03. Visas and Vodka
03. Visados y vodka
03. Vistos e Vodka
03. Visas and Vodka
北京 的 外國 大使館 從 東二環 到 東三環 ,再 到 東北 方向 的 機場 路 ,北京 的 三四百家 大使館 主要 就 在 這些 地方 。
Beijing|possessive particle|foreign|embassy|from|East Second Ring Road|to|East Third Ring Road|again|to|northeast|direction|possessive particle|airport|road|Beijing|possessive particle|three to four hundred|embassies|mainly|just|at|these|places
The foreign embassies in Beijing are mainly located from the East Second Ring to the East Third Ring, and then towards the northeast direction of the airport road, with around three to four hundred embassies in these areas.
五十多年 前 ,大使館 可 沒有 這麼多 。
over fifty years|ago|embassy|really|didn't have|so many
More than fifty years ago, there weren't this many embassies.
現在 ,這些 地方 已 成為 北京 流行 文化 的 最 前線 ,上等 生活 的 制高點 。
now|these|places|already|have become|Beijing|pop|culture|possessive particle|most|forefront|high|living|possessive particle|high ground
Now, these places have become the forefront of popular culture in Beijing, a high point of upscale living.
這裡 ,和 北京 其他 的 地方 有些 不 一樣 。
here|and|Beijing|other|possessive particle|places|somewhat|not|the same
Here, it is somewhat different from other places in Beijing.
幾年 前 路過 CBD 的 光華路 ,看到 很多 人 排隊 。
a few years|ago|passing by|CBD|possessive particle|Guanghua Road|saw|many|people|lining up
A few years ago, I passed by the CBD's Guanghua Road and saw many people lining up.
一 看 就 知道 不是 在 等 車 。
at first glance|look|then|knows|not|at|waiting|bus
At a glance, it was clear they were not waiting for a bus.
那 為 什麼 排隊 ?後來 問 了 別人 才 知道 ,原來 那兒 是 大使館 ,那些 人 是 要 出國 的 。
that|for|what|queue|later|asked|past tense marker|others|only then|knew|originally|there|is|embassy|those|people|are|want|go abroad|past action marker
So why were they lining up? Later, I asked others and found out that it was the embassy, and those people were going abroad.
因為 我 從來 沒 想過 出國 ,所以 關於 大使館 知道 的 很 少 。
because|I|ever|never|thought about|studying abroad|so|about|embassy|know|(possessive particle)|very|little
Because I have never thought about going abroad, I know very little about embassies.
我 只 知道 大 門口 和 四面 有 軍人 的 地方 很 重要 ,可能 我 活到老 也 沒 機會 進去 。
I|only|know|big|gate|and|all sides|have|soldiers|possessive particle|place|very|important|possibly|I|live until old|also|no|opportunity|enter
I only know that places with soldiers at the entrance and around are very important, and I might never have the chance to go in.
後來 我 才 知道 ,大使館 就 在 這種 地方 。
later|I|only then|knew|embassy|just|at|this kind of|place
Later I found out that embassies are in such places.
想想 也 是 ,北京 的 中南海 重要 ,其他 國家 的 大使館 也 重要 。
think about it|also|is|Beijing|possessive particle|Zhongnanhai|important|other|countries|possessive particle|embassies|also|important
Thinking about it, Zhongnanhai in Beijing is important, and embassies of other countries are also important.
那 可是 “國 中 之 國 ”,不是 什麼 人 都 能 進去 。
that|but|country|middle|possessive particle|country|not|any|person|all|can|enter
That is the "country within a country", not just anyone can enter.
不過 ,沒有 個人 或者 國家 外交 大事 ,平常 也 沒 人 想起 它 。
however|no|individual|or|country|diplomatic|major event|usually|also|no|one|remembers|it
However, without personal or diplomatic major events, usually no one thinks of it.
大使 們 在 裡面 無聲 地 工作 ,好像 與 世 無 關 。
ambassador|plural marker|at|inside|silently|adverbial particle|work|as if|with|world|not|related
The ambassadors work silently inside, as if they are unrelated to the world.
另一方面 , 工作 是 工作 , 生活 是 生活 。
On the other hand, work is work, and life is life.
出 了 大使館 ,大使 們 就 回到 了 人間 。
exit|past tense marker|embassy|ambassador|plural marker|then|returned to|past tense marker|human world
After leaving the embassy, the ambassadors returned to the human world.
只要 在 大使館 外面 兩三 里 路 走走 看 ,就 不難 發現 這裡 的 特點 。
as long as|at|embassy|outside|two or three|kilometers|road|walk|look|then|not difficult|to discover|here|possessive particle|characteristics
As long as you walk a couple of miles outside the embassy, it's not hard to notice the characteristics of this place.
一 、外國人 多 。
1. There are many foreigners.
這 很 正常 。
This is very normal.
二 、外國 食物 多 。
Second, there are many foreign foods.
這 也 很 正常 。
This is also very normal.
面前 經常 有 本國 特色 的 食物 , 大使 們 可能 就 不 那麼 想家 了 。
When there are often local specialty foods in front of them, the ambassadors may not miss home as much.
三 、天黑 以後 出來 活動 的 人 多 。
three|nightfall|after|come out|activities|possessive particle|people|many
Third, there are many people who come out to socialize after dark.
去 什麼 地方 ?酒吧 。
Where to go? The bar.
正是 一家 又 一家 的 酒吧 ,讓 這裡 有 了 更 多 國外 風情 。
exactly|one|again|one|possessive particle|bar|let|here|has|past tense marker|more|many|foreign|atmosphere
It is precisely one bar after another that gives this place more of an international flair.
酒吧 裡 有 美酒 、現場 演出 、 DVD 、名人 、女人 ......還有 可能 的 好心情 。
bar|inside|has|fine wine|live|performance|DVD|celebrities|women|and also|possible|possessive particle|good mood
The bar has fine wine, live performances, DVDs, celebrities, women... and possibly a good mood.
老外 說 , 不 去 酒吧 那 不是 生活 ; 中國 人 說 , 去 酒吧 那 是 不 一樣 的 生活 。
Foreigners say that not going to the bar is not living; Chinese people say that going to the bar is a different kind of life.
而 在 這兒 的 酒吧 裡 ,中國 人 ,不比 老外 少 。
but|at|here|possessive particle|bar|inside|Chinese|people|not less than|foreigners|few
And in the bars here, there are just as many Chinese people as foreigners.
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