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8.1 Different pronunciations of the letter <g>
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8.1 Reduction (repeated)
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8.1 Phrases and sentences
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8.1 The months
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8.2 Comparison (comparative form of adjective)
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8.2 Superlative
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8.2 Possessive pronouns
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8.2 Which month?
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8.2 Prepositions - with «i to timer», «om to timer» or «for to timer siden».
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8.3 Word dictation (7 - 8 repeated)
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8.3 Comprehension - Hva er problemet? Hva kan de gjøre?
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8.3 Comprehension - Hvilken årstid liker de best?
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8.3 Dictation - Elisabeth og Kristian
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8.3 Extra dictation - Peter våkner og føler seg syk
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9A Barnehagen drar på tur
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9B Et nytt prosjekt
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9C Fjordvik sykehus
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9D Klasseavis
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9.1 Pronunciation (sj-sound and kj-sound)
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9.1 Consonant clusters