king was defeated by Genghis Khan.
國王 病死 他 的 兒子 跑 了 ,十幾年 後 兒子 被 殺
the king|died of illness|he|possessive particle|son|ran|past tense marker|over ten years|later|son|passive marker|killed
The king died of illness, and his son ran away. Years later, the son was killed.
花剌子 模 王朝 滅亡
The Khwarezmian dynasty was destroyed.
阿拔斯 王朝 呢 ?
Abbas|dynasty|question particle
What about the Abbasid dynasty?
1258 年 的 時候 蒙古 第四任 大 汗 成吉思汗 的 孫子 蒙哥汗
year|possessive particle|time|Mongolia|fourth|great|khan|Genghis Khan|possessive particle|grandson|Kublai Khan
In 1258, the fourth Great Khan of the Mongols, Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan.
他 的 弟弟 ,也 是 成吉思汗 孫子 , 旭烈 兀
he|possessive particle|younger brother|also|is|Genghis Khan|grandson||
His brother, who is also a grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan.
帶兵 攻入 巴格達
lead troops|attack into|Baghdad
Led troops to attack Baghdad.
起初 他 是 勸 阿拉伯人 投降 的 可哈 裏 發 不 同意 啊 還 警告 蒙古 說
at first|he|was|persuading|Arabs|to surrender|past tense marker|Kha|Li|Fa|not|agree|ah|also|warned|Mongols|said
At first, he was persuading the Arabs to surrender, but the Caliph did not agree and warned the Mongols saying,
“你們 要是 敢 攻擊 我 的話 就 會 受到 真主 的 懲罰 哦 ”
you (plural)|if|dare|attack|me|conditional particle|then|will|receive|Allah|possessive particle|punishment|oh
"If you dare to attack me, you will face the punishment of the Almighty."
蒙古 人才 不 吃 這套 呢 隨即 就 破城 這下 哈 裏 發 是 真的 怕 了
Mongolian|talent|not|accept|this set|question particle|immediately|then|broke through the city|this time|ha|inside|realized|is|really|afraid|past tense marker
The Mongols don't buy this, and immediately broke the city. Now, the caliph is really scared.
要 投降 了 可是 也 晚 了 呀
to|surrender|past tense marker|but|also|late|past tense marker|sentence final particle
They are about to surrender, but it's too late.
巴格達 慘遭 浩劫 蒙古 軍 進城 之後 就 大開殺戒 數十萬 的 巴格達 人民 被 屠殺
Baghdad|tragically suffered|catastrophe|Mongol|army|entered the city|after|then|began a massacre|hundreds of thousands|(possessive particle)|Baghdad|people|(passive marker)|slaughtered
Baghdad suffered a catastrophe. After the Mongol army entered the city, they began a massacre, and hundreds of thousands of Baghdad citizens were slaughtered.
蒙古人 把 阿拔斯 王朝 的 末代 哈 裏 發穆 斯塔爾 隨木裹 在 了 一張 毯子 裏面
The Mongols wrapped the last caliph of the Abbasid dynasty, Al-Mustarshid, in a carpet.
讓 戰馬 踩死 了
let|war horse|trample to death|past tense marker
Let the war horse trample to death.
歷時 了 500 多 年 的 阿拔斯 王朝 滅亡 阿拉伯 帝國 也 到 此 壽終正寢
lasted|past tense marker|more than|years|possessive particle|Abbasid|dynasty|fall|Arab|Empire|also|reached|this|natural death
The Abbasid Caliphate, which lasted for more than 500 years, has perished, and the Arab Empire has also come to its end.
取代 它 的 是 旭烈兀 建立 的 蒙古 伊兒汗 國
replace|it|possessive particle|is|Hulagu Khan|established|possessive particle|Mongol|Ilkhanate|state
What replaced it was the Mongol Ilkhanate established by Hulagu.
阿拉伯 帝國 雖然 是 滅亡 了 可 伊斯蘭教 卻 留 了 下來
Arab|Empire|although|was|destroyed|past tense marker|but|Islam|yet|remain|past tense marker|down
Although the Arab Empire has fallen, Islam has remained.
到 13 世紀 末 的 時候 伊兒汗 國 還 將 伊斯蘭教 立 為 了 國教 繼續 發揚
by|century|end|possessive particle|time|Ilkhanate|state|still|will|Islam|establish|as|past tense marker|state religion|continue|promote
By the end of the 13th century, the Ilkhanate also established Islam as the state religion and continued to promote it.
哈 裏 發 這個 頭銜 作為 伊斯蘭教 宗教 領袖 的 稱號 也 被 繼承 了 下去
Ha|li|Fa|this|title|as|Islam|religious|leader|possessive particle|honorific|also|passive marker|inherited|past tense marker|down
The title of Caliph, as the religious leader of Islam, was also inherited.
直到 20 世紀 的 早期 哈 裏 發 的 制度 才 最終 被 廢除
until|century|possessive particle|early|Ha|Li|Fa|possessive particle|system|only then|finally|passive marker|abolished
It was not until the early 20th century that the Caliphate system was finally abolished.
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