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9.2 Short answers with «Ja, det…» or «Nei, det … ikke»
Velkommen til LearnNoW (Norwegian on the Web)
9.2 Short answers with «Ja, det …» or «Jo, det …»
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9.2 Word order in main clauses
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9.2 Word order in subordinate clauses with «ikke»
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9.3 Listening comprehension - Har du hatt en fin sommer?
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9.3 Dialogues - Nasjonaldager og datoene
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9.3 Dictation - Påskeferien
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9.3 Dictation - i Bergen
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9.3 Extra dictation - Steinar Nilsen er professor
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10A Alex har feber
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10B Hjemme med sykt barn
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10C Cecilie skal på kurs
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10D Dina spiller håndball
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10.1 Stress on different syllables
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10.1 Rhythm in connected speech (repeated)
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10.1 Phrases
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10.2 Possessive pronouns
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10.2 Pronouns
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10.2 Prepositions «på, hos, til, i, for-siden, ved siden av, under, om»
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10.3 Listening comprehension - Julaften