10.一家人 開始 挨 餓 -Thefamilyisstarving
The family|is starting|to suffer|from hunger|
10. 一家人开始挨饿- The family is starving
10. The family is starving
10一家人 開始 挨 餓 。
the whole family|started|suffering|hunger
10 The family is starving.
接下來 的 兩週 裡 ,天氣 變得 奇冷 。
next|possessive particle|two weeks|in|weather|became|unusually cold
In the next two weeks, the weather became extremely cold.
先是 下 起 了 雪 。
first|fall|started|past tense marker|snow
First, it started to snow.
那 是 一天 早晨 ,查利 · 巴克特 正在 穿衣服 準備 上學 去 ,突然 就 下起 了 雪 。
that|is|one day|morning|Charlie|Bucket|in the process of|getting dressed|preparing|to school|go|suddenly|then|started to fall|past tense marker|snow
It was a morning when Charlie Bucket was getting dressed to go to school, and suddenly it started to snow.
他 站 在 窗邊 , 看見 寒冷 的 天空 一片 鐵灰色 , 紛紛揚揚 落下 了 大片大片 的 雪花 。
||||||||||fluttering down|||||
He stood by the window and saw the cold sky was a dull gray, with large snowflakes falling down in a flurry.
到 了 傍晚 ,小屋 四周 積起 了 四 英尺 厚 的 雪 ,巴克特 得 從前 門 開出 一條 道 來 才能 走 到 馬路 上去 。
arrive|past tense marker|evening|cabin|around|accumulated|past tense marker|four|feet|thick|possessive particle|snow|Buckett|must|front|door|open up|a|path|in order to|only then|walk|reach|road|up
By evening, there was four feet of snow piled up around the little house, and Bucket had to clear a path from the front door to get to the road.
大雪 以後 ,一連 好 幾天 凜冽 的 大風 刮個 不停 。
heavy snow|afterwards|continuously|quite|several days|biting|possessive particle|strong wind|blew|non-stop
After the heavy snow, a fierce wind blew continuously for several days.
啊 , 冷 啊 , 刺骨 地冷 !
Ah, it's cold, bone-chillingly cold!
查利 碰到 的 每樣 東西 似乎 都 是 冰 做 的 , 一 踏出 家門 , 寒風 就 像 一把 鋒利 的 刀子 割 著 他 的 臉 。
Everything Charlie touched seemed to be made of ice; as soon as he stepped out of the house, the cold wind sliced at his face like a sharp knife.
屋子 裡 ,一股 股 砭骨 的 冷風 從 窗縫 和 門底下 鑽進來 ,讓 人 無處 可 躲 。
room|inside|a gust of|measure word for air|piercing|possessive particle|cold wind|from|window gap|and|under the door|drilled in|let|people|nowhere|can|hide
Inside the house, gusts of bone-chilling cold wind seeped in through the cracks in the windows and under the door, leaving no place to hide.
四位 老人 不 出 聲 地 蜷縮 在 床上 ;似乎 想 把 寒冷 擠出 他們 的 老骨頭 。
four|elderly people|not|make|sound|adverbial particle|curled up|in|bed|seemingly|wanted|to indicate the action of a verb|cold|squeeze out|they|possessive particle|old bones
The four elderly people huddled silently on the bed; it seemed they were trying to squeeze the cold out of their old bones.
沒 人 再 去 想 令人激動 的 金 參觀券 了 。
no|one|again|go|think|exciting|possessive particle|gold|admission ticket|past tense marker
No one is thinking about the exciting golden tour tickets anymore.
家裡 每個 人 心心念念 想著 的 只有 兩個 最 緊要 的 問題 ,那 就是 盡力 得到 溫暖 和 設法 獲得 足夠 的 食物 。
at home|every|person|constantly|thinking about|past action particle|only|two|most|important|possessive particle|questions|that|is|to try one's best|to obtain|warmth|and|to find a way|to obtain|enough|possessive particle|food
Everyone at home is only focused on two most important issues, which are to try to stay warm and to find enough food.
然而 非常 冷 的 天氣 會 令人 產生 極強 的 食慾 。
however|very|cold|possessive particle|weather|will|make people|produce|extremely strong|possessive particle|appetite
However, extremely cold weather can create a strong appetite.
大多數 人 都 會 發現 自己 開始 特別 想 吃 到 熱氣騰騰 的 燉菜 、熱 的 蘋果 餡餅 和 各種 熱乎乎 的 美味佳餚 ;我們 往往 比 自己 意識到 的 更加 幸運 ,通常 總能 得到 嚮往 的 東西 —— 或者 說 差不多 能 滿足 我們 的 需要 。
most|people|all|will|realize|oneself|start|especially|want|eat|to|steaming hot|(possessive particle)|stew|hot|(possessive particle)|apple|pie|and|various|warm|(possessive particle)|delicious dishes|we|often|than|oneself|aware of|(possessive particle)|more|lucky|usually|always able to|get|yearned for|(possessive particle)|things|or|speaking|almost|can|satisfy|our|(possessive particle)|needs
Most people will find themselves particularly craving hot stews, warm apple pies, and various delicious hot dishes; we are often luckier than we realize, usually able to get what we long for—or at least something that can satisfy our needs.
然而 查利 · 巴克特 從來 得不到 自己 想要 的 東西 ,因為 家裡 窮 ,買不起 ,而 嚴寒 一天天 延續 下去 ,他 餓極了 ,他 覺得 從來 沒有 這麼 餓過 。
however|Charlie|Bucket|ever|could never get|himself|wanted|possessive particle|things|because|home|poor|couldn't afford|and|severe cold|day by day|continued|on|he|was extremely hungry|he|felt|ever|never|this|been so hungry
However, Charlie Bucket never gets what he wants because his family is poor and cannot afford it, and the severe cold continues day by day. He is extremely hungry and feels that he has never been this hungry before.
那 兩塊 巧克力 ,生日 得到 的 一塊 和 喬 爺爺 給 買 的 那 塊 ,早就 一點點 啃光 了 ,如今 他 一日三餐 吃 的 都 是 那種 清湯寡水 的 卷心菜湯 。
that|two pieces|chocolate|birthday|received|possessive particle|one piece|and|Qiao|grandfather|gave|bought|possessive particle|that|piece|long ago|a little|gnawed away|past tense marker|now|he|three meals a day|eats|possessive particle|all|is|that kind of|watery|possessive particle|cabbage soup
The two pieces of chocolate, one he received for his birthday and the one Grandpa Joe bought for him, have long been nibbled away, and now his three meals a day consist of that kind of thin cabbage soup.
可 突如其來 ,連 這種 湯 也 變得 越來越 稀淡 了 。
but|suddenly|even|this kind of|soup|also|became|more and more|diluted|past tense marker
But suddenly, even this soup has become thinner and thinner.
這是 由於 巴克特 先生 幹活 的 那 家 牙膏 廠 突然 破產 ,不得不 關閉 了 。
this is|due to|Mr Buckett|sir|working|possessive particle|that|measure word for businesses|toothpaste|factory|suddenly|went bankrupt|had to|close|past tense marker
This is because the toothpaste factory where Mr. Bucket worked suddenly went bankrupt and had to close.
巴克特 先生 趕快 再 去 找 工作 ,可 他 運氣 不佳 。
Mr Buckett|sir|quickly|again|go|find|job|but|he|luck|not good
Mr. Buckett quickly went to look for work again, but he had bad luck.
到 後來 ,他 只有 到 街上 去 鏟 雪 ,才 熊 賺 得 幾個 便土 。
until|later|he|only|to|on the street|go|shovel|snow|only then|bear|earn|get|a few|coins
Later on, he could only go out to the street to shovel snow, just to earn a few pennies.
可 這點 錢 還 不夠 買 七口 之 家 每天 所 需 食物 的 四分之一 ,情況 變得 越來越 嚴重 ,簡直 到 了 走投無路 的 境地 。
but|this amount|money|still|not enough|to buy|seven people|possessive particle|family|every day|all|needed|food|possessive particle|one fourth|situation|became|more and more|serious|simply|reached|past tense marker|out of options|possessive particle|situation
But this little money was not enough to buy even a quarter of the food needed for a family of seven each day, and the situation became increasingly severe, almost to the point of being at a dead end.
現在 每人 的 早飯 只是 一小片 薄薄的 麵包 ,中午 或許 就是 半個 煮 土豆 。
now|each person|possessive particle|breakfast|only|a small piece|thin|bread|lunch|perhaps|is just|half|boiled|potato
Now each person's breakfast is just a small slice of thin bread, and lunch might just be half a boiled potato.
慢慢 地 , 然而 卻是 明擺 著 的 , 這 一家人 開始 挨 餓 了 。
Slowly, but it was obvious, this family began to starve.
每天 ,小查利 ·巴克特 拖著 沉重 的 步子 踏雪 上學 去 ,路上 總會 經過 威利 ·旺卡 先生 龐大 的 巧克力 工廠 。
Every day|little Charlie|Bucket|dragging|heavy|possessive particle|footsteps|walking on snow|to school|go|On the way|always|pass by|Willy|Wonka|Mr|huge|possessive particle|chocolate|factory
Every day, little Charlie Bucket trudged heavily through the snow to school, always passing by Mr. Willy Wonka's enormous chocolate factory.
每天 當 他 接近 廠門 時 ,他 就 抬起 頭 ,用 尖削 的 鼻子 拼命 嗅 著 那股 融化 巧克力 的 美妙 味兒 。
every day|when|he|approaches|factory gate|time|he|then|raises|head|with|pointed|possessive particle|nose|desperately|sniffs|continuous aspect particle|that|melted|chocolate|possessive particle|wonderful|smell
Every day when he approached the factory gate, he would lift his head and desperately sniff the wonderful smell of melting chocolate with his pointed nose.
有時 他 會 一動不動 地 站 在 廠 門口 ,一站 就是 幾分鐘 ,大口 大口地 吸進 那股 氣味 ,似乎 他 想 把 氣味 也 吃 下去 。
sometimes|he|would|completely still|adverbial particle|stand|at|factory|entrance|once he stands|just|for several minutes|big mouthfuls|greedily|inhale|that|smell|seemingly|he|wanted|to|smell|also|eat|down
Sometimes he would stand motionless at the factory gate for several minutes, taking deep breaths of that aroma, as if he wanted to eat the smell itself.
一個 結冰 的 早晨 ,喬 爺爺 從 毯子 下 伸出 頭 來 說道 :“那 孩子 得 多 吃 點 東西 ,而 我們 是 無關緊要 的 。
a|freezing|(possessive particle)|morning|Qiao|grandfather|from|blanket|under|stretched out|head|(motion particle)|said|that|child|must|more|eat|a little|food|and|we|are|unimportant|(particle)
On a freezing morning, Grandpa Joe poked his head out from under the blanket and said, "That child needs to eat more, and we are of no concern."
我們 老 了 ,不必 再 為 我們 操心 了 。
we|old|past tense marker|no need to|again|for|us|worry|past tense marker
We are old, so there's no need to worry about us anymore.
可 他 是 個 正在 長 身子骨 的 孩子 啊 !
but|he|is|a|currently|growing|body|possessive particle|child|ah
But he is a growing child!
這樣 下去 他 受不了 !
like this|continues|he|can't stand it
He can't handle it like this!
他 一點點 地 瘦 得 只 剩 一副 骨頭架子 了 !
He|a little|adverbial particle|lost weight|past tense marker|only|remaining|a pair of|bones|completed action particle
He has become so thin that he is just a skeleton left!
”“可 又 有 什麼 辦法 呢 ?
but|again|has|what|solution|question particle
"But what can we do?"
”約瑟芬 奶奶 悲哀 地 喃喃 道 ,“他 不肯 吃 一點 我們 的 食物 。
Josephine|grandmother|sadly|adverbial particle|murmured|said|he|refuses|to eat|a little|we|possessive particle|food
Grandma Josephine murmured sadly, "He refuses to eat any of our food.
剛才 吃 早飯 時 ,我 聽到 他 母親 想 把 自己 那片 麵包 放到 他 的 盤子 裡 ,可 他 不肯 去 碰 它 。
just now|eat|breakfast|when|I|heard|he|mother|wanted|to put|own|that piece|bread|into|he|possessive particle|plate|inside|but|he|refused|to|touch|it
Just now at breakfast, I heard his mother wanted to put her piece of bread on his plate, but he wouldn't touch it.
他 要 她 拿回去 。
He|wants|she|to take back
He wants her to take it back.
”“他 是 個 多好 的 小伙子 呀 ,”喬治 外公 說 ,“他 不該 受到 這種 遭遇 。
he|is|a|so good|possessive particle|young man|particle indicating exclamation|George|grandfather|said|he|should not|receive|this kind of|misfortune
"He is such a good young man," Grandpa George said, "he shouldn't have to go through this kind of ordeal.
”嚴酷 的 天氣 仍然 一天天 繼續下去 。
harsh|possessive particle|weather|still|day by day|continues
The harsh weather continues day by day.
查利 眼看 著 一天天 瘦下去 。
Charlie|watching|particle indicating ongoing action|day by day|losing weight
Charlie is watching himself lose weight day by day.
他 的 臉色 蒼白 ,完全 萎縮 了 ,瘦得 皮包骨頭 。
he|possessive particle|complexion|pale|completely|withered|past tense marker|so thin|skin and bones
His face was pale, completely emaciated, and he was so thin that he looked like skin and bones.
看來 他 再也 承受 不了 了 ,再 這樣 卞 去 他 準會 生 一場 大病 。
it seems|he|no longer|endure|able to|past tense marker|again|like this|continue|go|he|surely will|get|a|serious illness
It seemed he could no longer bear it; if this continued, he would surely fall seriously ill.
十分 奇怪 ,在 極其 艱難 的 日子 裡 ,孩子 們 似乎 時常 會 十分 聰明 地 加以 應付 ,查利 也 是 如此 ,他 十分 平靜 地 開始 一點點 改變 了 自己 做事 的 方式 ,盡量 少 消耗 自己 的 體力 。
very|strange|in|extremely|difficult|possessive particle|days|inside|children|plural marker|seemingly|often|would|very|smart|adverbial particle|additionally|cope|Charlie|also|is|like this|he|very|calmly|adverbial particle|began|a little|to change|past tense marker|himself|working|possessive particle|way|as much as possible|less|consume|himself|possessive particle|physical strength
Strangely, during these extremely difficult days, the children seemed to cope quite intelligently, and Charlie was no exception. He calmly began to change the way he did things little by little, trying to conserve his strength as much as possible.
每天 早晨 ,他 提早 十分鐘 就 離開 了 家 ,這樣 可以 慢慢 地 走 到 學校 ,不必 因 時間 匆忙 而 奔跑 。
every day|morning|he|leaves early|ten minutes|then|leaves|past tense marker|home|this way|can|slowly|adverbial particle|walk|to|school|doesn't have to|because of|time|hurry|and|run
Every morning, he left home ten minutes early so he could walk slowly to school without having to rush due to time constraints.
課間休息 時 ,別的 孩子 都 衝 到 教室 外面 扔 雪球 ,在 雪地 裡 摔交 ,可 他 卻 安靜 地 坐在 教室 裡 ,讓 自己 得到 充分 休息 。
recess|time|other|children|all|rush|to|classroom|outside|throw|snowballs|in|snow|inside|fall down|but|he|however|quietly|adverbial particle|sits in|classroom|inside|allows|himself|to get|sufficient|rest
During the break, other children rushed outside the classroom to throw snowballs and tumble in the snow, but he quietly sat in the classroom, allowing himself to get enough rest.
現在 他 做 每件事 都 十分 仔細 ,動作 遲緩 ,以免 過多 消耗 體力 。
now|he|does|everything|all|very|carefully|movements|slow|in order to avoid|excessive|consumption|physical strength
Now he does everything very carefully, moving slowly to avoid excessive physical exertion.
一天 下午 ,他 頂著 打 在 臉上 的 刺骨 寒風 走 回家 去 ,他 不時 感到 比 以往 更加 飢餓 難忍 ,突然 ,他 一眼 看見 了 在 積雪 的 街 溝 裡 ,有 一塊 白閃閃 的 東西 。
one day|afternoon|he|braving|hit|on|face|possessive particle|bone-chilling|cold wind|walk|home|to|he|occasionally|felt|than|before|even more|hungry|unbearable|suddenly|he|at a glance|saw|past tense marker|in|snow|possessive particle|street|gutter|inside|there is|a piece|white and shiny|possessive particle|thing
One afternoon, he walked home against the biting cold wind hitting his face, and he felt hungrier than ever before; suddenly, he caught sight of something shiny white in the snow-covered street gutter.
查利 跨過 街道 鑲邊 石 ,俯 下身 去 看看 究竟 是 什麼 。
Charlie|crossed|street|curb|stone|bent|down|to|take a look|exactly|is|what
Charlie crossed the street curb and bent down to see what it was.
儘管 這塊 東西 一半 埋 在 雪裡 ,但 他 立時 看清 了 這 是 什麼 。
although|this piece|thing|half|buried|in|snow|but|he|immediately|saw clearly|past tense marker|this|is|what
Although this thing was half buried in the snow, he immediately saw what it was.
是 一枚 五十 便士 的 硬幣 !
is|a|fifty|penny|possessive particle|coin
It was a fifty pence coin!
他 迅速 打量 了 一下 四周 。
He|quickly|glanced|past tense marker|once|surroundings
He quickly glanced around.
是不是 有 誰 剛 掉下 ?
is it true|there is|who|just|fell down
Did someone just drop it?
沒有 ——這 是 不 可能 的 ,因為 這枚 硬幣 一半 都 給 雪 埋住 了 。
no|this|is|not|possible|particle|because|this|coin|half|all|by|snow|buried|past tense marker
No - this is impossible, because this coin is half buried in the snow.
幾個 行人 匆匆 從 他 身旁 的 人行道 經過 ,臉頰 都 深深 埋 在 大衣 領子 裡 ,腳下 的 雪 踩得 吱嘎 直響 .沒 人 在 找 錢 ,也 沒 人 注意 這個 蹲 在 街 溝 邊 的 小男孩 ,
a few|pedestrians|hurriedly|from|him|beside|possessive particle|sidewalk|passed|cheeks|all|deeply|buried|in|coat|collar|inside|underfoot|possessive particle|snow|stepped on|squeaking|loudly|no|one|at|looking for|money|also|no|one|noticed|this|squatting|at|street|gutter|side|possessive particle|little boy
Several pedestrians hurriedly passed by him on the sidewalk, their cheeks deeply buried in their coat collars, the snow crunching loudly underfoot. No one was looking for money, and no one noticed the little boy squatting by the street gutter.
這麼 說 ,這枚 五十 便士 的 硬幣 是 他 的 了 ?
so|say|this|fifty|penny|possessive particle|coin|is|he|possessive particle|past tense marker
So, does this fifty pence coin belong to him?
他 能 拿 嗎 ?
he|can|take|question particle
Can he take it?
查利 小心翼翼 地 從 雪裡 撿 出 了 這枚 硬幣 。
Charlie|cautiously|adverbial particle|from|the snow|picked|out|past tense marker|this|coin
Charlie carefully picked up the coin from the snow.
硬幣 又 濕 又 臟 ,可 它 是 — 枚 完整無缺 的 硬幣 。
coin|both|wet|also|dirty|but|it|is|measure word for coins|whole and intact|possessive particle|coin
The coin was wet and dirty, but it was a complete coin.
一枚 完好 的 五十 便士 硬幣 !
a|intact|possessive particle|fifty|pence|coin
A perfect fifty pence coin!
他 用 哆嗦 的 手指 緊緊 捏住 這枚 硬幣 ,瞪大 眼 瞧 著 。
He|used|trembling|possessive particle|finger|tightly|pinched|this|coin|widened|eyes|looked|at
He tightly held the coin with his trembling fingers, staring at it wide-eyed.
此刻 ,這 軟 硬幣 對 他 來說 不是 別的 ,它 就是 食物 。
at this moment|this|soft|coin|to|him|for|is not|anything else|it|is just|food
At this moment, this soft coin is nothing to him; it is food.
查利 不由自主地 轉過身 朝 最近 的 商店 走去 。
Charlie|involuntarily|turned around|towards|nearest|possessive particle|store|walked
Charlie involuntarily turned around and walked towards the nearest store.
只有 二三十 英尺 遠 ……那 是 一家 書報 文具店 ,也 就是 那種 幾乎 什麼 都 賣 的 商店 ,也 出售 糖果 和 雪茄 ……他 該 買 什麼 呢 ,他 迅速 地 悄悄 問 自己 ……他 可以 買 一塊 美味 的 巧克力 ,把 它 一點 不 剩地 吃光 ,當場 吃掉 ……剩下 的 錢 他 就 帶 回去 給 媽媽 。
only|twenty or thirty|feet|away|that|is|a|newspaper|stationery store|also|just|that kind of|almost|anything|all|sells|(possessive particle)|store|also|sells|candy|and|cigars|he|should|buy|what|question particle|he|quickly|(adverbial particle)|quietly|asked|himself|he|can|buy|a piece of|delicious|(possessive particle)|chocolate|(indicates disposal of an object)|it|a little|not|remaining|eat up|on the spot|eat|remaining|(possessive particle)|money|he|then|take|back|to|mom
Only twenty or thirty feet away... It was a newsstand stationery store, the kind that sells almost everything, including candy and cigars... What should he buy? He quickly asked himself quietly... He could buy a delicious chocolate bar and eat it all without leaving a crumb... The remaining money he would take back to his mom.
SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=3.89 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=4.31
ai_request(all=79 err=0.00%) translation(all=63 err=0.00%) cwt(all=997 err=6.12%)