42-一隻 新 狗
42 - A New Dog
故事 四十二 :一 隻 新 狗
story|forty-two|one|measure word for animals|new|dog
Story Forty-Two: A New Dog
艾麗卡 想 買 一 隻 新 狗 。
Erica|wants|to buy|one|measure word for animals|new|dog
Erica wants to buy a new dog.
她 在 寵物店 看 狗 。
She|at|pet store|looks|dog
She looks at dogs in the pet store.
她 問 了 店員 一些 問題 。
She|asked|past tense marker|shop assistant|some|questions
She asked the clerk some questions.
她 問 ,“什麼 樣 的 狗 最 友好 ?”
She|asked|what|kind|possessive particle|dog|most|friendly
She asked, "What kind of dog is the friendliest?"
店員 說 ,“那個 ”然後 他 指了 指 最小 的 那隻 狗 。
the clerk|said|that|then|he|pointed|to|smallest|possessive particle|that|dog
The clerk said, "That one," and then he pointed to the smallest dog.
艾麗卡 問 ,“哪 隻 狗 最 聰明 ?”
Erica|asked|which|measure word for animals|dog|most|smart
Erica asked, "Which dog is the smartest?"
店員 指 了 指 同 一 只 狗 。
the clerk|pointed|past tense marker|to indicate|same|one|measure word for animals|dog
The clerk pointed to the same dog.
艾麗卡 覺得 那 隻 狗 是 最 好 的 。
Erica|thinks|that|measure word for animals|dog|is|most|good|possessive particle
Erika thought that dog was the best.
她 決定 買 它 。
She|decided|to buy|it
She decided to buy it.
她 希望 她 別的 寵物 會 喜歡 這 隻 新 狗 。
She|hopes|her|other|pets|will|like|this|measure word for animals|new|dog
She hoped her other pets would like this new dog.
用 不同 的 方式 講述 同一 個 故事 。
use|different|possessive particle|way|narrate|same|measure word|story
Tell the same story in different ways.
我 的 姐姐 想 買 一 隻 新 狗 。
I|possessive particle|sister|wants|to buy|one|measure word for animals|new|dog
My sister wants to buy a new dog.
她 在 寵物店 看 狗 。
She|at|pet store|looks|dog
She looks at dogs in the pet store.
她 問 了 店員 一些 問題 。
She|asked|past tense marker|clerk|some|questions
She asked the staff some questions.
她 問 ,“什麼 樣 的 狗 最 友好 ?”
She|asked|what|kind|possessive particle|dog|most|friendly
She asked, "What kind of dog is the friendliest?"
店員 說 ,“那個 ”然後 他 指了 指 最小 的 那隻 狗 。
the clerk|said|that|then|he|pointed|to|smallest|possessive particle|that|dog
The clerk said, "That one," and then he pointed to the smallest dog.
我 的 姐姐 問 ,“哪 隻 狗 最 聰明 ?”
I|possessive particle|older sister|asked|which|measure word for animals|dog|most|smart
My sister asked, "Which dog is the smartest?"
店員 指 了 指 同 一 只 狗 。
the clerk|pointed|past tense marker|to indicate|same|one|measure word for animals|dog
The clerk pointed to the same dog.
我 的 姐姐 覺得 那 隻 狗 是 最 好 的 。
I|possessive particle|sister|thinks|that|measure word for animals|dog|is|most|good|particle indicating past action
My sister thinks that dog is the best.
她 決定 買 它 。
She|decided|to buy|it
She decided to buy it.
她 希望 她 別的 寵物 會 喜歡 這 隻 新 狗 。
She|hopes|her|other|pets|will|like|this|measure word for animals|new|dog
She hopes her other pets will like this new dog.
問題 :
一 : 艾麗卡 想 買 一 隻 新 狗 。
1: Erica wants to buy a new dog.
艾麗卡 想 買 什麼 ?
Erica|wants|to buy|what
What does Erica want to buy?
艾麗卡 想 買 一 隻 新 狗 。
Erica|wants|to buy|one|measure word for animals|new|dog
Erica wants to buy a new dog.
二 :店員 說 最 小 的 狗 最 友好 。
two|clerk|said|most|small|possessive particle|dog|most|friendly
2: The clerk says the smallest dog is the friendliest.
哪隻 狗 最 友好 ?
Which dog is the friendliest?
店員 說 最 小 的 狗 最 友好 。
the clerk|says|most|small|possessive particle|dog|most|friendly
The clerk said the smallest dog is the friendliest.
三 :艾麗卡 覺得 最 小 的 ,最友好 的 ,最聰明 的 狗 最 好 。
three|Erica|thinks|most|small|possessive particle|friendliest|possessive particle|smartest|possessive particle|dog|most|good
Erica thinks the smallest, friendliest, and smartest dog is the best.
艾麗卡 覺得 哪 隻 狗 最 好 ?
Erica|thinks|which|measure word for animals|dog|most|good
Which dog does Erica think is the best?
艾麗卡 覺得 最 小 的 ,最 友好 的 ,最 聰明 的 狗 最 好 。
Erica|thinks|most|small|possessive particle|most|friendly|possessive particle|most|smart|possessive particle|dog|most|good
Erica thinks the smallest, friendliest, and smartest dog is the best.
四 :艾麗卡 希望 她 別的 寵物 會 喜歡 這 隻 新 狗 。
four|Erica|hopes|she|other|pet|will|like|this|measure word for animals|new|dog
Four: Erica hopes her other pets will like this new dog.
艾麗卡 希望 什麼 ?
What does Erica hope?
她 希望 她 別的 寵物 會 喜歡 這 隻 新 狗 。
She|hopes|her|other|pets|will|like|this|measure word for animals|new|dog
She hopes her other pets will like this new dog.
五 :她 在 寵物店 裡 看 狗 。
5|she|at|pet store|inside|sees|dog
Five: She is looking at dogs in the pet store.
她 在 哪裡 看 狗 ?
Where is she looking at dogs?
她 在 寵物店 看 狗 。
She|at|pet store|sees|dog
She is looking at dogs in the pet store.
六 :她 問 店員 ,“哪 隻 狗 最 友好 ?"
six|she|asked|the clerk|which|measure word for animals|dog|most|friendly
Six: She asks the clerk, "Which dog is the friendliest?"
她 問 店員 什麼 ?
What did she ask the store clerk?
她 問 店員 ,“哪 隻 狗 最 友好 ?”
She|asked|the clerk|which|measure word for animals|dog|most|friendly
She asked the clerk, "Which dog is the friendliest?"
七 :最小的 那 隻 狗 最 聰明 。
seven|smallest|that|measure word for animals|dog|most|intelligent
Seven: The smallest dog is the smartest.
哪隻 狗 最 聰明 ?
Which dog is the smartest?
最小的 那 隻 狗 也 是 最聰明的 。
the smallest|that|measure word for animals|dog|also|is|the smartest
The smallest dog is also the smartest.
八 :姐姐 決定 買 她 最 喜歡 的 那 隻 狗 。
eight|sister|decided|to buy|she|most|favorite|possessive particle|that|measure word for animals|dog
Eight: The sister decided to buy her favorite dog.
她 決定 買 哪 隻 狗 ?
She|decided|to buy|which|measure word for animals|dog
Which dog did she decide to buy?
她 決定 買 她 最 喜歡 的 那 隻 狗 。
She|decided|to buy|her|most|favorite|possessive particle|that|measure word for animals|dog
She decided to buy her favorite dog.
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