Alice in Wonderland: Ch. 16 (little fox Chinese)
Alice im Wunderland: Kap. 16 (kleiner Fuchs auf Chinesisch)
Alice au Pays des Merveilles : Ch. 16 (petit renard chinois)
Alice in Wonderland: Ch. 16 (little fox Chinese)
王后 的 遊行 隊伍 來到 打槌 球 的 草地上 。
the queen|possessive particle|parade|procession|arrived at|croquet|ball|possessive particle|on the grass
The Queen's procession arrived at the croquet ground.
這時 ,愛麗絲 聽到 身後 傳來 一個 溫柔 的 聲音 。
at that moment|Alice|heard|from behind|coming|a|gentle|(possessive particle)|voice
At this moment, Alice heard a gentle voice coming from behind her.
“今天 ......天氣 很 好 。
"Today... the weather is very nice."
“白兔 說 。
White Rabbit|said
"The White Rabbit said."},{
他 緊張 地 看 著 愛麗絲 。
He|nervously|adverbial particle|looked|continuous aspect particle|Alice
“確實 很 好 。
“愛麗絲 回答 ,「公爵夫人 在 哪裡 ?
”小聲 點兒 !
speak quietly|a little
Speak a little quieter!
“白兔 趕緊 說 。
the white rabbit|hurriedly|said
"The White Rabbit hurriedly said.
他 四處 看 了 看 ,然後 對著 愛麗絲 的 耳朵 悄悄 說 :“公爵夫人 已經 被 處以 死刑 。
he|around|looked|past tense marker|looked|then|towards|Alice|possessive particle|ear|quietly|said|Duchess|already|passive marker|sentenced to|death penalty
He looked around and then whispered into Alice's ear: "The Duchess has already been sentenced to death."
愛麗絲 很 驚訝 。
Alice was very surprised.
”她 做 了 什麼 事 ?
She|do|past tense marker|what|thing
"What did she do?
”她 打 了 王 後 一巴掌 ,然後 ......”白兔 開始 說 。
She|hit|past tense marker|Wang|after|a slap|then|the White Rabbit|began|to speak
"She slapped the Queen after that, and then..." the White Rabbit began to say.
愛麗絲 緊張 地 笑了笑 。
Alice|nervously|adverbial particle|smiled
Alice nervously smiled.
“噓 !
別 讓 王 後 聽到 了 !
don't|let|Wang|princess|hear|past tense marker
Don't let the Queen hear you!"
“白兔 害怕 地 說 ,”公爵夫人 遲到 了 ,然後 ......“
White Rabbit|frightened|adverbial particle|said|Duchess|late|past tense marker|then
"The White Rabbit said fearfully, 'The Duchess is late, and then..."
”各就各位 !
Everyone take their positions
"Everyone take your places!"
」王 後 大喊 。
The Queen shouted.
大家 開始 到處 亂跑 ,互相 絆倒 。
everyone|started|everywhere|running around|each other|tripping
Everyone started running around, tripping over each other.
然而 ,他們 很快 就 找 好 了 位置 。
however|they|soon|then|found|good|past tense marker|location
However, they quickly found a good spot.
槌 球 比賽 開始 了 。
hammer|ball|match|starts|past tense marker
The croquet match has begun.
“這是 我 見過 的 最 奇怪 的 槌球 比賽 。
this is|I|have seen|past tense marker|most|strange|past tense marker|croquet|match
"This is the strangest croquet match I have ever seen.
“ 愛麗絲 說 ,「 球是 刺蝟 , 槌 是 火烈鳥 。
"Alice said, "The balls are hedgehogs, and the mallets are flamingos.
那些 士兵 在 幹什麼 ?
those|soldiers|are|doing what
What are those soldiers doing?
士兵 們 彎 下腰 ,手 扶 在 地上 。
soldiers|plural marker|bend|down|hand|support|on|the ground
The soldiers are bending down, their hands on the ground.
“哦 ,我 明白 了 ,他們 是 球門 !
oh|I|understand|past tense marker|they|are|goal
"Oh, I see, they are the goalposts!
“愛麗絲 叫 道 。
"Alice called out."},{
她 抱 起 自己 的 火烈鳥 。
She|hug|lift|herself|possessive particle|flamingo
She picked up her flamingo.
但是 ,她 的 火烈鳥 不是 很 配合 。
but|she|possessive particle|flamingo|is not|very|cooperative
However, her flamingo was not very cooperative.
愛麗絲 不 知道 該 怎麼 用 它 做 槌 。
Alice didn't know how to use it as a mallet.
火烈鳥 疑惑 地 看 著 愛麗絲 , 愛麗絲 大笑 起來 。
The flamingo looked at Alice with doubt, and Alice burst out laughing.
愛麗絲 的 刺蝟 展開 身子 走 了 。
Alice|possessive particle|hedgehog|stretched|body|walked|past tense marker
Alice's hedgehog stretched its body and walked away.
士兵 們 總是 站 起來 伸展 身體 ,地板 也 凹凸不平 。
soldiers|plural marker|always|stand|up|stretch|body|floor|also|uneven
The soldiers always stood up to stretch their bodies, and the floor was uneven.
“這樣 玩兒 槌 球 真的 太 難 了 。
like this|play|||really|too||
"Playing croquet like this is really too difficult."
“愛麗絲 說 。
"Alice said."},{
球手 們 沒有 按 順序 打球 。
players|plural marker|did not|according to|order|play
The players did not take turns playing.
大家 同時 一起 打 ,所以 引起 了 許多 爭吵 。
everyone|at the same time|together|hit|so|caused|past tense marker|many|arguments
Everyone played at the same time, which caused a lot of arguments.
很快 ,王后 就 跺著腳 到處 走 ,大喊 :“砍掉 他的 頭 !
Soon|the queen|then|stomping her feet|everywhere|walked|shouted|chop off|his|head
Soon, the Queen was stomping around, shouting: "Off with his head!"
砍掉 她 的 頭 !
chop off|her|possessive particle|head
Cut off her head!
愛麗絲 非常 不安 。
Alice was very anxious.
”我 可 不想 讓 王后 生氣 。
I|really|don't want|to make|queen|angry
"I don't want to make the Queen angry.
“她 想 ,”那 就 危險 了 。
She|thinks|that|then|dangerous|past tense marker
"She thought, then it became dangerous."},{
突然 ,她 看到 一個 奇怪 的 東西 飄 在 空中 ——是 一個 咧嘴 的 笑 。
suddenly|she|saw|a|strange|possessive particle|thing|floating|in|the air|was|a|grinning|possessive particle|smile
Suddenly, she saw a strange thing floating in the air - it was a grinning smile.
那個 笑臉 越來越 清晰 。
that|smile|more and more|clear
The smile became clearer and clearer.
“是 柴郡貓 !
is|Cheshire Cat
"It's the Cheshire Cat!"
”愛麗絲 開心 地 說 ,「現在 有人 和 我 說話 了 。
Alice|happily|adverbial particle|said|now|someone|with|me|talking|past tense marker
Alice said happily, "Now someone is talking to me."
”你好 嗎 ?
hello|question particle
」柴郡 貓 問 。
The Cheshire Cat asked.
“在 他 的 耳朵 出現 之前 回答 也 沒有 用 。
before|he|possessive particle|ear|appeared|before|answer|also|no|use
"It doesn't help to answer before he appears in his ear.
“愛麗絲 自言自語 地 說 ,”他 還 聽 不到 。
Alice|to herself|adverbial particle|said|he|still|hearing|not able to hear
"Alice said to herself, "He still can't hear.
很快 ,柴郡貓 的 整個 頭 都 出現 了 。
very soon|Cheshire Cat|possessive particle|entire|head|all|appeared|past tense marker
Soon, the entire head of the Cheshire Cat appeared.
愛麗絲 把 火烈鳥 放下 ,開始 描述 槌 球 比賽 。
Alice|(particle indicating action)|flamingo|put down|began|describing|mallet|ball|game
Alice put down the flamingo and began to describe the croquet game.
柴郡貓 的 身體 一直 都 沒有 出現 。
Cheshire Cat|possessive particle|body|always|all|has not|appeared
The body of the Cheshire Cat had not appeared at all.
他們 沒有 按 順序 打球 。
They|did not|follow|order|play basketball
They did not play in order.
“愛麗絲 抱怨 說 ,「而且 用 動物 和 士兵 來 打球 真的 太 難 了 。
Alice|complained|said|and|using|animals|and|soldiers|to|play ball|really|too|difficult|past tense marker
"Alice complained, saying, 'And it's really too difficult to play with animals and soldiers.'
”你 喜歡 王後 嗎 ?
you|like|queen|question particle
"Do you like the Queen?"
」柴郡貓 小聲 問 。
Cheshire Cat|softly|asked
the Cheshire Cat asked softly.
“我 一點兒 都 不 喜歡 她 。
I|at all|(emphasizing)|not|like|her
"I don't like her at all."
“ 愛麗絲 說 ,” 她 太 ......” 就 在 這時 , 愛麗絲 注意 到 王后 在 身後 。
"Alice said, 'She is too ......' Just then, Alice noticed the Queen behind her.
她 的 臉 變 紅 了 。
She|possessive particle|face|became|red|past tense marker
Her face turned red.
“我 的 意思 是 ,王 後 很 可能 贏 ,所以 不 需要 再 跟 她 比 下去 了 。
I|possessive particle|meaning|is|Wang|queen|very|likely|win|so|not|need|again|with|her|compete|down|past tense particle
"What I mean is, the Queen is very likely to win, so there's no need to compete with her anymore."
王后 笑了笑 ,走開了 。
the queen|smiled|walked away
The queen smiled and walked away.
愛麗絲 繼續 聊天 。
Alice continued chatting.
國王 走 過來 ,看著 柴郡貓 的 臉 。
the king|walk|over here|looked at|Cheshire Cat|possessive particle|face
The king walked over and looked at the Cheshire Cat's face.
你 在 和 誰 說話 ?
Who are you talking to?
」他 問 愛麗絲 。
he asked Alice.
“這是 我 的 好 朋友 ,柴郡貓 。
this is|my|possessive particle|good|friend|Cheshire Cat
"This is my good friend, the Cheshire Cat.
她 說 ,“我 來 給 您 介紹 一下 。
She|said|I|come|to give|you (formal)|to introduce|a moment
She said, "I came to introduce you."
”我 不 喜歡 這 隻 貓 ,我要 馬上 弄 走 他 。
I|not|like|this|measure word for animals|cat|I want|immediately|||it
I don't like this cat, I want to get rid of it immediately.
國王 對 王后 大喊 :「親愛的 !
the king|at|queen|shouted|dear
The king shouted to the queen: "Dear!
請 把 那 隻 貓 弄 走 !
please|(a particle indicating disposal)|that|(measure word for animals)|cat|make|go away
Please get rid of that cat!
王 後 不管 事情 大小 ,都 只有 一個 方法 解決 。
Wang|after|regardless of|matter|size|all|only|one|method|solution
No matter the size of the issue, there is only one way to solve it.
”砍掉 他的 頭 !
chop off|his|head
"Cut off his head!
」她 大喊 。
" she shouted.
於是 ,國王 去 找 劊子手 了 。
then|the king|went|to find|executioner|past tense marker
So, the king went to find the executioner.
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